#. whomst @ vic.
glitterdustcyclops · 9 months
okay watching the latest ep of make some noise and zac peeking out from behind jacob, whomst is using his entire body as a shield, while they watch vic "hi-yah" with increasing intensity is so unbearably adorable to me
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spine-buster · 2 years
That Which We Are, We Are | Nathan MacKinnon | Chapter 3
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gif credit @/joeydaccord
A/N: Happy Halloween everyone! Enjoy :)
“I’m sorry, you’re going out to dinner with whomst?”
Sorcha groaned into the phone at her best friend’s tone. Even from all the way in Vancouver, Sorcha could hear the absolute distaste in her tone. “Victoria—”
“You could have at least waited until I was off work! How the hell am I going to concentrate on anything now knowing you’re having dinner with Nathan MacKinnon?!”
“Please stop saying his name. Every time you do, I’m reminded of just exactly who he is beyond being a famous hockey player. Please come back to Halifax and get me out of it. I beg you,” Sorcha pleaded into the phone. “I couldn’t say no to him, Vic.”
“Why not? If you keep being reminded of who he was before he became a famous hockey player, then why couldn’t you say no?”
“Because he was so stupidly nice about it!” Sorcha was in pure agony. “How can a guy who was complicit in my bullying for so many years be so…nice?!”
“Beats the shit out of me,” Victoria said. “You have to tell me every single detail of what happens. You know that, right? Like I’m half way to telling you to record the entire dinner as a voice note on your phone so you can send it to me and I can listen to it like a podcast.”
Sorcha rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but laugh at her best friend’s overdramatic and comedic nature. “Yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and say I’m not going to do that, but I’m definitely calling when it’s over,” she agreed. “Never in a million years did I think this would be happening. A billion years – a trillion years! The universe could have collapsed and regenerated itself and I still wouldn’t think this could happen.”
“Do you know what you’re wearing?” Victoria asked suddenly.
“Sort of. Want to help?”
Sorcha walked to 2 Doors Down on Barrington Street confident as ever. She was wearing a dark blue floral dress Victoria had helped pick out over FaceTime, semi-opaque tights, a pair of heeled ankle boots, and a leather jacket. Her hair was curled, as it always was these days, with a side part. Her winged liner looked killer. She knew she looked good. It was a confidence she didn’t have in her before, back when she and Nate went to school together. It would be new to him, she thought, seeing her in makeup, in dresses, embracing her curly hair (and actually knowing how to take care of it and style it). He saw glimpses of it in their previous meetings, sure, but Sorcha felt like the more he saw of it, the more it would hammer home that she wasn’t the same person he went to school with, and that if he thought he was reconnecting with that person from all those years ago, he was sorely wrong.
Just like with lunch, Nate was already there. He hadn’t been waiting long – five minutes at most – and when she was led to his table (at the back, of course, in a pretty discreet corner where someone had to go looking for him), she tried not to smile when she saw him smile when he saw her. Nate thought she looked great. Everything just worked. “You’re always early,” she said, draping her cross-body purse over the back of her chair.
Nate shrugged his shoulders playfully. “You’re always late.”
“You said reservations were for 7. It’s…” she stopped, looking at her watch as she sat down in her seat across from him. “It’s 6:58, on the dot.”
“Can I get you two a drink?” the waitress asked.
“I’ll have anything you have from Propeller,” Nate said, referring to the famous craft beer brewed locally.
“I’ll take a jungle bird,” Sorcha ordered a cocktail.
When the waitress walked away, Nate smiled again at Sorcha. He couldn’t believe she was here. Neither could she, if she was being honest. And now that they were alone, with no waitress prying them for drinks, they could get started on whatever this was going to be. “Thanks for coming,” he said.
“Thanks for pestering, I guess,” she joked.
Conversation turned to her work. Sorcha explained what was keeping her busy. The waiter brought them their drinks, and they ordered their dinner – the bone-in pork chop for him, and the rainbow trout noodle bowl for her. Nate spoke to her about his workouts, but it wasn’t nearly as exciting as what she was doing. She encouraged him to take time off – like actual time off. He let her know that wasn’t possible. Nobody makes Team Canada’s Olympic roster by slacking or taking time off.
Sorcha rolled her eyes as she took a bite of her rainbow trout. “Give me a break. I think besides Sidney Crosby you’re the only other shoe-in for Team Canada.”
“Okay, so you’re the third shoe-in.”
Nate shook his head. “Nothing is guaranteed. I mean, Sid is Sid.”
“Whatever you say, Nate.”
He took a bite of pork chop and watched as she took another bite of noodle and trout. He felt like he was having dinner with a different person. This wasn’t the Sorcha he remembered at all. She’d made a point when he showed up at the art gallery that he didn’t know her, and she was right – he didn’t. But he at least remembered what she was like. And this Sorcha, sitting across from him, was not the same Sorcha Saint-Coeur from elementary or high school. “You—I…” he didn’t know how to word what he wanted to say. “You’re so different from how I remember you. You’re so…confident.”
“It’s been like, eight years Nate. Obviously people change,” she said.
“No no, I know that. It’s—it’s not coming out right,” he shook his head at himself for not being more articulate. “I mean, like, when I remember you in elementary school and high school, you would like clam up if someone even spoke to you. You wouldn’t say a word to anybody besides Victoria. You’ve gone through, like, a whole transformation. You’ve just become a completely different person.”
