#「☓ psa.」
heywriters · 1 month
btw the majority of your life will be lived as a adult. yeah i don't make the rules. go have fun in your 40s or 70s or whatever. no one expects you to accomplish everything at 17 or 27. you've got time and in the meantime get some life experience, it will pay off
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everlastingrandom · 3 months
U.S. people, if you bought cinnamon from Dollar Tree, Dollar General, or other discount stores, throw it out. It's got lead
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
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Check your hand sanitizer y'all
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hershelchocolateart · 8 months
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Just to make a point, every time I finished a panel of this I would export it as a PNG on the perceptual setting and use it as a color reference for the next panel
EDIT: If you're still having problems, it might help to switch from "Save/Save as" to "Export (as a) Single Layer". Just. Make SURE the box labeled "Expression Color" is set to RGB. I've been messing with this all day, and it looks like this combination of settings will allow exported PNGs to maintain their colors perfectly. To you. So far both Discord and Toyhouse still only display desaturated images and I cannot for the life of me figure out why
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This is a friendly reminder to never, ever publish your book with a publishing company that charges you to publish with them. That is a vanity press, which makes money by preying on authors. They charge you for editing, formatting, cover art, and more. With most of these companies, you will never seen a cent of any royalties made from sale of your book. A legitimate publishing company only makes money when you make money, they will never charge you to publish with them. If a company approaches you and says "Hey, we'll publish your book, just pay us X amount of money," tell them to go fuck themself and block them.
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creature-wizard · 2 months
Since the r-slur is making a comeback (you know, the word that starts with R, has six letters, and ends in D), I'm gonna make a little PSA:
Yes, it's an ableist slur.
Terms like "asshat," "head-up-ass," "up their own ass," and "high on their own farts" exist. There's also words like crap, dogshit, half-assed, assclown, and chucklefuck. And on the less vulgar side, there are terms like ridiculous, nonsense, train wreck, pointless, insipid, self-absorbed, pretentious, annoying, boring, contemptible, vile, and disgusting.
Substituting words like restarted, poptarted, brain damaged, smoothbrain, etc. is still ableist, because either 1. you obviously still mean the r-word, or 2. you're still using disability as an insult.
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trexalicious · 3 months
A reminder for those of us with cats at Easter that lilies of ANY kind are BAD for cats. Some species such as Calla, Peace and Peruvian do not cause kidney damage or death like Easter and daylilies, but they can still cause irritation and gastrointestinal issues if ingested...
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doesnotloveyou · 4 months
hey hey HEY. when i joined tumblr in the early 2010s i remember a lot of millennials swearing they would never treat the younger generation as badly as they were treated and misrepresented. i'm seeing a lot of you going back on that. stop mocking young people and start remembering you were new to the universe too once
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nando161mando · 9 months
If you want to know why people have lost faith in capitalism, this might help
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teaboot · 9 months
I'm aware that this is a pretty big blog, so I try to avoid putting people on blast- mostly cause I don't want anyone tracking folks down and dogpiling on them for the unforgivable sin of "being wrong about a thing",
Because we are all hilariously, ridiculously and unabashedly incorrect about things at times, and that doesn't deserve the embarrassment of a thousand jeering, judging strangers with their careless mockery and casual insults,
That being said
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fwizard · 6 months
gonna be a big one under the cut
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beemovieerotica · 11 months
PSA: bot comments are taking over ao3
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The above examples have been provided with the authors' permission to demonstrate what these look like.
Basic rundown:
They are all 3 sentences long
Perfect grammar, capitalization, and punctuation
Like absolutely flawless English teacher-style writing with only a single exclamation mark, ever
No mentions whatsoever of character names, settings, situations, or anything that could be tied to the story
The usernames may be identical to people who exist on ao3, but the name is not clickable, and no profile is associated with it EXCEPT when you directly search for that name. What this means: the comments come from an unregistered (not logged in) reader, bots scrape the site for real usernames, attach that to the comment, and post
Please spread the word about this so authors can filter comments and report them accordingly
There has been some speculation about why this is happening at all, and the best guess is that this is a feature that AI-training story-scraping tools are implementing to try and make their browsing traffic look legitimate
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genderqueerpositivity · 11 months
I think that 2023 is a good time for many of us, and allies in particular, to practice again the dying art of minding our own fucking business when it comes to the identities and lives of other people.
You see someone from one of your classes in a public place with a different gender presentation/expression than they typically have? Mind your own business.
You discover that one of your coworkers is in a same gender relationship, but they aren't out at work? Not your place to share that information in the workplace.
You notice that your neighbor in a red state takes a road trip across state lines with their transgender child every 3-6 months? No you fucking didn't.
You overhear students in your classroom using a different name and different pronouns for one student than you are used to using? If you live in a state hostile to trans rights, pretend that you don't know anything about this and report nothing.
You suspect that an acquaintance of yours might be gay, but they deny it when asked directly? Leave them the fuck alone.
One of your friends refuses to publicly label their sexuality? Good for them, you aren't entitled to that information anyway.
Your sibling comes out to you as questioning, but isn't comfortable sharing that with your parents yet? Keep your fucking mouth shut.
Don't out people; coming out is a personal choice not a moral obligation. Don't demand personal information about other people's sexuality or sex lives. You aren't entitled to information about anyone's gender identity, assigned gender at birth, or transition.
Bring back privacy, allow people to have control over the information that is shared about them publicly; it might save their job, their housing, their parental rights and their child's safety, or even save lives.
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mellotronmkll · 9 months
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This is so awesome
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tubapun · 7 months
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Btw if you see a survey from a website called "Better Me" that supposedly rates your "trauma" be aware that it's made by the BetterHelp company and is weighted to always be at least in the "Moderate" range, with most ending up in the "Severe" cause it wants you to subscribe to their fake online therapy. It's not real or to be trusted.
Edit: the company is apparently not owned by BetterHelp, it just has a similar name. But it is a known data collection tool and the weighting is clear and designed to have you subscribe to its therapy which is on the same level as better helps (bad and meant to collect data first and foremost)
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fvkvrodani · 3 months
his gfm has been stuck at 420 euros for a week!! please help him out by sharing & donating!!!
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