#(and mind-bogglingly expensive)
garden-eel-draws · 7 months
Watching Pluto reawakened my fixation on Astro Boy, so now I'm watching the subbed original version of the 2003 anime that 4Kids did its butchery on before presenting it to my young eyes.
8yo me was right to obsess over this anime! Well-animated, violent, full of fun sci-fi designs, and adorable--exactly my kind of show, even 20 years later.
(Genuinely, I'm surprised by how good the animation is! Painted backgrounds and animation cels are such a kindness on the eyes.)
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catgirltoes · 1 year
Have you considered that people want to go where they want when they want and no other form of transit allows this? A mixed model is what we ought to strive for rather than just one or the other.
I agree! The bicycle is, indeed, the ideal form of personal transportation and will always be extremely important even in places with excellent public transit and perfect walkability.
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reasonsforhope · 9 days
What do you do to not spiral into election anxiety when people on social media say non-stop 'Democrats have thrown the election! Trump is going to win!' ?
Hey! Good news: I genuinely think you can straight up ignore those posts.
Above all, that's because "Democrats have thrown the election!" is just not how elections work, people on social media aside. The people running want to win, and have people on their side win, especially when you consider how mind-bogglingly expensive it is to run a campaign these days.
And Democratic politicians and government/party officials know way better than most people exactly how fucking awful a second Trump term would be. This is a guy who literally tried to have Democratic members of Congress executed by a mob (January 6th). Democrats know they have to win this. Everyone involved, from politicians to nonprofits to get-out-the-vote organizers, is extremely dedicated to making sure Trump doesn't win again.
You can also check out this post of mine, from November 2023, for some more antidotes to election anxiety. Section #1 is still especially relevant re: social media posts like the ones you've seen:
"1. The media is going to underreport how well the Left and/or Democrats are doing, basically no matter what.
So, although we can't get cocky about it, this is something absolutely worth remembering when you see just about any polling or predictions about the 2024 elections."
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wonjns · 2 years
honey money — l.jh drabble
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♡ lee jooheon x gn!reader // nsfw
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rich boy jooheon inviting you over to his parent’s mansion after class to fuck you just because you don’t go feral over him or try to use him for his money like the other guys and girls at school. he’d pretend it was for a tutoring session, only for there to not be a single text book opened as you straddled his thick thighs, his warm hands palming you over your underwear while his plump lips never even thought about leaving your neck.
you had to admit, you’d composed yourself in your historical theoretics class very well, but you could never get your eyes to peel away from how perfectly his legs filled out his khaki pants. he sometimes caught you looking, but was surprisingly turned on when you would confidently shift your gaze in a different direction as if you couldn’t care less about his existence.
“you... have a really nice place,” you stuttered while he sucked spots onto your clavicle, him simply responding in a deep moan that made you tingle between your legs.
you looked down to catch a view of his insatiable lips leaving marks on your chest, and the sight alone was enough to turn you on even more - the feeling and sound of his ministrations only pulling you closer to the edge.
you also didn’t fail to see how his mind-bogglingly sexy dimples appeared, the result of him smirking after he felt you begin to grind your hips down on him - just to feel the delicious drag of his clothed bulge and strong thighs across your core. every aspect of the contact you had from him felt like an ecstasy of pleasure, and damn you just had to whimper for more.
jooheon chuckled cockily, knowing he finally broke your don’t-give-a-fuck demeanor before untucking your shirt painfully slow to sneak a hand up your backside. his warm touch spread along your back as he nipped at your collarbone. he himself knew all too well how desperate he was to just get in your pants already, but he still insisted on reveling in his easy victory.
he’s used to people worshipping him. but somehow he instinctually found himself worshipping the beautiful sounds that fell out of your mouth as his tongue trailed up your neck before his succulent, honey-coated lips molded with yours. your head would spin as he kissed into you even more passionately while you heard the sound of expensive glass on the nearby table shake— the result of jooheon’s eager limbs stripping you of your uniform. as his strong arms guided your hips on top of his proud boner that continued to rub directly between your legs at the perfect angle, you started to think you just might understand the hype.
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© 𝐟𝐥𝐰𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐢 — all rights reserved
hmmmhngnfh just smth cuz he looks so good in the new pics.....might have to make a fic out of this. we need more monsta x content anyways !!
