#﹠.   ——   aes.   「      musings     」
sylacris · 5 months
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— “say you’ll share with me one love, one lifetime.”
alternatively: “save me, lead me from my solitude.” / i finally release the draft that’s been catching cobwebs in my docs since june 2023
phantom of the opera! dazai osamu x gn! reader
cws: possibly ooc, self indulgent.
wc: 1.0k
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Track down the murderer! Do not let that animal escape!" The mob screams in rage, a fury directed at the one and only culprit of the chaos in the opera house.
They’ve had enough of this- this phantom. His demands, his actions, and how he acts like he's a being above them—the mob rallies above ground with torches and pitchforks, fueled by absolute despise for such a being.
"Too long has his reign of darkness terrorized this opera!" Shouts of agreement ring in the half-destroyed theater house, debris and glass littered across every surface of the floor, faint smoke wafting in the air as the mob charges underground.
"The phantom resides deep below! This monster cannot be left alive anymore!"
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The echoes reverberate in the underground chambers; they are faint and barely audible, but you knew they were looking for him. Yet here he was, holding you like a vice in his arms, and yet his touch is soft, even warm. An arm circled around your waist while the other held your hand, faintly caressing your knuckles as if attempting to soothe you.
He leaned closer to your body, a slight weight piling on your back, burying his face in the crook of your neck, a sigh escaping his lips, his breath tickling your skin. You could only attempt to look at him through your peripherals, his tousled brown hair being the first thing you set your sights on.
The hand that held yours snakes upwards; he places both yours and his hand where your heart is. "May you sing for me, my angel?" he requests, and if you listened closely enough, it was as if he was begging, a tone you’ve only heard from him in jest, or perhaps in your unwaking nights.
"Osamu…" You voiced it out, the response to his words seemingly out of your reach.
He tilts his head. Dazai is not one to plead, however. "Please? For me?" He smiles softly. The traces of ‘the phantom’, the chaos incarnate that runs rampant along the crevices of the opera house, are no longer there; instead, it's the face of a man whose devotion to you—and only you—surpassed that of a thousand men in many lifetimes.
If that viscount could make you royalty, Dazai could make you an angel, he’d burn everything to ashes, meet death, and come back just for you. He’d repent, like the demon that he is, just to see you eye-to-eye, just to be able to hold you in his arms and call you his.
You knew he would do anything for you, and perhaps that was what instilled an odd fondness for such a man. His eyes reflected such solitude, an unwarranted loneliness befitting a shunned child.
Yet in those same eyes lies adoration, his piercing gaze thrilling your soul.
Adhering to his request, you gently hum a tune, one that he wrote for you to sing to. His gaze is fixated on you, a satisfied smile finding a place on his lips. His expression is akin to a child being given candy; you could almost excuse all his crimes with such a look.
The arms wrapped around you let go, freeing you of his weight. You continued to vocalize as Dazai grabbed your hand in his and placed his other hand on your waist. Slow steps gradually turned into a waltz led by him.
“Come, embrace the darkness.” He softly sang to your tune, “Forget those earthly fears.”
"I'm here to keep you, to hide you,” he whispers. “Through music, I beguile you.”
He seems to be enjoying himself as you match his tune, with the final duet between a demon and his beloved angel taking turns. A duet only for the two of you to perform and to witness.
“Who appears to me—a friend or phantom?”
The hand on his waist moves to cup his cheek lightly; you could only guess that such an act surprised him as his eyes widened from your touch before leaning into it, savoring your touch.
"Who twines music for my soul to sing?"
A fond smile appears on your face, one that he wouldn't dare miss under the candlelit glow of his chambers.
"Show yourself to me, distorted angel."
“Do you fear the light as I fear for you? "You tilt your head as his eyes trail away from you.
"Are you afraid I'll leave you too?"
The hold on your waist falters ever so slightly as he lifts your hand, placing a chaste kiss on your knuckles. His melancholy so obvious, with a downcast air to him, yet he still manages to smile, that smile still persists; it’s almost disheartening how controlled he is. almost.
“I promise I'll keep you safe; let your fears be no more, my angel.” His honeyed tone tempted you with a promise, one of pure, unadulterated love, just for you.
“Let me be your freedom, your place of solace, a hideaway from the world above. Let us run away together, my angel.”
Dazai tilts your chin up, meeting his gaze—a look filled with hesitation as his eyes drop to your lips.
Yet the moment was fleeting, for the mob seemed to have come closer. Distant shouting, an angry cacophony. Who knows what they’ll do to you and to him once they reach these chambers?
