#(Also I still don't get it... About Oberon and all.)
arcgeminga · 1 year
to be clear... the Oberon in that world is actually Vortigern, he was summoned by the world to destroy Fae Britain because it was a bad place. But his spirit origin was weakened, so he got brainwashed by the Welsh fairies. When his beloved forest got burnt, he started to remember his goal and purpose, and so he succeeded at destroying Britain...
Continuance: and as for Titania, she doesn't exist, her existence got limited by Shakespeare's Fiction Border. I just find it funny that a fae king could achieve his goal at destroying the world, but a God like Hades cannot. And despite your disbelief because it's a different world, just remember that this Oberon-Vortigern would not stop until he destroyed everything in his path.
♕┊ At the mention of a 5th-century warlord, Aspros couldn't help but feel... fatigued. 'Fae Britain'? 'Spirit Origin'? This was a lot of info dumping with no explanation.
Then the comparison between this Faerie and Hades...
Aspros steadily inhaled and tried to school his expression.
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♕┊ "When I was a child, I heard an interesting story about the Pope and the Master," Aspros started as he took interest in a nearby pottery that stood at the front of his temple. He spoke in a calm, measured manner, letting every word sink in.
"They say that the Master and the Pope had befriended a time traveler. A man who came from a far-off future with a handful of his comrades. They say that this man had come from a future where the King of the Underworld had won the Holy War and killed Athena. They say that the failure was so traumatic for the warrior, he inflicted all of his negativity on himself. The Master and the Pope refuse to acknowledge him, and the Gold Cloth of Aries rests with the time traveler's body in the secluded continent of Mu."
He ran his fingers across the porcelain object, taking in the artwork upon it.
"It's not known how the time traveler managed to go so far back into time, but, if I had to guess, I can presume that a god of time aided the man. But, within the theory of the multiverse, in that string, Hades won and executed his plans for the world. It makes you curious about how many other threads of the did Hades come out victorious in the meta-universe, and why the Gods are hellbent on keeping us ignorant."
Then he finally turned to the stranger and said, "I don't get why you would bring up Oberon, er, Vortigern, if it's just to pass a backhanded comment of the Underworld Lord and inform me that the King of Faeries was so wrathful. You still haven't given me a reason why I should trust your words."
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mdhwrites · 1 month
Have you seen the leaked TOH pilot and pitch bible yet? IMO it’s crazy how most of it is better than the final product.
I have! And... I don't know if I entirely agree with that.
What I found most fascinating about it is that a lot of the contradictions and issues of scope with TOH that doomed it are still in the pitch bible itself. Just some quick examples of what I'm talking about: When talking about themes, they talk about Fantasy versus Reality but it's as shallow as it is in the show. After all, one of the episode concepts pitched within it features a plot that has Luz literally going "This is just like in my fanfiction!" and being better able to handle it because of that.
It builds up the emperor of the land and Belos (known as Oberon) when talking about them but NONE of the plotlines include Oberon in the episode pitches or even mention the coven system for that matter. They are still barely a thing to the show with the only episode concept about that part of the show being the one about William.
An utter lack of real stakes like how King has to face the deep crises of a decision of either being a lackey to the people he used to run with while also losing any chance to ever reclaim his lost power... Or he can save Eda and Luz and lose the chance to work with these people again. That's not really a compelling decision, is it?
The pitch also claims that the show will mostly be about Luz and Eda's relationship and how Luz's determination will push Eda to be a better person... And most of the episodes pitched are still not actually about the two spending time together. Just Eda making Luz upset so she goes off to do her own thing, just like the same problem as in the actual series.
You actually have MORE characters in this version which sucks harder for trying to narrow things down, especially since more of them are disconnected from each other than before. At least Boscha, unlike Pascha, has a connection to literally anyone in the main cast.
You also have stupidity with your magic still. "Look! I need to work hard to make small objects float!" And apparently that's enough to make all of Hexside lose their fucking minds. WHY!? In 90% of settings, that is as basic as the light spell Luz learns. It's why it's one of the first spells Harry learns.
Oh and let's not forget "Almost all known portals to the human realm have been severed" but apparently Amity has access to one of those known portals freely enough to attend two schools. It's a small thing but it would cause problems in theory.
I will give credit to this: Luz is MUCH more compelling in this version. I think if there is something that is just unequivocally true, it's that. She is way less inoffensively nerdy, instead her interests being more upfront and troublesome, helping explain why that would be why she is rejected and not because, you know, she puts people in danger. Also her rise to power is just better.
Arguably, Luz in canon is a chosen one essentially from episode FOUR onwards. Now, this is up for debate but being given a power almost out of nowhere, with no training, that no one else has, is usually a sign of a chosen in a narrative. Episode 4 is when she gets the light glyph. She doesn't work for it, it's not a big character growth moment, etc. like that. She mostly just oops into it. Making it that Luz ACTUALLY has to work for her magic and the show actually has to explore how the magic works, making it so she has something to learn is just strictly better, especially for the concept of her learning to be a witch. Eda would actually be able to teach her something instead of shrugging and going "Welp, good luck!"
I will say that the bible does also lean more into an adventurous aspect though. This version of episodes would easily be more fantastical and include more magic in them which would help the Isles not feel so much like our realm. I will say the fact that there's also active anti-human prejudice also would be good because then Luz being human would, you know... Matter. Not that the Isles is really given a personality even here besides the oppression they're theoretically under. It's still a very generic fantasy setting.
A lot of the rest though? It's really not that unique or different from the show itself. Lilith is almost exactly the same, Tibbles is just Gus but a demon, there are slightly more restrictions on things like being human or magic but, you know, the show didn't care about its one law, why would it care about three? Even Amity, who does look better on here, is only because it's on paper. This is literally just Amity's pitch in S1 after all. All the reasons people loved Amity are here.
Conceptually it is fine but I am surprised about how not only this got picked up but also how it was greenlit so heavily as to get a pilot animatic, with voice acting, based on these concepts. There's just some very clear cleaning up that needs to be done, basic questions on its own setting and own logic that isn't even playing into the comedy/fantasy angles that could let you let it pass. It's not all of them or even the majority but a skeptical prereader could even raise these basic sorts of inconsistencies like the ones I brought up above. After all, this is half a season's worth of episodes pitched and a fifth of them are still going to Amity and more of them have Luz directly interacting with King than they do Eda.
There's a final thing I have to bring up due to it being why I think the show changed so drastically from this pitch bible to its final form: This is way more complicated. TOH already has extremely decompressed storytelling and too many elements working in tandem. Meanwhile, every character is MORE complicated in this one and less connected to each other, necessitating that each, except maybe Eda, will take more time to get through their stuff. The writing team either had to sharpen how much they could do in an episode or simplify and congregate elements. We see this a LOOOOT in S2A, especially Escaping Expulsion, where it seems the writers went "Even with three whole seasons planned, we don't have enough time to do everything we want to, the way we like to, so we need to start cutting and simplifying even more than before."