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cometkov · 6 months
i’m so irritated that evernote changed its free plan to a limit of 1 notebook and 50 notes—i’ve accumulated 17 notebooks of ~500 notes (ಠ_ಠ)
it’s been my main writing application for the last 2-3 years because it’s cross-platform (mobile and desktop) and i love the organization schema (unlike google docs) but their paid plan is mind-bogglingly expensive. if anyone has similar alternatives, i’m on the lookout for something new now! suggestions are greatly appreciated 🙏
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spaceboitoi · 8 days
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So like mind-bogglingly expensive but ultimately a losing effort?
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fanstuffrantings · 8 months
A while ago I saw a take on wyll that was so mind-bogglingly off base that it actually made me pause.
So for people who don't like wyll because they think he's boring, a cop (???? No), or too self righteous allow me to speak about wyll as a character and explain his story.
Wyll was forced into a deal with Mizora at 16 years old when baldurs gate was about to be attacked by the forces of Tiamat. His father, the known hero of baldurs gate, wasn't there to help. He was a kid alone, backed against a wall, with the desperate need to save his home. So when a devil offered him a deal he took it. But after that happened all evidence of Tiamat doing any damage vanished.
Wylls dad came home to his son in a pact with a devil and promptly threw him out for it without waiting for an explanation. Wyll had been going around, being as good a person as he could and helping people since then. Since 16 years old. He has rigid morals, but that's because he wants to save people and keep things safe. Yes he's going to snark at Astarion for being a vampire because he's a monster hunter and he's wary.
But he's also so willing to do the right thing at the expense of himself every time. Not killing karlach left him with a body altered against his will turning him into the very creature that has dehumanized him for at least the last decade. Even still from the way he is we know he'd make the same choice to spare Karlach if he were to do it again.
And repeating that: Mizora dehumanizes him. She calls him a pet, she mocks him constantly, tricks him into doing things he would normally be morally opposed to but also has no real way to refuse without being punished for it. She was sent by Zariel to trap him in a deal to corrupt someone good-hearted and even still Wyll has never once given up his morals and his desire to help others.
Wyll is genuinely a fantastic character and if you have just been leaving him at camp every playthrough/skipping his dialogue I beg you to give him a chance.
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fandrawsart · 4 months
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👑 KING 👑
Context: Your baby sister has been feeling down ever since the disastrous trip to the village fair, so you and your co-conspirators decide to surprise her by creating new dresses for an exclusive DIY fashion show.
Bonus: It’s a success and another one of your siblings end up discovering a skill that they are mind-bogglingly good at.
Ft. 5 year old Uzumaki Nana, Nohara Kanna, Kyoko, Ryuu, and Yuji from In Sound Judgement by @negativeaperture
(Character interpretations and scenarios were inspired by the fic. They may not be canon to the version written by the writer and are strictly the artist’s speculations)
I imagine this taking place after the kids had to visit the central village fair for consumable produce, and Nana being an adult stuck in a child’s body got distracted by all the pretty wares and clothes that were being displayed. She had been admiring the dresses, when she was suddenly manhandled by an extremely irate and furious stall owner. A man, who not just a few moments ago had been acting really nice and fondly indulgent towards her.
Nana is saved by Ryuu before the screaming owner can throw her down, and hastily taken away from the gathering crowd. The last thing she sees before Ryuu covers her eyes and ears is the sight of the full-grown adult who had been taking sick satisfaction from her fear rapidly paling in front of a young black-haired child wearing an ANBU mask.
(Ps. The clothes were designed by our dumpster diving legend Kyoko. The expensive fabric scraps and flower pins that they found during their spree may or may not have been left by a concerned ANBU as an apology for being unable to intervene sooner.)
(Ps. Ps. Yes the ANBU was Itachi)
Ps. Ps. Ps. The photo looks blurry because the file size was too big for the post. Desktop users shouldn't face the issue while accessing the file. Apologies to everyone who views the app through the phone (like me).
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Can We Afford a Future?
Climate change. It's scary, it's complex, and it seems like every solution is mind-bogglingly expensive. But what if we reframed the question? What if solving climate change is the best investment we could make?
The Dire Numbers
Scientists have a target: 400ppm for atmospheric CO2. It's still a bit higher than ideal, but it could slow things down and buy us time. Trouble is, the cost estimates to get there are astronomical! We're talking trillions of dollars, maybe more, just in the first decade.
