Nagakura Shinpachi's letter to Sato Hikogoro in 1891
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Dear Sir, I understand the details of your letter. As I am about to leave for my hometown, I have a letter from Matsumoto-sensei for you, but I will not be able to see you for a while. As requested, I will send you the letter from him. Tomorrow on the 27th, I will pass through Kyoto and Osaka to visit the temples. I will inquire about Kondo-sensei's head and the graves of comrades, and I will go to Taniai and Miyagawa to make inquiries. I would also like to ask for your kind cooperation. I hope you will make every effort to collect all the information you can by the end of July, and I will return to Tokyo in late April to see you. I offer my deepest sympathies to you. March 26 Signed, Sugimura Yoshie [T/N: Nagakura Shinpachi’s alternate name] Sato Toshimasa-san [T/N: Sato Hikogoro’s alternate name] Please take care of yourself at this time and in the meantime, I would like to extend my best wishes to the Miyagawa, Kasuya, and Hijikata families and, last but not least, to your family.
Original Text
拝啓陳ぶれば御書翰 の趣き巨細承知仕り候 小生義御地へ罷り出ずるに付き 松本先生より貴殿ヘ 一書を呈し候らえども仰せに任せ 暫時見合わせ候間 右松本先生御手紙 差し送らせ御落手 下さるべく候時に明廿七日 京大坂へまかり越し候寺々 近藤先生首級は尋ね 取り調べ申すべし同志墓も 取り調べ参り候谷合宮川 へ小生より別段申さず候 猶亦宜敷く願い上げたてまつり候 精々七月頃迄に是非とも 御取り集め御尽力 願い上げ奉り候いづれ四月下旬 には帰京余は拝眉を得 万申し述ぶべく候也  三月廿六日     杉村義衛拝印  佐藤俊正様       貴下   尚々時候如何御大切 願い申し候御序での砌宮川 粕谷土方へも宜敷く 且つ末ながら御家内中様 へ宜敷く願い上げ奉り候
Addressed to: Sato Toshimasa (Hikogoro)
Date of creation: March 26, 1891
Dimensions: 14cm x 58cm
Current location: Sato Hikogoro Shinsengumi Museum
It’s written that he plans to go to Kyoto tomorrow to search for the burial place of Kondo Isami's head and the graves of his comrades. Since the fall of 1890, Nagakura had been scrambling to raise funds from related people for the 23rd anniversary of the deaths of Kondo Isami and Hijikata Toshizo, and to repair the memorial tombs of Shinsengumi members (currently located in front of JR Itabashi Station).
In 1868, Kondo Isami, leader of the Shinsengumi, was jailed for twenty days at Itabashi, and beheaded at the execution grounds. A memorial to him stands at the east (Takino-gawa) exit of Itabashi Station. On the right side are engraved the names of forty Shinsengumi people who died in war, and on the left, the names of 64 who died of disease, seppuku, or other causes. To the left of the memorial is a Buddha statue dedicated to people who died without relatives to care for their graves, and to the right, the graves of Kondō and Nagakura Shinpachi, who is said to have erected the memorial. There is also a stone for Hijikata Toshizō, who died in battle at Goryōkaku.
The memorial was built by Nagakura Shinpachi, who we have largely to thank for writing detailed memoirs and accounts of the Shinsengumi and their actions, in 1876.  Although some have named this as the Shinsengumi Grave, this is incorrect.  Despite the fact that Kondou Isami met his end in Itabashi, he is not buried here.  His head was sent to Kyoto and his body to Mitaka. The only actual grave that is located inside the memorial grounds is that of Nagakura Shinpachi. To the left you can see a stone tablet honoring Kondou Isami, as well as the grave of Nagakura Shinpachi himself.  At the center is a monument dedicated to both Kondou Isami and Hijikata Toshizou.
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To the right is a large stone tablet engraved with more than 100 names of Shinsengumi men who had died in the years leading up to and immediately following the Meiji Restoration in the Boshin Wars. The very first two names are Kondou Isami and Hijikata Toshizou.
