#尋ねる ( Asks )
jonnyha · 1 year
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#尋 #ヒロ #ひろ #search #seek #fathom #understand . #CallMeChihiro - Worth watching? . #尋ねる #ask #enquire #Netflix #NetflixMovies #映画 #ネットフリックス #ネットフリックス映画 #ちひろさん #ちひろ #ペン習字 #筆ペン #漢字 #書道 #書法 #毛筆 #墨 #習字 #日本文化 #筆文字 #文字 #和文化 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpl473qPQbc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yoga-onion · 7 months
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Buddha to his disciples, mini-series (12)
The Pheasant Firefighter- One of the tales of the Buddha’s previous lives
It’s the story of the pheasant fire extinguisher, one of the oldest jātaka tales in India, are a vast body of literature from India that collects anecdotes about the Buddha's previous lives, mainly in human and animal form. Jataka stories, were depicted on the railings and torans of the stupas.
Once upon a time, a wild fire burnt down a forest. At that time, a pheasant (the previous life of Buddha), who lived in the forest, saw the fire and tried to extinguish it with his own power. The pheasant flew into the water, dipped its feathers in the water and tried to put out the huge fire with drops of water.
However, the fire was too big and the water was too little. The pheasant became tired and feeble from the frequent trips back and forth, but it did not bother him in the slightest. At that moment, the heavenly deity Śakra (Indra: Ref) came and asked the pheasant, “What are you doing?” The pheasant replied, “I am trying to save this forest because I pity sentient beings. This forest is well shaded and suitable for nurturing living beings. Many of my kind and relatives and many more sentient beings all live here as their refuge. I have physical strength. Seeing this fire, how can I be lazy and slothful and not help the forest?”
The Śakra said, “How long do you intend to stay to extinguish the fire?” The pheasant replied, “I intend to stay until I die”. The Śakra said, “Even if thy mind is so, who knows it?” Thereupon the pheasant swore an oath and said, “My heart is supreme sincere. If this belief is not vain, the fire would surely be extinguished."
At this time, the heavenly beings of the Pure Land (the colour world of purity where all desires are renounced), the great aspiration of the pheasant (Bodhisattva = the Buddha), immediately extinguished the fire. From time immemorial to the present, only this forest has always been dense and unburnt by fire.
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ブッダから弟子たちへ、ミニシリーズ (12)
雉(キジ)の火消し 〜 ブッダの前世の物語のひとつ
インドに古くから伝わるジャータカの物語のひとつ「雉の火消し」のお話。ジャータカ(本生譚)とは、インドに伝わる膨大な文献で、主に人間や動物の姿をした釈迦の前世の逸話を集めたものである。ジャータカの物語は、仏塔 (ストゥーパ) の欄干やドアの装飾品 (トーラン) に描かれていた。
昔むかし、山火事で森が焼けた。その時、森に住んでいた一羽の雉 (釈迦の前世) が火を見て、自分の力で消そうとした。雉は水の中に飛び込み、羽を水につけて水滴で大火を消そうとした。
しかし、火は大きすぎ、水は少なすぎた。雉は何度も何度も往復するうちに疲れて弱くなったが、少しも気にしなかった。その時、天上の帝釈天 (シャックラ、インドラ: 参照)がやってきて雉に尋ねた、「汝は何をしているのか?」雉は答えて言った、「私がこの森を救おうとするのは、衆生 (=いきもの) を哀れむからです。この森は木陰が多く、生き物を育むのに適しています。私の多くの種族や親族、さらに多くの衆生が皆ここをより処として生活しています。私には身体の力があります。この火事を見て、怠り、なまけて、森を助けないでおれましょうか。」
このとき、浄居天 (あらゆる欲望が断ち切られた清浄な色彩の世界) の天人たちは、雉 (菩薩=釈迦のこと) の大願を知り、即座にその火を消した。太古の昔から今に至るまで、この森だけは常に鬱蒼としていて、火に焼かれることはない。
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wa-i0101 · 11 months
I get terribly hungry at night during weight loss.
So during my recent late night calls with my boyfriend, I always get intense hunger pangs.
I follow my distorted nature,
"Oh, I'm so hungry..." "I'm so hungry, I feel sick..." " I'm going to make a terrible noise..." " Listen to me..."
I reported to him politely and put the earphone microphone on my stomach,
I made a sound that was probably cracked.
"Oh my God... I made a huge sound... Did you hear it?"
I ask him in a trembling voice, and he always responds with a curt "Yes."
This reply seems to be a strong confrontation with the distortion of my own sexuality, and it's very intense.
It's terribly miserable and awesome...