One example of this that's really easy: In the pitch bible, Willow is a random witch who lives near Eda. Well that means she'll likely either take time out of a couple episodes as she's introduced or take up an entire episode just for herself. Tibbles is also just on their own, like in the show. Introducing both of these characters is not really an option. However, put them both into Hexside and suddenly you can introduce three characters at the same time organically, like we saw with I Was a Teenage Abomination.
Luz just being gifted magic is another element to this. Her having to actually experiment for every spell and having to have a real system to her spells limits what she can do but also means spending a LOT more time on her magic. You can't just have a flower open up and give her the glyph of the day as easily, nor have her be able to throw her spells around as she wants. Making it so she just needs reams of paper and/or a marker makes it a lot easier and simpler to have her start casting magic.
This version of TOH would have SHATTERED under its own scope while the current version mostly bends and cracks from it. However, if people do use this to go "FUCK DISNEY EVEN HARDER!" I won't be surprised. Grand scope ALWAYS looks better on paper than it does in action. It sounds epic and multi-faceted and complex. The problem is that it still has to fit its format and it is MUCH harder to execute on than a more simple concept.
There's a reason the only perfect project is the one you never do because you can promise the world without ever having to deliver. So, while it's nice to see an earlier version, I am by no means going to say this would have been a better version of TOH.
Sorry for anyone hoping for a link to the pitch bible btw. I just don't have one as I got given it as a document.
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totallyboatless · 6 months
It is time, friends, for another Pip's Weed Essay game. The rules: I'm about to take an edible and start writing a mini-essay in one sitting. I edit a tiny bit as I go, but for the most part this is on the fly. I've thought about this topic a lot, but haven't outlined it. I'll let you know when the edible hits, but there's a chance you'll realize it before I do. (PIRATE FRIENDS STICK AROUND - this is Pip from the future, I get pretty high in this, but anyway I'm here to tell you that this goes in a very unintended OFMD direction that i'm still reeling from. Anyway back to Past Pip)
Edible ingestion commencing, time: 7:37pm Mountain Time
I polled my followers for the topic, so today we're going to talk about:
Fixing the Puck Problem
I've read and seen A Midsummer Night's Dream more than any other Shakespeare play. At this point I don't know if I've seen it so much because it's my favorite, or enough opportunities for me to see it have lined up that it's become my favorite by default. It's easily the Shakespeare play I know best. I haven't seen a staging that I fully disliked, but there are two elements of this show that I feel like are rarely handled the way I want them to be.
Problem one:
Puck will never be as funny as Bottom
It's common to consider Puck to be the main character of A Midsummer Night's Dream. He's at the very least the most famous character in the play. Puck is a dream role, and obviously with his being a fairy, he's usually directed to be weird and whimsical--and a lot of the time, playing for laughs. It makes sense, he's a trickster, it's built into his nature.
But in modern day, his lines and actions don't translate as well as Bottom's. In all of the times that I've seen A Midsummer Night's Dream, I've *never* seen a production where Bottom fails to steal the entire show away from Puck. I've had multiple experiences where I could feel the director wanting me to laugh at Puck; I could see the reasons for the direction, but it just wouldn't hit. In those same productions, I've laughed so hard at the Bottom scenes that I cried.
I'm thinking particularly of the 2010 production with Judy Dench reprising Titania (honestly still in shock over seeing that lolol) and the 2019 Bridge Theatre production (which you can find streaming, it's *incredible*).
In the 2010 show, the Puck actor kept doing what honestly felt like a Woody the Woodpecker impression lol. He would pause for laughs and they just...wouldn't happen. Meanwhile, Bottom was set up with the kind of success that let him steal at least one scene from fucking Judy Dench.
In the 2019 Bridge Theatre production, I genuinely like the direction they gave Puck--he's a weird little twitchy Irish punk doing fucking aerial silk shit. But even with a unique vibe and a fun performance, it's still not enough to outshine Bottom.
Basically my thing is that I want to get to the end of A Midsummer Night's Dream and feel more connected to Puck. I *want* him to be my favorite. And there's just absolutely no way to make him my favorite if his core purpose is to be funny. Puck is supposed to be a larger-than-life being--the audience is never going to buy that when he's not even the largest character on the stage.
The second problem is smaller, and in fixing it there's also a fun chance to fix the Puck problem:
Problem two:
The audience usually doesn't understand why Titania and Oberon are fighting.
If you've gotten this far you're probably already a nerd who knows this, but gonna pose the question like I've done for other people I've seen the show with: Why are Titania and Oberon fighting? What's the core reason?
Bc you're a fucking nerd you probably yelled CHANGELING! Which yes, good for you, if I had become the Shakespeare professor I wanted to be but didn't have the money to become, you would be in my class and I would throw a snickers at you for a reward.
But the thing is, a *lot* of people who only know the play casually don't know. And most productions don't assist them in knowing.
Elaboration for non-nerds: Titania had a "and they were roommates" totally not at all lesbian relationship with a human women who was pregnant. The women dies in childbirth and Titania takes the child to raise, and she cherishes him more than anything, which is an extremely straight thing to do. In the play, the character is only referred to as the changeling. Oberon gets super jealous of this kid and wants to steal him away and make him join the Wild Hunt so that he can have Titania's full attention back, because he's got that issue creepy men get when they have kids and then are like "I'm jealous of my son because he's making it less likely for me to fuck my wife" and it's like "dude calm down with this projection of an Oedipal complex."
If you're not a coward and read Titania as in love with the changeling's mom, then Oberon's issues are maybe slightly less creepy, but like not really
So that's it really. Titania loves this kid of her sapphic lover that died. Oberon is jealous about it. He decides to play a trick on Titania both as a way to get revenge, and also as a distraction so he can steal the kid.
But the issue is that 1.) all of this is communicated in a long and kind of boring speech, and 2.) the changeling literally never has a line and also no stage directions
The 2010 production had a hot dude chained up and writhing on stage in a kind of hot dance snake movement thing when Titania talks about him, but most productions never even have an actor cast as the changeling. I was really shocked they didn't have anyone for the 2019 production, given how much I love most of the rest of their choices.
OKAY SO. We now have the two problems: Puck isn't the fan favorite even though he should be; and most people in the audience have no fucking idea about the changeling.
(THIS IS HIGH PIP FROM THE FUTURE I FORGOT SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT TO THIS PROBLEM: If you do know about the changeling/follow along with that plot, it's *very* hard to root for Titania and Oberon when they reconcile. Which can be fun and cool and a little hot even maybe if you're going all dark, but thIS IS A PLAY ABOUT HORNY FAERIES HAVING A GOOD TIME so I won't be having that. I want this play to make me like that Titania forgives Oberon so easily. Okay Past Pip, take it away)
lol okay yeah weed friend has landed, I just wandered away for a minute with a desperate need to put taquitos in the air fryer. Time stamp: 8:16.
