#(ig that's to be expected from the series though lmao)
luckycaricature · 26 days
Just finished the fallout show. That ending was bullshit :/
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ctntduotism · 1 year
Ok guys I think my desert duo era is over
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genericpuff · 7 months
I've been a bit of a salty spitoon over the recent events unfolding at NYCC so here's some GOOD news (sorta) >:00
I say (sorta) because I'm not a huge fan of mongie's work (or mongie herself) either, but DAMN if this lady doesn't know how to GET SHIT DONE-
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Like GODDAMN is there a lot to show for here \( ̄︶ ̄*\)
I don't know what the Let's Play After Dark or Omnibus works are, but it's really cool to see Linda Sejic's art here, I had NO idea what to expect when mongie announced she was going to NYCC and collaborating with Linda. I'm assuming Omnibus is likely a novelization or some kind of complimentary book to Let's Play because it has over 700 pages of stuff which is wild. Unless they just went and re-skinned the Volume 1 cover of Let's Play, I have no clue but it looks great. As for After Dark, yeah, again, no clue LMAO
Let's Play is returning in 2025, AND she's starting up a new series over on Manta (a publishing platform that's open to NSFW material which will definitely be better for mongie's work and will hopefully give WT a run for their money LOL) She hasn't stated yet where Let's Play's new home will be, but I'm assuming if it's not Manta, it might be a new independently-run site altogether, but again, we'll just have to wait and see. I remember her mentioning she wanted to do a fantasy series on her Patreon ages ago so it seems like she's finally getting the opportunity to do so. I have no idea what she's going to do with Let's Play after its S3 jump the shark finale LMAO
She's getting some merch made with BIOWORLD which is neat, though it'll be interesting to see how the quality comes out because the last creator I saw working with BIOWORLD was Smythe and the merch was uhhhh- not great. I posted about it on IG a while back but I don't know if I ever talked about it here so I'll def make that as a separate post for anyone who's curious.
But the BIG one - Let's Play is getting an anime, and it's from an actual animation studio which is a way bigger sign that it's a sure thing.
Again, I'm not a huge fan anymore of Let's Play or mongie in general, but I gotta give her credit where credit is due, she had WAY more to show for herself at NYCC than Rachel did, and the fact that she did all this after burning her bridges with WT, that's gotta sting for WT's and Rachel who still don't have anything to show for an animated TV show after four years. At this rate, there are gonna be more creators succeeding on a mass scale by choosing not to publish with Webtoons than those who did.
And who knows, maybe the anime adaption will tidy up all the problems original Let's Play had. It remains to be seen, but I think it's pretty neat to see mongie making such strides since she left the platform.
Something something, "I don't care if mongie wins, I just want Webtoons to lose" 😂
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loverofstufflof · 16 days
Airing out my LMK trailer/S5 thoughts cause u gotta do this somehow
Most glaring, animation. It’s not bad, by any means. I’d certainly be proud of myself if I were able to come up with it.
However, I think it’s important to consider the context of the show’s style, and how it’s been improving significantly over instalments. Also, it’s Flying Bark. Flying Bark is just gonna make banger animation.
Am I a bit disappointed when comparing it to Emperor’s Wrath? Yeah. Especially when we’ve been waiting a full year for this—twice as long as usual.
But I’m not saying I won’t be watching the show because of it. I still love this story. Fuck, my favourite series is Epithet Erased. The show that’s best described as JPEGs wiggling around your screen for 2 hours. I can handle less than expected animation if it’s made up for by good writing.
I’ve been seeing a lot of people attacking invisible fans that claim they’re going to boycott the show because of this. Respectfully, source? The most aggressive criticism I’ve seen is “man that’s disappointing ig, still excited tho”. Who are you guys even fighting lmao. (Unless this is something happening on other platforms and you’re just venting on here which, valid)
Nevertheless, as I’ve said before, it’s not bad animation, just not up to the standard we’re used to. People are allowed to be disappointed. Let them be. This show isn’t flawless.
It’s looking to be real, all things considered. We’ve never gotten a fan leak this elaborate before, and it contains a lot of elements that were just recently revealed. Unless they’ve been getting announcements much earlier than we have (considering this fanbase’s sleuth skills, I’d doubt it) then there’s no other explanation other than it being official.
Official, however, doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to look that way the whole time. The animation is being done by another studio, yes, but only partially. Flying Bark is still here for the fun. This other studio also isn’t incompetent, they’re behind things like Carmen Sandiego. They know what they’re doing.
They’re also primarily handling additional material, means promotions, meaning trailers. Listen, it’s a bit of a stretch considering the fact that all trailers so far have been taken directly from the show, but also it’s industry standard to make a trailer before you’re even done, meaning you gotta cut some corners for the scenes you’re showing until you polish them up in post.
We know LEGO has a habit of keeping LMK things in their vault until they need to, this may be something they had lying around from early prod and released to maintain hype.
Any which way, this development is very much temporary, only applying because the team is currently working on a movie and need to momentarily lessen their workload. Even if the odds are against us and S5 looks like a PowerPoint presentation, it’ll likely go back to normal later.
Biiig animation rant aside, I am a tad bit sad about the direction the story is going in (namely the abandonment of Red Son) and the fan service is a bit much, but honestly what else are we expecting from JTTW fanfic.
I’m stoked to see more Macaque though—he’s looking to be becoming a proper protagonist, which is great for angst! Yippee!
One thing I haven’t seen anyone talk about is the complete lack of Nüwa. You know, the character they’ve been teasing this whole time? Where is she? Not in the trailer. Not in the posters.
Makes me wondering if this is a part of the new season, teasing the next one, the one Nüwa’s in, later.
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raelle-writing · 3 months
DFF is such great show and I enjoy the portrayal of the characters and the plot. Although I am not much into JinPhee ship (even though their scene was hot) - meaning I won't actively search fics of them;-D. But I absolutely don't understand the hate this ship gets. Or Jin character gets? Like, did I miss something? Why there is so much hate towards this pairing? I don't get it. Or do they dislike Jin character so much?
So I think there are 3 main reasons that people hate PheeJin and specifically Jin as much as they do, and I'll see if I can explain it coherently below lmao
First is cultural differences.
I've noticed that by and large a lot of the hatred directed at Jin comes from international fans being extremely harsh, and I think it's partially because they don't understand some of the nuance of Thai culture. Which to be fair, why would they?
One aspect is that they get angry that Jin lied to the police without taking into account that the police are corrupt - both in the narrative and also in Thailand in general.
Another is they get mad at Jin for recording Non - which to be fair, really does suck lmao. But they make it about Jin recording Non instead of reporting the assault happening, without taking into consideration that the age of consent in Thailand is 15, which means that what happened with Non and Keng isn't technically statuatory rape. Still bad and awful and Non was coerced and assaulted, don't get me wrong - but that makes it slightly less clear cut IMO when it comes to the question of Jin seeing Non "cheating."
You can even see within the show that the reactions to that video are by and large slut-shaming and not "omg that kid was assaulted."