Sorcha knew what he was trying to say, however inarticulate he thought he was. “I think I had to,” she admitted, in a voice softer than she’d spoken with before. “I had two options when I left high school – I could have let all the bullying stay with me and keep me how I was, and how you remember me, for the rest of my life…or I could do something about it. I could shed it all off, embrace people who didn’t judge me, take every opportunity that came my way, and live my life the way I wanted to. I obviously chose the latter. And that changed me into the person I am today.
“Why couldn’t that happen in high school though?” he asked.
“Because nobody let me. Everyone who bullied me kept me in a box. More importantly, I didn’t let myself, because of that bullying. It was like a vicious cycle. I thought that the first thing people saw about me was my weight, because that’s all anyone every brought up in high school. They made me so self-conscious about it that it paralyzed me. Imagine my shock when I got to college and people wanted to actually get to know me and didn’t call me Sorcha the Orca once they saw me.”
“That…that could have happened in high school,” he said, but his voice sounded so unconfident that even he didn’t believe what he was saying. Sorcha gave him a stern look, and it said everything that needed to be said. “Okay. You’re right. But still. You never, like, went out in high school. I mean you had Victoria. Victoria would be out but you’d never be with her.”
“I never went out because I was always in therapy.”
There was a pause as Nate digested her words. “You—you were in therapy?”
“Of course I was. The most popular people at school were making my life a living hell and bullying me so bad that I was developing disordered eating.”
Nate had to bite his tongue. The repercussions and the tolls of what had been done to her in high school were finally being revealed. He could have cursed every single soul that did anything mean to her, but he knew that he’d curse himself in that. “Are you still in therapy?”
“Yeah,” Sorcha nodded her head. “Not as much and not as often, obviously. But yeah, I still see someone. It’s helped me a lot.”
“Is it someone who works with your step-dad?”
“My step-dad is a pediatric neurologist, so that’s a no.”
Nate remembered in elementary school when Sorcha and Aidan’s mom remarried Dr. Dagar Ibrahim. Sorcha’s mom and dad divorced when she was one, and although Aidan remembered him, Sorcha didn’t. After the divorce he was never around, but Aidan and Sorcha kept his last name. From what Nate had heard, Dr. Dagar was a better dad to them than their actual dad ever was – at least, that’s what he overheard his parents and other parents talking about in the school yard or on the phone with one another. In grade seven there was a vicious rumour that Sorcha’s mom had married a doctor to put Sorcha on a diet so she could lose weight. A girl in their class had spread it, and even added that he was going to perform liposuction on her at their house. In reality, Dr. Dagar was one of the best pediatric neurologists in the country, and worked at IWK Hospital. He helped treat congenital defects of the brain and spinal cord and neurological problems associated with brain tumours on kids from all over the Atlantic provinces, yet people were making rumours about liposuction.
“The therapy…were you able to just, like, I don’t know, forget what people said to you?” he asked.
Sorcha shook her head. “I never forgot it. I learned to cope and I learned that other people’s perception of me wasn’t reality. That was my problem – I had made it my reality and I felt powerless because other people were defining me. I created my own reality and learned that I had a right to be happy, and to enjoy things the exact same way skinny girls did. But like, I still remember everything – every name, ever rumour, every mean thing. I can’t just forget what you and your buddies would call me and say about me.”
“But it wasn’t me saying those things,” Nate tried to defend himself.
“No…” Sorcha began, “but you didn’t exactly tell them to stop, and sometimes that’s just as bad. Maybe even worse.”
Nate was ashamed of himself. Completely. Here he was, one of the most successful hockey players in the world, a multi-millionaire, and he hated himself, even just for a brief moment. Well, his past self, at least – the self that never said anything, that never stood up for Sorcha, that never told anybody to stop. And now, looking at her in the eye after staying silent for so long accepting her words, he resolved to never be silent again. “I’m sorry, Sorcha,” he said softly, for the first time ever. “I really am.”
“I forgive you, Nate,” Sorcha said easily. Because it was for her. “I did a long time ago. But I don’t forgive Shane. I never have and I never will.”
“Yeah…” he nodded slowly, his mind running a mile a minute with all the things Shane would call her and say to her. They were gross – like, absolutely gross – and that was just the stuff he was remembering at the moment. He bet that if he really thought back, he’d be able to remember even more and be even more disgusted. “Yeah, I get that.”
It was Sorcha’s turn to stay silent. Neither were even eating anymore – they were just staring at each other as their food got cold. This was much more serious, anyway, and much for filling, at least for the soul. It nourished both of them in ways they didn’t think possible. But Sorcha wasn’t done. “He’s the worst kind of person, you know. Like, the absolute worst,” she said.
“Because of the bullying.”
Sorcha nodded, but looked away. She debated even telling him. But he had to know. Nate had to know what she went through if they were really going to resolve things, to start a new chapter, to do…whatever it was that they were doing. “You know, when you left for Colorado, and all of us here had graduated and were moving on to university and college and whatever…he would be horrible to me at school, but then would be messaging me at night begging for us to hook up.”
Nate’s jaw dropped. “What?”
Sorcha nodded her head. Now that she’d said it out loud, she felt like a weight had lifted off her shoulders. She finally felt at peace. The only other person who knew was Victoria. Now that one of Shane’s friends knew, things were different – the information was all the more lethal. At least Nate would finally know how much of a piece of shit Shane was. “He didn’t want to go to university a virgin, and because he’d spent his entire life making sure I hated myself and my body, he thought I’d be an easy yes to have sex with him. I rejected him, of course. I would have spit in his face if I could, honestly. And I wanted to when I saw him at the café with you.”