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Although the memorial is well-kept and clean, it’s not well-marked. All of the locals however seem to know where it is, so if you ask you’re sure to be able to find it. There are no English explanations, and the place is not very big, but it does have a certain atmosphere appropriate for a memorial site. I would recommend going only if you’re a diehard fan of the Shinsengumi though (like me). Located near the East Exit of JR Itabashi Station
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444names · 1 year
italian, irish and spanish forenames BUT excluding "h"
Abbe Adando Adect Adeliola Adolm Adraz Adreano Adrogen Afaoimer Agan Agell Agrán Agustale Agóina Agóisolo Aido Aillane Aimo Aina Ainoban Aito Alariz Alda Alesa Alesto Alia Alleta Alomás Amariann Ancilfra Annárdo Anta Antavion Ante Anán Aoda Aodo Aoibéad Aoila Aoilda Aoildo Aoldada Aomicon Aonait Aonn Aosa Arcia Aulisa Auracian Aursa Aurse Baolcona Batavee Bene Benicin Benzo Bera Beraco Berma Bersuna Berto Beán Bianma Blán Bongele Boria Bria Brica Bricelio Bricile Bris Brín Bualaya Caigoro Caino Calgaino Camart Cantalda Cariana Caro Casaneas Casia Cassaora Cato Ceata Cect Ciana Cietto Cina Cinerna Ciona Cisíono Clais Clanolac Clomarna Clán Cobna Cobo Coilla Coim Coimill Coina Cola Colán Cona Connala Connto Cosan Cosne Crín Crós Cundo Cyrio Dalan Dallac Dann Dardo Dastín Debecar Delicos Dena Derazia Derneste Desarinm Dessimus Deya Diantiú Disaffac Domás Donseán Dosna Dovions Dovit Duatinn Dubel Dáil Dúna Earbal Earia Ecara Ecino Edieta Efaolio Efin Eicena Eidia Eigio Eigualo Eigín Eilda Einníleo Eird Eldanaya Elia Elico Elle Emau Enceta Entin Entxa Enza Eodona Eoge Eonan Ermertia Ersa Esara Escarnán Essafia Eufeina Eugernán Eves Fabra Fabrielo Fana Fealeárd Fealiona Feancia Feanndo Fear Fedo Feilbell Feltán Ferg Fericat Fernales Ferne Fila Fildeon Filitlín Findrolò Finn Fiolfo Fion Fiosue Fiovio Flait Flantia Flas Flaulio Flor Framerio Fraodo Frio Fulimero Fulinn Fíosa Gabia Gapiegia Garcisio Gartim Gaspas Geigore Giag Giano Gianzo Gina Gionn Giulila Gius Giuseo Glias Goro Graita Greste Grianti Grietta Grio Gráilla Grán Guaito Gualego Iada Imeas Incenian Inda Indrad Iontiz Irena Ires Isilín Ióse Iúdán Javicia Jimil Jormaya Jorra Jostia Jual Juala Jualleo Juantin Laineas Laisla Lano Lejait Letta Lilín Lomelvan Lorea Lorioda Luanto Lucarna Ludio Luir Maislás Mait Maldo Mano Maoillo Maoina Maomene Mara Marelian Marna Maro Mart Maróirce Masofán Mastín Maul Mauramo Maxi Mela Melio Melix Menia Menura Micobbán Milín Mina Mine Miona Mitta Monsert Mudiado Muedear Muid Muinntan Muir Muirit Mundás Mursa Musto Mónán Mórana Naaramo Naina Nasca Nesaodo Niana Nicaorea Nicelo Nicina Nielinn Nilin Nuarcion Nórd Oilís Oina Oira Olmolò Onaito Orafra Oristeo Orna Orquato Osamirna Osca Parmila Pasildo Pata Pate Patris Paustro Pele Peoperr Peto Piel Pielia Piere Piero Pilinm Prietto Póinna Racio Raffaela Rang Raola Riano Ricoma Rict Rieli Roill Roiren Román Rual Rualven Ruan Ruannesa Ruar Ruarto Ruina Ruiria Rundria Runo Ruto Rutomard Rutoro Rídean Rídel Sabano Sabres Saelina Salia Samotan Sangon Sano Sarco Sarta Sepcia Serna Sesa Seál Siano Sila Simonia Sliane Sofella Sofán Sopoleo Sora Sorcel Sorg Stal Séadria Séalla Séario Síleas Tere Tertinn Tianm Tiara Tiguilís Tina Titlín Tivio Tobuall Torosano Torra Trid Tulin Uaitto Ualbal Ualia Uibanga Uino Ulia Ulio Ulvia Unartan Undra Ural Urdese Vaderto Vales Vannarrd Viantán Vicia Vicinn Vidia Vier Vietit Vino Vivaltán Yeta Zalo Zuliac Áino Ártoilit Éarcán Éirlo Ídín Órlacia
same thing but longer names