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So to recap: Taking the video = bad. But I think people get a bit too self-righteous about the reasons why Jin took it.
Second is purity/cancel culture.
I'm sure it hasn't escaped your notice that in the internet age, if you make one mistake you're a terrible, irredeemable person and should be canceled forever. I think that's playing a part in this. All of the characters make mistakes, and because of that they're all irredeemable pieces of shit who deserve to die. Except for Non who is just a victim and has never done anything wrong (sarcasm).
In seriousness, I think that's part of it. And the fact that Non is SO sympathetic it kind of overrides people's sympathies for the other characters. I'm not 100% sure why people hate Jin the most out of everyone else considering he's the one who has tried to help Non the most out of the friend group... I guess they just have higher standards for people who try to help? Idk. Either way it seems to me that they expect Jin to be a perfectly-well-adjusted little hero who always does what's right and never makes mistakes. Instead of what he really is: a kid.
And last is fan favorites/shipping.
A big part of the reason that PheeJin shippers are getting so much hate is because TaCode shippers and PheeNon shippers have decided their ship is The Ship of the series, and think that Phee is just using Jin for revenge and anyone who genuinely ships PJ is fucked up, etc.
It's just ship war bullshit waged by largely Barcode stans, but it's certainly tiresome.
To be clear, I have nothing against PheeNon. I am of the opinion that Phee and Non were a cute high school romance that wouldn't have lasted because they had conflicting styles of showing affection and love (I'll write a post about it someday lol) but that doesn't mean I hate the ship. I thought they were very cute and it was fun to see TaCode on screen since I wrote MacauChay in my KPTS days ahahaha I just like the spice and fire of PheeJin better, and Jin is my favorite character.
I just wish that PheeNon shippers would live and let live instead of acting like they're waging some moral war. They were even crying in BOC's comment section on IG today after they posted the PheeJin poster for episode 9 saying "nooooo Phee is there for revenge he can't really have feelings for Jin!" It's exhausting... 🫠
General disclaimer: if you don't like Jin or like PheeNon better I'm not saying any of the above things applies to you. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, I'm just dissecting some of the over-the-top hate I've seen/experienced in fandom spaces lately.
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tvckerwash · 19 days
okay I watched restoration and I'll probably analyze it more in depth later when my brain has processed what I've watched but here are some of the thoughts I had while watching (I stopped live blogging part way through so some things may be out of order lols):
okay first thoughts: we’re at a convention, and dylan is some sort of director for some super unpopular thing. ngl that’s a pretty harsh downgrade from journalist/news correspondent. 
hi kai. she seemed to be more like her s15-s17 characterization than her bg/chorus cameo characterization for the 30 seconds she was present (which I remember really disliking)
wash is in the hospital as prisoner 619b…bros did the UNSC arrest him again?!?
“I’m not even sure I got his voice right this time.” okay so restoration IS another simulation
the director being a therapist when the counselor is right there lmao
bros no way they got elijah wood to voice sigma again??
is that the counselor I hear on the PA system??? that’s what the subtitles said anyway. but anyway BROS HE ACTUALLY FUCKING LIVED LETS GO (but why is his ass not in jail??????? there’s no way he managed to get a job, let alone one in a UNSC hospital, but if this IS a simulation which I think it is and epsilon himself admitted to making mistakes already then I’m okay with that development ig)
“Listen to me! You’ve gotta listen to me!”
479er??? I’ve always had the hc she was arrested w wash and the other pfl personnel at the end of s6
“Our mission men—and blue” caboose is trans confirmed
“Don’t feel bad afterwards. I forgive you. I know it’s not your fault, I’m sorry this is happening to you.” omg caboose not dunking on tucker is what he presumed to be his final moments.
oh okay I predicted months ago before the 2nd trailer came out that at least one of the bgc was going to die and I was right! I thought it was going to be caboose but rip sarge (and doc) 
I’m really disappointed that wash didn’t get to do more tbh. the meta was HIS enemy but he was regulated to comedic relief  :(
also wash jumping off a cliff to activate the recovery beacon is :/. bro was literally a recovery agent he should know how to activate it to summon lina like she’s a deployable unit in uhh. ways that were NOT that.
did not expect tex to come back but okay, also tex/lina fighting together feels like fanservice but mmmmmmmmmmnh. 
awww tex and church get to be together again, dying together as one like they did at the end of s6. TEX SOFTLY HOLDING CHURCH’S HAND YES!!! WE LOVE SOFT TENDER TEX IN THIS HOUSE!!!
damn the “wash and lina having their trauma and traits swapped for no reason” thing is. hmmm  don’t like that, have never liked that. I tried to see if I had any posts on my old blog about this topic bc I remember talking about it in the past and I sort of do? eh whatever tldr; lina is the one haunted by the past and wash is supposed to be the one giving the emotional speeches but hhhhhrng. will definitely be talking about that more later even though I thought the scene was super sweet (also ct!!!!!!! my girl!!!!)
I don’t like that they were all separated and that grif was going to leave, these mfs were forced together in a shitty box canyon at the start of the series and I feel like it would’ve been better if instead of being forced together they all chose to stay together but it is what it is.
“Bow chicka bye now.” bros it’s over…
okay ngl it was pretty rushed pacing wise and I’ve got so many bones to pick (mostly about wash bc ofc) but speaking as an ending to the series I think it works. it all started in a box canyon which was later revealed to be an elaborate training simulation, so it’s fitting that it it was revealed very early in the run time that it was all a simulation, and it all ended in the box canyon they started in. I thought the themes of feeling guilty and being able to forgive oneself were very interesting (might get into that more later as well…) so yeah. 
it’s flawed, but for such a long running series that had originally been intended to only be a few episodes, I think it ending with tucker telling us it’s over and to go home is honestly the best way they could’ve done it. all the other times the series had “ended” it was done in a way where it worked as a standalone end for the series, but it was always open-ended enough that a continuation could be made if they wanted to. 
there isn’t going to be a continuation this time, the story is over, but just because the story has ended doesn’t mean that we can’t make our own stories. red vs blue will live on so long as there are people who want it to, which feels pretty on the dime doesn’t it?
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jakecockley · 2 years
- our forsakened love - (prologue)
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✧ pairing: santiago “pope” garcia x f!reader
✧ summary: santi recruits you for a mission in south america, but thing is: it’s been years since you’ve last seen each other. the tension is thick, especially when you two have… a past.
✧ genre: angst/fluff and smut in future chapters
✧ warnings: cursing, mentions of a break-up
✧ author's note: yeaahh, um idk, i was thinking of making this a series ?? this was originally just a fic but no longer ig LMAO tagging @marc-spectorr n @slenderclaw
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You were bitter.
What fucking audacity Pope had when he simply showed up out of nowhere in front of your door. You didn't know what to think, what to feel, seeing his face just feet away from yours. You didn't know whether to pull him by the collar and kiss the hell out of him or slam the door and go on with your life, but a part of you said no, let's see what he has to say after all these years. That was the curious side of you talking.
