shinonometrash · 2 years
Time Spun from Miracles - Lance Ira
まかナイ (Court of Darkness) Event Story Eng. Fan Translation
Chapter 1
This story is from the fourth anniversary story event titled 「キセキの先で紡ぐ時間」 in the Japanese version of Court of Darkness (魔界王子と魅惑のナイトメー). The title of the event was way too frustrating to translate and yet it actually has absolutely nothing to do with the story! But hey! It’s fine...! Anyways, I absolutely adore the dynamic between MC and Lance in this story, so please enjoy!
>>Chapter 1<< | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Last Chapter | Other Works/Content
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Chapter 1
MC: Laaance~
After finishing classes for the day, I find Lance sleeping under a tree–as usual–and call out to him.
I peer closely at his face, but he doesn’t even twitch.
MC: Laaaaance, wakey wakey~ It’s morning time~?
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Lance: …
MC: Laannnncce~~ Pay attention to meeee~!
I shake him and his eyes crack open slightly as he looks up at me.
However, as soon as our eyes meet, he immediately closes his eyes again.
MC: Aha! You’re faking!
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Lance: …Haha.
Unable to hide it any longer, he breaks out in laughter, shoulders shaking.
MC: Hey! Were you just messing with me?
Lance: My bad. It was just so amusing, I couldn’t help it.
MC: “Couldn’t help it” he says…wah, h-how mean…!
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Lance: Oh, don’t glare at me so.
Lance: You wanted attention from me, right? Shall we nap together?
MC: Ah!
I squeal as Lance grabs me and plops me down next to him.
Any feelings of “anger” that I might have had vanish immediately from being held in his arms.
(This man has me totally wrapped around his finger…)
(...I kinda like it, though.)
Lance: So, what classes did you have today?
MC: Today was in-class lectures, Guy was lecturing on the History of Magic.
Lance: How tiresome…glad I missed today then.
MC: Lance, don’t you miss class everyday?
Lance: Well, you’re not wrong.
MC: Can’t you please just start trying a little bit to-
Robin: Milady~!
An energetic Robin and Grushia run over to meet us.
It seems Robin was riding on Grushia’s back while they were out patrolling the forest again.
MC: Robin, you’re here too, huh?
Robin: Yes! Gruschia and I patrolled the whole forest today!
Grushia: Awoo~!
Lance: Such dedicated watchanimals, aren’t you?
Grushia: Awoo….!
Grushia makes content noises as Lance scritches him on the neck.
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Robin: …
Back straight and serious, Robin waits for his turn.
Lance: Haha, you want pets too?
Robin: Meow~! I wish to be petted as a reward for my hard work, please~!
Lance: How about this?
Robin: Meow meow…that feels divine~!
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Lance: I’ll give you two extra special treatment today, how does that sound?
Robin: Meow~~
As Lance pets Robin all over, Robin drops down to the ground.
Rolling onto his back for belly rubs, Robin purrs loudly.
(That must feel nice…)
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Lance: What, do you want pets as well?
Lance looks over at me and grins teasingly.
MC: N-No, I’m fine!
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Lance: Hmm, are you sure? You looked awfully jealous while you were staring over here.
MC: What, no, th-that’s not–I was staring because Robin looked so cute…!
Robin: Hehe, you just showed your own indecent thoughts to milady!
Looking slightly awkward, Lance continues to stroke Robin’s fur before gently redirecting the conversation.
Lance: …Anyway, while you were patrolling the forest, did you find anything strange?
Robin: …Oh! We found a suuuper pretty rock that had fallen!
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Lance: Rock? What kind of rock?
Robin: We picked it up! Umm…here, it’s this!
Robin shows us a stone with a beautiful gemstone-like indigo color.
MC: It’s so pretty…I wonder if it’s natural?
Lance: This…
Lance takes the stone from Robin and starts inspecting it with a serious expression on his face.
Lance: It’s Colde Fluorite.
Robin: Fluorite…?
Lance: It’s a special type of stone that can only be found on Colde Island. This indigo color means it's the type that will glow when you add a little bit of heat.
Lance holds the stone up in demonstration and gently applies magic to it.
In the palm of his hand you can see the stone start glowing from the inside before it begins emitting an indigo light.
MC: Whoa!
Robin: You made it glow so fast! So brilliant!
