#( aaaand we're back in heck! )
areadri · 2 years
       THEIR DISCORDANT CRIES FILL HIS HEAD, and it’s all he can hear; a cacophony of torment, grating against his skull. their screams reach into his soul, and sink their claws into whatever remains. they want every last piece of him, to leave nothing left. he shall be desolate in their wake, an empty husk devoid of meaning and feeling--- or perhaps they already have. he can’t tell anymore. this place... this accursed place... it knows of his past, and it has turned it into a weapon. the memories are clearer than ever before, as though he were living in them again.
       areadbhar clatters to the ground as he drops to his knees in the dirt, the heavy clang of steel murmuring as it meets with the earth. looking upon his quivering and blood-stained palms, dimitri buries his face in his hands--- even in the darkness behind them, he sees them there, burning. 
       you promised us blood, their whispers demand, why haven’t you fulfilled your oath to us...?
             ❝  no---  ❞ he utters aloud, seething between clenched teeth, ❝  i have not forgotten my promise--- please, forgive me...!  ❞
       when he dares open his eye, peeking between his fingers, his father’s corpse stares back. his breath hitches--- before he roars in agony, his wordless pleas spilling into the mistwood. when he stands, he reclaims his lance, and as though guided purely by instinct, the beast slashes wildly at the tree in front of him. every blow gouges deeply into its bark, punctuated by his frenzied whimpers, as the faces of his enemies take shape before him, taunting him.
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             ❝  hh---!  ❞
       i will cut you down, his thoughts bare their fangs, i will cut you all down...!
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sincerely-sofie · 25 days
Chapter 6 of Sofie Plays "Slay the Princess": The Princess and the Hero (Round 2) + The Witch
Gotta experience 'em all!
[ Beginning ] - [ Previous Part ] - [ Next Part ]
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I meant to pick up the blade but misclicked and entered the basement. Even so, we got some new dialogue! Pretty sure I needed to pick up the dagger to get a new Princess, but I might just continue this route for the sake of flavor text :>
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Asked the princess warily what we would do if I couldn't find a key to free her, and she whipped out the "Maybe we could cut me out of them! :)" idea so fast guys I'm having flashbacks,
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*cartoon dog voice* This is fine :)
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Hey, Narrator? What the FRICK do you mean by that? Mister disembodied, no-hands-having, secret-keeping voice? Are you going to drive me mad with constant demands that I kill the Princess? Too bad that I'm not going to. Hopefully you can manipulate the environment somehow to make the basement collapse on us, because I'm not going to hurt---
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... Oh.
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New chapter. I guess.
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I can already tell I don't like my new brain buddy.
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THE MIRROR IS BACK!!!! aaaand it's gone the second I try to clean it. We aren't getting any mirror selfies today.
Oh my worrrrrd Opportunist you sleazy, conniving kiss-up. Ughhhhh
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At the very least, there isn't any dismemberment involved this time.
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Is the achievement title a reference to that fable about the Frog and the Scorpion?
Welp. She's playing chicken. We're stuck down here. I decided to just accept it and wait.
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Just realizing that the narrator has a capital H when referred to with third person pronouns, and I'm too busy noticing the red at the edges of the screen to consider it for very long.
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Alright. The cabin has vanished around us. Is it time for arms to erupt from the aether and absorb the Witch?
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Huh. Very anti-climactic.
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What the HECK does "you've grown" mean?????
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Okay, okay. the Long Quiet is definitely a location. But I'm not convinced it isn't also a character of sorts. It feels like it has some kind of goal, but I can't tell what.
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It's the start of a new chapter, and I chose to leave the cabin behind me this time. I kept looping back around to the cabin, but surely I got turned around or something in the forest. That's normal. I'll just keep trying.
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gudetamaworld · 2 years
niki as bf ~ tipsy
gn!reader x niki genre: fluff
tw: mention of alcohol
(tysm for 300 notes) summary: jake leaves his white claws out in the dorm, niki thinks they're sparking water and drinks a couple. psa: i am NOT condoning underage drinking nor would i think jake is that irresponsable irl
at 2 in the morning, i woke up to three missed calls from jake and five messages from jungwon. oh, and just about 20 messages from niki. i groaned, still tired and barely awake. what happened now?
i opened jungwon's messages, which were urgent as heck:
so theres a problem
niki may or may not be tipsy
get over here we have no idea how to fix him
taken aback, i threw on a jacket and before i knew it i was at niki and his hyungs' dorm.
"y/n!!!!! i've been waiting for youuuu. how could you not see my messages?" niki giggled when he saw me at their door, stretching his arms out; tackling me with a bear hug. his face was very pink.
oh and niki and i were, obviously, not of drinking age. i turned to the rest of his hyungs (who were a nervous wreck).