Pip's Most Ideal Staging of A Midsummer Night's Dream Which Fixes the Problems in Theory
The Staging:
First off I want the production to be in the middle of the literal woods where there's pretty lights in all the trees and people are sitting on blankets and have snacks and drinks and drugs and whatever they want, and the whole staging has the actors weaving through the audience. Not just theatre in the round, full immersion
I also want people to not fully know where the production is, just that it's on the outskirts of the forest, and then the actors emerge from the woods at a designated time and bring the audience to the secret stage section. And ideally this would be like a park on the outskirts of woods so that there would also be people there who wouldn't know what the fuck was going on. And ideally some of the fairy actors convince them to come along and the people go having no idea what they're about to get into. That's how A Midsummer Night's Dream is meant to be experienced in its purest form: with actors dressed as fairies trying to seduce unsuspecting strangers to follow them into the woods to an unknown location where they'll probably be offered drugs.
Taquitos acquired.
Puck's direction and motivation:
When Puck is first introduced, it's by a fairy called Peasblossom who's otherwise not a big part. Peasblossom lets the audience know who Puck/Robin Goodfellow is by basically going stan-mode and being like "holy shit you're famous." PB literally starts listing his greatest hits.
So picture with me: instead of an extremely fairy-like whimsical Puck, I want a Puck that wanders on-stage like a burnt-out rockstar. Cigarette in one hand, beer in another. Probably on a cocktail for faerie super magic mushrooms. Just fully numbed out. In this moment, Puck feels way more human than faerie--and I want the performance to be in a way where that feels off. To have it be communicated in manner and clothing, and the juxtaposition of PB recounting Puck's glory days, that Puck hasn't always been like this. This isn't a faerie trickster in his prime. This is a man who's lost all sense of fun and is going through the motions.
That's what happens, right, when you become just a little too famous?
Puck is the only one of the main characters who gets to the end of the show and is entirely alone.
(my favorite thing about being high is how *good* it makes food taste, these taquitos are not fancy but with the power of the devil's lettuce it's so good--oh my god I have Dr. Pepper)
(I'm back with the Dr. Pepper. I'm having fun, are you guys having fun? If you've made it this far i kiss u)
So Puck is alone at the end of the play while everyone else of import is either with their lover or with their theatre-kid-found-family. And it's largely because Puck lives between worlds. He's not powerful enough to be fey royalty; he's Oberon's right-hand man, but he's not Oberon's peer. But the lower fey court are also not his peers -- they treat him like a celebrity, he can't actually connect with them. He's not allowed to frolic and play with them anymore, not really.
With this interpretation and direction, we now have a Puck whose action in the plot can lead to a happy ending (keep with me), and whose existence isn't just to be quirky and whimsical for the audience. Instead it's a Puck with a motivation: he's lost all joy in his job, he's disconnected from him community, and Oberon only treats him like a fuckbuddy so he's sexually frustrated. (Oh right yeah I was supposed to write about how Puck is in love with Oberon. He is.) That's all fucking sad, bro! And you know from the Pip that traveled into the past that this play is fun and should be fun!
Now for the final part, where we put in the special ingredient to tie this particular Puck direction into the happy ending:
Do you guys (gn) remember the changeling? It was like possibly an hour ago, the time-warp this particular edible always sets me on has fully set in. It's possible this essay is like 5k words long. It's also possible it's only 500 words long. I wish I was lying when I told you I don't know.
Anyway, the changeling. Let's make him a fuller character and let's give him to Puck wrapped up in a sexy, charming bow.
Picture this: The Changeling, from now on capitalized as a character, shown on stage in Titania's court. Locked up like a princess in a tower because Titania is desperate to protect him. And the Changeling is all *sigh and flutter big beautiful princess man eyes* because he wants to explore what's out there. Because he's a man who's grown up and been forced to live between two worlds. He's not fey royalty, he's not Titania's actual kid and she kind of honestly treats him more like a momento of her lesbian lover than an actual adopted kid. He can't be one of the fey court, because he's not fey, and also he's not allowed to frolic and play with them.
That should sound familiar to you if I did it right.
Puck and the Changeling, both feeling the same sort of empty spot. So let's smush them together.
Give the Changeling all of Peasblossom's lines. It makes more sense for a detail I left out before, too--Peasblossom doesn't recognize Puck they see him for the first few lines. Once they do they're all like "omg you're the dude that makes people horny for each other and also some other trickster things." They know all of Puck's stunts, but they don't know what he looks like? It's clearly an exposition device, but it's a weak one (sorry, Shakesy). He's the rockstar of the fey world. You'd have to be living under a rock or, I dunno, locked away like a beautiful man-princess --
(Okay you know where I'm going and I have to stop there because I'm cry laughing, I swear to you -- I swear to fucking god, guys, I wish I was joking -- I thought I was being cute and clever saying "man-princess". Not because of irony. IT'S BECAUSE I FORGOT THERE IS A WORD FOR A PRINCESS WHO IS A MAN AND THAT IS A PRINCE. Okay i should clearly wrap this up lol)
In this staging, the Changeling clearly doesn't want to be locked up. So...he finally finds a way to sneak out. He goes on a romp through the forest and that's when he runs into Puck (this is the scene where we first meet Puck). The Changeling wouldn't recognize Puck, though he's have heard of him. He probably loves stories because what the fuck else does he have to do, so he's asked the fairies to tell him about Puck's adventures over and over. Meanwhile, Puck wouldn't recognize the Changeling because Titania has been keeping him so under lock and key. It allows an opportunity for them to connect on more of a peer basis as they--
Holy fuck. Wait. Hold on. Is the Changeling Stede. Is Puck Ed. What the fuck. Did I write an AU on accident. I don't even like AUs very much (sorry AU writers it's not personal it's just not my thing).n ANYWAY sorry for the pirate aside. God this is properly off the rails now.
They like each other, you get it. And now Puck has someone he wants to impress. There's not a lot of opportunities to give the Changeling more lines, but that doesn't mean he can't appear on stage. He can stay with Puck (hiding from Oberon whenever he's there, leading to some good chances for physical comedy) and go on the nighttime adventure of his dreams.
This leads to a fun, unique choice: having Puck fuck up the love flower juice plan on purpose. So that he can show this hot dude following him around with wide enthusiastic eyes the kind of things he's capable of OH MY GOD THIS IS ED AND STEDE I SWEAR THIS IS NOT ON PURPOSE I AM JUST NOW SEEING THE PARALLEL
Okay we're nearly at the end I promise. We just have one more problem to solve: How are we supposed to root for Titania and Oberon to get together when Oberon literally publicly humiliates her and then steals her adopted son and forces him to join the Wild Hunt even tho Titania REALLY doesn't want him to? Well, the first one is easy, Titania and Oberon are so fucking kinky, and Oberon likes getting cucked (remember he's only jealous of the Changeling, never the lesbian).
The second one is also easy. Make it the Changeling's choice. Leaving Titania and joining Oberon's court means two things: He gets to be with Puck, and joining the Wild Hunt allows him to go on exciting adventures. If Titania saw that the Changeling wanted this with the staging that both Titania and Oberon look over and see Puck and the Changeling making out right after Titania's spell is broken. Then Oberon can jokingly delivers the line about having stolen the Changeling, realizing that the plan worked but in the most ridiculous way possible. And how could Titania not find joy in all of that?