You were also shocked.
When you heard the doorbell ring, opened the door, and saw who was there standing, you felt as if a bucket of ice was dumped on you. You were frozen, unable to move. Your hands felt clammy. You felt your heart beating faster. You certainly didn't expect your ex-boyfriend, the one who left you, to appear at your doormat. It wasn't like him, to randomly pop up like this and you sure as hell weren't going to entertain the thought that he might apologize for what he'd done.
Pope breathed out your name softly, but it did no difference to the cold look on your face, yet your heart cracked a little at the sound of his voice. You haven't heard it in a long time. Oh, how you missed it, the smoothness of it yet as well as the slight roughness.
He was wearing a simple black shirt with grey linen pants, laced with a belt. The colors brought out the silver strands through his dark hair and those piercing raven eyes. You noticed the thin chain necklace hanging on his neck, hidden underneath the fabric.
To be honest with yourself, you never really got over him.
You looked to the side, glancing down for a second before leveling your gaze on him again.
"What do you want, Pope?" You asked with as much steadiness you could muster, not wanting to show any vulnerability. You noticed how sort of uneasy the man was, but he regained his posture and cleared his throat. Seems you weren't the only one affected by this.
"Can we talk about this inside? If that's alright with you."
"You want me to what?" You chuckled coldly, leaning back against the chair you sat in, arms crossed. "To South America? You can't be serious, we- I almost died there, Pope. I won't be going back."
Did he suddenly lose his mind over the years or something? Well, you shouldn't be surprised, if you think about it. He was known for taking risks, going for them despite the consequences. But going after a dangerous drug lord was something else entirely.
Pope almost winced at the slight crack in your voice. His dark eyes gazed over the thin scar that streaked across your neck and collarbone, then back to your face. He didn't forget that night either.
Eyes following up on his own, you didn’t know what else to say. Your fingers fidgeted with each other, a habit you always did when you were anxious. The awkward silence was deafening to both of you, mostly to Pope.
Maybe he should leave and find someone else, but maybe he could convince you. After all, you were the best sharpshooter he knew. He had to take this chance, despite his history with you.
His voice cut through the tension.
"That last mission it was just us, Y/N. This time, we'll have the guys, just like before. Benny, Will, Frankie, and... Tom. I haven't spoken with him yet but I'm sure he'll be with us,” he told you with a soft tone, trying to ease your mind.
It didn’t really work, though.
"I have family here and for once, I'm finally taking care of them. If this job goes wrong, who will?" You argued sternly. "I'm not sure about the Miller brothers, but Frankie has a wife... a kid, Pope. Why drag him into this?"
"If we do this right, which I’m sure we will, the money we get out of this will support your family without you having to lift a finger anymore. It will be worth it, trust me,” Pope urged. "Frankie knows what he's doing, and he agreed to it."
“Once we’re done and safe, we go our separate ways.” He gestured with his hands.
“…How much?” You hesitated.
Alright, he had you there.
“Hundred million, more than that. We can discuss everything with the guys, the plan especially. I can... give you a day to think about it, though," Pope speculated caringly. Standing up from the chair and looking down at you, you brought your head up to look at him. His heart ached to see you smile again, noticing the way your expression had softened, but your eyes still held their hardened gaze.
He wanted to apologize. He wanted to get on his knees and tell you just how sorry he was, how much he missed you, how he thought about you every day, never ceasing away from his thoughts. He wanted to tell you why he left.
He shrugged off the unrelenting urge. Now wasn't the time, he knew it and he had to remind himself that. He came here to recruit you, not open up an old wound, although he believes he already did that to himself just by looking at you when you opened the door. He ignored the feeling.
His voice was smoky, "Come to this address when you're done thinking about it. Tomorrow." His hand pulled out a card from his back pocket, handing it down over to you.
You didn't answer him immediately, simply nodded and took the white, written piece of paper from his hand.
"Alright," you say, fingers playing around with it. Pope was surprised to hear that harsh tone gone, instead replaced by a soft one. You watched him begin walking to the door.
You got up to walk him out and once you closed the door, you sighed, eyes shut before you opened them. Maybe you should accept, your family would thrive with the money. You gently shook your head.
Goddamnit. This was such a bad fucking idea.
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main masterlist | moon knight masterlist
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
Hii hannah! I'm bout three months late because i had exams going on, well, I still have exams going on but I decided to not procrastinate and just write this.
Thank you so so much for writing my tenth doctor and rory requests. you don't know how much it means that you took time out of your life to write my requests. when I first started watching Doctor who, barely a season in, i stumbled upon your blog and read your dying girl story, i didn't even know anything properly bout doctor's character or other companions but your fic though! it captured doctor's character so well! It was in May I read it and started watching the show and I now always connect that time with doctor who and you and your fics haha. 
 I got so obsessed that I made this dying girl reader universe in my head with headcanons and stuff and started associating songs to the reader and fic ; i know they are like kinda popular cliche songs but snowman by sia and never be the same by camila cabelo really reminds me of the amy and rorys wedding scene with reader and doctor dancing (was it real or I made that up in my head?) and memory of reader practising mind reading thing and seeing memories of Doctor and she's like who's this beautiful person in his memories and doctor is like that's you love <3 moonlight serenade, spring waltz, we'll meet again, moon river, across the universe are some other songs I associate with them,, you didn't even ask for playlist but here I'm sharing it just because lmao 
and then you wrote my ten request and added it dying girl universe, when I tell you actually started screaming from excitement when I saw it! I really wasn't expecting it, i was so so happy! And Idk why but I just feel so honoured that my request was added into the "official" dying girl universe masterlist! and the rory fic too, it was so sweet! you wrote it exactly as what I had in my mind when I sent you request, tysm for that! 
Ngl I always checked your page once in a while when you were on break because I just looked forward to your writing so much and in January, around my birthday, found out you were active again and posted my requests and gotta say, best birthday gift even if it technically wasn't lol. I wonder if you've finished twelve's episodes, you mentioned how it is hard to "let go" of a doctor and I completely agree,  I finishesed twelfth doctors episodes in December and God was it hard to say goodbye to him, I know I can rewatch but it won't be like first time :'( you know, the "i love my current doctor so much" feeling?
I've started thirteen but it doesn't feel the same, especially without murray gold's music and well, moffat and rtd. so glad that rtd is coming back for new seasons though!
Oh and have you read love is a choice fic on tumblr? it's a mostly eleven but also kinda thirteen x reader multiple parts series and tbh, one of the only fic that made me laugh and cry like dying girl series did. if you haven't i hope you check it out, it's a great read!
Kinda unrelated but can I just say ty to that person who sent you ask related to will turner, i recently watched one of the potc movie for the first time because i thought the will turner guy looked cute from the ask and now ive fallen down a rabbit hole lol I finished your will turner fics and now im searching up tumblr for more will turner x reader, it seems he's my new hyperfixation 😭 anyways ty again to that person and you ofc for the fics, and this is not a official request(it could be ig) but I hope you write second part to the merchant/pirate will fic!
