#🌊 headcanon ➤ kyogre.
gardenofgods · 1 year
Kyogre is one of the first people Deoxys has had a positive relationship with. At first, they were very wary of her due to her close connection with Rayquaza. It took a lot of time and conversation for trust to be built, and for Deoxys to see that Kyogre really did believe that Rayquaza was being unreasonable and unfair to the alien.
With Kyogre’s friendship with Deoxys, she has to be extra careful when Rayquaza does bring them up. She tries to steer him away from it without arising too much suspicion, like tipping him off that Kyogre knows Deoxys, their whereabouts, and that they’re friends. Kyogre has also tried to feed him false information, just to keep him off their trail like ‘maybe they could be in Meteor Falls?’, despite knowing that isn’t even close to being the case. There isn’t much else she can do besides that, as if he were to know where Deoxys was... Kyogre isn’t strong enough to stop him and the ensuing rampage.
Whenever she isn’t too busy, Kyogre will try to visit Deoxys given that they have chosen to isolate themself for their own safety. Usually she just visits to talk with them more than anything, as she can’t imagine how lonely they must get. Even if Deoxys does leave their island from time to time, it’s never for super long, and they make sure to avoid people the best they can.
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gardenofgods-a · 3 years
Kyogre LOVES exploring the abandoned ship on Route 108, even if she’s pretty much seen everything there is to see there. She would be a lot more reluctant to explore any other abandoned place that’s on land, but because this is an entire ship, she’s a lot more willing to go there. Same with Sea Mauville; she has spent a good amount of time diving there, and has found just about every treasure she can get her hands on, but it’s still a very enticing place to her.
Any underwater/ocean based ruins, period, are places she loves to explore. The Abyssal Ruins in Unova would be right up her alley.
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gardenofgods · 1 year
more misc headcanons so i dont spam the dash
Kyogre prefers being near any source of water at all times possible. It doesn’t matter if it’s the ocean, a lake, a river, etc, as long as it’s a body of water. Being totally stranded on land with no water source makes her feel a bit uneasy, and is why she’ll stick to regions that are islands (like Sinnoh or Alola), or regions with a lot of beaches and large stretches of ocean (like Hoenn).
Ultimately, Kyogre prefers warm/tropical climates. However, strangely enough, she has no preference for water temperature. Water temperatures at over a mile depth are extremely cold, but this actually doesn’t bother her. She finds it comfortable to swim in, even more than warm water, which is why she doesn’t have a problem swimming in Sinnoh’s seas despite the frigid temperature. It’s the air temperature that always winds up getting her, being used to Hoenn’s year-round warm and temperate climate.
She loves other water-types and thinks all water-dwelling pokemon are adorable and can do no wrong. That being said, it still doesn’t stop her from eating them, being at the top of the food chain in the ocean. They’re cute, but they’re also tasty, and a girl’s gotta eat. Seafood is her preferred type of food, whether it’s fried, grilled, or made into sushi. All of it is delicious.
Kyogre sleeps a lot more than average, generally getting ten, to upwards of fourteen hours of sleep every night. She uses a lot of energy swimming each day, and in managing the ocean as well. Not only does she sleep quite a lot, but she is also an extremely deep and heavy sleeper. It’s almost as if she hibernates every night, but for a lesser period of time.
Her teeth are very sharp, even in her human form, able to chew through the bone and sinew of her prey. Her bite force is nothing to scoff at either. Kyogre can apply an insane amount of pressure via biting, shattering through hard shells of sea creatures as well. Along with that, if she were to lose a tooth for some reason, a new one would grow right back in its place.
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gardenofgods · 1 year
Kyogre is a frequent volunteer at Lilycove’s Aquarium - the largest aquarium in the world. At first, the idea of an aquarium rubbed her the wrong way, but after doing some reconnaissance there and ensuring all of the water-types enjoyed being there, she eased off and relaxed some.
It was during this aquarium visit that Kyogre learned about the mermaid shows they hosted, where female workers/volunteers would don a mermaid tail, pearls, seashells, and waterproof iridescent makeup and do a show from one of the larger tanks in the aquarium. This did catch her eye, and was appealing to her, as many of the younger attendees were thoroughly impressed and enjoyed it.
