#...its tangentially related anyway
hahanoiwont · 1 year
i do not have polls yet but: i am considering making a little Gaster wartime backstory, because he was ambiguously alive during the human-monster war and had an interesting experience with it. It wouldn’t be as brutally bloody as most war aus, but might be pretty heavy in terms of how there’s a genocide in the background and Gaster, as a 20something, has to cope with it. He doesn’t know any of our other beloved characters yet, so it would pretty much just be him and some OCs, though I may make it interspersed with some flashes forward to his life later or something.
ANYWAY all this to say, is there interest in this? thoughts? or should I just jump into WWU’s spinoff sequel and finish my WIPs?
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antirepurp · 4 months
the sonic movies are fun but if they turn this into a fucked up cinematic universe im going to sink my claws into something. do not force me to Consume a million miniseries and spin-offs just so i can understand the plot of a single movie. do not ruin this for me
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seefasters · 7 months
what is it about white guys who are complete assholes to everyone in the narrative that attracts absolute droves of fangirls who then take it as a personal offense when said asshole gets redeemed at the very last second and inevitably dies
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feline-evil · 4 months
It feels like the day to say i love my fucking boyfriend so goddamn much. I'm going 2 attack him w a beam (lovingly)
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cozymochi · 3 months
never wrong 💃
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guys i made a mistake.
#aka i scrolled through the entire becker siblings tag again on a whim and now im shinjichairpose.png#i dont even have specific thoughts theyre just rotating in my brain now#theres like. very small tidbits that i have stuck in there currently#like their weird thing with control(because i am thinking about that 24/7)#cyrus who needs control vs fawn who defers to it vs river who hates it#how they did that i dont know but im going to take a wild guess and say that its Very unhealthy#and also their relationship to both ortegas#i guess thats only tangentially related to the becker siblings but also like. the ortegas talking about the siblings together#getting drunk and grieving together and trading stories and blaming eachother for letting them die#getting out of their posthb messes because they dont have any (becker) siblings to depend on anymore so theyll have to settle for eachother#also in the survivor!river au im specifically haunted by the fact that river 'does not include ricardo in the package' when julia-#becomes his sibling#the resentment from All sides there??? holy shit#thats gotta blow up eventually right#like i can see ricardo feeling extremely guilty about river but at the same time???? him getting Angry#that river has the Audacity to steal his sister and not even treat him any better for it#so what if he lost his siblings? doesnt mean he has the right to have ricardos#Really funny fucked up reflection of fawns beef with julia but this time its the other way around#.anyway. <-experiencing normal thoughts and emotions#cyrus becker(s)#nmoc: fawn becker(s)#nmoc: river becker(s)#keeping up with the beckers#pulp speaks
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derpinette · 11 months
this year i really had a module called "british culture" &i got my best grade on it out of all of them this semester
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ive seen some posts like "xenologue!alcryst is the opposite of canon!alcryst but xenologue!céline is just normal céline but Extreme" but like. i dont think thats whays goin on here exactly
like, lets look at céline, yeah? her canon! character traits are, like, most prominently is her kindness, followed by her devotion to her people, followed by the least shown one, which would be how she's willing to do just about anything to protect her people.
now lests look at alcryst. most notable: his imposter syndrome and utter self hatred, his love/caring/admiration/whatever the word im looking for is for people, specifically his family (esp diamant) (to the point where its his personal skill), and finally, barely shown, he is shown to be... maybe not like full on bloodthirsty but like yknow? (thinking mainly about how he ends up threatening ivy in the chapter 11 post battle talk) (also about how luna (negates/ignore's half of foe's defense and resistance) is a skill locked to him) (probably as a counterpart to sol (which is locked to diamant), but oddly fitting)
in both cases, the second trait at least a little bit informs the first and the third, yeah? so to me it looks like the scale has been reversed, really, rather than their xenologue counterparts being their opposites. like, theey are, but like on the same sliding scale or smth yknow?