MC: Seriously, you know so many neat things!
Lance: No…I just happened to know about this particular rock.
MC: Do you think I can make it glow too?
Lance: If you can use magic to transmit heat to it, it ought to glow.
MC: Hmm, I don’t know if I can do that very easily…I only just became an A rank…
Lance: You won’t know if you don’t try. Give it a go.
Taking the stone from Lance, I try creating heat with magic.
(Come on! Heat up!)
MC: Gahh, I knew I couldn’t do it yet…
Robin: I believe in you, milady!
MC: I’ve got this!
Lance: You’re putting too much thought into it. You don’t need to draw out much power.
MC: Okay…
(Heat…heeaat up, please…!)
Unfortunately, as if mocking me, the stone refuses to change even a bit.
MC: I feel like it’s trying to make me look stupid…
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Lance: What strange nonsense are you even saying…it’s just a rock, you know. It responds based on your magical power.
Lance: Let’s try again. Try to picture the stone glowing inside your head.
MC: Yes, that’s what I did.
Lance: And then you need to gently apply magic to the center of the stone.
MC: Alright, got it…
(Gently…to the center of the stone…heat…)
Using Lance’s advice, I focus all my energy towards the center.
After a countless number of attempts…
Robin: It’s glowing!
A weak light begins glowing from the middle of the stone.
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Lance: Indeed it is.
MC: Hurray!
Grushia: Awoo!
As I add heat, the stone resting on the palm of my hand finally begins glowing faintly throughout the dim forest. I made it glow.
After successfully using my magic, I leave the forest feeling satisfied.
MC: Lance, you’re really good at teaching.
Lance: Hm? I’d say I’m pretty normal at best…
MC: Not at all! The only reason I was able to make the stone glow was thanks to your help!
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Lou: Ah, what perfect timing. I was hoping to run into you two.
Walking through the central courtyard, the headmaster calls out to us.
Lou: Actually, I have a request to ask of you, Master Ira.
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Lance: …
Lance makes no effort in hiding his less-than-pleased expression.
Lou: You see, I wish for Master Ira to be in charge of the upcoming special lecture.
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Lance: …huh?
MC: Wait, you mean with Lance as the lecturer…?
Lou: Correct. I was quite hopeful that he may be able to fulfill my request.
Lance: Why me…?
MC: This “special lecture” you’re talking about…what kind of lecture is it?
I quickly ask the headmaster questions on a rather unenthusiastic and moody Lance’s behalf.
Lou: I would like for him to give a lecture about the ores and native stones at the Coldish Ruins.
(Well, that definitely falls under Lance’s expertise, but…)
Lance: What kind of shady potion did you swallow that has you thinking I would ever agree to that??
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(Yep. There’s my Lance.)
Lou: I had tried consulting with the other princes, but a number of them said they had to return to their kingdoms at the time the lecture was scheduled…
The headmaster continues explaining while impressively ignoring the waves of irritation radiating off of Lance.
Lou: Yes, indeed, the current shortage of lecturers is quite troubling…
Lance: Why do you think I even know about that crap anyway…?
Lou: Master Ira is rather knowledgeable in an abundance of various topics, making him the perfect person for this, don’t you think?
Lance: Hey, don’t go deciding things on your own! I told you I’m not freakin’ doing it, didn’t it?
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Lou: Ah, but you will. You won’t be not doing it, because you will be doing it. You have no room for refusal, Master Ira.
Lance: What the-
Lou: The decision has already been made.
The gentle expression on his face in contrast with his strong tone of voice, the headmaster says this before walking off–leaving Lance with no chance to argue.
Lance: Dash it all…
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MC: Good luck…?
Lance: …
Clicking his tongue and sighing repeatedly, Lance glares angrily at the headmaster’s back as he watches him leave.
(Well…this situation is definitely…not great…)
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To be continued…
>> Chapter 2
>>Chapter 1<< | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Last Chapter | Other Works/Content
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lxvescramble · 1 year
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魔界王子と魅感のナイトメア - Court of Darkness
5th Anniversary 🎂🎁🎈🎉
The presence of Akia Avari in the opening could not be missing, since Guy's younger brother got his route in the main story.
