#Årud family
acesandocs · 1 month
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I'm the kind of person who remembers things better with a visual aid, so i made this. It might change based on how Ace's story develops or i change my mind on something. There's not much else to say aside from that i think. I made it with an online program called Canva.
As always if anyone has any questions feel free to ask.
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deeva-arud · 15 days
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Deeva Årud - Tsumsted Wonderland Voice Lines
Summon Line: Pointy ears, wings, freckles and blue marks under its eye… it really looks like me. What a strange situation.
Groooovy!!: Apparently, this tsum feels relaxed when I cover it with my wings.
Home: By some unexpected turn of events, there’s two Deevas now. It’s okay, we won’t cause you any trouble.
Home Idle 1: You want to hold my tsum? That’s going to be complicated… Don’t worry, you won’t be hit, but it’ll fly away if you try to approach it. Until it warms up to you, I’m afraid it won’t let you touch it.
Home Idle 2: When I was about to start my violin practice, I looked back at my tsum and found it holding a tsum-sized violin. It took me by surprise. Where did it get that from? And how could it play with those tiny arms?
Home Idle 3: My tsum was helping me convince my club members to practice a song together, but then Kalim brought out a box of pastries his family gifted him. I can’t believe its curiosity also succumbed to those delicious foreign snacks…
Home Idle - Login: Back at the dorm, someone thought my tsum was just a regular plushie because of how still it is. As soon as he stretched his hand towards it, it took flight. The shriek he let out hurt my ears but I still find the scene amusing.
Home Idle - Groovy: Hovering over a salmon dish and hopping around my cup of jasmine tea… well, it’s supposed to represent me, I wouldn’t have expected less. Unfortunately, I doubt it can eat any of that.
Home Tap 1: Even if tsums can’t talk, Sebek’s does a spectacular job at showing its loud personality using just body language.
Home Tap 2: Cater’s tsum constantly follows my tsum to show it photos and music on its phone. It seems his tsum also took a liking to mine, huh? It reminds me of when we were first years… Not that he stopped doing that now, though.
Home Tap 3: It seems my tsum and Jack’s bonded over cacti. It was heartwarming seeing them quietly observing plants together.
Home Tap 4: Floyd’s tsum went on “bored mode” while I was doing my shift at Mostro Lounge. I spent several minutes picking it up from the chairs so the customers could get a seat.
Home Tap 5: Tsums are cute. But the fact that they came down from the sky, looking and acting like us is a bit eerie. It sounds like the plot of a horror movie.
Home Tap - Groovy: I can’t help but think about the place tsums come from. Is everything made of round and squishy materials? Stacking can also scare away predators? Wait, do you even have predators? …Hm, no reaction, I may be wrong.
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lattaeluvs · 1 year
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Lottie Beaumont
(full bio under the cut )
Biographical Information
Full name: Charlotte Marie Beaumont
Nicknames: Lottie, little Lottie, Lotte
Birthdate: March 13th, 18xx
Deathdate: November 17th, 1970
Blood status: Halfblood
Nationality: British/Norwegian/French
Home: Brighton
Personality: Lottie is incredibly vivacious and mischievous, known for having a shit eating grin on her face most times during the day. She frequently enjoys messing with others, especially when it comes to telling stories about the muggle world. Lottie has a big heart, and she's capable of taking herself and others seriously. She's incredibly emotional. In short, she has an almost mercurial personality; both girlish and mature at the same time.
Physical Appearance
Hair: Brown with a reddish tint. Lottie keeps her hair in a short, wavy bob after a potions related incident. Initially long.
Eyes: Green doe eyes
Skin: Lottie is a little bit paler, with a scar across her nosebridge and freckles on her face.
Body: Lottie is thin and willowy, standing at 5’4. She has freckles all over her body and considers her hands to be one of her most defining features.