And I've sent you two requests this time too, hope you'll like them enough to write it! I know I've said it lot in this single ask but Again thank you so much for everything and it's great to have you back on here and I hope you enjoyed your break, remember to take them again if you need to <333
My darling, my dearest, my love, you're making my heart so so happy!
I love that you took off with the Dying Girl universe because honestly that's what it became for me while I was writing it. It became so big I knew I could write so much about what happens in between the parts, and your request fit perfectly there.
Thank you for the playlist 😂 it does kind of bring the characters more to life when you associate them with things like songs. And you definitely didn't make up the wedding dancing scene, that happened in Part 6: The Lost Shoes!
I totally understand finding yourself fully immersed in a story, even if it is fanfiction. When that happens to me I just write and post it on here 😅 That's happened with the Dying Girl and the episodic series I started for the Eleventh Doctor and the Samwise Gamgee series and this Mandalorian one I'm starting.
My brain is hardwired to come up with these random tangents to canon stories, and they end up becoming these elaborate fanfictions.
I'm so glad you liked your requested fics! I had a lot of fun writing them. The Domestic fic was so fun to get back into the Dying Girl universe. I wouldn't mind writing more about their in between adventures. Happy belated birthday!
I have not finished twelves episodes - I'm still on his last season. Just like I wrote on our last conversation, I'm terrified of how sad I'll feel when he leaves because ten and eleven were real heartbreakers. I agree, I love him, and I'm so excited you requested something for him.
And I'm also so stoked for the new seasons with RTD and the 60th specials with ✨David Tennant✨ I'll have to finish twelve and thirteen before that comes out at the end of this year.
I haven't read "Love is a Choice" but I immediately looked it up and added it to my likes, so perhaps it'll be the fanfics I read when I try to sleep tonight lol
And I'm sorry... you hadn't seen any of the Pirates of the Caribbean!? I've been watching those movies since I was like seven! It's such a great fandom and Jack Sparrow is such a mood and Will Turner is such a dreamboat.
I'm almost honored that my blog prompted you to watch such an excellent franchise. I also hyperfixate on new characters and fandoms I love. I do have one request in my inbox for Will Turner and I've gotten multiple messages to write a part 2 for A Merchant Sailor, so perhaps when I finish this batch of requests I'll add it to the list.
So do expect more Will Turner fics to come 😘
I love that we have this little pen pal relationship where we just write each other letters 😂 It's honestly really good to hear from you, mysterious anon. I'm happy to have you as a reader and fandom friend.
Thank you for reaching out! I definitely love your requests! It'll just take me a while to get to all of them with my busy schedule, but I will write them in due course.
Have a lovely night and a good morning!
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Prologue: The Dying Girl
Part 1: The Sun God
Part 2: The Tonic 
Part 3: The Ending Song
Domestic: The Doctor returns to spend a few ‘human’ days with you {Set during Part 3}
Part 4: The Dream 
Part 5: The Regeneration
Part 6: The Lost Shoes
Epilogue: The Vanishing Act
Finale: All Of Time And Space
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A Merchant Sailor: Pretending to be a merchant, you befriend Will Turner as you keep your pirating a secret, until your brother forces you to reveal the truth
Blacksmith’s Hands: While visiting Tortuga, you find yourself injured and in the capable hands of a shy Will Turner
Lovey Dovey: Jack has never been overjoyed at the thought of you and your boyfriend - especially when you’re kissing on his ship
Sea Salt: On a mission to get you back, more might happen between you two than expected
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hychlorions · 10 months
So I just started playing ace attorney and you’re my only real frame of reference for the game lol so I was wondering kinda what to expect ig? Which games n cases n characters are your faves and what should I look forward too? V excited
OOOH well imo the fourth game is the best. the third case of that game especially is my personal favorite (though that's an unpopular opinion. whole fandom has this "third case is always the worst" thing, it's kind of just a drawn out case in the first game, but the second game's third case is really the worst case in all of ace attorney and i think what started the bulk of this view). like from my blog alone you could probably tell i like apollo and klavier, but tbh the entire main cast of the fourth game is a lot of fun to dissect. as for the original trilogy, i really like the third game, BUT my absolute favorite case has to go to the finale of the second game, since i think a lot of events that happened there lend to the themes the fourth game is built on. you should also definitely play the miles edgeworth spinoffs (there are two) !! as well as the great ace attorney games (there are also two) if you can. i haven't finished both but with what little i've played of them i can tell they're gonna be amazing
also another personal opinion, but i recommend not putting yourself through the fifth and sixth games entirely. they're (allegedly) good as standalones, but a lot of people who've played these in line with the series don't really like what they did with all the setup from the previous games, and i have to agree. you can definitely get by with just reading what happened off the wiki (sadly there's no non-fandom.wikia alternative to the ace attorney wiki though). the characters introduced in those games are really fun though, so if you DO wanna experience them (like i did), you should definitely play the fourth case of the sixth game ^^ it's hard to find a 100% completed rom of it though, so i just bought the app for the sixth game and bought that case specifically, that way i didn't have to play through the first three cases LMAO
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monkeybell · 3 months
Oof school interview. Been there. They can suck. Would have enjoyed them more if mine had Pokémon though, just saying
Oh.. it’s Bibble— I mean Charmander… Because Charmander sounds like that now… yeah. It’s cute but also like why it sound like that? ^^;
Aww Liko drew Ann! That’s so cute! She looks like a Mii XD
✨Here comes the boi!✨ Oshawott is here!! My lil baby. Hearing Oshawott’s voice takes me back to the good old days of watching BW which was also funnily on Netflix. Oop, there’s Goh’s voice too! The guy who filled the dex now becomes the dex
And here’s Kitty. Oh wait, that’s how you pronounce Sprigatito? You’d think with how much I love Pokémon that I would know how to say their names .-.
Falling off building #1. How convenient that Snorlax is there. Don’t blame her tho, I would throw myself off a building if it was my pets or Pokémon
Damn that was a big cut. Went from early morning to sunset. That came out of nowhere lmao. Aw Liko’s drawing of Sprigatito is cute too. Ok wow they are breezing through this. Do they really need to speed so fast?? I was hoping we would see the school more but damn they really just do not care about it and want to move right along. Feels rushed ngl. Kinda disappointing. Also know I’m supposed to be rooting for Liko and Sprigatito but yay Oshawott and Ann won the training! Sorry, you are gonna see me be biased towards the pair a lot
They have security guards at the school? Why do I find that so funny? So 10 year olds can leave home and own potentially dangerous Pokémon but they can’t go out after curfew? Pfft. Not trying to sound negative but I was not expecting them to rush through just the first episode alone. So much is going on and the pacing feels like this is more of a limited series than a show that already has 40(?) episodes.
Kitty toe beans I repeat kitty toe beans!
