#(this is a reference to another tweet i dont have a shirt that says that)
aropride · 7 months
my shirt that says "i don't have an eating disorder" has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt
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incarnateirony · 5 years
S15 Spec/Discussion
So when the SPHT came out we all got to talking and I had some Thoughts(tm). Some of it is wildly speculatory but potential and interesting. I love the thinkie beans in my server. 
I love our little roundtable of speculation and meta that routinely crops up, sometimes I feel like we should record it and make a podcast.
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:34 PM
IM YELLING SO MUCH YELLING “you cant do this to the fans!” “i can do anything. im a writer.” FUCKING CHILLS
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:36 PM
Jared's evil smirk has murdered me
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:38 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:38 PM
So we have Sam in a white suit MoC
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:38 PM
btw chucks lame ending is hilarious
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:38 PM
The colt
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:39 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
I came out of aladdin to that
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:39 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:39 PM
Adam and most likely Michael taking in a diner Talking
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
Psfuck what anybody says the new aladdin is amazing
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:39 PM
Scruffy endverse Dean
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
I jave never Ever Seen such masterful seaming of cartoonverse cgi To real actorsHoly fuck me
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:40 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:40 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:41 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:41 PM
Yeah i intend to watch on pc when i canIm mobile rn
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:41 PM
And of course the crypt door being held shut with a screwdriver As direct14.10 parallel
CastielYesterday at 9:41 PM
Like we literally just left aladdin hence the yelling Yes yes Ive got him Im the cage Etc
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:42 PM
GlorifiedFanboy Is that not what I said friggin months ago?!
CastielYesterday at 9:42 PM
On brand a+ dean from whoever wrote that Ill guess Bobo or buckner For glorified fanboy line
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:43 PM
What? Do they read our tweets?
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:43 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:43 PM
Bobo reads mine a lot?
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:43 PM
I stg I heard that line and almost screamed
CastielYesterday at 9:43 PM
I never did upload his nerdy video to me in hindsight
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:44 PM
Interesting that they didn't use a single shot of Alex
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:44 PM
No AlexAt all
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:44 PM
So it's not gonna be just a hallucination with burnt out eyes No Billie either
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:45 PM
No empty
CastielYesterday at 9:45 PM
No its full on chuck villain framing its my sound of war vid with s15 footage dhdhdhd
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
Yeah well it all blended into inky black at the end But that's hardly conclusive
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:46 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
Since that happens a lot in trailers
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:46 PM
Maybe that’s for later in the season Or Maybe it’s a big secret
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
10 bucks says they abandoned the Cas deal And that's the hill I die on
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:47 PM
Bc that’s how they fight Chuck? They can’t abandon that already It’s too fresh
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
To me it read as a gateway to the Empty getting Jack
CastielYesterday at 9:48 PM
Placing bets now. Ep 1-3 is deancas tension over mary and jack and feeling distanced from the winchesters leaves eps 4 and 5. We know he works with sam at least briefly in 6. Deancas reunion in 7 midseason scheduled for 8 or 9. Deancas resolution then
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
Before they knew for sure
CastielYesterday at 9:48 PM
Midseason finale whatever theyre keeping in the door
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
That it was their final season To possibly stretch the plot accordeon
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:49 PM
Maybe final battle is with the empty and not chuck
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:49 PM
But now they've lost the need for a middle man ie Cas Nah
CastielYesterday at 9:49 PM
Id need more than a promo trailer to figure out if resolving cas is midseason or endgame
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:49 PM
Is amara coming back?
CastielYesterday at 9:49 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Dabb confirmed it's early
CastielYesterday at 9:50 PM
And deans weird old friend
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:50 PM
She wasn’t there either
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Yeah 15.02 I think Or 04? Very early
CastielYesterday at 9:50 PM
Its as much a mood piece as a trailer
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Was that Becky talking to Chuck?
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:51 PM
I think so
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
You cant do this to the fans
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:51 PM
It sounded like her
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
It’s her
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
We knew she was coming back Well
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
Speculated educatedly
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
I’m so mad! I was just about to go to bed!
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
When even the crazed fangirl looks sane by comparison
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
And they dropped this
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
Yeah I’ll never sleep now
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:52 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
Nah I'll head to bed in a few
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
No. No sleep
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
I’ve gotten no sleep the past three days
CastielYesterday at 9:52 PM
Points if they still frame it for a swipe at the bronlies like all the other becky jokes
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
I find the fixation on the fan angle a bit weird
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
It seemed framed that way to me Min
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:53 PM
All the bronly jokes pls
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
But maybe I’m just reading it with my own bias
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
But it's only 2 pieces of Chuck dialogue so
CastielYesterday at 9:53 PM
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:54 PM
And he’s a melodramatic fuck
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:54 PM
I’ll forever want to refer to him as “glorified fanboy” Put it on a shirt
CastielYesterday at 9:55 PM
God imagine chuck bringing back kevin as his prophet to take down his word as the gospel of winchester is designed to end only in being felled, and only by the glory of god. He cant finish off his own book to print the new gospel
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:56 PM
Here to say fuck you chuck
CastielYesterday at 9:57 PM
What if we big bounce and he dubs adam the new michael since we saw jack. Can convert humans to angels
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:57 PM
Megalomaniacal Michael?
CastielYesterday at 9:58 PM
Kicking down the castles in his own sandbox as revelations told before, before men found the new gospel of the glory of god. Revelations might not be a prophecy. It may be history.
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:59 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:59 PM
Wildly speculatory and just playing but
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:00 PM
Oh the adam Michael idea
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:01 PM
I'm very glad about Chuck being in early episodes Adam is 100% gonna be Michael Cause all the summaries made it sound Like they weren't utilizing him
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:03 PM
It does sound like OG Michael is gonna be a real issue and it makes sense for it to be Adam
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:03 PM
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CastielYesterday at 10:09 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Yeah but he'd still be Adam and not Michael Just
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
if michael is useless to chuck as is, which he may or may not have been lying about MAKEA NEW
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Archangel Adam
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Oh Doesn't fit with the pic above tho
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
Find another Eve. Oh look universal big bounce and I have a new mythology jazz hands Or better a Lilith Also this is literally unstoppable force immovable object logic if chuck can't destroy the human soulzapping the winchesters to death is just a stall game of exhausting futility they've proven they will inevitably doorkick down every afterlife or wherever they're cycled to what if there's like a hilariously extreme mystery spot where you see mini adventures out of whatever afterlife but eventually justtruncated to ridiculous extremes Chuck: -_-
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:18 PM
Like that's a given with all the scattered bits. Either Lucifer Sam and MoC Dean etc become big plot points Or they're part of Redux Mystery Spot
CastielYesterday at 10:18 PM
side eyes hidden mytharc uh
CastielYesterday at 10:18 PM
I really hope we didn't get the MOC Dean thing too close rip
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:19 PM
Why did you have to connect those two promo subplots for meW h y
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:20 PM
Also Cas next to that burnt up body I hope it isn't just Victim Of The Week
CastielYesterday at 10:20 PM
I'm wondering about the "arrogant betrayal" promo line on ep... 3 is it?