Nate couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He knew Shane was a bit of a dick, but this took it to a whole new level. “Holy shit,” he shook his head absent-mindedly. “What a fucking asshole.”
“You’re telling me,” Sorcha’s tone was sarcastic.
“No no, I don’t—” he stuttered out, still speechless at what Sorcha just told him. “I just feel sick.”
“Yeah, well…you should. That’s the kind of person he is. Scum of the earth. That’s why I’ll never forgive him.”
“You have no reason to,” Nate said, completely meaning it. “And he’s never apologized?”
Sorcha snorted. “Please,” she rolled her eyes. “He’s not capable of empathy. Actually, between you and me, he’s not capable of much, if you know what I mean.”
Nate couldn’t help the smile that crept on his face. When Sorcha caught him smiling, she shared one with him. “I’m glad you’re where you are, Sorcha. It’s nice seeing you like this.”
“I think I’m gonna need another drink,” she joked, finishing the last of her jungle bird.
Nate and Sorcha somehow finished dinner despite all their talking and their food getting cold. They even ordered dessert, because what was more time together when you couldn’t stop catching up with each other? Sorcha spoke more about Florence and Toronto; she and Nathan compared restaurants they’d been to in the city, and neighbourhoods they hung out in. He, of course, knew so many of the King West hot spots. She begged him to try something better than overpriced cocktails and steak.
Nate paid again, because he was the one who suggested dinner in the first place, even though Sorcha was more persistent than last time about paying her half. He watched as she put her leather jacket back on and hung her bag on her shoulder. He allowed her to lead the way out. The restaurant had gotten really busy, and they had to squeeze through groups of people to make their way to the door. Sorcha wasn’t intimidated at all, looking behind her to make sure he was still following her.
“You wanna go walk down by the harbour?” Nate asked suddenly the second they got outside.
Before Sorcha could second-guess anything; before she could make some smart-aleck remark or ask him why he wanted to go walk down by the harbour with her, or think about Juno curled up on the couch alone, she was nodding her head. “Yeah, sure.”
Their pair walked down Salter Street together, continuing their conversation which had pivoted to how much Nathan had traveled thanks to hockey. He talked of the first time he stepped onto a chartered team flight and how he felt so out of his element because of how fancy it was. He spoke of the practical jokes the team would play on each other on the plane and at the hotel. He spoke of hearing so many interesting things about certain cities like Chicago or Dallas or Vancouver, but not really being able to check anything out, unless they had a day off in the city.
“What’s your favourite road city then?” Sorcha asked as they walked along the harbour. Despite it being dusk, and chilly enough that Sorcha’s leather jacket was warranted, there were enough people surrounding them along the harbourfront – there were quite a few people walking around, and some people on the outdoor patios, eating and drinking and having a great time on a nice, cool night.
“Chicago, I think. I love the vibe there,” Nate admitted.
Sorcha nodded. Though she’d never been to Chicago, she’d heard nothing but good things about it. It was definitely on her list of cities to go to when she saved up enough money. “I’ve always wanted to go to the Art Institute of Chicago,” she mentioned.
“Oh yeah? I’ve never been,” Nate said.
Sorcha stopped dead in her tracks. “What?”
“You’ve been to Chicago how many times and you’ve never thought to spend a day or even just an afternoon at the Art Institute?” she demanded.
“Nathan!” she chastised, smacking him against his arm which caused him to laugh at her. It probably just made her angrier. “But the Seurat! The Picasso! Nighthawks! American Gothic! How dare you not go!”
“What are those?” he teased, playing with her, though if he was being honest, the only name he recognized was Picasso. He didn’t know what a Seurat was or what American Gothic was or why she was so excited about them.
Sorcha’s eyes went wide before she let out a long, exasperated “Uuuurrrrgggggghhhhh!” in complete dismay of the man standing across from her. “I’m going to kill you. I’m seriously going to kill you.”
“That’s harsh, Sorcha.”
“It’s warranted, Nathan.”
Nate couldn’t help but laugh again, his smile spreading from ear to ear. He liked this. He liked being with her. He liked how funny she was, and how riled up she got about art. He liked her confidence and how she showcased it every chance she got. He liked how her curls moved in the wind. He liked the feel of her hand on his bicep, even though she was meant to be hitting him and even though it was supposed to hurt (it didn’t). If she did it again it would take some serious willpower not to raise his own hand to grab hers.
They continued their walk in silence, both with smiles trying to be hidden on their faces, before Sorcha broke it. “You know how we were in the restaurant and you told me you liked seeing me like this?”
“Well, it’s nice seeing you like this. Not on TV. Not on the ice. Just, like…here in Halifax. Normal, you know.”
“I’m always normal.”
Sorcha rolled her eyes playfully. “You know what I mean, Nate.”
Nate shook his head slightly. “I think you have this idea of me in your head that because I became some big hockey star that I got too big for my head,” he said. “And that, like, right now, or when we’ve been together, I’m putting on an act or something. Like I’m pretending to be normal. This isn’t an act. This is just me. I’m not like that at all, Sorcha. What you’re getting is who I am. It’s not more complicated than that.”
Sorcha knew in her heart of hearts that he was right. She’s had her guard up based on their history, and what had happened in the past between them, and she needed to let go. It was unhealthy to hold on to preconceived notions of others – she, more than anyone, should have understood that. “I’m sorry, Nate,” she apologized sincerely.