Oh maybe that’s why they have security at the school. The volt tacklers as casually stalking the place and people. This is probably the wildest first episode of a show I have ever watched but yet I’m so invested i love it
Spirgatito’s leafage 🤝 Axew’s Dragon rage
HUH— Amethio, when did you become a heavy smoker?! That voice is deep and hoarse 😭
Annnnd there goes Ann and Oshawott. Because the show just hates them ig. o7’s for the chads. And the school is already on break. Bro I WISH school was like that.
“She said you would be suspicious.” 🚩🚩🚩 Someone get the school security! Well where are they now?! What are they on break too? Geez
Friede’s voice is ok I guess? He sounds older than he probably is but at least he ain’t the teenager smoker or however old Amethio is
Damn ceruledge sounds badass hello
Ok and that’s episode one! So uh… not what I was expecting. It’s definitely not bad but it was rushing imo. I’ll be watching episode 2 and then be done with the watch for the day. Also figured it would be easier to chart my thoughts down all at once instead of making separate posts.
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guideaus · 1 year
tristamp ep 11 thoughts
tristamp wolfwood is lame and awful as always. if he really did just leave there'd be nothing making me think he cares in the slightest. trimax ww was between a rock and a hard place, wracked with guilt for his new found friend who doesnt deserve whats happening to him, while here he's just like, gloomy at most, which is shitty. i dont like him
is meryl taking his place in rescuing him lmao?? has she taken over and speedrunning his character arc lol. not that i think lowly of her, but there is a reason ww was able to go and save vash in the manga and not her lol, its not exactly misogyny. tristamp meryl just got a gun and idk if she can even use it, too
knives is... being knives i guess w some doc ock insp, which is surprising considering they removed previous comic influences
the animation looks nice as always
they dont really look like theyre in water though lol
i think tristamp really wants to explain things, but doesnt have time for it? in trimax i personally dont need an explanation for why plants have their power or why vash and knives were born and no others were, u could just say it was thru experimentation and i'd be like ok, whatever. i dont think thats a necessary focus
i think the soul stuff is weird too
i dont see how conrad making plants independent would help anything for him rn lol. trimax conrad defended tesla, knives and vash, but obviously used plant's power once they were all stranded, and his morals slipped once he became the expert on plants and was depended on. here, this guy wants to do the opposite? you arent in space with backup, buddy
tristamp vash is much more guilty than trimax/90s vash. those two were obviously very guilty feeling, but vash including himself in the humans' suffering makes it different, even if stamp gives the excuse of vash sharing a password lol
tristamp again using religious (catholic) phases just kind of randomly
the characters are once again thinking what a viewer would, but conrad makes no sense here, lol. trimax conrad encouraged knives' powers so he'd run out of energy and tried to persuade him to stop when knives found out. knives is absolutely putting his life in conrad's rn, it doesnt make sense for conrad to aid him, the gung ho guns dont exist in tristamp either so he doesnt have their ideology either (and isnt truly a plant worshiper)
WOLFWOOD TAKES ROBERTO'S CIGS FJHSDFKJDSD i think its funny in a fucked up sense, but like, in a serious way its another reason not to like tristamp ww. why did they make him life this...
i honestly forgot ww even had the whole "choice" thing in stampede. in 98, its basically his thing, much more so than the manga (bc he's allowed to grow past it), while here all he does is yell at vash. it doesnt sound like its coming from a personal place of concern, instead its judgement where vash smiles back for some reason
i didnt expect to see a child get shot lol. ww killing children moments #3
never thought i'd see knives with the punisher
i also dont know what these moments are trying to prove. either to make him snap or give up?? its not exactly like what the gung ho guns were made for
i dont like looking at knives' body lol
i think its kind of hard to use meryl and roberto as significant characters with how the series is
i dont think i really like the literal use of plants. ppl on here would be nitpicky and say the planet is actually no man's land, not gunsmoke, and i'd be like whatever, but this is my nitpick, they are plants as in they hold power!! they arent flora!!
it seems like theyre trying to use the scientific memory wipe as an explanation for why vash forgot july lol? instead of just... trauma
meryl is kind of standing around lol. with the writing its one of those "characters all just stand around and watch the Thing happen" moments...
im guessing tristamp will give knives mommy issues?
i still cant believe their take for july
he kinda has mommy issues, but bc they made vash weaker? so, ig, knives is just mean here..? she doesnt neglect either of them here, but he doesnt like her comforting him? hes more jealous??? tristamp also gives unanswered implications of the expectation of the brothers as plants, where in trimax, rem just raised them as human children
its kinda silly rem just has a shrine (? unless she is casually just keeping a former experiment in the next room) of tesla that the kids have gone in at some point and know of lol. and she expects them to not think anything abt it..? its another instance of tristamp not showing the world bc they kinda just teleport to this room and are investigating. tristamp loves trying to explain things but ig just entirely skipped past ghost tesla guiding them to her corpse
kni(ves) and vash having records as projects where tesla is at makes rem more suspicious than in the manga where she just didnt tell them (though i kind of think this is just orange's opportunity to throw out info)
idk why they made her be born 50 years ago
vash having NO reaction to that memory is awful. just bad. i think they cut it short, but even him remembering it... 😬
...is that all we get, seriously, lol...
IT LOOKS LIKE REM JUST LET THEM GO FSDGFDHJ tristamp vash truly is just a passive husk ig. knives picked up a bible for some reason. who gave him that.
it does suck they completely took out vash trying to kill himself and rem.
i think what knives is saying is fine only if hes lying to manipulate vash. any other show i'd accept those lines but 75% of tristamp's dialogue are characters explaining things for the viewer, not them having natural conversations
idk i really am getting fed up with this vash. he HAS to do something at some point. he has to snap. how does he hear 'i did it for you" and be like "oh my god its MY fault?!" instead of fighting back
meryl really is not doing anything lmao. she picked up a gun and is not using it
have all knives' men disappeared. in trimax he had the gung ho guns to torture vash and the top ones to get rid of any threat. here all the other antagonists are just missing ig
when i read the manga, i tried to understand why knives ended up different, and i think its probably rem's talk abt suicide, but here there isnt even a reason why vash should be picking her side. the series has completely dropped her influence and instead just has vash being nice.
they turned vash into a statue...
you all were not lying abt those plants getting pregnant...
the stuff is turning into rem's image...
and that is it. planets.