Hogwarts Information
House: Slytherin
Patronus: Fox
Wand: Cedar, Dragon Heartstring core, 10 1/4”, Brittle Flexibility
Best classes: DaDA, Potions
Worst classes: Divination, Herbology
Extracurriculars: Slytherin seeker, ran DaDA study club
Amortentia Scent: Vanilla, fresh lilies, dirt after the rain
History Born to Luciel and Runa Beaumont (nee. Årud) in Brighton, Lottie Beaumont is an only child. Her father was a pureblood wizard who had previously studied at Beauxbatons, now living in Brighton for a personal study of his own. Her mother, Runa, was a muggle girl on vacation to England after graduating from school. The pair engaged in some illicit activities and were forced to wed soon after. Runa was completely unaware of her now husband's status as a wizard.
Luciel, after being present in Lottie's life for a short time, ended up disappearing. His wherabouts are unknown, though Runa fully believes he went off to elope with his old sweetheart from school. Nevertheless, Runa raised Lottie in the estate he had left behind, however Runa raised her purely as a muggle. Runa went as far as destroying any evidence of Lottie being a witch, including destroying her Hogwarts letters. By the time Lottie was 14, however, it became increasingly difficult to hide from her own daughter that she was a witch, and unwillingly let her go to Hogwarts.
I based Lottie heavily off of the poem "A Child's First Sorrow", and Christine Daae as a character. While Lottie herself doesn't have that sort of girlish, innocent personality, I wanted her to still have some hold on a childhood innocence when attending Hogwarts, only for it to be destroyed as the year goes on My entire story for her ends with her marriage to Sebastian, and a huge family down the line. In that family is my Hogwarts Mystery character: Cordelia Sallow, along with her siblings.. Cordelia is her great-great grandmother, and a pretty important person in her character arc. One of Lottie's great great grandchildren and Cordelia's older brother, Victor, inherits that sort of ancient magic that she has. She's overall still a HUUUGE WIP, but I'm very satisfied with her character as of right now
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acesandocs · 1 month
Before I post the short story I've been working on, I wanted to introduce some of Ace’s family, since they're going to be featured. I tried to edit it down to the important stuff but if anyone wants to know more just ask.
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Solveig Liv Årud/Sylvia Hall, Ace's Mother
Ace's mom Solveig was born in Kapp along with her two brothers, One of her neighbors was a music teacher and taught her to play the Hardanger fiddle. When she was seventeen she became pregnant by one of her neighbor's students but was urged by her neighbor to never tell him or anyone else of the child's parentage. Having had Ace outside of wedlock Solveig faced a lot of social ostracisation. Her sister in law, who was deeply religious and judged Solveig for having a child without marrying. A rumor amongst the townspeople was that Ace's father was actually a fossegrim, that Solveig agreed to have a child with in exchange for teaching her to play the fiddle so well. (there is actually a lot to say on how this affected Ace and his view of himself but we don't have time to get into it rn). After a flood made her and her family homeless they emigrated to America in 1920 at the advice of some friends.
Once they arrived in New York Ace became very ill and bedridden causing them to be left behind as the rest of their family continued further up to Minnesota. While Ace was sick Solveig met and later fell in love with a Swedish immigrant named Eric Hall. She married Eric after knowing him for half a year. Solveig had kept Ace close all her life and not really letting her grow up or stand on her own. So he reacted badly to Solveig marrying. Being jealous and being unable to deal with not being her mothers center of attention, making him lash out. After an argument where Solveig slapped Ace for being disrespectful to her stepfather Ace ran away from home. Ace and Solveig have been estranged ever since, both being too stubborn to try to reconcile. After Solveig married Eric she tried very hard to adapt to American culture, Americanizing her name to Sylvia and trying her best to learn English and not speak with an accent. She currently has two children with Eric. Neither them nor Ace know of each other's existence.
