#(also yes i know the dimension cannon only travel in 'space' and probably not in time... shush)
angelic37 · 1 year
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DIMENSION HOPPING | Right universe, wrong Doctor
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Multiverse is a Curse Word (3)
Here it is, another chapter. I have about half of this fic already all written out, so updates will be pretty close together and regular for a while. 
Adeline Marks is @hntrgurl13‘s OC, and the Dimension Jumper and Drifting Dimensions AUs that are, I dunno, crossovers for this fic also belong to her.
The Adrift AU was made by @the-subpar-ghost, but the accompanying Drifting Stars fic is not the origin story for this one.
Addiford has, yet again, not arrived, but you might be able to see it as a speck in the distance now. The ship is from @scipunk63.
Gravity Falls is amazing, Alex Hirsch is a genius.
@deadpool-demon-diva and @thejesterlyfictionista, your contributions are the unfailing encouragement you give me.
AO3  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11
Chapter 3: Stanford Pines, Guardian of the Year
When Ford awoke, he was content. Not simply as the default state of waking up unhurt and momentarily safe, but really, truly happy. The last time he had felt so good he had had a home, a family, and a future.
He heard Mabel laugh and turned his head toward the sound. It filled him up with warmth and light.
She was sitting with her legs crossed on a recovery bed, talking animatedly to a green octopus-like person wearing a black medical band on one of their appendages. They had no visible mouth, but their voice emanated from somewhere under their main body, so Ford assumed they had a beak like many cephalopods on Earth. The room all three of them were in was unmistakeably a small hospital ward, with barely enough room for two patients. A two-way mirror encompassed one wall, the reflective side facing him and Mabel. This did not bother him as much as it normally would have.
“Wow, your tentacles are amazing! They’re so much handier than hands!”
The being chuckled and affectionately ruffled Mabel’s hair. “They’re pretty useful. I can do all sorts of things with them.” To prove their point, they curled three around to spell out “Kot.”
“That’s your name! Can you do mine?” The girl asked eagerly.
“Sure.” Five tentacles twirled around until “Mabel” was written out in neat cursive.
“That is the coolest thing I have ever seen in my entire life,” Mabel gasped enthusiastically.
“Hey, looks like my other patient is awake.” Kot noticed suddenly, moving over to Ford’s bed. “How are you feeling?”
“Placid,” he answered honestly. He wondered if it was normal that everything seemed slowed down, so much less urgent than before.
“That’s the sedative. It should wear off soon.” The doctor explained. Ford tried not to feel disappointed.
“While you were both out I vaccinated you against the virus you picked up; it’s particularly nasty, originally a bioweapon manufactured by Wikert Expansion Enterprises. Only their scientists know how to counteract it, so you are very lucky I defected, and even more lucky I was here when you arrived,” Kot stared meaningfully at Ford, but the impact of their words was lost on him. The most he could do was try to nod seriously.
“I also had to synthesise Mabel’s blood and perform a transfusion to keep it from advancing into the third stage. I assumed that would be okay as you do seem to care for her well-being, although this was a bit of a toss-up seeing as you tried to attack me when I was getting her help,” Again, the barbed comment did little to disrupt Ford’s complacency.
“A thank you would be nice,” Kot said sharply.
“Thank you,” Ford said, channelling as much gratitude as he could into the words.
“You’re welcome.” With that, the doctor spun around and headed through the exit. “Whenever you like, Mabel. Feel free to take your time.”
Mabel smiled her acknowledgement of the cryptic message and hopped off her bed to approach Ford.
“You look really happy.” she said conversationally. “It’s weird. Usually you’re a big frowny-face.”
Ford laughed. “I expect I’ll be back to being grumpy soon, never fear.” It was strange how soft everything felt. He stretched out a hand and tucked a lock of hair behind his niece’s ear. “That was clever thinking, with the resistance signal. I would not have remembered it, especially if I had been as sick as you. You’re a smart person, Mabel.”
When she beamed at the praise it was as though the Sun had come out.
“Friendship is the best weapon to fight with!” she said wisely. “Metaphorically, I mean. Literally, it’s probably those cannons we saw on Tetrax 4.”
Despite the sedative’s uncannily effective soothing power, the reality of how close they had both come to the doors of death was starting to sink in. Still not removing his hand from cupping the back of her head, Ford felt a surge of affection for his niece.
“Mabel, I love you so much, and I am so glad you’re safe,”
“Awww, I love you too,” she gave him a warm hug, grinning broadly. Ford was pretty sure she was laughing at his ridiculously lucid state, however this same state kept him from being bothered.
“The resistance people want to talk to you.” Mabel said, pulling back.
“Okay.” Ford nodded, sitting up.
“But you gotta promise you’re not gonna freak out and go all paranoid. Kot said they know that’s a running thing with you.” Mabel gave him a stern look. Bemused, Ford promised.