"pleasepleaseplease don't get angry at me it was an accident ileftmymaybealcoholdrinkatthecounterandnikithoughtitwassparklingwatersohedrankoneorfour don't kill me pls y/n" jake rushed all of this out, huffing like he just performed a rap verse.
"you did WHAT?" it was hard to contain my anger. i mean, how could i? my boyfriend was laying on the couch, giggling and playing with my hair, almost drunk, when he wasn't even 21 yet.
i opened my messages from niki. i hadn't gotten the time to before i arrived at their dorm.
<strong>From bf<3</strong>
heyyy y/n <33333333333
u r super pretty
and cute
did i mention cute
i miss u :////
this sparkling water im drinking is REALLY GOOD
come over i wanna share it w u
its like SUPER GOOD i still miss u
aaaand this went on for about ten more messages.
"he's asleep now, but he definitely wasn't earlier. he was practically bouncing off the walls." jungwon pointed at niki. i didn't even notice my hands were still in his hair, absentmindedly brushing them from his face until he had- finally- fallen asleep.
"okay, we're good here right?" jay clapped his hands, wanting to wrap this fiasco up.
"we have practice tomorrow and it's like 3 in the morning." jay yawned, and jungwon yawned too.
i rolled my eyes, but jay was right. they had taken care of niki for a while now, and were leaving him with me.
niki was knocked out- snoring and all, but he was still a cutie. his messages made me smile. even when he was tipsy, he had me on his mind.
i cuddled with him on the couch. he put his arm instinctively around my waist. i blushed. luckily everyone had gone back to their rooms to sleep, or they would tease us for sure. tomorrow morning, i would tell niki about (what would be later known as) the white claw fiasco.
my 2nd ever tumblr post ty for reading:)
<span data-name="gudetamaworld" data-url="https://gudetamaworld.tumblr.com/" data-uuid="t:FardZQ77h0yS_iWLh_-HxA">@gudetamaworld</span>
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pancake-breakfast · 9 months
It really feels like we're moving into the home stretch, doesn't it?
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 12, Chapters 1-3 below.
Volume 12 Covers
Eyyy, it's Grape Juice Vash! Wait. Why is his hair all black? WHY IS HIS HAIR ALL BLACK?!?!?!
Huh, was the gag cover not done by Nightow?
The people on the back cover are... an interesting and volatile combo.
Why is Livio strapped down and being tormented on the back cover? Noooooo....
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By contrast, Legato looks much too pleased with everything.
Kuro looks like she just noticed she has a butt.
I don't like these chapter titles. They don't sound like things that bode well for our intrepid heroes.
Chapter 1: The End of the Journey and the Echoes of Breathing
Eyyy! Dramatic Livio!
Oh, so while Knives expects they'll never see him coming, these folks have dealt with this sort of thing before and actually have formalized plans for how to deal with it.
Chronica doesn't look particularly happy about this situation. What could be going through her mind as she heads off to fight another of her kin?
Is Domina another Plant? Or are we just running with dramatic names at this period in history?
LOL, Chronica just shut Domina down.
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Oh, so Chronica's experienced in this.
Domina's gonna die. I'm calling it now.
Dramatic Vash!
Geez, how high up is he??
Did... he just think about jumping and then stop himself??
Kinda wish these two pages were put together in a spread. Makes it a bit easier to follow Vash's... er... cheerful reminiscing.
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Heh, but in spite of all the destruction he's witnessed and been a part of, his thoughts go back to all the kind people he's met along the way.
This isn't even just the kind people anymore. It's just all these people who made an impact on him. And Kuroneko.
Oh, hey. It's Fake Vash.
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Man, Legato takes up so much space here.... Definitely not all people who had positive impacts. Good to see Lina and her grandma kinda balancing him out a bit on the other corner of the page.
All the Gung-Ho Guns.... I like how Razlo and Livio are given separate panels, and how Livio's panel is still kinda Razlo-centric. It shows him not being him, but just being a mask and a tool, the real person buried down deep and nearly lost to shadows.
The fact that Chapel's here is interesting. Wolfwood had the coin, but it seems like, as far as Vash is concerned, only the actual Chapel was truly a Gung-Ho Gun. That would line up with his insistence that the coin was Chapel's in the previous volume despite Wolfwood explicitly noting it was his own. (Though Wolfwood was actively trying to push Vash away at the time, so who knows how truthful he was being.)
Ah, and there we end with the two most important figures: Wolfwood and Rem.
MOAR dramatic Vash!
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I love everything about this panel. I love the dramatic layout. I love that he loved both the good times and the bad. I hate that he basically expects to die here. I love almost everything about this panel.
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Anti-Plant missiles?!? Dang, that's a thing to have to invent...
Ah, so Domina is a plant.
LOL, ranting about your coworker out lout while forgetting your still in voice chat with them.