It makes me so much more glad to see them get back together.
Puck's closing soliloquy is his most famous, but I like his last big monologue right before it better. There's a very important line he says that communicates an important shift within the context of his particular staging:
And we fairies, that do run
Puck isn't a lonely, washed-up rockstar anymore. He's part of a "we." Not just the Changeling, but the other fairies, too. Puck and the Changeling act as bridges for each other, to be part of each other's worlds in a way that feels like a whole -- OH MY GOD IT IS ED AND STEDE
Puck being alone on stage isn't so sad anymore, after all that. Because Puck, who starts off the play with so little sense of belonging, now has so much to go back to.
And that's it, that's my ideal staging of this play. Honestly, I really, really want to direct it. I have no experience directing but I have the audacity to think I could do it lol. No resources, tho
also the lovers are all in a polycule, that's just a given, any other staging is cowardly
alright bbye
final time stamp: 9:25 PM, not rereading, just hitting post. We die like Mercutio.
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Dream is getting comfortable again wearing his "slutty" outfits.
When he first met back up with Hob he was covered up, but he wants to get back to himself, comfortable with dressing like he used to. He asks Hob for help, they're friends, Hob should have no problem telling Dream if what he's wearing is appropriate to the current century and okay for various levels of public.
After Hob sees the first outfit - something gauzy with a deep v down Dream's chest, with only shadows giving any modesty, Hob gives himself 10 minutes until has to excuse himself to the bathroom.
Hob: is this what you normally wear to meet fae delegations? 🤔
Dream: well somewhat, Oberon & Titania are a little handsy so this is a more chaste design. ____
Hob: is this what you like to wear to lectures?
Dream: well, this about learning, so i don't want to be a distraction.
Hob being Dream’s 21st century fashion advisor is very sweet and very funny tbh. Maybe Dream figures that Hob is ALSO in his slut era. Look at that white t-shirt, it's practically see-through.
I'm imagining a mini fashion show, like the kind of thing you see in the movies (27 Dresses, four weddings and a funeral). Dream puts on his little outfits and Hob offers compliments/critiques ("I'm not sure leather trousers and just... tape over your nipples.... is necessarily what people would consider appropriate for going outside in. How about you use it for that party Lucifer invited you to at their club instead?")
Hob is quite obviously infatuated with Dream - he could come out wearing a bin bag and Hob would coo over him with hearts in his eyes. Dream even puts this to the test and shows Hob some of his,,,,,, questionable fits (the boots that come up to crotch height) and Hob is just like "slay!!!!!"
Eventually Dream is so comfortable with Hob, hes practically lounging around naked. And then it's really on a matter of time. Hob has 600 years worth of self control but he's still just a guy at the heart of it all.
And when they've finished making a mess of Hob’s sofa, Dream looks better than ever - wearing absolutely nothing but Hob’s boxers dangling precariously off his hip bones. It's his new favourite outfit.
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mako-neexu · 9 months
"Wohoo! Oberon summoned! Hell, yes!!!!!" Ritsuka hollered and did a little dance, lively as ever no matter what.
Merlin was truly happy for his Master.
No matter what she did, he did his best to support her through battles even as it wore him out. Through minute singularities to the smallest things she sought him out for, he did his best to provide her assistance.
As he was asked to be by her side to boost her luck, it made sense he would match her enthusiasm as well. He really was but...
Seeing as there was literally no one on top of the summoning circle, he also looked at Ritsuka with pity.
...Poor girl...All the lostbelts and gacha she did were so bad she was starting to see things...
This does give him an opportunity to help her with her dreams though.
Merlin reached out to pat her head and nuzzle it, hugging her from behind while he chuckled, "Ahaha, now, now, My Lord. Do be easy on yourself. Why don't I carry you to your room as I regale you with more tales about my ki-"
He didn't even get to finish his offer when a sudden powerful force had collided with his side.
He could hear a majority of his ribs cracking under the pressure before he was sent flying over to the wall from the other side of the room.
The world spun as he was knocked out, but even with the impact he could...still register Ritsuka's voice and blurry image of her- ah, suddenly getting... princess carried by the air?
"Uwah!? Oberon, what the hell!? I didn't even get to plan stuff with Mer- mmfgh!?"
Seeing as she was suddenly forced to be quiet by something pressing against her lips, Merlin laughed to himself weakly before wincing from the pain he suffered from breaking some bones.
As his Lord squirmed and complained to the air to let go of her, she was nonchalantly carried out of the summoning chamber.
Merlin tried his best to stand even with a spell to heal him but he could only go so far as Nightingale caught his condition, hauling his ass to the clinic.
Later, even as he had a grudge to this air for taking away his Lord, it seemed worth it though...
As Ritsuka no longer looked as if she was looking for someone standing right beside Artoria Caster.
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melonisopod · 5 months
I'm torn cause I wish they would show more of Oberon's gross inhuman monstrous side and I don't want them to make him more 'palatable' the whole POINT is that the cute handsome prince charming is just a mask he wears to hide all the anger and hatred bubbling inside of him, I don't want that to be the main selling point of Oberon.
But on the other hand leaning into the lie seems like something he would do, whether it's to "blend in" better or to be something he thinks is more "lovable" to Guda, but even then, I'd rather see more of his stubborn tsundere side where he's still very bitter about how deeply he's fallen for his enemy, he still has a chip on his shoulder that Guda's the one protecting the world he so badly wants to destroy, even if Guda has become his 'Titania' in one sense it's at best a temporary and frustrating thing where they're hurtling towards their own destruction, and one day the best 'happy ending' they can hope for is for Oberon to mercy-kill them in their final moments and send them to the Abyss together. Or at worst, a part of Oberon can never fully accept Guda as Titania, because of his curse, or because he's just that stubborn, or because no real person could ever measure up to his ideal. And so their relationship will always be kind of messy and with this tension to it where they can never really be the happy couple without some kind of struggle. Guda struggling to understand Oberon and Oberon struggling to accept his feelings for Guda.
Anyway I just hope that if we do get more Oberon content before the inevitable EOS of this game we get to see that he's still monstrous and messy and complicated because I love that about him. I got the artbook because there's so much gorgeous stuff in there for his outfits but also his designs that include him looking more inhuman and monstrous and I hope we get some of that into the game.
