#♡ savanna thorne
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ The mirror of darkness implores you to take a peak. Find what resonates with your desires ࿐
A dorm modelled after the Queen who ruled over a maze of roses and brought the rule of law to a chaotic kingdom. Under her strict leadership, no rose was off-color, nor was any playing-card soldier out of step.
╰┈➤ ❝ Heartslabyul ❞࿐ྂ
A dorm modelled after the king of beasts who, the through grit and determination overcame his lesser claim of succession to rule over a vast savanna. He sought equality for all creatures—even those once banished from the realm.
╰┈➤ ❝ Savanaclaw ❞࿐ྂ
A dorm modelled after the compassionate sea witch who dwelled in a grotto deep beneath the waves. To repent for past misdeeds, she devoted herself to helping troubled souls, guiding even seemingly hopeless romances to a true happy ending.
╰┈➤ ❝ Octvinelle ❞࿐ྂ
A dorm modelled after the wise sorcerer of a desert kingdom who used his keen insight to obtain a magic lamp that granted him great power. He supported his king by regularly offering carefully considered words of advice.
╰┈➤ ❝ Scarabia ❞࿐ྂ
A dorm modelled after the fairest queen of all, one who was always diligently striving to better herself. She utilized the powerful magic at her command to tirelessly pursue her ideals.
╰┈➤ ❝ Pomefiore ❞࿐ྂ
A dorm modelled after the lord of the Underworld, who guided wandering souls of the dead. He carried out his fearsome duties with diligence and care, motivating even the defiant to offer their aid.
╰┈➤ ❝ Ignihyde ❞࿐ྂ
A dorm modelled after a fairy who reigned over a mystical mountain, wielding magical powers that included mastery over storms and thorns. Proud and refined, she cherished solitude even as she commanded her countless minions.
╰┈➤ ❝ Diasomnia ❞࿐ྂ
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littleindigochildx · 4 years
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littleindigochildx · 4 years
Task 27
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50 Things To Ask About Your OC/Muse 1: How old are they? 
-Savanna is seven and a half. 
2: Do they drink? Smoke? How often?
-No/No. She is not old enough to drink or smoke. 
3: What 3 words describe them?
4: What kind of sense of humor do they have?
-Savanna has a sarcastic sense of humor despite her young age. 
5: Any hidden or obvious talents?
-She is quite good at creating art.  She takes after her mom in that sense.
6: What is their occupation?
-2nd grader. 
7: Where is their favorite place to be?
-Savanna feels most at home in the woods surrounding her house, but her favorite place to be is anywhere her family is. 
8: Do they have a love interest?
-Not at the moment. Her parents said she’s not allowed to date until she’s 30.
9: Favorite color?
-Purple and red.
10: Favorite drink? ( can be non alcoholic )
-Shirley Temple and strawberry milk.
11: Are they a neat freak or a mess?
-Savanna is always a little bit of a hot mess. 
12: What is their quote/motto?
-Be wild, but stay soft.
13: Someone they look up to?
-Her mother, Victoria Deschaine. When Savanna grows up, she wants to be just like her mom. She also idolizes her older brothers and sister.
14: Can you name 3 bad traits about them?
-Savanna trusts too easily which often leads to disappointment. 
-She is honest to a fault which sometimes gets her in trouble.
-She is the reason her family is late to most functions. Schedules don’t work for a free spirit like Savanna.
15: What is their favorite food?
-Tomato sandwiches. She’s been obsessed with them ever since she was introduced to the movie Harriet the Spy.
16: What is their least favorite food?
-Brussel sprouts. 
17: How do you consider their fashion?
-Savanna loves to wear cotton sundresses despite her tomboy personality. She hasn’t really developed a fashion sense of her own. She usually wears whatever Victoria buys without complaints.
18: Are they independent or a team player?
-Savanna is a little bit of both. She doesn’t mind being alone but given the choice, she’d prefer having someone else to adventure with.
19: Someone/something they can’t stand?
-Savanna genuinely likes everyone, but she can’t stand when someone is disrespectful to her family. 
20: Nicknames?
-Most people call her Savvy, but her mother calls her Butterfly.
21: Do they own a pet? What is it?
-Her family owns a farm so they have a lot of animals, but Toby [her horse] is the first pet Savanna has that is her very own.
22: If they were to own a pet, what would it be?
-She has been begging Victoria for baby ducks since she learned how to speak. 
23: Do they dye their hair? What is their original hair color?
-No. Her parents won’t allow it. Savanna’s natural hair color is brown like her mom’s. 
24: Could you describe how their room would look like?
-Savanna’s room is butterfly themed. The walls are painted white and display a lot of the seven year old’s artwork. The accent color she chose when they redid the space is purple. 
25: Do they prefer light colors or dark colors?
-Savanna loves bright colors. The more vibrant, the better. 
26: Bad habits?
-She has a tendency to track dirt all over the house and she has been known to bring home injured animals [which she hides from her mom in a shoebox under her bed] to nurse them back to health.
27: Dream job?
-As of right now, Savanna’s dream job is to become a veterinarian. She would also settle for a zoologist or marine biologist.
28: What kind of sleeper are they? What position do they sleep in?
-Savanna is a restless sleeper. She is most comfortable sleeping on her stomach. 
29: What is something they care about the most?
-Her family and her animals are the most important things in her life. 
30: Most valuable possession?
-Her teddy bear. She’s had him since birth and can’t sleep without him.
31: Do they wear jewelry?
-Yes. Savanna loves to accessorize. She has a jewelry box filled with necklaces, bracelets, and rings.
32: Do they have piercings? Want any?
-No piercings yet, but she has been begging Victoria and David to let her get her ears pierced. 
33: Are they rebellious or do they play by the rules?
-Savanna usually plays by the rules, but [like most kids] she rebels when it’s something she had a strong opinion about. 
34: Favorite sport?
-Soccer. She has been playing the sport since she was three and loves it. 
35: Do they wear make-up?
-Savanna plays with makeup, but she is not allowed to wear it out of the house. The most Victoria will allow is lip gloss. 
36: Where are they originally from? What is their ethnicity?
-Savanna was born and raised in Limbo, NV. Her last name [Thorne] is of English and Irish origins. 
37: Is their voice deep? Neutral? High pitched?
-Savanna’s voice is considered deep for a child. 
38: If any, what allergies do they have?
-Savanna has no known food allergies, but she is allergic to pollen and ragweed.
39: Are they outgoing or quiet?
-She is usually outgoing, but has a quiet side when something is upsetting her. 
40: Favorite time of year? Why?
-Fall. Savanna loves watching the leaves change colors and her favorite holiday [Halloween] occurs in the fall. 
41: Favorite smell?
-Fresh baked cookies, cupcakes, or cake. 
42: Are they flexible?
-Yes. Most children are.
43: Any tattoos? Want tattoos?
-No tattoos, but she does want at least one when she’s old enough.
44: Favorite form of travel?
-Savanna loves riding her bike, especially when she can feel the sun on her face and the wind in her hair. 
45: Do they like plants? What plant do they like the most?
-Yes. She has been helping Victoria and Dora in their gardens for as long as she can remember. Sugar snap peas are her favorite and she’s glad her mother and grandmother grow plenty of them. 
46: Are they the type to enjoy watching tv and or play video games?
-Since her parents don’t allow much technology time, she doesn’t really like watching tv or playing video games. Savanna would much rather be outside. 
47: Favorite holiday?
48: Dream getaway?
-Savanna’s dream getaway would be a fully furnished treehouse in the woods. When she’s older she wants to build her house in the trees. 
49: What do they find annoying?
-Occasionally, her brother Timmy. Especially when he won’t play with her, but other than that Savanna doesn’t get annoyed with much. 
50: What are they most terrible at?
-Lying. Savanna rarely lies, but when she does it’s pretty obvious. The guilt consumes her until she ends up confessing to whatever it is she’s hiding. 
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littleindigochildx · 4 years
hmd ♡
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Savanna and Timothy were extremely upset that this was the first Mother’s Day they wouldn’t be spending with Victoria. Buying a gift wasn’t an option since stores were still closed, but Savvy had an idea. This day was important so she decided to make gifts this year. 
The kids started with handmade cards then they picked some of their mom’s favorite flowers from the garden. It wasn’t much, but hopefully it would be enough to brighten Victoria’s day. With some FaceTime help from Clara, they also made a cake and cookies that were specially decorated for the occasion. 
It wasn’t easy to deliver the gifts, and it took forever to get to around town on their bikes with fragile gifts in tow, but they made it to Limbo General (without Declan’s knowledge) and couldn’t wait to video chat at bedtime to wish Vic the happiest Mother’s Day! 
On their way home they dropped off the cookies they painted, along with a single paper flower (courtesy of Savvy), and a small note wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to all the women in their family. They couldn’t be together to celebrate, but Timmy and Savanna wanted each and every one of them to know how much they loved them. ♡
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littleindigochildx · 4 years
☆ I have a bad feeling about this
[Quarantine Day 1 : Stay at home ]
Each morning there was an update from the state’s governor announcing what the new protocol would be until the coronavirus pandemic ended. School closures were first. In the beginning, it was just a temporary thing. A two week grace period was put in place as an attempt to slow the spread of the virus. When that didn’t work, the governor announced that schools and all non-essential business would be closed until further notice. Timmy and Savanna were ecstatic until they realized what that meant for their parents. Unlike non-essential employees, Vic and David were required to work more than their standard 40 hours a week. The same went for Clara, Rory, Ransom, and any other healthcare worker around the world. These people truly were heroes. They were risking their lives every day to help treat patients with COVID-19. This also meant they weren’t allowed to return home after a shift for fear they might spread it on to other family members, especially those over a certain age (like Vic and David’s parents) and people with pre-existing conditions (like Timmy with his asthma). 
“Declan--” Victoria said into the phone. “I need to ask you to do me a huge favor, and before you say no-- I want you to take time to think about it.” She could feel the lump in her throat. This was more than just a favor, and he was literally the last person she would ask in an event like this, but her options were limited. If he agreed to it, she was entrusting him to take care of two of the most important people in her life. She originally planned on asking her parents but children were more likely to be asymptomatic carriers than adults were and she didn’t want to expose them. 
“Can you—” It wasn’t easy for Victoria to ask for help. She had been doing everything on her own for so long that her pride took a serious hit when she needed assistance-- Even when it came in the form of a family member. She barely even asked David for help. “—I need someone to watch Timothy and Savanna.” She finally blurred out. Victoria practically cringed as she waited for his response. He was painfully quiet. For a minute she thought he hung up, but after checking her phone she confirmed the call was still active. “You know I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t an emergency.” The brunette added. She still hadn’t told her two youngest about the arrangement. It was another conversation she wasn’t looking forward to and it only added to the anxiety she was currently dealing with. 