“YOU CAN COME IN NOW!” Mabel yelled at the two-way mirror.
The door swung open and Adeline Marks stepped through. The first thing she did was walk over and swat Ford’s shoulder.
Beyond the mirror was a small room with a station that monitored the health of the patients. This was where Adeline took him to berate him for running off and almost dying. By the time she had finished he was sure the sedative was wearing off, as he was no longer in as good a mood as previously. He wondered why she cared.
Adeline was not wearing her overcoat.
“Where’s your necklace?” He asked, tendrils of suspicion starting to creep back into his mind.
“I took it off so you wouldn’t get the wrong idea again,”
After a slight hesitation, she pulled it out of her pocket and handed it to him. It was a plain gold triangle, no decorations of any kind. Most significantly, it did not even have the barest hint of a circle in the middle to act as an eye. There was no way Cipher was watching through this.
“Alright,” he relented, giving it back. “I apologise. However, you can’t blame me for reacting the way I did. Why do you have something like that?”
“It’s the only thing I have left from home.” Adeline said simply. “I’ve had it for over thirty years, ever since I fell through the portal. I’m not giving it up now.”
Ford nodded in understanding. After a few quiet seconds, Adeline ventured, “So … when you built your portal, I wasn’t there?”
“No, only Fidds,” he winced.
“Did you come through on purpose?” It was impossible to miss the hopeless pleading in her question, the idea that there might be a way home hovering just out of reach.
“I’m sorry, no. It … was an accident,” That did not stop him from being angry.
As though she had read his thoughts, Adeline said sympathetically, “I was angry for a while too. Even though it was an accident, and I’d managed to tell you what Bill was planning, what was on the other side … I still wanted you to open that portal back up and come find me. Which was selfish, I know,” she sighed, “and I’m glad you didn’t. Fate of the world and all.”
Unsure how to respond, Ford kept quiet. Relative strangers unloading their issues onto him as though he was some interdimensional travelling therapist was not a frequent occurrence in his life.
They were shaken out of their thoughts by Mabel’s laugh from inside the recovery room. Kot was entertaining her with more tentacle tricks.
“Is she yours?” Adeline smiled, tilting her head towards the scene.
“No, no.” Ford said quickly. “My brother’s, sort of, I mean, she’s my great-niece.”
“Oh. Sorry. She’s a sweet kid. I was just wondering how she ended up out here,”
“Another accident with the portal,” Ford said darkly. “She doesn’t like to talk about it, but apparently something went wrong when Stanley, my other brother, turned it on trying to get me back. So, she ended up here – in this hellscape called the multiverse.”
Seemingly unperturbed by the grim atmosphere the room had adopted, Adeline nudged him light-heartedly.
“She’ll be fine. She has you to look out for her,”
“Well you’ve seen how good I’ve been at that: participated in morally questionable money-making scheme, attacked by gambler, infected with deadly bioweapon,” he checked off.
“Occupied the attention of said gambler so she could escape, leaped into action the second you thought you were no longer safe, had to be sedated before you stopped trying to protect her.” Adeline countered. “You deserve a ‘Guardian of the Year’ medal.”
He had to smile at that, and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. Ford had not really thought about it before, but it had been far longer than three decades since he had felt as though he was wanted around, much less needed. He’d missed that feeling.
Ford jerked his head up to look at Adeline in horror. Shit, I didn’t say that out loud did I?
Adeline was obviously biting back another smile.
“That sedative sure is strong, huh?” she suggested.
“Yes,” he said gratefully, clearing his throat and feeling the last of it trickle away. Even without it, he felt completely at ease in her company now.
Half an hour later, Addi decided to take them to the guy who ran the place. She watched happily as Stanford and Mabel walked with her through the structure, quite impressed. It was nothing special, other than its size - all grey concrete and rectangular corridors and square rooms – however, there was not a vast number of people situated there for a building of its enormity: only about a hundred. It seemed practically deserted.
“Is this some kind of castle?” asked Mabel in awe as Addi led them into a wide, open space. “I bet this was the throne room. Kinda bland though. I can see why the monarchy crumbled.”
“No, this was a military installation of a corporation called Wikert Expansion Enterprises. A resistance cell took it back a few years ago, and it’s become a headquarters for them,”
There were groups of chairs strewn around tables, several crates full of messes of machinery, and a couple huddles of people playing card games here and there.
“Quite the operation you have here,” Stanford said dryly, looking around at the absence of activity.
“Well it is only the afternoon. It’ll fill up later tonight.” The man looked at her. “Alright, not by much.” She admitted.
“Yeah Grunkle Ford, they’re all on secret missions to fight injustice! How can we help?” Mabel enthused.
“No.” Stanford said sharply. “We will not be getting involved with these people any more than we have to.”
“In that case, hopefully you will soon be on your way,” a new voice said.