She started volunteering in their mermaid shows not long after, and frequently is seen in the Sharpedo exhibit. Of course, being the Goddess of the Seas, the Sharpedo aren’t hostile towards her which puts her in a very unique situation. Along with that, the fact that she doesn’t need to wear a fake tail, and can make one of her own as she pleases, makes it much more realistic. She can stay under the water for upwards of thirty minutes before needing to take a breath, and her ability in water manipulation make her shows extremely popular.
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gardenofgods · 1 year
Kyogre generally has three living spaces she commonly will occupy.
1. The Cave of Origin - This is generally more of a resting place for her, rather than a place where she will actively live. She can still be found here from time to time, albeit sleeping or very groggily awake. These are where she has taken some of her shorter rests (i.e., around one-thousand to ten-thousand years), knowing that it is well protected by the people in the city.
2. Deep sea caves - Kyogre’s diving limit is extremely high, able to dive well over a mile into the sea without any adverse effects. She seeks out caverns deep, deep in the sea to rest for longer periods of time (i.e., over one million years to upwards of ten million at times). These areas are extremely hidden and hard to find due to the sheer depth she dives to, as divers cannot make it that far without extra equipment such as a submarine, and the caverns are much too difficult for a submarine to properly navigate as well. Again, this generally isn’t a place she will be living in traditionally, rather using it for periods of rest and rarely, recovery.
3. Sootopolis City - In the city itself, Kyogre does have her own home. An actual home, traditionally seen in the city. This is where she can be found the most often, and is the place she actually lives in. It was something she purchased on her own, selling off old treasures, coins, and relics from her time sailing to buy a home outright. With Sootopolis only accessible via flying pokemon or diving, it makes it easy for Kyogre to leave and enter, utilizing the ocean current to get to the mainland when she wants or needs to.
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gardenofgods-a · 3 years
yes. kyogre does look in the mirror and call herself beautiful and sexy. literally every day. sometimes more than ONCE a day.
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gardenofgods-a · 3 years
Your Seduction Style
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Siren / Rake
You possess an unbridled sensuality that appeals to many. The minute you meet anyone, you can make the crave you almost immediately. You give others the chance to lose control with you... spiraling into carnal bliss. A dangerous lover, you both fascinate and scare those you attract.
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gardenofgods-a · 3 years
Kyogre’s Primal Reversion can also be triggered by very intense emotion, without the help of her Blue Orb. If she gets into an emotionally compromised state, her Primal Form can absolutely come out onto the field. This usually happens if she gets extremely angry, but it can happen with deep sadness. Basically, intense negative emotions can trigger it just the same as her orb would. She’s constantly trying to keep her more ‘bad’ emotions in check due to this, brushing off problems and acting like nothing is wrong.
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gardenofgods-a · 3 years
✭ Kyogre from not at all unrestrainedlightning
One of Kyogre’s favorite things to do with Raikou (besides the obvious) is stir up very bad storms with him. With her rain and his lightning, they can make terrible storms that cause people to go running for shelter. They haven’t gotten in trouble for it yet, and even if they did, she probably wouldn’t stop doing it purely because it’s just so fun. Kyogre tries to have no strings attached when it comes to one night stands, though the more she runs into Raikou, the more fun she has and the more she grows to like him. Which given her issues with commitment, is starting to become terrifying to her.
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gardenofgods-a · 3 years
In Kyogre’s human guise, she looks human, of course. That’s all well and dandy, however, when she gets in the water is when people may notice things are different.
First of all, her lungs are larger than a normal human’s. This is the same for her pokemon form. This, with other techniques she’s learned when it comes to diving (keeping your muscles relaxed, staying calm, minimizing movement, doing anaerobic exercises) has allowed her to hold her breath for a very long time underwater. In her human form, she can hold it for close to 90 minutes if she stays in shallow waters. In her pokemon form, she can hold it for around 110 minutes and that’s including deep sea diving.
Second, her bones are very very strong. Stronger than a normal person’s by quite a bit. This allows her to withstand heavier pressures. The deepest a human has gone in a deep sea diving expedition was 1000 feet or so. Kyogre can reach around 1500 feet, though she usually takes an oxygen tank with her if she’s going that deep. In her pokemon form, this number is much more, of course. She can reach depths of close to 3500 feet.
Her ribcage can actually fold down and sort of artificially collapse her lungs, minimizing air pockets. This also reduces her buoyancy by a fair bit, making it easier for her to dive. She’s learned to use her oxygen as scarcely as possible, being very stingy when it comes to it. In extreme situations, she can shunt her blood flow to organs, giving them the bare minimum. slowing her heart rate also helps.
