#✨ ′ i don't need anything to make my anxiety worse ⦗ answers ⦘
3verett · 1 year
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         everett's eyes shifted up to look at the red head. he wasn't sure who she was talking about, but he turned to look at her eye direction && saw harlan. the young wolf chuckled. ❛ he's not always like that. he's actually not half bad when you get to know him. he H A T E D me the first time we met, ❜ he admitted. ❛ he means well. ❜
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                      ⦗ @l1teraes ⦙ ✨✨ ⦘
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I was generally asking/ranting. Your ramble made perfect sense and I do agree with pretty much all of it. I have more I must rant about though and I hope you don't mind me throwing this all in your inbox. It's not aimed at you specifically, don't worry.
Why did this fandom decide Neil suddenly thinks Aziraphale and Crowley are not in love just because he said two scenes were not sexual? The oxribs could be taken that way if you want, but it wasn't written to be. The kiss had nothing at all to do with sex and everything to do with a desperate being trying to make the person he loves understand. Neil saying neither of those situations were sexual does not mean Crowley and Aziraphale are not in love. He's said the opposite, along with both Michael and David, far too many times for years now for anyone to believe that. And yet here we are.
Just a few weeks ago we were praising the kiss as smashing the queerbaiting allegations and now half the fandom is right back to saying he's never really thought they were a romance. Insisting that because he thought the idea was odd several years ago it must mean he's lying about it now. That he and Terry didn't plan it this way since at least 2006. Or, even worse, that he thinks gay sex is gross and would never put anything like that in without being manipulated into it.
Because he said sometimes an oxrib is just an oxrib and a desperate attempt at communication wasn't at all sexual.
It's been giving off very strong feelings of "this queer romance doesn't count unless they have sex" goalpost shifting. We've already had more than enough proof that Aziracrow are completely in love, but unless they have sex then Neil's just a queerbaiting liar? Do people not realize how alienating that is to read as an ace fan, even one who wouldn't mind a fun sex scene?
It's also spitting in the face of a man who's been an ardent ally for longer than most of this fandom's been alive.
This rant is about people telling me I'm wrong for supporting this beautiful queer love story because two male-presenting characters aren't having sex and so it doesn't actually count as a queer romance. This is about people telling me I'm wrong for supporting the man who gave us this incredible story because he said two scenes aren't sexual in nature and so he is nothing but a manipulative liar. This rant isn't about defending Neil. He doesn't need me or anyone else to do that.
(for anyone that wants it, a direct link to the previous ask anon has copied above)
hi again anon!!!✨ personal thanks from me - im always humbled (and never have any objection to) when someone feels they can come to my askbox with these kind of commentaries, it really does make me so happy that they feel they can!
i just do occasionally worry if sometimes what im reading as an upset/angry tone (not saying yours was, it was just how i read it!) is a direct result of something ive said/done. so again, thanks for calming my anxiety surrounding that, and popping back to clarify!!!
now idk, by nature of this being a rant, if you wanted to get any answers from me or my opinion, but you're on my boat and im the captain, so it's a bit tough-titties im afraid💕 and once again, will probably repeat a few things you've put more succinctly than i have, but fuck it.
honestly? i cant even begin to give you a basic answer, anon, because i just... don't get it. i think from the tweet exchange that (kinda?) blew up, people took neil saying, "Why did you see it as sexual?" a little bit out of context. to my mind, the op of that tweet literally referenced "The very end of season 2", and that's what neil was responding to (and later confirmed in an ask); the kiss was never intended as sexual, exactly as you've said.
i think possibly some have read it as him being shitty about the concept of sex and specifically in reference to aziraphale and crowley, cross-referenced this with other things he has said (again, more than likely never meant in the context they're being interpreted), and arrived at the above conclusion. it's strange to me, because he has categorically stated that their relationship is intended by him as the co-author as a romantic one. at the very least.
now, he (and sir terry) may not have personally intended them to be romantic at the beginning. but a) neil has been very representative of queer culture and identifications in his other work; the queer element in GO is not exactly strange to be coming from him (ie it's not a bolt out of the blue, and therefore would be potentially performative or queerbaity). and b) as i said in the previous ask, there is a lot of queer representation in GO, of all different types, including gay/lesbian rep. it's not just aziraphale and crowley that are queer in the story, and therefore easily deniable - that's literally not the case. so i do not understand, on this basis, where people can draw the inference that he is homophobic. i just can't - that's a pretty hefty con to have played for so long and so diligently.