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findstenicht · 9 months
what happened to cracking open a cold one with the boys. we should bring that back
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made-nondescript · 2 years
sometimes i go a little bit insane thinking about the towns of early western america and how many just aren’t there anymore people’s whole lives washed away by sand and sun with nothing but dry, old wood and stone foundations and mines, now empty, to prove they’d ever been there.
sometimes i go a bit nuts thinking about all the cemeteries no one has visited in decades because they are miles from any development, now. wooden headstones reduced to kindling and the stone ones worn down so far that you’re lucky to make out a single letter. fences that have long since stopped serving their purpose.
places built to be temporary but even still were at one point were full of people’s friends and family and hope. i don’t know. a little crazy about it rn
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bisexualnatalies · 7 months
if any of my yj mutuals are looking for a series to read that is very much giving jackieshauna vibes but with two weird little gays in a small town in japan and (of course) additional body horror check out the summer hikaru died
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djinn-ale · 1 year
Imagine Mandroid does something drastic and uses a portal machine to send every Cybertronian to the dead universe only for it to go horribly wrong with him being killed by a fusion cannon shot from a TFP version of Megatron as the machine brings in the TFP, TFA, Cyberverse and WFC versions of the Autobots and Decepticons.
hi. ive read and reread this ask 5 times and i still dont know what to say to this
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ria-starstruck · 1 year
im going to have NO drawing tablet for the next 4 days so that means i can add NO new animatic frames because im unable to draw with the mouse. absolutely demolished rn
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^me when im drawing with the mouse
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oflgtfol · 11 months
it is really unfortunate the way suicidality is talked about nowadays because it’s either all a joke so it’s hard to discuss in a serious capacity or it’s so upsettingly serious that you can’t even discuss it without fear of like being institutionalized
#brot posts#im really glad to say this but ive had such a huge improvement this past month that like#for the first time in YEARS. i am not suicidal#dont know if its permanent but like it genuinely feels permanent because i have not gone this long without#thinking about it at least in passing#to go this long without a single thougjt of it at all feels like its permanent and i have to remind myself its literally been A Month#but anyway#sorry i saw a post thats only tangentially related to this but im like. irked right now#like its hard to stress this in the current har har i m gonna kill myself era. but like if you seriously think negatively about#people who are suicidal or have killed themselves; if you're religious and believe suicide is a mortal sin; if you cannot offer#any sort of reasonable sympathy for someone who is suicidal#then like. im sorry! but that is ableism!#it feels kinda wild to associate ableism with suicidality what with the current environment and weird funny-zation of being suicidal#but like legitimately. this is a mental illness. it is not a laughing matter and it should be met with kindness and an appropriate#level of weight that it deserves - not levity. not annoyance. and not brushing it off for whatever reason#im saying this with the clear head that i now have a month into zero suicidal thoughts after years of daily suicidal thoughts#having that stark contrast in the quality of my life really shines a light on just how utterly fucked it was to live like that#and it really smarts at me to finally reach the light at the end of the tunnel and then have people act like it wasnt as bad as it was#people who have never experienced it before themselves - like who are you to tell me my own life and experiences and illness?#to act like it wasnt even an illness in the first place?
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claitea · 1 year
Yea you do learn Ns name here you go, I've never played so I dunno XD
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oh no i do know his full name! but as far as i remember said name was never actually IN the games, it was on game freak's website. at least thats what i'm getting from bulbapedia since it lists that as the source of n's full name and not an ingame quote or smth
while writing this i did remember the game reveals the harmonia part of his name but not the gropius part, or that n was short for anything
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sunjoys · 1 year
ohhh my god the cheesecake recipe book is american so its AAALLLL cups and tsp (which i can deal with cause ive followed american recipes before) but they tried to make it idk. non-american inclusive by having a metric side but the metric is all mL. like it's ALL cups (solids/liquids) -> mL (liquids) with the except of lb/oz -> g (solids) and that is insane. like sorry americans but unfortunately my sugar and butter and biscuits are not measured in liquids. when i buy flour/other solids the quantity listed at the side (which lets me know if I've bought enough for the recipe) is in grams. beause its not liquid. and WHY is oz (a liquid measurement) translated to g (a solids measurement). I Think Stick To The American System
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