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Uhhhh... the arc just disappeared??
Oh, whatever that is (the warhead, probably) does not look good.
Knives doesn't look so hot. (Alternatively, perhaps he looks too hot.) So that's where Stampede got it....
I'm glad no one else seems to quite know what's going on, either.
Chapter 2: Corrosive Thunder
CW: Body horror
That seems like a dangerous amount of electricity....
Oh, cool. A crater.
Great, Knives has discovered warp travel.
Aaaand it's an entirely new thing in Plant warfare.
If it's been 200 years since they sent out the colony ships and 150 since the Great Fall, then the ship Vash and Knives were on was only out for about 50 years before they crashed.
Hahahaha, Domina's cute when she's flustered.
Seems like Domina might be able to sense Knives.
Nah, it's not the system he hacked into.
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Uh... why are we zoomed in on Domina's crotch??
The heck?! That can't be one of Legato's filaments... is it??
LOL, Milly and Meryl just bowling over a guard to get a better look.
Aaaand everyone's shooting for some reason.
RIP Domina. Body horror for everyone.
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I'm guessing Knives' "extreme intelligence" is what's allowed him to maintain his will through all of this.
Knives really doesn't care about the lives of his siblings, does he? Even the ones with a legit conscious free will, he'll destroy and/or absorb if they disagree with him. Shouldn't really be a surprise given how he treated Vash, but it's still a bit shocking how far he's willing to go.
Chapter 3: The Interceptor
This isn't going so well for the Earth fleet.
Yeah, the townsfolk really weren't gonna do much against the ark with their puny guns...
It is very dangerous to fire straight into the air! Gravity's a thing! Physics is a thing! Thank you for recognizing this!
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This is probably the first time I have ever seen a piece of media honor the "what goes up must come down" property of shooting guns off into the air. Dramatic things like Elandira's nail and Wolfwood's rocket don't count. It's never honored with normal bullets.
Yeah, stupid general man is still sitting there with his stupid warhead. At this point, it might actually be useful if it distracts Knives... but a dirty bomb is called that for a reason. It would devastate the population below, too.
For all her good talk about forgetting Knives is a fellow Plant, Chronica's struggling to do the same with her assimilated sister.
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Uhhh, Vash? Vash, babygirl, whatcha doing?
Dang, he managed to cut Knives' tie to Domina. What... what will that even do to her??
Guess I'll find out next time....
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-8 || Vol. 11: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt. 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell || Vol. 10: Crucifixion Symbology (pt. 2 of post), Merging of Families, Being Childlike (And Why God Hates Chapel) || Vol. 11: New Hair, New Outlook
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unrequited-fantasies · 4 months
Figured I'd make a post addressing some of the critiques in this video since about half of them rubbed me the wrong way. If I don't address something, I either agreed or felt it was worthwhile. Ok, onto my major criticisms. 2:26 | "The message of fighting for love rather than blood fills hollow as it pertains to Vaggie" I see this as audience bias. We're led to believe that this is Carmilla and Vaggie's first meeting. This means that Carmilla probably only knows 3 things max about Vaggie. 1) she was an exorcist 2) she's Charlie's girlfriend and 3) needs weapons to defeat the exorcists. Carmilla only knows exorcists to be bloodthirsty so it tracks for her to assume that about Vaggie too. She doesn't know Vaggie like we do after all. That said, I agree it doesn't fit Vaggie.
Up next, his Alastor critiques. To preface, Alastor is one of my favs and it physically pains me to see ppl completely misunderstand him time and time again. So if I sound harsher here, that's why. SC's main criticism is "Alastor bounces between a clearly antagonistic force to a loyal hotel member that believes in Charlie".
5:50 | "just as often as the show tries to make him sketchy, it gives him moments that show he cares about the hotel" No examples are stated outright so I'm led to assume the clips used are meant to be examples of Alastor flip flopping. However the context of the clips disprove that claim. 6:43 Alastor helped Charlie get an army to protect the hotel through Rosie. Alastor agreed to do this because it was part of the *blatantly sketchy deal* he made with Charlie beforehand. 6:49 I don't see how Alastor getting rid of egg boys via Vaggie's request says anything about anything. He was going to leave to attend the overlord meeting anyway so it wasn't an inconvenient. Plus Viv did say that Alastor has a lighter view on women so this is character consistency if anything. (On that note it's nice to see character info from Viv's livestreams actually depicted in the show)
7:14 | "the writers love Alastor too much to make him do truly heinous acts" What are you smoking and where can I get some? Jokes aside, Alastor is a know serial killer and cannibal, both of which I put on full display at least once. Heck why even point out? I could just mention the Husk scene. We see Alastor abuse Husk in 4K. He threatened physical abuse, and while he didn't go through with it at that very moment, it's still verbal abuse which shouldn't be looked over when talking about Alastor's evil actions. This scene alone caused an uproar among Alastor fans when the episode dropped. It comes off as a bad faith criticism to not include it let alone mention it.