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Torbjørn Olaug Årud and Lena Årud, Ace's Grandparents
Lena was born in Kapp and Torbjørn was born in the Lofoten area. He traveled down to Toten to live with a family friend after he became orphaned. He later met Lena and they eventually married. They later had 2 sons, the youngest of them dying as a child, five years later they had a daughter and three years after that another daughter they named Solveig. When Solveig became pregnant at seventeen they decided to support her and help her take care of their granddaughter. In the years immediately after Ace was born she and Solveig lived with them before moving into a smaller house on their property. By this time their oldest had married and taken over the main house on the farm and Torbjørn and Lena moved into another small house on the property.
They emigrated to America with the rest of their family in 1920 and went with the rest to Minnesota leaving Solveig and Ace behind. Lena later died in 1922 after becoming sick. Ace does not know this happened.
Info on the art:
Ace is supposed to be a tortoiseshell cat, witch is something that can be seen in her mother and grandmother as well. this is a reference to the fact that tortoiseshells are mostly female. (source)
Her grandfather is supposed to be a Norwegian forest cat.
The implement Solveig is holding is called a Lyster and it is used to fish. Lyster fishing was usually done when it was dark out, using the Lyster to stab the fish. it was banned in the 1860 but was most likely still practiced afterwards. Today it has become completely illegal. The fish in the bucket are trout, a fish that was commonly caught with a Lyster. (source) Here is a painting depicting it.
I apologize for any spelling mistakes or weird wording, i try my best to read though these before i post them but some mistakes often slip through.
Edit: fixed up a bunch of spelling mistakes and weird sentences. I promise im good at English😭
i think i should look into getting a dyslexia diagnosis
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acesandocs · 1 month
Another question answered. thank you again for asking @rudnitskaia!
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Most of Ace's best memories are from his young childhood when he and his mom lived with his grandparents. Fairy tales and folk stories have been a big part of his upbringing, but usually only one person had enough time to sit down with him and tell stories. But there was this one evening in summer...
Here is a post that gives some background info on Aces family for those interested.
Answer under the cut
Åse fought against mom’s constrictive grasp as she cleaned the jam and breadcrumbs off her face with a wet rag. The water was uncomfortable and almost stung, since Åse didn't like having water on her face. When she’d  go swimming she’d always make sure to keep her head above the surface, in the summer when the water was warmer it didn't bother her as much though. Her cousin would often push her head below the water. He knew she hated it, which is why she’d started swimming by herself. She shook her head to get the icky feeling off. 
“I don't understand why she gets like that,’’ Mom said as she sat down with grandpa at the kitchen table. 
Grandma grabbed a cup from the cupboard as she said, “When they're her age they tend to be fussy, she'll grow out of it.’’ 
Åse didn’t like it when adults spoke like she wasn't in the room. Grandma took a can of sweetened condensed milk from the window sill and poured it into a cup. She was already standing with her hands out, waiting impatiently. It was her favorite. Grandpa and uncle Vetle would sometimes bring some from the factory¹ .Åse thought it must be fun working there if you got to make something that tasted so great. She asked mom once if she could work there when she grew up but got a very discouraging answer. 
Mom looked out the window and saw that the sun was still above the horizon but steadily declining. “Åse dear, when you finish we need to get ready for bed.’’ 
Åse sat down on the kitchen floor defiantly. Mom sighed, knowing bedtime was going to be a struggle again, she didn't know why but she had been avoiding sleeping lately, making a fuss when it got dark.² Grandpa thought for a moment and sat up. He knelt down to his granddaughter and whispered something in her ear. She grumbled but after a nudge she finished her milk in one hasty  gulp. The pitter patter of bare feet could be heard stumbling up the stairs to the bedroom. She came down with a blue book in one hand and a small doll the size of her palm in the other. Gnomes in red hats were drawn on the cover along with the title ‘’fairytale book for children.’’ She sat down on the floor in front of grandpa as they flipped through the book looking for a story, angling her dolls head so she could read as well. 
