#⋆。˚⊹ ✉️ ask
tteokdoroki · 3 months
hard sukuna this rough sukuna that what abt soft sukuna who holds u through the night just letting u exist in his arms ?? idk I'm running on four hours of sleep bestie so hopefully this is typed out right lmao </3 i hope ur doing okay today too aa and i love miso's pretty collar <33
soft sukuna who’s basically like a huge guard dog. he looks scary on the outside, thick black tattoos and sharp angled features. he’s menacing to anyone who doesn’t know him but to you he’s the sweetest most gentle person in the world :(
he swipes food at the corner of your mouth with his thumb so softly his touch feels like that of a ghost. the first thing sukuna does when he sees you is open his arms wide and pull you into his chest, pressing a kiss to your hairline because he wants to tell you he missed you without telling you he missed you.
when you work late sukuna has a bath already ran for you and dinner in the microwave or on the stove waiting for you because he hates it when you bring work home feel shitty after a days work.
sukuna is all small gestures rather than words, he takes care of the little things for you like the dishes or sorting mail or grabbing something you forgot during grocery shopping. he likes to hold you and tuck you in, give you massages and help you get rid of headaches!!
sukuna is good and tender :(
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baby-zakarii · 5 months
Paupipo Agere Moodboard!
For a toddler, pastel sleepytime/dreamy vibe💛🦒
Requested by @story-book-sillies
Do not repost - reblogging is okay
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sc52 · 12 days
post more selfies binch
Think that's the worst thing you've ever said to me.
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travelerbasilau · 1 year
kel kel kel!
do you know how to flex? (hehe)
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Uhhh… Oops?
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luvielie · 1 month
ok agora mandando o link certo 🙏🏻 pfvrrrrr divinha, se possível e se for do seu agrado, eu iria amar ouvir seus pensamentos pensantes sobre esses dois 🥺
releva o errado eu sou meio lesa às vezes SHDSJSOSBAOABSOSNB um beijo pra ti mwah mwah 🎀💋
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK sem problemas, bestie, eu dou várias dessa tbm
warnings: corruption kink (kinda?), dubcon, double penetration, nipple play, oral [f and m receiving], face sitting, dirty talk etc etc etc (não tenho controle sobre o que isso se tornou)
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ok, para esse cenário eu imaginei a reader sendo uma garotinha bem bobinha, um pouco ingênua, ali no comecinho dos seus vinte anos e recém-completados. eles três se conheceram em uma peça que estavam fazendo juntos, seu primeiro grande papel, e acabaram ficando bem amigos, do tipo próximos mesmo, porque os dois te acolheram como se você fosse uma gatinha perdida, cuidando de você, te ajudando em tudo que você precisasse e, por serem atores mais experientes, te dando vários conselhos e dicas muito úteis para usar no palco, bem como fora dele.
enfim. em uma noite qualquer, após o ensaio, todo o elenco e a equipe de produção se juntam numa conversa descontraída enquanto arrumam a bagunça e se preparam para ir embora. você não saberia dizer como, mas o assunto acabou chegando no tópico sexo, mais especificamente algo que nunca fizeram na cama (ou fora dela) e morrem de vontade de experimentar. você fica só ouvindo as libertinagens quietinha, meio que no cantinho do camarim compartilhado, escondidinha, torcendo para ninguém te perceber, porém, não consegue escapar por muito tempo: uma das atrizes leva a atenção para você, perguntando o seu fetiche, e ficam todos os pares de olhos assim 👀👀👀 esperando pela sua resposta.
você fica morrendo de vergonha, toda coradinha e nervosa, sem saber o que falar, suando frio, e demorando horrores pra conseguir soltar um "acho que threesome" num gaguejo fraquinho, quase inaudível, mas que atingiu os ouvidos certos. quase que imediatamente ao te ouvir, enzo e fernando se encaram, num misto de surpresa e cumplicidade, só para confirmar que as duas cabeças (ou, melhor, as quatro) estavam maquinando sobre a mesma coisa.
conversa vai, conversa vem, vocês três finalmente vão embora juntos, no carro de fernando (não sei se ele dirige, vamos imaginar que sim), porque moram todos no mesmo prédio. a viagem quase toda foi um completo silêncio, exceto pela música baixinha que tocava no rádio, até o argentino soltar uma risadinha de escárnio, balançando a cabeça para os dois lados. "threesome, hm? quem imaginaria...", fala, descrente, fazendo enzo rir junto, mais suave. e você, uma pobre coitada, já quer morrer de constrangimento, o rostinho queimando e o corpo se afundando no estofado de couro, praticamente se fundindo ao material negro, e chega a cogitar se seria muito dramático se atirar do carro em movimento, igual aquela cena de lady bird.