“Why can’t someone else watch um?” DC finally spoke. “They ain’t my kids.” He made a point. He was not obligated to look after Savanna or Timothy. They weren’t related. What got under his skin even more was the fact that she was asking him to stay in her house-- The one they bought together after Ransom was born but she currently shared with David and his crotch goblins. “I duno ‘bout this Vic. I ain’t the dinner makin’, homework helpin’, story readin’, movie watchin’ type. I got shit’a my own ta worry ‘bout.” 
This conversation was pointless. Victoria could tell Declan had his mind made up. At least she thought he did until he opened his mouth once again. “—How long?” The ex-con finally asked. It took Vic by surprise. Was he seriously considering this? And if he was— Could she really trust him in her house with her kids? “I uh— I don’t know. As long as I’m needed at work.” She couldn’t give him a clear answer because no one knew when this pandemic would end, or when life as they once knew it would go back to normal.
Their phone call lasted the better part of an hour and Victoria made sure Declan was clear on the rules before he set foot in the house. The hard part was over. Vic had someone to look after the children while she and David worked. David was livid, but his hands were tied. Declan had never truly taken care of kids on his own so he didn’t know where to begin in terms of babysitting. Food, homework, showers, etc— He was out of his element and it pained him to know he’d be sharing a roof with the spawns of David Thorne. There wasn’t another living sole on the planet DC hated more than David. The man who stole his wife to start a family of their own-- It made Declan sick, and now he’d be trapped with the creep’s miniatures for an unknown period of time. He had a bad feeling about this.
“Ya mean we’re not gonna get’a see you or daddy for a long long time?” Savanna frowned as she sat on the master bed watching Victoria pack a rather large bag for herself. The brunette was taking so much with her that (to a seven year old) it almost looked like she was moving out. “I’m not sure how long we’ll be gone, butterly.” Vic told her youngest sadly. She hated this. When she took the hippocratic oath, she was nowhere near prepared for the chaos this pandemic would bring. She never thought she would be taken away from her family for such an extended period of time. Victoria didn’t know what was worse-- The guilt over leaving her seven year old and her nine year old to practically fend for themselves, or the fact that she was now at the mercy of Declan Deschaine. Ex-con and ex-husband, an absentee father to his own children, and someone who couldn’t entirely be trusted, especially under her roof. 
“Why can’t we just come with ya?” Savvy pressed for more information. “We don’t gotta go ‘ta school anymore. Me an’ Timmy can do our work at the hospital.” David had recently gone behind Victoria’s back and purchased two brand new iPads, complete with apple pencils and magic keyboards, for the kids to use during distance learning. The one they originally shared desperately needed to be replaced and this was the perfect opportunity for that. David also expressed how much he wanted to get the kids their own cell phones but Vic was completely against it. She didn’t think they needed one yet. They were still young enough that they required supervision and anyone who babysat would have a phone to reach Vic or David if there was an emergency. 
“I wish you could come with me, but you can’t.” Vic stopped packing and crouched down in front of Savanna so they were at the same level. “I know you’ve been hearing about coronavirus on TV, and maybe even your friends at school--” The brunette began. “--This virus is very very bad and could make people very very sick.” Vic knew her kids were smart. They understood the severity of the situation even if most adults did not. “So sick they die?” The seven year old’s eyes widened. Victoria nodded. She wouldn’t sugar coat this. She never did. “That’s correct, baby girl. Older people like grandma and grandpa-- Or people with other medical conditions like your brother. That’s why we all need to wear masks when we’re out in public and why we wash our hands for 20 seconds every time we come back inside.” Savvy nodded like she understood. “An’ that’s why ‘ya can’t come back home? Cause ‘ya might bring coronavirus here an’ make Timmy sick?” The little girl bit her lip. She could feel tears building behind her bright blue eyes but she held them back as best she could. She wanted to be brave for her mom. She wanted to be brave for her dad and brother. This was not an ideal situation for any of them. “My smart girl.” Vic kissed her daughter’s forehead and smoothed her hair before she stood back up to finish gathering her things. She and David would be staying in a hotel close to Limbo General when they weren’t working so she made sure she packed more than just scrubs.
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“He’s late.” David grumbled as he glanced down at his watch. Their shifts started in thirty minutes and it would take at least fifteen to get to the hospital from their residence. “He’ll be here, David. Relax.” Vic replied in a calm, even tone. She didn’t want the kids to be more anxious than they already were. After all, they were being left with a man who hated their father and didn’t know the first thing about children. “I’m gonna put these things in the car. He better be here by the time I’m finished.” It was an empty threat but the anger was evident in his tone. 
Declan strolled in at ten minutes to five which meant Victoria and David would definitely be late. The kids were sitting on the couch watching Teen Titans Go! when the biker let himself in. “It’s about time.” David muttered. Timmy and Savanna had only met Declan once, so both of them were shy as they greeted him. “You remember my kids, Timothy and Savanna.” Vic gestured to each of them who gave silent waves to say hi. “There are detailed instructions on the table for all of you. Timmy and Savanna know what chores they need to complete before they’re allowed to watch television. Their school work needs to be completely finished before they can play outside. Masks need to be worn in public-- My mom made one for each of you that are hanging up by the keys. The fridge and pantry have been fully stocked.” Vic continued to rattle off a list of do’s and don’ts with Declan interrupting her every so often. “They ain’t in diapers or nothin’, right? Cause the only ass I wipe is my own.” Vic rolled her eyes. “They’re seven and nine. They’ve been out of diapers for years, Declan.” She wanted to say more but knew she couldn’t. She had to bite her lip or her only available babysitter might change his mind and walk out the door he just stepped through. 
David let the pair talk in the kitchen while he said goodbye to the kids. They were both tearful, but they knew this was the only way to keep everyone safe. “Your mom and I will call you every single day.” He promised. Leaving Declan in his house unsupervised with his children terrified him almost as much leaving Timmy and Savvy completely on their own. “And you can message us, your grandparents, your brother and sister, your aunts and uncles, even your big cousins if you need to.” It was one of the many reasons he went against Vic’s wishes and got both kids their own iPad. He needed to be able to stay in touch and he didn’t trust Declan to be the mediator. “Be good, okay?” David kissed both kids on the head and hugged them extra tight. He wasn’t worried Timothy and Savanna would be difficult for Declan-- He was worried Declan would be difficult for Timothy and Savanna. 
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Once David and Victoria were gone, Declan crumbled up the list that was left for them and directed his attention towards the kids. “We’re not gonna need these.” He explained bending forward with his hands on his thighs. Declan looked them square in the eyes. “First things first.” He paused for dramatic effect. “I won’t bother you-- and you won’t bother me. Comprende?” Neither one of them responded verbally but they nodded in understanding. “I won’t be makin’ dinner so ya know where the food is if ya get hungry.” The kids looked from Declan to each other, both of them appeared to be in a state of shock. “But we duno how ‘ta make dinner for ourselves. Mommy doesn’t let us use the oven without her help.” Savanna was the first to speak. She was a spitfire, Declan had to admit. A quality she unknowingly inherited from her mother. “Mommy doesn’t make dinner ‘til 6. If yer not gonna make it-- Who is?” She put her hands on her hips with a scowl.
Declan stood back up and rubbed his beard while he looked around the kitchen. He was searching for anything edible that might serve as a substitute for dinner. Everything in the house was located exactly where it did when he lived there. The flatware was different and the color of the kitchen had been updated. The appliances were more modern now too which he assumed was David’s doing, but it wasn’t hard to locate a couple of bowls and a box of cereal. “Here-- Dinner.” He told them. The box of Lucky Charms made a thud as it hit the table and Declan made his way to the fridge to see if Vic had the decency to leave him any beer. After all-- He was doing this for her. 
To be continued--
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littleindigochildx · 5 years
halloween 🎃
The kids had been looking forward to this night since October 1st. It was trick-or-treat night in Limbo and they couldn’t wait to show off their Halloween costumes. “Mommy, is it time ta get candy now?” Savanna asked as Victoria tried her best to keep her seven year old still long enough to do her makeup. “I want you an’ Declan ta come with us. He doesn’t need’a costume... but I can do his makeup if he wants.” The little brunette suggested with a mischievous little smirk. “I can make him look like’a….skeleton.” Maybe he’d be more open to the idea if she painted his face something scary. “...An’ you can be a butterfly, mommy.”
Savanna had a particularly hard time choosing a Halloween costume this year. She originally wanted to be a princess or a fairy, but Timmy got her sucked into the Marvel universe, and when Victoria finally took them for costumes, the seven year old opted to go as Black Widow. “How come we couldn’t dye my hair red?” Savvy questioned as she used her fingers to comb through the synthetic hair that made up her wig. “Grandma dyes her hair all the time.” Of course it wasn’t the same. Dora had been coloring her hair to cover up grey since long before she ever became a grandmother. “Kids in my class do it too. One girl has purple hair, mommy… Like Mal in Descendants. How old do I got’a be ta have purple hair?”
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Victoria was about to reply when Timothy and Declan came down the stairs. “Is it time for trick-or-treatin' yet?” Timmy asked as he watched his mother finish Savanna’s makeup. “Wow Savvy. Ya look just like Black Widow.” The eight year old commented as he removed his mask. Halloween really was his favorite holiday. He couldn’t wait to show off his costume, but he was even more excited about all the candy he and Savanna were about to collect.
Since no one would be at the Deschaine residence to hand out candy, Declan put a bowl out with a sign to take one piece. He knew most kids wouldn’t abide to it, but once the candy was gone… that was it.
“Ready to go?” He arched a brow in the direction of the children. Doing family things was still taking some getting used to. When Ransom and Dottie were younger, it was always Victoria who took them trick-or-treating. She and Clara (who was there to supervise her own children) would walk the kids from door to door carrying tumblers of wine to make the night more tolerable. DC would occupy his time at the clubhouse (when he wasn’t incarcerated) to avoid having to deal with a bunch of screaming brats. Since his release from prison, things were different. He was different. Declan was trying.
“Come on! All the good candy is gonna be taken if we don’t hurry up!” Savanna exclaimed as she gently tugged her mother in the direction of their neighbors house. “I wanna go ta Oasis Apartments. Everyone gives out candy there.” Timmy said as he swung his empty bucket. They could cover more ground at the apartment complex since more people lived there than their entire neighborhood. “But what'a 'bout Libby... Are we gonna meet up with Lexa an’ Libby?” Savvy asked. It was tradition. Timmy and Savanna loved trick-or-treating with Libby. They always traded candy with each other at the end of the night...before Victoria stashed it away so they couldn’t eat it all in one night.
As if by magic, Lexa and Libby rounded the corner dressed and ready to go. “Ya made it!” Savvy grinned. "Yer costume is awesome!" Libby already had candy in her bucket which meant she started without them, but that was fine. “We can’t forget ta go see grandma an’ grandpa Andreson. They always given out the best candy.” Timmy reminded everyone. He was looking forward to the king size Reece’s that his grandparents saved for him every year. They were his favorite. Everyone knew that.