Aquia Monus - Guy Monus -Jasper Lane -
Knight - Grasse Hotz - Toa Quifer - Roy Revia
Tino Maes - Lint Belve - Dia Belve
Leu - Lance Sata - Fenn Modea - Rio Lezele
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royinvidia · 1 year
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miwaku-teki · 2 years
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ok this is hot
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modernheavy · 10 months
今日読んだ漫画 2023年7月11日(火)
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LINEマンガ / デジタルマーガレット(デジマ)
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suzumori521 · 9 months
😈 Announcement 😈
Akira Toriyama's original work, the theatrical version of "SAND LAND," has been released in Japan today!
I am responsible for modeling characters such as the protagonist Sheriff Rao and Gejiruu(ゲジ竜)!
It's the epitome of Akira Toriyama, globally renowned for Dragon Ball, with its profound and weighty mecha and unique characters. The deep and intense story will surely ignite your passion. While it has already been extensively announced in the United States, if you're interested, please do check it out!
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g-men-movie · 10 months
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2006年の結成以来、シンプルながら力強いサウンドと、甲本ヒロトのパワフルなボーカルで多くのファンを魅了し続け、現在も新曲を次々と発表するなど精力的に活動を続ける唯一無二のロックバンド。この度、そんなザ・クロマニヨンズの「ランラン」が『Gメン』の主題歌に決定!本楽曲は、2023年1月に発売されたアルバム「MOUNTAIN BANANA」の収録曲の1つ。G組をはじめとしたキャラクターたちの熱く真っ直ぐな生き様と、疾走感あふれる青春を描いた本作に楽曲の世界観がぴったりなことから、映画サイドからの熱烈なオファーにより起用が決定しました。
<瑠東東一郎監督コメント> 情熱。真っ直ぐさ。青春。爆走。 Gメンという作品をイメージした時、主題歌はザ・クロマニヨンズ以外の選択肢が僕には無かったです。 愚直なまでにパンクロックなザ・クロマニヨンズ。 いつもナンバーワンで最高にカッコいいザ・クロマニヨンズ。 ずっと大好きでずっと憧れていたザ・クロマニヨンズ。 この曲で映画が作れるなんて僕はただただ嬉しくて。 気分はランランです。
今回解禁となった本予告編は、私立武華男子高校に転校してきた岸演じる勝太が、転校早々に教室で「彼女なんてソッコーで出来るよ!」「這い上がってやろうじゃねぇか!!」と高らかに宣言し、クラスをまとめ上げるシーンから幕を明けます。しかし、勝太が入ったのは武華の中でも最底辺、“肥えだめ”と呼ばれる問題児だらけのG組でした…。 映像では、G組のメンバーをはじめとしたクセ強で強烈なキャラクターたちが続々と画面に映し出され、高良健吾演じる伊達が屋上から飛んで登場する衝撃のシーンや、田中圭演じる八神が自転車にブチ切れるシーンなど、インパクト抜群の衝撃映像が続きます。ザ・クロマニヨンズの主題歌「ランラン」が流れるとさらに勢いは加速し、レイナの手を引いて路地を走る勝太、ファンの女子と熱烈なキスを交わす瀬名、「天然か!」と瀬名にツッコミを入れる肝田、女子に「昭和くさ!」と言われる梅田などがテンポよく映し出されます。しかし、そんなポップな雰囲気から一転、血まみれで倒れる薙の姿、そして尾上松也演じる最悪の組織・天王会のトップである加藤の登場により、不穏な空気が映像を包み込む。勝太たちに魔の手が迫り、G組の熱き戦いが始まります!【G組にしかない】【大切な青春を】【もっと楽しめ‼】のテロップに合わせ、ド派手なアクションと熱い青春が切り取られ、ケンカに恋に友情に、今を全力で駆け抜けるG組の姿が描かれた、熱量たっぷりの予告編となっています。ラストに満を持して登場する、吉岡里帆演じる瞳先生の姿にも注目です。
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At the End of a Millennium Vow
千年の誓いの果てに 滅びの運命訪れる
At the end of a millennium vow, a fate of ruin came to call
The Millennium Tree was always watching
This history of crime and punishment that humanity has woven
Once upon a time, deep in a dark forest
I met Eve, and fell in love with her
I taught to her the location
Of red fruits from the tree
That was the beginning of all sin
It unleashed seven lights
And the sorceress of time
Pursued them
十年の狂気の果てに 罪の悪魔が動き出す
At the end of a decennium madness, the demons of sin begin to move
とても小さく ひ弱な僕の
As I was in the body of a very small,
コマドリの体では なにもできなかった
Delicate robin, I couldn't do anything about it
The sorceress of time sought an apprentice
I was selected as a candidate
Reincarnated into a human, my appearance
Was modeled after that girl I had loved
And so "I" became "me"[1]
Little by little
I was beginning to understand
The delight of living as a human
気弱な少女 優しい召使
That timid girl, that kind servant
Through all these various meetings,
忘れかけてた 罪の足音
I almost forgot all about the sin
But before I knew it, its footsteps came creeping up behind me
胸の凶刃 嗤う刺客は
That assassin who sneered at the dagger in my chest,
Were they a pawn of the Daughter of Evil?
