#( ans. ) where all the poets went to die
sigvinr · 3 years
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@godguile​ spoke: “ i  licked  it ,  so  it’s  mine. ” ( pinterest promps / / accepting )
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‘ oh that is a very mature, loki. i am so pleased you’ve cleared that all up. ’ the blonde shakes her head, trying not to laugh, ‘ it has been a few centuries since i have added to my tattoos would it not be less crude for me to simply have your name tattooed across my ass than to have you announce you licked me? ’ rolling her eyes she sighs. 
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somanysigns-13 · 3 years
Making my case on why haunted and ghost are Taylor euphemisms for all things gay...long story short, ghosts aren’t typically seen by the general public and they are usually feared by many. Ghosts haunt those that do see them. Part 1
1. Haunted - Speak Now - (Emily Poe or Liz Huett?)
Lyrics: “Come on come on don’t leave me like this I thought I had you figured out. Something’s gone terribly wrong won’t finish what you started. Come on come on don’t leave me like this. I thought I had you figured out. Can’t breathe whenever you’re gone. Can’t go back now, I’m haunted.”
Interpretation: She thought what she had with a “girl” friend was more than friendship. The other girl started the relationship or the flirtation and maybe it was more at some point but something got in the way (maybe Taylor’s management team). Taylor fell hard and got her heart broken and now she’s unable to forget about that feeling of being in a relationship with another girl. She’s “haunted” by this feeing.
2. Ours - Speak Now
Lyrics: “Seems like there’s always someone who disapproves. They’ll judge it like they know about me and you. And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do. The jury’s out, but my choice is you.” “You never know what people have up their sleeves. Ghosts from your past gonna jump out at me. Lurking in the shadows with their lip gloss smiles. But I don’t care ‘cause right now you’re mine.”
Interpretation: The management team is aware of the relationship and are trying to decide what to do. If it were up to Taylor she would leave it all behind to be with her girlfriend. She wonders if there are past girlfriends “ghosts” that will come out and ruin what they have especially if they have to keep it hidden. We also have a mention of shadows which make shade and we all know “shade never made anybody less gay.” ;)
3. How You Get The Girl - 1989
Lyrics: “Stand there like a ghost shaking from the rain, rain. She’ll open up the door and say are you insane-ane. Say it’s been a long 6 months. And you were too afraid to tell her what you want, want.”
Interpretation: The lyrical style of this song seems very similar to the song “Innocent” on Speak Now. It feels like a diary entry where Taylor is referring to herself in the story as the “you”. Like that inner voice that can pump you up or put you down. This is the story of Taylor apologizing for pushing away a new potential girlfriend because she’s afraid it’ll end like they have in the past possibly due to her management team and contracts interfering. The ghost here is Taylor being haunted by her past failed attempts at having true love.
4. This Love - 1989
Lyrics: “Your kiss, my cheek, I watch you leave. Your smile, my ghost, I fell to my knees. When you’re young, you just run but you come back to what you need.”
Interpretation: I feel this song is about Taylor falling in love with Karlie, but being so afraid to lose her due to both of their careers. Karlie is optimistic (your smile) but Taylor is apprehensive due to past relationship failures (my ghost) and likely management intervention. As I’ve said in a past analysis of this song, I feel that Taylor has always known that she liked girls but has tried to “run” from those feelings or has been forced to hide them but she knows it’s what she needs to be truly happy. There is also a scene in Miss Americana where she’s a little girl and she says “Okay, this is a song I wrote yesterday. And...it’s about a girl who’s just different. And I really like it because it’s just s-so happy. So this is called “Lucky You” 🎶 There’s this little girl in this little town with a little too much heart to go around. “Live forever, never say never, you can do better” That’s what she says.🎶 Obviously the “different” little girl could be based on her talents or could be that she believes that loving another girl is considered “not normal” in the eyes of many people. Either way how profound for someone that age to recognize that.