By 8pm, all three children had so much candy in their buckets that they could barely carry them on their own. Declan offered to lighten the load by snagging a few pieces as they went from door to door. “Do we have time ta trade before Libby and Lex go home?” Savanna asked. “It’s not that late yet.” But it was still a school night and close to the kid’s bedtime. “Please mommy?” All three children looked at Victoria with their signature doe eyes. “Can’t we just stay up a little passed bedtime?” The seven year old was already showing signs of exhaustion. A full structured day at school, a Halloween parade, and trick-or-treating really drained the energy out of her. Waking up for school would be a struggle even if she did go to bed on time. “I will share my candy with you and Declan.” Bribing an adult with candy wasn't like bribing a child with candy. The two didn't hold the same weight, and even though Vic was hesitant to say yes, it was Halloween and she would do just about anything to keep her children happy. “30 minutes.” The brunette warned as they approached the front of their house. “It’s still a school night.” Declan grinned. "And I'm gonna hold ya to sharin' the candy..." He teased.
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littleindigochildx · 5 years
*//-prompt: "I swear it was like that when I found it.” (Ransom)
“Hi baby…. You know I hate to ask you this, especially since I’m sure you’re exhausted from work, but is there any way you could watch your brother and sister for a couple of hours tonight? Your father and I have a function to attend and there is no way I can bring them with me.” Victoria already tried to make other arrangements, but Rory wasn’t answering her phone and Clara had plans. Victoria knew her parents were always a possibility, but the kids had been asking about their brother a lot lately and she knew how excited they would be if Ransom came over to play with them. “Please don’t feel obligated to say yes… I’m sure I can always take them to your grandparents house.” Vic and Declan were going to a DRMC dinner. It wouldn’t be an all night event. A couple of hours at most. “Mommy, who are ya talkin’ to?” Savanna asked as she came down the stairs with coloring books and her new art kit in her hands. “Is that Rannie? I wanna talk ta him.” The seven year old dropped her belongings down on the coffee table and reached for Victoria’s cell phone. “Rannie… I miss you. When are ya gonna come over ta play?” Savvy didn’t know their mother was trying to recruit him for babysitting, and if Ransom was on the fence about saying no before… He knew he couldn’t say it now.
A couple hours later, the front door opened and Ransom stepped inside. Timothy and Savanna had been patiently waiting for him. “Rannie!!” They shouted in unison as they sandwiched him in a hug. “We are so, so happy yer here. We missed you!” Savanna told him with a smile on her face. The commotion alerted Victoria of her oldest son's arrival and she came down the stairs a couple minutes later dressed and ready to go.
“You have no idea how much I appreciate this.” Vic said as she gave her Ransom a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “We shouldn’t be any later than 9. I left money on the counter for dinner. Their homework is done. They know their bedtime routines. Please help yourself to anything in the house.” Victoria turned to look at her two youngest. “No scary movies...” She warned. Timothy tolerated them well, but Savvy always ended up having nightmares and would force her way into bed with Vic and DC in the middle of the night.
“You know I’m only a phone call away if you need me.” She directed her attention to Ransom again. She couldn’t help but notice how uncomfortable he looked when Declan finally came down the stairs. The two barely acknowledged each other, but they kept it civil for the sake of the little kids. Ransom didn’t have to like the man just because they were related. He just hoped, for his mother’s sake and the sake of his younger siblings, that DC was trying to set things right. He didn’t want Timmy and Savvy to know the Declan Deschaine he had been exposed to when he was their age.
“You can go now. We promise ta be good for Rannie.” Savanna said with a grin. Victoria knew they would be. They were always good for anyone who babysat. “I hope ya have’a fun night.” Timmy told them before Vic and DC head out the door. “What are we gonna do for dinner?” The little boy asked immediately after the front door closed. Food was constantly on his mind which was something you’d never be able to tell based on his slender frame. “Pizza?!” His eyes widened, but Savanna made a face. She hadn’t been able to stomach anything with tomato since the last time she had pizza and it made her sick. “I don’t want that.” She pouted. “Can we make pancakes for dinner, Rannie?” The tiny brunette looked up at him with her big blue eyes. “Please?”
Savanna wasn’t even sure if her brother knew how to cook, but she and Timmy could assist. They both knew how to read ingredients and had been helping Victoria and Clara in the kitchen for years. “We can tell ya what ta do. Pancakes are easy. Even Declan knows how ta make um.” The seven year old giggled. “We need yer help cause mommy doesn’t let us use the stove or the oven.” Ransom looking like he was giving it some thought as he glanced at his watch. If the pancakes didn’t turn out as expected, there was still time to have something delivered.
“I can get out everythin’ we need, kay?” Savvy announced. She didn’t give her brothers time to respond before she disappeared to the kitchen. Timmy took that moment as the perfect opportunity to show Ransom the new game he got for his PS4. “Do ya know how ta play Call of Duty? My dad got me this game. I don’t think mom knows. She doesn’t like when me an’ Savvy play shootin’ games.” Timothy hadn’t even take the game out of the wrapper yet because he wanted to ask Victoria if it was okay to play it first. Lately it seemed that David was going out of his way to buy the kids gifts he knew Victoria wouldn’t approve of, and Timmy was torn. He really wanted to play the game, but he didn’t want to upset his mom. “Do ya think she will be mad if we play for just a little?” The eight year old arched a brow.
Savanna came back into the living room a couple minutes later. The boys had just finished setting up the PS4 to play COD. Savvy was already intrigued. She was better at these types of games than Timothy was. She beat him all the time when Vic or DC took them to The Coin Slot. “Can I play too? After we make dinner?” She asked, but her big brothers were already focused on the game and didn’t hear her question. “I’m gonna start makin’ the pancake batter, kay? Don’t worry… I won’t use the stove.” Savvy felt like she was talking to herself at this point but she shrugged it off and went back to the kitchen to begin dinner preparations. What she wasn’t prepared for was the huge mess she was about to walk into.
“Gemma, that’s bad.” The seven year old gently scolded the family dog. In the short amount of time the ingredients were left unattended, the dog had jumped up on the counter and ripped open the pancake mix. It was e v e r y w h e r e. “Now what are we gonna use for dinner?” She furrowed her brow. Savvy didn’t even know where to begin when it came to cleaning up. It wasn’t like she could just absorb the mess with paper towels and the dustpan and brush she found only spread the mess around more.
“I think I need some help.” Savvy explained as she stood in front of Ransom with the flour-like substance all over her clothes. She even managed to get some in her hair. Ransom’s eyes widened. If his sister looked like this he could only imagine what the kitchen looked like. “I swear it was like that when I found it.” The seven year old told him as she held her hands up defensively. “Gemma did it. She jumped up on the counter and getted the bag’a pancake mix.” It was a good thing Victoria left money for take out. They were clearly going to need it. “I tried ta clean it up…” Savvy frowned. “Guess we’re not gonna have pancakes t’night.”
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littleindigochildx · 5 years
task 17 ♡
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Leaving Limbo was a foreign thought to Savanna and Timothy. Their town wasn’t perfect, they knew that, but it was home. It’s where their family was. It’s where they were born and raised. Everything they knew resided in Limbo. At least it did. One by one people were beginning to disappear. The lucky few who made it out usually never came back.
“But why does Dottie needa move? How comes she’s leavin’ us?” Savanna asked with tears in her eyes. Victoria and Declan were the ones who had to break the news to the kids. Dottie originally wanted to, but she couldn’t bear the thought of disappointing her little brother and sister. This wasn’t a decision she had taken lightly and even though she knew she would miss her family...Dottie knew she was making the right decision. She had to get out of their small town if she was going to make a name for herself. It was now or never.
“I don’t want her ta go.” Timmy chimed in. He was equally upset. He and Savanna looked up to their older siblings so much. The two already felt like they didn’t get nearly enough time with Ransom and Dottie. “She’s gonna leave an’ never come back...Just like daddy.” Savanna added with a sniffle. She was trying her best to hold it together. “Is it cause she loves Ezra more than us?” The seven year old questioned. Victoria and Declan looked at each other. Now they knew why Dorothea was so hesitant to break the news herself. “Of course not, butterfly. Your sister loves you very much. Moving away won’t change that.” Vic explained. It took her some time to wrap her own mind around the idea of her baby leaving. She hated that there would be so much distance between them, but she also understood why Dottie felt like she needed to go.
“That’s what ya said ‘bout David…” The little girl mumbled under her breath. She didn’t think Victoria could hear her, but the expression on the brunette’s face led her to believe otherwise. “Sorry mommy…” She said with a frown. “I just don’t want Dottie to never come back. I’m gonna miss her too much.” The seven year old explained. “How are we gonna have girls night without her?” Victoria ran her hand over Savanna’s messy tresses and forced what she hoped was a reassuring smile. “We will still have them. Maybe one she’s settled we can even go visit her.” This seemed to help ease the anxiety Savvy had over her sister leaving, but she was still obviously upset about it. “Can we do somethin’ special for her, mommy? Like throw her a goin’ away party? We can make decorations, an’ get her a present to ‘member us. That way she’s not too sad ‘bout leavin’ Limbo.” The little girl suggested. She already had gift ideas in mind for Dorothea. “I think that’s a great idea, butterfly.” Vic replied. “Why don’t you and your brother get started on decorations.” Dottie was leaving in just a few days so there was no time to waste.
“Come on, Timmy. We got’a lot’a work ta do.” Savanna reached for her brother’s hand and pulled him towards Victoria’s studio. They would need all kinds of supplies if they were going to make this the best going away party ever.
...To be continued in Timmy’s task 17.
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littleindigochildx · 5 years
*//PROMPT: “what is that thing?”
*//Prompt: "What is that thing?"
Savanna gasped as leaves rustled next to her and a flash of something yellow caught her attention. “A snake!” She thought out loud, but the creature wasn’t nearly long enough to be a snake. “Come out, little guy. I won’t hurt you.” She said in a soft tone. “I just wanna say hi.” The seven year old carefully moved some fallen leaves to uncover her new friend’s hiding place. “Whoa!” She exclaimed when it scurried off a little further ahead of her. “You’re fast… I wonder what you are.” She spoke out loud. The little amphibian’s quick actions made her jump again, but she wasn’t afraid of it. Savvy actually thought he was cute...Whatever it was. She followed him for a little, completely neglecting what she was sent outside to do. Savanna was supposed to be collecting leaves and rocks for her next art project with Victoria and Timothy. “Almost…” The little brunette moved closer to the tiny creature. “Got’cha!” Savvy held the wiggly little guy in her hands as she ran back towards the house. She wouldn’t know what kind of animal she found until she could put him somewhere he wouldn’t escape.