(Kill. They’ll kill him.)
“Do you love me? "You whispered under your breath.
“What kind of question is that? "He raises an eyebrow, as if he has time to tease in this situation. With wholehearted assurance, he replies,
"You know I do."
He leans in to leave a small peck on your forehead, restrained even until now, when everything is high-stakes, yet that kiss alone seems to say everything you needed to know, yet at the same time, everything you already knew.
He hesitates at first before letting go of you. Walking to one of the draperies in the chambers, his hand grasps it before putting it to the side, revealing to you a secret exit. Of course. Of course, he of all people would have an exit strategy.
The downcast gleam in his eyes seems to disappear for just this once, as he’s back to that loveable, cat-like grin. With his other hand, he extends it to you as a final confirmation, a decision that you cannot undo once made.
And just this once, you’ve never been so sure of anything else.
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asha-mage · 8 months
I think the reason I don't buy the argument that the show is framing Siuan as a villain/antagonist is that, while some of her actions are morally questionable (as are the actions of many of the characters in the show and books- including Moiraine and Rand in this episode) the merits of what she is saying are completely reasonable.
Cause the thing is, Siuan is right: Moiraine has lost control of the situation, and she no longer has the ability to be a check on Rand if he goes mad or becomes a threat to the world, much less protect him from the Forsaken. Meanwhile Rand, who should be out fulfilling prophecies, gathering nations and peoples behind him, fighting the Forsaken and rallying the world, has spent six months doing fuck all in Cairhien. He certainly has not been working to learn to control the One Power, which is the reason Moiraine lured him to Cairhien in the first place. Instead he's crept closer to either the One Power killing him from his failure to control it, or else going mad from using it.
Is taking him into custody and putting the Tower's leash on him the right move, morally? Maybe or maybe not, it depends on what you believe. Is it something that makes a disturbing amount of sense to an increasingly desperate Siuan? Well she says it herself in The Shadow Rising: Rand will full fill no prophecies dead. At least in the Tower he will be safe from the Forsaken and at least shielded the possibility of him killing himself on accident with the One Power is eliminated.
Is calling Lanfear for a save a morally right response for Moiraine and RAnd? Maybe and maybe not- the Foregaters and other innocents slaughtered by Lanfear's rampage would probably argue no, not moral, but Moiraine would likely argue yes, because it was necessary in order to free Rand so he could save the world. Was it in character for both of them? Definitely yes, given how desperate they are, and how rapidly the stakes are rising for Rand personally, and the world more generally.
Is Siuan using the Oath to force Moiraine to seal the Waygate a morally right thing? Probably not. Does it make sense when one of the Forsaken has attacked the city conveniently giving Rand the chance to escape right as Moiraine has abruptly and mysteriously regained her ability to channel? Absolutely.
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memorycardviii · 1 month
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Gabbriette Bechtel ( cr. MEMORY CARD VIII ) 
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arylleth · 7 days
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hearts of darkness (1991) dir. eleanor coppola, george hickenlooper, fax bahr
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mundanemiseries · 22 days
New Muse: Elio
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Name: Elio Age: 24 (at time of death) Gender: Male (he/him, transmasc) Species: vampire
Born to a family of supernatural hunters, thoughout his life Elio had long grown to see the supernatural world contrary to the family he was born into. For were they not as much a part of our world and reality as anything else? As time passed he grew more and more interested in learning more of the indiviuals that existed outside humanity, entirely planning to go out on his own to become a researcher of the supernatural worlds. Still, his family had managed to rope him into helping out with one final hunt, digging for information on a series of deaths and missing person cases that seemed to point to vampire activity. In hindsight, maybe he shouldn't have caved to his family's request. Maybe it was in retaliation for his digging into vampire buisness, for looking too far and learning too much. But they had found him first, cornered and the next Elio knew, he was alone in an alley by his apartment, skin cold, faintly aware his being human was long gone. He never met the one who turned him, his sire having left before he even reawoke. And he could never return to his family, knowing their principles would leave him dead. Untrusted by most of vampire society due to his connections to hunters in his human life. So he's spent his unlife mainly alone, adjusting and learning to live as what he now was.
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melpomeneprose · 8 months
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The revolution never ends.
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fstbmp-a · 8 months
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"Sonic is a hedgehog. Amy and Silver are hedgehogs. YOU? ...You're something else."
Absolutely spectacular art of THE bitch by Mint (@rgtag)!!
DON'T REBLOG (unless you're mint of course, you drew it) OR I WILL EXPLODE YOU WITH MY MIND!!!