7: 52 | "all of Alastor's cool is a loan that only works it they can pay it off later. like i love the dude but if we keep hinting at things and not delivering we're gonna have to put him on fraud watch". This is one of the few instances where the pacing slows down to properly build up to something. This should be complimented not criticized. Yeah if Alastor's overhyped then we can say this build up didn't pay off. Feels like we're putting the cart from the horse here.
10:39 | "Vox's running commentary is hilarious until it isn't"
Vox is perfect and all criticism against him is invalid. Seeing his rolled up sleeves made me feels things. Next!
10: 50 | "what they're saying doesn't track outside of Alastor being missing and he immediately shows up right after" Same critique as the first, audience bias. We see Alastor come back to the hotel, THEY don't. They see Alastor flee fight after nearly dying, then move away from the monitors to celebrate. Other than that I agree, the alleged power vacuum was poorly executed.
Aaaand that's about it really. Let leave things oof on something we can all agree on.
17:40 | "I can chalk up a lot of this season's mistakes with needing more time to write the season"
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igotthepeaches · 9 months
I was naughty.
I did a bad thing. At least that's what Daddy told me. I honestly don't understand why he is so surprised. He knows how much I like to tease him in public. Clearly I pushed a little too hard.
It really wasn't that bad. It's not like I hid a body from him or anything. In fact is was more like exposing part of a body erm my body to him. It was just rather unfortunate timing that it was in a shopping centre, and that I showed him a teenie tiny bit of the jewelry I had wrapped around my belly.
Do I know that he absolutely loves my belly? Yes. Did I know that he would not be able to hide what happens when he sees it? Also yes. Did I care? Hell no. Fuck I love getting him all worked up.
Turnabout is fair play. It is 100% his fault that we're in this predicament. Him and that amazing cock of his. I mean how the heck is a girl supposed to say no when you both have a breeding kink. So here we are. Me knocked up and teasing Daddy with glimpses of my very pregnant belly. It just so happens that I got a beautiful gold body jewelry piece that wrapped perfectly around my bump. Aaaand a teenie tiny tattoo of Daddy's starsign to the right side of my bump.
The tattoo was supposed to be a surprise but it's December and hot as hell. And baby needs some air too. I've been navigating the crowd and attempting to keep a safe distance from the growly daddy but alas. I dropped my guard and he was next to me. Gods. "You know you are going to pay for that Princess." He whispers with that freaking deep Daddy voice of his. I pretend not to hear him but he knows I did. My whole body is covered in goosebumps. I'm soaked and my stupid nipples are betraying me.
Suddenly I am getting steered towards the bathrooms. I still try to protest but he's too damned quick. I stand with my back towards him as I hear the lock on the family bathroom door engage. I honestly wish to all the Gods that I could blame my drenched pussy on pregnancy hormones but no such luck. This man has me under his spell 1000%. I'm screwed.
"Turn around Princess." I shake my head and grip the counter. Fuck I feel him move behind me. Sliding his fingers lightly over the back of my neck. "I said. Turn. Around. Princess." Every word gets followed by a light kiss. It's not like I'm being stubborn on purpose. This man has me all wobbly and quite frankly I am not sure that my legs work anymore.
I turn around slowly. His hands slide over the shirt first. Pulling it up slowly. The gold chain sparkles under the sharp lighting. "What did you do Princess?" His hands are moving over my belly. Wait there was a question in there right. Words. I need to use my words. "I just got some sparkles Daddy." His hands keep moving to the right. He bends to look at the tattoo. The stars were done with amazing glittery details. Tiny, but detailed.
"You marked the bump Princess." Well he's not wrong. His voice has gone all quiet. Fuck. What if he hates it. I start worrying my bottom lip. I just can't seem to meet his eyes. Stoopid hormones. Don't cry. "Look at me Princess." Fuck. Truth time. I lift my gaze to his blue eyes. "Bean deserved to get some sparkles too Daddy. It's only fair since I got some. And she got to have something from both of us."
"Turn around Princess, hands on the counter." I am so fucked. "Yes Daddy." I meet his gaze in the mirror as he slides his hands under my skirt. My legs automatically give him access to my aching pussy. It is not fair that I have to be so damned empty. He rubs my hard clit. I feel his hard cock pressing against my ass. And yes I shamelessly grind back on him. I'm only human. And very hormonal and yes horny as fuck. My eyes are locked on his as I hear the sound of the zipper.