Kyogre’s blood has a higher percentage of blood storing cells than other mammalian pokemon. Decompression sickness is something she is susceptible to, though she’s learned over the years to rise back to the surface slowly, taking her time. Patience is essential when it comes to diving.  
As it stands, she really doesn’t need to do deep sea dives that often. The deepest she usually goes in either form ranges from 50-100 feet below the sea. When she does dive deep in her pokemon form, she uses echolocation to get her whereabouts, like Wailmer and Wailord do.
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gardenofgods-a · 3 years
Deoxys is extremely intelligent intellectually, and they are essentially a super computer in a sense. Intelligence in anything else? Not as much.
Since Deoxys feeds off radiation, they don’t have much of a need to consume actual foods. They have no sense of taste and hardly have a sense of smell, and their internal organ structure is vastly different from other humans/pokemon. They can eat pretty much anything and have no adverse effects from it.
Kyogre finds herself pulled to the Blue Orb at random intervals, and she often has to hold herself back from going up and grabbing it from Mount Pyre. Triggering her primal reversion would not be good for Hoenn, but that tiny part in her brain wants her to just give in and go for it.
One of the biggest thing that pisses Rayquaza off besides Deoxys is the existence of the Jade Orb. It feels extremely insulting to him that humans would try to make something in an attempt to control him. If the Jade Orb is brought before him, he would instantly snap and lash out at whoever held it, and would do everything in his power to destroy it.
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gardenofgods-a · 3 years
im just gonna drop the tags of the bitches im gonna be using the most here
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gardenofgods-a · 4 years
What is your moral alignment?
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Chaotic Neutral (76%)
You hold your freedom as your most treasured possession, and may be willing to do whatever is necessary to maintain it. In a conflict between two outside forces, you may play both sides to help you gain that which you desire, which can be dangerous not handled wisely; simultaneously, you may not necessarily act so strongly to defend others' freedom. This lack of regard for authority and its constraints, with no true animosity for humanity, molds you into the archetypal "maverick".
Top Three:
Chaotic Evil (68%)
True Neutral (65%)
Chaotic Good (54%)
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gardenofgods-a · 4 years
Go here then share your muse’s penmanship.
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gardenofgods-a · 4 years
90% of the time, when ho oh drinks, he gets obliterated bc he has no self control with alcohol. his mood depends on the vibe around him. if things are sad, he will be a crying baby. if things are upbeat, he will be upbeat and will likely be singing or talking someone’s ear off.
kyogre really. doesnt like to get drunk because she gets really bad hangovers constantly and ends up puking for most of the morning after. but if she does get drunk? she’s the hype person of the squad. just yelling her fucking head off, supporting people (to drink more usually), and having a GREAT TIME
rayquaza is pretty quiet when he’s drunk and he has moments where he’s with someone and he’s like. wait am i NOT talking outloud??? he’s trying to talk with his mind. and it doesnt work. also he gets emotional really easy.
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gardenofgods-a · 4 years
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bold  whatever  applies  to  your  muse.   italicize  the  things  that  only  somewhat apply / are verse dependent.   REPOST ,   DON’T  REBLOG.