i think, from what ive seen, that one of the things that people take issue with is neil's assertion that as supernatural beings, any label as to their sexuality or gender (and how one informs the other) is not applicable to them. i think this has been seen as dismissive of aziraphale and crowley being gay and/or potentially having a sexual relationship. in my opinion, this assertion is narratively clever. first of all - no, they are not human, so on a very base level, sexuality and gender as constructs do not apply to them. they are originally gender/sexless. but this i think only serves to show that aziraphale and crowley are multiple things, and none of those things, all at once. they can be anything you want or interpret them to be, until expressly told otherwise in canon.
on screen, their faces and physiques and chosen presentation however, to my mind, present as human males. but, being crass, we do not know what genitalia or body parts they may or may not have at any given time. they have never described their sexualities (although, in aziraphale's case, assumptions have been made by others). so if you want to interpret them as cis, or intersex, or trans, or non-binary (including non-binary, genderfluid, agender, or bigender), arguably all of those are correct! the only confirmations we have had, iirc, are that, between them, they have used "he/him" pronouns, used the title "Mr", crowley has confirmed he is not a 'lad', and he has previously presented as female. no, human constructs do not technically apply to them, but that leaves their gender and sexuality open to interpretation. i personally hc aziraphale as a cisgender, gay male, and crowley as a non-binary, but usually male-presenting, bisexual person. others may agree, others may not. that the beauty of it!
narratively, these are two supernatural creatures that are, however, going more and more native - they have assimilated to and absorbed a lot of how humans present themselves and interact with each other, on multiple levels. as supernatural beings, they are practically alpha centauri itself (genderless, non-human things that are in a constant orbit and relationship with each other - and then throw in the fact that they love each other deeply). as supernatural-beings-that-have-been-on-earth-for-millennia, however, they are arguably becoming more like what i mentioned above - human. this to me, personally, means that they may identify as male and nb respectively, and may identify as gay and bisexual respectively, and (again, imo) i think would - at this stage - be open-minded to the act of sex. but as i said, once again, in my previous ask - it's perfectly valid if others do not interpret their journey this way.
This rant is about people telling me I'm wrong for supporting this beautiful queer love story because two male-presenting characters aren't having sex and so it doesn't actually count as a queer romance. This is about people telling me I'm wrong for supporting the man who gave us this incredible story because he said two scenes aren't sexual in nature and so he is nothing but a manipulative liar. This rant isn't about defending Neil. He doesn't need me or anyone else to do that.
about the above specifically? im really sorry that you're being faced with this, anon. that is grossly and completely unfair. i don't think you necessarily need me to tell you this, but in case you do - imo, you are completely reasonable and justified for reading them as a queer romantic couple that, canonically, have not had sex (and that this has no bearing on their love story). romance and sex are not the same thing, one can and does exist without the other, and the concept of that separation is not deserving of being pathologised. whilst neil certainly doesn't need anyone to defend him, i think it is always still nice to support the author that has written a story this beautiful, symbolic, and illustrative - and imo, not deliberately misunderstand what he has or hasn't said✨
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neonscandal · 1 year
Hi ....Do you mind if I ask your top 5 (or top 10) favorite moments from any anime (can be series or movies)? Sorry if you have already answered this ask before.....
This is an incredible ask which inherently will come with some serious spoilers! This was also really tricky trying to determine what makes something my favorite - was it the funniest? The craziest? The biggest plot twist? I used the benchmark of what moments do I wish I could watch for the very first time, all over again. I broke the difference with eight, hope you don't mind!
⚠️ Spoiler Warning covers the following series (specific benchmarks will be given) for Sk8 the Infinity, Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Yuri on Ice, Trigun, Fushiigi Yuugi.
SK8 the Infinity S1 E6, allusion to S1 E10
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Starting off light! One would assume that one of the most iconic scenes in Sk8 is the slap heard round the world but I found that more heartbreaking than anything. My favorite moment of Sk8 is easily Miya cockblocking Joe on the beach because what a flex, first of all. Secondly, the build up and subsequent (unknowing) teamwork of our favorite motley crew of skaters? 😘👌🏾 Chef's Kiss and *peak* comedy.
Attack on Titan S3 E16
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I could talk at length about the exquisite exposition of Attack on Titan and how each rewatch sprouts new easter eggs of foreshadowing as the world unfurls for the viewer. But the truth is, out of the entire series, the moment that I would want to rewatch for the first time is Erwin's rallying speech in Shinganshina. In addition to inspiring goosebumps and anxiety when I hear it, it is a perfect storm of emotions as concurrent events unfolding are all coming to a head. It's a wretched life and a hopeless situation made worse by the all-or-nothing corner they've been backed into. The standoff is more poignant as it's a reckoning of Erwin's own past of valiantly using others as cannon fodder if only as a means to a strategic end. A man we now know to be possessed by the obsession of proving his father right, presses forward ceaselessly while never seeing a future beyond that and we're never given the time to fully digest that. "A Perfect Game", indeed. The speech manages to be heart wrenching every time. Including when the dub pops up in my music library.