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
Is it gonna be meaningful or is this like
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
bringing back Sergei
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
PR vagueblog
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
from his Byzantium bullshit
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
The BL ep is 15.02 tho
CastielYesterday at 10:22 PM
authors sometimes soak up impact of -- oh no
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:22 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:23 PM
okay so let's pretend say, bobo or whoever wanted to finish up buckleming's plot point, or at least partially since it's the tie up season, but they knew they had to write misha out for a few episodes and with deancas tensions driving Cas away already, throwing out a Going For Revenge That Will Backfire spin before storming out for a few eps
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:24 PM
But then it would be Dean not being able to forgive the "betrayal"It's gotta be something else Watch it be like
CastielYesterday at 10:24 PM
the betrayal vague blog is about sergei in that thing
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:24 PM
Kevin working for Chuck
CastielYesterday at 10:24 PM
it's the phrasing "arrogant" that catches me
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:25 PM
Most vague summaries hardly fit the actual plot points anyway It's just to sound mysterious
CastielYesterday at 10:25 PM
no but it would be easier to simply not apply an adjective "Castiel deals with a betrayal" is still vague
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:25 PM
Yeah but adjectives give oomph
CastielYesterday at 10:26 PM
arrogant is an odd idea for even the vague bloggiest vague blogger to tilt towards after skimming the content so I really doubt it's like kevin being forced to betray them or something like thatso unless it's about chuck himself, unlikely just too early for that level of RAAA
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:28 PM
Oh right didn't Misha say Cas struggles with this new Chuck reveal
CastielYesterday at 10:28 PM
well yeah thats kinda a duh
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:28 PM
I think the arrogant betrayal is in reference to Chuck
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:29 PM
So maybe it's just oddly phrasing that Yea
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:29 PM
It’s a kinda weird phrasing imo
CastielYesterday at 10:29 PM
like on the one hand cas knows Chuck isn't father of the year so I think on a personal level it's not surprising, it's more the existential level for him previously chuck was a shit dad that was just trying his best in a world far too easy to do his worst, even as god, thinking he was generally trying to be inherently good
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:30 PM
I hope Megatron comes back :)
CastielYesterday at 10:30 PM
that last scrap of faith is also kind of critically attached to his very existance because if god is evil and part of this cruel design what has his entire pre-winchester existence been, and even waxing and waning through it in his time with them
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:31 PM
Yeah I think deep down part of his core sense of self is the idea that he comes from the side of good
CastielYesterday at 10:31 PM
the fundamental loss of "god is good" is kinda quantifiably huger to him, whereas the humans more will have to grapple with "What is free will, did we ever have it"
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:31 PM
And this rips that away
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:32 PM
Unrelated but the promo sorta Nulls the early human Cas idea
CastielYesterday at 10:32 PM
yeah I noticed that, but it was odd
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Yeah I agree
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
i'm putting down at least foreshadowing then
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Unless they pulled all of the Misha footage From like ep 1 and 2
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
or chuck playing with the light switch for shits and giggles
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
He does still have that shotgun
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
we know cas has his coat back in like
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Watch Cas come back from his sabbatical
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
idkwe've seen him with it back
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
With his grace ripped out
CastielYesterday at 10:34 PM
put it in a karambit i mean what
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
NOT SURE MISHA CAN HANDLE THAT Like on a pure choreography level
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
Are you suggesting Misha isnt grace itself?For shame
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:35 PM
Not at all COUGH He has a cat-like agility
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:35 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:38 PM
KSJDFksjdf I think younger misha could have but knowing he's always at risk of blowing out his hip probably not so much now like I feel that limitation in my soul
GarthToday at 6:17 AM
Okay so I don't think Amara is a made up character. I think she is Chuck's sister for real (or whatever they claim as siblings) but he used his story to trap her. Help fuel his plot.
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:17 AM
Like to me personally the option of Amara being made up has the best potential for an IC Chuck plot twist Esp since I still hold the idea that he lied about the universe going splat with his death"Writers lie"/"I'm a writer, I can do anything"
GarthToday at 6:18 AM
Well he did admit he's a liar rubs hands together This is gonna be so much fun
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:19 AM
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:19 AM
And that would be a Dabb level retroactive canon ramification Which is sorta his thing
GarthToday at 6:19 AM
Mwahahahaha and he said said to Becky while she went on about "you can't do this to the fans!"
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:19 AM
they make sense at least
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:20 AM
But I'm not sure they wanna go the route of Stripping a female character of her entire agency for male pleasure But I don't see a whole lot of options on how they take Amara out of the playing field Unless Chuck deadass eats her for the joint Godhead
GarthToday at 6:21 AM
Honestly he just might
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:22 AM
But that's like DBZ power level bullshit
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:26 AM
AU!Dean who's a baddy pls
GarthToday at 6:26 AM
Damn trailer successfully tripping us up
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:27 AM
Deadass just have pull the jackass from the 5.04 reality Maybe that's why Lucifer Sam is tied to a chair as well Like Chuck just put him in white clothes to paint a big target for endverse!Dean And it's actually just Sam
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:28 AM
yeah that was my thought too
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:28 AM
GarthToday at 6:28 AM
We're just throwing things out there and laughing It looked like it might be
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:29 AM
GarthToday at 6:29 AM
But the new building is throwing it off
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:29 AM
GarthToday at 6:29 AM
Something else could have been built thoIt's been yrs
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:29 AM
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bubypjm · 4 years
why bighit is trash
or, alternatively, a list of things that bighit, an entertainment company/music label, should start doing and stop acting like a small company.
im puting everything under a read more bcos its a lot, for one, and im also sure that not everyone wants to read it or cares lmao
a little disclaimer;  i speculate and connect things based off of the things we are shown/told, i will spoil some parts of their recent movie AND its not bighit-positive, obviously
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okay to start this off, bighit released an official statement to say that bts will be going “on an official and extended period of rest and relaxation” and that’s honestly one of the best things that bighit has done for bts.
the statement is linked, but since i will be referring to a fair few points on it i will also attach it here
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the issues start with the opening sentence.
“for the first time since their debut” bts will be going on an official and extended period of rest. to rephrase, for the first time in 6 years, the 7 men of bts will not be surrounded by cameras, will not be expected to attend any rehearsals or interviews and will not be expected to produce or write lyrics. they will not have any responsibilities tied to their work. or, that is what we all had assumed, but as we now know the members were expected to film content on what they do during their break and, if jungkooks video is anything to go by, they were also expected to edit and send it in to the company for “review”.
judging by the release/filming of Hoseok & Becky G’s CNS, it seems like their “break” does not include solo activities. or does bighit consider the building of ones own reputation as an individual artist an “extra” and not a part of ones work?
“enjoy the ordinary lives of people in their 20s, albeit briefly”
this just hurts. it was bighits responsibility to make sure that they got more chances to enjoy their lives.
the good
bighit reminding uglies to stay the fuck away from them during their short break.
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okay, the statement aside, i want to talk about a few other bighit-bts related things.
bighit staff and sasaengs
- stalkers appearing in hoseoks bday vlive (no its not staff, the girls’ accounts were found on instagram. they were quite pleased with themselves) were was the security ? how did the girls know which room the boys were in ? doesn’t bighit rent out the entire hotel floor ? does that mean they were allowed in ? why ? did they pay ? do their parents have connections bighit could use ?
- giving away members clothes, providing concert entrance, giving away members numbers ect
the thing that occurred during hoseoks vlive was not looked into, as far as i am aware, however Jimin’s Gucci concert shirt being 'lent’ to a stalker was.
However, minimum to little effort was put into the case because no staff was fired, no disciplinary measures were taken and no consequences occurred.
- during either DNA or Fake Love comeback stages on music shows, some armys were not permitted entrance and some privileged people were taken backstage to meet the members (which is NOT allowed, at any point. those are PRIVATE areas for the idols to rest and prep for the stage) source 1 & more if you look around.
- not firing a manager that hit jungkook source (some speculate he was fired, others speculate he was removed from being a manager and took another position within bighit.)
- bighit restricting any and all interactions with the members among staff. according to one of the backup dancers during Not Today and/or Singularity, bighit staff was very strict about NOT speaking with the members.
take the last point as you will. I have my own thoughts about it
- no subs on army kit content, no subs for bangtan bombs (other channels have them. bighit claims themselves to be a global company but doesn’t move as such). its all well and good to say “you’re stanning a korean company, learn korean!” and this may work for bangtan bombs, but what about army kit content? why isn’t that subtitled? or should that be dismissed with “you don’t have to buy it”?
the good
- giving bts a private jet and not making them go through public entrances and exits. thank u bighit
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the movie
this will contain spoilers.
