b12eksikligi · 1 month
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alligator-dreaming · 2 months
Dreamed that I saw a three-man production of RENT at a little teahouse. Despite the highly compressed cast I remember being impressed by the performance
Had another dream that I was hanging out with my friend Harper and two of his friends. We were driving around on a busy night until we got to my house, but right as we got there he left, leaving me at my house with two guys I didn’t know. Eventually we decided to play The Mind (my favorite card game), but right then Harper came back, having a mock argument with an internet voice actress. The two of them kept bringing more and more friends until soon my house was completely filled with people I did not know. I announced that since The Mind was a four player maximum game, we would have to improvise.
Suddenly, I heard a car outside my house. At first I thought it was my parents coming home for the night, but actually it was SpongeBob Squarepants getting into a car crash outside. He had crashed outside of Sandy Cheeks’ house and they were arguing. SpongeBob angrily said that he had already apologized for crashing into her house, and Sandy retorted that she wished he hadn’t. At that moment, a Monkey’s Paw in SpongeBob’s pocket twitched, making her accidental wish a reality in the worst way possible. Before our eyes, the scene changed so that SpongeBob had died in the car crash as Sandy looked on. Over the course of the next few weeks, Mr. Krabs, who couldn’t accept SpongeBob’s death, spent all of his time searching for SpongeBob and asking around for him, including putting up a giant Sponge-signal (like the Bat-signal) in the sky.
Back at the party, all of us were stunned. Sandy’s house was on fire. Thinking quickly, we brainstormed ways that we could bring SpongeBob back. Soon we hit upon a way we could do it. Apparently theorizing/philosophizing about how to save SpongeBob was enough to make it real because of the dream, and as the dream ended SpongeBob returned to life like he had never died.
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olafkardanadam · 1 month
"Ben bütün bunları niye yaptım hâlâ bilmiyorum... Niye kendimi bu yalnızlığa mahkum ettim?.. Niye hayatımı boş hayaller için yok ettim!.. Üstelik sonunda elime geçen ne biliyormusun?.. "Koskoca bir hiç..." Tuhaf bir durum bu, acı çekmeye gönüllü olmak, hepimiz hayallerimizin kurbanıyız." [KR]
Hata yap ama hatalarından pişman olma onlardan ders al çünkü yaşlandığın zaman en ağır yük pişmanlıklardır. "Pişmanlık mezardakilerin pişman olduğu şeyler için dünyadakiler birbirlerini kırıp geçiriyorlar zaten. İnsan en çok ne zaman pişman olur biliyor musun? Senin yarım bıraktığını başkası tamamladığında. Pişman olacaksın ama pişman ölmeyeceksin."
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lechatartisant · 1 month
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all things i need are things i like
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vhscorp · 1 month
Plus je regarde ce monde, plus je me réfugie dans mes rêves…
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happy walton wednesday!!
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walton goggins and cloris leachman, 2011. thank you @thesickestfuckr for these pics!!
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rennarita · 5 months
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flowergirlsimo · 1 month
He is my forbidden love, my reckless desire, the reason I defy rules and follow my heart. I'll risk it all for a chance at a love without boundaries.
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rosemi · 5 months
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dailysudeikis · 2 hours
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more of Jason Sudeikis at Big Slick' 24.
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ogouji · 5 months
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i have a new design for little caesars that I think will incorporate more cuteness (a la Peter griffin origin art) can you please help me spread the word. post on x and all social media if you would. thanks
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faggotry-enjoyer · 6 months
new pinned
if you're here because i reblogged your post with an image description: please edit it into the post. make whatever modifications you want, with or without credit
if you know me in real life: please block me and stay away. i'm not joking, i'm not being hyperbolic. leave.
everyone else: hi
introduction: i'm some guy who hasn't picked a psuedonym. he/it, 18-24, disabled transmasc. goy, if you are too this post is required reading (archive link in case my beloved mutual OP deactivates or changes her url), and this post has a number of recommended readings and resources. these days half my blog is on antisemitism but i'm also here for queer stuff, disability, posting nonsense, etc.
DNI: not really my thing, i'll block you if i feel like it
tagging: i have a very intricate tagging system which i do not fully comprehend. most of my tags are primarily for archival and search purposes rather than filtering, and many of them are vibes-based. if you have anything you'd like me to tag, feel free to ask and i'll either tag it or tell you that i won't.
i take misinformation very seriously. if you see me share some, please let me know in good faith and i will either take it down or publicly correct depending on the exact situation (after verifying your correction, of course). same goes for any and all forms of bigotry and hate. "OP is a Zionist" does not count as good faith correction.
lastly: feel free to say hi, introduce yourself, or reach out in general whether in replies, asks, or DMs. i might take awhile to respond (or might forget...) but do appreciate it regardless.
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b12eksikligi · 5 months
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olafkardanadam · 26 days
•["Bir kadının güzelliği daha nasıl anlatılabilirdi bilmiyorum.
İçeri girdi (🫀) güzelliği başladı bitmedi, bunu nasıl yaptı bilmiyorum ama yere değmeden (👣)yürüdü, nefesimi okşadı, uçurumdan göz, oktan kirpik, kadifeden ses, doğduğu gün melekleri işten atmışlar..."]
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nicoscheer · 1 month
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The reel
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vhscorp · 5 months
Plutôt que de regarder derrière toi en te disant : j’aurais dû, choisis de regarder devant en te disant : pourquoi pas…
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