Yuri on Ice S1 E10
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Hot Take: Every sports anime is a BL. You cannot convince me otherwise. BUT THIS WORK OF ART!? Literally the exception that proves the rule. Episode 7 was GOOD. Like, "ohmygod-ohmygod-ohmygod, IT'S HAPPENING!" good. Episode 10 was a cultural reset ✨ and what I wouldn't give to see it for the first time all over again. From the viewer's perspective, Viktor picked up his life with one foot in a relationship when he decided to coach Yuuri. It was alluded to, hinted at, his susceptibility of Yuuri's affection should it ever be thrown his way but in an almost detached, puckish manner. A manner that frazzled Yuuri so he could never take it seriously. So what a comedy of errors to know, after finally finding a working rhythm and even exchanging rings, that Yuuri was the one who made the first move!? OMG. Iconic plot twist, truly. The bonus evidence of his champagne fueled revelry is one of my all time favorite bonus sequences.
My Hero Academia S3 E18, S6 E9 and Heroes Rising (Indirect Manga Spoiler Ch 337)
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Maybe a bit biased since I'm most plugged into this series at the moment (I like GIFs and only get 9 a post), but here's a treasure trove of moments! I've recently gotten my niece and nephew into MHA and rewatched everything from S1 to the current season and all movies while seeing how they digest everything. I tried to tweet about it because it's truly novel seeing things for the first time through their eyes but didn't really keep up with it. Since I'm reading the manga (and need to pick back up on posting about it), I have a renewed perspective on certain moments so see below:
Iida rallying Aoyama from the figurative edge during the provisional exam and how it inspired Aoyama to sacrifice himself so someone he perceives as noble can be slingshot across the finish line. Humorous of course since we know Iida was like a hair away from murder a season or so ago. When this last ditch effort unites the rest of Class 1A and serves as an impetus for them all to pass together? BRUH. With what we've seen of Aoyama and what we later learn, rewatching this scene actually made me a bit more emotional as it added a layer to his duress that we don't comprehend just yet.
Bakugo's hero moment which mirrored Midoriya's own hero origin story. Don't get me wrong, Bakugo is no stranger to sacrificing himself. He and Midoriya make it a habit of saving one another. But this specific moment marks itself indelibly as deliberate insight into Bakugo's character growth because we hear his thoughts in that moment which seems to mirror Midoriya's. TBH, the episode was good but reading that for the first time? Phenomenal. It felt more impactful somehow.
The final fight scene against Nine with everyone coordinating to use their quirks to the best of their abilities while knowing they were outclassed. Bakugo and Midoriya seamlessly working together and then the (non-canonical IG) transfer of OFA with Deku risking quirklessness again and Bakugo warning him against it. *Cue Sarah McLachlan-esque soundtrack.*
Trigun (OG Run) S1 E 23
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I slipped down the Adult Swim to Toonami pipeline of anime so Trigun was one of the first anime I fell in love with and kicked off an enduring adoration for characters voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch. Wolfwood's showdown with Evergreen and the subsequent scene at the church as he makes his peace before dying forever altered my brain chemistry. On the one hand, I loved Wolfwood's character as he played off of Vash so well, comedically. At odds but similarly aligned in the greater good though the means to the end weren't always in sync. I could appreciate the dissonance of his character, holy man who kills; unsavory priest, etc. So I would have been sad to see him go either way, but the life he imagined for himself as he was dying? Knife in the heart. Knowing that ultimately, legendary gunslinger Vash the Stampede made such a visceral impression on this ne'er do well priest, moreso than the God he served and that that was his undoing? Twist that knife, baby. That last bit I can appreciate much better as an adult where, as a kid, I could understand how moved I was without realizing the complexity of it. Truly devastating.
Fushigi Yugi S1 E33
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I'm realizing that a lot of my favorite characters tend to be really irreverent and rough around the edges. These very same characters tend to have compelling depth beyond their surface level brashness and character growth that stays with me. Such is the case with the graceful and beautiful Nuriko of the Suzaku warriors. As a kid and also for a series of that period, I could understand that Nuriko had a rich complexity and appreciate the relief that they were accepted wholeheartedly by Miaka and the warriors. The character was so deeply steeped in grief that it defined them and muddled their identity over the course of their life. Upon finding a new mission, they were able to come into themselves but only by slowly letting that grief go. So it is ironic that this person, shortly after finding peace in who they were, was marked for a death that would critically galvanize Miaka and the rest of the warriors to carry on and see the mission through to the very end. This episode became a core memory and I distinctly remember bawling.
