bonguri · 2 years
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20220806 Aichi Triennale Bisai 7 by Bong Grit 黄色いホイッスルがかけてあった。 @Bisai area, Ichinomiya city, Aichi pref. (愛知県一宮市尾西地区 国際芸術祭あいち2022) https://flic.kr/p/2nGB6Zj
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drummingoni · 1 year
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Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Here is my GIF animation I did last year.
Performing the Highland duet are the two oni siblings. On the snare drum is my mascot Drum, and introducing on the bagpipe is my new OC Fue. He is Drum's Onii-chan, which means older brother. Fue plays the bagpipe beautifully; but, he really hates playing that instrument.
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sayakalaine · 1 year
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#沼津 で頂いたご縁のおかげで 「松の翠 #邦楽 #コンサート 」を 鑑賞させていただきました😃 とても豪華で素晴らしい #邦楽器 #演奏 でした❣️ ピリッとキリッとパシッとカッコ良かった‼️ #和楽器 の #音色 と #歌声 の響きの深み 皆さんの佇まいや所作の美しさにも感動しました🤩 お着物は近くで拝見するとますます素敵でした〜🌸🌸🌸 以前、 #長興寺 #住職 松下様にご紹介いただいた際に 僭越ながらイベント告知に役立ちそうな情報をお伝えさせていただいた事を喜んでいただけて光栄です😊 微力ながらお役に立てれば幸いでございます✨ 盛況で無事の開催おめでとうございました㊗️ ちゃっかり沼津市長とも 写真を撮らせていただきました😊 皆さんと会えて楽しく笑えたおかげで元気をもらえて 昨日の午後から謎の体調不良だったのがなんとか復活できました✨ 伺えてほんとに良かったです〜☺️ ありがとうございました💖 #筝 #笛 #三絃 #鼓 #小鼓 #大鼓 #太鼓 #三味線 #唄 #十七絃 #筝曲 #長唄 #素囃子 #囃子 #邦楽演奏 #邦楽演奏会 #伝統芸能 #伝統文化 #伝統音楽 #伝統邦楽 (at 沼津市民文化センター) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpai7DaSz2h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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superkirarabbit · 1 year
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Karatsu Kunchi 御旅所神幸 文化の日。これが旅のメイン目的ではなかったけど、開催してると知ってしまったら祭り好きが行かないわけがないと、唐津に立ち寄り。14台迫力満点!! 私お気に入りは、1番曳山、赤獅子です❤︎ #唐津くんち #佐賀 #唐津市 #唐津神社 #例大祭 #ユネスコ無形文化遺産 #重要有形民俗文化財 #文化の日 #乾漆 #曳山 #笛 #太鼓 #鐘 #囃子 #曳子 #豪華絢爛 #勇壮 #粋 #いなせ #掛け声 #九州 #travel #巡業 #festival #autumn #november #japan #traditional #fun #holiday (唐津くんち 曳山ナビ) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClYy2vLPFg7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zegalba · 6 months
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Yoshitaka Amano: 魔笛 (2001)
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seventh-fantasy · 3 months
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dihua + outfits | 莲花楼 mysterious lotus casebook
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la-muerta · 2 months
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He’s nothing like you thought he was. His sharp edges are softer, somehow, and that’s wrong. That’s wrong, and it scares you, because if he’s softer then you just might love him. And if he’s softer, then he just might love you back. And what could be more terrifying than that? — a dull knife can still hurt // p.s.
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the-wintry-mizzenmast · 7 months
When a dao isn't just a dao 笛飞声的刀不只是刀
A quick and dirty analysis of Di Feisheng's dao
Following up from my previous post speculating about Di Feisheng's dao 刀, I think the configuration of Di Feisheng's dao is quite clever and consistent with his character, despite looking like nonsense at first glance. I know more taiji and kung-fu 刀 dao forms than I do 劍 jian forms, and this is what I choose to do with my knowledge and time, I guess.
Before I launch into his dao in particular, I think it's important that you understand what a dao is, and how you are supposed to attack and defend with one.
When you say 刀 dao (in English, it's also been called a Chinese saber or broadsword), this is what it's supposed to look like (I've annotated the image below from the Wikipedia entry on dao). They are by definition single-edged, and the majority are slightly curved (though there are some variants such as the Nandao 南刀 which are straight). A dao should have a point, a sharp edge (in red), and a blunt edge (in blue). The blunt edge (short edge, or inner edge, since the thing is curved) is usually quite thick.
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One of the main ways that a dao does damage is through slashing/chopping motions, either down, sideways, or upwards (which my sifu always called uppercuts). All upwards slashes with the dao require that you turn your wrist so that the sharp edge, which usually faces down, faces upward instead.
The other way that a dao does damage is via forward thrusts, where the point of the dao is supposed to pierce enemy flesh. The basic attacks I've mentioned above are in the beginning of this clip, and I've added text to the original video below to highlight what's what and what they're supposed to look like.
(n.b. I was just randomly searching for videos to show what I'm trying to describe, no endorsement intended).
One of the things you'll notice from the above video as well is that the master is putting his hand on the blunt edge. This helps stabilize and give more power to the dao through its various motions, and is a basic part of how dao forms are supposed to work.
The blunt edge is also important because it helps in defense. One of the cardinal rules of a dao is that when you are defending, the dao should be kept close to your body, with the blunt edge facing your body. This is what a basic block looks like:
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Should you get hit, you can brace the blunt edge of the blade using a shoulder or upper arm. In certain positions you can also use your hand as a brace on the blunt edge to stop (or execute) a particularly strong attack.
These are the dao basics. Now you have enough background to know what makes Di Feisheng's dao so unusual: it is double-edged, and it has a blunt tip.