“It’s alright,” he said, forgiving her easily. “I just don’t want you thinking I’m some big shot who thinks he’s too good for people. I’m the furthest from that.”
She nodded her head in understanding. “I see that now.”
When Nate looked at Sorcha, he saw an authenticity and sincerity in her that couldn’t be faked. What she had just said came from the heart; it was genuine. And in that sincerity, in that look in her eye, Nate admitted to himself that he wanted to spend more time with her; that he liked being around her more than anything; that he was falling hard for her.
When Sorcha looked at Nate, she saw an authenticity and sincerity in him that couldn’t be faked. What he had just said came from the heart; it was genuine. And in that sincerity, in that look in his eye, Sorcha admitted to himself that she wanted to spend more time with him; that she liked being around him more than anything; that she had to keep her feelings at bay or else she was going to get into some serious, serious trouble.
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silverspleen · 2 years
My Body Horror Soldier Boys
And how terrible they are to draw, a masterlist by Dragoon.
Judge - Hot ass nightmare mess. Part man, part lizard, part fish, and 100% difficult, awkward anatomy. Q had to help me figure out what direction to go in his fish form. AWFUL.
Vic - Got that asymmetry going on, so tough. But not too much, so also not super duper tough. Honestly still in progress so that could change.
Green - Super easy to draw. Comfort man, whomst presence on this earth soothes me and motivates me to fill pages with spaghetti. Only marred by the fact that I like to draw him with guns, and guns are very hard to draw.
Killyary - Only barely hard because of the slightly higher level of detail than I’m comfortable with in digital art, as it’s of vital importance that he be covered in kawaii tat. A blast to draw traditionally.
Niles - Only hard thing to draw is the hat everything else easy peasy.
Silas AU #2, Zed’s headworld - body horror go bbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Pritchett - hehehehe meat go squish
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star-scrambled · 2 years
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Set the phasers to rot
What has got you distraught?
It’s negative attention at best
But call it nothing
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tar-miriel · 5 years
i hope victoria schwab is aware that nothing she ever writes will be as romantic as the ‘you remember me, and i’ll remember you, and that way we won’t be forgotten’ scene from her 2013 novel vicious
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dorsetti · 6 years
Vic ruining Robert about to fuck Aaron on the counter is legit the straw that broke my camel’s back and now I’m her anti
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bunny-blaster · 6 years
rachel, you and alex are still the funniest people ever
shhdjskdjsks alex and i are both total fool dumbasses vic but i’ll be a stupid fuck all day if it makes you laugh even a lil bit ;~;
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Poolside bbraeweek21 day 2
(So this fic is actually based on my headcannons for BB and Rae’s Future kids, Phoenix and Mavis. Phoenix is 6 in this and Mavis is about 1 ½ I have another fic during this week that features them but background info Phoenix has her dad’s powers and Mavis has her moms but Mavis has cuffs on her wrists that block them because a toddler with emotion based powers is a recipe for disaster. That should be everything you need to know before going in.) 
“MOOOOOM!” Phoenix complained as her mother was trying to get sunscreen everywhere her bathing suit didn’t cover. 
Raven continued despite her older daughter's protests, “Oh, I’m so sorry I don’t want you to get sunburnt. I’m the worst mom in the world, they should throw me in jail.” 
“Can I even get sunburnt?” 
Raven paused, that was actually a good question. She’d have to ask her husband about that one later. “Do you really wanna find out?” 
“I wanna go play in the pool!” 
“And you will, if you can be patient for five minutes while I get the rest of this on you.” 
Phoenix huffed but complied as her mom finished applying sunscreen to her emerald skin. 
“Go, but no morphing into salt water animals, just because I know CPR does not mean I want to use it.” 
“Ok!” Phoenix shouted behind her as she ran into the Titans tower pool diving in feet first spraying droplets of water on her mother. 
Just then, the door to the roof slammed open and Gar appeared carrying Mavis over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. 
“Why is it that trying to put my children in bathing suits is like trying to wrestle baby alligators?” he grumbled before Mavis kicked him in the face with a jelly shoe. 
“At least Phoenix can dress herself now,” Raven replied. 
“Ok, Rae” Gar said, handing her a wiggling giggling Mavis, “You can do this, I believe in you!” 
“I’m going to need more than your belief Gar, I’m going to need a miracle.” Raven said, placing the girl in her lap as she squeezed sunscreen into her palm. 
Raven attempted to work quickly before Mavis could realize what she was doing but it was too late. Mavis immediately threw her head back and arched her back as far as it could go to get away from her mother. She kicked and screeched and bit at her mother in an attempt to get away from her and the sunscreen. Succeeding only twice as Mavis was like a greased up pig at this point. Eventually Gar had to step in and hold his screaming child down while Raven rubbed the rest of the sunscreen into her skin, all whilst Mavis was screeching at the torture she was being made to suffer. 
Finally finished with her work, Raven and Gar let Mavis go while she ran and threw herself down next to the pool, now able to throw a proper tantrum. 
Door to the roof opened again revealing the rest of the former team along with the new titans as they filed out. 
Cyborg stood at the door, hands on his hips glaring at the couple, “Yo what did you two do to my baby!” A long time ago this sentence would’ve meant the T Car but now exclusively meant Mavis whomst Vic had a huge soft spot for. 