"me pergunto de onde ela tira essas ideias", o uruguaio suspira, num tom de pai decepcionado. "é isso que você faz, nena, trancada no seu quarto? fica assistindo desconhecidas sendo comidas por dois caras ao mesmo tempo, imaginando que é você no lugar delas?”, eles te olham pelo retrovisor, achando a coisinha mais fofa você toda encolhidinha e tímida, se negando a responder a pergunta.
já no elevador, você, na frente pois desce primeiro, sente o ar pesando dentro do cubículo metálico, te envolvendo em uma tensão tão palpável que poderia ser cortada a faca. sabia que os pares de olhos estavam cravados nas suas costas, queimando a pele coberta, e se pega praticamente rezando pro seu andar chegar logo e poder respirar livremente. porém, tão focada nos números brilhando no visor que indica o andar, mal notou os dois homens se aproximando, sorrateiros igual dois leões cercando uma presa, reduzindo seu espaço pessoal a nada ao te empurrar delicadamente de encontro a parede gélida.
“achei que a gente tinha te dito que você poderia nos pedir ajuda pra qualquer coisa que precisasse”, enzo diz, ressentido, a mão virando seu rostinho nervoso para que o olhasse nos olhos.
“e, quando dissemos qualquer coisa, era qualquer coisa mesmo.”, fer pontua, firme.
quando viu, estava sendo amassada em um sanduíche apertado, fer na frente e enzo atrás, te fazendo sentir cada pedacinho dos corpos robustos, fortes, te tocando, pressionando, te jogando para lá e para cá igual uma bonequinha de pano. o argentino, mais novo, era mais ansioso, pouco delicado, marcava a clavícula com mordidas e chupões, enquanto o uruguaio, por ser mais velho e experiente, era mais calmo, tranquilo, beijava e lambia carinhosamente a nuca, fazendo sua cabecinha girar com as dinâmicas completamente opostas, sem saber no que se concentrar direito.
suspirou afetada com os pares de mão percorrendo todo seu corpinho arrepiado, duas se concentrando nos peitos cobertos pelo cropped, sem sutiã, alcançando os biquinhos tesos, e duas invadindo sua saia jeans, apertando energeticamente sua bunda, praticamente toda descoberta pela calcinha minúscula. você fechou os olhinhos, fraca, a mente enuviada com tantas sensações novas criando um caos em seus neurônios.
(vamos fingir que tem uma baita transição aqui, eles levando ela pro apartamento do enzo, tirando a roupa e blablabla pq já tá enorme e ainda tem mais coisa pra desenvolver)
enzo deitou recostado na cabeceira da cama e bateu nas pernas, te chamando para sentar ali. puxou a face vermelhinha com delicadeza, te beijando com amor e desejo, e você gemeu contra a boca dele ao perceber a cabecinha do pau de fernando batendo na sua entradinha apertada, penetrando-lhe firmemente, nem precisando de muito para que você alcançasse o primeiro orgasmo da noite, e despejando-se em você logo em seguida.
sem nem ter tempo de respirar direito ou se recuperar da onda de prazer, já se vê sendo girada em cima do corpo de enzo, ficando de quatro, os joelhos abertos para comportar o tronco amplo do uruguaio entre eles e as mãozinhas apoiadas nas coxas grossas dele.
tomou um susto ao sentir as palmas grandes do homem abaixo na sua barriga, te puxando mais para trás. buscou os olhos enegrecidos de luxúria do contigiani, que pacientemente bombeava o membro ainda teso com a destra. ele sorriu para você, “seja boazinha e fica paradinha, ok?”, pediu.
o que seria impossível, principalmente quando a língua quente de enzo percorreu toda a extensão da sua bucetinha recheada, lambendo cada dobrinha sensível, sugando gotinha por gotinha dos fluídos misturados e afundando o nariz grande em toda sua umidade. você fincou as unhas curtas nos músculos sobre as palmas, apertando com força para tentar sustentar o peso nos braços trêmulos e quase gritou ao sentir o rosto masculino se prensando ainda mais fundo no seu sexo, mordiscando levemente o pontinho de nervos inchado e pulsante, todavia, foi imediatamente calada pelo falo latejante do argentino, que aproveitou a deixa para se empurrar por inteiro para dentro da cavidade molhada, te causando um engasgo, os olhos ardendo com as lágrimas que embaçavam a vista.
o quarto virou uma desordem de sons: os gemidos altos de fernando, seus grunhidos abafados pelo pau que pulsava sobre sua língua e o barulho indecente que enzo produzia ao chupar com força seus lábios sensibilizados.