- big hit staff filmed the members during their vulnerable moments.
jungkook nearly passing out, filmed and slotted into the movie. the members crying and clearly feeling emotionally vulnerable ? recorded and snipped into the movie. this would’ve been fine if the members were fine with it, but jungkook was clearly trying to hide his face from the camera and jimin expressed not wanting to show himself in bad conditions.
- treatment of bighit staff
we all know that jungkook had to sit out during some stages during the love-yourself tour. what we didn’t know was that he got stitches without any medication that would ease his pain because he had to go on stage.
jungkook hurt himself so badly that he needed stitches, but was not allowed anything to subdue the pain while getting the stitches because it would not make him stage-ready. the staff members watched as he screamed while getting stitches.
now, i don’t really care whether it was jungkook’s decision or not. nobody in their right mind would let someone they care about go through with something like that. there will be other stages, there will be other concerts. however, idk why i find this surprising since jungkook was hit by a staff member before and the only reason why he got fired was bcos it was spotted in the bg of a bangtan bomb and armys demanded for the man to be fired.
- secondly, jimin’s neck and dropping out of the graham norton show.
i cannot find the translation rn, but while deciding what to tell the fans with regards to what happened to jimin and why he isn’t able to perform with the rest, namjoon tries to opt for telling the truth in a gentle way while one of the staff members suggests a white lie as to not worry the fans.
this has also happened before with the korean vs english statement regarding jungkook’s heal injury. the korean explanation stated that it was serious, while the english one explained it more casually. i cannot find the sources currently, but if you look around yourself you can find them. 
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- keeping supreme boi employed
- forcing jimin and jin to sing in female key in fake love, despite both of them expressing their struggle with reaching such high notes.
- not providing a vocal coach while on tour (jimin had to ask jungkook for advice)
- vocal line still have not got their own studios despite expressing their want for it, yet txt members have their own studios already. source
- members having less and less influence over the groups music. even recently yoongi mentioned that the songs he makes don’t match with bts’ music/style anymore source
- bighit being immensely difficult to work with overseas (strict venue rules regarding staff, changing things last minute, not being time-efficient)
- leaving taehyung’s stage name out of promotional works/promo tweets
- not taking action against death threats made against taehyung
- forcing jimin to speak about his death threats during a live, global interview in korea
- not cleaning up the copyright matter over using michael jackson’s song “black or white” in the festa performance of jimin and jungkook - resulted in their performance being taken down 
- no bangtan bomb behind jimin creating his song “promise”, while recently there have been videos released of jins, jungkooks and taehyung’s solos
- bighit shooting down collaborations and picking and chosing the artists that collab with bts, despite the members wanting and expressing interesting in collaborations with said artist (why did we get a chainsmokers collab before a tinashe one? a khalid one?)
- bighits deal with dispatch. dispatch is known for exposing scandals and relationships among idols, so the fact that they get an exclusive peak into the bangtan life is interesting and rather worrisome.
-however, one of the dirtiest moves that bighit pulled was during the break between DNA and Fake Love. as we know now, that time was very hard for the members. it was in that gap that the members spoke of disbanding, there were rumours/concerns about jungkook’s well being and fans also pointed out taehyung’s odd state.
during this time, instead of allowing the members time and space to decide everything, bighit had applied for the legal copyright regarding everything bts. the group name was copyrighted, as were the members stage names, fandom name among other things (there are articles on naver, if you’re interested).
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i just want to stress that these are my thoughts and you are welcome to disagree and have your own opinions.
Although we know that the members have re-signed the contract with bighit for another 7 years, I do believe that their pens were pushed by bighit’s copyrighting run. the members had 2 choices; either bind yourself to another contract and stay with that which you have built for years, or drop everything and start anew. however, something tells me that bts didn’t sign the contract with no leverage.
namjoon had said previously that although the group started with 7 boys with the same goal, it now consists of 7 men on one boat, each with their eyes set on different horizons. i believe that with namjoon’s collaborations with more and more overseas artists (honne, fall out boy, lil nas x ect), he may have gotten himself more opportunities for solo work.
similar could be said about yoongi. the man is a musical genius and with his production of suran’s wine and heize’s we dont talk together, yoongi may also end up branching in that direction.
taehyung has expressed his interest in fashion and photography a lot over the past years. seokjin has not acted at all in his life, despite starting off to do just that. hoseok began to branch out with CNS but jimin and jungkook have seemingly little to no outside projects, either (though you could count wiom for jungkook)
the boys’ previous contract was, clearly, restricting and very demanding. i think that their new contract allows them a lot more freedom and room to establish a reputation as individuals. that isn’t to say, however, that bighit let the boys end bts as a whole and permitted them to go off and start solo careers.
from what is happening now and what has happened in the past, I do not believe that bighit would let bts disband, you can decide if that is for better or for worse. however, the only way to keep bts together and satisfied, is to give room for the members to do that what they want. i think that we may start to see some more solo projects from the members, and a lot more control and influence from the outside over bts’ music, concepts and management. ever since LY: Tear had been released, i find myself thinking that their next release will be the last one before a mass hiatus due to enlisting. this time, however, i feel like it may be their final release and concert tour before the group steps back for a while.  bighit debuted a new group and is pumping a lot of money into it. they had also recently obtained an entire new company that not only has a lot of trainees of its own, but also manages Gfriend - an already debuted and established group. bighit is no longer the little underground company that relied on 7 boys to bring it out of its debts. however, it will not let its biggest source of income fall away because, at the end of the day, bighit is a company. the most likely scenario, to me, is that once seokjin and/or others enlist, bts as ot7 will go on a break, but bighit will still get to cash in through the boys’ solo work. so, we may see sneak peaks of their solo careers here and there, but bts will remain active as 7 until it can’t no more.
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im-basically-logan · 6 years
me yelling abt the new sander sides episode because i have no chill
under the cut, friendos!
i’m typing this as i listen/watch the video btw so it’s all in order! also this is very long
that’s... an intro.
i love joan so much hghfhgjfdhjk
new channel news yay
Tweet Tunes blz come back
“give me my shirt back!”
i still love the intro to sander sides so much
thomas what the fuck. i’m so confused
“Cast: Thomas Sanders” that’s sander sides in a nutshell
also thats a big fuckin wine glass
dont eat bad chicken wraps blz
“yeah but what’s your actual job?” oof
the beginning is very slow paced imo blehh. a good reflection on thomas’ mood in the video tbh
“i feel bad about feeling bad” me all the time
i cant believe roman got slapped in the face
roman x katana otp uwu
“Logan!!! It’s Patton!!” that was both cute and kinda odd? did he think logan would be suspicious of him being deceit? probably not
logan really goin for those claps and syllables
“Although I am overcome by a titillating, tingly sensation whenever deadlines are met” l-logan? what??? did you just say?? i agree with roman’s reaction on this one.
the poor 4th wall. also i’m not belittled
patton called himself, roman, and logan daddy
virgil flapping as he’s like “Are you serious??”
the countless amount of beeps as roman and logan argue.
bestest duo
god the stretching shit
i mean we been knew he’s insecure but still
“do you know how dangerous that is?”
“I’m shooting straight, even though I’m gay”
dfkghdfkjhdskj patton knows what everyone calms down with hghghgfh
i love how logan just immediately starts solving the cube lol
it was 25 seconds jfc logan
tfw you’re just so good at being creativity that you color the mona lisa with shitty colors
are.. are they making a vine reference?? with the loop thing??