Addi smiled at her friend, who shook hands with Stanford and Mabel. He looked like an upright polar bear, but with four arms and a face more human than snoutish. His appearance obviously delighted Mabel, who took the opportunity to stroke his fur during their handshake.
“Creepy.” He noted, slightly taken aback. “I am in charge of this resistance cell. My name is-” he made a growling, barking sound.
Stanford stared. Stanford looked at Addi expressionlessly.
“I call him Wesley,” she deadpanned.
“I do like that name.” Wesley nodded.
“Can I still call you-” Mabel replicated the sound exactly.
“You may,”
Amazed at the girl’s vocal skills, Addi pulled out a chair at nearby table, gesturing for the others to join her.
“I of course have no wish to force you into our ranks. I know that not every resistance can be pleasant to get along with, as you have mentioned to Marks here. There are always a few that are keen to go to extremes,”
“Thank you for understanding.” Stanford said slowly. “I’m sure you have good intentions, but it’s not something I want to involve a child in.”
“Reasonable. We have room for you here, if you wish to stay – for however long you please. I will require a small favour in return, though.” Before Ford could reply, Wesley continued. “The technological floor of this building has many secrets that are sealed off from us. We have had some issues dismantling security protocols, and although Marks here has managed to get us most of the way, we seem to have hit a wall.”
“I mentioned that you’re a physicist, and you did a lot of coding in university.” Addi supplied, slightly apologetically. “I don’t know if you kept it up?”
“Yes, actually, I have a doctorate in it now,”
Stanford’s voice was casual, but Addi could practically see the smugness radiating from him.
Oh yes, I earnt a doctorate in technology and coding while travelling through dimensions, no biggie, in your face Fiddleford, I can fix my own computer now …
She had to fight to hold in her laughter.
“Grunkle Ford’s, like, the biggest nerd ever, even bigger than my brother, and that’s saying something let me tell you.” Mabel told Wesley earnestly. “Grunkle Ford, if you don’t unlock this resistance’s lab, your nerd card will be revoked. Revoked I say!”
“I’ll do my best,” Stanford half-laughed.
“That is all I can ask.” Said Wesley fairly. “The main system is right here …” he waved a hand and the table sprouted a hologram. Mabel whoooaaaaed at the sudden light show, and Stanford sat forward, examining the lines of code intently. After a moment he nodded and brought up a keyboard.
Mabel was starting to fidget. Addi watched as she swivelled around in her chair to look at the rest of the so-called “wreck-room”, then went back to staring at the colours in the hologram, then played with the edge of her uncle’s coat, then asked Wesley about his beaded necklace, then about the animal his boots were made of, and so on. To be honest, Adeline was getting bored too. Stanford clearly did not need any help.
“Hey Mabel, want to do something cool?” she asked impulsively.
“Do I?!” Mabel answered in relief. “Yes. Yes I do. Very much. Please.”
“Come on then.” Addi got up and nodded to a space a little way away.
“Stay close,” Stanford said absently, still absorbed in typing commands into the system.
When they got to the space she had indicated, Mabel asked eagerly, “So what are we doing?”
“Well, I thought you might want to learn some sword-fighting.” Addi grinned and drew Big Bertha. Its razor-sharp curved edge glinted, and an elliptical section cut out of it especially drew the eye. The girl was entranced.
“She’s beautiful …” breathed Mabel, eyes wide. “You’re like a pirate! Do you swashbuckle often?”
“Um … I wouldn’t know how to,”
“She looks sharp. Do you want me to hold her? I mean, sure, I could have some hidden sword-fighting ability we’re about to unlock-”
“No, no, let’s stick to the safer method.” Addi said hastily. “There’s a couple levers in that box behind you we’ll use. And it might be best if you take off your coat. You’re going to get pretty warm.”
“Nooooooo! You’ve defeated me! Curse your hour and a half of training!” Addi wasn’t quite sure when their lesson had evolved into a pirate-themed play-date, but she did not regret it.
“Arrrrrgh! I hereby claim your treasure and your ship, and cast your crewmates overboard to be eaten by sharks!”
“Sorry. Nevermind! I cast your crewmates overboard onto dry land, where they can set up a nice restaurant and be forced to earn their booty through legal means!”
With that, Mabel flopped down on the ground beside Addi, both of them breathing hard. There had been some intensive play-acting.
Stanford and Wesley, who had left sometime previously, returned in triumph.
“Finished! There was a hidden firewall which activated some armed robots and almost set off an explosion, but I got to it in the nick of time. Anyway, how’d you two go?”
“Good. Addi taught me how to thrust, swing, block, and jump across pirate ships with a barrel of treasure in my arms,” recounted Mabel.
“She’s a natural, your niece.” Addi grinned up at Stanford. “Want some food?”
At their fervent replies, she motioned for Stanford to help her up.
“Cantina’s that way,” she said as he pulled her to her feet.