「あぁお腹空いた...」 「お腹空き過ぎて気持ち悪い..」 「やばいすごい音鳴りそう...聞いてて..」とねちっこいくらいに丁寧に彼に報告し、イヤホンマイクをお腹に押し当て、
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duothelingo · 1 month
-- Junu ootin' stars break the mold It's a cool place and they say it gets colder You're bundled up now but wait till you get older But t he meteor men beg to differ Judging by the hole in the satellite picture The ice we skate is gettin' pretty thin The water's getting warm so you might as well swim My world's on fire How 'bout yours That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored Hey, now, you're an all-star {Shouting} Get your game on, go play Hey, now You're a rock star Get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shootin' stars break the mold {Belches} Go! Go! {Record Scratching} Go. Go.Go. Hey, now, you're an all-star Get your game on, go play Hey, now You're a rock star Get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shootin' stars break the mold -Think it's in there? -All right. Let's get it! -Whoa. Hold on. Do you know what that thing can do to you? -Yeah, ! I'm an orge! You know. "Grab your torch and pitchforks." Doesn't that bother you? -Nope. -Really? -Really, really. -Oh. -Man, I like you. What's you name? -Uh, Shrek. -Shrek? Well, you know what I like about you, Shrek? You got that kind of I-uttons. -All right then. Who's hiding them? -Okay, I'll tell you. Do you know the muffin man? -The muffin man? -The muffin man. -Yes, I know the muffin man, who lives on Drury Lane? -Well, she's married to the muffin man. -The muffin man? -The muffin man! -She's married to the muffin man. {Door opens} -My lord! We found it. -Then what are you waiting for? Bring it in. {Man grunting} {Gasping} -Oh! -Magic mirror - - -Don't tell him a \ adas And getting caught in the rain -Princess Fiona. If you're not into yoga -She's perfect. All I have to do is just find someone who can go - - -But I probably should mention the little thing that happens at night. -I'll do it. -Yes, but after sunset - - -Silence! I will make this Princess Fiona my queen, and DuLoc will finally have the perfect king! Captain, assemble your finest men. We're going to have a tournament. -But that's it. That's it right there. That's DuLoc. I told ya I'd find it. -So, that must be Lord Farquaad's castle. -Uh-huh. \
Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that's how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!). I'm not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he's a major fucking hottie. I'm a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I'm also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I'm in the seventh year (I'm seventeen). I'm a goth (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
"Hey Ebony!" shouted a voice. I looked up. It was... Draco Malfoy!
"What's up Draco?" I asked.
"Nothing." he said shyly.
But then, I heard my friends call me and I had to go away.
次の日、私は寝室で目覚めました。雪が降ってまた雨が降ってきました。私は棺の扉を開け、持っていた瓶から血を飲みました。私の棺は黒い黒檀で、中には端に黒いレースが付いたホットピンクのベルベットがありました。私は棺から出て、パジャマとして使っていた巨大なMCR Tシャツを脱ぎました。代わりに、私は黒い革のドレスを着て、五芒星のネックレス、コンバットブーツ、そして黒い網タイツを着ました。ピアスを4つつけ、髪をボサボサお団子のような形にまとめました。
私の友人のウィロー (AN: レイヴンはあなたです!) が目を覚まし、私に笑いました。彼女は腰まで届く長い漆黒の黒髪をピンクの縞模様で翻し、森のような緑色の目を開いた。彼女はマリリン・マンソンのTシャツを着て、黒のミニパンツを着て、網タイツを履いて、とがったハイヒールのブーツを履いていた。私たちは化粧をします(黒の口紅、白のファンデーション、黒のアイライナー)。
「ええ? それで?」私は顔を赤らめながら言いました。
fun fact i got a strike on my twitch for reading this during a stream. i got to chapter 20 something and i like to think that a member of twitch staff had to suffer through it.
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bamdynewparadise · 6 months
Can I hug ferocious garrett?
もちろん、あなたが望むなら、あなたはオリジナルのギャレットを抱きしめることができます!!サーシャ、あなたが尋ねてくれてうれしいです、ところで (Of course, you can hug original garrett if you want!!! Sasha, im glad you asked, by the ways😊)
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第2章 :
日本の考古学者の皆さん、哲学的観点から見た新しい日本考古学へようこそ。 — 前の章で、特定のトピック、歴史、考古学、人類学につい���質問されるとき、たとえば「私たちの先祖は誰ですか?」とコメントしました。 そして彼らはどうやって X 場所にたどり着いたのでしょうか? 考古学自体が 19 世紀末の 1877 年に登場したとき、1884 年に人類学研究所が、1895 年に日本考古学協会が誕生したことについて触れます。 - 19 世紀の人なら、「私は誰ですか、どこから来たのですか?」と尋ねるでしょう。 ドイツ語、中国語、ノルウェー語、日本語などを尋ねることができます。 この種の質問は今日に至るまで答えられていません。 歴史学と考古学はそれらに答えを与えておらず、今日の他の分野でさえさらに多くのことを知っていますが、道のりはまだ長いです。 19世紀の日本、特にその終わり頃は、自分たちの起源を知りませんでした。 1980 年代の日本の科学者なら誰でも、最初の日本人入植者は誰だったのか疑問に思うでしょう。 ここに定住するきっかけは何ですか? 現在、最初の入植者は約 3 万年前に到着したことが知られていますが、彼らだけだったのでしょうか? この諸島には、海面が現在より 120 倍も低かったため、中国と朝鮮の半島を北と南から通ってやって来た最初の入植者がいたことが知られています。 日本人は非常に古い本を 2 冊持っていることが知られており、1 冊は西暦 711 年、もう 1 冊は西暦 722 年のものです。 最初の書紀は古事記と呼ばれ、二番目の日本書紀は、神 (カミスと呼ばれる) による西暦 660 年からの日本の建国について語っています。この日本の神聖な起源の概念は、第二次世界大戦 (第二次世界大戦) まで続きます。 これら 2 冊の本は、ヨーロッパではギリシャとローマに遡る最古の本に相当します。 - 気に入っていただければ幸いです。今後の投稿でお会いしましょう。良い一週間をお過ごしください。
Episode 2:
Welcome, Japanesearchaeologicalists, to a new installment of Japanese archaeology, seen from a philosophical point of view. Having said that, get comfortable and let's begin.