“Mommy! Timmy! Look what I found!” She called out excitedly. “I got’a new friend.” Savvy grinned. She ran so fast she was practically out of breath by the time she reached the front porch. “I need somethin’ ta put him in so he won’t run away. Do we got’a glass jar or somethin’?” The little girl arched a brow. “Is it a snake?” Timmy asked his sister which made Victoria’s eyes widen immediately. There were poisonous snakes in Limbo and even though the seven year old was pretty good about identifying a species, she wasn’t a professional. “What is that thing?” Victoria asked with obvious concern in her tone. “I think it’s a salamander...or maybe a newt.” The little brunette replied as Timmy grabbed a mason jar they used for lightening bugs and filled it with grass for the little amphibian. “Can we keep him, mommy? Can he be our pet?” Savanna asked. “We can get’a tank for him an’ he can stay in my room.” The seven year old said as she carefully placed the squirmy lizard-like critter in the glass jar Timothy was holding. He quickly screwed the lid on so the animal wouldn’t escape and placed it on a table for them all to see. “He’s so cool. Please, mom. Can we keep him” Timmy asked.
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“Savanna, how do you know he’s not poisonous?” Victoria questioned, although she wasn’t at all surprised that her daughter brought this thing home. “He isn’t, mommy.” Savvy replied quickly. “How do you know?” Vic arched a brow. Brightly colored amphibians and reptiles were often indicative of a poisonous species which is why Victoria was so worried. “I just know, mommy.” The seven year old said confidently. “I think he’s a salamander. I found him by the stream when I was lookin’ for rocks.” Savanna knew that salamanders lived near water sources because that’s where they laid their eggs. “I wanna take him inside ta show Declan.” She smiled mischievously. She planned on scaring him with it. “What should we name him?”
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littleindigochildx · 5 years
pumpkin szn 🎃 (pt.1 of 2)
Savanna and Timothy had been begging their mother to take them to the pumpkin patch since the beginning of September. Halloween was a favorite holiday for both children. They liked watching scary movies (or Timmy does), drinking hot chocolate, and dressing up in costumes. They also liked watching the leaves change colors and collecting them to make various fall themed art projects with Victoria.
It was finally October and knowing how excited the kids were about Halloween, Vic planned a day out with the them to go pumpkin picking. Savanna already knew what she was going to carve in hers, she just needed to find the perfect canvas for her masterpiece. “We get’a pick pumpkins t’day, right mommy?” The little girl asked as she sat down for breakfast. She and Timothy still had school, but the plan was to pick them up a little early so they would beat the crowds. “Yes. We’re going to get pumpkins today, Butterfly.” Vic replied with a smile. She was glad to see her youngest in better spirits, especially since Savanna had been so down about her sister moving out of Limbo. Victoria knew the seven year old didn’t understand her sister’s reason for leaving. It was hard to explain, but Dottie would be back to visit often. That was a promise she made to her younger siblings when she left. She would always find a way to make time for them.
“I wish we didn’t have’ta go ta school today…” Savvy admitted. She usually loved school because she was always eager to learn, but if given the opportunity to play hooky for a day...She wouldn’t hesitate to jump at the chance. “Are ya suuuure we can’t just stay home with you?” The little brunette questioned. Her hair still wasn’t brushed and her shoes were M.I.A. but she was dressed, and that was a huge accomplishment since most days she scrambled at the last minute to get ready. Some days she even ended up missing the bus. “Can’t we miss just one day, mommy?” Savvy looked up at Victoria with big doe eyes just before Timmy entered the kitchen. His hair was combed nicely, he was dressed, and he had his book bag waiting by the door ready to go. He couldn’t have been more opposite of his little sister if he tried. “Not today, Butterfly, but I’m picking you up early remember?” Vic reminded her youngest. She decided last minute that she would take them out of school at lunch instead of wait until their last class of the day. She was going to surprise them, and Declan was coming too.
“If you’re finished eating, please go brush your teeth so we can do something about that hair.” Vic laughed softly. Savanna had the best bedhead she had ever seen. Even as a baby her hair was always wild after she woke up. It seemed that no amount of leave in conditioner or detangling solution was enough to tame her wild mane. “I want braids today, mommy.” Savvy requested before she abandoned her soggy bowl of cereal to brush her teeth like Victoria instructed.
“Savanna, hurry! We’re gonna miss the bus again!” Timothy shouted from the door. They were fortunate enough that the bus actually stopped at the end of their driveway. On a good day, Timmy could flag down the driver and he’d wait for Savanna, but that wasn’t always the case. “I just need’a say bye ta Gemma.” The seven year old recently developed a close attachment to the dog, despite the fact that she really belonging to Victoria.
Savvy placed a quick kiss to the pup’s head, petting the others before she grabbed her book bag. “I love you, mommy.” She kissed Victoria goodbye. “Don’t forget us, kay?” The little girl reminded her. Vic smirked as she leaned against the door frame and watched her children board the bus. “Make good choices!” She yelled to them as the bus doors closed and it disappeared down the road.
The house was quiet now… It was an awkward feeling since there was usually so much chaos. While Victoria lived for her children, she was glad to be able to finish a cup of coffee without being interrupted.
At noon, just as promised, Victoria showed up at Palm Valley Elementary to pick Timmy and Savanna up. They were both so happy to see her there, especially because neither one knew she was coming so early. “Mommy!” Savvy yelled excitedly which made Vic grin in return. She already signed them out so they were free to go.
“Are we goin’ ta get pumpkins right now, mom?” Timmy piped up from the back seat. “What’a ‘bout lunch?” He was a growing boy. Food was always the first thing on his mind. "What happened to the lunch I packed you?" Victoria laughed softly as she drove back towards their house. They still needed to pick up Declan. He was needed at the clubhouse but promised to be back in time to go to the pumpkin patch. “We’ll get a snack. I promise.” Vic replied. “We just need to make one stop first...There’s someone we need to pick up.” The kids both thought DC was working so having him tag along would be a welcomed surprise. “Who we gettin’ mama? Aunt Clara? She can come too.” Unfortunately Clara was busy or she would have probably joined them. “Halloween is my favoritest holiday ever. I like it even more than Christmas!” Savvy spoke. “Can we get more than one pumpkin, mommy? I wanna make special ones for Ransom and Dottie.” Savanna really was a miniature version of her mother. She always wanted to do something thoughtful for other people, especially family. “We will see, Butterfly.” Vic replied as she turned into the driveway. Declan’s motorcycle was there which meant he had beaten them home. “I thought we were pickin’ someone up…” Timmy furrowed his brow and before he could ask anymore questions DC came out of the house to join them. “He’s comin’ with us?” Savanna squealed excitedly.
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“Mom...Can we go in the corn maze first? Do ya know if it’s a haunted one?” Timmy grinned. Scary things were right up his alley, and Halloween gave him the perfect excuse to talk Clara into letting him watch some of the classics from her collection. “I wanna do somethin’ that is scary. DC...You’ll do it with me, right?” Timmy could already tell by the look on his little sister’s face that she wanted nothing to do with scary anything. She was prone to nightmares and more recently, night terrors. “Can I just pick pumpkins?” Savanna’s voice was timid but she put on a brave face. She would do a haunted house or hayride if she had to, but she probably wouldn’t sleep for weeks. “It’s okay, Savvy. Ya don’t need’a do anythin’ ya don’t wanna. This ain’t that kind’a place. No scary stuff here.” Declan chimed in. He gave Timothy a look. He would take the eight year old to a haunted house if Vic said it was okay. They would make it a guys day.
“Mommy, look!” Savanna pointed. There was a stand selling hot chocolate. Her favorite. “Can we get one? Pretty please with sugar on top?” She looked up with a huge grin. “We can get hot chocolate before we go home. If we get it now we won’t have any hands left to pick our pumpkins.” Victoria replied. Declan already knew he’d be the one carrying them...At least he knew he’d be carrying any Savanna found. “Are we gonna carve these t’night?” Timmy arched a brow. “We can, but after your homework is finished.” Vic ruffled her son’s hair a bit. Naturally the little boy sighed. He had the same love for learning that Savanna did, but homework was not his favorite thing. “Fine...But can we also watch’a Halloween movie?” He added as they waited for the hayride to pick them up and take them out into the pumpkin patch. It was Savvy’s favorite part. “One movie...But not a scary one.” Victoria narrowed her eyes to let him know there was no room for negotiations. A PG Halloween movie would have to be good enough. She didn’t want Savanna to be up all night from nightmares, especially on a school night.
……….To be continued.
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littleindigochildx · 5 years
I think daddy is sick ♡ [drabble]
The seven year old said as she stood next to David’s bed shaking him to wake him up. It was almost one in the afternoon. He never slept this long, especially when he had the kids for the weekend, but they had been awake for hours and he had yet to grace them with his presence. “Daddy, why are you still sleepin’?” Savvy asked while checking to make sure he still had a pulse..Something she learned from her mother.
His room reeked of vomit and alcohol. There was a half-empty bottle on his nightstand from the solo party he had after Timmy and Savvy went to bed. Things had been this way for a while. “Are you sick?” The seven year old questioned. David groaned in return and rolled over. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to spend time with his children, he was just too hungover to get out of bed. His head was pounding...A sensation that was only magnified by Savanna’s not-so-quiet-tone. “I’m fine, Savvy…” He mumbled, but it was clear to her that he wasn’t. “Go find your brother and play.” He instructed, but Timmy was already busy with a video game. She was hungry and it was past lunch time. “We want lunch, daddy…” The little girl said softly. Her request was met with silence. She couldn’t tell if David had fallen back to sleep or if he was just ignoring her, but she took his lack of a response as a sign that she and her brother were on their own for lunch, just as they had been on their own for breakfast.
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“Timmy...I think daddy is sick.” The little brunette furrowed her brow as she took a seat beside her brother. “He won’t get out’a bed even though it’s lunch time.” A pout was ever present on her face when she stayed with their father...Not because she didn’t want to be there, (which she didn’t) but because it was no longer fun for them to spend time with David. “I wish mommy was here…” Savvy admitted out loud. Victoria always knew what to do. She always knew just how to make them feel better when they were sick so Savanna thought she could make David better too. “Do ya think we need’a get him to a doctor?” The little girl asked. Timmy paused his game to look at his sister. “Dad is a doctor.” He reminded her. In his eight year old mind he thought that meant David was incapable of getting sick, especially since Timmy couldn’t remember a time when he had actually seen his father sick. “I know, but…” Savvy sighed. “I think he has a really bad tummy ache. He got sick in his bed like that time I had a tummy bug.” Timothy seemed more interested in his game than the conversation. He loved his dad, but this version of David was already getting old.