been cheated on  |  been bullied  |  had your heart broken  |  broken someone’s heart  |  told a horrible lie  |   been betrayed  |  been framed / set-up  |  stolen something of value  |   overdosed on drugs  |   been drunk  |  cheated  |  bullied  |  been publicly humiliated  |    punched someone in the face  |  been beaten up  |   broken a bone  |  been admitted to a hospital  |   put someone in the hospital  |  had a near - death experience |  been drugged  |  done drugs  |  smoked  |  been arrested  |  been homeless  |  been forced to commit a crime |  died and came back to life  |  kissed someone you weren’t attracted to  |  bled severely  |  killed someone  |  been forced to kill someone |  had an attempt on your life  |  made an attempt on your own life  |  lost someone |  loved someone  |  watched a loved one die  |  failed to save / help a loved one  |  felt helpless  |  watched your world die / disappear  |  had your life’s work stolen / destroyed    
gone without food for over three days  |  gone without sleep for over three days  | been tortured / questioned  |  been shot  |  been stabbed |  been poisoned  |  been held prisoner  |  been trapped |  been buried alive  |  been held hostage |  held someone hostage |  been stuck in a different world / universe / time |  been abused by someone who should have loved / appreciated / valued you  |  had a panic attack  |  had night terrors  |   been in a car accident  |  lost your job  |  lost a fight  |  had sex with a stranger  |   been divorced  |  been abandoned |  passed out from pain  |  cried yourself to sleep  |  spent a whole day in bed  |  hurt yourself   |  taken your anger out on yourself  |  taken your anger out on someone you love  |  been used  |  been manipulated  |  felt used  |  manipulated someone else |   had your memories / mind wiped / stolen or tampered with |  been taken over by a hostile force |   been terrified  |  played a cruel game on someone  |  been forced to smile  |  felt too many things at once  |  laughed when you felt like crying  |  been in denial  |  been denied  |  faced your demons
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been cheated on  |  been bullied  |  had your heart broken |  broken someone’s heart  |  told a horrible lie  |   been betrayed  |  been framed / set-up  |  stolen something of value  |   overdosed on drugs  |  been drunk  |  cheated  |  bullied  |  been publicly humiliated  |    punched someone in the face  |  been beaten up  |  broken a bone  |  been admitted to a hospital |  put someone in the hospital  |  had a near - death experience |  been drugged  |  done drugs  |  smoked  |  been arrested  |  been homeless  |  been forced to commit a crime |  died and came back to life   |  kissed someone you weren’t attracted to  |  bled severely  |   killed someone  |  been forced to kill someone |  had an attempt on your life  |  made an attempt on your own life |  lost someone |  loved someone  |  watched a loved one die | failed to save / help a loved one  | felt helpless  |  watched your world die / disappear  |  had your life’s work stolen / destroyed    
gone without food for over three days  |  gone without sleep for over three days |  been tortured / questioned  |  been shot  | been stabbed |  been poisoned  |  been held prisoner  |  been trapped  |  been buried alive  |  been held hostage |  held someone hostage  |  been stuck in a different world / universe / time |  been abused by someone who should have loved / appreciated / valued you  |  had a panic attack  |   had night terrors   |   been in a car accident  |  lost your job  |  lost a fight |  had sex with a stranger  |  been divorced  |  been abandoned  |  passed out from pain  |  cried yourself to sleep  |  spent a whole day in bed  | hurt yourself   |  taken your anger out on yourself   |  taken your anger out on someone you love |  been used |  been manipulated  |  felt used  |  manipulated someone else  |  had your memories / mind wiped / stolen or tampered with |  been taken over by a hostile force |   been terrified  |  played a cruel game on someone  |   been forced to smile  |  felt too many things at once  |  laughed when you felt like crying  |  been in denial  |  been denied  |  faced your demons
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been cheated on  |  been bullied  | had your heart broken  |  broken someone’s heart  |  told a horrible lie  |   been betrayed  |  been framed / set-up  |  stolen something of value  |   overdosed on drugs  |   been drunk  |  cheated  |  bullied  |  been publicly humiliated  |   punched someone in the face  |  been beaten up  |  broken a bone  |  been admitted to a hospital  |  put someone in the hospital  |  had a near - death experience |  been drugged  |  done drugs  |  smoked  |  been arrested  |  been homeless  |  been forced to commit a crime |  died and came back to life   |  kissed someone you weren’t attracted to  |  bled severely  |   killed someone |  been forced to kill someone |  had an attempt on your life   |  made an attempt on your own life  |  lost someone |  loved someone  |  watched a loved one die  |  failed to save / help a loved one  |  felt helpless  | watched your world die / disappear  |  had your life’s work stolen / destroyed    
gone without food for over three days  |  gone without sleep for over three days  |  been tortured / questioned  |  been shot  |  been stabbed |  been poisoned  |  been held prisoner  |  been trapped  |  been buried alive  |  been held hostage |  held someone hostage  |  been stuck in a different world / universe / time |  been abused by someone who should have loved / appreciated / valued you  |  had a panic attack  |   had night terrors   |   been in a car accident  |  lost your job  |  lost a fight |  had sex with a stranger  |  been divorced  |  been abandoned  |  passed out from pain  |  cried yourself to sleep  |  spent a whole day in bed  |  hurt yourself   |   taken your anger out on yourself   |  taken your anger out on someone you love  | been used  |  been manipulated  |  felt used  |  manipulated someone else  |  had your memories / mind wiped / stolen or tampered with |  been taken over by a hostile force |   been terrified  |  played a cruel game on someone  |   been forced to smile  |  felt too many things at once |  laughed when you felt like crying   | been in denial  |  been denied  |  faced your demons
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