Another half hour later, Mabel finished her third bowl of soup and nudged Addi, who was sitting to her left on an extremely old couch. Stanford was on Mabel’s other side, warming his hands on a large can with a fire in it.
“Are they more resisters?” she was pointing at a group who had entered and were giving them curious looks.
“Yeah. Do me a favour and keep away from them. I’ll make sure they do the same for you,”
“Don’t you trust them? You’re involved with their movement,” Stanford frowned.
“I trust Wesley, and I think he has a good cause. But some of his methods can be questionable, and the people he gets involved … well, I don’t stick around for a reason. They’re … really not nice,” She had to keep herself from saying “fucking psychopaths” in the presence of a twelve-year-old. Fortunately, Stanford seemed to get the message.
“Mercenaries?” he switched to another language.
“Some,” she replied grimly.
“Hey! Include me,” demanded Mabel, nudging her uncle in his ribs. Her eyes widened as he jolted away, a small laugh escaping him.
“Are you ticklish?”
“… No,” the man said warily.
“Don’t listen to him Mabel, he’s the most ticklish person I’ve ever met.”
Before Stanford could open his mouth to form the word “traitor”, Mabel was on him, unleashing a battle cry of “I can’t believe I never knew!”
Addi covered her face with her hands, snorting at the panic emanating from the opposite end of the couch. After a few minutes of torture, Stanford managed to catch his niece’s hands amidst his involuntary spasming and restrain her enough to regain his breath and wipe his eyes clear of tears.
“I think I might have to get the security footage for this room.” Addi teased. “I’ll watch it whenever I’m sad and it’ll put me in a good mood for days.”
“Surrender!” cackled Mabel.
Stanford grinned and gave her a look. “You first,” was all the warning Mabel got before she was squealing and writhing around in turn, Stanford’s extra fingers doing a number on her.
“Help!” Mabel begged Addi.
“Uh, I’m sorry, a lack of treasure and pirate crewmates prevents me from performing any daring rescues,”
With that, Mabel was only released when she threatened to pee herself. Weakly, she retreated to the safety of Adeline’s end of the couch and sprawled across her, still gasping and giggling occasionally.
Definitely going to have to grab that security tape, Addi thought, wrapping an arm around the girl and laughing herself.
“You can stay in here tonight. All your equipment’s in the corner.” Addi directed as Mabel walked into the door-less room and collapsed on the bed. “You’ll have to share, sorry.”
“No, this is actually preferable.” Stanford said, glancing at the opening.
“All the old offices are like this.” Apologised Addi. “See you in the morning then.”
She made it halfway down the corridor towards her own room before she heard the footsteps. Then she turned and hurried back the way she came.
Reaching her friends’ room, she seized the creature peering inside and shoved him against the opposite wall.
“Get. Away. From. Them,” she hissed.
“Aww, come on Marks, I just wanted a little look,”
“Well unfortunately you got it. Now scram!”
“But they’re humans! They only human I ever see around here is you, and you’re no fun anymore,” Dek wheedled.
Pushing down the sick feeling in her stomach, she sent his spindly form stumbling down the corridor with a well-aimed punch.
“I’m only going to tell you once: back off!” said Addi in a low voice. She reinforced the warning by flicking the switch on Big Bertha. The electric field it generated to disrupt and deflect lasers also worked as a deterrent against some species, thankfully. Snarling, he retreated, seeing that the only thing he would be getting for staying was trouble.
Adeline stationed herself outside Stanford and Mabel’s room.
Looks like another sleepless night on watch.
Regrettably, she doubted Dek was the worst visitor she would encounter that night.
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klaudiafmp · 4 years
Star Trek
I have never actually seen Star Trek, I mean I saw some clips here and there, know what it looks like and what some of the main characters are and roughly the plot but I never fully watched it and there is just way too much of it for me to know where to even start. I assume the TV show from the 60′s but Im not sure if most people actually got into it then or through the reboot that happened few years back. Anyway I know that it has some really cool looking aliens in it so intead of writing a review I’ll just have a look at some alien species from within star trek.
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First appearance Star Trek: The Original Series “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield” (1969)
“When we first met the Cheron, there was only two members of this species left: Bele (played by the Riddler, the great Frank Gorshin) and Lokai. Bele was hunting Lokai whom Bele deemed a traitor after the planet Cheron was wiped out due to centuries of racial wars.
Apparently, some Cheron were black on the left and white on the right while other members of this advanced species possessed the opposite skin alignment. Due to this difference, the entire population — save Lokai and Bele — were eradicated. Bele hijacked the Enterprise and used his vast array of mental capabilities to hunt for Lokai.
The whole opposite was a thinly veiled, but powerful allusion to the destructive potential and sheer idiocy of racism — a message as powerful today as it was in the ’60s. Of course, you know I’m going to say that Mego made a Cheron doll, a toy I treasured in my childhood and called Oreo Man.”