F r o o t
S am e  s i  es  logan s w ea t y B L Z
“get naked??” ROMAN PL E A SE
he was ready to strip what the  F UCK
intact and wet?
hfgjkhdjk logan’s trying his best
Sometime’s we don’t know that there’s a question to be asked: clarified
i want a cogitating cap but it’s $25 sobs
textbooks, m I S T A KES (roman jfc), PUPPETS!!
yes virgil defend pat
tbh i had the same thoughts as logan at first abt the adult thing..
roman you over did the chin, buddy
“you are unbelievably extra any time you get” “put a sOCK IN IT!”
and then virgil becomes a sock puppet
sweet coraline!!! BA BA BAAAAA
“if by up you mean the opposite of down to do this” that was very convoluted
what is with roman not liking the word figuratively??? are you ok?? is there some secret angst behind the meaning of that word?
patton cursed again
is... 5 by 5 a thing???
jfc logan, you wear light wash jeans?? i thought they would be dark
oh and you hit roman in the eye
ngl i laughed because he’s a puppet and couldn’t blink
oh my god logan looks so regretful w h a t?
also L is a new nickname
“Maybe I should go” “NO”
o shit
slight throwback to when Logan left in moving on part 1??? :3c
hfdjkhfkjd like mAR IA
ew feelings
“i’d rather go live in a garbage can” same
thomas we love you so much feelings are weird
jfc patton.
“oh i’m sorry, EXCEPT I’M NOT!”
big oof at roman being called out
“oh my gosh, what is up your butt?” “... an  ARM”
i mean he’s not wrong but i feel like he could’ve thought about that phrase a little more carefully
i really liked the text stuff when logan was talking about “Why?”
solid electric company reference yeet
logan flailing his arms is a mood
“i could list off several factors that very well could be contributing to your doubts” someone let him sp e a k
and it’s virgil.
lmao that was a big “I’ll take what I can get” bit for logan ngl rip
hfgkdhjdkfs virgil as the count i’m
logan’s looks he’s giving virgil are m o o d s
“three depressing speculations, ah ah ah...”
“four uncomfortable characters in this room”
“jeez you slobbily eat some jam and accidentally make a jew puns and now you’re suddenly sensitive about being taken seriously?” “I’m not a joke!”
the logan angst i’ve been craving
logan blz hhhhhh
headcanon: adjusting his tie is a big stim
you can see virgil’s expression in the puppet when patton calls him a cute muffin wowie puppeteering is neat!
roman ur being an ass
“it’s too bad your brain isnt as big as your chin” “well you smell like FOOT” hfdjhgjfkdhs
there’s so many more logan screenshots i gottttttt yessss
“what? no-” too late, it’s musical time
“another song, really?” logan, you literally sang last episode
this patton angst return
“Did that work?” “Nope!” logan’s face at that. b o i did you not pay attention? to moving on pt 2? he was kinda there as thomas right?? maybe?? oh no
“I knew you’d listen to me as too scary to ignore” hello @asofterfan got that thing down to a T.
logan just looks so shook like “oh shit”
“but when you lo-care for someone...” virgil, we all heard it.
logan breaking down the musical into just the keyboard was p cool
hghgnhghfhsg THE ONE SHOT SLAM
ahdsdshjkdfsk i love this part with logan and thomas so MU CH
ALSO! I think there was a key change to something minor? sounded much more overlooming/scary as they ended their verses
“You’re lost” “I’m right here” “It’s okay. I was lost once too...” i’m just shook.
roman just hangs his actual dirty socks jfkdkfdh
that trumpet thoooooo
virgil just callin everyone out today
logince angst content yeet
“logic always has a part to play, logan” ye  s s s s ss  validate him, virgil
virgil is callin out and validatin everybody today
dont hug me i’m scared ref, nice
moxiety hug!!
“that god i can move my arms again”
i can’t say i was surprised with logan becoming a robot sorta puppet
“iron giant nerd!” yeah
“I’ve never felt anything in my life” no patton squeal?
oh my god logan just said beep boop what a nerd
virgil telling patton about the innocent talks thing was something i really liked and was expecting eventually tbh
logan giving roman a high five!!!
“you did the stretchy arm!” “it’s not as gross when a robot does it” i need to see the arm thing jfc
“Can you tell me how to get-” “How to get to sesame street!” they just all... left him. rip
logan can’t summon well or control his shapeshifting powers that well?? hmm?
i love that ending with the sesame street throwback again aaaaaa
the way roman and patton laughed in the end card?? what the hell lmao
thomas throwing shade at himself with his own characters is a mood
Thanks to everyone who works on Sander Sides!! This was the longest episode yet, I think. The team grew so much
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padfootdidit · 7 years
burn through my soul
a  fyre festival au because i have 0 chill, set in the ‘marble hearts collide’ universe bc ria asked for like an 80k companion fic, and because 36 of you seemed to like the idea. basically: it’s half fyre and half ust denial jily and a Big Mess.
for @gxldentrio @petalstofish who asked for more and @fredweasleying who supports james and sirius’ stupidity
most of my info is off the snapchat stories, articles and tweets but i’ve also done a lot of exaggerating, so take all reference to the festival with a bit of salt
It’s Sirius’ idea because, if it involves a stupid waste of money and the promise of celebrity chefs, it will always be his idea. And, because it’s Sirius’ idea, James is in. 
“It’s ridiculous,” Lily says, scrolling through the festival’s instagram. 
“No, it’s luxury,” Sirius says and snatches his phone back, “you wouldn’t understand.”
Remus raises an eyebrow, “she practically lives with you, I think she understands what luxury is.”
“And waste of money,” Peter adds, helpfully. 
“I can’t believe I let any of you into my house, when you’ve just come to insult me!” Sirius pouts, throwing himself dramatically back on the chaise. 
“Criticise your money spending habits,” Remus corrects, and just manages to dodge a throw pillow Sirius launches at him. 
‘What does Potter think, anyway?” Lily asks, looking down at her own phone. 
“Why does Potter’s opinion matter?” Sirius retorts. 
Lily is definitely avoiding eye contact, “It doesn’t.”
There’s a murmur of disbelief, and Lily scowls at her phone, knowing that if she looks up she’ll be accosted by five raised eyebrows, because only Sirius has learnt how to raise both separately. 
“But, seriously, when is Prongs back?”
“Well, Moony, funny you should ask...” Sirius smirks, “he arrived last night.”
Lily’s head shoots up, “but -”
“But what Evans, not happy to see me?” A voice comes from the doorway, and they all turn to see James leaning, not as gracefully as Sirius would have, against the doorjamb with a smirk to match Sirius’ on his face. 
“How long have you guys been planning that?” Peter asks, and he’s not as fast as Remus so a throw pillow hits him in the stomach.
Remus laughs, “probably longer than they’ve been planning this festival bullshit.” 
“Losers,” Lily mutters, finally looking away from James, pretending that her phone screen is more interesting than the bit of chest his loosely tied dressing gown shows. 
James Potter to lily evans’ home for peculiar children: we made it to the airport folks
Remus Lupin: shame
Sirius Black: fight me bitch
Lily Evans: we thought ur chauffeur might crash on purpose 
James Potter: why would he do that???
Sirius Black: i dont have a chauffeur
Sirius Black: i have wesley
Peter Pettigrew: who is a chauffeur
Sirius Black: no he’s my driver
Remus Lupin: difference?
James Potter: more importantly tho
James Potter: he would never crash on purpose
Lily Evans: he would if he thought it might shut u up
Sirius Black: y would anyone want to shut us up
James Potter: yeah
Sirius Black: thanks bro
James Potter: i got ur back bro dw
Remus Lupin removed Sirius Black from the group
Remus Lupin removed James Potter from the group
Lily Evans changed Remus Lupin’s nickname to our lord and saviour
“Do you think they’re there yet?” Lily says, watching Remus as he methodically searches through Sirius’ drinks tray. 
“I think we would know if they were,” Peter answers drily. 
Remus pauses to inspect a label closely, “Pete’s right, we’ll know.”