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These two things must follow if you have a dao that has two edges and is blunt at the tip:
You are limited to slash and chop attacks as your main blade damage. Thrust attacks won't penetrate flesh unless you have a serious amount of qi behind it.
Your defense is limited, because you can't use your dao to defend in the usual way.
But wait, does Di Feisheng's dao really have two full edges?
If you're a details guy like me, and completely obsessed over Di Feisheng (guilty as charged), you'll notice that one the edges of his dao doesn't actually extend the full length of the blade:
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From the way that light reflects off the edges of his dao, you can see a bit on the short (inner) edge of the dao where the blade seems to transition from sharp to blunt:
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And this shot, it's confirmed that there is a short blunt area on the inner edge of his dao:
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In this memorable scene, Di Feisheng uses his hand against the very short blunt part of his dao to press his attack into Li Xiangyi's cheek:
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One of the upsides of his unusual dao is also that he can use the inner edge for attacking as well. Upward sweeps using the inner edge aren't possible with usual daos (because they are blunt), but are possible with Di Feisheng's dao. I think we see an example of that here in the way you see his arm sweeping upward. (He has also added a substantial amount of qi to this sweeping strike, most of us plebs don't have enough qi to do anything like this.)
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You can see how he gains some flexibility to his attacking capabilities, when he flips his blade mid-block into an attack:
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While a double-edge gives him more adaptability in terms of attack on along the slashing and chopping edges of his dao, what he is losing out on because of the blunt end is thrust. You almost never see Di Feisheng thrust his dao forward because his sword just doesn't work like that.
In this final scene in the episode one fight when they are charging at each other, Li Xiangyi thrusts the Shaoshi Jian forward, but Di Feisheng, due to the design of the dao, has to slash:
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However, most of the power of a dao is in its slashing and chopping motions. This is where the weight of the blade and its curved design (plus gravity and force) result in the most damage. Unlike the jian, the dao's thrusts do less damage. My conclusion about this is that it's a purposeful trade-off that Di Feisheng has made. He would rather maximize his offensive capabilities where they are strongest.
In terms of blocking, the design of Di Feisheng's dao means he's at a defensive disadvantage, since there's no blunt area to brace his body against for blocking (he can use his hand on the bit that is blunt, but because he has an edge along the rest of it, he can't use a shoulder or upper arm). This is a key feature of the standard dao that Di Feisheng's dao is missing.
In this move in the Battle of the Eastern Sea in episode 1, we see Di Feisheng execute a block, but he's got both of his hands along the hilt instead:
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At this point, it should be noted that the standard dao is typically a one-handed weapon. The hilt is slightly curved, so you can get a good downwards chop with your wrist. There are other daos that have straight hilts and can be two-handed like the Miaodao 苗刀 (which is more similar to the Japanese katana 刀 than most Chinese folks like to admit). Di Feisheng's dao being straight-hilted and two-handed isn't that unusual because it's a feature that can be present on certain types of dao (it's way less unusual than the two edges!), but I thought it was worth pointing out in case any eagle-eyed readers noticed the difference between the Wikipedia image and what Di Feisheng has.
I could wax on about Di Feisheng's dao and his fighting style forever, but I think this thread has gone on for long enough.
I believe that the design of Di Feisheng's dao is very clever. At first glance, it seems utterly silly (what kind of dao has two edges?), but on deeper inspection of his style and how he uses it, it is consistent with his character.
He is always playing on Hard Mode because he is trading defense for more flexibility in his offense. And he is maximizing his offense where it is strongest (slashes and chops), and choosing to forego the offensive capabilities where it is weaker (thrusts).
...And that really is Di Feisheng's martial arts style in a nutshell, isn't it?
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watch-grok-brainrot · 7 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook
Question Jiao-jie, understand Jiao-jie, become Jiao-jie, surpass Jiao-jie.
You see, I take the parts that I remember and stitch them back together             to make a creature that will do what I say or love me back. -- "Litany in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out" By Richard Siken
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difeisheng · 6 months
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肖顺尧:“曾舜晞在的时候,他解开了我的内心,我觉得80%的心。就如果他不在… [对小晞] 如果你不在,可能是另外一个肖顺尧。(…) 在和不在完全是两种状态。”
Xiao Shunyao and Zeng Shunxi, 暑与我们的夏天 2
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3jyou · 17 days
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cherry blossom viewing train
Fanart of The Legend of ZELDA"Spirit Tracks"
This year marks the 15th anniversary of the launch
I still love this game!
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miki-my-love · 7 months
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superkirarabbit · 2 years
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MORIOKA SANSA ODORI Festival 災い転じて福となした夏休み第一弾! 諸事情で3日前に慌てて行き先を岩手県に変更したところ、ラッキーなことに盛岡のさんさ祭り最終日に当たった! このタイミングで夏祭りを普通に楽しめたことが本当に嬉しいし、東北の夏祭りは本当に大好き😍 #盛岡 #岩手 #japan #さんさ踊り #festival #夏祭り #東北五大祭り #sound #fun #活気 #event #踊り #sightseeing #holiday #夏休み #parade #和太鼓 #最終日 #笛 #music #ギネスワールドレコーズ #august #night #fever #老若男女 #nofilter #躍動感 (岩手県庁舎) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChFOPCyvvUg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yubrich · 10 months
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Srajo | Made in Abyss
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mechadeimos · 25 days
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seventh-fantasy · 4 months
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"how about this? if you really wish to pay me back, you better not challenge me to a fight again." "i don't need you to teach me how to repay you." (so i will live on for you)
dihua + debts | 莲花楼 mysterious lotus casebook
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