#ღakaashi keiji
audisamu · 3 years
notes; Just like- they know you’re stressed maybe it’s work, maybe it’s school, doesn’t really matter but they know that you’re tired and being overworked. This is how they try and get you to relax and let your worries slip away, at least for a moment. 
characters; sugawara koushi, oikawa, tooru, kageyama tobio, kenma kozume, miya atsumu, akaashi keiji 
──➤ This man will do anything for you <3 he’s such a saint but at the same time if you don’t take a break he’s gonna drag you away from your desk and forcefully bring you to a spa or smth. 
──➤ He begs you to take one day off to spend with him and when you finally agree, he brings you to your favorite places, including getting your favorite food for lunch.
──➤ After that, he brings you home, and as soon as you get through the door he’s stuffing cucumbers on your eyes and some, admittedly cheap, drug store face mask. It’s the thought that counts though, right?
──➤ He tries his best to keep you from thinking of your work by keeping you off your phone all he can. He even gives you a nice back massage to keep you from getting up and checking your email. 
──➤ If your nice day off hasn’t cheered you up even a bit, just seeing how much he cares for you does. 
──➤ He has the great idea of a date night. You guys haven’t had those for a while and he knows that if he just comes out and tells you to take a break, you’ll be stubborn and just work even harder.
──➤ He whines and whines and you finally cave in. He decides that you’ll both see a movie together. You’ve been wanting to see it for a month now but had never found the time to.
──➤ The movie’s fun and when you leave, you’re bouncing off the walls with excitement. He thinks you look so sweet raving on about how the movie was so well made and asking him over and over what his favorite scene was. 
──➤ You both take a cab home and on the way there, you finally start to come down from your high and loose energy. 
──➤ Oikawa, like a knight in shining armor is there to lend you his shoulder to nap on. 
──➤ He helps you up to your room, makes sure you clean off any makeup you may have on, and brush your teeth, he knows you’re tired but hygiene is an important part of taking care of yourself. 
──➤ When you finally get into bed, you’re asleep within the blink of an eye. Oikawa smiles lovingly at you and wishes that he could maybe every day like this, one without stress and work. He knows he can’t, but he’s happy he could at least help you today. 
──➤ He does not understand. He cares so much for you and it hurts him so much to see you suffer. 
──➤ He also doesn’t really know how to go about helping you through. He’s always been very on top of his self-care routine, he always wants to be in top shape for his games. 
──➤ When he confronts you about it- it comes out a bit weird. Something along the lines of, “You should take care of yourself more. It’s stupid not to, you’re just hurting yourself and I’m worried for you, idiot.” 
──➤ Like yeah you got your point across and were sweet but could’ve worded that better sweetie. <3 
──➤ You get what he says though and promise him that you’ll try your hardest, but it would be nice if he could keep doing what he’s doing and keep you on your toes.
──➤ He takes this so literally- throughout the week he has reminders for you to take a break from work and he is so diligent in keeping track if you’ve eaten three meals and had eight cups of water a day. 
──➤ Kenma thinks you’re a bit of a hypocrite. You try to lecture him about his bad habits but then you never take care of yourself. 
──➤ You tell him not to have his computer brightness so high, but here you are, in bed with your laptop doing work, while you should be sleeping. Why are you getting mad at him for not eating healthy when you’re over here living on coffee.
──➤ It’s gotten to the point where he’s genuinely concerned for you. He doesn’t know exactly how to get the point across to you but he wants to do it quick. 
──➤ He sets his plan into action and starts doing the same things as you. You’re quick to pick up on him doing so and confront him about it.
──➤ You ask why he hasn’t been taking care of himself better and right when you think you’ve won, he reveals his secret and now you can’t deny the truth.
──➤ He makes you take off a weekend and you both go on a small vacation to a cabin. It’s a challenge for both of you, as you’re both very much addicted to technology and don’t have the best self-care routines. 
──➤ But you care for each other and make sure to keep the other on top of their game. 
──➤ I think Akaashi would notice pretty early on what’s happening. You just don’t seem as passionate about stuff anymore and you’ve been slower the last few days. 
──➤ He doesn’t want to say anything just yet but he tries to observe what’s going on with you and does his best to make your day better. 
──➤ When he’s sure that you’re close to burning out, he knows he has to step in.
──➤ He sits you down and talks with you about what’s been going on. He doesn’t want to make you feel like he’s mad at you or it’s your fault in any way, he just wants you to hear his concerns and know that he cares about you. 
──➤ He comforts you a bit when you go on a small rant about what’s been going on at work/school lately and he listens to you carefully, taking it all in. 
──➤ He tries to help you if you want him to but if you just need him to sit there and support you, he will. He just wants what’s best for you in the end. 
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