“você quer o cuzinho?”, a voz melodiosa de fernando soou abafada em seus tímpanos, mas ele não falava com você. arregalou os olhinhos, assustada, ouvindo a confirmação de enzo com um desespero queimando no peito, misturado a falta de ar. o argentino te encarou com deboche: “não vai ficar medrosinha agora, né?”, provocou, movendo o quadril para frente para que você o engolisse mais fundo, calando sua insegurança com uma jatada volumosa de gozo.
agora deitadinha com as costas apoiadas no peito de enzo, não conseguia mais pronunciar um som que não fossem os gemidinhos incoerentes que vez ou outra soprava entre os dentes, convertida em uma bagunça de suor, lágrimas e porra, que escorria em gotas grossas pelos cantinhos da sua boca escancarada. observou fernando vasculhar as gavetas da cômoda ao lado da cama até encontrar um tubinho branco e azul, que você reconheceu de cara. se arrepiou ao sentir o fio gosmento e gélido escorrer por todo seu sexo, o homem esfregando os dígitos longos para espalhar o líquido transparente pelas suas duas entradinhas. o argentino não esperou para se afundar, novamente, na bucetinha agora já acostumada a recebê-lo, mas enzo te deu um tempinho para respirar, acariciando sua cintura e beijando a pele delicada do seu ombro.
“tudo bem?”, quis confirmar, a cabecinha do pau, até então negligenciado, se posicionando no buraquinho rugoso. você balançou a cabeça em uma afirmação ainda incerta, se arqueando toda com o membro grosso se enfiando dentro da entrada virgem, esticando-a lentamente, o rosto todo contorcendo-se em uma expressão incomodada. fer se abaixou o pouquinho e abocanhou seu seio direito, chupando a auréola sensível com gana, e arrastou a mão grande para o outro, massageando-o, prendendo o biquinho entre o polegar e o indicador e girando-o suavemente, numa tentativa de te distrair do desconforto.
quando você se acostumasse com a sensação, te comeriam daquele jeitinho, com força, ritmando as estocadas para você senti-los direitinho na mesma intensidade, até que se esvaziassem completamente dentro de você, te preenchendo inteira.
além disso, antes de te deixarem descansar, vão fazer questão de te comer mais uma vezinha daquele jeito, mais lentinho, invertendo as posições: dessa vez, o vogrincic virá por baixo, descansando seu rostinho suado no peito dele, e fernando virá por cima, fazendo questão de desferir alguns tapas na sua bundinha empinada e rindo, divertindo-se ao ver você se tremer todinha com o contato mais agressivo. eles se posicionariam novamente nas suas entradinhas doloridas, entrando devagarzinho pra não te machucar muito, e empurrando o gozo um do outro bem fundinho dentro de você, garantindo que as essências ficassem marcadas em seu interior por dias.
“é realmente impossível conhecer as pessoas totalmente, né?”, fer ri, cansado, no fio de voz que restou.
enzo concorda, “você olha esse rostinho de garotinha inocente e nem imagina que por baixo tem uma putinha suja que ama ficar toda entupidinha de porra.”
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spiderversegf · 6 months
How long have you been married and how did you know it was the right person 😔
i’ll try to not make this an essay. we just celebrated four years together, three married, on halloween! i’ll say i knew pretty quickly. i think within three conversations i was thinking “this is someone i’m going to love very very much.” i’ve never been very good at being. normal sjdksjsj so i’m pretty sure our first convos consisted of me rambling about mothman for some reason? i was terrified of being annoying but i also just. enjoyed talking to him so much. there’s a quote from if beale street could talk where james baldwin writes, “fonny liked me so much that it didn’t occur to him that he loved me,” and that’s exactly how it felt. there has always been just a sense of understanding between us, things we communicate w/o words. he’s my best friend and it’s absolutely insane to me that he loves me this much too???