Abrione Adeac Afaba Agele Agóido Aitza Aldolfo Aldores Aleileo Aleogán Aleán Alome Alomenio Amormo Anarg Ancena Ancobna Andalao Andolait Andoninn Anmacayesan Aodran Aodónán Aoimona Aoirídín Aolerna Aolla Aomaellait Arcele Ariolucia Armat Aspeinna Ationaito Audio Bailíon Baltán Bandidias Baodo Baolo Barto Bascello Beandovalla Bearinn Beate Becara Beleo Bellan Benaida Benso Benzo Beppierenza Berescin Bergiulbena Berinia Berio Bermirina Beárdo Blanacquada Blandra Bliaria Brina Bréad Bríoma Bróinndo Bualia Buana Caele Cailopolcon Caime Cainerturia Cainn Caitorlo Caoiricolò Caole Caono Carcelo Carmodelia Carto Casaodo Casán Ceavia Cecarmena Cinisíonzo Cistorgi Claitlandás Clamirín Clana Clasán Cobea Cobuancecto Coistatig Colana Colmaomito Colotto Comenairgio Comin Comora Conna Consia Cores Cosca Costa Costeos Covann Creamira Crieleanza Cuinín Cuire Culta Cyriagrán Dadarse Dadra Dalia Danacia Daoilín Darinnán Dasimenzio Dassia Deacia Dearestal Denearo Denzio Deonigia Dertata Despe Detaito Dianaito Diante Didrear Digia Dintit Dolmoro Domáito Dubenegius Dubenzo Duberill Dympazio Déada Déamuire Dóill Dúnla Eablan Ealia Edeargelia Edinna Edwinne Efilaudey Eimota Eiraficoma Eirraule Elabríd Emaidiantio Ementina Emiannán Eminn Enria Enriasto Eoilín Ercona Erietta Eroxa Essael Etria Eufer Eufermatiú Eóidian Eóino Fabbán Fabra Fabranton Fabri Faelina Faeto Fanán Faola Faurosarla Feariquel Fearla Fearnestan Feartinn Fedel Felia Feliaarna Felionid Fellaurace Femico Femino Fereanuel Feriziante Fernara Ficonn Fileo Filiste Filín Finearico Finelia Flaoinn Foraffren Forgia Frafit Fraurceabia Fraxire Fromertín Fulbenzo Fulica Fulin Fullocio Féisanto Fíongarnán Fíosiminaki Gaelo Gapiomedo Garela Geppe Giannín Gianán Giltán Gioriodón Girene Grait Grina Gusto Intin Ireyag Issadeal Istefabasio Istonna Iósell Jairena Janielisa Joaquann Joaque Jonnán Jorea Jorique Jornaira Josnaoila Josnatrac Josne Jostefre Jualeo Juales Juanlaila Julil Kebeasann Kebrait Lailís Laudo Laulia Laulis Learna Lenicobele Leonne Lettoib Lewina Lianfid Lilavia Lippaoir Lislisa Lixto Loroloro Louraoine Luantonóral Luciann Lucrón Ludestero Ludion Ludoma Luina Luiristro Luision Lundréarna Lupeofing Macos Maela Maetalla Maevee Mairiona Maiton Mandoilia Mannán Maodian Maoileilín Maolavia Maonn Marafaetrio Marbríofria Marcisadro Mardoa Maricear Marinn Marlarla Marmare Marra Martín Massia Matena Matia Maulio Maurenit Mearica Melta Micann Milicis Millandrio Milvano Mireamodóir Mirgiulait Mirielicona Miril Mirna Mitto Monesta Monia Muiergia Muila Muilbia Muilicaolò Muirafro Muirseocio Mundrogena Munzo Musto Nalesuse Nicio Nicoini Niell Nieroxa Nierrayolo Ninda Nistad Nualin Olistéoda Ordromarla Oreamait Oredgarizio Ormarcolm Osceppolo Osidalmo Pabra Paoifelit Paoimona Paomóra Paquailín Paquibena Pardo Paudesego Paurodo Pazul Pergilín Pielamear Pielina Piell Pielmón Pieltian Piernaotan Pricilvesa Prigua Pádra Pádréan Póina Póinstéarto Racilda Racuiricata Ramaulina Rantimo Remirne Remmara Ricos Rinestino Rique Rogán Roimerga Rotelis Ruirceleo Réandro Rídín Sabere Saell Saidiantino Sanán Selicto Sellacano Selta Sento Seopo Sesciadro Severomán Seárdo Siania Siano Sidomeaniad Siletas Siomeata Sliarma Suina Sulis Sunzaleid Séambrinn Séana Séanni Séarla Síneon Tandra Tebon Tefin Teodalvio Teongona Tiero Tinatoro Tinebrós Tinéad Tiosalea Tornall Tricia Turea Téamiosio Téante Ualdado Uanda Uartúr Ulandea Ulbia Undán Valildo Valucaoib Vaniccia Varbaino Vermiria Vielmonil Viertúr Viodavo Viodicisto Virdganaito Vivita Xirena Zulcatre Éamaurodo Éarid Éidiono Éilta Émenán Óraffabian Órlano
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infoprovincia · 1 year
El Alcalde de Campanario recoge la bandera azul concedida para esta temporada
El Alcalde, Elías López, ha recogido esta mañana la bandera azul que por segundo año consecutivo lucirá la playa de Campanario como reconocimiento a la calidad de sus agua. El pasado 4 de mayo la Asociación de Educación Ambiental y el Consumidor (ADEAC) volvía a conceder a la Playa de Campanario el reconocimiento de Bandera Azul, decisión que fue comunicada en la sede del Ministerio de Industria,…
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12endigital · 1 year
Alicante suma a las cinco Banderas Azules la mención de Especial Accesibilidad en las playas