“We dared to put sunscreen on her.” Raven deadpanned. 
Vic picked up the crying child and held her to his chest shielding her away from her parents, “Well don’t do it again,” he narrowed his eyes at the empath. 
“Yeah Raven, how could you?” Gar added in sarcastically moving to retrieve his child from his best friend before she could push any buttons on him and blow everyone up. 
Kori softly chuckled at her friends' interactions as she approached with Mar’i in her own arms. 
“Raven, would you like me to watch over the little ones so you can have some time to yourself?” 
Raven stood stunned for a moment, alone time was a rare treat and one she didn’t take lightly since having children and here Kori was offering it up like it was nothing. She could cry, she could’ve kissed Kori at that moment! 
Gar was more hesitant however, “Are you sure, Star? Mavis is a handfu-”. 
“Thank you so much Kori!” Raven interrupted shooting her husband a dirty look. HIs overprotectiveness was NOT about to ruin this rare opportunity for her. 
Gar sighed but handed over Mavis to his friend and threw himself in the pool identically to the way Phoenix did spraying Raven with more water this time. Raven didn’t care though as she had already started lounging in a chair near the poolside with a book she kept in her bag just in case a rare opportunity like this occurred. 
Gar swam over to Phoenix who was at this point testing out different freshwater fish she could turn into whilst doing laps. Upon seeing her Dad she morphed back into a girl and swam to meet him. “Dad! Dad! Look what I just figured out!” she shouted before morphing into an green lizard-like creature with fuzzy antennae on the sides of her face.  
“Good work Nix, and that is called an….” 
She morphed back into a child to answer, “Axolotl, a freshwater anphi, anphoebe, ambphibi,” 
“Amphibian” Gar chuckled out. 
“Yeah that one, and it comes from mexico.” 
“You got it kid!” he said, giving the girl a high five. 
Much to her delight her Dad then picked her up and threw her over his shoulder into the water. Phoenix emerged from the water, squealing “Do it again!” and he complied, throwing his child again and again as she cackled at their little game. 
As much fun as Gar was having as well, he knew something was missing and that something was his wife. He knew how much her alone time meant to her, but with having the kids the time he had with just Raven was far and few between. 
Phoenix swam back over to her Dad to get thrown again when he grabbed her up and whispered in her ear, “Hey Nixie, ask Mom to come in with us.” 
Phoenix looked over at her mother fully engrossed in her reading at the poolside. “Mom doesn’t want to get in the pool” 
Gar rolled his eyes “I know but she’s more likely to say yes to you than me.” 
Phoenix regarded her mother lounging again, Phoenix really wanted to get ice cream after the pool and she knew that was more likely to happen if her mother was in a good mood and reading definitely put her in a good mood. 
“No.” she said, staring at her Dad straight in the eyes. 
Gar narrowed his eyes at Phoenix and threw her over his shoulder again but with less mirth this time. 
Gar swam to the edge of the pool near Raven gave her his best puppy dog eyes, “Hey Ra-” 
“No.” she said without looking up. 
“Come on! I just want to have fun with you!” he complained. 
Raven tore her eyes away from the book in her hand to glare at her husband, “Who stays home with the kids?” 
Gar sighed at the familiar argument he always lost, “You do.” 
“And when you’re on set, you get breaks right?” 
“Do I ever get a break from being the mom?” 
“So when I get a get a rare break, I’m going to enjoy it to the fullest, Gar” 
Gar pouted and looked up at his wife, “but I miss you.” 
Raven sighed and grumbled something to herself about him being as bad as the kids. “I promise we can do something together after the kids go to bed, but right now I really just want to read my book.” 
Gar's ears drooped but he resigned, “Ok, enjoy your book Rae.” 
“Thank you, I appreciate it,” Raven smiled. 
Gar offered a half smile, still disappointed but deciding it was best to give her space. 
 Meanwhile Kori was sitting with Mavis and Mar’i on a beach towel while the girls were playing with toys. Mar’i was trying to wrestle the plastic elephant out of Mavis' hands whilst Mavis kicked and screamed at the other toddler. 
“No, no, please girls no more fighting,” Kori implored the children. 
The two girls had done nothing but fight since Kori had brought them over and she was at her wits end. She hadn’t truly understood what Garfield had meant by Mavis was a handful until this moment. 
Mar’i had finally ripped the toy out of Mavis’s hands and threw it into the deep end of the pool. Mavis, outraged, bit the half tameranian on the arm leaving deep teeth marks. 
Kori was shocked and scolded Mavis whilst running to get the neosporin for Mar’i. 
Mavis took this as her opportunity to go retrieve her elephant and waddled her way over to the pool's edge. 
Gar was throwing a beach ball back and forth with Phoenix when he saw something that made his blood run cold. Time stood still as he watched his youngest daughter trip over the edge of the pool and begin to fall in. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t breathe, all he could do was panic as he watched her tiny body disappear into the deep end. 
“MAVIS NO!” he screamed, willing the inevitable to stop. 
Raven’s eyes tore away from her book and it was discarded in an instant as she sprinted to where her daughter had fallen in jumping in without a moment’s hesitation. Mavis had barely been in the water for a few minutes before rising to the top, struggling and splashing to keep herself afloat as Raven snatched her up and breathed a sigh of relief that she came back up quickly and didn’t try to inhale water. 
Raven clutched a sobbing Mavis to her chest, shaking and attempting to stop herself from thinking about what could’ve happened. Gar swam over to examine the pair and make sure everyone was ok before hugging them both. Phoenix swam over as an axolotl to the deep end and cocked her head to the side in silent questioning at her mother. 