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ray-green-wicked4good · 8 months
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Intrusive wheel of time thoughts...
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empirelead · 7 months
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she is stubborn , but she is no fool // kuvira edit ( 2 / ? )
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yeonban · 2 months
Talking about ships (as a concept) with some friends made me realize I really AM allergic to popular fandom ships bc wow... I always get attached to the rarest of pairings so if you ever see me ship a popular pairing it means it's a miracle and two things have had to align perfectly for it to happen: 1) the canon dynamic between them is actually solid (I mean not just a convo or canon saying/blatantly hinting they're a thing only for them to have no chemistry; plus I have to see a potential romantic r/s between them as being better than their platonic friendship which is. Hard to say the least), and 2) the fandom shipping them must NOTTT be annoying me at every corner (read as: putting the ship in my face as if it's written in the law that I have to ship it, or alternatively warping canon to unbelievable degrees of delusion to make it happen by changing the charas' personalities to an 180), which. now that I think about it, is the hardest of the two hurdles to get past
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sylacris · 11 months
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— “rather melodramatic, aren’t you?”
alternatively: “always your heart will be aching for my presence. You will see the moon, and it’ll remind you of me, of us, of what we used to be and could’ve been” / you were tasked to kill dazai osamu and yet…
dazai osamu x gn! reader
content: mild angst, smoking, a gun, dazai-typical suicide mentions, may be ooc, not proofread. inspired by: dangerously yours episode 1: masquerade.
wc: 1.5k words
a/n: nothing beats coming back to tumblr just to drop something i wrote on a whim. will i be consistently posting? if my motivation doesn't go away -v-
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Dazai Osamu knew his past would catch up to him one day.
Not only associating, but being a high-ranking official in the Port Mafia is a time in his life that he not only refuses to come back to but perhaps even actively haunts him incessantly in those dark drunken nights and smoke-filled lungs. On those nights alone, he only has the company of sake bottles and memories of the past—both good and bad.
He knows that he'll never be a good person—not what Odasaku wanted him to be, at least—yet he tries; he always has been trying.
But there comes a time when it seems as if trying isn't enough and repentance will be the only solution—perhaps even his death would be worth more good than all of the good he's done combined.
And repentance he shall receive as his lover stands right in front of him with a cold glare that exudes such burning rage, an anger that could've made him falter even the slightest if only he wasn't looking forward to such a death in the back of his mind.
With a smirk that never seemed to disappear, Dazai reaches out of his pocket, making them raise their guard with a glare and a finger on the trigger. "Mind if I have a smoke?" He doesn't even wait for a reply before pulling out the cigarette and lighter from his pockets.
"You can do anything you please, Dazai," you grunt.
Dazai puts the cigarette between his lips; he really is so carefree, even in the face of an enemy, though perhaps he sees you less as an enemy and still as his love.
Glaring at the unfazed man that stood before you, you sighed. This was for your people; kill the demon prodigy; that was your assignment. There was no way you were going to back down after months of getting to this point.
"But that doesn't mean I won't finish my mission here once and for all. You won't get away this time, demon prodigy."
After hearing his former title in the mafia, Dazai's eyes seem to darken, and there is a slight furrow in his eyebrows before he composes himself once more.
He lights the cigarette, inhaling the smoke before puffing it out. With a sigh, the man looks at you, ever so calm, even at gunpoint. and states in a matter-of-fact tone, "You can't pull the trigger, Bella." You knew he could always perceive you like an open book; it was something he could always do.
"You can't pull it because you love me," he says, looking at you directly.
"Isn't that why you're taking your sweet time?" Dazai lightly taunted, taking another swing at the cigarette before throwing it to the ground.
"Who said I ever loved you to begin with?" you defended.
He took a step forward, placing his hands inside the pockets of his pants. "So all the times we spent together were nothing to you, Belladonna?" he frowned, yet something in his tone made you think he was looking down on you—or rather, almost not taking this situation as seriously as you are.
"Of course it was; that would be obvious to you already, no?" you bite back, yet Dazai had such audacity to only smile at your hostility. which ignited your anger even more: "I never loved you, and you never loved me; I know you were just using me; you deceived me; don't give me your pitiful excuses, Dazai."
Another step forward, and you backed away. "I never loved you?" He repeats what you said, almost as if he's stopping himself from laughing at your statement, as if you said something so horribly inaccurate that Dazai merely perceives it as a joke.
"I mean exactly what I said," you replied, only earning a chuckle from the man.