El Ayuntamiento de Alicante ha sido distinguido por trigésimo séptimo año consecutivo con la Bandera Azul para sus cinco playas, con la novedad este año de la obtención de la mención de Especial Accesibilidad para El Postiguet. Alicante ya fue reconocida el pasado 24 de marzo en Cullera con el premio especial concedido por la Asociación Española de Educación Ambiental y del Consumidor (Adeac) por…
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rob-art · 2 years
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ベトナム戦争(処刑) 1964
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tenerifeweekly · 2 years
The Blue Flag shines for the seventh consecutive year on Las Vistas beach
The Blue Flag shines for the seventh consecutive year on Las Vistas beach
Arona inaugurated the summer season yesterday with the hoisting of the Blue flag in Playa de Las Vistas, one of the two distinctions of this type obtained by the municipality and which were granted by the Association of Environmental and Consumer Education (Adeac). The other corresponded to El Camisón beach. This international emblem certifies the quality of the waters, the safety and the high…
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totbalears · 7 years
Actividades en las playas de Palma para prevenir los ahogamientos
Hoy en Can Pere Antoni y mañana a Ciudad Jardín monitores explicarán cómo prevenir accidentes en el entorno acuático y actuar ante una emergencia
Se hace en conlaboración con la Fundación MAPFRE después de que la ciudad fuera galardonada, el año pasado, con la Distinción temática en salvamento y socorrismo por parte  de ADEAC Bandera Azul
Palma, 14 julio 2017. – La teniente de alcalde de…
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lamardeonuba · 3 years
La playa Dunas de Mazagón pierde su Bandera Azul por graves deficiencias en materia de seguridad y servicios para personas con discapacidad
Huelva: 🟦🏖️ La playa Dunas de Mazagón pierde su Bandera Azul por graves deficiencias en materia de seguridad y servicios para personas con discapacidad.
El Ayuntamiento de Palos ignora la sanción de la ADEAC-FEE y vuelve a izar la bandera retirada. La Bandera Azul había sido otorgada el pasado 11 de junio tras el compromiso incumplido del acalde Carmelo Romero de subsanar las deficiencias antes de las vacaciones de verano. El PSOE de Palos de la Frontera denuncia el “ocultismo y el silencio” del alcalde popular. Jueves, 19 de Agosto de 2021.…
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akochan · 3 years
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Former Sato family residence
[T/N: Hijikata lived here during his teens after he moved out from Kiroku’s house]
Sato Hikogoro's house was called Shimo-sato, and together with the Kamisato family, it served as the wholesaler for the town of Hino. At first, it was a side inn, but by the end of the Edo period, it became the main inn.
The gate facing the Koshu-kaido road was a row-house gate, and the part on the left side with latticework was reconstructed and used as a dojo. It is said that there used to be a dojo on the east side, where Kondo Isami, Okita Souji, Sannan Keisuke, and others from Shieikan used to visit for training.
There’s a ceremonial platform at the front entrance, which was used for lords and others to enter and leave the building. The Emperor Meiji made a short stop at the Sato residence two years in a row, during his excursion in 1881 and his hunting trip in 1882. On those occasions, the red carpet was drawn and he walked from the ceremonial platform to the upper room in his outdoor shoes. When the Koyo Chinbutai visited the Sato family, Hikogoro and Toshinobu greeted them on the ceremonial platform. It was on this platform that Okita Souji showed that he was still in good health by demonstrating a sumo wrestler move. Tamejiro, Toshizo's elder brother, also saw them off from here.