What if...
What if all the wealthy nations in the OECD banded together? There are 38 of them. Now, what if each country chipped in 1 trillion USD per decade for the climate fight. Suddenly, we're talking about serious money: $38 trillion every 10 years!
Where Does It Go?
* Flip the Power Grid: Overhaul everything – solar, wind, storage. Make clean energy so abundant that fossil fuels become the expensive choice.
* Suck It Out of the Air: Plant trees on a massive scale – forests are natural carbon suckers. But also invest in the sci-fi tech – machines that pull CO2 right out of the atmosphere.
* Help the Most Vulnerable: Seawalls aren't enough. Climate change is already here. We need to help communities on the frontlines adapt.
* Innovation on Steroids: Fund the crazy science. What if we could turn CO2 into building blocks? Or grow crops that thrive in drought?
So, After 20 Years...?
Realistically, we might not hit 400ppm by then, but here's what could happen:
* We'd finally see emissions dropping FAST, putting us on track for later in the century.
* Clean tech would be booming, creating jobs, and becoming cheaper.
* People wouldn't be constantly fleeing floods and wildfires – there'd be less humanitarian crises.
Can we Afford Not to Do This?
The military, that gets trillions. But wars don't stop rising seas. Climate disasters are already costing us massively. Let's rethink our priorities here.
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argumate · 2 years
An investigation by Forbes’ Ukrainian service revealed the extent of the financial strains that the war in Ukraine has imposed on Russia’s annual budget. Forbes found that Russia has spent $82 billion dollars on the first nine months of the war in Ukraine, amounting to one quarter of its entire 2021 annual budget of $340 billion. The investigation emphasized the impact that mobilization had on military-related expenditures since October and observed that providing for the 300,000 mobilized cost an additional $1.8 billion per month in addition to the increased costs of providing ammunition, equipment, and salaries to mobilized recruits, which in total amounted to a $2.7 billion increase following mobilization. ISW has previously reported on the detrimental effects of mobilization and the Kremlin’s overall war effort on the Russian federal budget. In addition to the massive impact the first nine months of the war have had on the federal budget, ISW has also observed that local Russian administrations on the regional level have disproportionately borne the brunt of mobilization in a way that will continue to have reverberating social and financial impacts into 2023.
war is expensive, and this one is mind-bogglingly expensive for everyone involved and the rest of the world too, a massive voluntary destruction of global wealth
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sarcasticdolphin · 1 year
“Simple Conversation.”
Todolf modern mafia au. Some kissing but no smut.
It seemed a simple enough case - though really there wasn’t a case yet - on the surface. Another man with more money than he knew what to do with was refusing to follow traffic laws. 
George had raised an eyebrow at the case file when he’d received it. The man, a Mr. Tod, had to have paid at least 20 times the fine in lawyers’ fees already. All for a simple offense. 
The number of attorneys he’d gone through had raised the other eyebrow. George was getting paid well, but having already been through three lawyers from prestigious firms didn’t speak well to the client being an agreeable man.
And to top it all of he had refused to reschedule the meeting, or more properly interview, that had already been arranged with the ADA to happen directly after their introduction.
So it was with more than a small fraction of annoyance that George Williams rode the elevator to the penthouse, accompanied by the man who had been waiting to escort him in the lobby.
The penthouse was ... as expected. Sleek. Modern. Mind-bogglingly expensive. His client wasn’t. Tod was much younger than he’d expected, and cut a handsome figure in his dark suit. George added a few points in their favor if the case went to trial. Life was always easier when the defendant was attractive.
 The meeting went well enough. His client seemed almost a little too intelligent - clients who did as they were told were preferable. George got the feeling Tod did what he pleased.
He almost asks about the ADA - while he is Tod’s fourth lawyer there has only ever been a single ADA on the case - but thinks better of it. Best to form his own opinions of ‘R Habsburg.’ 
The thought only comes to him after they’ve gotten the call that the ADA is on his way up. Habsburg. Like the governor.
Nevertheless, Rudolf Habsburg is entirely unexpected. Young. Much younger than George had been expecting. Younger even than his client. And beautiful, carrying himself with an undeniable grace. There went whatever advantage he’d had by having an attractive client.