“What does mommy do for us when we are sick?” Savanna asked. Timmy looked up at her again. “She always makes soup...and tea…” He saved his game since it was clear to him that his sister wasn't going to leave until they talked this out. Savvy had his attention now and if David was sick, he needed them to take care of him. “She also gives us that special juice and some medicine.” He added. Savanna was already on her way to the kitchen to see what they had in terms of food she and Timmy could prepare unsupervised. “Mommy said we’re not’a ‘loud ta use the stove...Cause we could get burned. Think cereal will make daddy feel better? He can have some’a my Lucky Charms.” Savanna suggested with a shrug. “Cereal has too much sugar. It’ll make his stomach feel worse.” Timmy replied. “We can make him toast. I know how ta use the toaster...Mom didn’t say we couldn’t use that.” He reached for the bread and took the butter out of the refrigerator. “Timmy. I wanna help.” The seven year old insisted. “You can get dad some juice. Just try not to spill.” Savvy nodded. She was pretty good about not spilling as long as the container wasn’t too full. “What’a ‘bout medicine?” Neither one of them knew the first thing about medication. They knew where David kept his, but they also knew they weren’t allowed to touch it. “I don’t think he needs that.” Timmy finally said. “Some toast and juice should be good.”
Once the toast (that Timmy burned slightly) was ready, they carried it to David’s bedroom to give it to him. “Daddy…” Savanna whispered. “We brought stuff for your tummy.” She placed the glass she was carrying on his night stand. “Mommy gives us this when we are sick.” Savanna explained. David groaned something inaudible and Timmy put the plate with toast beside the juice. “It's not workin'..." Savvy frowned before she was struck with an idea of her own. "Stay here...I got one more idea.” Savanna told her brother.
She disappeared out of the room to head for her own. There was one thing (besides Victoria) that always made her feel better when she was sick or when she was scared. Teddy. She grabbed him off her bed and took him with her back to David’s room. Carefully, she climbed up beside him and placed a loving hand on his cheek. “I bringed this for you. Teddy always makes me feel better cause he smells like mommy’s perfume and he is the best at cuddlin’.” She tucked the well loved stuffed animal into David's arms and she kissed his head. “I hope he makes you feel better too, daddy.”
Timmy had already gone back down to his game, but Savanna stayed with her father. She even fell asleep for a little while but stirred when David began to show signs of life again. He even took a bite of the toast Timmy made for him. It was soggy from the butter, and ice cold, but he was appreciative.
“Daddy, are you feeling better?” She asked through a yawn. David nodded. He looked like Hell and desperately needed a shower, but at least he was awake and upright. “Thank you for taking such good care of me, princess.” He kissed her head. “Daddy is gonna take a shower and then you, your brother, and I are gonna get something to eat before I take your back to your mom.” David ruffled his daughter’s hair and gave her a reassuring smile. He still felt like death warmed over him, but he knew he had to get out of bed. He had to step up and be the father his children deserved before he lost them to DC entirely. “Go on. You two pick a place to eat and I’ll be out in a couple minutes.” He leaned in and kissed the top of Savanna’s messy hair one more time.
David winced as he got out of bed. Hopefully the extra strength Tylenol he had would get rid of his headache. He wasted enough of his children’s day by staying in bed. He wanted to make it up to them by treating them to dinner...Anywhere they wanted to go.
It took David close to an hour to shower and make himself look presentable. He was still visibly hungover, but he was feeling a little better. When he emerged from the bedroom Timmy and Savanna were coloring quietly together. He watched them for a minute...They were still so young and innocent, but somehow they seemed to be more grown up than he was. These quiet moments together were fleeting and now he understood why Victoria wanted to quit her job as a nurse and focus her time on them. She was an incredible mom raising incredible kids who would change the world someday.
“Daddy, are you better now?” Savanna asked when she noticed him standing there. She lifted her completed masterpiece for him to see. “I drew us.” She beamed proudly. “You, me, and Timmy. We are swimmin’ at the beach by grandma and grandpa Thorne’s house….Just like we used ta do. You’re teachin’ us how ta surf.” Savanna explained. David took the pictures to get a better look. His youngest was very talented. Her art was better than most adults. She definitely inherited her gift from Victoria, as she did most things. Aside from her blue eyes, David wasn’t sure what qualities of his she actually had. “This picture is beautiful, princess. I’ll hang it on the fridge so everyone can see it.” David told her. “You two get your shoes on if you want to go eat.”
Timmy couldn’t hop up fast enough. David wasn’t sure if it was because Timmy was excited to spend time with him or if he was that excited to eat, but it made him chuckle softly. “We wanna go to Dave & Busters, dad. We wanna play games!” The eight year old said enthusiastically. There was a D&B the next town over. David had taken the kids there a couple of times before. Each time they left with their arms full of toys and his wallet a couple hundred dollars lighter. “I just need’a grab somethin’ real quick.” Savanna said once her shoes were on. There hadn’t been a need for weekend bags since David moved into a house closer to Limbo. He had clothes, shoes, etc for them, but there were still items Savvy brought with her whenever she stayed. She couldn’t go anywhere without Teddy or the butterfly blanket she and Victoria made last fall. She quickly stuffed the items in her empty book bag and headed back down to the living room. “Now we can go.” She grinned. David took the bag from her to put in the car and he locked the door behind them as they exited the house.
“Daddy…” A voice piped up from the back seat. “You must be feelin’ much much better. This is the most we seed ya all weekend.” Savanna smiled, but her words broke David’s heart. His kids wanted to spend time with him. He was beginning to realize how selfish he was being by spending their weekends together in bed with a hangover instead of making new memories. “You know what Savanna?” David made eye contact with her through the rear view mirror. “Daddy isn’t completely better, but I promise…” He looked back to her for a second, then to Timmy, They were both watching him with big doe eyes and hanging onto every word he said. “No more staying in bed all day. When you two come to my house, we’re going to have nothing but fun. Scouts honor.” He promised them both.
Fulfilling his promise would take more than just crossing his heart. David knew that. He needed help...He couldn’t get well on his own.
Dinner had run a lot later than anticipated. The kids were supposed to be back at Victoria’s no later than 6, but they were having so much fun and David was trying to make up for lost time with them. He cleared it with Victoria before extending their curfew and by the time he showed up at her house both kids were fast asleep in the back seat of his car. He considered waking them, but decided it would be better if he carried them in. There were some things he needed to talk to Victoria about anyway and they needed their rest.
“We’re in the driveway. I’m gonna need a hand.” David sent in a text to Vic before he shut the engine off and climbed out of the driver’s seat. He figured he’d take Timmy, since he was the heavier of the two, and he would come back to help Victoria with Savanna if the little girl’s dead weight was too much for the brunette to handle on her own. “Sorry we’re late...I just wanted to make tonight a special night for them…” There was more he wasn’t saying, that much was obvious, but he felt it was best to wait until after the children were tucked in to explain himself.
David carried Timothy to his room as carefully and as quietly as he could. The boy’s shoes and glasses were removed once he was placed in his bed. “Goodnight, sport.” David whispered as he kissed Timmy’s head and turned off the light. Victoria was tucking Savanna in, but David made sure he kissed her goodnight as well. He wouldn’t be seeing them for a while...Not until he got the help he desperately needed.
“I wanted to talk to you before I go…” David turned on the porch with his hands in his pockets. He hadn’t been able to make eye contact with Vic until now. The wounds were still too fresh and (despite everything) he still had feelings for her. “I’m going to need you to keep Timmy and Savvy for my next couple of weekends with them.” He could tell she was confused by the way she furrowed her brow. “I need help, Vic...I want to be a better father for them, but I can’t do that without help.” It wasn’t easy for David, aka Mr. Perfect, to admit that he had faults. Especially to Victoria. “I’ve been looking at a couple of 12 step programs...In patient…” He was sweating, but he wasn’t sure if it was from nerves or alcohol withdrawal. “...They deserve a better dad. I can't be that person for them if I keep going down the path I'm on.” David wasn’t sure what else to say. He certainly wasn’t looking for any sympathy, he just wanted Vic to know that his kids meant more to him than anything else in the world. Even more than his reputation and the love he had for his job. “I need to do this for them.” He fumbled with his car keys. “Please tell them that I love them and that I’ll see them as soon as I can.”
David turned to head down the stairs and back towards his car, stopping half-way to speak again. “Our kids are pretty perfect, Vic.... I know I have you to thank for that.” He forced a smile and got in his truck without another word. He had a rehabilitation facility he needed to check into if he planned on fulfilling his promise to his children. Waiting wasn't an option. He had to go tonight.
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littleindigochildx · 5 years
t h i r t e e n ♡ [task]
Timmy and Savanna reluctantly packed bags in preparation for their stay with David this weekend. Both of them seemed less than thrilled about having to go...Savvy even shed some tears because she wanted to stay home with Victoria and Declan. She didn’t understand why she and Timmy didn’t get a say in the matter. “I know you’re upset, butterfly, but you have to go. If you don’t, mommy will be in big trouble and a judge could take you and your brother away from me forever.” She wasn’t trying to scare the seven year old, she was just telling Savanna the truth. This was part of a court order. David had the right to see his children, even if his children didn’t want to see him. “It’s only for the weekend. Two days and you’ll be back home, I promise.”
At least this time they were staying in Nevada. David had a condo outside of Limbo because he knew weekends back and forth to Los Angeles weren’t possible now that school was back in session. “But mommy… Two days an’ the weekend is over.” Savanna said with a pout. “How come we can’t stay with David when we have school?” Victoria suppressed the urge to laugh when her daughter called her father by his given name. “Savanna Madelyn…” She forced a stern look. “Please…” She didn’t have to finish her sentence for the seven year old to know what she was being scolded for. “Sorry mommy…” She replied immediately even though she didn’t see what the big deal was. His name was David. DC probably would have chuckled, or given her a fist bump at the very least.
Journal entry #13
I wish I didn’t have ta stay at daddy’s house every other weekend. I don’t like it here. It smells like beer and cigars. He told mommy he doesn’t smoke in the house, but I know he does when me and Timmy are asleep. He leaves his empty bottles with half-smoked cigars on the coffee table for Maria clean up, but sometimes I do it before she gets there cause daddy leaves everything for her to do. I can hear him tellin’ her ta do laundry while he takes me an’ Timmy for new school shoes. He was supposed to take us before school started, but work was more important. It’s always more important…
I miss mommy and DC already. I want to go home. DC said he was gonna show  me an’ Timmy how ta fix a motorcycle. He’s buildin’ mommy one that looks just like his...She doesn’t know it yet. It’s a surprise. Maybe someday I will get a motorcycle that matches theirs too. One like my bike, but bigger...with a leather jacket so I can be part’a the same club DC belongs to... I forget the name of it, but they have their own club house! It’s only for grown ups though… One’a these days I’ll get him ta take me in there. I gotta know what’s inside’a that club house.
“Savanna, let’s go.” A voice called from down the hall. Timmy. And from the sound of it, he was getting impatient waiting for her...Probably because he didn’t want to be left alone with David either. Not with his unpredictable temper. A side effect of his increased alcohol use.
David was quiet. An uncommon personality trait for a man who usually talked non-stop. A lot of things were different about him since his split with Victoria. The changes were noticeable enough that Savanna and Timothy could pick up on them. It wasn’t that David seemed to care about them less...It was just that he wasn’t making much of an effort to spend time with them, even when he had them for the weekend. His distance was beginning to put a strain his relationship with his children. The David Thorne that used to do anything and everything to keep his family happy was now doing the bare minimum. He couldn’t even keep track of the weekends he had Savvy and Timmy without Victoria’s reminders.
