HELLO IT'S 0100010101001000 (you can call me em)
tumblr totally and completely nuked my whole shit a couple weeks ago without warning, and I still haven't heard from them at all even though I've sent them reports/help thingies which FUCKENING SUCKS and I'm tired of tumblr saying "tee hee why don't you create an account? 😊" when I try going to ppls blogs whose URLS I remember as if I didn't have a blog on this hellsite for 11 whole years BUT ANYWAY
hi once again.
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confetti-critter · 1 year
I have an idea for a url change but I've been 0100010101001000 for so long 😥
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carrionsong · 2 years
HEY it's em (0100010101001000). I think tumblr nuked my account, could you check to see if you can still see our messages/see if my blog is still up? It's weird, on mobile I can still go to my blog it just says I don't have any posts. :(
OH NO ;;; i cant see your blog or your messages on desktop or mobile.. why would they nuke you wtf???
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onenicebugperday · 3 years
Just thought you'd appreciate me telling you: Yesterday while I was reading outside, a really fastidious fly landed on my hand and was cleaning himself so thoroughly he almost fell right over! Then he decided to chill on me and we enjoyed the sunshine together.
Sometimes you are outside and you get to make a little friend and watch them bathe and that's really beautiful
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theweirdwideweb · 3 years
This might be a weird thing to ask, but I'm making a covid scrapbook sort of thing and was wondering if I could add your quote about how mundane getting your vaccine felt to it?
For sure :)
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745298 · 6 years
Tumblr media
its official!!! im never gonna tell you people my actual name bc i just want to be called shit like “Numbers Fluorite” 
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siyucircle · 3 years
Tumblr media
I found an insect. It might be a kind of moth?
Someone please tell me what this is. Fell free to disgorge an encyclopedia’s worth of knowledge, too.
Thank you!
EDIT: Many thanks to 0100010101001000 for help in identifying the mystery bug as a hummingbird moth! The hummingbird moth is found across most of Canada, drinks flower nectar through it’s curled proboscis, and the rapid beating of its wings sounds much like the actual hummingbird it is named for. Cool!
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prussianknight9 · 7 years
8 questions 8 tags
Tagged by @okami-no-inu
Thank you very much for tagging me! ^^
Last Movie: Mildred Pierce (1945) for a Movie Analysis class, but for my own entertainment? Captain America: The Winter Soldier (LOL no surprises there I guess)
Last song: I was woken up by my radio alarm clock which was playing Side to Side by Ariana Grande ft Nicki Minaj
Last book I read: The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (I just started it!)
Last thing I ate: Cookies n Cream flavored Pocky
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be:  In a quaint little cottage-like residence which is my dream home, full of knick-knacks, house plants, and other homely things.
Where would you time travel to: Maybe my childhood, so I can experience it one more time and also fix some mistakes?
Fictional character you would hang for a day with: Wow, you mean characters I consider favorites, or realistically? Well I’d have hoped to hang out with Kakuzu or Hidan or something, but I’d probably be too scared of them IRL, tb-freakin-h LOL. But I think Kisame would actually be a pretty chill conversationalist? 
Something positive that happened to you today: Nothing yet, I just woke up! I guess that’s technically a good thing, though? I’m going to be watching the last episode of Sherlock season 4 tonight, so there’s that! If one counts having their heart ripped out of their chest a ‘good’ thing, that is lmao
Here are my 8 tags, but of course, you are in no way obligated to do them! Just something to do if you’re bored with absolutely nothing else to do ;) Also sorry if you’ve been tagged in this before, just ignore this then haha!
@0100010101001000 @wass0990 @reapersperdition @themalfunctionals @d4zed-dre4mer @bookworm555 @shadowsole @fuutes
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heyoitsrachelo · 7 years
8 questions 8 tags
I got tagged by @0100010101001000! Thank you, I love talking about myself!
Last Movie: Ah geez, I like never watch movies. Months ago I got home from work and my dad was watching that newer Annie movie so I joined him and fell asleep, does that count?
Last song: Rings by Aesop Rock; good song
Last book I read: The Infographic Guide to Science by Tom Cabot. I haven’t read any novels in a long time, whoops!
Last thing I ate: a protein bar
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be: Hyperbolic Time Chamber. In second place, in the real world, where I used to live so I could see my friends 
Where would you time travel to: Goddd, I would go back in time to when I was in grade nine and fix everything
Fictional character you would hang for a day with: YOU KNOW. YOUUUU KNOW WHO. MY MAN VECTOR. 
Something positive that happened to you today: I got a 2000-piece puzzle in the mail. I’m excited to finish the one I’m currently working on so I can get started on that!
I’m not gonna tag 8 people but I will tag a few. You don’t have to do it, but just know you’re some cool mutuals:
@singingmonkeybusiness @assassin-yuki @the-carmevore @rhythmheaventhebestplus @momometto @runefactory
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kiwi-turilli · 7 years
8 questions 8 tags
I was tagged by @0100010101001000, thanks! <3 and you’re never bugging me, I love being tagged! (And yet I never tag people cause I have that same fear but you know... lol)
Last Movie: At least the answer to this is fresh on my mind since it was in another tag thing I did recently - I think it was the new Jungle Book but I’m not 100% sure :p
Last song: Hmmm last time I remembered which one it was, but this time I don’t - it’s whichever Twilight Force song played last on my alarm but I just can’t recall which ahhh
Last book I read: Man as much as I love reading books, I just don’t have the time for it during college -_- I think the last one I read was the last of the Across the Universe series, called Shades of Earth I believe. I need to read more I love reading but ahhh college
Last thing I ate: A couple of fries while hanging with my friends
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be: Usually I’d say something like Italy but I really want to go back to my brother and his girlfriend’s place where I spent a lot of my winter break cause I love them and I love the area and I loved spending time with them so much, they make me so happy <3
Where would you time travel to: The 80s :D
Fictional character you would hang for a day with: Well, to no surprise to anyone, Luigi :p
Something positive that happened to you today: I learned I’m gonna be doing some cool stuff with my research assistant work this semester that both sounds interesting and will be great experience for grad school in the future :D
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confetti-critter · 1 year
URL change 😶
0100010101001000 -> confetti-critter
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onenicebugperday · 3 years
Do you know any fun facts about dark winged fungus gnats? I think they're funny little guys but it's hard to find info on them that isnt "how to get rid of them".
Tbh I don't know much about them! And it's a whole family, not just one species, so any facts would vary with species. I'd recommend trying to search Sciaridae instead of the common name, that might yield you more information on their life cycle and ecology instead of pest control.
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concept: Peridot did not wash the soap bubbles off of herself well enough after getting out of the bath. She is itchy and sad.
another bath !! she needs another bath !!
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confetti-critter · 3 years
Tmi but every time I talk with my doctor shes like "HEY ARE YOU SEXUALLY ACTIVE DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND YET" which is awkward on multiple levels :////
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isacuomo · 10 years
0100010101001000 replied to your post “Legit question: what does candy corn taste like?”
It doesn't have much of a flavour other than sort of waxy sugar, so you aren't missing much. Also it kinda melts in your mouth when you chew it. It's weird.
Sounds delish.
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onenicebugperday · 4 years
Hi! Just want to say I love your blog and I think it's very nice of you to ID people's bug photos and you just seem like a great person in general! Would it be ok to submit a pic of a stuffed bug I made? Just thought I'd ask since it's not like, a real bug or whatever. It's ok if not!
Thank you! And yes I love to see bug art of any kind :)
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