The meeting goes well enough on the surface level. His client doesn’t blurt out anything incriminating. But it’s like he’s playing a game. Like they’re playing a game George doesn’t know the rules to. There aren’t any hard questions, and George wants to relax as it goes on, this ... what had Habsburg called it when he came if? A simple conversation. He can’t. He’s on edge. 
And to top it all off his client is looking at the ADA like he wants to bend him over the table. George makes a note that under no circumstances should he let Habsburg cross-examine his client. 
He and Habsburg depart via the elevator, one of Tod’s men escorting them.
Habsburg doesn’t speak until they are exiting the building. 
“George Williams, was it?”
“Thank you for being able to keep the meeting despite being so new to the case. I can’t imagine you were all that eager to go through with it.”
George nods as Habsburg continues.
“You seem more reasonable than your predecessors. And more ....” Habsburg is twirling his fingers, looking for a word. 
But George has read the paperwork “Law-abiding?”
Habsburg’s smile is entirely unnerving. “Indeed.”
That was the other thing that had given George pause. Having three ex-lawyers charged (and two convicted so far) of relatively serious crimes wasn’t exactly a green flag (client-wise) in their profession. 
“See you soon, Mr. Williams.” Habsburg stopped at a car. George’s own was just up ahead, and he was glad to be back to it. 
“God.” He muttered to himself. “What have I gotten myself into?”
He drove three blocks before turning. If he had looked back, he would have seen Habsburg, walking back to the building. 
Rudolf was back in Tod’s penthouse soon enough, shrugging off his suit jacket, toeing off his shoes, undoing the first two buttons of his shirt, and laying on the couch, his head in Tod’s lap. Tod’s fingers go to work immediately, drawing a purr from Rudolf as they card through his hair.
“How do you find my new attorney?”
“Mmmm. Law-abiding.”
Tod chuckles at that. “It was bound to happen eventually.”
Rudolf looks up to Tod. “Then again, looks can be deceiving.” He brought Tod’s hand to his lips, kissing the ring on Tod’s first finger. 
Tod’s hand returns to Rudolf’s hair and gently guides the young man into Tod’s lap.
“Well-” Tod traces Rudolf’s cheek with a finger. “If he turns out to be another criminal then I’m sure my favorite ADA will bring him to justice.”
Rudolf smiled and leaned in, pressing a kiss to the corner of Tod’s lips. “Your wish is my command.”
Tod’s hand keeps moving until it is resting on that place on Rudolf’s back, just above where the little raven rests. He pulls Rudolf in for a proper kiss, deep and insisting.
They eat and shower together before climbing into bed and intertwining their limbs. Rudolf has an early morning, so Tod merely wraps himself around the younger man and hums softly as Rudolf falls asleep.
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pinetreeparadoxx · 2 years
EXSCUSE ME YOU GOTTA TELL ME WHO???? FURSUIT ARTISTS WHERE? Not that I'd be able to afford it but fr I find that stuff incredible and love to see WIPs and stuff
Of course! :D (Also hiii followers. Yeah I'm a furry and I adore fursuits!) This will be FULL OF LINKS so enjoy!!
So this is a hypothetical team-up, I don't think these artist have collabed in the past. And yeahhhhh it would be WICKED EXPENSIVE. We can all dream, though!
My first two IMMEDIATE thoughts were TheBeastcub and Radula Castion.
TheBeastcub is known for absolutely crazy precise work, engineering marvels, and of course, QUADSUITS. You know, fursuits that allow people to walk on all fours!
The Conductor/Engineer isn't a hyperrealistic character, we all know this but! TheBeastcub's range is truly incredible. Seriously, peep their media tab on twitter for a treat! Here's a lava phoenix they made! They make super cool bird talon gloves! They work with real feathers! This one speaks for itself!
But one great thing is they make suits for disabled clients. They made this MIND BOGGLINGLY BEAUTIFUL SUIT for a wheelchair bound client! I was at a loss for words when I saw this.
So we have this versatile, incredibly talented maker. But animatronics, who would add those?
Look no further than Radula Castion, who makes the most lifelike movements I've ever seen in a suit. (TW for their twitter for some spooky things!)
Look at this! And this! The snarling, the ears move, the eyes blink... Here's a wireframe WIP of a dinosaur I think! A WIP of that first suit... And more of them!! And even more :)
But my favorite is this lion! Look at these EXPRESSIONS!! Just BRILLIANT!! Look at that ear movement!!