See I like this species because of how simple it looks, like lets be honest it’s literally two dudes with their faces painted black and white straight through the middle. I like how they also explain that there was a lot of stigma beteen the members of the same species based on which side of their face is white and which is black to the point where the entire race killed each other off because of it, bit over the top but makes the point I guess.
“The inhabitants of Cheron were an extremely long-lived race; one representative of them was reputed to have pursued another such representative, an accused criminal from among his people, across the Milky Way Galaxy for over 50,000 years. Unfortunately, the species destroyed itself in a civil war caused by racism. There were only two known survivors by 2268, who the crew of the USS Enterprise believed would ultimately kill each other due to their hate.”
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Species 8472
First Appearance: “Star Trek: Voyager” Part 1 (1997)
“Species 8472 existed in an extra-dimensional bit of hell known as fluidic space. When the Borg discovered the fluidic dimension, the ever deadly race of cybernetic killers busted through the dimensions and attempted to assimilate Species 8472. 8472 was having none of that and fought back, creating weapons that could slay the Borg with ease. In fact, 8472 was able to destroy the Borg Cubes in seconds. (Man, that’s like taking down the Death Star with a single bullet.) Sadly, Species 8472 also took out many innocent Delta Quadrant planets, which forced the crew of Voyager to get involved.
The Borg and Voyager had to form an unlikely alliance to drive Species 8472 back to fluidic space. 8472 was one of the closet things Trek fans ever got to Lovecraft-like cosmic horrors, as even the Borg could not stand up to these waling nightmares. This species appeared a few more times on Voyager until Captain Janeway was able to broker a peace with these terrors that exist behind the fabric of time and space.”
I like this species because although it does have an overall humanoid looking body unlike most Star Trek species it does actually look alien rather than space human. I like how they want to make them creepy and from what I’ve seen they are always kept in shadows, and I also like how much taller they are compared to people just to add to that creepy factor. I want to make the aliens in my story kind of similar to how these guys look. But instead of being kept in shade they will just be a really dark grey or pitch black colour. And I also wanted to make them really tall just like this species but  Species 8472 looks really buff and muscly to be honest meanwhile I want my aliens to be tall and slender.
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First appearance: Star Trek: The Original Series “The Tholian Web” (1968)
“Get a load of these psychedelic xenophobes. Yeah, the Tholians might look like a funky black light album cover come to life, but, really, they are brutal, territorial, hateful, and will do anything to keep other species out of Tholian territory. But, hey, they are known for the punctuality, so take heart in the fact that, when they kill you, it’ll be done in a timely fashion.
The Tholians cruise around their sector of space in geometric rainbow ships, making the aesthetic of the race more Yes album cover and less cool space despots. The Tholians first encountered the crew of the Enterprise when the USS Defiant flew too close to Tholian space.
Always protective of their borders, the Tholians phased the Defiant out of real space and into an interspace dimension. Kirk himself was phased out of time and space (for Shatner, it wouldn’t be the first or last time this happened), but Spock and the Enterprise were able to get their captain back and pimp-slap the Tholians.
The Enterprise under Jonathan Archer also ran afoul of these crystalline killers. The Tholians are a great example that in space, threats can come in any shape and even rainbows can kill you.”
“In 2152, the Tholians made an unusual move; they traveled far beyond their territory and actively sought to possess a 31st century Earth vessel discovered by the United Earth starship Enterprise NX-01, under the command of Jonathan Archer. Four Tholian ships intercepted and disabled the combat cruiser Tal'Kir, while it waited to rendezvous with Enterprise. They, in turn, attacked and defeated a Suliban fleet that was in pursuit of the arriving Earth ship. They then successfully removed the pod from Enterprise's possession, only to have the pod return to its proper time moments later. “
I like how original this species looks. I never seen an alien species in any media before that only communicates through technology with other species because they are too scared to actually go out and talk to them while at the same time be ready to anihilate anyone that crosses into their territory. I think it’s a quite good contrast of fearing something but not hesitating to defend yourself from it, it’s like the entire species represents both sides of the fight or flight concept.
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First appearance: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine “The Jem’Hadar” (1994)
“One of the greatest and most efficiently deadly militaries the galaxy have ever seen, the foot soldiers of the Dominion — the Jem’Hadar — are also one of the more tragic species that can be found in the Trekverse.
Jem’Hadar reach maturity in the span of about three days. They are genetically programmed to be the perfect galactic foot soldier by their masters, the Vorta. To insure control, the Vorta have withheld an essential enzyme from the Jem’Hadar genetic makeup. This enzyme is supplied to the Jem’Hadar in the form of The White, a liquid that the Jem’Hadar has filtered into their systems through a tube in their necks. Essentially, Jem’Hadar are drug-addicted soldiers unleashed upon the galaxy.