In the previous chapter, we commented that when we are asked questions about certain topics, history, archeology and anthropology, for example: Who were our ancestors? And how did they get to X place? We mention, when archeology itself emerged at the end of the 19th century, 1877, the origin of the anthropology laboratory in 1884 and in 1895 the Japanese archeology society.
A person from the 19th century would ask: Who am I, where do I come from? We could ask a: German, Chinese, Norwegian, Japanese, etc. These types of questions remain unanswered to this day. History and archeology have not given them an answer, even other disciplines today know much more, but there is still a long way to go. Japan during the 19th century, especially the end of that period, did not know its own origin. Any Japanese scientist in the 1980s would wonder who were the first Japanese settlers? What led you to settle here? Currently, it is known that the first settlers arrived about 30,000 years ago. Were they the only ones? It is known that the archipelago was inhabited by other inhabitants who were the first settlers. They arrived through the peninsula of China and Korea, both from the north and the south, since the sea level was 120 times lower than today. It is known that the Japanese have two very old books, one dates from 711 and the other from 722 AD. The first is called Kojiki and the second Nihonshoki, the Kojiki tells of the founding of Japan from the year 660 AD by the gods (called kamis), this concept of the divine origin of Japan would last until World War II (2ww). These two books would be the equivalent in Europe of the oldest dating back to Greece and Rome.
I hope you liked it and see you in future posts, have a good week.
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shinsengumi-archives · 11 months
Nagakura Shinpachi's letter to Sato Hikogoro in 1891
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[Full-sized image]
Dear Sir, I understand the details of your letter. As I am about to leave for my hometown, I have a letter from Matsumoto-sensei for you, but I will not be able to see you for a while. As requested, I will send you the letter from him. Tomorrow on the 27th, I will pass through Kyoto and Osaka to visit the temples. I will inquire about Kondo-sensei's head and the graves of comrades, and I will go to Taniai and Miyagawa to make inquiries. I would also like to ask for your kind cooperation. I hope you will make every effort to collect all the information you can by the end of July, and I will return to Tokyo in late April to see you. I offer my deepest sympathies to you. March 26 Signed, Sugimura Yoshie [T/N: Nagakura Shinpachi’s alternate name] Sato Toshimasa-san [T/N: Sato Hikogoro’s alternate name] Please take care of yourself at this time and in the meantime, I would like to extend my best wishes to the Miyagawa, Kasuya, and Hijikata families and, last but not least, to your family.
Original Text
拝啓陳ぶれば御書翰 の趣き巨細承知仕り候 小生義御地へ罷り出ずるに付き 松本先生より貴殿ヘ 一書を呈し候らえども仰せに任せ 暫時見合わせ候間 右松本先生御手紙 差し送らせ御落手 下さるべく候時に明廿七日 京大坂へまかり越し候寺々 近藤先生首級は尋ね 取り調べ申すべし同志墓も 取り調べ参り候谷合宮川 へ小生より別段申さず候 猶亦宜敷く願い上げたてまつり候 精々七月頃迄に是非とも 御取り集め御尽力 願い上げ奉り候いづれ四月下旬 には帰京余は拝眉を得 万申し述ぶべく候也  三月廿六日     杉村義衛拝印  佐藤俊正様       貴下   尚々時候如何御大切 願い申し候御序での砌宮川 粕谷土方へも宜敷く 且つ末ながら御家内中様 へ宜敷く願い上げ奉り候
Addressed to: Sato Toshimasa (Hikogoro)
Date of creation: March 26, 1891
Dimensions: 14cm x 58cm
Current location: Sato Hikogoro Shinsengumi Museum
It’s written that he plans to go to Kyoto tomorrow to search for the burial place of Kondo Isami's head and the graves of his comrades. Since the fall of 1890, Nagakura had been scrambling to raise funds from related people for the 23rd anniversary of the deaths of Kondo Isami and Hijikata Toshizo, and to repair the memorial tombs of Shinsengumi members (currently located in front of JR Itabashi Station).
In 1868, Kondo Isami, leader of the Shinsengumi, was jailed for twenty days at Itabashi, and beheaded at the execution grounds. A memorial to him stands at the east (Takino-gawa) exit of Itabashi Station. On the right side are engraved the names of forty Shinsengumi people who died in war, and on the left, the names of 64 who died of disease, seppuku, or other causes. To the left of the memorial is a Buddha statue dedicated to people who died without relatives to care for their graves, and to the right, the graves of Kondō and Nagakura Shinpachi, who is said to have erected the memorial. There is also a stone for Hijikata Toshizō, who died in battle at Goryōkaku.
The memorial was built by Nagakura Shinpachi, who we have largely to thank for writing detailed memoirs and accounts of the Shinsengumi and their actions, in 1876.  Although some have named this as the Shinsengumi Grave, this is incorrect.  Despite the fact that Kondou Isami met his end in Itabashi, he is not buried here.  His head was sent to Kyoto and his body to Mitaka. The only actual grave that is located inside the memorial grounds is that of Nagakura Shinpachi. To the left you can see a stone tablet honoring Kondou Isami, as well as the grave of Nagakura Shinpachi himself.  At the center is a monument dedicated to both Kondou Isami and Hijikata Toshizou.