5. You Are In Love - 1989
Lyrics: “Morning his place, burnt toast, Sunday. You keep his shirt he keeps his word. And for once you let go of your fears and your ghosts. One step, not much but it said enough.
Interpretation: Taylor flips the pronoun here which she doesn’t do often or doesn’t include often. It almost seems like she’s acknowledging that she can make this work by hiding her “ghost”. Her songs can still be about her relationship but the “one step” of using a male pronoun as one of the points of view is enough to maybe appease the management team for now.
6. ...Ready For It - Reputation
Lyrics: “Knew he was a killer first time that I saw him wonder how many girls he had loved and left haunted. But if he’s a ghost then I can be a phantom holdin him for ransom.”
Interpretation: Bearding references. The “boyfriend” is also a “ghost” and she is a phantom (ghost/figment of the imagination) and they can use each other as covers.
7. The Archer - Lover
Lyrics1: “I wake in the night , I pace like a ghost. The room is on fire, invisible smoke. And all of my heroes die all alone, help me hold on to you.”
Interpretation: The fear is back or she’s remembering a time where it almost fell apart due to the rumors. All of her heroes could be referring to female poets from the 1800s (Emily Dickinson, Dorothy Wordsworth) that had to hide their sexuality or use male pseudonyms in order to publish their work and make a living.
Lyrics2: “Cause they see right through me, they see right through me, they see right through the me, can you see right through me. They see right through, they see right through me I see right through me, I see right through me.”
Interpretation: Reminds me of the Indigo Girls song “Closer to Fine”.....“And I went to see the doctor of philosophy, with a poster of Rasputin and a beard down to his knees. And he never did marry or see a B grade movie, he graded my performance, he said he could see through me.” Also this song begins with “I’m trying to tell you something bout my life. Maybe give me insight between black and white.” and a few lyrics later “And I wrap my fear around me like a blanket, I sailed my ship of safety til I sank it, I’m crawling on your shores.” These lyrics really link to multiple Taylor songs. Also she refers to Indigo eyes in “I Think He Knows”.
8. Death By A Thousand Cuts” - Lover
Lyrics: “Now I’m searching for signs in a haunted club”
Interpretation: perhaps a gay “haunted” dive bar on the East side, where you at?”
9. Cardigan - folklore
Lyrics: “I knew you’d haunt all of my what-if’s The smell of smoke would hang around this long, ‘cause I knew everything thing when I was young. I knew I’d curse you for the longest time, chasing shadows in the grocery line.”
Interpretation: her feelings haunt her because she’s not being true to them. She’s trying to push them away again. The smell of smoke and another shadow reference..she knew the rumors of her and Karlie wouldn’t go away but this time she’s chasing the shadows rather than waiting for something to come out at her from them. (Tabloids ref?)
10. my tears ricochet - folklore
Lyrics: “we gather stones never knowing what they’ll mean. Some to throw some to make a diamond ring. You know I didn’t want to have to haunt you but what a ghostly scene. You wear the same jewels that I gave you as you bury me.”
Interpretation: stones = knowledge/information on someone ..it can hurt or it can be used for good. Maybe Scott and Scooter threatened to out Taylor and Karlie if they didn’t go along with a certain plan. Now Taylor has no choice but to have to make them pay for it.
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libidomechanica · 5 years
Untitled (“Yes, the built of man”)
Yes, the built of man, which may never grace  and leapt up, the stoop down me
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sigvinr · 4 years
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anon spoke: 🍒🍒anyone ( send  me  🍒  +  a  url  and  i  will  write  some  positivity  for  them. // accepting )
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let me start of with @brvesouls​, the most wonderful sif i have ever had the privilege of writing with. alex, your take on sif is so different. i love that you’ve made her soft, and kind, and gentle. she’s more in tune with her myth side than what marvel gave and i adore her relationship with sigyn. i can just hear her voice everytime you wirte her dialogue. on top of all of that your writing flows so smoothly it’s like reading from a novel every single reply.