“Daddy…” Savanna’s voice broke the silence in the car. He didn’t give her a verbal response, but he looked at her through the rear view mirror. “Are you gonna play with me an’ Timmy t’day?” The seven year old asked innocently. She couldn’t remember the last time they did something as a family where David was actually involved. In the last few months he had taken them to the park, the beach, and the carnival, but he stood by and chaperoned. He didn’t seem interested in playing even when Savanna tried to include him. “Mommy and DC play with us at home…” The little girl added. Clearly her comment struck a nerve because David’s grip on the steering wheel tightened to the point of making his knuckles white. “‘Member when ya used’ta play with us too?” Timmy had been silent until now. Both children still clearly loved their father, they just didn’t like this version of him. They didn’t like the person his drinking was turning him in to. “We miss that.” The little boy stated. “After we get school shoes, can we go ta the arcade? We can win all the tickets on the skeeball machine like we used to...and take home the biggest prize! Or we can play the claw machine!” David had many talents, one of them being how skilled he was at the claw machine in the arcade. On a good night he and the kids would walk out with most of the stuffed animals in the machine. His wallet would take a hit, of course, but he didn’t seem to mind when he saw the smile it put on his children’s faces. “Think ya still got the magic touch, daddy?” Savanna asked.
David didn’t seem to be paying much attention, his mind was elsewhere, but he nodded like he agreed. It was hard for him to focus when his lawyer told him that morning that his chance of winning the custody battle wasn’t looking so good. They were going to try and play it from a different angle. He still wouldn’t get full custody, not once his drinking was questioned, but he’d be able to get unsupervised visits at the very least. The arrangement he currently worked out with Victoria would probably remain in effect, but that meant going back to California wasn’t an option for him. How was he supposed to live in two states at once? Would he have to pick his job over his kids, or vise versa? What if he did choose Los Angeles over his own offspring? Would they understand? Were they old enough to understand? So many questions left unanswered. It was hard for David to keep moving forward with his life when he was literally stuck in Limbo.
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Sunday Night: Victoria and Declan’s home.
“How was your weekend?” Declan asked the kids with a cheery smile on his face. He probably wouldn’t admit this out loud, at least not to an adult, but he missed the chaos Timmy and Savanna added to his life. They were so energetic and full of curiosity, not yet jaded by society, and their smiles were so contagious even the Grinch would grin.
“I missed you.” Was the first thing out of Savanna’s mouth. She was looking at Declan but her arms were wrapped around Victoria’s legs in a death grip. She was glad to be home. “We don’t need’a go back’ta daddy’s house next weekend, right?” The seven year old asked. “Cause I might have’a lot of homework ta do…” Savanna was grasping at straws, but she would say anything to convince her mom and DC that her time would be better spent at home with them.
“Lots of homework, huh?” Declan arched a brow. “Then I guess we’ll just have to reschedule our trip to the Botanical Garden.” He teased. It was something they had planned for a while now, and he knew how excited the kids were to go, especially Savvy. She had been begging to go to the butterfly exhibit all summer and was bummed when they didn’t make it before school started again. “So we get’a stay here?” Her smile grew when DC nodded and Timmy’s did too.
Savanna craned her neck to look up at Victoria with her arms still wrapped around the brunette’s legs. She could smell dinner in the oven, but the table hadn’t been set yet which meant there was still time to play before bedtime routines were carried out. “Can we go outside an’ play? I wanna ride my bike.” Savvy gave Vic her big doe eyes. “Pleeeease mommy...Don’t be like daddy...You an’ DC come play with us too.”
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littleindigochildx · 5 years
Limbo Fair 🎡 [task 11]
“Savvy. Hurry up! I wanna go to the fair…” Timmy whined as he (not so) patiently waited downstairs for his sister to find a pair of matching shoes. How she always managed to lose one was beyond him. “I wanna get there before it’s too crowded.” The Limbo Fair was the one thing residence looked forward to the most all year, especially the kids. There were rides, games, food, prizes, face painting, and a petting zoo, and this year it was the perfect way to keep everyone’s mind off recent tragic events that had taken place in town.
“You’re not really gonna go to the fair, are you?” Ransom asked his mother. He had always been the voice of reason and he didn’t feel right about letting his mom and younger siblings go when there was still a murderer on the loose. A murderer that was targeting their family. “We’ll be fine. The kids can play a couple of games, ride a couple of rides, and then we’ll be home.” What were the odds a wanted felon would turn up to the biggest event of the year? “I wanna get my face painted too, mommy.” Savanna said as she came up behind Victoria. She was unsuccessful in finding a pair of matching shoes, but at least she was no longer barefoot. On her left foot she sported a Nike running shoe discolored from excessive wear. On her right, a Sketchers light up sneaker. At least they were both the same type of shoe. She could have easily worn a sneaker and a flip flop. “Are we gonna go now, mommy? Before Timmy has’a cow?” The seven year old teased as she gave her brother a playful eye roll. Timmy responded by sticking his tongue out at her. “Rannie, you’re not comin’ with us?” Savvy questioned. She knew he was still recovering, but he seemed to be healing quickly now that he was out of the hospital. She and Timmy were so thrilled that he was alright and even more elated that he was staying with them (despite DC’s wishes) until he was better. “Not this year, monkey.” Ransom told his little sister. “You’ll save me some cotton candy though, right?” He grinned. Savanna nodded her head in return.
“Finally...” Timmy said with an overly dramatic sigh. He was more worried about his favorite vendor running out of funnel cake than he was the lines for the rides. He missed out the previous year because Savvy got sick on the tea cups and they had to go home early. Victoria promised him that wouldn’t happen this year. “Can I bring Teddy?” Savanna asked. Normally Vic made her leave her stuffed bear at home because she didn’t want her to lose him, but she agreed to let her bring him this time as long as she kept him in the car. “We’ll be home soon. Call or text me if you need anything.” Victoria spoke to her oldest. She knew he was capable of taking care of himself, but she was overprotective...Especially after almost losing him. “I’m gonna win ya a biiiiig stuffed animal. Kay?” Timmy promised. He admired his brother so much he would literally do anything for him. The same went for any member of his family, whether they were blood related or not.
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“Whoa! Look at all the new rides they have!” The eight year old said as his eyes lit up. Savanna’s eyes were just as wide. “Mommy… How comes DC didn’t come with us?” The little brunette asked. “Doesn’t he like the fair?” She arched a brow as her gaze met Victoria’s through the rear view mirror. “Can we bring him some cotton candy too? I can buy it. Nanny Deschaine gived me five whole dollars for helpin’ her pull weeds from her garden.” Savvy had the money safely tucked away in a Hello Kitty wallet she kept in her purse. “I’ll buy some for him, Rannie, Dottie, an you mommy.” Realistically, she probably didn’t have enough money to buy something for everyone. Food at the fair was always ridiculously overpriced and Savanna didn’t quite understand the value of things yet. Five dollars to a seven year old was like a hundred dollars to an adult. It certainly seemed like a lot, but it wouldn’t get her very far. Savanna’s heart was in the right place though. She always insisted she use her money to buy things for other people. She definitely got her generosity from Victoria. Timothy did too. They weren’t perfect kids, but they were good kids.
“Savvy...No tea cups until after I get some funnel cake.” Timmy told his sister as Vic circled the fairgrounds to find a parking spot. They lucked out and found one just a few rows from the main entrance. Admission to get in was free, but tickets were needed to get on rides, buy food, and collect prizes. Victoria got $20 for each of them to spend however they wanted. “Don’t lose these.”She warned as she handed Timmy his and Savanna hers. “Once these are gone, it’s time to go home. I don’t want to hear any complaining, do you understand?” Both children nodded as they held onto their tickets with a death grip. Savvy knew exactly what she wanted to use her tickets on first.
“Mommy, can I get my face painted? Please?” The seven year old asked. There was no line, which was a surprise, but Timmy was already voicing his disapproval. Victoria gave him a warning glance. “She gets to choose first, Timmy.” The brunette explained. “It’s her birthday. Why don’t you get your face painted too?” Vic suggested as her youngest was already picking out what she wanted. “I want...the butterfly.” She pointed with a grin. Victoria wasn’t surprised. She figured Savanna would pick that or the unicorn. “Timmy, you should get Spiderman!” The little girl said excitedly, but when it was finally his turn for face painting he went with a shark.
Victoria and the kids spent a couple of hours at the fair. So far, nothing eventful had taken place. Timmy was happy because he finally got a funnel cake he didn’t have to share. Savanna was happy because she won a stuffed seahorse playing some shooting game that made Victoria feel uneasy. They were down to their last few tickets...Just enough for one more game, ride, or snack. Timmy chose to spend his on a little roller coaster he had been eyeing up since they arrived, but Savanna didn’t want to go on it with him. They promised Ransom cotton candy, and she wouldn’t leave until she got him what he wanted. “We can’t forget ‘bout Rannie’s cotton candy, mommy.” Savvy reminded the brunette. “Can I get it?” She didn’t have enough tickets left, but the five dollars she still had in her purse would get her the tickets she needed to fulfill his request. “We need to wait for Timmy.” Vic explained. “You can wait for Timmy an’ I can get it myself. It’s right there.” Savvy pointed to the food truck a couple feet away. Victoria would still be able to see her. “Really quickly, Savanna...And then you need to come right back.” It was hard for Vic to let her baby go, but her baby wasn’t really a baby anymore. She realized that she would need to loosen the reigns at some point.
With the okay from her mother, Savanna made a mad dash towards the cotton candy truck. She asked the man inside how many tickets she would need and didn’t think anything of it when he gave it to her on the house. “Are ya sure it’s okay?” The little girl asked. She even offered him her money but he turned it down. “On the house means ya get it for free...My treat.” The man replied. He had a kind smile but there was something about his eyes that sent chills down Savvy’s spine. Something didn’t feel right. She knew she needed to get out of there, but before she could turn to leave a hand was covering her mouth and she was being scooped up and carried away.
“Savanna?” Victoria called out in a panic. She turned her back for one minute to check on Timmy and Savvy was gone. “Savanna Thorne… Where are you?” She held Timmy’s hand so tightly he started to complain that she was hurting him. “Mom, look…” He pointed to what appeared to be his sister’s purse and the stuffed seahorse she won. He was scared. Victoria was scared. Savanna was missing in a town where there was a killer on the loose and all of Victoria’s worst fears were coming true. “Where’s Savvy?” Timmy asked with tears in his eyes. He was trying to hold it together for his mother, but he was genuinely terrified. The world seemed to be spinning in slow motion, even as people whizzed passed them. “Excuse me...I’m looking for my daughter. She’s about this tall, thin, long brown hair, blue eyes...She’s seven. Her name is Savanna.” Victoria thought she was going to throw up. There was no way Savvy had just run off...Not without her purse and stuffed animal. “Sh...she got her face painted. This is what she looks like, only she has her face painted to look like a butterfly.” Vic showed him a picture of Savanna she had on her phone. The brunette was on the verge of tears. Her heart was beating so fast she thought it was about to explode. Why did she let Savanna go off by herself? Why were the security guards just standing there when her daughter was missing?