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To the right is a large stone tablet engraved with more than 100 names of Shinsengumi men who had died in the years leading up to and immediately following the Meiji Restoration in the Boshin Wars. The very first two names are Kondou Isami and Hijikata Toshizou.
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Although the memorial is well-kept and clean, it’s not well-marked. All of the locals however seem to know where it is, so if you ask you’re sure to be able to find it. There are no English explanations, and the place is not very big, but it does have a certain atmosphere appropriate for a memorial site. I would recommend going only if you’re a diehard fan of the Shinsengumi though (like me). Located near the East Exit of JR Itabashi Station
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endekashi · 3 months
Surprisingly, it's not bad.
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It has been snowing for a while. Just a little bit. I wonder if even that little bit feels good. Let's go take a look.
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Today's guests are a couple from Sweden who came the day before yesterday. After the perfect sunny weather the other day, today's mountain weather was winter for the first time in a long time. They are quite impressed by the scenery, so I wanted to show them the view.
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As I was climbing up the mountain, the sun was shining! How good are these people in general?
Oh, I'm not dissing the gas lady and the rain lady.
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Thanks to this, we were able to show them a view like this. They were happy that they could not see such a sea of clouds because there are no high mountains in Sweden.
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It's like Laputa! I asked her if Ghibli was famous there as well, and she said she especially liked Spirited Away. I would like you to see their new film,” The Boy and the Heron” It's a weird movie. It's not for people who don't like it, but I really enjoyed it.
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We walked slowly and happily for about an hour, chatting and laughing. We arrived at the drop point.
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Want some? Oh, Alfort. You know it. Foreigners, you should check out these Bourbon-made snacks, because they are reliable. I also recommend the Lumonde.
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Let's go there, then.
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It is not bad looking with a little fresh snow on it.
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The substrate is hard when you ski on it.
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Well, not bad.
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She said she was not used to tree runs, so here are the open slopes.
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He came down with great vigor, saying Hooooo!!!
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It's clear where we are skiing, while it's cloudy in the other areas. Lucky!
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The lower the elevation, the softer the substrate, the wider the tree spacing, and the gentler the slope, the more she seemed to enjoy it.
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And him, of course.
Here, that was nice. Do you want to climb back up and go for another one? I'd love to!
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While climbing back up, the plant biologist was intrigued by the beech.
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Wow. Amazing patterns. Beautiful.
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Look at this moss. I've never seen anything like this. Take a picture.
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Certainly the pattern of the beech is interesting.
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By the time we skied the second run, it was foggy. Well, it's a forest, so it's not a problem.
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As we skied further down, the substrate became even softer and the snow was heavy but fun.
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After the customary river crossing
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handles pump tracks made by snowmobilers.
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Safe descent!
The conditions were not bad at all! Good vibes as usual and we enjoyed it too!
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We finished a little early, so We went to eat ramen. Even though it was a weekday, all the restaurants were so crowded that I almost became a refugee from lunch, as they say. The ramen I finally ate was delicious.
Thank you for your hard work for two days!
Enjoy the rest of your trip!
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anianimals-moe · 8 months
Cat from Hetalia World★Stars OVA
Today's AniAnimal is this white cat on Nero's head from "Hetalia World★Stars OVA". Lots of tourists asked Belgium where Nello was, and she thought they were looking for (Emperor) Nero. 今日のアニアニマルは『ヘタリア World★Stars 初収録新作エピソード OVA』のネロの頭の上の白猫です。観光客がよくベルギーにネロはどこにいるのか尋ねたが、彼女は(皇帝)ネロを探しているのだと思った。
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hiro-doodlez · 9 months
Similar to my last post about Spanish or Portuguese , this is how to tell the difference between chinese and Japanese, because of just how similar they look! (Keep in mind I'm only studying Japanese and don't know ANY Chinese, so some of this may be off! SORRYYY!!!)
One of the big things that makes Japanese and Chinese writing so similar is that Japanese takes many words from Chinese and puts them into in the Kanji writing system, which has over 50,000 separate characters, although the average native japanese speaker knows between 1500 and 2500. Along with hiragana, which is used for words in/from Japan. Then theres katakana which is used for foreign words, (like names and foods) and each writing system is used interchangeably and can be mixed up even in the same sentence! (Its REALLY confusing)
In Japanese too (but not for foreign words) each word can have 1 or 2 translations, either in hiragana or kanji. All Kanji does to a word is turns it into a more complicated, but more comprehensive version to make it more recognizable and faster to read. (SO CONFUSING)
For example, the word for cat in hiragana is ねこ, (pronounced Ne-ko) while in kanji it would be 猫 (also pronounced Ne-ko!). They're pronounced the exact same, but written differently.
a good example of this would be numbers! The translation to japanese would be either いち (hiragana) or 一 (kanji) both the hiragana and kanji pronunciation would be the same, which would be I-chi. In chinese, one would also be 一, but pronounced Yī this time! same writing, different pronunciations!
Although, not all Japanese words have Kanji set to them. So to fill in the gaps, they have to use the other writing systems like Katakana and Hiragana. Every sentence can be written multiple ways!