“Everyone’s ok Nix. Thank you.” Raven replied, finally calming down at the same time as Mavis. 
Gar smiled at Raven and then began to chuckle. 
Raven narrowed her eyes at her husband, “I fail to see the humor in this situation Garfield!” 
“Good Job, Mavis. You somehow got your mom in the pool!” he said through his laughter. 
Raven’s eyes glowed with black magic as she sent a tidal wave crashing over her husband whilst holding both of her girls to her. 
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galacticdrift · 3 years
I took so many fucking notes on tides 55, jesus
FINALLY we start getting into Kingfisher stuff. The thing about the Owl's last task for him being to put part of Adelaide Dawson's soul back in her body...I agree with the rest of the discussion in the ep about Cole pointing toward him being the new Owl instead, but then that raises SEVERAL questions about why the Kingfisher did that.
Was it some kind of lure for Cole to become the new Owl, a taste of power? Was he asking the current Owl for a favor to win over someone he already was prospecting as the new Owl? That would be...cold, and point toward the Queen not keeping her plans as hidden from him as she thought they were.
Tass was so careful to say only part of the soul; why? Purely a mechanical issue of not restoring her fully so she'd still be controllable by Wings magic? Or does Dawson perhaps know something in the part of the soul left behind? (About the Seven? About Cole or Callahan's father? 👀)
Also, just tossing a thought out there:
Tass: hey y'all, just throwing it out there, remember how rhys saw the kingfisher's ship & vic mord's ship together? Me: ........is this another "the queen is the owl and separating her identities" thing? Is VIC FUCKING MORD THE KINGFISHER? Me: remembers that kingfishers are, you know...fish-eaters Me: oh god. oh no. it fits. Me: also remembers he's the other one (with Kallizen) who came into his thread under somewhat sketchy/suspicious circumstances. at the battle of cove's end. where sayre, whomst the kingfisher has been hunting all along, was presumed lost and actually was hidden away by the queen. the queen who was working against the kingfisher. Me: OH NO. Me: .........also there's maybe something there about Vic's change of heart concerning the Star. When Dawson was alive and knew Mord he was in support of it existing and now he wants it sunk, maybe in between is when the Kingfisher took him over? Also going back to the question of why that specific favor from the Owl, maybe Mord/the Kingfisher wanted her back for...something to do with captaining the Star?
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whatdoiknow · 4 years
Some unexpected Emmerdale spoilers:
-Dawn's pregnant. The dad is Ellis or possibly Billis.
-Belle's pregnant. The dad is Jamie or Andrea.
-Meena is pregnant. The dad is Billis or David or Rishi or Liam the doctor. Probably David.
-Vic is pregnant. The dad is Luke or Wendy.
-Chas is pregnant. The dad is Al or Al.
-Tracy remains pregnant. It will be mentioned in every episode.
- Meena slept with Manpreet's ex-hubby. It will be mentioned in every episode.
-Dawn killed Malone. WILL WILL mention it in every episode.
-Ben will have several friends.
- Aaron will never get a friend but he has Liv. Whomst is his sister which will be mentioned in every possible episode.
-Aaron moves to Scotland 'cause he doesn't have any friends or even a boyfriend. Liv goes with Aaron 'cause she's his sister.
-Debbie comes back 'cause friendless Aaron took over her garage business.
-Debbie is pregnant.
-Robert Sugden's will be relocated to Scotland.
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tiefighter · 3 years
Also gimme 10 facts about Vic
my idiot ranger/cleric! He's my main dnd character I get to play him every two weeks b/c i'm blessed with cool dnd friends and family whomst I love. 1. Vic was raised by comittee. Officially, he has two moms; one of them is an Oak Dryad named Oak, and a Half elf ranger mom! He was also raised by a bunch of other dryads who taught him a bunch of languages. 2. he left home at sixteen because he was itching for adventure and his moms wanted some alone time; he misconstrued the meaning of his mom losing her temper at him one day and yeeted as an excuse. 3. Vic writes home Often. The ranger's guild has a box for him to dump his weekly letters in. 4. He tends to do the talking, but it's mostly so that if anyone decides to come for the Bullshitters, they'll remember him first and they can go to stab him first giving the others a chance to escape. 5. He adores his boyfriend and is very, very scared that he's going to find him dead in the sand somewhere. He has nightly hyperventilations about it. 6. he doesn't like heights that much! He's slowly getting over it with exposure therapy (ie: being yeeted into a crow's nest, etc etc) but he's still a bit shaky. 7. He gets along pretty well with his god b/c their temperaments align; Vic is chaotic neutral at best. 8. For a while there he and the rest of the party were all introducing themselves at mortecai. That didn't go over too well later lol. 9. He seems a lot smarter than he is, mostly because he thinks REAL FAST the lad has adhd. 10. If a cat ever died, he'd lose his fucking shit for a good few months b/c that stupid dog is his best friend and the brother he never had he loves that panther so much.
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sour-grape-s · 3 years
💕Robron Tag Game💕
Thanks for the tag @theredandwhitequeen 🌟
1.) Indicate your preference (feel free to explain)
2) There are two free questions for you to ask people you are tagging (you can ignore - no pressure). The idea would be that everyone could contribute too, and make it more interesting! Let’s see if it will work haha.
3) Tag as many people as you want!