“Missing them already?” 
“Fuck off,” Lily scowls, “just want to ask Sirius his netflix password.”
“You don’t know already?” Remus says at the same time Peter says, “bitchbetterhavemymoney, capital B.”
Lily frowns, “he told you? He doesn’t tell anyone.”
“Correction, he told James, and it’s way easier to bribe James than Sirius,” Peter smiles triumphantly. 
“I swear you use it all the time? Remus asks, setting down the bottle in favour for a shorter, fatter one. 
“He logs in for me and then makes me log off afterwards,” Lily says, rolling her eyes. 
“Here we go,” Remus stands, presenting a bottle of scotch to Peter and Lily, who are cuddled up together beneath a blanket on the sofa, and grins, “the most expensive bottle.”
“Are you sure?”
“Because, last time you said it was and then he came back and told us it was only his third most expensive one and -”
“I’m sure,” Remus says, interrupting Lily. “Not only is it the most expensive bottle on the living room’s tray,” he gestures around the room they’re in, “it’s also more expensive than anything in the drawing room.”
Lily Evans to ovaries before madame brovary: remus found it
Lily Evans: party @ 10
Mary MacDonald: should i bring snacks
Gemma Jones: ahhahaha gd one
Mary MacDonald: thank you <33
Lily Evans: he’s put a padlock on the chocolate cupboard but the pantry is full
Marlene McKinnon: I can’t believe we know someone who has a pantry
Lily Evans: shameful isn’t it
James Potter changed the group name to WASSUUUUUP
Sirius Black: blocked
James Potter: u said u liked it???
Sirius Black: yh i lied
James Potter: fight me bitch
Peter Pettigrew: ur plane didn’t crash then
James Potter: landed safe and sound
Remus Lupin: shame
Lily Evans: have they showered u in gold bars yet
Peter Pettigrew: have they got a red carpet for u all
Remus Lupin: are all the other rich ppl as rich as u
Lily Evans: have u had a competition to see whos richest
Peter Pettigrew: i bet the toilet had tenner notes for paper
Remus Lupin: more like fifties
James Potter: u all suck
Sirius Black: they’re just jealous bb 
Lily Evans: but srsly
Lily Evans: what’s it like
James Potter: amazing 
Sirius Black: the beach is beautiful the people are beautiful the tents are beautiful
James Potter: it’s like a rich persons dream
Remus Lupin: u, as a rich person, cannot make rich ppl jokes
Lily Evans: ***rich bitch
Lily Evans: check ur privilege potter
Sirius Black: says the white girl
James Potter: checkmate
Lily Evans: point 
Peter Pettigrew: have u seen a jenner yet
Remus Lupin: is the only available beverage pepsi
Lily Evans: ^^^the real question
Peter Pettigrew: i’ll ask her
Peter Pettigrew: she says it was for the vine
Sirius Black: u r having another party aren’t u ohMYGOD
Lily Evans: brb
Remus Lupin: idk i can’t read suddenly
Peter Pettigrew: gtg sorry bye
Sirius Black: TRAITORS
“What if James finds, like an heiress though? What are you going to do then?” Tegan asks, leaning so far across the table Lily can see down her shirt. 
“Potter can do what he wants,” Lily shrugs, “why do I care?” 
“Because you’re in love with him,” Marlene says, high-fiving Mary. 
Lily downs the rest of her wine glass, “factually incorrect.” Factually incorrect meaning unwilling to admit the truth. 
Gemma shakes her head, “how could you not be in love with him?”
“Very easily,” Lily snatches the bottle from Mary’s hand and pours herself another drop. Drop meaning entire glass. “It’s like this,” she pauses to take a sip, “you guys are projecting your fantasies on to me-”
“Oh, no no no!” She’s drowned out by cries of protest and drinks the rest of her glass as a distraction. Drinking red wine is so easy when she’s already drunk.
Thankfully, she’s saved from any more discussion about a particular black haired man by Peter sprinting in the room, skidding to a halt with his phone held out in front of him, “Have you seen this?”
Fyre Festival Goes Up in Flames
The luxury beach festival due to be held this weekend in the Bahamas has begun but, unlike the promotional videos, there is nothing luxury about it. Festival goers who arrived early have been reporting rabid dogs, empty tents, and not a single celebrity in sight. 
Snapchat videos and tweets show people arriving to what some have described as the ‘season finale of the Walking Dead’. Inside the tents, which are being fought over as we speak, empty mattresses and tables which look like they’re from IKEA are stand ins for the promised ‘5 star accommodation’. Since festival go-oers paid between $2,000 and $12,000 for this, it’s understandable that they’re annoyed.
Reportedly, celebrities who promoted the festival, such as the Jenner sisters, Bella Hadid and other supermodels/quasi-celebrities, were warned not to attend in advance of the festival. 
Lily Evans to the lord of the flies just got Real: hahahahhahahahahaahhahah
Remus Lupin: anything u want to tell us lads
Peter Pettigrew: we kno that u r online
James Potter: what are u talking about
Remus Lupin: “”””the beach is beautiful the people are beautiful the tents are beautiful”””””
Lily Evans: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/39743303/luxury-fyre-festival-is-cancelled-with-ticket-holders-still-stranded-in-bahamas
Sirius Black: technically
Sirius Black: i only lied abt the tents
Lily Evans: firstly...... are u guys okay?
James Potter: yh
James Potter: pissed off n hungry but yh
Sirius Black: i’m gonna sue
Lily Evans: secondly
Lily Evans: ahahahahahhahhahah
Peter Pettigrew: what a scam
Sirius Black: they lost my gucci suitcase
Remus Lupin: shame
Sirius Black removed Remus Lupin from the group
Peter Pettigrew: are u gonna start eating each other
Lily Evans added Remus Lupin to the group
Lily Evans: r they dividing u into groups to fight to the death
Sirius Black left the group
The thing is, Lily isn’t in love with James. She knows what love looks like. Her parents were in love, Petunia loves Vernon (not that Lily understands why), Frank and Alice are in love, Marlene and Tegan are in love. She has seen love. It’s holding hands and forehead kisses and long trips away to the beach and getting a dog together and sharing interests and watching tv all day in pyjamas and sharing bank accounts and smiling when the other person isn’t looking and wanting to spend the rest of your life together and having inside jokes and knowing as much as possible about the other person and knowing that no matter what you’re always safe with them. 
And sure, she and Potter have a lot of inside jokes, but she has a lot of inside jokes with Peter too. And sure, they’ve spent all day watching tv together, but never on the same piece of furniture. And sure, if she needs help she goes to Potter, and if she’s sad she rings him, and if she sees a funny otter video she sends it to him, but that’s how it’s always been, and sometimes she goes to Sirius too. Plus, they don’t have a puppy together and Lily is pretty certain they’ve never held hands. So, really, she can’t be in love with James.
The conclusion is a good one, Lily thinks as she finishes her third glass of wine (third really meaning ninth) and allows herself to pay attention to the others again. It’s difficult to play charades when she’s distracted by the thought of being in love with James Potter, but now she’s cleared that one up, it’s easy to guess that Remus is acting out National Treasure 2. 
Sirius Black to Lily Evans: u better not let anyone in my bedroom
Lily Evans: locked
LIly Evans: dw
Sirius Black: stop having parties w/out me
Lily Evans: stop locking away all the good booze when we have parties w u
Sirius Black: point
Peter Pettigrew to mckinnon just threw up in the bathtub: hows the prison food
Sirius Black: did mckinnon acc throw up in the bathtub????
Sirius Black: which one
Sirius Black: the red room?? downstairs guest ensuite?? MINE??!1?