So, lets say I wanted to translate "My brother Oliver is from the united states" into both Japanese and Chinese. In japanese, words like oliver and United states would be translated into katakana since they are foreign words. while in chinese they would find the closest character to match the sound.
In japanese, quotation marks are represented with 「 and 」 , while in chinese its still " and "!
Keep in mind that compared to kanji, katakana and hiragana are much simpler!
(im taking these translations from google so take the writing with a grain of salt!!)
so, in katakana, oliver = オリバー and united states = アメリカ . these translations basically sound out the words, so if you were saying it it would sound pretty close to english! (O-ri-ba, and a-me-ri-ka)
the direct translation to japanese would be 私の弟のオリバーはアメリカ出身です. pay attention to the complexity of each symbol and now look over at the chinese translation, which would be 我的兄弟奥利弗来自美国. the characters are MUCH more complicated! To make up for that, sentences in japanese are more likely to be longer length wise because of the breaking up of the words (but not always!)
So, lets try with a couple more examples! make sure to be looking at the characters and the complexity of each of them!
Sentence: I need to go to the convenience store Japanese: コンビニに行かなければなりません Chinese: 我要去便利店
Sentence: Which curtain should we get? Japanese:どのカーテンを買おうか? Chinese: 我们应该买哪种窗帘?
Sentence: Can I get another chip? Japanese: 別のチップを入手できますか? Chinese:我可以再买一个芯片吗?
Sentence: I was responsible for what happened to John F. Kennedy Japanese: ジョン・F・ケネディに起こったことの責任は私にあった Chinese: 我对约翰·F·肯尼迪的遭遇负有责任
Sentence: I like to play video games in my free time Japanese: 私は自由時間にビデオゲームをするのが好きです Chinese: 我喜欢在空闲时间玩电子游戏
Sentence: He asked me, "Can I pet that cat over there?" Japanese: 彼は私に「あそこの猫を撫でてもいいですか?」と尋ねました。 Chinese: 他问我:“我可以摸摸那边的猫吗?”
Many things i have said in this could be wrong, so feel free to correct me! I just am tired of people mixing up these languages and these are some of the things that I have learned (other than knowing some japanese lmfao) have fun in whatever you choose to do with this!!
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kennak · 9 days
株式を伴うスタートアップの仕事のオファーを受け入れる前に、必ず企業に次のことを尋ねてください。 - 権利行使価格 - 最終優先株価(投資家が支払った価格) - 株式の総数 - 清算設定 これにより、あなたが所有する会社の割合を計算し、その価値を計算することができます
XユーザーのAnkur Nagpal (hiring engineer + marketer in NYC)さん: 「Before accepting a startup job offer with equity, make sure you ask the company for: - Strike price - Last preferred share price (price investors paid) - Total number of shares - Liquidation preferences This will allow you to calculate the % of the company you own & value it」 / X
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yoga-onion · 2 years
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The Quest for Buddhism (97)
An anecdote about Sakura (Indra: Ref), living on the peak of Mt Meru
Buddha told his disciples this:
"Long ago, there was a battle between Sakra and King Asura, and the defeated King Asura was brought to Sakra's palace. However, King Asura abused Sakra violently, which Sakra listened in silence. One of his retainers asked Sakra: 'Are you afraid of King Asura?' Sakra replied, 'When an opponent gets angry like this, I think the best way to calm a foolish person is to remain calm and quiet’.” (Samyuttha Nikaya 11.1)
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仏教の探求 (97)
須弥山の山頂に住む帝釈天 (インドラ: 参照)の逸話
「昔、帝釈天と阿修羅が戦闘をし、負けた阿修羅王が帝釈天の宮殿に連れてこられた。ところが、阿修羅王は帝釈天を激しく罵り、それを帝釈天が黙って聞いている。家来が帝釈天に、『阿修羅王が怖いのですか?』と尋ねると、帝釈天はこう言った。『私はこう思う。他人が怒っているときに、気を落ち着けて、静かにしているのが、愚かな人間を静止する最上の方法なのだ』と」(相応部経典 (サンユッタ・ニカーヤ) 11・1)
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Bracket 1 Side B
The History of Wrong Guys - Kinky Boots Musical
"But I've been here before Have I come back for more? Another chapter in the history of wrong guys Yesterday no spark No heart-aching allure But today I'm feeling Something I just can't ignore"
Order Made ([blank]'s Order Made) - RADWIMPS
(Original lyrics and translation provided by lyricstranslate)
"きっと僕は尋ねられたんだろう 生まれる前 どこかの誰かに 「未来と過去 どちらか一つを 見れるようにしてあげるからさ どっちがいい?」"
(English Lyrics:)
"Surely before I was born, I was asked by someone, somewhere, “The past or the future - I’ll let you see one of them, So which one do you want?”"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
The History of Wrong Guys - Kinky Boots Musical
No Written Propaganda Submitted
Animatics with the song:
Ace Attorney
Lams Animatic
BNHA Tododeku Animatic
The Arcana Julian x MC Animatic
Be More Chill
Order Made ([blank]'s Order Made) - RADWIMPS
No Propaganda Submitted
Animatics with the song:
Genshin Impact
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure JotaKak Animatic
Hypnosis Mic Ichiro Animatic
Karmaland Luzuplay Animatic
Hololive Council
Please be cautious and read the title, description and warning cards on the animatic videos if you decide to watch them. If you've got specific triggers I'd recommend even more caution when watching animatics of fandoms you don't know, since sometimes canon-typical themes don't get warnings.