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baphometsss · 9 months
i wasn't gonna watch the one piece live action series bc i honestly just don't care much for live action adaptations (mainly bc i hate the assertion that live action trumps animation but i digress), but i did anyway out of curiosity
i wouldn't say i hated it, just that it suffered from all the shit i knew it would. one piece is way too long and detailed to be able to fully adapt everything from the manga and do it justice. when i heard it was gonna be one episode per story arc, my expectations were drastically lowered anyway, even with the don krieg battle being cut
i think the casting was mostly good but i can't seriously hear sanji talk with that london accent and take him seriously lmao. i'm from not far away from london so there's nothing exotic about it to me. he sounds like all the chavs i went to school with but at least he's not posh which is something ig. also he was perfect with zeff
zoro was perfect even if sanji being taller kind of tripped me out a bit. they're around the same height and in the manga zoro is swole while sanji is a skinny fucker. i can see why iñaki was cast but i was kind of so-so on him. (he kind of looks like my brother?) usopp was perfect. emily rudd is an amazing actor and i stan her now
also i h a t e d the kaya/usopp kiss like i legit groaned when that happened. there is no romance in one piece!! i like it that way!!
i don't think it was mis-cast though so that's one thing? i see why they were cast if nothing else, it's just that i can't view these characters as live action people is all
anyway the novelty was fun but it's not doing much for me tbh. maybe i've just been into this series for too long (like 18 or 19 years at this point) to see it any other way, and i much much prefer it in 2d
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taegularities · 1 year
ok, so i just now saw your reply to my review akshakh but! i just wanna say that, oh my GOD please don't achive anything 😡🔪 not until i've read them at least! having motifs and similar characters and topes in our work is completely normal, anyone who writes regularly comes across it, and that's cus most of the time our writing comes from within ourselves. that's why you seem to lean towards the toxic parents theme, dealing with ones past, fear to dive completely into feelings... these are also part of you, no need to change that, cus who gravitates towards your writing feels those same things and you help us elaborate them. as you change as a person, naturally so will your writing, but that doesn't mean you have to change either.
anyway, imma lil tipsy, idk if im making sense
regarding the things you asked me, im still trying to figure myself as a writer tbh 🤔 though i do see myself leaning towards humor in my fics. i have a wip for a jungkook story with a bunch of heavy themes that i just couldn't help write as crack. it's what helps me get through stuff and i feel like that's makes me me sometimes? idk if i could ever write angst like tale of broken hearts for instance, even if i love to read it. but other than that im still figuring out my motifs ig
im rambling akdhak but anyway, expect more reviews for me soon, as im wrapping my monthly reviews and will dive into your series and longer one shots
lmfaooo lua babe, okay i shall not archive anything until you've read it 😭 but also yes yes, you're so right, you absolutely make sense despite your tipsiness lol every author has their own thing that they tend to repeat. love how you also mentioned the "fear to dive completely into feelings" bit, bc that's a very common motif in my fics lmao :') but thank you for saying all that, i 100% agree 😭
omg crack?! that's so fun, bc i would've absolutely guessed that you're an angst-writing gal lmao probably bc you like reading it so much !! but other than that, i wish you a lot of fun figuring out your style a bit more.. it's always an interesting journey <3 and jskhjkasf i cannot wait for those reviews, i love all of them so much ehehhe 😭🤍
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boba-beom · 5 months
now, about the whole situation... I'm not sure about how he feels, obviously, but it hit different to me, you know? I've never felt such interest in someone, specially someone I used to despise 😪
my couple of friends told me they would totally support it if we got in something more serious, and the idea seemed nice to me ???? I'm really thinking about it since then.
I like him, that's obvious. he got me all flustered and feeling interesting 🥺 but idk if it's because we're far away from each other now, but I don't know if this could work though texts and dms, ya know? and I can't just go and visit them all of the time
but yeah, I'm really thinking about it and enjoying the idea. I'm just not sure if he only wanted to have fun or if he really wants something else. we didn't even kiss #christiankids 😇🫣
but yeah, I'm pretty confused because of him. it's so recent and idk what to expect.
how's your week going, smiles dear???
ANANLU HELPPP UR TOO GENEROUS :> but ty you wonderful soul <3 wait this is long
ah I see, proximity really does play a big part. and if he doesn't make much effort through texts and dms etc, then idk what else to say :< it's the ones you least expect it from, but I really hope that you manage to find a definite answer between the two of you. I know I rather would than to waste time,, not at the beginning of the new year too!
sometimes receiving mixed signals is hard. it's either a bad sign or just something that takes time to come into fruition, however, I just want whatever you're happy with! I would say, don't expect too much because that way if it doesn't reach your expectations then you won't be too disappointed.
but my week is going okay so far. my best friend came back from the island and back into the city and I missed her sm. eeee idk if you remember the island boy that this beomgyu series is based off of (might continue it since I have plenty of time on my hands), but he came back too bc they both go to uni in my city.
anyway, they were over a couple of nights ago as soon as they got back into the city, and the first thing he said to me was that he missed me,, but then he followed it with a "bc I'm not the oldest anymore." he's a year younger than me, and when he went back home he was the oldest among their family friends. and I'm a physically affectionate person and don't mind physical contact, but he was like resting his arm on my shoulder while we were talking to the aunties :') he even let me try his new puffer jacket bc it was a colour I really liked BUT then again that could all be platonic idek :') the physical affection is nice at least ig
OH as well as the beomgyu headphones that I gifted myself :> that day and today were the two highlights of my week ^^ I hope you continue to do well in everything that you do~ and don't catch a cold :< it might snow here next week, I wonder who I'll be with lmao
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gemapples · 2 years
Plz rant to us about how much you love magolor
first of all this ask was so sweet out of the blue and made me smile a lot so thank you :) i appreciate it so much
i was gonna be all difficult and respond like "LOL are you sure" but yknow what screw it im bored and i've done that too often already so !! here ya go. everything i love about magolor
this is probably to be expected (especially bc of how often i draw him lmao), but first!! i LOVE his design. his design in particular just really stands out to me compared to the other characters ig; he has unique aspects to him that are so cutesy and charming yet contradicting and mysterious from how he looks alone. you have lil cat ears obviously but he still wears a hood and scarf so you cant see his face at all and glowing eyes??? damn. i also love his cape it's so flowy and cool AND ALSO i feel like the gear patterns are really fitting to him as well and go nicely with who he is. however, at first glance you might think his main purpose is to be a mechanic or engineer, and while that is true, he's also majorly known for being a skilled wizard, and his name is even based off the word magic. i feel like you wouldn't expect that from his design and that makes it all the more interesting... it's like there's underlying aspects that you get a suspicion about from just how he looks, which i feel is extremely fitting to his character. his design conveys that he's from another world so nicely too i feel,, you compare him to kirby and the others and he looks so different and otherworldly, almost. you can immediately tell that he's probably not from the same dimension or planet as everyone else. he has a ton of amazing concept designs but im glad they went with this one tbh it just. LOOKS the most like who magolor is and what he's supposed to represent imo. i love the others a lot too but !! in terms of his design his current one takes the cake for me
i adore how Absolutely layered of a character he is. there are so many bubbling details beneath him that have so much impact i just. God. him coming from another planet that's practically dead with very little to no life left and him not knowing what friendship is or how it's supposed to properly work, him betraying the others and falling deep into "obsession and hatred", him finding an exit, dealing with the massive pressure and apologizing to kirby, but him still getting up to funny mischief now and then !! you literally never know what you're gonna get with him (some of those might be personal interps but let's pretend they're not (whoopsie)). Just how he's developed and where he's now placed in the franchise,, he could be classified as comic relief yet he's still a main character if that makes sense?? i'm dying on the hill that magolor is a main character even though he didn't appear in forgotten land idc
i like to think he's similar to how bandee was but. also not ig lol idek -- like both of them debuted in one game and were expected to just?? not return??? but they did and became extremely significant characters who have made such a massive change. they could have chosen to cast magolor aside or whatever, say fuck it and kill him off, etc. but instead they didn't stop there and wanted to keep going with his character and give him a huge role. yeah you could argue it's bc of his popularity but i still think thats so cool tbh he just seems so unique compared to the rest of the cast in his own way and its. really interesting to see how he fits in the series in general !! him and his game are literally where kirby lore and more effective storytelling began imo and i think thats. So amazing they really tried to expand and develop the series through his character and it shows how important he is and how significant he places in terms of kirby as a whole
on a related note -- his personality is something unlike any other. they described him as "deceiving while telling the truth" and i think that's really important bc it's hard for you to tell when he's actually being genuine. and that's unique to most of the other characters and makes him feel out of place in a way and.. yeah mysterious !!! even when he apologized after he fucked up, his wording gave the impression like he just seemed to shrug it off like it wasn't a big deal despite the fact it obviously changed his life which also relates to the former thing and fhjkgfh Wow!! ofc dream collection could've taken place a bit after he actually apologized to kirby but y'know !!