“Mom...Is Savvy gonna be okay?” Timothy asked. Victoria couldn’t give him an answer. She could barely breathe, think, or function. Why Savanna? At a fair full of people...Why did it have to be her daughter that went missing?
“Timmy...I want you to look at me. I need you to stay right here. Don’t move a muscle. I need to make a phone call.”Victoria had the security guard watch Timmy just to be safe while she stepped outside the trailer to call her brother. This was a police matter...a real police matter, and there was no one she trusted more than Steve.
“Victo…” Steve answered but he got cut off before he could even say her full name. “She’s gone, Steve...Savanna. I turned my back for one second and she’s gone!” He could barely understand a single word that came out of her mouth. “Where are you, Victoria?” He asked. “The fair...Steve...Please….We need to find her.” She couldn’t hold back her tears any longer. “Just stay where you are...I’m on my way.” By the time she hung up the phone she was hysterical. She had seen enough crime shows to know what came next. The clock was ticking. There was no time to waste.
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littleindigochildx · 5 years
power outage ✨ [task 10]
Savanna and Timothy were playing out in the barn when the power went out. At first, they didn’t think much of it. Fuses blew in there all the time, but it caught them both my surprise. “I can’t see.” Savvy said in an anxious voice. She was up in the hayloft coloring. “Hang on. I’ll flip the breaker. DC showed me how.” Timmy replied. He located the box and flipped the main breaker a couple of times… Nothing. “It’s not workin’!” He yelled out so Savanna could hear him. “I’m gonna come get ya, Savvy. Don’t be scared. I won’t let anythin’ bad happen.” The eight year old promised. He knew that Savanna had developed a recent fear of the dark and as her big brother, it was his job to take care of her.
“Where did all the light go?” Savvy asked when Timothy finally reached her. The barn had an emergency tote that contained blankets, flashlights, batteries, water, canned food, candles, and a ton of waterproof matches. Victoria never knew when she was going to need it, so she wanted to be prepared for anything. Timmy found the flashlights with ease and handed Savanna one as he helped her climb down from the loft. “I think the power went out. I don’t see any lights on inside neither. Help me bring this box inside ta mom.” The tote was too big for him to carry alone, but with Savanna’s help they were able to push it up to the back of the house. It wasn’t completely dark just yet, but dark clouds were rolling in and the winds were picking up. There was definitely a storm coming.
“Mommy! There is no more light in the barn.” Savanna said when she spotted Victoria in the kitchen. She was already lighting candles to put around the house. She knew she would need to be careful about their placement so Savvy and Timmy (or even one of the dogs) didn’t accidentally knock one over and burn the house down. “I don’t like this.” Savvy admitted. “Is it gonna be out forever?” She wrapped her arms around Victoria’s leg. It wasn’t typical of Savanna to be scared like this, but something changed in her the last time she went to David’s. Victoria still hadn’t gotten down to the root of it. “It’s just a storm, baby.” Vic smoothed her youngest’s hair down. “You’re safe in here, I promise.” Vic knew she would need to come up with a distraction for the little girl, so she gave her a job. “Why don’t you take your flashlight and collect all the batteries in the house? We’re going to need them.” Victoria didn’t know how long the power was going to be out, but she knew this storm was going to be a doozy. The lightning strike that took out the power for the entire town also took out cell phone towers. She couldn’t get through to anyone and Declan still wasn’t home which made her nervous.
Savanna took Timmy with her to collect batteries. They took them out of toys, remotes, drawers… Anything they could find that contained batteries. “Look what I found.” Timmy pulled out some string lights that were battery powered. They had a box of AA batteries which is exactly what they needed to give the lights some juice. “We can use these. They should make everythin’ kinda bright.” Timmy wrapped them up as best he could and followed Savanna back to the living room. “We got all the batteries, mommy.” The six year old placed them on the coffee table. “Is this enough?” She arched a brow. Victoria didn’t have time to reply before a large clap of thunder shook the house. Savanna covered her ears with her hands as she flinched. She loved the rain, but she didn’t care for thunderstorms. She never had. “Mommy!” She screamed before Vic pulled her in close. She reached for Timothy too, although he seemed more okay with the storm than his sister.
“If we don’t have power, does that mean Dottie and Ransom don’t either? An Aunt Clara?” Timmy asked. He wished they were all together but Vic had no way of contacting them. She could only assume they were in the same boat. “I think so.” She looked out the window. For 6pm in July, it was awfully dark. Usually the sun didn’t begin to set until 9 or 9:30. “Where’s DC? I want DC ta be here…” Savvy pouted. Victoria checked her phone out of habit. She tried reaching out to him, Clara, Ransom, and Dottie just in case cell service came back, but it didn’t appear that her messages reached them. Not yet anyway. “He should be home soon, butterfly.” Vic replied in what she hoped was a convincing tone. She wasn’t sure who she was trying to convince more... Her six year old daughter or herself, but if he didn’t show up soon she would have no choice but to put the kids in the car and go looking for him.
“Does the mind flayer have him?” Savvy trembled. Victoria had no idea what her daughter was talking about. “Who, baby?” She questioned. Timmy looked up from a toy he had to explain. “The mind flayer. It’s from a show. Savvy thinks he’s real.” The eight year old spoke. “Dad let us watch Stranger Things…” He added. It clearly wasn’t a show for young kids. David thought it would be too scary for them, but they insisted it wasn’t. Timmy wasn’t afraid. He knew it was just a television show, but Savvy had nightmares about it almost every night for the last two weeks. “Savvy wanted ta watch it even though I knew it was gonna be too scary...” Savanna scowled. “It’s not too scary!” She interrupted her brother. “The mind flayer is out there.” She looked out the window. “An he has DC…” The little brunette whispered.
The sky was a dark shade of grey and without any lights from the town bouncing off the clouds, they gave off this eerie feeling. The thunder continued to boom overhead while lightning streaked across the sky. The rain was coming down in sheets. Anyone who stood outside for more than a second would be completely drenched. Victoria was doing the best she could to distract the kids, but with low lighting and no power at all, it proved harder than she expected. Even arts and crafts were a challenge because they couldn’t see very well. “Are you hungry?” She finally asked. There were plenty of options to choose from that didn’t require an oven or a microwave. Everything in the fridge was fair game. They needed to eat it before it went bad. “Can we have ice cream?”Timmy asked. “Cause it’ll melt if we don’t eat it.” He was too smart for his own good sometimes and Vic chuckled as she thought about it. Ice cream for dinner wasn’t her first choice, but it wasn’t like this happened often. In fact… It never happened. “Just this once.” The brunette agreed before she disappeared into the kitchen for the carton and some spoons. There was no need for bowls tonight. Whatever they couldn’t eat would be thrown out.
“Do ya think the power is gonna come back soon?” Savanna asked as she held Teddy close to her chest. She covered herself and the plush bear with the butterfly throw she and Victoria made over the winter. It had been her go-to blanket ever since. She wouldn’t sleep without it. “I duno if it’s gonna come back t’nite, but me an’ mommy will keep ya safe, Sav. Ya have nothin’ ta’ worry ‘bout.” No sooner did the words leave his mouth before the front door burst open and a shadowy figure stood before them. Savanna and Timothy both screamed bloody murder. “It’s the demogorgon!” The six year old shouted as she grabbed the first thing she could get her hands on to throw at the intruder. The television remote bounced off his head and shattered on the floor. “What in the Hell?” Declan said before a string of curse words were mumbled under his breath. Victoria came running in with a kitchen knife in her hand. “You stay away from them!” She yelled. Her heart was racing so fast she thought she was going to throw up. It wasn’t until he spoke again that she realized they weren’t in any actual danger. “Jesus Christ, Vic… Put the knife down. It’s me.” DC held his hands up in surrender. “It’s just me.”He winced as his fingers touched his head. Savvy hit him pretty good with the remote. Enough to break the skin and make him bleed. He turned to the little girl as he stepped into the light so she could see him. “Good aim, kid.” He laughed softly. He couldn’t be mad at her even though it hurt like Hell. She was scared and he couldn’t blame her.
“I was gonna ask if everyone was okay here, but from the looks’a it… Ya seem ta have things under control.” He chuckled again. Victoria brought a wet paper towel and a bandaid over to clean up his wound. “It’s wild out there, Vic. Trees are down everywhere. Transformers are blown. The whole town is without power.” Timmy raised a brow at the comment. “Transformer? Like Bumblebee? Or Optimus Prime?” He asked which made Victoria laugh and shake her head. “Not that kind of transformer, baby.” She told him before directing her attention back to Declan. “I tried to call you but I couldn’t get through. We were worried about you.” Their conversation was cut short by a tugging at the hem of her shirt. “Mom, I thought ya said we can have ice cream.” Timmy looked up at her with big doe eyes. She knew he wouldn’t let her forget. He never did when it came to food, especially one of his favorites. “Declan? Would you like some ice cream for dinner?” Vic asked to which he nodded. He wouldn’t turn down sweets. His sweet tooth was almost as bad as the kids. “Be right back.” The brunette said as she went back to the kitchen for the ice cream she took out of the freezer and four spoons.
“DC…” Savvy’s voice was soft. The sky was getting darker by the second and the trees in the distance looked like shadow monsters when they were backlit by lightning. “Are ya suuuuure you’re not’a demogorgon?” She asked cautiously. He rubbed his beard in confusion. “A demo-what?” He questioned. “This storm has ya pretty shaken up, huh?” He could see it on her face. He knew she was scared. He had been living there long enough to know how she reacted to thunderstorms. More often than not he’d wake up to her tucked in at Victoria’s side because that was the only way she’d go back to sleep. “I’ve got’an idea. Let me change in’ta somethin’ dry and I’ll show ya.” DC told the kids. He ruffled Timmy’s hair as he headed for the stairs. “Yer in charge ‘til I get back. It’s a man’s job ‘ta keep the ladies safe. I’m countin’ on ya.” Timmy took that very seriously and he promised to keep them safe as another clap of thunder sent Savvy diving under the blankets.
Timmy, Savanna, and Victoria were having ice cream for dinner when Declan returned in some dry clothes. He brought pillows and blankets with him… As many as he could find. He’d need Vic to distract the kids so he could get them set up. “DC!” Savvy held out a spoon for him to take. “We saved some ice cream for ya. You can sit right here next ta me an’ mommy.” The items in his hand didn’t go unnoticed. “What’s all that for?” The little brunette asked. Declan cracked a smile. “It’s a surprise.” He explained.
When everyone had their fill of ice cream, Declan tossed the rest. He suggested to Vic that she take the kids into her studio to color for a little while. He wouldn’t tell her what he had up his sleeve either. “No peakin’ now.” He warned.