Drained of all strength, my body
Was changed into a small sapling
世界を見守ろう 森の大樹として
I would watch over the world, as the great tree of the forest
百年経ったある日の事 森に現れたのは あのイブだった
Then one day after a hundred years had passed, who should appear in the forest again but Eve
At the end of a quincentennial turmoil, "I" reunite with "myself"
時の魔道師は イブを取り込み
The sorceress of time took Eve into herself
And eventually everything turns to a certain wrath
Hating her father, the unhappy Nemesis
At some point became a ruler of the world
そして彼女は 世界をも憎み
And then, hating the world too,
全てを「罰」の 炎で包んだ
She engulfed everything with the fires of "punishment"
That was the end of all sin
荒野と化した世界でも 私の心は まだそこにある
Even in this world that's became a barren wasteland, my heart is still there
千年の誓いの果てに 滅びの運命訪れる
At the end of a millennium vow, a fate of ruin came to call
The Millennium Tree was always watching
This history of crime and punishment that humanity has woven
千年の誓いの超えて 今こそ歌おう皆と共に
Surpassing this millennium vow, now I shall sing, with everyone
And so the world will be reborn
君らが望む それぞれのユートピアへ
Into the various utopias that you all wish for
This has come up other times as well but Michaela is referring to her change from spirit to human through her change in gender pronouns, from "boku" to "watashi"
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yoga-onion · 4 months
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (27)
A for Ailm (Pine) - December 23rd Birth of the Divine child
“The birth of the King of the Flourishing Half Year - The Celtic Tree Calendar” 
Stars: Mars & Sun; Gender: female; Metal: gold; Patrons: Artemis, Ariadne, Rhea, Cybele, Druantia, Dionysus, Bacchus; Symbols: foresight, purity, objectivity, birth
The Ogham alphabet has 5 vowels. The number 5 is the sacred number of the 'White Goddess'. Like all five vowel trees, pine is a female tree. And it is also the first vowel A, the tree of birth.
In ancient Greece, the pine tree was the goddess of the moon and dedicated to Artemis, who was responsible for the birth of children.The birth of Christ is celebrated on 25 December, and the Christmas tree decorated on this day is Norway spruce. The spruce is a member of the pine tree family. Although Christ's birthday is now celebrated on 25 December, it is believed that in earlier times our ancestors celebrated the birth of the Son of God on 23 December.
23 December marked the beginning of the 'Half Year of Light' and the birth of the "Son of God, the King of the Flourishing Half Year", and a gift of the wisdom of our ancestors.
On the winter solstice, druids (Ref2) in Europe lit large bonfires of pine and yew. Around the same time, the festival of the Druid Queen, Druantia, also took place. These large bonfires, which were built on the winter solstice, were passed on to the Yule Log. While the Yule festival lasted, people lit candles on pine trees and decorated them with glittering objects. The Christmas tree is the successor to this custom.
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The ancients believed that the pine cones were cleverly guided by magical powers, as they spiralled and followed the same clockwise direction on their trunks as the earth around the sun. Yellow pollen was utilised in the 'money-accumulation spell' as yellow attracts gold. Pine branches are said to prevent evil from entering the house if hung over doors and windows, and old people are said to be rejuvenated if they carry pine cones.
Futhermore, Native Americans put a bag full of pine needles under their pillows on the floor when they have insomnia. In ancient Egypt, doctors in the Pharaoh's service used pine tar and turpentine oil to treat pneumonia.