Please keep in mind that I don't know all the media and fandoms of the animatics provided as examples and I don't have the time (nor the will) to research them all. Don't come into my notes or my ask box complaining about them being included, I will simply block you. If a ship animatic included is about an adult and a minor, do tell me and I'll take it out of the post
ALSO keep in mind that I don't know all the artists submitted; in fact, even if I do know them I do not know absolutely nothing about them as people (I do not have twitter nor tiktok) and I could not POSSIBLY have the time to research ALL of the artists' controversies and what came of them so PLEASE don't flood my inbox with the artists' entire crime list.
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reportsofawartime · 2 months
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JEFFREY SACHS: "We are seeing a massacre in front of our eyes—it is absolutely inhumane; it is absolutely war crimes; it is arguably, I personally think, likely genocidal according to the legal standards of the 1948 Genocide Convention. And so, all of this is shocking to me—that this does go on day by day in full view. We haven't had genocides captured by video feed day by day. We have IDF forces standing with their thumbs up as they blow up universities, mosques, hospitals, and apartment buildings—it's unbelievable. We have members of the Israeli cabinet preaching hate. We've seen these religious nationalist extremist rabbis talk about killing all the people in Gaza. 'And do you mean the children?' the Rabbi is asked. 'Yes, the children. They can grow up to be terrorists.' We're seeing things that are absolutely unconscionable, and we need Israeli leaders and intellectuals to stand up and say that is not acceptable for our country and our society. And we're not seeing it, but we need to see that. This is the first point on the scale. Well, there's no limit to what's possible because there are hundreds of thousands of people who are profoundly undernourished right now. Food rations have been to a minimum, or not rations. Actually, we have seen emaciated children come to the remaining hospitals and die. We see people swarming the food relief and then being killed. We see people being killed by the inanity of America dropping food packages and killing people underneath by the weight of these packages falling to the Earth rather than the decency of opening up a supply line for food, fuel, water, which is absolutely a necessity under the conventions of war that Israel plainly violates day by day, and the US remains complicit. So, the scale—if Israel attacks Rafah, where it has pushed the people of Gaza into an unbelievable concentration of people in the South, saying, 'That's where you're safe,' and then starts an incursion into Rafah, God knows how many more thousands, tens of thousands will die if there's no aid relief. Heaven knows what's going to happen. And so, this isn't something that we should be pondering as an intellectual or forecasting exercise; it's something that should end today, and it could end today. It could end by the United States government saying, 'We are not providing the munitions for slaughter, period.' That would end it. Israel cannot do this one day without the United States. But all the hand-wringing, all the complaining, all these supposed statements by Biden—that Netanyahu is an asshole, and I'm quoting him, I'm not making that statement, I'm quoting what has been in the papers—that's meaningless if we continue to provide the munitions. And we have the statements by Biden and Blinken that there are no red lines for Israel. It's meaningless. So, it's really amazing to me. I travel all over the world. I'm talking to leaders all over the world. People are stunned at this continuing in this way, day by day. They don't understand what's happened to the United States of America. Israel—they don't like what they see, but the United States of America, they don't understand."
ジェフリー・サックス: 「私たちは目の前で大虐殺を見ています。それはまったく非人道的であり、完全に戦争犯罪です。おそらく、1948年の虐殺条約の法的基準によれば、おそらく大量虐殺であると私は個人的に考えています。 したがって、これらすべてが私にとって衝撃的です。これが丸見えで毎日続いているということです。 毎日ビデオフィードに大量虐殺が記録されているわけではありません。 大学、モスク、病院、アパートの建物を爆破する際、親指を立てて立っているイスラエル国防軍部隊がいます。信じられないことです。 憎しみを説くイスラエル閣僚がいる。 私たちは、これら宗教国家主義の過激派ラビたちが、ガザのすべての人々を殺害することについて話しているのを見てきました。 「それで、それは子供たちのことですか?」ラビは尋ねます。 「はい、子供たちです。彼らは成長してテロリストになる可能性がある。」 私たちはまったく非良心的な事態を目の当たりにしており、イスラエルの指導者や知識人が立ち上がって、それは我が国と社会にとって容認できないことだと主張する必要がある。 私たちはそれを見ていませんが、それを見る必要があります。 これがスケール上の最初のポイントです。 現在、何十万人もの人々が深刻な栄養不足に陥っているため、できることには制限がありません。 食料の配給は最小限に抑えられているか、配給されていない。実際、私たちはやせ細った子供たちが残りの病院に来て亡くなっていくのを見てきました。 人々が食糧支援に群がり、その後殺される様子を私たちは目にしています。 アメリカの狂気によって人々が殺され、食料、燃料、水の供給ラインを開くという良識よりもむしろ、食料のパッケージを落としたり、地球に落ちてきたそのパッケージの重みで下敷きになった人々が殺されたりしているのを我々は目にしている。イスラエルは日々明らかに違反している戦争慣習に米国は加担し続けている。 それで、その規模――イスラエルがガザ住民を南部の信じられないほど集中させたラファを攻撃し、「そこが安全だ」と言いながらラファへの侵攻を開始するとしたら、どうなるかは神のみぞ知るだ。救援がなければ、さらに何千人、何万人が亡くなるでしょう。 何が起こるかは天が知っています。 したがって、これは知的または予測の練習として熟考すべきことではありません。それは今日終わるべきものだし、今日終わるかもしれない。 米国政府が「我々は屠殺用の弾薬を提供しているわけではない」と言うことで終わる可能性もある。 それで終わりだ。 イスラエルは米国なしではいつかこれを実現することはできない。 しかし、あらゆる手を絞り、あらゆる苦情を述べ、バイデンによると思われる発言すべて――ネタニヤフはクソ野郎だ、そして私は彼の言葉を引用しているが、私はその発言をしているのではなく、新聞に載ったことを引用している――弾薬を提供し続けたら意味がありません。 そして、イスラエルにとって越えてはならない一線はないというバイデン氏とブリンケン氏の声明もある。 それは無意味です。 ですから、それは私にとって本当に驚くべきことです。私は世界中を旅しています。私は世界中の指導者たちと話しています。このようなことが毎日続いていることに人々は唖然としています。 彼らはアメリカ合衆国に何が起こったのか理解していません。 イスラエル、彼らは自分たちが見ているものが気に入らないが、アメリカ合衆国は理解していない。」
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redux-pain · 9 months
chapter 12: Waking
昨夜話した如月署にフォートの者を 派遣する件だけど、
所長が人脈を動かしてくれたので、 思ったよりも早く片付いたわ。
Good work, yesterday.