The Sato family used to have a "Upper Room", "Gozen Room" and a “Gourd Pond”, but when the Ariyama family, the adopted home of Hikogoro's fourth son Hikokichi, was destroyed by a large fire in 1893, Hikogoro detached the "Upper Room" and "Gozen Room" and moved them to the Ariyama family with a tow house so that they could live there immediately.
The Sato family's residence is now open to the public as "Hino Yado Honjin," a branch of the Hino City Furusato History Museum. A monument commemorating the visit of the Meiji Emperor is located on the site, although it has been relocated since that time, and is inscribed with the inscription, “明治天皇日野御小休所趾及建物附御膳水”.
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Tabarca joins 84 beaches and marinas that achieve a blue flag has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/05/11/tabarca-joins-84-beaches-and-marinas-that-achieve-a-blue-flag/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/05/11/tabarca-joins-84-beaches-and-marinas-that-achieve-a-blue-flag/
Tabarca joins 84 beaches and marinas that achieve a blue flag
The Comunitat Valenciana is once again the Spanish autonomy with the largest number of blue flags awarded to its beaches in 2019, receiving 135 in total. There are also a further 15 marinas that have also been awarded the distinction by the Association of Environmental and Consumer Education (ADEAC). Among the beaches regaining its flag is the island of Tabarca and Les Devesses in Dénia, while Altea has achieved a blue flag for the first time on the beach of l`Espigó. This means that more than a fifth of the flags awarded in the country are to beaches located on the Valencian coast. By Autonomous Communities Catalonia is in second position with 120 distinctions, Galicia with 119 and Andalusia with 98. Interestingly, more than 92% of the beaches and 88% of the sports ports of Castellón, València and Alicante that submitted a bid for the blue flag have received the distinction. By province, the most awarded is Alicante with 84 flags (71 on beaches and 13 in marinas). Castellón has a total of 34 flags (33 on beaches and one in marinas) and the province of Valencia has 32 awards (31 on its beaches and one in marinas).
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infoprovincia · 1 year
Campanario contará por segundo año consecutivo con bandera azul en su playa
La Asociación de Educación Ambiental y el Consumidor (ADEAC) vuelve a conceder a la Playa de Campanario el reconocimiento de Bandera Azul, decisión que se ha comunicado esta mañana en la sede del Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo. Este es el segundo año consecutivo que la playa de Campanario obtiene este galardón. El Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo ha sido el escenario…
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12endigital · 1 year
Premio especial a Alicante por 36 años ininterrumpidos de excelencia con Bandera Azul en sus playas
El concejal de Medio Ambiente y Limpieza, Manuel Villar, ha recogido este viernes en Cullera el premio especial concedido por la Asociación Española de Educación Ambiental y del Consumidor (Adeac) al Ayuntamiento de Alicante por la obtención ininterrumpida durante los últimos 36 años de banderas azules de calidad y excelencia en alguna de sus playas. En concreto, en la alicantina Playa de San…
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lasteles · 5 years
España pierde 28 'Banderas azules' en sus playas pero sigue liderando el ranking mundial con 669 playas
España pierde 28 ‘Banderas azules’ en sus playas pero sigue liderando el ranking mundial con 669 playas
España ha conseguido 669 ‘Banderas Azules’ para un total de 566 playas, 96 puertos deportivos y cinco embarcaciones turísticas. Aunque la cifra es significativa, se han obtenido 28 menos que el año anterior.
De las banderas otorgadas en el hemisferio norte por parte de la Fundación Europea de Educación Ambiental (ADEAC), el país acumula el 16% del total. A la cabeza, la autonomía que más…
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tenerifeweekly · 2 years
Coalition criticizes that local beaches are left without a Blue Flag for the third year
Coalition criticizes that local beaches are left without a Blue Flag for the third year
Canarian-PNC Coalition (CC-PNC) in the Municipality of Santiago del Teide reported this week thatfor the third consecutive year, the beaches of the municipality have been left without Blue Flags. It is a distinction granted by the Federation of Environmental Education (FEE) and is coordinated by the Association of Environmental and Consumer Education (Adeac) in Spain. In this 2022, the Playa de…
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comunica-valencia · 5 years
La Comunitat gana 3 banderas azules para sus playas y llega ya a las 135
La Comunitat gana 3 banderas azules para sus playas y llega ya a las 135
España ha perdido 24 banderas azules en sus playas hasta alcanzar un total de 566 insignias -135 en la Comunitat Valenciana, tres más que en 2018-, lo que significa un 4 % menos respecto a las 590 del año pasado aunque sigue liderando sin interrupción la clasificación mundial desde 1987.
En rueda de prensa, la Asociación de Educación Ambiental y del Consumidor (ADEAC), promotora de la iniciativa,…
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