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bythelightswitch · 2 months
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happy tuesday i dont want to keep working on this
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make Andrew a redhead and Neil a blond
make Kevin 5 feet and Andrew 6 feet
ill have you know this was what I was thinking about my whole shower...both of them are cursed thank you very much this is exactly what I was hoping for. I think the twins as redheads could slay (but if it's too red it'd give them a kind of eerieness) but I wouldn't ever do that to Neil.
idk which part is worse about the second one..Andrew at 6 feet feels fucking like. supernatural. Kevin at 5 feet..what has he ever done to deserve that
actually yeah I'll go with the first one because Kevin has been through ENOUGH. it'd be inhumane, almost, to make him short on top of it all. (deep down I think nora agrees and that's why she gave him a sexy height among all her other two inch tall characters.) (I also don't think Kevin could pull off being short the way some men can. his ego is almost too big for his body as is.)
blond Neil it is I guess. sorry babe
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matchavtea · 5 months
Do you use reference for your micheal myers drawings and others? If so where do you find them cause i can't get his face down cause I can't seem to find a reference just him in his mask
You mean references for unmasked michael? I dont have a lot but here's the main references I use. Hope this helps
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sainns · 1 month
songs that remind you of/you associate with your moots ^^?
this is a month old i am so sorry Um anyways ^.^ don't ask why i associate some of these songs with u i do not know okay and its mostly just the vibes / instrumentals of the songs Not the lyrics
@nishibons so american by olivia rodrigo
@nishions bff by tws
@copyhanni so let's go see the stars by boynextdoor
@lilacnini tyty by soojin
@jjunae invitation by junny
@isoobie espresso by sabrina carpenter
@lheebra sugarcoat by natty of kiss of life
@jongocat apple cider by beabadoobee
@wvnkoi american jesus by nessa barrett
@okwonyo kiss me by babygirl
@bywons angel by jake webber
@euncsace grace by henrik
@wonryllis over the moon by the marias
@saursoob daylily by movements
@voikiraz igual que un angel by kali uchis
@naespas hurt by newjeans
@wonfilms un x100to by groupo frontera
@wonifullove girls like me don't cry by thuy
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phenomenalgirl9 · 10 months
Hello🤗 I love your writings❤️ can I request a fluffy smut about Lan Wangji x female reader where they had a fight over Lan Xichen(as Lan Wangji was jealous & possessive of her). After the fight, angrily, reader went the forest without informing anyone and Lan Wangji gets deeply concerned for her. He searches for her everywhere and in the forest, reader gets into some trouble but Lan Zhan saves her in time. In anger, reader said some hurtful words something like, "why are you here? I'm nothing to you, you shouldn't save me etc" and he becomes so angry on the fact that she doesn't understand his feelings for her and how much he loves her and protective of her, so he takes her to a nearby cave and makes love to her and also confess his feelings for her. This makes reader so happy and they continue their love making session throughout the night forgetting that everyone is waiting for them back in Cloud Recesses. In the morning, when they come back from the forest, everyone teases them but their reactions are quite different. Reader gets shy and embarrassed while Lan Wangji is happy and relaxed. Also, the reader is tiny heightwise(only 160cms) so their height difference is remarkable and kinda cute. Lan Wangji's body covers the reader's body entirely whenever he gets on top on her😍 Thank you in advance❤️
A/n: Thank you anon for the request, I enjoyed writing it! Its 🔞 so MDI ⚠️⚠️🔞‼️
Lan Wangji x Reader: Mine
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Summary: Lan Wangji is a jealous and possessive man, wbk. But he has no way to express that. (This occurs in a different au and they are all adults, around 17).
"Thank you for your assistance in the class Ln Guniya, everyone speaks so highly of your musical skills, but I got to see it for myself and I can say it's really inspiring. You don't miss a note and play all the sharp one exactly the way they are supposed to be." Zewu Jun and you were walking through the corridors of Cloud Recess, after you helped him take a musical lesson for the instrument using cultivation students. He was now walking you to your quarter. "Zewu Jun is just very kind," you said, smiling. 
What you didn't notice was Lan Wangji walking by another parallel corridor, who was headed towards you two and heard two juniors discussing "Zewu Jun and Ln Guniya look so good together" one said. "Look at the way they smile at each other, what a cute pair". Wangji gritted his teeth as his palm tightened around Bichen. 