About sending someone to the Kisaragi Police,
The chief set it up so it was faster than expected.
[NOLA:] Good work yesterday.
Last night I mentioned sending someone into the Kisaragi Police...
The chief used some personal connections, so it happened faster than expected.
予定では、今日の夕方にでも担当者が そちらに到着すると思う。
担当者から連絡が入ったら、 伝えるから警察署に向かってね。
They should get there some- time this evening.
When we get contact, you go to the police station..
[NOLA:] Our contact should get there sometime this evening.
I'll let you know when they get in touch so you can head right for the police station.
それとリュウ・イーが捕獲した 星野クニオのことだけど、
彼はピークスに搬送されて、 こちらに送ってもらうことにしたわ。
And about Kunio Hoshino, who Liu Yee took down,
He’s in Picus’ hands. Picus will bring him here.
[NOLA:] And about that Hoshino Kunio that Liu Yee captured...
Picus is bringing him to us.
大和の件もあるし、こっちでも、 もう少し詳しく調べてみたいから。
それじゃ、今日は久しぶりに ゆっくりしてみたら?
We want to ask him some things about Yamato.
Why don’t you take a long- deserved rest today?
[NOLA:] We'd like to ask him about Yamato in a little more detail.
So why don't you take a rest for once today?
それに、もし田中って男が我々の 追っているターゲットだったら、
A big case has been solved and all.
Also, if that Tanaka guy is our target, 
then it’s mission accomplished.
[NOLA:] The case is mostly solved now.
And if that Tanaka guy is the target we've been searching for...
Then your job is wrapped up. Well, goodbye.
誰か尋ねてきたようだ。 ドア窓から覗くと 神代ナミだった。 アツキはドアを開けた。
Someone’s at the door. Atsuki looks out the hole and sees Nami Kamishiro. He opens the door.
/Someone had come to the door. Looking out through the hole, Atsuki saw Kamishiro Nami. He opened the door./
[NAMI enters]
ああ、いいけど。 どうしたの?
Can I come in!?
Sure. What can I do  for you?
[NAMI:] Hello!
Can I come in?
[ATSUKI:] Yeah, sure. What is it?
昨日の御礼と、話したいことが あって来ました。
メロディは、汚しちゃだめだから、 入り口で待っているって。
I wnat to thank you for, and talk about yesterday.
Melody said she’ll wait outside at the front door.
[NAMI:] I wanted to talk about what happened yesterday. And say thank you.
[MELODY barks]
[NAMI:] Melody said she'll wait outside so she doesn't get anything dirty.
お兄ちゃんがいなかったら、 悪い奴の思い通りになっていた。
Thank you for yesterday.
I owe everything to you.
If you weren’t there, we would’ve been done for...
[NAMI:] Thank you for yesterday.
It's all thanks to you.
If you hadn't been there, the bad guy would've won.
私やメロディだって、 殺されていたと思うんです。
あの刑事は、みんな殺してしまう つもりだったって。
I think Melody & I both would’ve been killed.
That cop was gonna kill everyone.
[NAMI:] I think Melody and I would've been killed.
That cop was planning to kill everyone.
Melody says so too.
Thank you so much.
[NAMI:] Melody agrees with me.
Thank you so much.
いままでもたくさんの場所で、 昨日みたいに人を助けて来たんでしょ?
私、最初に会った夜から、 気づいていたんです。
You’ve helped lots of other people before, haven’t you?
I knew when we met for the first time that night.
[NAMI:] You've been to a lot of different places, haven't you? Helping people just like you did yesterday.
I could tell the moment we met that night.
『あっ、神様がナミの願いを 聞いてくれた』って思った。
私、昔から信じていたの。 きっとみんなが困った時には、
きっと動物みたいに黄金の魂を 持った人がやって来るって!