Mom leaned over their shoulders. ‘’It can't be a long one.’’ 
Grandpa grunted absentmindedly. He stopped at a page and smiled. ‘’Once upon a time there was a man with only one son, and this boy was weak-’’³
‘’No! NOT that one.’’ Mom said sternly as grandma snickered behind her.
Åse peaked up from behind the top of the book. ‘’I like this one…’’ she mumbled. 
Crossing her arms, mom sighed and eventually relented sitting down with them, motioning for grandpa to continue. 
‘’His name was Frikk, and he was small as well.’’ 
Grandma joined the rest on the floor leaning on grandpa's shoulder
‘’And so it was that his father took him and they traveled to find him work. No one would take him until he came to the sheriff.’’ Mom tried her best to relax despite herself ‘’When the boy had worked for three years he decided to leave, and the sheriff paid his salary for the three years. He was given three shillings for his three years of work.’’ 
grandma piped up. ‘’You have been given more than you ought to.’’ 
grandpa responded ‘’Won’t I get anything for clothing then?’’. 
They kept going like so, both seeming quite dedicated to their roles. ‘’When he came up to the highest point of the mountain, he sat down to count his shillings. But before he knew it a poorman had come up to him. And he was so large and long that the boy began to scream when he truly saw how tall the beggar was.’’ 
The group paused for a bit and looked at mom. She was sitting next to the fireplace tending it. She looked at her family exasperated. Mom motioned to the doll sitting on Åse's lap. She hesitated for a moment but gingerly handed the little felt kitten to her mom. Mom sat the doll up close to the wall so that the shadow was clearly visible. She angled her hands so that it  seemed a big hunched figure was standing opposite the doll's shadow. 
‘’Do not be not afraid boy, I will do you no harm’’ Åse descended into fits of giggles at mom's attempt at a low gruff voice. 
A weight seems to have been lifted at mom’s participation and the story played out with shadow puppets and silly voices. Åse joined in puppeteering her doll to react to mom’s shadow figures. 
There was only one slight hiccup. ‘’And so I wish for a fiddle, one that makes it  so that every living thing will dance when I play it. Said Frikk’’ 
mom slumped at the mention of the fiddle. Åse knew mom had a fiddle case in the shed but she'd never heard her play. She once heard uncle Vetle say she'd stopped after she had Åse. Whenever she’d think about it too long she'd get this feeling in her throat like something was stuck in it and poking around. She got the same feeling anytime aunt Marie looked at her. Like she wanted to scold her but Åse never knew what she could have done wrong.
Mom shook her head trying her best to get back into the story. ‘’You shall have your fiddle but it is a poor wish.’’ 
Åse liked Frikk. He was small and weak but he did many cool things and he escaped getting hanged by making everyone dance till they died. She liked him more than the other boy who seemed to be in every fairy tale. The one who played around in  the fireplace. She never really paid attention to those so she couldn't remember. She wished there were more stories about Frikk. 
When the story was well and done, only then did Solveig realize how dark it had gotten. ‘’Damn its way past Åse's bedtime!’’ 
Åse was almost nodding off in grandpa's lap. He bundled her up in his arms and handed her over before she headed up to their bedroom. The door creaked as she opened it with her shoulder. She looked down to see her daughter stirring slightly but quickly settling again.
Solveig tucked the four year old into their bed⁴, resting her hand on the little one's cheek. smiling as she nuzzled her hand back. Anyone who saw them next to each other could see that she was her mothers daughter except for her eyes. What were the chances she'd get eyes like his… Solveig looked out the window willing herself not to think about him. She wanted to protect her daughter from the world, from men like him. She silently promised her that as long as she kept Åse close no one would hurt her. 
Solveig lent down and kissed her daughter's forehead and slowly left the room making sure not to let the door creak again. That night Åse slept better than she had in months.