and you! you are an absolute good bean! i love our conversations ( even if we disagree over what a burger is ) and having gotten to know you these past few weeks. please keep being amazing, i’ll be sad if you don’t.
now for a second blog, ( and fittingly since we’ve all but made a trio on here ) @gildedruins​ , ugh, where to start?? sigyn and i absolutely adore her chaos twin! you have written thor to be such a strong and sweet boy who has a healthy sense of humor regarding himself without becoming a parody of himself. i adore what a big heart you’ve given him and i only accept your thor as canon ( endgame and mean tdw thor can go off somewhere. we don’t know them. ) and sigyn is always happy to see your replies.
ooc i’m so happy to have met someone who loves taylor swift as much, actually probably more than, i do. you’re so nice! and i love talking headcanons with you and thinking up more adventures for these two blondes who share exactly one brain cell when in the room together. i’m so happy to have started writing with you and talking to you!
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sigvinr · 3 years
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@brvesouls​ spoke: Good thing his mistress took out a big life insurance policy ( from Sif, in the modern verse? ♥ ( evermore starters // accepting )
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‘ serves him right. ’ her reply is so easy, so simple it almost comes off as polite as she flips through the magazine in her lap. dainty feet dangly, kicking gently back and forth as she sits on the countertop, ‘ i only hope his wife will be content now. she’s already lost her husband and now his mistress is doing better than ever...it is sick. ’
looking up she reaches over, grabbing a strawberry from the bowl beside her. she bites into it, a soft sigh escaping her her hand covering her mouth though she swallows before speaking. ‘ do you think we could do something with these? i love strawberries. ’
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sigvinr · 3 years
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anon spoke: How do you pronounce sigyns name?
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okay, so technically it is sea-gin ( with a hard g ) HOWEVER, mentally i say sigyn like sig-in. and for her nicknames sig and siggy i pronounce them similarly s-iggy and, well, how it’s spelled. that being said in threads, were sigyn to pronounce her own name she would be saying it the proper way.
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sigvinr · 3 years
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@trckstrgod​ spoke: "try not to fall in love with me." ( intimacy prompts // accepting ) 
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‘ and if i have already begun to? ’ brows raise in question as she lay beside him, her sweat damp skin beginning to cool in the night air. outside the remainders of their wedding feast die down, those who remain now deep in their cups, singing bawdy songs somewhere in the great hall. those who had walked them to their chambers now gone, with the sounds of their merry making drowned out by the crackle of the fire in their hearth. 
her bridal crown lay where it fell, almost dangerously close to the fire. for a second heat returns to her face as she thinks of the moments before this one. how shame had melted from her as she lay bare beneath him, as frost melts away in spring. how her heart had raced and her arms had wrapped around him, welcoming him into her. 
she is content. there is peace in that moment which she has yet to know before this night. ‘ what would you suggest i do then? ’ her fingertips brush over his, ‘ how do i correct my course from here? ’
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sigvinr · 3 years
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@faithforgottenlnd​ spoke: ❝How far along are you? When did you find out?❞ from boda ( pregnancy starters || accepting )
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‘ twelve weeks. ’ she smiles, as if she is almost proud of that fact, despite many more weeks laying ahead of her. ‘ a few days ago. i just wanted to be sure before i said anything. ’
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sigvinr · 3 years
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@prxmoiros​ spoke: ❝ Why are both you and the baby crying? ❞ ( for Tyr) ( baby meme || accepting )
‘ i do not know what i am doing... ’ her words are spoken so softly they are almost unintelligible, drowned out by the sounds of the infant’s cries. she is like a child, overwhelmed, tired, lost and suddenly feeling every bit of her age-- the weight of her mistakes as her son continues to squall in her arms. how could this have happened? months of excitement and fear are now replaced solely by the feeling that she has made a huge mistake. that her son deserves so much better than what she is able to give.
all she has done, it seems, is disappoint and be disappointed. she has disappointed loki by carrying his child, and he has broken her by leaving. how could she be anything less than a disappointment to her husband? another casualty of his “brother’s” indiscretion fallen into his lap.
