#*utterly offended*
roz-ani · 5 months
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He just wanted to be all mysterious and get the attention XD
I honestly didn't expect Alastor to be so... goofy in a way? I thought they'd give him some less serious moments, but I was convinced (for some reason) he'd be less active. More of a power figure overlooking the hotel with some mystery in the background. I'm not complaining though! It makes his character even more fun and appealing!
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a-s-levynn · 6 months
About those new masks..
So i saw this take a few times already and i have some thoughts. Obviously it's paraphrasing but you'll see these a lot similar to this if you scroll in ST spaces since yesterday:
"These new masks have too much personality, they said the people behind the music is uniportant but they now have this new personalized look instead of the uniform sleek minimalist one and it is the direct opposite of what they are saying. These new looks do not fit Sleep Token"
Let me preface this: I'm not going to explore specific reasons why people might hate on the masks because... No i refuse to go there, but i will talk about the issues i have around this a bit.
If you are hating on the new masks so much so as to cry about that "this is not what they supposed to be about" you are missing your own point. You are in fact shooting the opposite direction. You are no longer in it for "just the music" but you are very much caught upon the "everything else beside the music." You got distracted. You putting the blame on them instead on yourself for loosing your own point.
There is no moral highground in this whole ordeal. Please respect yourself enought to try not to look utterly stupid if you frothing about something you visibly misunderstood. Do not hide behind excuses. Do not put this on the artists. Own up to the fact that you simple don't like it.
Admit that it's your opinion purely; because ultimately the artist creating their own art will understand creative choices behind their creations more than you ever will. No matter how far you try to bend backwards.
The masks fit Sleep Token because it is Sleep Token who decided to have them. End of story. You can hate it all you want but it is still part of the shabang now. And don't try to mask your distaste over visuals with shouting about the artist not understanding their own ideology.
If you are so hung up on how they look like, more than what the music still is, than stop and think for a second please.. You have it backwards. If you really truly only care about the music, what it is about, what it gives you, than you are not going to give a shit what they are wearing on stage.
Maybe in a passing few sentences but otherwise you are not going to be worked up about it to the point you sent hatecomments to the artist who made them.. It is shameful.
Besides i hate to break it to people but they already had their personalities with their outfits just not this strongly. III had the random whacky shit. IV had the hint's of this comfy leisurly punk-ish techwear whatever going on besides the fancy stuff the past a months since the summer. II had a slightly sleeker but maybe sort of tech-ish look which is now reflected (in my opinion) much more strongly with this new look (which sorta reminds me of a stylized oni or something tbh and that is extremely in line with their older far-east inspired thematics visually, just saying).
They are not handing you the "we are unimportant" part anymore. They are not spoonfeeding it to you. Not in the way they had before at least. They presume you are mature and smart enough at this point to get it. To get to the conclusion that it is unimportant what they look like. And allow them to still have fun with it.
Or just they are being cheeky and went for something that would shake up the people. I don't know, i don't know them or anyone close to them. I don't have answers. But they are trying something new an it is perfectly fine.
Also which would have come off so much differently if Vessel is 100% btw. Be honest, if they would have been able to perform to their fullest abilities, far less people would be so loud over this.. This was just an unfortunate turn of events and when shit hits the fan it usually never just one dose. And my heart breaks for the boys for all this.
Besides, people were so loud about hating that "they looked the same" and "so hard to distinguish" and "easy to replace because of this" ... now they have personalized masks and looks and the same people cry about the exact opposite they did before..
Also it just occured to me that this is basically the same as the lightshow upgrade. It gives you something to look at at the rituals. The new looks are visually interesting, and with the lighting setup they have now they are gonna look like some seriously fun nightmare creatures btw. I love that already.
So all in all i don't know, i don't really have a point here i guess, but the boys are in such a no win situation right now and i hate the fact that people are shitting on them just because they don't fit their idea of "an anonymous collective" anymore. Which is reddiculous and sad because nothign has changed.
It never was about being a blank page. It was about being human. It flies over so many peoples head but the anonymity part isn't about not being a person under there. It is being about that person not having a name. It doesn't matter if the person has a personality or not. What matter there is that no name.
There is no definitiveness. It gives an open invitation for anyone to step into that person but first you need to recognise that there is a person there. And there is no doing that if there are no traces of personality. Or humanity if you will because personalities makes us humans. Don't make me hold a philosophy lecture here on what it means being human please.
It does not matter who that individual it is by tagging a name on them. But it is extremely important that there is a person there. Otherwise there is no connection point. If there is no person there is nothing to understand. But it does not matter how that person looks like. It does not matter what the person wears. Or what that person is called. What matters is that it is a human being. And as such you can understand it. Our at least you should be able to.