"Zewu Jun, Shifu is calling you urgently," Wangji said. "Well, I was walking Ln Guniya back to her chambers-" Zewu Jun tried to speak, but was interrupted by Wangji "I'll do it" he said. A look at Wangji made you blush, you couldn't help but ogle as he spoke, his perfectly well carved face, his broad shoulders, his hair tied perfectly with his forehead ribbon. You were so lost you didn't notice when they were done talking and only realised when he had already walked away.
"Let's go" Wangji said calmly and walked away, in long strides, it was only when he noticed your struggle to keep up that he slowed down. "Wangji Xiong, did you get you read that book I gave you the last time I came?" You asked as you matched pace. "Mn" he said, "I heard you enjoy reading poems, so I got that one for you" you said smiling to be able to spend time with him. But, he didn't reply, you found it strange and stopped. Generally, Lan Zhan tries his best to always converse with you by saying a word or two here and there, especially when you two speak about books. Suddenly a thought hits you. "Wangji Xiong?" You called and followed behind him again but he didn't stop, "Oi, Wangji"you called again and he didn't stop. "Lan Zhan!" You finally called him and he stopped. You mentally thanked the heavens that there was nobody around. He looked straight at you and you asked "Are you angry with me?". "Mn" he said, turning to restart walking, now it's your turn to get angry so you do the best thought that comes to your mind, you use your brother's binding talisman and catch his left wrist, stopping him in his tracks. "Lan Wangji, you can't just say Mn and walk away. That's not how things work, why are you even angry? I arrived yesterday and was in a class with Zewu Jun the whole morning" you said. "Reason" he simply said, "What? Because I was with Zenu Jun?" You repeated and he looked away and said "Mn" he responded. "You're really testing my patience here. Wangji, why would you be angry because I was with Zewu Jun, he is your brother" he said. "Can't stay close to Zewu Jun" he said, and it seriously frustrated you. Why would he say that? He has never reacted to your romantical advances. He always retracted his hand if you placed yours even a little close to his, he has never invited you to meals or even tea, he never even sits beside you during meals, he has made it clear that he isn't romantically interested in you so why? It's not like you were hitting on Zewu Jun. "You really frustrate me Lan Wangji" you said and walked away. 
"How can he be so insensitive like this?'' You spoke to yourself as you paraded inside the room. "Uh" you said, finally being done and feeling suffocated and left your room, walking start towards the forest shortcut you found the last time you came that led to a lake just outside the periphery of Cloud Recess, it wasn't that far, but you could easily return before curfew. You made the walk for it, you reached the lake and took off your shoes and dipped your feet in the water, you lied back down to watch the pretty sky. The cold water was relaxing after the whole day.
What you underestimated was your fatigue and before you realised you dozed off to sleep and how quick warm afternoons in Gusu can change to cold evenings. 
Inside Cloud Recess
"Zewu Jun! Zewu Jun! Ln Guniya is not in her room, when I went to call her for dinner, her pipa was left in her room. We searched around the premises, she wasn't here".. as soon as Zewu Jun and Wangji heard, they stood up. "Never late" Wangji informed Zewu Jun "something must have happened" Zewu Jun said and summoned some disciples to immediately go look for you.
"Brother, I'll go" Wangji said and went off, he quickly asked your attendant to bring your Pipa. He got out a tracking talisman and used it in the Pipa. 
When you opened your eyes, you sat straight up, you legs were numb from the water that was now freezing cold. "Gods!" You exclaimed, as you had to physically pull your legs out. You tried to get up but could not, your legs needed time. Suddenly you heard some weird sounds from a close by bush. When you looked you noticed motion, that looked like 3 walking corpses. You were done for, you can't run because you have hills on two sides and the now closed protective walls of Cloud Recess and the only exit was were they are arriving from. You looked around and realised you didn't even bring you pipa when you left your chamber. 