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blue eyes slip closed as she tries to halt the tears that roll down her cheeks, ‘ i have tried everything and yet he continues to cry. i can’t do this. ’ the blonde shakes her head slowly, her heart breaking over and over again at the sounds from narvi which ring in her ears. ‘ i can’t do this. ’
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sigvinr · 3 years
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@bastxrds​ spoke: “Why am I here? You know I hate these things.” [bastxrds, loki] ( winter ball starters // accepting )
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‘ because it makes me happy. ’ she takes his hand, entwining their fingers so that she might press a kiss to his knuckles. ‘ and because everyone is drunk and there is no need to hide. ’ whatever games they must play to keep their affections secret from the allfather need not be played when he has long since retired, and everyone else has lost their wits. without missing a beat she stands from the table, golden light playing off the diadem that sits in her curls. soft smile blooms on her lips as she gives his hand a soft tug. 
‘ if you are unhappy, take a walk with me. it is snowing. and i want to see it. ’
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sigvinr · 4 years
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@gildedruins​ spoke: ✤ for logyn or perish ( ship meme // accepting )
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who said i love you first? sigyn and then she avoided him for several days
who laughs when the other trips? loki
who pays the bills? loki
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? sigyn ( queue the holly crowns )
who’s more clumsy? neither is really clumsy 
who checks their daily horoscope? ...loki
who sings louder in the car? sigyn 100%
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? loki
who is more up to date in pop culture? sigyn
who insists on going to see the newest movies? i don’t think either would, sig would definitely drag him to screenings of old movies
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? sigyn, oh my god, sigyn
who’s the lighter sleeper? both
who believes in ghosts? both
who does the grocery shopping? sigyn
who updates their facebook status more often? sigyn
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sigvinr · 4 years
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@trckstrgod​ spoke: 7. for our muses to have sex in the kitchen instead of finishing breakfast. ( morning after meme // accepting )
it had been nearly noon by the time she’d risen from bed, dressed in only what had been closest to her she’d wandered through the lodge to the kitchen. it was devoid of servants and what had began with her finding breakfast for them ended with plates still full knocked to the floor, shattered against the stone where they’d toppled. the sound of wood scraping across uneven floor breaking the stillness of the morning air. 
neatly manicured nails dig into the skin of his back, threatening to draw blood as she pulls him closer. her position is precarious, balanced on the edge, clinging to him as he moves between her thighs. the wood is hard and rough beneath her, biting into her skin and yet her pain does not register as her lips find his. the world around them ceases to exist to her. ( even the very real possibility of someone walking in does not remind her to quiet herself 
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a high pitched mewl escapes her when they break apart, breath coming in pants. he will be the death of her --but norns it is a death she would welcome. there is no shame as she hides her face in his neck, dancing ever closer to release. her words breathed against his skin, mumbled, now only for him to hear.
with the world so too has her vocabulary seemingly vanished, his name being the only thing that falls from her lips. pleading gasps and whimpers over and over again --loki. 
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sigvinr · 4 years
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@shotbitch​ spoke: 🍒 ! but only if you want to. ( send  me  🍒  +  a  url  and  i  will  write  some  positivity  for  them. // accepting )
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we haven’t had a chance to write or talk much yet but you are an absolute ray of sunshine on the dash! you’re so passionate about your muse and you’ve given me a whole new appreciation for the character! i can’t wait to get something going with these two...and as a small side note: always love seeing someone who stans folklore on the dash as much as i do lol
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sigvinr · 3 years
@thunderbringer / / send if you are ridiculously attached to me as a rp partner. 
omg ily! such a precious bean.
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sigvinr · 3 years
dibs cause id die for u
@moltenruins / / send if you are ridiculously attached to me as a rp partner. 
honestly tho, same. ily.
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sigvinr · 3 years
dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs ❤️
@brvesouls / / send me a ‘dibs’ if you are ridiculously attached to me as an rp partner
aleeeeeexxxxx, ily <3 
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