The Jem’Hadar were the main Dominion force that laid siege to Deep Space Nine during the Dominion War and were nearly unstoppable. The need for The White was a religion to the Jem’Hadar, who became one of the most feared species in any quadrant.
Jem’Hadar are incredibly resilient and possess keen minds that help them plan for battles. Despite all this, most Jem’Hadar die very young due to the fact that they are essentially cannon fodder for the Dominion. Yet, the Jem’Hadar value duty and loyalty above all else as they embrace their lot as pawns of the Dominion. All for The White.”
I really like how this species looks beause from what I read they are bred soldiers so just thinking about the amount of masks and make up that got put into I don’t know even a dozen of these guys is quite astonishing. I like how they made them look like lizards as well with horns and scales it immediately tells the viewer through visuals that the Jem’Hadar are probably a fighter type. Also I like the decision to make them blue in colour which I assume was intentional because it serves two roles, first they are lizards s they are coldbooded making sense why blue is the color they go for and second the fact they are coldblooded could be viewed as a metaphor for the fact that they are soldiers that are bred to kill which kind of rounds up this species. I also would like to compare them to the Clone Troopers from star wars because the backstory for the Jem’hadar is literally the same as for the clones, they are both genetically made and bred to be soldiers for a war where thousands of them die but they still remain loyal to the cause.  But there is a major difference that I feel star trek didn’t look too far into, as Jem’hadar are said to grow up in 3 days and ready to serve meanwhile the clones do age in double the speed of a normal human but they spend their youth training to be soldiers which makes them more believable in my opinion.
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First appearance: Star Trek: The Original Series “Journey to Babel” (1968)
“The Andorians are an aggressive yet advanced race that was one of the first alien races that formed the original Federation of Planets with humanity.
The Andorians have distinctive blue skin, white hair, and two protruding antennae. The blue skinned humanoids have an advanced armada and a long history of conflict with the Vulcans. This conflict was put aside as Andorians entered into the Federation and, with it, decades of peace. But peace wasn’t easy, as seen in Star Trek: Enterprise, in which Federation Captain Archer and Andorian Captain Thy’lek Shran developed an adversarial relationship that, thankfully, culminated in a friendship based on mutual respect.
The Andorians are more than a bit xenophobic as they refer to humans and Vulcans as “pink skins” and have a long standing mistrust of everything not Andorian. In fact, the Andorians don’t even trust their offshoot race, the very rarely encountered, white-skinned, psychic Aenar.
Enterprise is a bit unfairly-maligned by some Trekkers, but it will always be the show that took the Andorians from background characters to a narratively-explored race with deep contradictions. Of course, I need to mention that the Andorian was also one of the final Trek dolls Mego produced. It is very sparkly.”
I thought this species was kind of funny in design. They are supposed to be taken really seriously from what I read and the look on that guys face in the picture and are a very agressive and violent species meanwhie their design supports none of that. They have a very cold yet welcoming colour palette and are rocking a white afro with antenas on top of it, like I’m sorry and I know their species is kind of about prejudice but how can they be taken seriously if they dress like knights in space and look like they came back from an 80′s halloween party?
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First appearance: Star Treck Beyond (2016)
“Years prior to her encounter with the USS Enterprise crew, Jaylah and her family, like many before them, were attacked by Krall and imprisoned on Altamid. Jaylah and her family quickly realized that people were routinely taken from Krall's holding cells and killed, so they decided to attempt escape. During the attempt, Jaylah and her father were confronted by Krall's subordinate Manas. Jaylah's father stayed behind to hold off Manas, buying Jaylah time to flee at the cost of his own life. Jaylah discovered the derelict hulk of the Freedom-class USS Franklin and made her home in it. She hid it using holographic technology and set up multiple defensive traps in the surrounding area. Inside the vessel, she discovered a music player, from which she particularly liked music featuring "beats and shouting". She also learned how to speak English from the ship's records. In time, Jaylah became a formidable warrior, skilled in martial arts and in wielding a quarterstaff that doubled as a rifle.”
I feel there isn’t much information about her species because the entire species is literally named after this character and it’s a relativly new character as well so I assume no actual canon explenation exists for her species as of yet. But I do really like how she looks. She has an identical colour scheme to the cheron species I looked at but its executed so much better here with very cool looking face tatoos / markings that make her look actually interesting unlike the cherons that are literally dudes with their faces painted different colour on each side. She kind of reminds me of Darth Maul from star wars with the face markings but there they look so interesting like theres just something about that cold white with deep navy blue tinted black on top of it that just catches the eye more. I also like her eye contacts, I don’t know why I just feel the yellow eyes just complete the look nicely.
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ofstormsandwolves · 7 years
Catching up
Written for @legendslikestardust‘s pride month
After several years apart, the Doctor and Rose have a lot of catching up to do. And maybe a secret or two to share, too...