James Potter: better than evans’ cooking
Sirius Black: wHICH BATHTUB
Remus Lupin: lily would like to say that “””if i had any energy to waste in replying to potters insult then i would remind him that euphemia said i was a better cook that him””””
Sirius Black: pSTOP IGROING ME
Subject: Betrayal
Dear Mother,
Evans told me that you said she was a better cook than me. Just emailing to check that you would never betray me like this.
Your son,
Sent from my iPhone
Subject: RE: Betrayal
James darling, 
Please don’t use the company’s email for personal matters, you know it annoys everyone.
Lily’s cooking is a delight. It’s not a betrayal if it’s a fact. 
P.S Your father told me that festival you’re at turned out to be a bit of a disaster. Are you planning on coming home?
Lily Evans to James Potter: i CANNOT believe u emailed ur mym
Lily Evans: acc i take that back
Lily Evans: I CAN U LOSER
James Potter: u r durnk
Lily Evans: n u arent?????
James Potter: ppl r looting
James Potter: kinda scary shit
Lily Evans: dont let any1 steal sirius
Lily Evans: hed go for a Lot on the black market
Lily Evans: aahahaah
Lily Evans: brb gptta share my pun w// the group
James Potter: we’ve booked a flight for tomorrow afternoon
James Potter: gun get wasted on beach tomox
Lily Evans: legendz
James Potter: didnt cum to the bahamas not to get a tan
Lily Evans: cum ha
Lily Evans:  u r permanentnly tanned?????
James Potter: ik
James Potter: just wanted to remind u that im in the bahamas n u r not
Lily Evans: blocked
Marlene and Tegan get the downstairs guest room, Remus and Peter crash in the extension Sirius constantly denies he added so they could have their own rooms, Mary and Gemma take the upstairs guest room which Lily usually sleeps in, which means Lily is left with five choices. She could share with Mary and Gemma because it’s a king sized bed, but Gemma snores. She could sleep in one of the other two guest rooms, but she’s pretty sure one of them is haunted, and the other one has a broken bed from when Alice and Frank stayed around last week. Which leaves her with Potter’s room. Unless she really wants to picklock Sirius’ and risk facing his wrath.
It’s an easy choice really. Potter’s room is sans snoring, sans ghost and sans broken bed. Lily nods to herself, and walks up the staircase, waving a middle finger at Mary and Gemma when she passes their open door. The gits. 
Potter isn’t even here. It’s not like she’s sharing a bed with him. 
Lily shivers at the thought.
She shuts the door behind her and climbs into the bed, definitely not looking at the millions of framed photographs he has on his bedside table. One of him and the boys back at boarding school, arms looped around each other, smiles wide. Mary had taken that one, the day they all finished their GCSEs. One of him and his parents, at their vow renewal service, James and Fleamont towering over Euphemia. One of him and a bunch of kids all sat on a hospital bed, a sign above the bed saying ‘thank you!’. One of him with Graham Norton, both looking too excited. One of him and Sirius, young, really young, looking almost identical. One of him and all of them, taken by Euphemia at his twenty first birthday party, just before Remus threw up all over everyone’s shoes. One of him and -
Lily squints, leaning out of the bed to look at the one tucked away at the back, almost hidden. Fuck, it’s her. It’s them. She remembers it. It meaning the moment that landed them in seven gossip magazine, too many online columns, and one list of the hottest couples this month. It was one of his charity balls, for mental illness she remembers, one filled with celebrities and champagne trays and tiny snacks which would never satisfy any normal human being. 
They’re standing on a balcony, London spread out before them. They hadn’t noticed a photographer, or anyone, because they’d been too busy discussing the pros and cons of making a rope out of Lily’s dress to escape. Potter had suggested tying it to the balcony, climbing down and hailing a cab. He was kidding of course, because he loved these things, because it meant he got to talk about all the causes he loved and everyone had to at least pretend they were listening or their photograph would be splashed beneath a headline which read ‘B List Celebrity Hates Kids’, depending on which cause the ball was for that month. 
But Lily, Lily who had grown up in a mining village and worked for every penny she had, still wasn’t used to these balls even after five years of them. She loved the glamour and she could pull off confidence easily, she just didn’t like that she could never tell if people actually cared or not. 
So Potter, ever kind, had gone along with her escape plan, coming up with more pros then even she could manage. Then the flash had gone off and they’d jumped, quickly returning inside because James had to make a speech. Or something. 
The photograph hadn’t captured their shock though. It had caught her laughing, bright and full, and him smiling, kind and soft, and really, they did look like a couple. They were standing too close, looking too happy to not. Except they weren’t, and the group had had to spend the next three weeks batting away reporters about who was the stunning red head who had captured humanitarian James Potter’s heart. Then it had died down, and everyone had forgotten about the picture, even Lily.
It shocks her that it’s there, on his bedside table. Makes something burst in her chest, a rogue party popper. 
So, instead of confronting all the thoughts that pop into her when she sees the picture, like a rational adult, she rolls over, buries beneath the silk sheets and promptly goes to sleep.
James Potter to can someone tell me which bathtub please??: so someone recognised sirius
James Potter: so now he’s trying to make a raft
James Potter: out of his remaining gucci luggage
Remus Lupin: let me know if he drowns
James Potter: why is no one recognising me
James Potter: my achievements way out rank his
Peter Pettigrew: yh but you’re not a black
Peter Pettigrew: n u’ve never been in a commercial for toothpaste
James Potter: im a potter tho
Remus Lupin: plus u’ve never been pictured naked in the sun
James Potter: point
Lily Evans: shhhh stop buxxing my phone
James Potter: mary told me u were sleeping in my bed
James Potter: u better not have chundered in there
Lily Evans: brb gtg kill mary
James Potter sent a video.
James Potter: if u evr wanted to kno what sirius screams sound like when he gets his hair wet
Remus Lupin: did he fall in??
James Potter: some tit capsized him
Remus Lupin: brilliant
@DailyProphet The Daily Prophet
[30/04] Pictured: minor celebrities, James Potter and Sirius Black, are among first to leave Fyre Festival, boarding a flight back to England this afternoon.
Remus Lupin to which fucking bathtub was it: have you heard the news?
Remus Lupin changed Sirius Black’s nickname to minor celebrity.
minor celebrity: blocked
Lily Evans to Remus Lupin: did u get the banner yet
Remus Lupin: i cant believe we r throwing them a welcome home party
Remus Lupin: they were gone for like three days
Lily Evans: but they survived a disaster remus
Lily Evans: a disaster™
Lily Evans: a travesty™
Remus Lupin:  i got the banner
Remus Lupin: what r we adding to it
Lily Evans: i want it to read ‘welcome home minor celebrities’
Remus Lupin: padfoot is never gonna let u in his house again
Lily Evans: we both know that isn’t true
Remus Lupin: point
James Potter to it was all the bathtubs: we landed safely
Remus Lupin: shame
Peter Pettigrew: u better have bought us some souvenirs 
James Potter: does duty free count
Peter Pettigrew: blocked
“Surprise!” They all yell, as James and Sirius step through the door, their bags brought in moments later by Wesley. James jumps, looking satisfyingly surprised, whereas Sirius just scowls and turns to help Wesley with the remaining suitcases. Clearly, their antics were old by now.
“Here are your disaster survival kits,” Tegan says, offering them two first aid kits which Peter had filled with tiny vodka bottles, rape whistles and Finding Nemo water proof plasters. James accepts both, Sirius just leading Wesley through to the kitchen. 
It’s not long before they’re all at least tipsy again, Sirius having finished his temper tantrum over a) the amount of booze they drank and b) the fact that McKinnon had never actually thrown up in a bathtub at all. Lily finds it especially easy to get drunk, probably because she starts drinking whenever James tries to talk to her. 
She’s not sure why, but she suspects it has something to do with the photograph. The photograph which she keeps seeing in her head, framed next to his bed. So, every time he comes near her, she brings her glass or bottle to her mouth and refuses to make eye contact.