It took roughly a half an hour for Declan to construct a blanket fort that would fit all of them comfortably. He used the battery powered lights Timmy found with the Christmas decorations to line the ceiling of their storm shelter. He also had a couple of camping lanterns (so everything wasn’t so dark) and Sterno (that wasn’t lit yet) to cook hot dogs and marshmallows over like they were actually camping.
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Once he was finished he went to get Vic and the kids. He watched them for a moment, smiling at how happy Victoria was when she spent time with her babies. It was like looking at a whole new person. Quitting nursing had been the best thing for her. He was glad she was finally doing something that made her happy. “Who’s ready to see their surprise?” Declan asked. Timmy was the first to jump up, but Savvy was a close second. “Well, come on then.” He ushered them to the living room.
“Mommy, look at this ginormous fort!” Savanna said excitedly. The smile on her children’s faces made Victoria’s heart swell. This was a new side of Declan… A side that she enjoyed very much. He was so good to Timmy and Savanna and it was obvious they adored him. “How’d I do?” DC asked the kids. “This is sooooo cool.” Timmy replied. “Mommy, there’s room for you an DC...an’ look!He got’a movie for us ‘ta watch.” Thankfully the kids had iPads that were fully charged and there were downloaded movies to keep them entertained until bedtime.
What started out as a scary evening was shaping up to be a pretty good night. The storm still raged outside, but the thunder seemed to be getting further away. Riding it out was all they could do. The only thing that would have made the night more perfect was if Ransom and Dottie were there too. “DC got the light back.”Savvy grinned. “He scared away the mind flayer so it's not so scary anymore."
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littleindigochildx · 5 years
HBD Mommy ♡ [hc]
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Savanna and Timmy had been working hard all week to surprise Victoria on her birthday. They enlisted some help, of course. Keeping secrets wasn't exactly their specialty. Especially Savanna.
Getting the gift was the easy part. They knew exactly what they wanted and with some financial help from Dottie and Ransom, they were able to customize a heart necklace with their fingerprints so a piece of them would always be with Victoria.
The birthday card was designed by Savanna. She and Timmy each wrote something sweet inside to let Vic know how much they loved her. It was Timmy's idea to also give her flowers which they hand picked from Dora's garden with special permission.
The hardest part to keep a secret was the cake because Savanna wanted to help make it. There was only one person in town who made specialty cakes that were up to the six year old’s standards. That person was Clara Valance.
Clara (with some help from Savanna) made a Victoria-worthy cake in a single afternoon. Savvy couldn’t wait for her mom to see it. Clara promised to deliver it that afternoon. The kids had enough little surprises to hold Vic over until the cake arrived.
Timmy and Savvy were so excited to give Vic her presents that they bolted into her room at 7 o’clock in the morning.
“Happy birthday, mama!” Savvy said as she climbed up onto the master bed with the homemade card in her hand. Timmy was behind her carrying a tray that held the flowers they picked in a mason jar, coffee, and a bowl of cereal, which was the only thing they knew how to make on their own. “We bringed ya breakfast an’ presents.” Savvy beamed. Victoria was barely awake but Savanna put the card and gift in her lap anyway. “Go ‘head, mama. Open it.”
[//I know I'm late on this, but I wanted to post it anyway because I would die for Victoria a trillion times over. ♡🦋]
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littleindigochildx · 5 years
You can’t keep doing this [drabble 3]
It was 8pm and David still hadn’t taken the kids for ice cream like he promised. Instead, he slipped out of the house without telling them, leaving Maria to come up with some believable excuse for him. “So we’re not goin’ for ice cream?” Savanna asked in a disappointed tone. The nanny bit her lip and shook her head. “I’m afraid not.” She could see the children’s upset. “But I’ll tell you a secret…” The brunette leaned in close and whispered. “I have ice cream in my freezer and enough toppings that we can make our own sundaes, yes?” The ground floor of the house was where Maria lived. She had her own bedroom, bathroom, living room, and kitchenette. It was like having her own apartment, complete with a separate entrance, and it allowed her to have some privacy when the kids weren’t there to be looked after. “First, it’s time for baths and pajamas. Then, if you want, we can have a sleepover downstairs.” Timmy nodded. “Okay.” Savanna nodded too but she was still disappointed. Why did they need to be at David's house if he didn’t want to spend time with them? “Why don’t you go shower first, mijo?” Maria knew Timothy probably didn’t need any help and that he would be faster than Savanna anyway. She would give him the task of picking out a movie while she got Savvy cleaned up.
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“Daddy, you’re back!” Savanna said excitedly when David appeared in the bathroom doorway. Maria had just gotten the little girl out of the tub and wrapped in a towel. Timmy was patiently waiting for them with pajamas on and movie in hand. “We’re gonna have’a sleepover with Maria. She gots ice cream sundaes!” The nanny made eye contact with David while she towel dried Savanna’s hair. She could tell he had been drinking. He was using the door frame to keep his balance and he reeked of scotch. “Mija, why don’t you pick out pajamas and I’ll be there in a minute, hm?” Maria told the child. When she was certain Savvy was out of earshot, she turned back to David. “You can’t keep doing this… Your children depend on you. They need you.” She was justifiably angry. He didn’t deserve custody of Timothy and Savanna if this was the way he was going to behave. Right now he didn’t even deserve the title of being their dad. “Call a taxi. Get out of here. You wouldn’t want them to see you like this.”
A loud crash jolted Savanna from her sleep. It was almost 3am, but she could hear David stomping around and based on the amount of footsteps… He wasn’t alone.
Maria must have gone to her own bed. Judging by the soft glow coming from her room, Savvy guessed she fell asleep with the television on. Timmy was still next to her sleeping on his side and snoring softly. His glasses were on the table above him. Savanna didn’t want to wake him up for the second night in a row which meant she knew she would have to investigate on her own.
Quietly she stood up and made her way towards the stairs. The banging got louder, followed by mumbling and laughter. Savvy cracked the door open just enough to be able to see what was going on. David’s back was to her, shielding the face of the woman he brought home. This one didn’t sound like the same woman from last night. This one David kept calling Sugar.
“What was that? Did you hear something?” The blonde asked as she stopped what she was doing to look for the source of the noise. Savanna held her breath. She was afraid she was going to get caught. “It’s probably just the house settling. I wouldn’t worry about it.” David didn’t know Savvy was awake and quite frankly, he was too drunk to care.
With a half empty bottle in his hand, he stood up revealing the woman’s face… but that wasn’t all he revealed. Savanna could see she was topless and that the shirt she was supposed to be wearing was discarded on the floor behind her. The six year old let out a small gasp and covered her eyes immediately. She hadn’t the slightest clue what the adults were about to do, but if it was anything like the night before… She wouldn’t be getting much sleep.
“Mommy! Mommy!” Savanna exclaimed as she flew out to door and into Victoria’s arms. Timothy wasn’t far behind. “We missed you so much. Can we go home now?” The little brunette asked. Maria was standing on the front porch with the children’s bags in hand. She hadn’t been introduced and she could tell by the expression on Vic’s face she wasn’t pleased to see a stranger with her kids.
“You must be Victoria.” The woman extended her hand. “I’m Maria… Their nanny.” The brunette could practically see the fumes coming out of Victoria’s ears. David clearly hadn’t run this past her. “Not like nanny Deschaine though. She’s like Rory an’ Brandi. She watches us when daddy is busy. She even taked me an’ Timmy ta ride bikes at the park.” Savanna tried to explain. “Did you two have fun?” Vic asked to which they both nodded. Aside from lack of sleep and practically no time with David, they had an okay time. “We get’a go home now, right?” Savanna asked. David wasn’t there because of work, so it was just Maria they had to say goodbye too. “Bye Maria. See ya soon.” Savvy hugged the nanny and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She was genuinely sad the brunette wasn’t coming with them. The kids would miss her.
“Did you two have fun with your father?” Vic asked as she drove them home. Timmy and Savanna were unusually quiet which was never a good sign. “Timmy let me ride his bike, mommy.” Savanna tried to change the subject. She wasn’t the best at lying, but that was probably because she didn’t do it often. “I falled down a lot but I didn't cry.” The six year old added as if the Hello Kitty bandaids all over her weren’t a dead giveaway. “Daddy said he’s gonna teach me how ta ride a big girl bike. That means we can take the trainin’ wheels off my bike at home now, right?” Victoria seemed skeptical. David never followed through on promises to the kids as of late and she didn’t want Savanna to get her hopes up. “We’ll see, Butterfly.” Vic replied before directing her attention to Timmy. “What did you and your dad do this weekend?” Timmy also wasn’t good at lying, so he told the truth he just didn’t mention the fact that David wasn’t there for anything. “We watched’a movie an’ built a Lego house, an we got’a watch Stranger Things. It’s not scary like ya said it was gonna be, mom. I wasn’t scared at all.” Timmy told her. Savvy was a different story. She hid her face most of the time but wouldn’t let Timmy and Maria turn it off because she wanted to prove she could be brave.
Savanna was so exhausted that she put herself to bed after dinner that evening. She was so glad to be home, but even the peace of mind she got from sleeping in her own bed didn’t stop the nightmares from plaguing her dreams. She couldn’t stop picturing David as a demogorgon. With his behavior lately, she wouldn’t be surprised if he revealed himself to be one, or worse… The mind flayer. It all seemed so real to her that she woke up in tears, and if that wasn’t bad enough… She had also wet her bed. Something she hadn’t done since she was three.
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It was just after midnight. Savvy was too embarrassed about what happened to wake Victoria and ask for help, so she took matters into her own hands. It took her a couple of minutes to pull herself together and wipe her tears on her shirt. She would need to change pajamas before tackling the wet bedding. Savanna tried to be as quiet as she could. If the dogs heard her and started barking, they would blow her cover.
The six year old quickly changed and stripped her bed before dragging her blankets down to the laundry room. She didn’t expect anyone else to be awake but when she rounded the corner she saw Declan at the fridge looking for something to eat. “What’cha got there?” He asked even though it was pretty obvious what she was carrying. “Ain’t it a little late ta be doin’ laundry?” DC arched a brow. “I spilled juice in my bed.” Savvy fibbed. “I need’a wash it b’fore mommy sees or she’ll be mad. She doesn’t like when I bring drinks ta my room.” Another fib, but Declan seemed to be buying it. “Need help?” He offered, but Savvy shook her head. She would figure it out even though she had absolutely no idea how the washing machine worked.
Nearly half a bottle of laundry detergent was added to the machine after Savvy tossed her blankets and wet clothing in. She turned a couple of dials and hit start before making her way back upstairs. Clean sheets were kept in the hall closet so she helped herself to them and remade her bed. She fell asleep again before anything could be switched to the dryer.
By the time Vic woke up the next morning there were bubbles from the laundry room spilling across half of their kitchen.
….To be continued.
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