Is this how you'll die? You won't even be able to see Wangji one last time before you pass! Would it hurt? Will you vecome one of them? You hoped Wangji killed you before you hurt someone else or-
Your chain of thoughts was interrupted by a sharp sound. A sound you've heard so many times when you joined Wangji and your brother on Night Hunts. A wisp of white came flying and stood between you and the walking corpses. One more strike of the guqin and they were down dead (well, more dead than they previously were)
"Are you okay?" Wangji looked at you on the ground and pulled you up. You felt glad to see him for a moment, only to remember what he'd down back then. You removed your hand from his and went off on him. "Why are you here? It's not like you care about me? Why are you here?! And why did you sav-" you were yet again interrupted by more sounds of grunts and you both look to see the 3 corpses up again and 3 more arriving. "No time, poisonous corpse" Wangji said and in one fast move he literally swept you off your feet and picked you up bridal style and ran. You tried to resist but none of that effected Wangji. He entered a cave with you in his arms and placed you down on the cave ground. He then put a few protective talisman, to guard the gate. 
"I refuse to stay here a minute with you" you said and stood up. In a blink of your eye Wangji was infront you and he pushed you aginst the cold wall of the cave towering infront of your short shape, you craned your neck to look at him. 
"Zha- Lah-Lan Zhan! What are you doing?" You asked. 
Wangji looked at you and you felt like you'd melt right then and there. "Show Y/n my love" he said and crashed his lips onto yours. This was a foreign feeling to you. The way he devoured your lips and you reciprocated felt like sparks. You felt a fire in the pits of your stomach or below. He asked you "trust me?" Looking deep into your eyes, and all you could do was shake your head. He slowly slid your outer robe and you did the same for him. Slowly all the layers came off, you found yourself tracing his chest with your hands, it was more toned that you imagined.
As the layers were now off, he slowly sat down on the cave floor and pulled you on his lap. You loved how your small body fit with his. "So pretty" he said as he kissed your neck and sucked on the skin, making you moan. "Mine" he said before he went further south but holding you up by your ass. "Lan Zhan~" you moaned as his mouth took your hard nipple into his mouth. If there was heaven on earth, it was here right now for you. He slowly laid you down and climbed on top of you, covering your whole body with his. He looked at you for permission, which you granted and his hands reached your wet core. His touch felt like fire, he slowly reached down and drew circles around you clit, making you moan his name harder. 
He slowly inserted one of his slender fingers inside you and started pumping making your mind dizzy. Then he added one more finger and by then you were panting, a knot was forming inside your belly that tightened and tightened and as soon as he added the third finger and pumped a few times. The knot came undone, your toes curled and you bit his shoulder, making him moan. "Ready?" He asked and you nodded, "i need more" you said panting, "make me yours" you told him. And he lowered and inserted himself inside you slowly pushing little by little. You felt his hard member throbbing inside you. You felt whole, invincible and on cloud nine. Lan Zhan grunted as he thrust inside you slowly to let you adjust. He kept picking pace, "yes Lan Zhan, yes" you said encouraging him and he increased his speed, hitting in the right spot that made you eyes roll back. 
You moaned his name louder, "I'm close" you whimpered. "Together" Lan Zhan said looking into your eyes, you pulled him closer and kissed him. "Now" he said and you let go the two of you moaned and grunted as Lan Zhan rode you through your high. 
The two of you lied beside each other and suddenly you said "didn't we do a taboo?! Lan Zhan did you break rules?!" You whisper yelled. "Not in Cloud Recess" he said asuring you. "Still be did a taboo" you said, but he just wrapped his arms around you and said "mine". "Why were you behaving that way then?" You finally asked the question that has been lirking on your mind. "Y/n was with Zewu Jun, Juniors said you both looked good" he said pouting. You wanted to squish his cheeks "Was Lan Zhan jealous?" You asked, only to get a "Mn" in response that melted your heart. "I'm yours, I can't be or even think about anyone else" you said.
Wangji suddenly turned and started kissing you hugrily, but you pushed him away and strandled him and started kissing him. He pulled you on his lap and this time made you ride him until the two of you came and lied down with you on top of him, in his arms and the two of you fell asleep. Tiredness took over you as you both found comfort in each other. 
Inside Cloud Recess
"First Ln Guniya was missing now even Wangji is mossing with her" Zewu Jun said pacing around, he hoped Wangji atleast found you before any harm could happen to either of you. That was when they saw Wangji riding in on Bichen with Y/n on his back. You attendants rushed to you as soon as they sae you. You explained how you went for a walk and then fell asleep and how later Wangji saved you. Wangji told them how you two had to spend the night in a cave as the Corpse were poisonous. 