Regardless of the design of a mask.
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rocketbirdie · 11 days
Thoughts on the new Monster Hunter trailer?
Equal parts thrilled and apprehensive!
I've always preferred a more cartoony and colorful MH that doesn't take itself too seriously. World wasn't my cup of tea for various reasons, such as the emphasis on realism, too much time sucked away by a disinteresting plot, and the disgustingly visceral sound design.
Wilds is very obviously World-like. As soon as I learned it's FULLY voice acted, I groaned in agony not gonna lie. I'll be perfectly fine with it being plot heavy as long as they make cutscenes skippable. Not sure yet how I feel about having a handler again. Would like to see Sunbreak's followers system return, but I'm not confident.
New locale looks beautiful!! Mohran hype maybe??? The new large monsters are curious. Amphibian monster! Zamtrios?? Please please please zamtrios please pleeease please. Great Sword moveset is funky. I like the gap-closing counter attack, but I also kind of miss the goofy simplicity of the old school hit-and-run playstyle.
Seikret is precious. I hope we get to customize their colors and deck them out in cute cringey outfits. Very surprised that you can sharpen/drink potions etc. while riding them, that was the thing about Rise's palamutes that I felt needed to be nerfed. I DO like that Seikret can carry one other weapon for you to switch out between. Hopefully that means you can't freely change equipment at the main camp like in Rise. I like having to prepare more carefully for hunts!
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
I finally made a superman design I’m happy with
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evansbby · 1 year
the chris meet and greet pics 💀
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bunny-banana · 5 months
not sure if this sounds crazy, but Ben Willbond is exactly the kind of guy the Captain would get an awfully embarrassing tv crush on
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lumiilys · 1 month
Top 5 ships that aren’t OFMD related?
OHOHO OK this is kinda hard cause I only have a small amount of ships I adore and then all the others I like are sorta at a similar level BUT!!! I shall try
1) Eruri
2) Viktuuri
3) Cecilos
4) Ineffable husbands
5) rivakopon (rarepairs ftw!!!)
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eddis-not-eeddis · 2 years
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sadfruittheatre-rp · 7 months
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"....Oh, this thing is definitely broken--"
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daisybrained · 2 years
I really appreciate the casual neutral queerness in when you finish saving the world. It made me think about how much has changed since I was ziggy’s age. When I was that age, you would never hear a fifteen year old boy offhandedly naming both a girl and a boy when talking about past relationships, like it wasn’t ever a thing he was tormented about or even thought about particularly. Like, ziggy’s bisexuality just is in this, in a way that would have been absolutely foreign to me at age fifteen. And I love how he never once misgenders his non-binary rival, like it doesn’t even occur to him. Referring to Cyril as they/them comes completely naturally.
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Y’all remember last season when Clifford bonked Perry over the head with his stick?
Pepperidge Farm remembers. 
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aesrot · 1 year
Opening them up and feeling inside and running your fingers through their small intestine, feeling the soft folds and the way they fall against each other and holding their organs in your hand and feeling the pulsing warmth against your palms and feeling the way they live and breathe and exist and all together they let you hold them and they're shivering and they pull you closer and they reach so deep, deep enough that they can trail their fingers up and down your ribs, digging into your spine and holding you close enough to hook the bones around their fingers and you can only taste blood and its so warm and they're there and you're there and you're both monstrosities and yet the most beautiful thing. You know each other enough to explore their internal viscera like its normal.
hrrrrnnn oughjjjggggghj this is a whole new level of yearning that i was not expecting to experience. god.
imagine the warmth. the warmth! the softness of the organ tissues. the dance of the muscles moving, the expansion and recoil of the lungs, the loud almost overwhelming sounds of the heart beating and reverberating through the whole body. the viscous yet rough and sharp texture of the bones... oh to find shelter in someone's entrails, and them in yours. to become one with another. your ribs interlocked, your veins tangled, your blood mixed with theirs. you're no longer your own person, your body is no longer just yours, and it feels like everything as its supposed to be, you're finally home, and yet you need more.
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Character shaming: Scottish HoeTM (affectionate)
Give my character a "character shaming" label: ACCEPTING
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"..... I ........... "
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scorsesedepalmafan · 2 years
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When your sibling asks you if they can “have” one of Alfred’s characters
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appropriatelystupid · 2 years
today, while talking to my cousin, my uncle came out of nowhere, pointed at me and asked “justin bieber is canadian right?” and i had to immediately ask my cousin what vibes i was presenting to the world that i was the one he asked so that i could change them asap
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Last October I was so busy not thinking about [redacted] and how much we'd enjoyed S.usannah together before our friendship imploded that I somehow missed that C.arlisle F.loyd died :(
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