The ancients learnt from the towering pines the importance of looking at things objectively and from a broad perspective. Pine teaches that you have to be positive about things, correct mistakes immediately and chase responsibility yourself.
So, have a happy Christmas everyone, surrounded by the tree again this year.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (27)
AはAilm (マツ) - 12月23日 神の子の誕生、ケルトの木の暦(参照)
星: 火星&太陽、性: 女性、金属: 金、守護神: アルテミス、アリアドネ、レア、キュベレ、ドルアンティア、ディオニックス、バッカス、シンボル: 先見の明、清浄、客観性、誕生
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wdhf100083t · 8 months
【中文-G】骨头佬 + 小宠现在是全民学姐 - 時崎狂三 旗袍
【中文-H】HaneAme 雨波(台湾)
【中文-K】KaYa Huang
【中文-L】铃木美咲+Misaki Suzuki+软软趴在床单上+Pr社
【中文-M】Mika Ying 冉冉(香港)
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shelter-maki0 · 4 months
その過程で私がcursed childについて思っている事にも少し触れようと思います。真面目に書くつもりはありませんが前半に後書き、後半に呪いの子について書いていきます:P
まず私が書いた小話の後書きですが、「律動する悪夢」はロマンス作品を想定して描いたわけではありません。私はハリーとヴォルデモートの間にある、”互いにとって不都合な絆”に魅力を感じています。とても暴力的な絆で、その絆は二人を傷つけ互いに破滅へと向かわせました。ヴォルデモートは文字通り破滅し、ハリーは人生を丸ごと台無しにされました。 ハリーが闇の帝王を倒した後でもヴォルデモートがハリーに与えた影響は彼の人生を蝕み続け、ポッター家を機能不全家族にしました。私はハリーが決して彼の呪縛から逃れられないこの状況に、ホラー映画のエンディングのエッセンスを感じました。それはまるで、主人公が脅威を退けた後、エンドクレジットの前に倒した筈の敵の気配を感じて暗転するあの瞬間のような後味の悪さです。
避けられない脅威に追われ続け、その脅威は怪物を倒したあとも主人公を決して休ませない。私はホラー作品のその様式美が好きです。なのでこの作品はそういった逃れられない脅威と決して断ち切ることのできない繋がりについて考えながら描きました。 特に深いメッセージ性は無く、少し気持ち悪さを感じるような作品を残したかっただけですが、もし楽しんで貰えたなら幸いですD
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shinonometrash · 2 years
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I made caramel filled cupcakes and caramel candies! 💙✨ / キャラメルを詰めたカップケーキとキャラメルキャンディを作りました! 💙✨
(There's 131 caramels in that bowl btw! I had to cut the wrappers and wrap every single one of those by myself...></その鉢に131個のキャメルがありますよ!)
The caramel is completely vegan and handmade! I even made the sweetened condensed milk and golden syrup for it myself. It took a super long time though...😓 / キャラメルキャンディはビーガンで全部手作りです!加糖練乳もゴールデンシロップも作りました。たくさん時間がかかりました…😓
But, if it's for Toa then I've gotta give my absolute best. / でもトアさんのためなら頑張らないといけないでしょう。
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lxvescramble · 1 year
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魔界王子と魅感のナイトメア - Roy Revia - Season 2
Court of Darkness - Roy Invidia - Season 2
Spicy End 🌶️ and Honey End ❤️
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miwaku-teki · 2 years
so i've been playing CoD since march but downloaded 魔界王子と魅惑のナイトメア (original jp ver of the game) a couple of months ago simply because i was desperate to play lou's route LMFAO i've been learning japanese on and off for a few years and i can at least get the gist of things majority of the time (though i frequently pull out a dictionary and sometimes use a translator) if you also play まかナイ feel free to chat to me about it!! i was already quickly obsessed with CoD but now that i play both versions i can't escape these damn princes lmaoo i'm fully invested also: feel free to talk to/message me in japanese if you'd like! i don't have much conversation practice so i'm much slower at writing/talking than listening and reading, but i'll do my best. 話しましょう!