Other makers that I think would be brilliant in a project like this:
Crystumes! Another maker of incredibly realistic suits! Makes great hinged jaws and BIRDS!
A total 180 switch, but ElkCraft! (Tw bright colors!) Well knows for never shying away from the most complex characters, this maker is toony to the max!
And last but not least! Not a fursuit maker but a stellar cosplayer, WillowCreativ! Fantastic at using LEDs, makes legit ANIMATRONIC WINGS, and made quite possibly the coolest werewolf costume of all time.
So if we could somehow get most/all of these artists to collaborate on one big project for you, and had a ton of money, your idea for a suit IS within the realm of possibility!! :D
Either way thank you for giving me the opportunity to ramble about fursuits and share some awesome artists with you!
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October 13 2023 at 06:59PM
Title: Unveiling the Hilariously Misguided Predictions of a Bizarre Historical Discovery Greetings, curious minds of the internet! Today, we embark on a journey that takes us back in time to a peculiar era filled with misguided predictions and absurd expectations. Brace yourselves as we delve into the fascinating world of a historical discovery so mind-bogglingly comical that it will make you question the sanity of those who attempted to predict it. In a stunning twist of fate, a renowned, yet eccentric, soothsayer prophesied a groundbreaking discovery that would change the course of history forever. However, unbeknownst to our wise—yet, let's admit it, slightly delusional—seer, their predictions were riddled with more inaccuracies than a horoscope. So, without further ado, let us dive headfirst into the clownish realm of their foretelling. According to our "reliable" visionary, the discovery in question would involve an ancient civilization that thrived on the usage of advanced technology—technology involving wearable pets. Yes, you heard that correctly, dear readers: wearable pets! Apparently, this ancient civilization believed in the concept of "Petsthetics," which involved adorning oneself with their most beloved animal companions. Can you imagine walking down the street with a dog hanging from your ears or a parrot perched on your shoulder? Bizarre, indeed. Adding to the whimsical nature of their predictions, these delightful creatures were believed to have had various tasks and responsibilities. The so-called "wearable pets" weren't merely fashionable accessories, but rather efficient multitaskers. They would reportedly aid their owners in everyday activities, such as organizing their workplaces, cooking meals, and even providing moral support during challenging times. Furthermore, our hapless prophet insisted that these technologically advanced, wearable pets possessed the ability to communicate telepathically—an idea as far-fetched as it sounds! Picture yourself trying to have a meaningful conversation with your pocket-sized, telepathic turtle. It seems like the stuff of a comedic sci-fi novel. But wait! It doesn't end there. The prophecy also suggested that the civilization in question revered a particular species called "furballus maximus" as their sacred animal deity. Allegedly, this creature resembled a cross between a grizzly bear, a squirrel, and, inexplicably, a Tickle Me Elmo doll. The mind boggles at the mere thought of it! Alas, as time and reality would have it, this prediction ended up being nothing more than a hysterical misinterpretation of ancient civilization. Instead of wearable pets and telepathic interactions, modern archaeologists have discovered evidence of a society that revered household animals as symbols of fertility and companionship. While it may not have led to the uproarious hilarity our seer envisioned, the actual discovery is still fascinating in its own right. So, my dear readers, remember this cautionary tale: even the most well-intentioned predictions can go awry. It's all too easy to be swept away by our own imagination, turning an otherwise serious topic into a side-splitting comedy. As we bid farewell to our whimsical prophet, let us embrace the joy that comes from laughing at these wildly inaccurate predictions. After all, the world can always use a little more laughter, even when it comes at the expense of historical discovery. Until next time, stay entertained and keep your furry, telepathic companions close to your hearts—just maybe not as accessories to your outfit!
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richardsmyspace · 10 months
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esgagile · 1 year
What Advantages Do Businesses Get from Turning Green?
We are a renowned Sustainability report consultant; reductions in costs, an increase in consumers, and an improvement in employee morale are all advantages of being green in business. Most states and nations have laws that, to varied degrees, require environmental compliance in various ways and forms. As we become more aware of the benefits of being environmentally conscious, more local, state, and federal regulations are being created yearly. Being green means being in front of the curve; if some green legislation isn't already in place, it soon will be, giving businesses an advantage to start as quickly as feasible.