My eyes automatically close in pleasure as I feel the head of his cock push into me. I bite my lip to stop the moan wanting to escape. He pauses and grabs my hair, pulling my head back. "Open those eyes Princess. I want you to look at me as you cum on my cock is that understood?" I don't know how I manage to do it. Fuck the way his eyes darken as he pushes into me is too hot. Fuck he's all the way in me when he stops.
I push back against him. This. This is how he tortures me!? This man has a death wish to mess with a pregnant woman's orgasm. "Please Daddy?" I beg softly. He smirks at me. Definitely has a death wish. "What do you need Princess?" Really? I need to fucking cum all over your cock you orgasm stealing evil man. Thankfully my brain wins the race and I take a breath.
"I need you to fuck me Daddy. Fuck me like you did when we made Bean. Please Daddy fuck me?" I'm shamelessly begging and I don't care. Thank fuck the man has common sense and starts to move. I've never been stretched more perfectly and filled in my entire life. Gods he's picking up the pace. It's too good. I can't (and quite frankly don't want to) stop the orgasm crashing over me. He doesn't stop (thank all the deities out there) until I am three orgasms in. Finally, he gives me what we both need. Fuck it is the best feeling in the world feeling him cum deep in me.
Finally he slows enough for me to catch my breath. "Do you like it Daddy or is it really awful?" The small smile that forms at the corners of his eyes relaxes me immediately. "It's beautiful my Princess. Our little Bean is a lucky girl to have you." Fuck. Stupid goddamned hormones! I shift and pull my clothes back, trying not to look like I just had the best fuck of my life in the shopping centre bathroom. Once we are semi respectable we leave the bathroom.
We get a couple of weird looks but it so sucks to be them. Besides, Daddy has date night tonight with a hotty. (And eeeuw, no. I didn't refer to myself in the third person.) He's got a hot date with a smoking hot lady he met online. Stop judging. I'm rooting for him all the way. And besides, I get to have snacks and my body pillow and some Halloween movies. (Yes in December, stop the freaking judgement already!)
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jellazticious · 2 years
Okay tumblr gets a treat
Oc lore dump
Light Plague happened when people abused a heal-all medicine then because of that, sunlight makes people mutate now
People in LP refer to the plague as "Sol's Wrath" and "Light Plague" is just a term Morter uses
Anyways, the sun is significant in the Jellaverse. One day it just makes a lot of flares that it makes it hotter in earth and the mutations gained strength from it
This is now the SunRun phase
Occasionally it does this. Those we are left from the previous run gotta deal with it again and again
Wipe out
Except it didn't
Now we're at When The Moon Is Bright
Cryogenic frozen people thawed from the final SunRun. They are test subjects and prisoners so they never experienced the plague. They know nothing about it. All they know is that they woke up and everything is dark. They managed to survive because of the supplies left with them
Every now and then, multiple stars align and shines on the broken moon from time to time and it makes the people's town visible. There is no more main gravitational pull so earth and the other planets just scrample around
Jupiter and Saturn collided 😔
Still tho, the brighter eternal nights last for at least two weeks. People then celebrated it.
But as time goes by, sorting people by richness still came back. Just human nature yknow? And a bad one at that
Three generations past and now we're at the part where the main plot happens. The story of Whitney Barnes trying to seduce Carilda Morsely while Spencer de Terraine follows him around.
And these people don't have to deal with mutations coming back after death, they revive when they get sunlight. Since there's no air vitamin D anymore, it just looks like a mortal to them.
Years passed and the little town slowly dies out. They have the calmest deaths in the entire Jellaverse
Then even more years past
30 million even
Arrendos formed, new life formed. Heck earth got two new suns (unnamed as of now)
Mars almost crashed to earth, oh good times
Aaaand the mutations that were killed got revived
But that's Arrendo's problem now *laugh track*
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grayfxce · 2 years
How do you know Haydee, Gray?
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The Cyborg clutched the orange keycard in her hand, a white submachine gun in her other as she entered the room. A door with two blue buttons on opposite sides of the door in front of her. The room was filled with the corpses of Slasher and walker units, as well as previous Haydee units that had tried to escape the facility just like her, got so far but never able to truly escape.
If Haydee could feel fear, the sight of all the bodies around her would be unnerving to her but she continued on, opening the door and making her way through the hallway before reaching the final room, there stood several deceased Haydee units slumped up against the wall, a locked gate that stood between her and freedom there in front of her.
The Cyborg brought up her Orange keycard up to the orange colored scanner with a "locked" icon on it. The scanner accepted the card, showing an "unlocked" icon now but…the gate still remained closed. Haydee turned around and saw that the door behind her had been shut, as well. The Haydee unit realized why the last two rooms were scattered with corpses…this had been a trap…there really was no escape…
The Cyborg began to recognize the futility of trying to break free of her situation and accepted her fate, falling to her knees as she knew she would end up just like the other units before her who tried to escape… …
"Hey, there!" A voice called out, the very first voice the Cyborg had likely ever heard. Haydee lifted up her head to see a Grey figure standing on the opposite side of the gate, a pair of gold spectacles on his face.
