#( SCRIPT. )
anarkissm · 2 months
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claudette was contacted and recruited by a benefactor for the andromeda initiative because of her research and patents on cryogenic biotechnology, inspired by the resilience of arctic fungi. her work was vital in developing cryostasis pods for the andromeda initiative founded in 2176, collaborating with geneticists and medical engineers that were commissioned to work on this massive confidential project. in spite of her reservations with the initiative’s mission, claudette agreed to offer her expertise in exchange for ensuring that her family were provided with free, safe passage to the andromeda galaxy. as a scientist, claudette refused to ignore the evidence of the looming reaper threat, and chose to do what was necessary to protect her loved ones... and as many more people as she could.
the program mandates a strict NDA. no one is meant to know that she was involved with the andromeda initiative. unfortunately, this consequently results in months of secrets slowly bleeding into her personal life.
claudette has worked with various alien species for the andromeda initiative, primarily volunteers for control groups to help accommodate all species’ unique physiology for cryogenic freezing. the majority of her time is spent collaborating with quarians on flotilla ships, as their weak immune systems required special care and attention in order to prepare them for cryostatis. because the initiative obtained promising data from quarian explorers who claimed to have found a geth array on the fringes of the perseus veil (supposedly built from three mass relays using sensors in the combined relay corridor as a form of FTL "telescope" to observe dark space beyond the galactic rim), claudette is privy to the research conducted by these pioneering quarian explorers and scientists.
to integrate herself into quarian society and protect them from alien pathogens and viruses, claudette wears a customized quarian enviro-suit, including the full-visor helmet and traditional sashes. at first glance, she could easily be mistaken for a quarian. but looking at her five-fingered hands give away that she is actually human.
the andromeda initiative’s attracted a series of corporate espionage. she often finds herself investigated by professional thieves, shady interplanetary organizations, galactic governments... and the geth.
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puriette · 10 months
meow meow meow meow
mew mew mew
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how could someone ever be mean to someone as cute as mwe :3c
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jer3miah · 10 months
i hope if everyone leaves ,  you choose to stay .
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so much has been met with the inevitable fate that awaits all.   change, everything meets it at one point or another.     due to that, there are some things that he’s come to long accept, that in life one is only ever certain of two things — that everything is to ultimately change with time, and that someday, somehow, everyone dies.     the latter isn’t a musing that keeps him up at night anymore, he’s as at peace as he can be with it.     it’s been almost six years since his mom was laid to rest, they’ve all graduated, conrad’s in medical school, and although everything has transformed in numerous ways, some things weren’t permanent.     his mom’s in everything he does, she’s in the very wind, she’s in his heart and from there she’ll never leave.     there are also things that have changed for the better.     he and belly, there has been many shifts in their friendship — but she’s a change that found its way back, their friendship now stronger than ever.
his arm is slung over her shoulders as they watch the sun descend past the horizon at cousins beach, bailey digging a hole so deep in the sand that he’s half convinced she’ll reach earth’s core.     ❝     hey, no one else is gonna leave, not now at least.     definitely not conrad.     ❞     he reassures softly, that’s something that’s always come naturally to him.     caring for her, easing her worries, it’s so inherent for him.     he’s no longer riddled in discomfort by the mention of conrad and belly’s relationship.     instead, he only wishes them a lifetime of contentment.     tucking her in closer as a gust of wind rattles through them, he rests his cheek against the crown of her head.     ❝     i’m not going anywhere, belly button.     i’ll always be here for you.     ❞     without warning or summoning, bailey glances up from the depths of her sand crater, halting just before breaking out into a sprint toward them — bulldozing into belly’s legs.     ❝     and apparently so will bailey.     ❞
music for the soul sentence starters, accepting. i hope if everyone leaves, you choose to stay.
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greatesthitz · 7 months
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A light fall of rain trickles down onto the wet concrete. Jamie sits on the bench under the awning with a large backpack at his side. He’s the only person waiting for the next bus.
There’s a puddle at the edge of the road, right where it meets the sidewalk, a few steps away from his feet. Each passing car speeds right through it, causing heavy splashes as the tires drag through.
Everything looks misty in the rain, in the dark. Almost like a dream.
Jamie’s hair is damp from the rain. His sneakers - already in a state of near decay - are visibly soaked through. He clutches onto his backpack for dear life.
The bus pulls up. The door opens.
Jamie steps onto the bus, lugging his backpack over his shoulder. He keeps his head down as he slides through the small space - avoiding other passengers, eye contact - and takes a seat in the back corner, away from others.
There’s a quiet exhale as he sits down, setting his backpack in the neighboring seat. The bus starts to move again; he stares out the window. The look on his face is just barely a smile, but the closest thing to one that we’ve ever seen on Jamie. Relief. Exhaustion. Nerves.
As the bus picks up a gradual speed, everything through the window starts to become a blur. Trees and houses all melt together into shadowy nothingness, illuminated only for a few brief seconds by streetlights and the other headlights on the road. The night is black, then white, then neon, then black again.
The bus stops again. A few more passengers board - one of them, a woman with a sleeping baby in her arms. She takes a seat a few rows ahead of Jamie.
Jamie glances up at the other passengers briefly. His smile has faded. He loops his arm through his backpack’s straps, tugs it a bit closer. He leans his head against the window, watching the night pass by him.