also never get tired of the fact that man's ego is the size of the entire galaxy through hell and back . "look at me, i'm such a nice guy right?" I love how he actually Recognizes how important he is and acknowledges // acknowledged how he can use certain situations to his advantage and this may result in him coming off as stuck-up and thinking of himself more highly than everyone else but !! he doesn't care . Plus he's completely aware how strong he really is and just how he can use all of his abilities and skills to his advantage. Yet despite this, you may get a touch of underlying sadness, guilt, loneliness from him... all the more reason he's a layered character :)
extended from the last one but yeah i love how like. Insanely powerful he is and yeah you could say it's bc of the master crown or whatever (probably is lol) but Listen he has such a wide variety of magical attacks and i think it's so cool bc i feel like he doesn't depend on them Too much yet he still shows them off?? if that makes sense?? like he still uses them a lot for things in, say, dream collection for obstacles i don't even know where im going with this LMAO but yeah his abilities are just so !!! very cool like you take one look at him and you think he would be weak or wouldn't have any powers yet he could destroy you from like 40 miles away or something and he's one of the most broken characters in ksa, kf2, etc. mans can summon literal black holes, portals and giant swords that only kirby could previously wield like it's nothing now, if that doesn't make him one of the most powerful characters currently then idrk what does (i remember in a star allies article while describing his ultra sword they stated something along the lines of "did he secretly stash up power from the master crown? or did he steal this ability from kirby?" and while it's most likely the former in a realistic sense could you IMAGINE how insanely strong he would be if he could actually steal abilities from kirby, the most powerful character with the most powerful abilities. Just putting that out there)
said this briefly in the design paragraph already but i appreciate how many things about him can go two ways that usually contradict one another. Maybe i'm thinking too much into it but lol the most obvious one is, ofc, how he acted as a friend vs. deceived kirby but other things too like. How he combines steampunk elements and high-tech elements at the same time which are opposites. as i said he's also a magician which is !! also not something you may see with those two together i believe star allies and his name in general adds a TON of fuel to this bc it confirmed how his name literally means "false paradise" and "wonderful place" if you combine translations which also contradict each other i also like to think that "magic" in his name can also refer to the fact that he's also extremely skilled in certain areas such as yknow. Getting to handle others or outsmart them, seeing things from others' perspectives, or even being a very talented speaker altogether (a magician or wizard can also mean someone who extremely skilled at something. just a fun lil thing)
more minor things !!! but i really love how he uses slang + speaks in a dramatic way, and how that relates to his personality as explained above. no other kirby character says "dude", "beast", etc. which i feel can really emphasize how he's not from their world but it's?? very funny to think about fhdjkgh. I know other kirby characters use katakana in japanese but i believe magolor is the main // most popular example in this aspect(?? lmk if this is incorrect though, i just know galactic nova and star dream use it but im not sure about anyone else) i also like how he heavily emphasizes certain words and phrases !! it makes him seem overexaggerated and even more unique than other characters who may act in a more realistic in a way. All of them are unhinged but they're all unhinged in their own way which compliment each other well and i feel magolor adds a lot to this mix :)
speaking of which god i LOVE his voice. i feel it's so fitting despite the fact it's animal crossing language as it's widely called. like they stated in the miiverse post, i love how they made it seem authentic by making him clearly say "kirby", it does kind of make it seem like he has an accent even in english ig. It's so squeaky and cute and adorable like go off lil man!!!
i think i got a lot of everything lmao i'm sure there's a ton more i haven't mentioned or didn't think to mention but just know i love Everything about him he means so much to me like fucking hell i love this character if you couldn't tell. he's just so Good he has so many things about him yet i feel we haven't even scratched the surface of how much there is. i really think this rtdl novel will bring // brought a whole new light to who exactly he is and what he's worth and i'm always looking forward to seeing him around again :) really hope he'll continue to have a lasting impact on the franchise
(extra bonus: also like his lil salutes)
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yesimwriting · 3 years
hiii, this might seem weird but do u have any head cannons for when the reader is pregnant and how the Darkling would react?
a/n love this concept,, it's not weird at all!! i feel like there's so much here!! also i leave for college this month and im lowkey starting to freak out so ive been watching star wars movies for comfort 😭and now i have half a mind to write for them, especially the prequels (cough, cough,, anakin) 😭 😭 that should tell you where i am mentally
anyways lets get into the headcanons:))
- okay so like most of my headcanons, this is probably going to be all over the place bc i feel like so many different things could change how he would react. Like if the darkling x reader have been trying to get pregnant, or an unplanned pregnancy with someone he really likes, i also think whether or not the reader is a grisha affects his reaction too
- in general though, i think he'd lowkey have a breeding kink he'd def find something about the thought of you having his child really attractive bc for one thing, he wouldn't have to worry about being left alone and now he has an excuse to be a real 'protector'.
- also if youve read my other headcanons i am 100000% convinced that he has this thing where if he really likes someone he needs them to need him (let's all remember the whole 'i will strip you of everything you know and love speech until I'm your only shelter' speech he gave to Alina)
- also i kinda want to write a fic or blurb series or something that's just the darkling being super toxic in super thoughtful ways LMAO if that makes sense, like he's being super sweet but it's to make sure the reader is dependent on him
- and he def wants to be the protector to give himself some sense of assurance bc he's so desperate to not be alone anymore and bc the reader is the only person he has/loves, he wants to feel in control and like he's the less attached one
- okay,, let's get back to the pregnancy thing, anyways, your pregnancy is most definitely activating all of those senses and this was meant to be a sub plot but it kind of became it's own thing lol
- so lets get to the actual pregnancy reaction
if you two have been trying to get pregnant:
- when you tell him, he kind of like, pauses bc it's not every day that he gets surprised so it takes him a moment to register that he's experiencing shock lol, so he tenses and goes islent
- and then after he realizes that he's surprised and that it's bc of a good thing, he manages to relax
- meanwhile you're kind of freaking out bc he got so quiet?? you start to wonder if he's regretting ever wanting a child with you? and you're like two seconds away from a downspiral and then he...