Affair era or Husbands era? Husbands all day every day! I adored them being so comfortable and domestic. It felt so earned you know?
Floral shirt or Brown leather jacket? Floral shirt! I really liked it I wish we saw it more tbh
Purple hoodie or Overalls? Overalls - Aaron looked so good
Wedding 1.0 or Wedding 2.0? Tough one I love both and I think they compliment each other really well. Wedding 1.0 was so full emotion but wedding 2.0 was EVERYTHING! So idk both i guess
Liv or Vic? Vic as an overall character. I really enjoy her (mostly). I used to really love Liv and I was never that bothered by her presence. But I feel like the show doesn’t let Liv grow up and be her own character which makes her much more annoying and feels like she remains Aaron’s sort of sister/daughter which is weird.
The Sugdens or The Dingles? I find the Sugdens a lot more interesting most of the time! It may be unpopular but if Ryan’s return also brought Kelvin’s I wouldn’t be mad about getting the Sugden brother dynamic back!
The lodge or Christmas 2017? Christmas 2017. I’ve definitely found appreciation for the Lodge and the acting is fab! But I love the craziness juxtaposed with the emotional smack at the end MAKES IT
Chrissie White or Rebecca White? Chrissie, easily. A much more well rounded character. I never really rated EH acting wise so even though I never loathed Rebecca I could never feel much more than meh
Reunion 1.0 or Reunion 2.0? Reunion 2.0!!! What an iconic episode - I mean it had everything right?! Reunion 1.0 has it’s place though for sure.
Alex or Mike? Whomst?
The Love We Stole or Make You Feel My Love? The Love We Stole. It’s so them and I love it
Lay-by or Barn? Lay-by - it has so much meaning for them. I have a head canon about reunion 3.0 being there...
Proposal 1.0 or Proposal 2.0? Proposal 1.0 for me. I love both but the SSW episode is my favourite so I have to say it
2016 or 2018? 2018! Has everything I love - reunion 2.0, domestic husbands and dads to Seb, wedding 2.0! 2016 has also wonderful moments - probably my second favourite year (apart from boyfriend era...)
Chas or Diane? I’ve gone through periods liking and disliking both of them. Diane at this point I suppose?
Boyfriend era or affair era? Affair era!!! The OG and so much drama! Boyfriend era is so many missed opportunities imo
That was fun! I won’t tag anyone bc I feel like most people have already done it! But if not anyone can go ahead! 💕
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szivtalan · 4 years
I got tagged by @ahobaka-trash whomst I love very dearly, thank you!!!!
1. Nickname(s): Vee/Vic and any other derivation of my name tbh I’m not picky, if you choose one for me I’ll go along with it.
2. Zodiac: I’m technically a Scorpio, but I have a Leo rising+moon and I’ve been told I vibe as anything but a Scorpio lmao
3. Height: 5'4 / 163 cm
4. Hogwarts House: I got practically everything except Hufflepuff so I’m sticking with Gryffindor.
5. Last thing I googled: Mewtwo, my favorite Pokémon
6. Song stuck in my head: Anarbor - What He Don’t Know
7. Number of Followers: 44 last time I checked?
8. Amount of Sleep: In quarantine I do 8, but most usually I run on 4-6 hours, I’m kind of an insomniac
9. Lucky number: 4, 14, 24
10. Dream Job: Work at a pitbull rescue/sanctuary, write novels, be a bartender and semi-professionally sing or make music some other way.
11. Wearing: Basketball shorts and a t-shirt I just kind of pulled out of my wardrobe.
12. Favourite Song: Watsky - Sloppy Seconds / Butthole Surfers - Dracula From Houston. I can’t get enough of them.
13. Favourite Instrument: Drums, bass & acoustic guitar.
14. Aesthetic: I’ve been told I’m kind of grunge? Which is like watered-down punk. The one aesthetic I’m most into is probably southern gothic. I just like what’s minimal effort, worn-down, a little frayed and torn but still kind of cool.
15. Favourite Author: Chuck Palahniuk, Kurt Vonnegut and Charles Bukowski for prose, Walt Whitman, Robert Frost and Richard Siken for poetry.
16. Favourite animal sound: I’m totally obsessed with tiger roars, but I kinda love it when dogs whine at you for attention.
Random: I own 3 leather jackets, 2 of which are really quality pieces, I’ve had my ear gauged up to a decent size, and I have 5 tattoos and counting - yet I still think I’m the most uncool person you could ever meet haha
Tagging @jeilliane @vanilla-daydreams @viictuurious @jakeborellis and whoever else wants to do this, if you see it and you want to do it, I AM TAGGING YOU.
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idontfudgingknow · 5 years
1. I absolutely ADORE all the new looks for RWBY although I am a little peeved that the black on Blake is her Volume 4-6 purple instead of actually black like???? What’s up with that????? What happened to all that deep black from Ein Lee’s drawing???? WHAT HAPPENED TO BLAKE ACTUALLY HAVING BLACK IN HER OUTFITS?!?!????!?
4. Unpopular opinion but: I was also horrified by Jaune’s new haircut but now I’m kinda digging it????? Maybe it’s like having a new Doctor for whoovians except it’s hair but rn it looks like I’m like the only person in the FNDM that doesn’t wanna set him on fire for his choices. Or maybe my Gay thoughts are just overpowering. I dunno.
9. Ya’ll I can’t friggin wait to see how they animate Weiss doing all her flips and acrobatic tricks in her new fancy ball gown cause it’s gonna look WACK and I’ll love it. Also; her ballgown.
