#☾₊ ⊹ ┊ live for the thrill. ( musings )
himedachi · 3 months
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astra-galaxie · 25 days
🌙🤍❤☮️◾️🔻🔶☯️-Diego del Lobo (sorry if it's a lot!)
No worries! I enjoy the occasional headcanon challenge! And getting to talk about Diego!😁
☾ - sleep headcanon
You’ve heard of getting your beauty sleep? Well, that’s true for Diego! He enjoys getting a good night’s rest and takes the time to prepare himself for bed. That being said, he is also a night owl and likes staying up to watch the moon rise into the sky and the stars twinkle around it. He has always admired the beauty of the moon and night sky, and while it requires him to sacrifice sleep, he’ll stay awake to sketch or paint the scene if it is exceptionally breathtaking that night.
♡ - romantic headcanon
Even if Diego can come off as forward with his flirting, he is a true gentleman at heart! He treats his lovers well and makes them feel special in ways they will appreciate. For those who manage to truly captivate his heart, the highest honour he will give them is to draw or paint them. Creating art pieces dedicated to someone is Diego’s way of showing how important that person is to him; he doesn't paint just anyone, even if they're pretty!
♥ - family headcanon
Diego has a good relationship with his parents, but when he was young, they fell on hard times, which led him to begin stealing. His parents pleaded with him to stop before he got caught, but Diego found he enjoyed the thrill of thievery too much to give it up. This eventually led to him leaving Spain to steal bigger and better things, but he always sent letters to his parents whenever he stopped somewhere long enough to do so.
☮ - friendship headcanon
Given his criminal nature, Diego actually didn’t have many friends until he met the Flying Squad. Living a life of crime meant you couldn't risk getting close to the wrong person, so the list of people he considered friends was limited. Sure, he had trusted allies, but he wouldn't call them friends like he does with the Squad. So when he heard one of them call him their friend for the first time, he realized they were his friends, and he wanted to keep those friendships strong. This was one of the main reasons why he decided to give up his life of crime (mostly) and join the Flying Squad.
■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Diego’s home reminds people of an art gallery. His paintings are hung proudly on the walls, and other things he’s made, like sculptures, are also displayed for people to see. However, his more private art pieces are kept in his studio or bedroom. He keeps his house relatively tidy, but his art studio is always messy, with splotches of paint on the furniture and his supplies scattered around the room. Despite the mess, Diego always knows where his things are and can find anything instantly, while others wouldn’t be able to find anything even if they tried.
You’ll always find one of his art pieces in progress around his home, whether it be a sketch, painting, or sculpture; Diego always has something on the go!
▼ - childhood headcanon
As a child, Diego liked getting dirty. Most of the time, when he went out to play, he would come back covered in dirt and with holes in his clothes. His mother would always sigh when she saw him before sending him to wash up and taking his clothes to be cleaned and repaired. When he got older and adopted his gentleman thief persona, Diego avoided getting dirty and running his clothes. Still, sometimes, he can’t help but jump and splash in a rain puddle when he knows no one is watching.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Ignoring his drawing/painting hobby, Diego enjoys designing clothes. He has sketchbooks dedicated to his designs, from ball gowns and suits to casual wear and shoes. Many of his clothes are handmade by himself, and a few times, he was able to create some of his other designs for people. One of his favourite things to design is dresses, including sundresses, formal wear and even wedding dresses. He’s rarely been able to bring these types of sketches to life, but years ago, he did have a muse and people to make them for.
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Beautiful things
Art-based history
Cheating (on people, I mean)
People who disrespect artwork
Sailing (he only does it when necessary due to his seasickness)
When people abuse the power they hold
That’s everything I’ve got! I hope you like the headcanons, and thank you for the request!
P.S. I have another smaller Diego ask in my inbox, so I’m going to see if I can come up with answers for those, too!
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lepuslunare · 3 years
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☁ - Our muses find shelter from the weather…in the same place (because that seems both hilarious and fun) (☾) - @onexcrispyxboi​
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     Both her ears and tail were soaked, heavy with water to the point that her ears her were laying lower than usual, giving to her an almost sad appearance, if one did not know her. She was not too excited about walking home in that weather. Water poured from the sky like it hadn’t in a long time, so hard she thought she might even drown. She was ten minutes from home. Less, because it was HER. But she would rather wait for a clearler sky, and one that did not threaten her with thunder. It was not a very good situation to put herself in when she jumped so high in the sky.
     Rumi knew that particular house would be empty, for now. She knew it because someone had killed the poor woman that lived there -- she had caught the culprit herself. And since she had no heirs, that was state property. Well, the state could complain to her later, she thought. But she was not going to be a wet rabbit outside in the rain. Wringing her hair to get rid of the excess water, she looked around, red irises stopping at the realization that she hadn’t been the only one who decided to take refuge in the same house -- well, it made sense that he of all people, was not a fan of the rain. “Well, fuck me.” Far from her to avoid a fight, but she was drenched and her clothes were sticky in her skin. Dragging him outside might even give her an advantage of not being turned into charred bunny and where was the challenge in that?
     “I’m going to take a wild guess and say that you’re not so thrilled to be outside too. And I will kick your ass to the rain if you try to kill me right now. I’m not having a great time and I’m wet. Not in a good way.”
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himedachi · 3 months
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tsuyuko tag dump!
☾₊ ⊹ ┊ midnight dew. ( tsuyuko ) ☾₊ ⊹ ┊ tsuyuko. ( ic text ) ☾₊ ⊹ ┊ live for the thrill. ( musings ) ☾₊ ⊹ ┊ beguiling beast. ( character ) ☾₊ ⊹ ┊ immaculate elegance. ( aesthetic ) ☾₊ ⊹ ┊ mayonaka no uta. ( musica )
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