A successful technique with Potter, but no one else and it isn’t long before Sirius has her cornered, having spotted her new found avoidance scheme. 
“You throw us a party, but won’t even talk to one of the special guests,” he says, swirling his scotch around the glass, “would you care to comment?”
“I prefer A-listers to minor celebrities,” she says before she can think of anything else, and because she knows Sirius is still sore about it.
“If you would just stop, and listen to one of us, you know you’d be so much happier,” he sighs. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Lily says, and promptly turns her back on him. 
James Potter to Lily Evans: mum wants to know if you’re coming over for sunday lunch
Lily Evans: when dont i
James Potter: point
Lily Evans: u recovered from ur traumatic time yet
James Potter: not sure
James Potter: thinking of setting up a charity for everyone who went
Lily Evans: omg ive got a rlly good name for it!!
Lily Evans: trust fund
Lily Evans: oh wait..........
@DailyProphet The Daily Prophet
[01/05] We would like to apologise to anyone who may have found insult in one of yesterday’s tweets concerning the Fyre Festival. A redaction has now been approved: “Pictured: Celebrities, James Potter and Sirius Black, are among first to leave Fyre Festival, boarding a flight back to England this afternoon.” 
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
You know one of those status ailments where they turn into toads? What if one day they found this new creature that turna them into babies instead and surprise surprise that thing got Noct and Prompto. So while trying to figure out the cure for this Ignis and Gladio have to deal with two cute babies (which I think Noct will remain the same cause no matter how old is he, he's still *ignis's* a baby.) Lol it would a bit chaotic dont you think?
That would be MAXIMUM FLUFF.
Omg anon you triggered me, like asjkfdkslf, ahaha, it’d be hilarious and so cuuuute, listen:
When battle’s done Ignis and Gladio just look at the babies and they’re like “Rly? -///-”, and Ignis suggests they wait, and maybe the status will go on its own, like the toad one.
Turns out it does not, so after a good two hours standing there Ignis reaches down and picks baby Noctis to his arms like “Well, we shall wait in a safer spot. Let’s move; take Prompto.”
“You mean as in carry him?”
Gladio’s not happy with the idea of carrying any of the babies but Ignis’ glaring at him so he’s left with no option.
He picks baby Prompto by a leg, btw, and carries him like that the entire time until Ignis notices and loses his shit.
When they get to a haven Ignis carefully sits Noctis down and tries to adapt his shirt, still adult sized, so it can be some sort of onesie.
Gladio’s just carrying Prompto and glaring at him all like
“You don’t fool me, smartass. You’re conscious and act like you’re really a baby just to get spoiled.”
Prompto pees on him.
“…you son of a bitch.”
They have to get some sleep, but the status doesn’t fade even overnight.
Gladio and Ignis didn’t think a baby could be troubles until it was time to sleep and both babies did not stop crying, rolling around, toying with the grown-ups’ eyelids and trying to sneak out the tent.
“Your highness, please, stop. Stay here. Sleep. Your- Noct, no, that’s enough. Prompto, don’t- Astrals, Gladiolus, help me.”
Gladio’s snorting and hiding under the pillow because HE WANTS SOME SLEEP DAMMIT.
The status stays like that even the following day so the grown-ups have to carry them around looking for an answer.
Ignis carefully found a way to carry Noctis on his back, wrapped in his coat.
Gladio’s still carrying Prompto by a leg.
They end up buying carry bags.
Gladio’s a bit embarrassed at first, tbh, but Ignis seems to be ecstatic and just dissimulating and trying to seem uninterested.
First time the babies poo, lmao
“What happened!? Is anybody hurt!?”
So they enter a paranoid mess of
They ended up calling for Cor.
Cor, embarrassed, sighs and uses his master skills for treating with babies.
“I thought I was done with you years ago….”
Cor ends up teaching them how to change diapers, hold the babies properly, and all that’s needed. 
Gladio and Ignis constantly go to all stores to try many options on the babies to get rid of the status that’s lasted days already.
Lmao imagine if anybody recognized them AHAHAHA
Like they turn on the radio one day and it’s the news like
“In other news, some civilians have a testimony- they say that they saw the sworn shield of our missing prince Noctis Gladiolus Amicitia and adviser Ignis Scientia in a store at Old Lestallum together. And not only that, but they were also carrying, pay attention, a pair of adorable baby kids. Here you have the photo on screen for those of you watching us on TV. Who would have thought. This has made the rumors of a possible relationship between the two rocket up, to the point people believe that not only are the once-royal Amicitia and Scientia together but have also taken their time to form a family of their own, just months after the Fall of Insomnia. What are your thoughts, we’d like to hear, you can phone at (x) phone number or tweet us, Hashtag AmicitiaScientia and Hashtag AmicitiaScientiaFamily.
Gladio’s a bit embarrassed, and Ignis’ hiding his face in his hands.
Most tweets will go on “I KNEW IT” which will just embarrass Ignis even more.
“Noctis, please, stop being so picky, you’re a baby, you should be eating everything, even what you shouldn’t, don’t do this to me.”
Constant married-couple-like fights between the two friends.
“He doesn’t like the one with cranberries, leave it. It’s food for the babies, Gladiolus, not for us.” - “Ignis Scientia, I told you multiple times to get (X) size of diapers, and what does this tag say? Ah, I thought so.”  “Gladiolus Amicitia, did you use my spoon to feed him? Omg, you’re a pain in the ass.”
When days pass and Gladio notices the babies are really not their 20-y.o. conscious, the starts enjoying of this.
Gladio’s taken charge of Prompto’s camera and has overloaded the memory card with photos of the babies.
He enjoys putting signs on the babies (because they can’t read) and snap pics.
Noctis has a photo of him laughing while sat in front of a paper that said “Fuckboy”.
Prompto has a photo of him laughing, sat on Ignis’ face when the man had been mid-sleep.
Like they had no money or time to buy baby seats so Gladio has to sit on the back to take care of the two.
He, the wild man he is, enjoys taking the babies by the clothes and putting them up on the air while the Regalia moves.
Nah, Gladio will enjoy lifting them both on the air.
The babies laugh the entire time, and complain if Gladio sits them down.
Ignis had tried putting the roof on, but Gladio would just hold them outside the window, which was worse, so Ignis ended giving up and letting him do that.
At first it’s a big ass mess, but the guys end up enjoying of it.
Gladio has constantly walked in on Ignis humming or singing to baby Noctis while carrying him to his shoulder, so well and carefully held that Ignis looks as if though this is not his first time being nanny.
First time Gladio walked in on that, he stayed slightly away as if to give them privacy, but he was too amazed by Ignis’ perfect and natural fatherly being that he can’t look away.
The babies insist on not letting them sleep and pat them on the face at 4 a.m.
“Uh…Iggy…your sons are calling…”
“Before dawn, they are YOUR sons.”
Hashtag that was a Disney reference, ten points to myself.
Gladio constantly throws the babies in the air…and remember, Gladio’s STRONG, so the babies go fast and really high up and are a mess of laughter.
So Ignis is constantly freaking out and swearing he’ll grow white hair sooner than expected if Gladiolus keeps doing that.  
Ignis has walked in on Gladio spoiling the babies, making faces at them, tickling them and, like Gladio’s had it, singing them to sleep far too many times.
Ignis is always amazed and moved; Gladio’s tough and big, but he’s really just a fan-boy mess for little kids and babies.
Baby Prompto will laugh every time Gladio’s carrying him and go quiet when Ignis does. This makes Gladio laugh at Ignis.
Baby Noctis, however, prefers Ignis.
Baby Noctis will insist on throwing his tiny hands to Gladio, frowning and with the legs flying around (if he’s being carried), as if he wants to fight.
Baby Noctis, despite his constant attempts of murdering Gladio, will cry if Gladio’s not back by the time it gets dark outside, and will want Gladio to carry him for a whole hour before he gets to sleep.