”Wow, God has answered my prayers!,” I thought.
I’ve always believed that when we’re all in trouble,
someone with a pure, gold soul would come to help!
[NAMI:] I thought, "Wow, God answered my prayers."
I've always believed that when we're all in trouble...
Someone would come to help. Someone with a golden soul like an animal has.
その人は人間であって人間でなく、 特別な力を持ったスーパーマン!
みんなを救って、いつかは どこかに去っていく。
He’d be a human but not a human, like Superman!
He’d save us all, then one day he’d leave.
[NAMI:] A human, but not a human. A Superman with special powers!
He'd save us all, and then vanish somewhere.
だから、いつかはお兄ちゃんも 居なくなるんでしょ?
That was you.
So you’re going to leave someday, right?
[NAMI:] And that was you.
So that means you're gonna leave someday, right?
だから居なくなる前に、 御礼を言っておかなきゃって。
So I wanted to thank you before you disappeared.
I came with Melody.
[NAMI:] That's why I wanted to come thank you before you disappeared.
I came here with Melody.
だけど、ほんとうはどこにも 行って欲しくないんだけど、
We don’t really want you to go anywhere, but
that can’t be helped, huh?
[NAMI:] We don't want you to leave, of course...
...but you have to...
ずっと、この街に居てくれたら、 すごく嬉しいんだけど。
We wish you’d stay in this town with us forever...
But that’s impossible, right?
[NAMI:] I'd be so happy if you could stay in this town forever.
It's impossible, though... right?
ナミの瞳が真っ直ぐに アツキに注がれている。
Nami looks Atsuki straight in the eyes.
Atsuki couldn’t answer.
/Nami gazed straight into Atsuki's eyes.
Atsuki couldn't answer./
うそです、ごめんなさい。 困らせるようなこと言って。
そんなの無理なの知ってます。 だって街の動物みんな知ってるもの。
Just kidding, sorry. I don’t wanna trouble you.
I understand you can’t do that. All the animals know.
[NAMI:] Just kidding. Sorry. I don't wanna make trouble for you.
I know you can't do that. All the animals in town know about it.
お兄ちゃんは悪い奴と戦う、 特殊な職業の人たちだって。
You fight the bad guys, and you have a special job!
OK, sorry to bother you.
”Let’s go, Melody!”
[NAMI:] You have a special job fighting bad guys.
Well, sorry to bother you.
[NAMI, offscreen:] "Let's go, Melody!"
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violettranslations · 7 months
Love Atomic Transfer (ラブアトミック・トランスファー)
ねぇ、僕の声が聞こえるなら ちゃんとこっちを見て返事をしてよ すぐに君が顔を背けるのは 僕の事を嫌いだからなのかい? Come on, if you can hear my voice, be sure to look me in the eyes when you respond. Is it that you're always so quick to look away from me because you hate me? 違うだろ、君はいつでもそうだ 本当の自分を僕には見せない 「欲しい?」と聞けば「い��ない」と言うし 「教えて?」と聞けば「知らない」と言う No, that can't be it; you're always like that. You never let me see your true self. Whenever I ask you, "do you want some?" you reply, "no, I don't," and whenever I ask you, "won't you tell me about it?" you reply, "don't bother." それでもずっと一緒にいたら 少しぐらい理解できるのかな? 時間が掛かっても 君の素直な目を見たいから If we were always together, would you, despite all that, be able to understand me just a little bit better? I want to spend all my time gazing into your steadfast eyes. 全ての原子が引き合うように 僕の心も君に近づくよ どこにいてもいつの間にか すぐそばに移動してるの As if every atom of my being feels the pull, my heart draws ever closer to you. Wherever you may be, before I realize it I find myself moving right to your side. 僕と君の間に働く 不思議な力に名前をつけたら うまく言葉じゃ表せないけど あえて言うならそれは… I can't convey it well with words, but if I were to put a name to this mysterious force at play between us, then I might even be so bold as to call it... あぁ、やっぱり言うのはやめておこう 君が尋ねるまでしまっておこう 辛くて苦しくて泣きそうでも 優しく伝えてあげられるように Agh, yeah, I'd better not say it. Even if keeping quiet breaks my heart, tears me apart, and puts me on the verge of tears, I'll set it aside until you ask about it so that I'll be able to tell you gently when the time comes. どうしたら良いか分からなければ 何もかも壊して捨ててしまえ それで僕と君が 向き合えるのなら構わない If you ever find yourself at a loss for what to do, then just destroy everything you've got and leave it all behind. If that's what it'll take to bring the two of us together, I don't mind at all. 僕にとっては好きか嫌いか ただそれだけで十分なのに 何故か気になってしまうよ 今君はどうしてるの? In my world, deciding whether I love something or hate it is as much as I bother to care, but for some reason, I've developed an interest in you. Whatever are you up to now? 全ての原子が引き合うように 僕の心も君に近づくよ どこにいてもいつの間にか すぐそばに移動してるの As if every atom of my being feels the pull, my heart draws ever closer to you. Wherever you may be, before I realize it I find myself moving right to your side. 僕にとっては好きか嫌いか ただそれだけで十分だけど 一つだけ例外が存在してる 君の事だよ In my world, deciding whether I love something or hate it is as much as I bother to care, but one sole exception exists. That exception is you.
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