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mokagachas · 4 months
As someone who knows nothing about Oberon but loves your art: where do I start if I want to understand your love for the man?
oh man. oh jeez ( wheezing ) haha okay. uhm. erhm. i didnt expect to get this far uhm ( shaking )
so here's the problem: oberon is from lostbelt 6, a chapter in hit gacha game fate/grand order. you can play f/go if you want and chug along to lb6 - which is unfortunately a chapter 6~ years into the game's main story. but i cannot with any sort of conscious recommend a gacha game to people.
so playing the game is one option. option two is checking out atlas academy database, a website that has all of fgo's stories and such conveniently catalogued! click 'main story' on the top of the page and it'll give you just, well, the main story.
if you want to watch the stories themselves - which at least for lostbelt 6 i highly recommend because the OST is amazing - there's also this commentary free LP on youtube that i've linked to people!
that being said that is still a lot of words to get to lostbelt 6, so- if you don't want to read everything pre-lostbelt 6, i recommend going to the typemoon wiki and reading the summary on each story pre lostbelt 6 ( so, up to lostbelt 5.5 ). just click on the link in each chart and you can find a detailed beat-by-beat summary of each chapter.
i've been told that, in all honesty, that lostbelt 6 is still enjoyable and easy to understand without full context for the outside story beats. it certainly reads like a fairly self-contained story outside a few things needed to understand why some characters are here in the first place, so i've been considering writing up a summary on just those key points / the premise to the lostbelts so that people can read that and then jump right into lostbelt 6 and love oberon...
hopefully this was helpful in any sense of the word heehe ... if you need clarification with anything feel free to send another ask !!!
lets all love oberon!!! lets all think about oberon!!!!!!
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enchanted-keys · 4 months
You've probably answered this lots before, but: do you have a fairly clear hierarchy of favourites among the Royal Ballet principals? And your favourite role or two for each? :-) Also: of the recent retirees, who would you most like to see guesting?
Also a) thank you so much for obtaining the info that it'll be Nela and Ball for that "Winter's Tale" stream! Partner and I have got our tickets booked to see it at the Cineworld in Aberdeen. <3 It's the ballet that got me properly back into ballet, when I watched it during lockdown, and just: yay. :-)
And b) your blog has just been so lovely and helpful in growing my ballet knowledge! And your gifs are superb, and your Matthew Ball love is validating. :D
Also also: do you have any favourites among the Scottish Ballet dancers? I was lucky enough to see "Cinders" on tour, and I was so impressed with both Bruno Micchiardi (as Cinders) and Jessica Fyfe (as Princess Louise), but I am no expert.
I think someone asked me for a ranking of all the principals some time ago, but I can't even find the post anymore; I don't mind one bit answering this again! <3
If I have to talk strictly about my faves, it goes like this:
Nunez (eheh!): if have to narrow down her most iconic roles I have to give you at least three (please bear with me, I'm doing my best), which are O/O, Kitri and Aurora.
Takada: Titania and O/O. I'm just so very sorry that she's been more injured than not lately. I miss her.
Hayward: Juliet and any Ashton role I can think of (rhapsody, enigma variations, those bits of Titania we got, etc.). I also think she makes one of the best Claras out there.
Kaneko: O/O (saw her live in the BS pdd and the White Adagio with Vadim and it was life changing, bye). Also her Gypsy girl in the two pigeons is iconic. Special mention for her Aurora.
Lamb: Manon. Signature role. Was born to play it. I also really love her Mary Vetsera and her Aurora.
I'm a bit uncertain if I should include Anna Rose or not...sometimes I really love her, but overall I'd like her to be more consistent. But I'll say she was born to play Juliet.
Muntagirov: he's more versatile than people give him credit for, and really has the whole package, but I'd say his best roles are Siegfried and De Grieux.
Ball: he's such an outstanding actor that it's hard to choose, but I'm going with Romeo and Albrecht.
Bracewell: another wonderful Romeo right here, and I was blown away by his Hamlet in the Ashton insights.
Mcrae: Oberon and Rudolph for sure.
Sambè: sorry to repeat myself but we have another great Romeo right here. From what I've seen he makes also a great Colas.
As for retirees, the one that I really wish was still performing is Roberta Marquez, though maybe she isn't exactly a recent one. Out of the most recent ones I only miss Federico Bonelli because he always brought something special to his performances, although I have to say that the struggles and limitations that come with age were very visible in the last couple of years (his Siegfried variation in the SL cinema relay with Takada comes to mind).
As for the winter's tale I'm really happy to see someone who appreciates it as much as I do! I think it's a truly lovely ballet, one of the few modern classics that really stuck with me. You're very welcome for the info and I hope you'll have a great time at the theatre...unfortunately I found out that it won't be streamed in my country, so I'm going to miss out on it 😤
Thanks for all your lovely compliments they're more appreciated than I can say! 😭🩵🙏
Scottish Ballet is one of those companies that I wish had more footage available, because bits I do get to see are really impressive. I'm kind of familiar with Constance Devernay, Bethany kingsley-garner and Andrew Peasgood because I've seen them in the recordings of The Fairy's Kiss and The Snow Queen, and I seriously enjoyed those performances!
I wish there was a full recording of Cinders because both the trailer and the rehearsal look amazing! Jessica Fyfe is a really delicate and expressive dancer from the clips I've seen of her, and both her and Micchiardi impressed me in the rehearsal poste on YT, cause the intentions and mannerisms in their dancing were so clear: I immediately caught up on the reversal of Cinders gender and that she was the princess even though I hadn't read about the novelty introduced by this production beforehand, but everything was immediately clear thanks to their attention to detail.
The little I've seen from this company makes me wish for more!
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versegm · 11 months
Do you have any advice on how to write Oberon Vortigern without making him OOC? I've been trying to analyze everything about him as much as I could and I still don't think I will ever do him justice the way my pace is going. I love your blogs btw, have a great day!
Unfortunately I also struggle to write Oberon, so the best I can say is to make him bitchier. In Oberon format he's basically a nice guy constantly thinking "I hope everyone here dies" and in Vortigern format he's a giant tsundere. "Lmaoo I SO don't care for you guys this is stupid I hope you all die" [cares profoundly anyways]
Important thing to note is that Oberon isn't ye typical Dominant Big Bad Who Rejoice In Suffering, he's mostly Just Some Dude who is deeply hurt by the cruelty of the world he lives in. I wouldn't say he's all bark and no bite because homeboy very much can bite, but he graphically told guda all about how everyone was gonna die all while handing out food cuz they seemed tired.
Also for his curse, the thing to remember is that there's always a lie in his sentences, but you get to decide where the lie is. If he says "I love you" the lie could be on "I", on "love", or on "you."
Hope that helped a bit. In case of doubt remember: make him bitchier.
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vaultedthewall · 3 months
Chronicles of Amber Fancast
Prefacing this with what I actually want from a Chronicles of Amber series is that tweet about not actually wanting an all star cast but ten unknowns and a scriptwriter that is deeply unwell. But if I'm gonna pick and choose big name actors here is who I would like based mostly on vibes, attractiveness (to me), and the likelihood it would really upset certain subreddits. AKA everything important in life. Mainly just the children of Oberon in the first five books bc it's already long enough as is.
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Corwin - Oscar Isaac
Charismatic enough to make me forget how much I fucking hate Corwin, also he can sing. Thanks to Moon Knight we know he can totally rock "Protag who is just as confused as the audience as to what is going on" which is v important for Nine Princes In Amber.
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Benedict - Idris Elba
Tall, 100% Done With This Family's shit, can carry the vibes of someone who only doesn't have the throne because he doesn't want it and everyone agrees if that was different he'd just have it.
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Eric - Taika Waititi
Can balance both absolute piece of trash bag of dicks while still being charismatic which is really what's important about Eric.