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modernheavy · 10 months
今日読んだ漫画 2023年7月4日(火)
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ジャンプSQ. 2023年8月号
🦊『怪物事変』19巻 / 藍本松
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biebuli · 6 days
MY opinion to The Chameleon
MY first version is CHINESE so I share my opinion by CHINESE. Also have ENGLISH version, BUT might not express myself well, English isn't my native language. IF you like this opinion, you can consider both the Chinese and English versions together.
the chameleon-魅影妖后
与其他三位反派相比较,妖后的设定上就会发现她其实站在一个男性(包括传统武侠)视角的对立面,她的地位在男性视角下是不受尊重的,她的身形在男性视角下是弱小的,她的性别在男性视角下是客体。一个不能被男性社会接纳、认可的女性,要么顺从社会运转的思维,甘愿成为一个客体,要么就是反抗,把自己变成主体——这样就会有两条路,要么打出专属女性的道路,要么就是变成一个拥有女性身体的男人。(我认为妖后这两条路在剧情塑造下算是融合在一块了)她攻击了每一个反派,一方面是剧情需要,另一方面算是对男性主体的世界外表层面反驳。之所以说是外表层面,因为她的变形借用其实也说明她还是认可男性主体这件事的,她没有完成真正意义上的反驳。 但这不意味着妖后这个角色很败笔,她还是展现出了其他反派相对稀缺的独立性。大龙、沈王爷、天煞将军他们其实都在复仇-获取认可,经历了他人对自己带来了巨大创伤之后做出回击,他们在情感上都有非常强烈的对具体他者的执念性。
Actually, I quite admire the the chameleon. Besides resonating with the theme of the twisted mother-daughter relationship, there's another reason: her characterization differs from the other three villains. The challenges she faces and her response to them diverge from those of other female martial artists depicted in the film.
While Tigress and Viper are both female characters, one possesses a master and racial abilities, and the other has racial agility and comes from a martial arts family background. Their social status (martial arts sect) and personal qualities (talent/abilities) are sufficient to overlook the gender-based inequalities (from the mainstream male perspective) on the path of martial arts. Hence, their journey isn't too difficult. In terms of setup, the chameleon is portrayed as a backgroundless, frail woman whose ability and talent in martial arts are not recognized by the mainstream martial arts community. Therefore, she takes a different path, self-studying shapeshifting and magic( magical attacks). With no recognized status, she seeks other means to gain power and influence, eventually returning to the palace as the Lizard Consort. If she weren't a villain, her story would likely be an inspirational script about a woman rising from the bottom! (This teaches us not to be fixated on one thing; we can achieve our goals through other means. Even in the world of martial arts, we can pursue other things.)
Compared to the other three antagonists, the chameleon characterization reveals that she actually stands in opposition to a male (including traditional arts) perspective. Her status is not respected, her physique is seen as weak, and her gender is objectified from the male perspective. A woman who isn't accepted or acknowledged by male society must either conform to societal norms and become an object or rebel and assert herself as a subject. This presents two paths: either carving out a path exclusive to women or becoming a man with a female body. (I believe the chameleon embodies both paths in the narrative.) Her attack for each villain is partly due to the plot's needs and partly a rebuttal to the male-dominated world on the surface. This rebuttal is superficial because her use of shapeshifting implies her acceptance of the male-dominated society; she hasn't truly opposed it.
However, this doesn't mean the chameleon is a failure as a character; she still exhibits independence, which is relatively rare among the other antagonists. Tai Lung, Lord Shen, and General Kai are all driven by revenge - seeking acknowledgment and retaliating after suffering immense trauma caused by others. They all have strong emotional attachments to specific individuals. The chameleon, on the other hand, lacks this attachment to specific individuals; her actions stem from her own will. She doesn't have emotional entanglements with superiors (Tai Lung with his master, Lord Shen with his parents/Sheep Elder) or peers (General Kai with Master Oogway), and her only emotional connection is with zhen, who is a projection of herself. Her anger towards zhen is superficially about betrayal but fundamentally stems from her deviation from her self-projection. Due to the male-dominated perspective, which habitually objectifies women, modern women possess the power of subjectivity but still carry the attributes of objects, giving them a dual perspective of subjectivity and objectivity. For the chameleon, zhen represents both an object (as a foster daughter) and a subject (as her former self). Thus, the chameleon is narcissistic, refusing to let her self-will be crushed by external forces, and everything she admires ultimately reflects herself.
Despite the shortcomings of KFP4's story, how can one not be drawn to an independent, self-willed, narcissistic woman who rises from the bottom?
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