Metacrisis 10/Rose Tyler, bisexual Rose
AO3 (account needed) | Whofic 
“-And then there was the time that Martha and I-”
Rose shifted uncomfortably in her seat, and the Doctor abruptly stopped talking. They were halfway into the slow and arduous zeppelin flight from Bergen to London, and despite Pete booking them first class tickets (“They have little booths Rose! Little booths! We don’t have to share with your mother, do we?”), the flight still had Rose shifting every few moments and frowning out her window.
“Are you alright, Rose?” the Doctor asked after a long moment of frowning at her in confusion.
She nodded, offering him a weak smile across the table of their small two-person booth. Jackie was across from them in her own private booth, catching up on a few hours of sleep before they were back in London and little Tony was bouncing about.
“You’ve been very quiet,” the Doctor noted, voice soft. He leaned across the table, entwined their fingers, watched Rose with worried eyes. “I know this probably wasn’t what you had in mind when you started the Dimension Cannon project, but it is alright, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Rose told him, and although the smile still seemed a little strained, she squeezed his hand in hers. There had been a lot to wrap her head around in the four hours since they’d once more been left at Bad Wolf Bay, but she knew that that was the right answer for her to give. It was her honest answer.
“Is it the stories?” he questioned, still watching her in concern. “I just thought it’d pass the time, you know. We’ve still got a few hours till we reach London, and, well...” He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. “I don’t have to talk if you don’t want me to.”
Rose sighed a little at that, and sat forward in her chair. “It’s not that, Doctor,” she told him, and her eyes were on their conjoined hands rather than his face. “Honestly, I’ve loved hearing about stuff you got up to. An’ I’m glad you had Martha and Donna to keep you company... It’s just, hearing you talk about what happened to you while I was gone made me realise, there’s a lot I need to catch you up on too.”
The Doctor nodded in understanding then. “It’s been a long day,” he said suddenly, though his voice was still soft. “Whatever you want to tell me, it can wait. It can wait till we’re back in London, or until tomorrow, or even next week. I’m not going anywhere, Rose.”
She gave him a soft smile then, looking relieved. He beamed back.
“Go on,” he told her softly, lifting her hand to press a soft kiss to her knuckles before letting her go, “get some sleep.”
Once in London, the Doctor and Rose made the decision to go straight to Rose’s posh apartment rather than heading to the Tyler Mansion, although Jackie made them swear that they would go round to the mansion the next day. They hailed a cab outside the zeppelin port, earning themselves some odd looks from the taxi driver when they explained they had no luggage (the cabbie looked even more perplexed as he seemed to recognise Rose, and she quickly tugged the Doctor into the back of the cab to avoid awkward questions).
Rose’s apartment was actually a modern-build in an old converted factory in east London. Close enough to Canary Wharf for Torchwood work but not too close, and distanced from the hustle and bustle of central London. The interior of the flat was decorated tastefully, although sparsely.
“Wasn’t expecting to still be here,” Rose admitted sheepishly once she’d let the Doctor into the apartment and he’d had a few minutes to look around. “Suppose we’ll have to think about redecorating now.”
The Doctor couldn’t help but beam at that. She’d said ‘we’.  Rose grinned back at him.
“Look at you,” she teased as she padded, barefoot to the kitchen-diner, “going all domestic!”
He knew she was teasing him, so didn’t dignify it with a response. Instead, he followed her through to the kitchen-diner and sat at the kitchen island while she made tea.
“So,” Rose spoke up while the kettle boiled, “from what you were saying earlier, sounds like you and Martha were travelling together for a while.”
“A few months,” the Doctor responded, suddenly becoming much more interested in her fruit bowl.
Rose frowned. “Only a few months?” she asked in confusion.
He shrugged. “More or less. It’s... Complicated,” he admitted slowly. “There was this... Thing. We lived through an entire year before it was reversed, so while I remember it, I’m not really sure it counted.”
Suddenly, Rose was beside his barstool, hands on his face as she gently encouraged him to face her. “Want to talk about it?” she asked gently.
The Doctor sniffed. “Nah,” he dismissed. “Not now. I’ll tell you about it, but not tonight. It’s... It’s sort of a long story.”
Rose nodded, but didn’t look convinced.
“Anyway, Rose Tyler, what about you?” he asked, forcing a sudden grin. “How is it being the Vitex Heiress?”
At that, Rose rolled her eyes. She crossed back to the kettle and finished off making the tea, her back to the Doctor even as she responded to his question.
“I suppose it’s not too bad most of the time,” she admitted slowly. “I mean, I have to attend posh parties sometimes, and Vitex events, but they’re not too often. And of course, there are incidents like the taxi driver earlier.” She glanced over her shoulder at him then. “But it’s not too bad.” She fished the tea bags out of the mugs and crossed over to the kitchen island, taking a seat beside the Doctor. “I mean, the worst thing is if and when magazines and that run articles on me. You know the sort, they get one photo of me while I’m out shopping and somehow it’s news.”