"Ya' all right there?" Gray inquired at Haydee, glancing around to see the other bodies that were exactly identical to her that scattered across the room, "Christ, what the heck happened here…?" The featureless male commented in bewilderment before turning his attention back to the Cyborg, "…Listen, I can get ya' outta here. Just…just stand back, okay?" The grey entity told before pulling out a sledgehammer he had slung around on his back, lifting the hammer up before bringing it down onto the gate, and then doing it again, and again, and again…until finally, the barrier was broken through.
"Aaaand! We're through!" Gray cheerfully announced before beckoning Haydee with his hand to "come on out", a cheerful expression on his face.
Hesitantly, the Haydee unit slowly made her way to the stranger, stepping through the doorway before glancing back at the room she was just trapped in, processing how she had accepted her demise…only to be helped by chance by this "strange individual". There was silence for a good few moments.
"…My name's "Gray", by the way. Do ya' happen to have a name?" The Grey figure inquired at the cyborg, trying to break the silence.
Haydee slowly turned her attention to Gray, simply staring at the featureless male. She had no way to verbally communicate with him, she had no face…yet, he was the same way but could speak?
"Haydee, huh? That's a pretty neat name!" The featureless entity cheerfully told the other, as if he was able to read her silence,
The Cyborg and the entity exited out of the facility, coming across a few slashers and walkers here and there on the way out but nothing the two couldn't handle.
"Enjoy ya' freedom and be careful out there, Haydee !" The grey figure told the Haydee unit, giving her his goodbyes before turning around to walk away. As Gray was moving, he heard the "clacking" sounds of high heels behind him, and he turned his head, glancing over his shoulder to discover that Haydee was still following him.
While Haydee was free from the facility, she had no place else to go, no plan to what would happen once she escaped the facility. So, she had decided to tag along with her rescuer.
Gray merely shrugged in response, it'd be nice to have a companion to travel along with for a change.
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thoughts journal for season 13!! 😎😎 (2/4)
Here we go with another four episodes! I'm enjoying myself A LOT and I do hope we will continue this way! I can't wait to know more about Rock Mom and who really is the Skull Sorcerer and ENOUGH LET'S GO TO THE EPISODES!!! 💕💕
Here we go!!
For this one I already saw the Nya's knight suit already... and she was gorgeous... I mean she always is but COME ON 💙💙💙
These munce are too much 😂 They are kind of adorable in their stupidity really
Jay going full "we're never going to get out Imma get overly pessimistic because YES" is always a familiar sight, almost as him spazzing out during a difficult situation... that could still happen 🤷‍♀️
Good thing Nya gets the brain cell most of the time 👌
Of course while I'm waiting for the third part of Tales of Arcadia, something so similar to the Trollmarket comes my way 😂 Very nice thought, a bit dark. I hope it doesn't get in the way of seeing the good fighting scenes
Okay but THIS
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IS PLAIN CURSED, PLAIN BALD HEADS😱😱😱 Well I'm guessing Tommy doesn't have excuses anymore to become a LEGO character 😂
Well Murt, that was one breathtaking story, you should be a storyteller 👍
Ah, there we go, with the Jay and Nya and queen situation 😒 It's not that bad really, considering I thought it was going to be just a weak way to include Jay with just another triangle. It didn't last long so that's kinda fine, but it is annoying that Nya is pushed away. But overall better than I expected
Also it is nice the reminder that she is his yang 💙❤💙❤
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And they are still adorable 😂😂 I like that you can tell immediately here who's the strong one of the couple 😎😎
So there is a drawing of the Millie Gillie guy/gal on that wall, huh... was I in the wrong about that being Cole's mom? I thought they said she, but English is not my first language so I could be wrong 🤷‍♀️
Ninja Jay could be the new Kai Ninjago 😂
Aww, that part with the lightning and the crystals was so pretty 🤩🤩
And there we go with the confrontation 😛 I did snorted seeing Jay kinda offended at Nya not wanting to fight for him, but she is still super adorable saying that they belong 💕💕 Also Lloyd just being there trying to calm everyone down, le poor baby 😂😂
Yep, the fire instinct kicking in, Nya is the daughter of Ray after all 🤷‍♀️
Oh, apparently the queen of munce can do spin dash 😱
Woooo, that preparation for the spinjitzu was so cool 🤩 And of course she kicked the HECK out of her, THAT'S MY GIRL!!!
And now she's the queen, great, more problems to come 😅 We'll see how this plays out, and I am kinda curious to see queen Nya at work ☺
Not my favorite episode, but still enjoyable, let's keep getting better and better!