¹The Kapp milk factory operated from 1891 to 1928. Its main product was a condensed milk brand called ‘Viking Melk’. It is still Åse’s favorite comfort food. The brand was bought by nestle in 1892 and i believe they distributed it in America so it something she still is able to enjoy today. The factory is today used as a cultural center (i think that's how you use that word). (source)
²Åse’s sleep paralysis started manifesting when she was around 4 years old because of stress and anxiety about how people outside of her mom and grandparents started to treat as she grew older. Especially her aunt and cousin.
³The story being told is ‘Veslefrikk med fela’ (English translation: 'Little Freddy With his Fiddle') I wrote it very abridged and the translation is probably not perfect but the point was to get the gist of the story across effectively. (original fairytale and i got a little help from this to figure out some words)
⁴Åse slept in her moms bed during her early childhood, it was normal for families to share beds during the time period starting with kids sleeping in their parents or grandparents bed and later sharing with their siblings. When they moved into their own place she would sleep in the attic in a small room during summer but she would go back to sharing during winter. The bed in the attic was pretty small so she'd have to curl up in it which got increasingly difficult as she got taller. (my primary source for this is: my teacher told me and its something i passively picked up on while visiting a folk museum, so i wont claim this is 100% accurate)
finally done and posted. It was fun being able to expand on the Ace lore. I used exclusively female pronouns for ace in this because its was way before he realized she was gender fluid. it only something she started noticing when he became a teenager. Other that that i hope it was an enjoyable read and thank you again Heldig for the Question❤️‍🩹😸
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acesandocs · 1 month
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Ace really misses his childhood home, its unclear weather its because he thinks it was a better time or he just misses the familiarity.
There's a lot of intentional spelling mistakes. Ace only finished three years of primary education after all. Not everything is exactly to scale.
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deeva-arud · 6 months
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Deeva Årud - Club Wear Voice Lines
When Summoned: Lights dimmed, tension building up… Are you ready to feel our rhythm? Summon Line: Playing music with friends is fun, I’m glad to be here even though I’m starting to feel a bit nervous.
Groooovy!!: We’d be delighted to see you at our next show. Spotting a familiar face among the crowd is always nice. Home: “Let’s rock and roll”, as some would say. Home Idle 1: I joined the Pop Music Club on my second year. Perhaps it’s quite a drastic change from my previous club but… it’d be a lie to say I’m not enjoying my time here. Home Idle 2: Most of the time I’m the one suggesting we should practice, but somehow Lilia, Cater and Kalim always distract me with all these unknown snacks and gadgets. Sometimes I have the feeling they do it on purpose… Home Idle 3: I need to warm my hands, it’s hard playing an instrument when they’re cold. Home Idle – Login: *humming Piece of My World* Ah- sorry, I didn’t see you there. Can I help you with something? Home Idle – Groovy: I’ve been playing violin and other instruments since I was a kid. My family has always had a connection with music and I’ll gladly continue this legacy. Conveying your thoughts and feelings through sounds is quite satisfactory. Home Tap 1: My first concert with them? Since it was the first time I’d be playing in front of many people, I knew I’d have a hard time trying to look at the audience. Cater noticed and told me to look at him so I could feel less overwhelmed… Let’s say I didn’t expect him to be so literal. His clones substituted the audience because no one came to see us. Home Tap 2: Hm, my violin? Indeed, it’s not the same one I use at Mostro Lounge. An electric violin is more suitable for the club’s activities. I’m surprised you noticed it. That means someone’s been paying too much attention to the musician playing ambience music… That was a joke. Home Tap 3: Kalim and I joined the club in the same year so I got to see how much he’s improved his drumming technique. It’s impressive. Certainly, Lilia’s been an excellent teacher to him. Home Tap 4: I like the idea of having customized masks for our performances. Maybe I should mention it once we have enough funds. Home Tap 5: I recently accepted to do some vocals just for our club sessions. You can come see us, but please refrain from telling everyone else. At the moment, I only feel comfortable singing for a few people. Home Tap – Groovy: When it comes to a band like this many wouldn’t think of a violinist, but that actually gives songs an interesting feeling, don’t you think? Duo: [DEEVA]: Ready for a shocking performance, Cater? [CATER]: Ready as ever, Dee-chan!