"I'm happy you both are safe, please refrain from going on walks around the gate closing time. Even for two people who are supposed to be bethrowed, they shouldn't spend nights together before wedlock" Zewu Jun said.
"Bethrowed?" You repeated. "Yes, you and Wangji are to be bethrowed soon, I proposed the offer and your brother said you accept" he said and you just nodded and said "sorry I'm just tired" and thus Zewu Jun asked you to go rest. You turned to your attendants and said "He was serious about that question. I thought when Wuxian asked about the marriage, he was joking! I'll kill that-" you were interrupted yet again by the love of your life, who came to back hug you one last time before you both part. Before releasing you he mumbled one word into you ears, "MINE". 
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honeytonedhottie · 15 days
What to do when I'm unmotivated, it seems like nothing is going to change and everything seems to take time? :(
understand that ur emotions are totally valid, these are human emotions and ur gonna feel them
now that you've felt ur feelings, remind urself of the truth and get up because ur in control
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travelerbasilau · 1 year
(Hands you a Senzu Bean) here.
Also, have you met the Sweetheart Clones yet?
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WOW !!!the totally coolest and realest Jay has manufactured a thingy magogger to connect us to the Webs!!!! Cause yeah ! :))
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[id : Jay, Chip, and Gillion from JRWI Riptide positioned in a square frame for a picture. Jay sits at an off-camera desk with the grime from her work on her apron and her goggles, holding a peace sign up, looking nonchalantly. Chip is at the right, leaning into frame and trying to look cool by biting his lip (failing). Gillion is behind Jay, looking to the camera while doing nothing out of fear.]
Ask uquestingons!!!! [questions]
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Why ??? : I lost the progress to my jerwee riptide fanseries and I’m using this to cope ((like,,, the amount of animatics VAPORIZED 🚼🚼 and writing,,,). I might just use this as a mode to share some of the ideas from there in a medium that might be easier to commit to — even if it makes me REALLY sad :o( . I don’t believe this blog will be Too busy so it’ll probably be me up uploading comics I make and think are funny 😭😭 hopefully that’ll be a good time
I have a lot of headcanons for the GUYS so I hopee whoeverrs reading myight get a kick out of them. :o)
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#candlewax ~ General stuff,,, like in character info dumps rr something like that!!!
#dolphindelivery!!✉️ ~ ASKs!!!! Maybe! hopefully!! + in character answersz! :o33
#spam.box. ~ ooc asks :o3 as me the FELLA :o33 not indicative of how silly i think ur ask is btww <<33
#another advent ~ the silly comics!! Typically ones posted by themselves but can be like, an ask thing! Or ig anything I deem as like “part of” something?? Idk
#another tide sweeps through ~ not so silly
#nikextravaganza ~ the meezies!!! I’m yapping!’n!!! I think just the candlewax but me flavor yk ((whoah maybe plotting too,, come meet me in my crystal ball of terror to strike a deal maybe pretty please,, 🌝))
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rayplacement · 30 days
hi *explodes*
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❝ Tragedy. Loss. Fear. Corruption?
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Citizens of Eden; I have an announcement to make. An unexpected turn of events took place today. At around 12:20 pm, a passerby had exploded out of nowhere.
The Eden police force are currently at the scene now, with an immediate investigation put forth.
Who was this anonymous citizen? A Father? Mother? Son? Daughter? To our staffs dismay, the person exploded to so many pieces; we are, as of now, unsure at the moment.
The second I turned around to see them, they just... bursted to pieces.
Was this an attempted attack? A plan in motion for an assassination? Who knows why they did what they did, or what their motivation was.
We may never know. But how sudden that was to come next to someone and do such thing....is strange.
For now, until we have come to a closed investigation; let us put our rests assure and pay our sorrows to the one who has fallen. Anonymous citizen, we of Eden hope you are now at ease....
Stay tuned with us for your daily broadcasting!! A game show and Must Dance will be shown momentarily after these messages ! ❞
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sunkissedbedard · 14 days
who are your favorite mutuals??
also i love your work🤭🤭
hi anon ! thank you ! i simply cannot choose because they're all my favourites, but here's a few who's work i admire, recommend and love dearly !! 🥰🩷
@heavenlyhischier @sweetestdesire @hearts4hughes @nhlclover @herzfurhockey @brissonrempe @sourholland @toasttt11 @simplyhughes @crazy4smitty @homestylehughes @hhughes
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