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Deirdre - Kali Reis
You want a battle maiden you'll get a battle maiden. If anything the main problem here is there's no way on god's green earth you could convince me she'd need Corwin and/or Random to come to her rescue for anything, but hey adaptations are for changing things.
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Fiona - Sophie Turner
For all the redheads I thought it'd be important to pick people who normally play affable everymen/heroes/people you're used to seeing as goodguys, even if the nature of adapting a book series that's older than most of the people you'd cast in it means the 'big twist' of who the traitors are is something everyone sees coming. So someone well practiced at ingenues would be perfect for the actual baddest bitch in charge.
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Bleys - K. J. Apa
We're gonna give him a better dye job than Riverdale though okay I promise.
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Brand - Jack Quaid
Absolutely 'just this guy you know' vibes. Easy to overlook. Would YOU believe he was the big bad? Come on.
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Llewella - Halle Bailey
Yes I'm making a Little Mermaid joke, try and stop me. But also given how shafted she was in the books I think it's important to use someone who can do a lot with having few speaking lines (though hopefully again that would be fixed in an adaptation)
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Caine - Vico Ortiz
Literally I just want to watch them doing all the scenery chewing bullshit you know Caine has to get up to while they are manipulating and spycrafting their way through shit. Can fully believe they'd pull a finding a copy of themself to kill and leave so people don't know they're still around behind the scenes. Especially in their Blackbeard fit, come on.
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Julian - Conrad Ricamora
Did I just cast my absolute most favorite Mister Darcy as my number one blorbo Julian? Call the fucking cops on me idgaf. His resting bitch face and sarcasm are second to none. Also watch Fire Island (2022) on Hulu.
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Gérard - Jason Momoa
Along with being the biggest canon kinda implies he's also the hottest of all of Oberon's sons so absolute massive dreamboat Jason Momoa it is. Also for the lolz of him and Vico being the navy people.
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Florimel - Jamie Clayton
Did you ever see a woman so beautiful you started crying?
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Random - Bex Taylor-Klaus
They can absolutely go through the journey of youngest sibling in the jester position/fuckup because who cares > most responsible one after all.
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Bill Roth - Wil Wheaton
Look I adore his narration of the last five Amber books!!! I want him somewhere so the reliable chillax lawyer from earth who somehow just rolls with becoming the family lawyer for what amounts to gods of reality. I know I said I actually want a bunch of unknowns for the actual series but I will cry at whoever I must to make this happen. Please.
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Controversial, but the more I think about the 1982 Scarlet Pimpernel adaptation, the more I hate what they did to Marguerite. The love triangle with Chauvelin annoys me anyway, but to take away the little agency Orczy gives her heroine in the books and make the St Cyr denunciation all about a man being dumped by his girlfriend really grinds my gears. Instead of Marguerite's anger, pride, impulsive nature and love for her brother driving her to betray a traitor St Cyr to the Republic, we get 'I have lost my husband's love and I don't know why' - and what's worse, her confusion is real because she hasn't done anything! Chauvelin set her up! Even Merle Oberon's Marguerite gets the 'ever glorious fourteenth of July' speech, where she's like, 'Yes, I did denounce him, and do you want to know why?'
And this also means that Percy doesn't accept that his wife is human and that they have both made mistakes, he realises that she is 'innocent' instead and learns precisely nothing. 1982 Percy will never reach the level of this awesome speech from I Will Repay:
"And 'twill be when you understand that your idol has feet of clay that you'll learn the real lesson of love," said Blakeney earnestly.
"Is it love to worship a saint in heaven, whom you dare not touch, who hovers above you like a cloud, which floats away from you even as you gaze? To love is to feel one being in the world at one with us, our equal in sin as well as in virtue. To love, for us men, is to clasp one woman with our arms, feeling that she lives and breathes just as we do, suffers as we do, thinks with us, loves with us, and, above all, sins with us. Your mock saint who stands in a niche is not a woman if she have not suffered, still less a woman if she have not sinned. Fall at the feet of your idol an you wish, but drag her down to your level after that—the only level she should ever reach, that of your heart."
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kaibutsushidousha · 1 year
Why do you think the Proto Merlin we see is Fou in disguise? I haven't been following this theory very closely so I'm interested in the arguments people have in favor of this
It all started in Lilim Harlot when Sodom's called Merlin "Beast of the Planet". This term has only been used before twice, once in the old material books and once in Mash profiles, both times referring directly and unambiguously to Fou.
Her reaction to being called that is, quote: "Oops, don't say another word. I haven't told anyone about this yet.".
From that point beyond, it was a look back at all of Proto Merlin's previous content to see what changes with the new "she might be Fou lens". The interesting findings there were:
First Hassan's main criticism of her in Lilim Harlot comes from her discarding her crown out of a personal whim. This was initially taken as her refusing to take the Grand Caster crown, but under the Fou lens, we can assume it refers to Fou abandoning the Beast IV horns for Mash's sake.
Fou has a not-yet-explained ability to know what happens in other timelines, being aware of Tsukihime's Primate Murder. Meanwhile, Proto Merlin takes part in Arcade's plot because she knew this was a timeline where Cath Palug wasn't in Chaldea.
Proto Merlin's Arcade profile notes that she switches her personal pronoun to ボク in her more personal moments. That's a thing male Merlin also does, but ボク is an informal masculine pronoun, so it makes perfect sense for him to switch to it when dropping the formalities. Proto Merlin going masculine when she drops the mask was vaguely suspicious, and it's even more so under this perspective because her "mask dropped" way of talking is identical to Fou's.
Kawasumi debuted as Fou's voice before she debuted as Proto Merlin's voice. Not a real clue but a curious piece of trivia.
Weight: 20 kg is still very weird but significantly less weird than before.
Hero Creation and Dreamlike Charisma are ranked lower, which could be because they’re imitations.
Mordred in Arcade feels the need to triple-check if Proto Merlin really is Merlin, although this could be just due to Merlin suddenly being a woman.
The main difference between Merlins as emphasized in her Arcade profile is that Proto Merlin isn't locked in the tower like Merlin. Getting out of the tower is a main point of Fou's backstory.
In Arctic Summerworld, Fou is always keeping watch on Lady Avalon because he doesn't know what she came there for, but he's consistently less hostile to her than he is to male Merlin.
And she came to mobile as Lady Avalon, but her Class is Pretender, meaning she doesn't come with her True Name registered. This is an intentional choice on her part and a secret she successfully keeps hidden. Unlike Oberon, Faker, or Tenochtitlan, she never gets her True Name Reveal scene so Chaldea is officially unaware of who she actually is. The Merlin reveal could have happened in her debut event, but since it didn't, Merlin is now the anti-climatic answer. It isn't worth holding the secret months for that.