I don't know if it's because it's a very obvious but convenient thing to do or I just love Kai THAT much, but I love when there's dark and he just lights up his hand. Idk, I just think it's neat 🙂
There're the Geckos! They are cute too 💜 Also chanting about the Millie Gillie guy, I'm still convinced that's just Cole's mom! Also I'm kinda guessing the Skull Sorcerer is the king of Shintaro. He is the most suspicious for now, we'll see how it goes 🤷‍♀️
Poor Kai got the awful thing in his mouth... AND HAIR!!! Look out sweetie, your beautiful chocolaty hair!! 😱
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Really like the crystal vibe 😍 This one is blue, the other was green, is there a reason?
I missed Kai and Zane together, I missed anyone with Zane in general! It's always a nice contrast and always amusing, especially if hotheadTM is involved 💕
So they throw rocks to show approval, I'm loving this society for some reasons 😂
Okay, vengestone is literally everywhere, there is no way all this stuff was not on purpose. It would make sense that a place studied to weaken an elemental master was meant for something more. Wooooo, ROCK MOM ROCK MOM 🖤🖤🖤
Awwww, I don't know why but them acknowledging the elemental masters is super satisfying 💜
Oh so Kai is not a king, he's a chancellor... and he didn't want to 😂😂 Vincent definitely had fun voicing this episode 👌
Okay, so there are three explorers involved? I'm guessing the muscular one in the trailer was one of them. I wonder what will be their part in the story 🤔
Poor Kai, his encouragement speeches used to be the key of convincing, here it's harder. Let's see how they will deal with this... also how Kai will react with queen Nya of the munce 😂
Pff, Zane throwing the rock of encouragement, that was so adorable 🤍
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I really missed these two ❤🤍❤🤍
Seriously, even talking to herself and thinking about the worst situations like Bluebell? If Cole and Vania do end up together, I'll still hold onto the fact that Rocky is into the loquatious type 😂😂
Okay, a sweet princess' paranoia towards a little white cute dragon named Chompy?
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One of the cutest thing ever seen 😍 Also I am a firm believer that everything improves if you put a dragon into it, another reason why I love Ninjago so much 🤍🤍🤍
Pff, seeing Vania talking about call then the cut on the black ninja makes me think about that one vine with the guy hanging with his phone saying "Yeah I'm okay mom, bye (phone down)... I AM NOT OKAY!!" 😂
SOLO MOMENT WITH COLE!!! Freaking yes, and it looks like the little tic of talking to himself when stressed from March of the Oni got stuck 🙃🙃
Lava punches back! Big bad bats!! Spiders!!... wait- AAAHHH 😱
Okay, forgive my skepticism when I doubt that a simple spider web could stop one of the strongest ninja of the team. We needed Vania to the rescue, alright, still sounds a little easy but eh watcha gonna do 🤷‍♀️
And Chompy is a big good boy 🤩
CALLED IT!!! CALLED IT FOR THE KING!!!... I mean it was kinda obvious 😅 Still, happy I thought about it before it actually happened. Although it's curious that the reveal happens now, halfway there, unlike in Prime Empire where it took almost all the season to build up the reveal. What's left for the finale?... ROCK MOM?!?!
There's a customer for all that vengestone? That... actually makes a lot of sense. Anyone who is against the ninja would want it really, and that only considering past villains. And if we think about possible elemental masters coming back, uuuhhh, I like where this is going!!