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In our role as Sustainability Report Consultant, the Environmental Protection Agency published its 2022 Action Agenda, which is a genuinely mind-bogglingly detailed strategy to cut carbon emissions while promoting sustainability and includes actionable repercussions and incentives for being ahead of the green curve. Lowering energy consumption reduces utility expenses. Less money must be spent on new stock purchases to produce goods when current materials are creatively reused.
As a Sustainability Reporting Consultant, Customers are more likely to trust a company that practices sustainability. The most effective type of advertising is word-of-mouth, and green firms cannot purchase that kind of PR. This strengthens and expands a firm's existing market base because those who may have never heard of the company may be drawn to one supporting environmental responsibility. Becoming green encourages more than just satisfied customers. By working with green companies, employees feel safer. Including employees in corporate green projects improves morale. Workers believe their health is cared for and they are valued individuals rather than disposable goods.
Being a Sustainability report consultant, Employees want to stay in a location where they feel like they are part of a work community that cares. Companies like Bank of America show they care about their employees' worlds by committing to a healthy global environment, which improves employee morale. Thus, this is also an intelligent approach to lower turnover. Being an ecologically responsible business is gaining in popularity. Becoming green becomes more and more alluring as more well-known organizations across the globe adopt it.
As a Sustainability Report Consultant consultant, Honda is today regarded as one of the greenest companies in the car sector thanks in part to its optimization of fuel efficiency. Ultimately, there are many more advantages to being green for a business than drawbacks. Over time, the work and money it takes to build new environmentally friendly standards pay off financially and psychologically by making customers feel good about doing business with you. Dell, a computer manufacturer, introduced a recycling scheme that allowed customers to return electronics—which are notoriously difficult to recycle—for free.
Development that satisfies current demands without compromising future generations' capacity to meet their needs is called sustainable development. Building an inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future for people and the planet requires coordinated actions. The global goals, sometimes called sustainable development (SDGs), are an international call to action to eradicate poverty, safeguard the environment, and guarantee that everyone lives in peace and prosperity.
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purpleguideau · 2 years
Things to Consider Before You Buy a Canvas Print Online
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Online shopping has turned the world upside down even when you are looking to Buy Canvases Online. No longer do you have to trudge through aisles of stores looking for what you want, only to find that it's either out of stock or too expensive. Now you can shop from the comfort of your own home, and the variety and prices can be mind-bogglingly good at times! However, with this new freedom also comes to some dangers and risks, especially when it comes to ordering canvas prints online.
When you are to Buy Canvases Online, you want to be sure that you are getting the best quality product possible. Here are things to keep in mind when you are making your purchase:
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-The size of the print. If you want a large print, make sure the company can accommodate your request. -The material of the canvas. You want something durable that will last for years to come. -The printing process. Make sure the company uses high-quality inks and printers. -The price. Don't overpay for your print! Compare prices from different companies before making your final decision. -The shipping process. Some companies ship rolled-up prints, which can damage them during transit.
Before you purchase a canvas print online, there are several things you'll need to take into account. The size of the print is one of the most important factors. Will the print be too small or too large for the space you have in mind? You'll also need to decide if you want a single canvas or a multi-panel print.
If you're considering buying a canvas print, there are a few things you should keep in mind. The first is texture. A lot of times, people will choose a canvas print because they want the textured look of an original painting. But what they don't realize is that not all canvas prints are created equal. The quality of the printing process can make a big difference in the final product. If you're looking for a high-quality canvas print, make sure to find a printer that uses state-of-the-art equipment and top-of-the-line inks.
Before you buy a canvas print online, there are a few things you should take into consideration. The first is price. You want to make sure you find a reputable seller who is offering a fair price for the quality of their product. The second is the size. Canvas prints come in all shapes and sizes, so you'll want to make sure you pick one that will fit nicely in the space you have available. The third is the material. Some sellers use high-quality materials while others cut corners to save money. This can affect the overall look and feel of your Art Online, so be sure to do your research before making a purchase. Fourth is the shipping. Many sellers offer free shipping when you Buy Canvases Online, but some charge extra for it. Conclusion All in all, buying a canvas print online is a great way to get high-quality art for your home or office. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before making your purchase. First, be sure to do your research and find a reputable website or store. Second, make sure the image you choose is high resolution so that it will look great on your canvas. And finally, don't forget to factor in the cost of shipping when you're budgeting for your new artwork! Read the full article
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