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mako-neexu · 8 months
im still overwhlemed but again, netsuyumi's obeguda today is amazing.
to drink poison just like that? seriously, your heart will never go back to the way it was anymore. it is said to be a lethal dose that can kill you on the spot too? isnt your heart too transparent? its a good thing oberon came in time and saved guda before the man administered sleeping pills to guda's drink next so he can sell guda to the black market...
i think this is my first time seeing a comic where the extreme poison immunity of guda is addressed. "a woman who is foreign immortal would fetch a fine price"... i love it when i read it. not only is it just poison, but alcohol as well... the said details made me scream. wait i just noticed now but theres three cups!?!?!? did you give guda THREE cups of extremely lethal poison? www this guy ww eugh my heart cant take it!! i love the detail of the man getting scared of guda, naturally. but going back i like this guy's thinking. crushing the nerves in guda's hand, cutting guda's throat so as not to leak info after administering sleeping pills in the next drink... only then he sells her to the black market for a high price...
ahh oberon saving her just at the right time is amazing but ugh guda heart transparent moment was the best. you worried over the one who poisoned you first? guda didn't even care if it was poisoned or the alcohol was something else... she simply had the hunch about the man she was conversing with. and the look in guda's face drives me insannnneeeeeeeeeeeeee
the heart is transparent at its finest <3 although there is no evidence of poison in the drink/s, if she refused to drink she might not have gotten information at all. if she did drink it (if it is a poison that would instantly kill), the man would loosen his lips on the info guda needed... because there was no other. choice.
"If it ever happens again, I'm sure I'll make the same choice again. As much as possible, singularities should be resolved early because its preferable. I don't think its wrong if I act for that matter."
also yumi's end notes for that is being: if the singularity is resolved quickly, if it will only endanger guda and not anyone else... that is guda's reasoning....
THEN OBERON'S FAIRY EYES MOMENT GODDDDDDDDDDDD "i know why oberon is angry" "sorry. it was thoughtless of me to do that"
what are you doing!!!! youre making me fear for you gudaaaaa!!! OBERON'S POV THOUGH!! AGHHGGH!!! AGH! "sorry if thats how you see it." "no matter what i will say,your way of thinking will not change. because your circumstances wont allow you to" WONT!!!!!!!!! ALLOW!!! YOU TOO!!!!!!!!
the omakes made me laugh though wwwwwwww the guy now tied up went from "oi, ill bribe you with money! side with me and catch that woman and sell her to the black market!" to ("ah this insect looking guy likes her so-") "along with the money, you keep the woman, wdyt?" to also eventually having thoughts of "on top of this woman having a strong heart, she has a pretty face...maybe ill make her mine." and oberon progressively just wanted to kill him then and there its so funny wwwwwwwwwwwwww
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circesoracle · 2 months
6 (or 8. I find 6 intriguing but I want a spoiler however you're most comfortable) 14, 17 (😄), 18, 25, 29, 32, 44, 58, 66 for eternity's embrace, 79
Just a couple of questions for the fanfiction writing asks. I promise I tried not to ask too many but I couldn't help it ^-^
6/8. What’s the last line you wrote?/Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
These are functionally the same thing right now, so:
How like a saint she stood, back to the glass mural of the Martyr Sabrine, wings spread in holy dignity which did appear to sprout from the shoulders of the asari princess. From on high was the light brought down to shine upon her alone. So like an angel painted upon the sky did she stand, resplendent in the rainbow streaks of sun caught in the stained glass of the cathedral windows. Cast across her scales in prismatic patterns she was as otherworldly - as ethereal - as any who in Heaven’s Halls did walk.
14. What is your favorite location and position to write in?
Scrunched up in bed or sprawled out, I struggle to focus if I'm sitting up or at a table I have to be able to lounge. Gotta have my legs bent funny or I simply can't write.
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
A little bit, but I find it easy to get overwhelmed by things. None of my fics have really required *research* more just double checking things.
My novel however requires massive amounts of research even if almost none of it pays off. I am a genius who decided to write a book about street racing and cars when I myself can not drive and know nothing about cars. I spent a week doing so much research about cars just so I could make up fake sci-fi parts and manufacturers. I wanted to get stuff right even though it's all sci-fi and made up, yknow?
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
Writing for sure! Outlining is a pain, I do worldbuilding mostly as it's needed off a rough outline, and I never edit. If it's a one-shot there's no planning at all. So even though I take damage whenever I write it's still the most enjoyable part of the process because a lot of the time it's the only part of the process for me. Where's that defunctland tweet about the only thing worse than doing [creative pursuit] is not doing it. That's how I feel about writing a lot of the time.
29. What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
Including this one is an act of psychological warfare.
I am proud that I do it. I'm proud that despite how much doubt and loathing I feel about my writing I still do it. Even though I think I could sit here for hours trying to pick something, trying to lie and pick out something other people tell me I'm good at but I don't believe, I still write, and I still want to write. I can't say I'm good at it, or that I think I do anything particularly well, but I write, and I'm proud that I do. I might never be in a place were I like my writing or can pick something I'm good at. I'll also never be in a place where I stop writing for good.
32. Do you take fic requests?  Why or why not?
Nebulously, yes! I ask for requests and simply never get a response from people, so I stopped saying I take requests uhh about a year ago. There just isn't enough interest I guess. I wish I was someone who could take writing commissions but even for free people don't want it 😅
44. What is your favorite genre to write?
Fantasy, easy. My writing works best for fantasy I find, something I didn't give much thought until I was writing a sci-fi novel and realised how strange my prose are in that context. I don't even particularly like fantasy, on balance I like sci-fantasy, and in media I prefer sci-fi, but fantasy has always just been where my writing goes, and what my prose seem to match.
58. Do you have a favorite piece of figurative language you’ve written?
Any of the scenes in The Reconciliation of Oberon and Titania that allude to the specific art pieces. The Great Wave Off Kanagawa and The Birth of Venus sections in particular, which I'll include here for the sake of the question.
The Great Wave Off Kanagawa
In blue silks she splayed upon the floor of her own gallery. White-capped waves upon the crashing seas of bunched silk was her flesh, and her body pulled upwards, upwards, yearning, needing, craving the touch of her sickening unseen moon. With sexual need and the heat of a churning sea, she tipped the boat of Marika’s hand, pushing and pulling her with the force of a storm beyond tides and nightly whims. She screamed with a siren pitch. She moaned with muffled pleasure, head under her own waves as she was conjured tempest-like into howling climax. The great wave crashed and with it came her hips upon the silks and her cry of pleasure into the cream night.
The Birth of Venus
Like Venus exalted in newborn ecstasy upon her scalloped bed, Marika arched for her and laid her naked body before her in the wanting of a child. She cried out like she was experiencing the pleasure of touch upon her body for the first time, new virginity pried from between her pearl-dropped salt-slicked thighs, split open upon her birth. An opening of her own shell, a spreading of her downy dove wings, the blooming of her tear-stained red rose, before she would be spoilt and numbed to pleasure through her own lust for it ever onward.