Baby Prompto will constantly hug Ignis’ leg and hide behind it.
Baby Prompto will insist on trying to take and sometimes really taking Ignis’ glasses.
Both babies will start clapping and cheering as soon as they see Ignis get close to the kitchen or any stove (even when he’s just passing by).
Ignis loses his extreme disgust of the dirt with the weeks; both babies had puked on him times enough for him to just get adapted.
It takes them a while, because at first it was very chaotic, but now they’re adapted as if they were a family.
They will still carry the babies when going grocery-shopping.
Baby Prompto will cheer every time he sees another baby and will try to reach to touch their faces.
Baby Noctis will whimper and whine if he sees another baby.
“Oh, he’s so cute! Is this your child? Aw, he’s so cute, who’s his mommy?”
Gladio will point at Ignis and smile proudly.
“That’s his mommy.”
Lmao imagine Gladio trying to flirt with a girl at Lestallum and while he’s in the middle of it Ignis arrives with both babies like
“I beg your pardon, but they won’t stop crying since you left.”
LMAO the girl will gasp and look at him like !?
“…I swear this is not what-”
And there goes Gladio’s possible date “THANK YOU, IGNIS”
“I’m sorry, but they won’t stop crying no matter what I do, they want you ;____;”
Gladio won’t mind and will go back.
Gladio will constantly hide the babies (in safe places ofc) and make Ignis freak out because “I SWEAR HE WAS THERE JUST A MOMENT AGO, OMG GLADIO WHAT DO WE DO HE LEFT THE HAVEN I KNEW WE DIDN’T HAVE TO CAMP, OHMYGOD WHATDOIDO”
Baby Prompto wouldn’t stop whining until they bought him five chocobo plushies.
Like one day the status breaks and the guys go back to normal and everything’s happy and it’s endless jokes everywhere.
But both Gladio and Ignis will constantly be thinking on how much fun they had while the guys were babies.
Except none will say a thing about it because both will be extremely nervous of what the other thinks.
And then one day Gladio just can’t keep it any longer.
“Iggy…I’d…what if…we’ve been together for a very long while by now and…I was thinking…we’re…wouldn’t you like…”
And after many days trying to say it he will just snap it out.
“Iggy, let’s have babies.”
Ignis will just look at him with wide eyes.
“…I don’t know Gladio, are you sure we can handle pregnancy already?”
Gladio will lose his shit at Ignis’ terrible timing for a joke.
Ignis will laugh and will just stare away because he’s too shy (on his own way) to look at him when talking about this.
“…I’d like it, too.”
This is how you murder Moon Raccoon. With extreme fluff, asifjosfjgsfp.
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latesthollywoodnews · 6 years
Nicki Minaj Wanted to PUNCH Travis Scott Over Album Sales
Nicki Minaj Wanted to PUNCH Travis Scott Over Album Sales
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
Nicki Minaj Wanted to PUNCH Travis Scott Over Album Sales, Hollywood Celebrity News 2017.
Upcoming Celebrity News 2017, Walt Hollywood Pictures Celebrities, Nicki Minaj Wanted to PUNCH Travis Scott Over Album Sales.
Hollywood Latest Story Moana Celebrities Latest Story next HollywoodToon Studios is an American animation studio which creates direct-to-video and occasional theatrical animated feature films. The studio is a division of Walt Hollywood Animation Studios, with both being part of The Walt Hollywood Studios itself a division of The Walt Hollywood Company. The studio has produced 47 feature films, beginning with DuckTales the Celebrity: Treasure of the Lost Lamp in 1990; its most recent feature film is Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast in 2015.
How was Bambi’s dad die?
 After the death of Bambi’s mother, the Great Prince finds Bambi and explains to Bambi what happened to her. He calls for Bambi to come along with him, revealing himself to be Bambi’s father. Later, when Bambi is a young adult, Man returns to the forest. After an incident with Man and his dogs, Bambi is shot.
How can I watch Celebrities on my phone without using data?
Download videos to your Android device, iPhone, or iPad 1. Make sure your device is connected to Wi-Fi or your mobile network. 2. Open the Google Play Celebrities & TV app . 3. Tap Menu Library. 4. Next to the Celebrity or TV episode you’d like to download, touch the download icon.
How did Walt Hollywood begin?
The Walt Hollywood Company started in 1923 in the rear of a small office occupied by Holly-Vermont Realty in Los Angeles. It was there that Walt Hollywood, and his brother Roy, produced a series of short live-action/animated films collectively called the ALICE COMEDIES. The rent was a mere $10 a month.
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Nicki Minaj isn’t UPSET about her album being number 2 behind Travis Scott, she just wants to punch him in the face.
But don’t twist things, that does not mean she’s upset.
Nicki Minaj appeared on the Ellen Degeneres show on Monday and opened up about all the drama with Travis Scott after her album Queen took the number two slot while his album Astroworld slid to number one.
When all of this went down, Nicki was shading Kylie Jenner for Travis getting more album sales saying on twitter QUOTE, “put my blood sweat & tears in writing a dope album only for Travis Scott to have Kylie Jenner post a tour pass telling ppl to come see her & Stormi. lol. Im actually laughing.”
She told Ellen QUOTE, “The thing is, it’s not anger, it’s what’s right and what’s wrong and what’s fair. I’ve had a number two album and I never cared. It’s just that when you have a number two album to someone who is selling shirts and merch, and selling passes for a tour that’s not even announced yet, it feels like you’re being tricked.”
What she’s referring to is that in the days leading up to Astroworld’s release, Travis Scott dropped a new item of merch on his website. What wasn’t made clear is that every item of merch he sold also came with a digital copy of his album. In reference to that, Nicki tweeted QUOTE, “Travis sold over 50K of these with no requirement of redeeming the album!” Which, to be fair to Nicki, is enough to push his album past Queen. According to Billboard, Nicki’s album sold 185,000 units while Scott sold 205,000.
Now it’s not like this merch+album deal is new to Nicki. She ALSO sold merch associated with Queen. She just didn’t do the 9 days leading up to the album like Travis did. She also didn’t partner with Louis Vuitton and Off-White to make her merch. So logically it makes sense why Travis sold more units than Nicki did, but that won’t stop her from speaking out about the injustice according to her.
She continued telling Ellen QUOTE, “I don’t like being bullied and I don’t like being taken advantage of and sometimes people use scare tactics against you because especially as a black woman, people will call you ‘angry’ or ‘bitter.’ So now it’s almost like we’re not allowed to defend ourselves or stand up for ourselves, and I’m not going to have that.”
Well what do y’all think? Do you believe Kim? Let us know in the comments below. And then click over here to see another new video and don’t forget to subscribe to our channels. I’m your host Ava Gordy, thanks for watching Clevver and I’ll see you next time!
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Hollywood Latest Celebrity News, Hollywood Celebrities Official Latest Story, Nicki Minaj Wanted to PUNCH Travis Scott Over Album Sales.
Walt Hollywood created a short film entitled Alice’s Wonderland, which featured child actress Virginia Davis interacting with animated characters. After the bankruptcy in 1923 of his previous firm, Laugh-O-Gram Studios, Hollywood moved to Hollywood to join his brother, Roy O. Hollywood. Film distributor Margaret J. Winkler of M.J. Winkler Productions contacted Hollywood with plans to distribute a whole series of Alice Comedies purchased for $1,500 per reel with Hollywood as a production partner. Walt and Roy Hollywood formed Hollywood Brothers Cartoon Studio that same year. More animated films followed after Alice. In January 1926, with the completion of the Hollywood studio on Hyperion Street, the Hollywood Brothers Studio’s name was changed to the Walt Hollywood Studio. Hollywood Celebrity News 2019, Nicki Minaj Wanted to PUNCH Travis Scott Over Album Sales.
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