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deeva-arud · 2 years
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*trumpet sounds* the birthday girl has arrived!
(Interview under the cut)
Deeva Årud Union Birthday – Personal Story
– Part 1 –
Deeva: «Hmm… I wonder who the presenter chosen for today is. It seems they’re bit late. »
Lilia: Good morning, Deeva~!
Deeva: Ah, good morning, Lilia. I suppose you’re in charge of the interview today.
Lilia: I thought I would scare you with my sudden appearance, no luck today either *sniff* Anyways, yes, you’re right. Since we see each other after class, this will feel like our usual meetings at the light music club. We’ll end this in no time!
Lilia: Oh, but before we get into the questions… Here, I have something for you.
Deeva: This is… a keychain?
Lilia: Cute isn’t it? I noticed the ones you have hanging from your violin case and thought that you liked keychains or maybe even collected them.
Lilia: Cater also mentioned me you don’t feel comfortable with people spending their money on you, but you don’t have to worry, this is handmade!
Deeva: I really appreciate the thought, it is indeed a lovely gift. I do like keychains, but I wouldn’t consider myself a collector.
Lilia: Oho? Why is that?
Deeva: If I had a collection of keychains I’d love each of them to be something representative of a place I’ve visited, and since I have never been outside my homeland… Currently I only own three.
Lilia: Is that so… well, it is something you can change. I myself travel a lot, so you can come with me whenever you want.
Deeva: Can I?
Lilia: Absolutely! I wouldn’t mind at all having another companion. In fact, travelling is far more enjoyable with friends.
Deeva: Then I’ll gladly take into account your proposal.
Deeva: Ah, by the way, judging from its charms… is this keychain a gift on behalf of the light music club?
Lilia: Indeed it is. Since we have so few members, it’s like we’re a little family, so I proposed my gift idea to Kalim and Cater and we decided to give your gift a personal touch! See? Each of these little charms represent a member of our club.
Deeva: I see, in that case I’ll cherish it even more, I will hold it close to my heart. Thank you so much.
Lilia: No thanks needed, seeing your rare smile is the best reward. I might even forgive you for not reacting to my jumpscare from before kufufu.
– Part 2 –
Lilia: Okay, let’s begin with the questions! Here is the first one: if you could join any dorm other than Octavinelle, which dorm would you choose?
Deeva: While each dorm has its own charm, I would choose Diasomnia.
Lilia: Ooh that was quick. I hope you’re not trying to please your presenter kufufu~
Deeva: No, I had no intention to do that.
Deeva: I simply think the ambience in Diasomnia seems calm and the students are really straightforward and loyal, which I appreciate greatly.
Lilia: I see, I see. We have some loud people here and there but generally speaking it’s just as you have described. A pretty chill dorm, as the youngsters would say. You would fit there perfectly!
Lilia: I also guess in terms of straightforwardness or loyalty, Octavinelle isn’t the best dorm. You don’t like being here?
Deeva: I don’t dislike Octavinelle, but here it feels like almost everyone hides something behind their words and actions and, even though I am already used to it, sometimes it is a bit tiring trying to decipher what it is going through their minds.
Deeva: If you are not careful, you can accidentally be in debt with someone.
Lilia: That sounds like an experience. You knew you could have transferred dorms, right?
Deeva: Yes, I did. But I still wanted to respect the Dark Mirror’s decision. After some time you can read the intentions of the students here like a book, it’s just a matter of patience. Besides, I find quite useful learning to know when someone is trying to trick you.
Lilia: Fufu I see~, Octavinelle is truly an interesting dorm.