"You say I never loved you, yet you are the only person I've ever wholly entrusted my heart to; you say I never loved you when even though I knew about this plot of yours, I still stuck around." As each second passes, Dazai moves closer to you, which makes you alarmed, only gripping the gun harder than it should be, knuckles almost turning white.
You warned, "Stay back!"
Yet Dazai's brave; he knows how to get what he wants, and he wanted you.
"Don't you wonder what was going on in my mind every time we were together, knowing you had ulterior motives to get closer to me, yet I still accepted you wholly, for what can i do when what my brain says is not what my heart wanted to follow?" Dazai sighs, shaking his head.
"I don't care; I don't care about you! Everything I've worked hard for has led up to this; don't try and stop me, Dazai." Empty threats leave your mouth as Dazai seems to ignore your mild distress.
"Oh Bella. If only you knew just how much of a fumbling mess you've made me. You took my heart, yet I would gladly let you take more of me as you pleased. You've made a fool out of me, yet I'd play the jester in your story if it meant it would satisfy you."
"You tricked me into loving you!" you shouted through gritted teeth and a clenched fist, not thinking properly in your state as your eyes whip around to find something, anything, perhaps an escape route but
"Were you not the one who approached me with the intention of stealing my heart?" Dazai retorts. He always knew how to keep your eyes on him, and now that the gap between the two of you is gone, it almost feels like you are suffocating from how close he is and how much adrenaline is in your veins.
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
"My, Bella, if you were resolute on doing this then you would've shot me minutes ago. But look at where we are now. A point blank shot yet no bullets being fired at me," Dazai teases, placing his hand on top of the gun you held up, "quite a situation we have here, yes?"
You remained silent, dropping the gun on the floor as your hands shake from how hard you've clenched them, carving moons on your palms as you avoid Dazai's eyes, sorting your mind. You needed to kill him; that was what you'd been working for for so long. However, in a few words and touches, he already had you around his finger yet again.
And God, was it so annoying.
"You're so still; your face is like ice—what are you thinking?" He's gotten close enough to where he reaches to cup your face, as your shaky hands really couldn't muster the courage to shoot him as he says.
A held exhale leaves you: "What does anything you have to say matter, Dazai?" You bit your tongue before looking down: "If I fail now, everything that I've worked for and everything that I've been raised to do up until now would be… useless." You mutter as he merely observes you.
"What can a breaking heart do if it is left to choose between what it has known for so long and what it wants to love now?"
Dazai smiles at you with pity as he traces your jawline before tilting your head up to meet his eyes. They looked at you as if you were the night sky. Dazai has always given you such a soft look in your time together, directed only at you, and you would be lying if you said your stomach wasn't filled with butterflies—though whether it's from the adrenaline or from his lovelorn acts, you'd never know.
"Well, then I'll give you a choice, darling," Dazai starts.
"Shoot me and complete your mission. No one has to know of this ordeal, and you get to leave scot-free back to your organization." He pauses.
"However, when the time comes, you will find moonlit nights strangely empty because, when you call my name through them, there will be no answer. Always, your heart will be aching for my presence. You will see the moon, and it'll remind you of me, of us, of what we used to be and could've been."
"I don't-" 
"Shh, I'm not done yet, Bella," he lightly warns, placing his index finger on his lips and chuckling before continuing on.
"Or, you could choose to follow me, stay as my lover, and join the Armed Detective Agency. If anyone from where you came from looks for you, we will do everything in our power to protect you. You have been interested in what we do in the agency; not only that, you are an ability user too, no?"
You gulped, biting on the inside of your cheeks as you pursed your lips at his question before giving an answer: "Yes, both of those are correct."
Dazai gives you a closed-eye smile and says, "Your eyes would have such a shine in them whenever I talked about the agency on our little dates. I bet they'd like you."
Your thoughts couldn't help but imagine what it would be like with the agency. You lightly smile at such a statement, and if Dazai picked up on it, which you assume he did, which he always does, unsurprisingly, he chose not to comment on it.
"So, Belladonna, what will your choice be?"
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primitiveside · 2 months
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"A Little Slice Of Hell" RF Pangborn
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luminarot · 23 days
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(( these images are sooo Pat-coded to me btw. ))
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eikonbound · 3 months
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"May the Blessing of the Crystal go with you." Jill Warrick, Dominant of Shiva, the warden of ice
( please don't reblog/repost this! )
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lucid35mm · 5 months
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melpomeneprose · 5 months
I'm not the man you think I am / and pretty girls make graves...
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