8. Yang’s right arm looks straight up looks like a fucking dope ass Tank-Shotgun or smth I dunno it just looks like it hurts and goes BOOM and I am excited.
9. Jason Liebricht!!!!! HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS HE SOUNDS GOOD. I am honestly shocked at how he made me legitimately forget that that wasn’t Vic voicing Qrow.
10. Ironwood! You’re looking... stressed!
11. Looks like the team heads into an abandoned base or mineshaft at one point?????
12. Also where the fuck is Maria lol.
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spamela-hamderson · 5 years
Which robron reunion is ur favorite, 1.0 or 2.0
I mean I reallY love reunion 1.0. How careful Robert is, how much he wants this but loses hope a little at the end. And how much Aaron wants it too, although he's terrified of taking that last leap. But he does take that leap and he just... the look of anticipation he gets on his face? Where he's like "Ok yes kiss me now"? And the way he breathes in to steady himself like he always does when he's feeling too much? The way Robert comes in so fast, with his giant yaoi hands on Aaron's face, holding him like he never thought he'd get to again? The way they breathe each other in and hold each other after and the cautious relief, hope, on their faces? Art.
Reunion 2.0 has a better overall feel and I adore it a bit more, for the following reasons:
• The pre-reunion lead up, where Aaron was so shamelessly slutty around Robert but Robert was too busy being oblivious to all of it in his determination to be the best, best friend ever.
• Aaron finding out about the girl squad night out and trying to use Seb to cockblock Robert
• Aaron being TH E MOST jealous
• Bernice
• Robert does the sprinkler at one point. This alone makes reunion 2.0 better, it’s true.
• Aaron moving his whole head to look around Vanessa so he doesn't miss Robert's flailing.
• Aaron looking back at Robert like "Whomst??! I didn't even notice! How strange!!!" When Alex points him out
• “I might just pop to the loo.”
• He was about to break up with Alex in front of his friend, I can’t deal with him
• Robert spotting Aaron and sad-dancing at the reminder that this song might be great, yeah, but he's still lost the love of his life and he'll never know true joy again
• The sad-flirting outside the club. Well, sad on Robert's part, but Aaron was definitely feeling hopeful until Mike came back oops
• That moment they stopped talking and stared into each other's eyes for a few solid seconds, wow gay rights
• Aaron continuing to be the most jealous
• "Turns out I just want to be faithful to you. Even though it doesn't count." And THE N HE HAd the GALL to tell us to forget about it omG
• The painful ‘2017: year of grief’ montage that was clearly playing in Robert's head when Aaron had the nerve to even imply Robert might not want him. His fury/horror at the reminder that he was in love with a true dumbass. We never forgot ofc, but maybe Robert did because he was too busy pining.
• Tbf to Aaron, he is hilariously unused to not having Robert's obviously enamoured and enthusiastic attention on him at all times, so he probably got a little dramtic about Robert ignoring his chinhands (!!!!!) and almost going home with Mike the chef.
• Robert making sure Aaron could really be ok with Seb.
• Aaron turning to hold both his hands as he promises that he only sees Seb as Robert’s little boy and could never resent him
• Just both of them holding hands and crying at each other, I'm a big fan of that
• "I'd rather never have you back, then lose you again" BITCH!!!!! (that’s a future parallel waiting to happen)
• Robert really was so sad, huh? He was so broken up inside, he was saying all sorts of ridiculous things 😭
• Imagine him waking up alone the next day if Aaron hadn’t had his romcom lead moment, and having to accept that he’d turned his hbhwhl away. My god, the poor man. This is what grief does to you, kids. Stay in school.
• The way Aaron rubbed his cheek against Robert’s thumb because he might not get to have this anymore
• Aaron’s romcom lead moment
• And then he got his mans :’)
• Also let’s talk about Robert, standing in the dark with his jacket still on, listening to the song they danced to at their wedding. He literally got back home, played the song on his phone (sans headphones even though rebecca and seb were probably trying to sleep), and then stopped moving? HE LOOKS SO STIFF, HE STOPPED MOVING AND ONLY STARTED AGAIN WHEN HE HEARD AARON KNOCK?? He's in so much pain, he can’t even relax enough to sit down. Also, how much does Vic hate that song now? It’s all she heard for 7 months.
• Robert, seeing Aaron crying and worried, and making a joke about his dancing so he’d laugh again. shut UP.
• And then they hugged and kissed and danced in the street? what the fuck.
• The way they were smiling at each other, I won’t elaborate, I’ll only scream
• My god, the relief they so clearly felt, finally being back in each other’s arms. I need a moment.
• “I’ve missed you, Mr Sugden.” “Mr Dingle.” “Eh?” Ngl, I love this more than sugden-dingle
• Aaron’s giggly “shut up”
• Hi, remember when they danced in the street?? Ok, just checking.
• Aaron ‘I just lovingly shouted my love at you and begged you to come home’ Dingle: 💕Do you want to get dumped again? 💕
• Robert ‘crying to our song is a nightly routine at this point’ Sugden: 💕We definitely don’t have a song 💕
• Me: 💕pls get a room 💕
• And then they went home and ~ made love ~ for 3 hrs (just a lil quick one cos all the emotions tired them out) before conking out
The End.
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nhlcommissioner · 7 years
y’all there;s a girl at a gr**k w**k party wearing CR*CS
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