66. What’s a fun fact about Eternity's Embrace?
Besides the two earlier versions of it I've talked about before and the working title it had when I was drafting it, the version of Eternity's Embrace that got posted started life as a hybrid Breath of the Wild AU for Liara x Femshep that got heavily reworked. Tali took the place of Urbosa hence her remaining a close ally of Liara's in Eternity's Embrace despite there maybe not being a huuuge amount of justification for that in canon (they are best friends in my imagination)
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
I suck so bad at writing advice! I just write and that's the honest truth, I have no tips, I have no advice, except don't listen to anyone purple your prose if that's how you want to write please I'm begging you. And read more, and not just fic. Read books, and read lots of them, and make sure they're varied! But that's really it, read more and write exactly how you want, if someone says no write more like this. kill them.
tysm bestie <3
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harmonyckrs · 19 days
Act 1, Scene 2 of Twisted Veronaville: The Homosexual Supporting Cast
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Every four years, the Summerdreams host a party and invite both the Capps and the Montys, in hopes of establishing peace. This used to be once per year, but got moved to four years after Mercutio ended up in the hospital from an especially bad fight with Tybalt.
The most recent party was a special one: Oberon and Titania have once again sworn their loyalty to each other, and Puck had his first kiss with Hermia.
Puck: Congrats on getting married again, Mom!
Titania: Thanks, dear. This party was a success, wasn't it?
Puck: Seems so! But Mercutio saw me kissing Hermia, and I think he's upset.
Oberon: You can talk to him about it, can you? Just host another party...we'll make it a boys only party, just so it won't be repetitive! How about that?
Puck: (I'm not sure if I'm a boy, though)...Sure?
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And so he did. A whole new party, just to apologize to one guy.
Puck: ...And I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings.
Mercutio: You hosted another party just for this? It's not that big of a deal, Puck. I'm honestly more upset that you invited Tybalt to this than I am about the kiss.
Puck: It's a formality. We invite at least one member from both families so none of you think we're taking sides. I've seen what Tybalt has done to the people who only align themselves with your family.
Mercutio: Yeah, that's fair. But in all seriousness, I'm not mad about the kiss. Sure it sucks that she didn't like me, but she chose you. I'm not going to break up our friendship over a Capp, even if it's someone cool like Hermia.
Puck: Thanks, Mercutio.
Romeo: ...Puck, I think you should've just invited Hermia and Mercutio instead of having an "all-boys party" just to have this conversation.
Tybalt: For once, I actually agree with Romeo.
Romeo: Nobody asked!
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The party was a success...for Puck. As for Tybalt, he was just angry. Angrier than usual, and he needed some way to release it. But Juliette wouldn't listen to him and Consort was at work, so that left only one person.
Tybalt: And then that fucker had the audacity to talk shit about me the entire time!
Hermia: (Where the hell is Grandpa when you need him?) Okay? Why do you care so much about what Mercutio thinks of you?
Tybalt: Stop making this weird!
Hermia: I mean, you bring him up every time we talk. It feels like you constantly think about him.
Tybalt: I do!
Hermia: ...
Hermia: Sure...whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.
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And here lies the surviving sisters of the Capp family, one with many children and the other with none. But the two have something in common...
Goneril: I can't stop thinking about Bianca...
Regan: I hate her stupid glasses and her pretty face...
Goneril: I hate her stupid soft hair and lips...GAH! Why do I keep thinking about her?
Regan: She's a Monty! I can't be thinking about a Monty this way!
Goneril: I need to focus on my family!
Regan: And my job!
Goneril/Regan: And also, I'm married!
Kent: Regan, are you okay?
Regan: Kent, not right now. I'm having a crisis.
Kent: Okay, geez...
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Kent: So yeah, Cornwall is insufferable. I'm thinking of moving out soon, but I don't know if I have enough money to live on my own.
Bianca: Do you want to be roommates?
Kent: Would that be weird? I'm a Capp and you're a Monty.
Bianca: Oh, I'm not worried about that! I've stopped caring about my family thinks a long time ago. And you should, too.
Kent: Well, alright! I'll see you soon.
Antonio: Bianca, who were you talking to?
Bianca: Kent.
Antonio: That Capp guy? I told you to drop him a long time ago.
Bianca: You still care about the feud?
Antonio: Of course I did! They murdered my wife!
Bianca: And you're sure it's them, and not someone else?
Antonio: Who else would've done it?
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And lying near the river that separates the Capps and Montys, lies two peculiar forces...
???: Have you found anyone worthy from the other towns?
???: There's one person. His name is Tank Grunt, from Strangetown. He's physically strong and appears noble.
???: I see. He should have no problem handling the fights in Veronaville. Will he cooperate, though?
???: I believe so. Who wouldn't want the chance to be a hero? The one who defies the fates set up by the Watcher and forges their own path?
???: I suppose you're right. Let's bring him here tomorrow...
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philcoulsonismyhero · 2 months
YESSSSS here's some words for YOU to use as many or few of as you please: light, certain, (un)steady, close
Yesss, thanks!! It took me a wee while to narrow down some of these, there were quite a few instances, but here's a bunch of excerpts all from 'Don't Carry It All, Don't Carry It All', which I've mentioned a few times before and is my big in-progress 'Nightingale is having A Bad Time in the run up to the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Ettersberg and Peter decides to do something about that' fic.
But Nightingale forged his own staffs, at least the ones that he uses now, and behind the heat and hammer of the forging process itself, their vestigia is pure him. That distinctive tick tick of clockwork as precise and unstoppable as the movement of the universe itself, and underneath that the smell of willow trees and grassy playing fields, young laughing voices, wood smoke and the brush of wet leaves and pine needles against your hand. A bright light in the darkness, and, very faintly, if you really let your mind go blank, metal and canvas and mud and blood and a feeling of determination tougher than face-hardened steel. His childhood in the countryside at Casterbrook, all sports and spells and sneaking off into the woods for adventures, and behind that the ever-present shadow of the war.
“And your plan hasn’t changed since you told me about it last night?” he asked. “I’d rather not have to deal with any surprises, even with the best of intentions.” “No surprises planned,” I said. Nightingale can handle the unexpected as well as any copper, in fact he often thrives on it, but I’d figured that this week predictability was better. No one likes having the rug pulled out from under them when they’re already unsteady on their feet. “Although I can’t make any promises about unplanned ones.”
“I assume we are waiting for Nightingale?” asked Oberon. “He’ll be here shortly,” I said. “He’s-” But I didn’t even get to finish the sentence before the ripple ran through the room. It was made up of whispers, surreptitious glancing around, and a rapid but subtle thinning of certain areas of the crowd. “Speak of the devil,” said Oberon, wryly.
If I was being honest, I was a little surprised by how close Seawoll’s reaction to Nightingale’s current state had been to genuine concern. Seawoll usually expresses his concern for people through shouting at them, but that’s also how he expresses dislike, and sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference. I’m pretty sure in the case of Nightingale that he just genuinely hates the man, though. I think it’s down to some of the interactions they had before I even joined the Met, as well as just a general clash of personalities, but whatever the cause it’s pretty undeniable. But that exchange had skirted remarkably close to how Seawoll bullies people that he likes into taking care of themselves. I wondered if it was possible to worry about someone while still outright disliking them, and decided that if anyone could pull that off, it was Alexander Seawoll.
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