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3verett · 1 year
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       he looked up at the sky. bellamy was right, the stars were B E A U T I F U L . everett looked over at bellamy && he smiled at her. ❛ it is. ❜ he turned to look back at the sky. ❛ sometimes i forget how they look like because of where we live. glad we got to come up here with everyone. it's definitely a better view up here at the mountains. ❜ he grinned.
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       ⦗ @moonsired ⦙ ✨✨ ⦘
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3verett · 1 year
Cattell 16 Factor Test
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Warmth |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86% Intellect ||||||||||||||||||||| 66% Emotional Stability ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Aggressiveness ||||||||| 26% Liveliness |||||||||||| 34% Dutifulness |||||||||||||||||| 54% Social Assertiveness |||||||||||| 34% Sensitivity ||||||||||||||||||||| 66% Paranoia |||||||||||||||||| 58% Abstractness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Introversion |||||||||||||||||| 54% Anxiety |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90% Open mindedness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70% Independence |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82% Perfectionism |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74% Tension ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
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tagged by @3ilson tagging ; @queencvbra , @comiiical , @seesgood , @l1teraes , @sacredslaycd , @salvatoraes , @moonsired , @sindicate and anyone else that wants to do this.
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3verett · 1 year
If you receive this you make someone happy. Send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or someone you think needs cheering up. If you get some back, even better ♡
love you!!! and so happy to have you as one of my writing partners!!
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3verett · 1 year
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      everett kept walking through the woods. it wasn't too long when he heard the river bank && the words that came from josie. ❛ it's funny, because being a kid, i would never want to leave the house. so it's nice to finally E N J O Y it. ❜ he said as he felt the sun peak through the trees, feeling the warmth. ❛ i get the appeal of wanting to come out here more often. ❜
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       ⦗ @siphonaer ⦙ ✨✨ ⦘
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3verett · 1 year
If you receive this you make someone happy. Send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or someone you think needs cheering up. If you get some back, even better ♡
aww thank you bestie!! this is so sweet!!
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3verett · 1 year
So do you ship Everett and Luna?
yes, i ship everett with everyone from the wolf pack!! 😅 like they all look so cute with him ...
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3verett · 1 year
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         eyes shifted to the other. everett was feeling a ton of emotions, && he could only imagine what nick was feeling. ❛ we need to get out here. the last place that we need to be is at a murder site. ❜ he said, looking at the dead body. ❛ come on nick, we need to go, ❜ he said, as he heard a rustling. ❛ come on !! ❜ he grabbed his hand && led them away.
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                      ⦗ @nickgoodc ⦙ ✨✨ ⦘
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3verett · 1 year
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         everett thought he heard S C R E A M I N G . maybe he was losing it. but he heard something, && it concerned the young werewolf. as soon as he heard it, he ran. maybe not wolf speed, but fast enough that when he arrived he saw nick, && everything seemed to be perfectly fine. maybe it was his anxiety ?? he wasn't quite sure anymore. ❛ i thought i heard–– nervermind. ❜
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                      ⦗ @nickgoodc ⦙ ✨✨ ⦘
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3verett · 1 year
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                everett kept his eyes on the other. the night was quickly turning into day, && everett was still wide awake. his sleep schedule had truly been W R E C K E D at this point, but at least it was the weekend, && his parents were gone. everett would find himself in his bed, knocked out in a few minutes. ❛ thanks for tonight. i really needed the company, ❜ he smiled.
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                                                                @dvarapala // ✨✨✨
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3verett · 1 year
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                everett had been having a hard time sleeping these past few nights. tonight was no different. so instead, he was out for a walk. the full moon had gone && passed, so he felt S A F E being out. when he returned home he saw the other outside his house. ❛ hey, i'm ok. just can't sleep. nothing new. ❜
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                                                                @contradictivs // ✨✨✨
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3verett · 1 year
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                   eyes shifted to look up at ryder. he had nowhere to go. but he needed to get out of his house. whatever had bit him had somehow F O U N D where he lived && now, everett was on the run. this was the only place everett felt safe. he blinked a few times && he sighed. ❛ i need a place to stay tonight. please. ❜
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                                                               @contradictivs // ✨✨✨
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3verett · 1 year
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              ❛ doing what ?? ❜ everett looked over at decker && shook his head. he didn't know what he was doing. was he doing something wrong ?? it's not like he was staring at him ?? oh god, was he staring ?? eyes shifted away, avoiding eye contact now. ❛ sorry, i'm just observant. my A N X I E T Y . i focus on something && i try to keep calm. ❜
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                                                               @mvnces // ✨✨✨
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3verett · 1 year
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everett would be lying if he said that he was alright. but he wasn't. ever since he was bit, everything was heightened for him. his senses, his anxiety, E V E R Y T H I N G . eyes met with luna's && he shook his head. ❛ thank you. i've had better days, ❜ everett admitted.
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                                                                @moonswore // ✨✨✨
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