Wait, so they don't naturally have wings? Oh, that's why she didn't have them in the trailer, I see 🤔
This is probably the only moment when I think they rushed a bit. Not too much, I iust feel like we haven't seen enough of Vania and her father to truly feel that decision moment as fundamental. Still cool, still intense, but kinda light. Anyway GO PRINCESS GO!!! 💕💕
Oh Garmadon... that title... *flashbacks The Fall while realizing this is indeed Cole's season* NOT AGAIN 😱😱😱
I mean they are already falling so... uh, let's see how it goes
Okay the fall here is actually kind of hilarious 😂 Or is it because I love that Kirby gets to be on the center of the attention and he is giving his all? Idk, I love all the voice actors of the show really 🤷‍♀️
Hey, you people watching this
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Am I the only one getting emotional here?? 😢 ... just me, huh 😅 I mean come on, it's Cole and Wu! The first leader and the sensei! The used to be dad and his son Cole Jr.! I headcanon that Cole was the first to arrive at the monastery and this feels like the old times... EMOTIONAL PEOPLE
Lol, sensei taking the time to compliment Vania about her behavior, he's gonna adopt her when this is over 😂
I mean, you kinda faced worst yes, you fell into the Underworld on dragons you used to be afraid of, you fell from a ship with an anchor, you fell into a junk compactor that almost squashed you against your rival now best friend, you fell from SPACE towards THE EARTH, you fell from a ladder... THE LADDER COLE 😱😱😱 (this fangirl will never recover from that)
Aaaand a giant web. Of course. Classic Ninjago lack of luck right there 👈👈
Clutch Powers still lives 😂
Okay, seriously? She freaks out when things gets out of hand and talks about staying calm by making vocal exercises! Freaking, it might be me trying to find an excuse to think about Bruise, but they are making it a little too easy for me 🖤💙🖤💙
I am kinda loving her being so genuine, Idk, I really like Vania. She does her best 👍
Falling > Dying, life lessons by your master of Earth 😎 Wu sounds so done, they can never go anywhere without something crazy like this happening 🤣
Why is this so funny, the sequel of The Fall shouldn't be 😂 Meh, not complaining
That was one very mad Lapras
YES THANK YOU SENSEI!!! Finally he acknowledged it, Cole is literally surrounded by his element, OF COURSE he is crazy strong in here. I needed this scene, heck yeah, I love elemental powers 🖤
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Oh they must be the explorers... Merlin, Assassin's Creed and Conan the Barbarian 😅 So we hit rock bottom, literally apparently, and one of the spider's name is Adam... OKAY
So the real fall was in fact Cole falling asleep for the shock 😂 Lol if Cole and Vania really don't end up together, I can joke and say that in this season Cole has never fell harder 😉😉
This was very amusing, I liked this episode, I would rewatch it only for the comments 😂 I'm curious to see what else will happen, especially with these three now involved! Who are they?
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biffhofosho · 2 years
Thanks for answering the writer’s questions! You know I love interacting with your blog and I am also happy to see other people interacting with it!
As I warned before I am gonna read Mono no aware, and comment!!!
Form the start it gives me a blade runner vibe and I love it. There’s something about this heavily artificial futuristic vibe that makes me tingle
Wow Denarii has me simping already and it’s just from his first impression
She can read him so well, he does the ear scratching when when embarrassed too, lol
Hyungwon looking for connection is a recurrent topic, interesting!!!
As always I love the way you describe everything, we get and idea of living in that future feels, lonely, artificial, no wonder Hyungwon is looking for something more
Heck I feel bad that she is pretending, it is her job and all the things she has are because she is good at what she does.
Uh the kiss, the way she talks to him, god I would be in love as well, hot damn!!
If this ends sad I am going to fight you
THE SMUT THO, so beautiful and not once you let us forget that he is paying for this that she must be pretending, god its hot and heartbreaking at the same time
Dude, your way with words blows my tits clean off, EVERY TIME
“I won’t be back,” he continued. The truth was leaden in his mouth, and he was glad he couldn’t see her face. “That was the last of my credits.”
“I know,” she whispered. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. You’re worth it.”
ALSO, how sad is her case? Is she a prisoner? Who is “they”?
I am upset, 
But also how GOOD was that?
First I was sad thinking about lonely Hyungwon and now I am sad thinking about poor prisoner Denarii, alone in her gilded cage, forced to please men for a living... and now deprived from Hyungwon, can't imagine a worse fate.
the only good thing about the open ending is that I can picture them meeting in the future, older, but they manage to find each other and live happily until the end of their days.
aaaand scene!!!
till the next chapter!!
Reading this review has been an utter trip for me.
I am so so so happy you finally got to one of my favorite pieces. As always, your insight is wonderful and refreshing. <3
Denarii is my baby girl, and my urge to protect her is as strong as Hyungwon's. I feel like maybe the real me bleeds through into his character in this because I'm def in love with her, too, lol.
I wanted her to really read as intuitive and empathic because I feel like anyone in this kind of role would have to be in order to be as successful and powerful as she is. I'm glad that comes through to you!
I did not actually connect the threads of HW and connection as a recurring topic until you said that, but I think that's my general read on him as a person. Obviously, everyone is looking to connect deeply with someone, but maybe it's because we're the same personality type IRL that I understand how important that is for an INFP.
Still, yes, the setting is CRUCIAL to this theme because even now, and maybe I'm waxing a bit extistenial, I think with the advent of internet and the ease of connectivity, in many ways, people can feel more isolated than ever. Imagine the future when that consumes 99% of all our interactions. What's real and what's facade? Okay, I'll stop. Lemme get back to your ask.
"If this ends sad I am going to fight you"
... >.>
The way I lived in that smut scene though... ngl, for a hot second, I had this horrible delulu moment where I felt like I was *in* the scene, and yeah, I have well-established mental problems.
I know you're not one for angst, but I can't help how much I like it (within reason, of course... suffering is good for the artist's soul lol), so I'm glad you could find some enjoyment in it even if it's not your preference. And, yeah, I love an open ending. Let's my brain wander from one fic to another...
*whispers* What's that? Wasuremono??????? <.<
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