Deeva: You could say so.
Deeva: Returning to the main question, apart from Diasomnia, I also value Scarabia’s resourcefulness, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t last long there. That much sunlight and the high temperatures would be like a nightmare to me.
Lilia: Aah, I have to agree on that. It seems neither of us is made for that kind of environments.
– Part 3 –
Lilia: Next question: who would you choose to be your sibling among all the students of Night Raven College? However, you cannot choose someone from your own dorm.
Deeva: It’s a bit hard for me to imagine having a sibling since I’m an only child… but I believe Deuce would be a good option.
Lilia: Oh, Deuce. He’s a good kid, a little naive, but that’s what makes him fun to mess with. Come to think of it, I’ve also heard he used to be a delinquent.
Deeva: I heard that too, but I think what really matters is that he’s trying his best to become a better version of himself.
Deeva: Admiration for his willpower… you could say that is why I chose him to be my sibling.
Deeva: Even if things don’t come out the way he wants, he keeps trying. Seeing him working hard to achieve his goals would make me really proud as his big sister. And if he struggles with something I could always lend him a hand.
Lilia: You really seem like a reliable older sister! I’d have loved to see his reaction to your words. I bet his face would have been the same shade of red as his dormleader’s hair kufufu.
Lilia: And that brings us to the end of the interview. You know what comes next, don’t you?
Deeva: …The Gift of Good Fortune…
Lilia: Exactly, the Gift of Good Fortune!
Deeva: Please, don’t smile like that, it looks like you’re enjoying this a bit too much.
Lilia: Well, I can’t help it, it is the best part of the interview kufufu, not everyday you get to throw a pie at someone’s face.
Lilia: Just make sure you don’t dodge it or misfortune will haunt you for the rest of the day.
Lilia: Then… ready? Happy Birthday Deeva!
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deeva-arud · 3 years
Not me posting two character ref sheets for Deeva in less than a week. Anyways-
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Name: Deeva Årud
Hero name: Neptunia
Birthday: February 18th
Age: 22-23
Gender: Female
Height: 140 cm
Hair colour: white
Eye colour: aquamarine
Blood type: A
Quirk: Aqueous
Status: Alive
Birthplace: Norway
Occupation:Pro Hero
Seiyuu: Hibiku Yamamura
Deeva always has an expressionless face and doesn’t talk much, but when she does, she is very direct and honest. Though she may seem distant or indifferent to others, those who are close to her know that’s not the case. She may have a serious look on her face and be a bit shy when showing affection, but she is really attentive to those she considers they deserve it. Deeva doesn’t want to get too attached to people, fearing that one day they will suddenly disappear from her life.
-Her quirk consumes a small amount of her body's water, which allows her to use it for hours without suffering any side effects. However, if she exceeds her limits she would end up dehydrated. That’s why she carries with her flasks full of water for emergency cases.
-Deeva possesses cold resistance but, unlike Todoroki, she doesn’t have a quirk that quickly prevents her body from freezing when using ice excessively, so she has to be more careful.
-She can turn her body into water.
-Her fighting style is often described as fast, agile or graceful, probably influenced by the fact that she has been figure skating since she was a child.
-Her appearance has nothing to do with her quirk. She takes advantage of this to confuse others.
-Actually, her biological family has a similar appearance. All of them have wings, pointy ears and a mark on their bodies that indicates that they have a quirk.
- She can change the size of her wings to keep them out of the way when she isn’t flying.
-She makes no sound when she’s walking, something that usually ends up with someone almost having a heart attack when they see her standing next to them. It doesn’t help at all the fact that she can also turn her body into water and reappear in another place.
-She’s usually indifferent to insects, but if there’s something that repulses her, that’d be spiders and cockroaches.
-Her favorite food is salmon tartare.
-Can play the violin.
-She was an exchange student at UA. At the age of 20 she returned to Japan where she works as a pro hero.
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