He breathes out hard, fogging up the glass, like it’s caught in his throat.
There’s a sudden sound, a wail - Jamie flinches, like he’s been struck. The woman a few rows ahead mutters an apology to the other passengers as she rocks the baby back and forth in her arms.
The rain’s growing heavier each passing second, rapping loud against the windows. The baby continues to whine and sob, drowning out the sounds of its mother’s failed attempts at soothing.
Jamie closes his eyes, squeezing tight, gripping his backpack even tighter.
There are no more houses or buildings in view from where he sits. That neighborhood, that old house, is now far out of sight. There is only the woods now - a murky, dark green haze that seems to swallow up everything else, even in the dark.
The sound of Jamie’s breathing becomes more rapid and the bus’s speed seems to increase with every inhale. He keeps his head tucked down and pressed firmly against the window.
Brief flashes of headlights reveal Jamie’s face, a glassy expression forming as he holds back tears. Everything is foggy now.
Car horns blare in the distance. The baby wails. The mother shushes.
Jamie, no longer in control of himself, begins to cry.
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cycl0ne · 2 years
❝   i’ve   got   a   lot   of   questions,   like   serious   questions,   but   not   too   serious...   ❞
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@sm4sher​​​,   sc.
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archstcrgirl · 2 years
         ❝   my   heart’s   seen   things   i   wish   it   didn’t.   somewhere   i   lost   some   of   my   innocence   and   i   miss   it.   ❞
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♫   i’m   older   than   i   am   ...   @icicle2​​​​.
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fernsnailz · 6 months
trying to draw while watching the new hbomberguy vid was a bad idea because for the entire second half i was like this
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oocsydney · 6 months
hbomberguy highlighting all of the parts where james somerton plagiarized from other queer creators:
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quixoticanarchy · 1 year
I didn’t miss that social cue I just thought it was stupid 
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inflame · 5 days
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men will just write transitions like this. and expect that you will recover sometime in your lifetime
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anarkissm · 4 months
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the turian heirarchy can be fiercely utilitarian when their hygienic grooming is concerned. they strive for "perfection," but differentiate from human beings in their grooming priorities. for example, the conditions of their battle-armor and weapons can be considered more important than their personal hygiene. turian physiology and biology is typically self-cleaning, having evolved primarily in dry, irradiated terrains and sweltering, sandy islands.
turians do not have hair follicles, but the organic-metallic carapace and armor that covers most of their bodies may be prone to dermal conditions such as "chafing," rusting (rare), and sediments getting stuck in the crevices and texture of metallic turian dermal-plates. nihlus typically uses a special oil for his head-fringes and carapace, which can give his dark plates a nearly golden sheen under direct light.
...none. 😅
nihlus tends to smell like ozone and the sour-sweet scent of the wax he uses to clean his favorite shotgun, snipers, etc..
his personal ship (of which he frequently uses for missions, since he does not have a permanent home) has the standard sterilization feature to remove all unwanted parasites or bacteria while he is deployed on foreign planets. there is also a personal shower room that sprays a hot, misty combination of essential oils and mineral-infused water (a small luxury that also aids in healing shallow wounds he may have sustained during a mission).
nihlus usually relies on the hot mist-showers on his ship. he does not mind the scars, but the heat helps him relax. skin conditions are typically healed with state-of-the-art photonic-plasma treatments (light or "laser" healing).
nihlus' teeth are sharp, like any other turian. most turians attempt to keep their teeth relatively dull. the turian hegemony consider sharp cuspids to be "primitive," and that they were above their animal-ancestors. nihlus blatantly ignores this status quo, since he had been raised on a mercenary outpost in the outer rim of the milky way galaxy. he chews on a special hard-root that helps clean and sharpen his teeth.
once again rejecting the hierarchy's status quo, nihlus regularly sharpens his talons. a rifle with limited heatsinks (bullets) can only take him so far; he has not forgotten his ancestors. they were a predator species, and predators are survivors. he has needed to use his bare hands to fight, usually as a last resort.
tagged by : @sayitan ty tyy
tagging : @queimdura , @ubcs , @cosmodr0me (shepard) , @wellfell , @mrgoatman + anyone who wants to!
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puriette · 9 months
what if i blow you up. 💥
what IF i explode you first ?!??!?! 💥💥💥
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armageddidnt · 9 months
Best of Neil's stage directions/commentary in the good omens s1 script book
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I went back and read this to help me cope after s2, as one does
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cycl0ne · 2 years
❝   i   thought   i   belonged   here   but   i   don’t.   ❞
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@starm4n​​,   sc.
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replicasoul · 2 months
the fucking line delivery of this
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hxnnibxi · 3 months
spn scripts make me sick bc wdym dean was supposed to say "i love you" in the crypt scene??? wdym cas was supposed to go to his own personal heaven that was full of pictures of dean?? wdym dean spread cas' ashes in a field by a windmill bc he thought cas would have liked it?? wdym dean was supposed to tell cas "i wanted you to stay" in his purgatory prayer?? wdym that while dean was worrying about them dying cas was thinking about how beautiful dean was??? wdym sam was supposed to mention cas while dean was dying???? i am physically unwell.
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