The Doctor’s brow furrowed at that. “They’ve not been hounding you, have they?”
Rose shook her head. “Like I said, it’s not too bad. But every now and then they’ll write an article about how I don’t seem to be seeing anyone, or why don’t I have a boyfriend. Or, worse, they catch a glimpse of me out with Jake, or Mickey, or someone from Torchwood and then start rumours that we’re dating.”
The Doctor blinked at her then. “And are you telling me that in, what, four years of being in Pete’s World you’ve not been on a single date?”
Rose flushed a little then, and studied her mug intently. The Doctor smirked a little. While he wasn’t too sure how he felt about Rose dating other men, clearly none of them had stuck around and thus weren’t a threat. And also, he had always liked it when she got embarrassed.
“A few,” she admitted. “But most were set up by Mum. She only set me up with about three people though, and when they didn’t work out, she left me alone. She understood what I was going through, I suppose, with her losing Dad- I mean, my original Dad-, so she didn’t push after that. An’ all the people she set me up with were nice enough, and they were, like, sons of Dad’s friends for years, but it just didn’t work out.” She paused. “Then there were two others, both from Torchwood. But that didn’t exactly work out either.”
“How long ago?” the Doctor asked, and he surprised even himself with that- he wasn’t jealous, he was just concerned. While it was clear Rose hadn’t wanted to be with anyone other than him, there was a hint of loneliness in her tone.
“The last one was nearly two and a half years ago,” Rose admitted softly. “The first three were all in the first year, and then the two from Torchwood were soon after.”
“And did any of the relationships last very long?” the Doctor asked, and yes, he did sound a little jealous then.
“Never got past a second date,” Rose told him, shaking her head. “The three that Mum set me up with never got past the first date. The only one I felt particularly drawn to was-”
She trailed off suddenly, ducked her head once more, and flushed. The Doctor frowned.
She bit her lip, met his gaze hesitantly. “Promise me you won’t, I dunno, freak out or something?” she asked, her voice small.
“Promise,” he said, though his voice wavered.
“Ok.” She took a breath. “The last person I, well, went on any dates with, was a colleague from Torchwood. Her name was Tara.”
The Doctor blinked.
“I dated a girl, Doctor. I’m, well, I guess I’m bisexual.”
The Doctor blinked again. “Oh,” he said after a moment. “Ok.”
Then, Rose blinked. “Is that it?” she asked him, and she actually sort of sounded relieved.
He shrugged. “Why wouldn’t it be?” he asked her. “It doesn’t change who you are, Rose. And clearly you still love me, so... Why did you think I’d freak out?”
Her shoulders slumped. “I dunno,” she sighed. “It’s just, it took Mum and Dad a while to get their heads around it, and Mickey, too. I mean, they were supportive and everything, just... They still had to process it, you know? And I just assumed it would be the same with you, that you’d need a day or two to process the information.”
The Doctor just smiled and tapped the side of his head. “Still Time Lord up here, Rose. 900 years of time and space, and you being bisexual isn’t remotely a problem.”
Rose nodded mutely at that, staring at him. “I feel silly now,” she admitted slowly. “After all that panicking on the zeppelin back, and you’re not remotely bothered-”
“Wait, that’s why you kept fidgeting?” the Doctor asked, perplexed.
She nodded, biting her lip. “Well, yeah. You were tellin’ me all this stuff that had happened to you, an’ I realised we both had a lot of stuff to catch each other up on, and my dating Tara was one of them. I mean, we never got past a second date, ‘cause Tara could see that my heart wasn’t really in it, but we’re still friends, and I wanted to tell you before you found out from someone else. Like Jake, or Mum and Dad, or someone from Torchwood, an’ I just started panicking. ‘Cause I knew I had to tell you, an’ soon, but I didn’t know how. I mean, I never even realised I was bisexual before Tara asked me out, you know? Sure, Shareen and Keisha and I used to mess about rating girls at school and stuff, and I found some of them attractive, but I never really thought anything of it-”
Suddenly, her mug was pulled from her grasp and set on the kitchen worktop, then the Doctor’s hands were on her shoulders.
“Rose, calm down. It’s fine, ok? It’s all fine. Like I said, it doesn’t change who you are, and it certainly doesn’t change how I feel about you. You’re still Rose Tyler, ok?”
Rose nodded meekly at that, staring at him wide-eyed. Once she’d calmed down enough, she finished off her tea, and then the Doctor took her mug from her to put it with hers in the sink.
“I’ll deal with them in the morning,” he told her. “It’s getting late.” Indeed, the sky out of the kitchen windows was already a dark blue, punctuated by the street lights outside. “And I think that’s enough catching up for tonight. How about we get to bed?”
Rose nodded, took the Doctor’s hand in hers, and led him towards the bedroom.
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