- he touches your cheek and looks at you in a way you've never seen him look at anyone,, not even you
- the look is so warm and strong and full of fierce admiration that you feel foolish for ever thinking he didn't want this. And then he says something about how you're carrying his child and how he didn't realize he could adore you more and then he kisses you and it's all :)) warm:)
- he doesn't want anyone to know that he's expecting a child as long as possible bc of how many enemies he has and how he has to worry about you enough when people just know that you're his 'lover' (a title you never really liked, but one he tells you is necessary to make sure no one realizes the extent of his attachment)
- if you really want to tell your mother or someone of that relation, he won't be mad about it, but he just needs to know
- Genya is the only exception bc the darkling basically instructs her to look out for you,, but when you tell her she's like oh?? you guys just found out?
- miss girl most definitely noticed like a day and a half ago after you cried bc she couldn't find you ice cream the other night 😭and she just assumed you knew but weren't ready to tell anyone
- okay so this what i think is his most problematic expecting father trait would be. So i just ranted about how important secrecy would be to him but he's also the most overprotective person in the entire world,, like he was bad before but once he knows your with child?? yeah, if a man asks you about the weather, he's done for
- he's next to you in a second, ordering either you or the man to do some asinine task
- if you get mad about this (rightfully so) or even just point out how nothing is wrong and you having a casual conversation with a man who isn't even looking at you sexually won't hurt you or the baby, he'll lose rationality
- it depends on how much you push, but it'd be super easy to make him super possessive bc like i said, being bonded by a child has made him so much more intense (and he was pretty intense before)
- and if you push too much he'll lowkey forget about how cautious he's trying to be with you and pin you against the nearest wall and say something along the lines of 'are you already forgetting you're mine? that i own you, body and soul--is my child growing in you not enough of a reminder? because i'll give you another one if you need it.' (AH--i want to write a whole fic based on this line)
- also if the reader is grisha, especially if she's a sun summoner/special grisha like him, he def talks about the power that they've created and how proud he already is and how he can't wait to train together and be the most powerful family in the world
- not everything is perfectly happy though, bc now he feels more pressure to complete his plan and establish the world he wants his child to be born into
- so sometimes when he's working extra hard or is extra aggressive for no reason, you have to work at calming him down and reminding him that the best thing he can do for his child is be there for them (and the child's mother,, lol)
- sometimes he'll respond by actually listening to you and trying to make up for his absence or his aggression by being extra soft until you finally forgive him
- you never last that long, it's hard to be mad at him when he's coddling you and whispering such sweet things about he's so happy to have you and your future child
- overall, his first reaction is to swell with emotion, which he isn't used to, and so he becomes super protective but also extra lovey and you know that his overreactions are just him trying to show that he cares about you and your future child more than anything
If the pregnancy was unplanned:
- the initial reaction is pretty similar, only his state of shock lasts longer
- like i said at the beginning, he's not used to being surprised and an accidental pregnancy is so much more surprising than a planned pregnancy
- this really sucks for you bc he's not exactly known for his patience so you just kinda sit there and genuinely wonder if you're going to be a single mom or if you're going to want to deletus the fetus or something
- but then he takes a step towards you and you see how he's looking at you and you just know that that fierceness has to mean something good
- and at this point you're scared and nervous and feel so alone so tears are pricking at your eyes,, so he wipes his thumb across your cheek to wipe away tears you won't let spill
- he then whispers something really sweet about how you two are now together forever, as you should be
- it's really relieving bc you felt so alone and uncertain and he's such a smooth speaker that by the end of the night, you feel like this is a good thing
- if youre still hesitant/weighing your options, he's not above trying to (gently) manipulate you into thinking that what he wants may be the only way
- by that,, i don't mean outright tricking you bc he means everything he says, but he def is pushing the keeping the baby agenda,, especially if you're a grisha,, and even more so if you're a grisha with similar power levels to him
- he won't get angry at first bc he's not so out of touch that he's unaware of how shocking a pregnancy is to a woman who wasn't planning one,, but his patience is limited and if you fight it too much he will get mad and yell
- but unless you really don't want to have a child, it won't get to that bc he makes the idea of having a baby with him sound so perfect?? like you genuinely don't understand how he did that
- he chases away all of your worries and assures you that youre not alone and that even though it isn't planned he wouldn't rather anyone else carry his child
- the initial conversation would probably end in you two sleeping together again bc he finds the fact that you're carrying his child so attractive and bc being aware of the pregnancy makes him more possessive
- it's also a good way to fight any of your doubts
- speaking of being possessive though,, i feel like he could be a little more possessive/protective of a reader who didn't plan on getting pregnant bc your relationship has been less established
- no one sees you as anything to him and he doesn't want to start rumors now bc it's important to him that his enemies don't find out about you or his future child so he doesn't want that to change
- but he almost forgets about all of those reasons each time he sees a man get a little too close,, especially if that guy is flirty
- it takes all of his will power to not just go 'she's mine and if i wasn't worried about the stress that witnessing something violent would cause our unborn child, you'd be dead already, but if you're not gone by the time i turn around, i'll forget about caution'
- lots of close calls ngl!! at one point youre like 'if it bothers you so much, maybe you should tell someone??' and he's like 'no,, maybe,, shut up' and then you raise one eyebrow and he just closes his mouth and is like 'i mean,, i'll kiss you to shut you up, haha--dont be mad'
- youre the one that's pregnant but sometimes you think he might be the one experiencing the mood swings i swear 😭
- so your little theory gets tested,, he's not the type to gossip with his besties and be like 'guess who's officially my girlfriend, i knocked her up but it's not like it sounds--'
- so he's like ig you can tell genya
- once again genya is like ?? yall thought you were keeping that secret? couldn't be me
- but having it a little out in the open helps ease him just enough that youre actually capable of consoling him when he becomes jealous
- still though,, he's quick to go into possessive/pregnancy kink sex
- youre most def not mad about it,, unless pregnancy has you particularly sore
- he's normally pretty understanding about that and def doesn't mind pulling his weight in the bedroom when he needs
- honestly he'd be really good at being a source of calmness at the beginning, but as time goes on he becomes more and more worried about finishing his plans bc he didn't expect to have a child right now
- so he'd be more adamant about working/becoming more tense and would be more difficult to console if it was an accidental pregnancy
- when you call him out on it--or on anything while your pregnant--it's frustrating for you both bc the number one thing everyone knows is stress is bad for baby, so he's trying to keep you calm without backing down
- these argument always end with one of you clinging to the other,, and then the more angrier of the two just like shuts up, rolls their eyes, and lets go of the argument...at least for now
- the main difference between an accidental and intentional pregnancy would probably be how you perceive him,, bc an intentional pregnancy means youve talked about things but since you havent talked about anything your shocked about how soft he becomes ??
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