#[ me: about to crawl back into bed to nap for 45 mins. ]
orchideae · 6 months
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𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑(𝐒): Black, red, green and greys! 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑(𝐒): I follow Min on the 'fruits' thing, there's nothing like the flavor of a nice ripe nectarine or peach, or cantaloupe melon or cherries!! God, cherries, I want some now. I also am (to be honest) an absolute nut for chocolate, which I think I haven't kept a secret here so far whatsoever. But dark chocolate with praliné filling? God, my mouth is watering at the mere thought. 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂: I like so many artists, but a lot of consistent ones that I keep going back to are the classic oldies (Presley, Beatles, Sinatra), or your 80/90s classics. Beyond that, I will always go back to Abel Korzeniowski, Sleeping at Last, Smash into Pieces (thank you, Min)— uh, who else, I know I always forget ones here, ah, I'll 100% admit that I'm a Bruno Mars fan (Silk Sonic, hello?) This is one of those where I can't really narrow it down, I just let Youtube autoplay and I come across many gems, you know? 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄(𝐒): Mary Poppins. It's a film that's very near and dear to me and this answer seems to always surprise people, but I don't think it'll ever change at this point. It just hits me with a sense of magic that nothing else could ever do. And while I don't seek to 'be drawn back into my childhood', I like that this... does just that. I feel like whenever I watch it (and I don't too often), I gain more appreciation for it. Also, the music in it remains unparalleled (the moment when Mr. Banks walks to the bank, that instrumental? Favorite of all time, I think). 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: Seinfeld, Friends, I enjoy the good old-school comedy shows. 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆: Minefields, by Faouzia & John Legend. 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: An episode of Seinfeld has been playing every morning when I'm home as of late, it's been absolutely wonderful. I love this cast so much. 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄: The Joker, it came recommended for a specific mood! It's a good film. 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆: I haven't picked it up in forever, because sitting down to read hasn't been a common thing for me lately (and also, I'm not quite prepared to head back into Warcraft lore quite yet, but the Warcraft: War of the Ancients trilogy by Richard A. Knaak. 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍: Work preparation for Wednesday, last work day before Winter break! I'd love to work on replies, though. But life is insane at present and because I've coughed so much because of bronchitis/etc. etc., I think I tore a ligament. 😭
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Tagged by: @delusionaid 💙(cat vc: ty human, ily) Tagging: Aaaa, who hasn't been tagged yet? @avaere @spiderwarden @infernaliscor @immobiliter (okay I literally can't not tag all three of you, no matter if you've already possibly been tagged 9 times already) @lunaetis @sortilegii @liuuyuun @electrohunter @shrineofprophecy @nivuruheim and anyone else who wants to do it!
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perrentes-ptv · 6 years
Prompt: hey can you do a vic/oli/austin one were vic is sick and oli is coming home from tour and austin was out getting things for vic to make him feel betterand oli gets home pissed cos austin is gone and then austin explains what happened and then they cuddle and talk with vic and kiss and shit x
Title: All it takes is him, All it takes is him
Pairing: Austin/Vic/Oli (OM&M/PTV/BMTH)
Song: All it takes is him - Joel Faviere
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WARNING CONTAINS: M/M, If you do not like this prompt or pairing, do not read it! It’s not hard
A/N: i changed the dates for Rock en Seine fro the fic btw little scatter im sorry
"ugh, let me die."
"Sorry babe, I just wanted to let you know I'm stepping out to get something light for you to eat at dinner, and more medicine for you since you cleaned us out."
"thank you, drugs and food is all I need."
"what about me?"
"I miss Oli."
"So you do have a favorite?"
"No, you non-Oli."
"Funny and with that I'm leaving, I'm placing your phone by your ear in case you need me, I placed a trash can by the bed, and a glass of water on the nightstand, the dogs are sleeping so don't worry about them, I'll be back soon okay, bye love you." Austin kissed the top of Vic's hair and pulled the comforter back in place over Vic's mouth as he closed his eyes and whispered 'I love you' back to his boyfriend.
Austin left the house after locking up he didn't like that idea of leaving his sick boyfriend alone but with Oli gone and his friends being busy he had to. He keeps on reminding himself that he wouldn't take long and Vic would just be sleeping for the most part. Vic is that sick person that takes twice the cold medicine dose and sleeps it off for a few days. He was one of the needy sick person, and Oli work thought his sickness like the workaholic he is.
Speaking of Oli, the british man was gone for Rock en Seine in Parc de Saint-Cloud, France this year. It was their first time doing the Rock en Seine festival. Oli mades plans to see his family and check in with the Sheffield and London locations. Oli left for a whole week he still had two more dates before coming home and his boyfriends who were missing him dearly.
Austin drove down to Vons since it was the closes to them. Austin ended up picking stuff to make spicy lentils soup, more honey for tea and cold medicine. Austin got stopped by some fans in the Vons and took some pictures not want to be rude for the people who support his career.
Once back on the road Austin was caught in traffic, he looked up his route and saw that 210 & 10 was hit with car crashes and with it being rush-hour and a lot of picking people bring on the rode trying to pass the tariffing ended up making more tariffing in the local rodes. Austin was back home after a extra 45 mins of traffic.
When he finally got home he notice that Oskar, Luna, Dylan or Surf didn’t greet him once he got home. He brushed it off and put the stuff in the kitchen before going upstairs and checking on Vic. Austin went to their bedroom and was surprised to see Oli laying on top of the covers next to Vic, running his hand up and down their shorter boyfriend’s back. Austin walked across the room and sat on the bed behind Oli’s knees.
“Shit, hey Oli when did you get back?”
“Like 20 minutes ago, where the hell have you been you tool?” Oli asked aggressively looking back over his head to Austin.
“Excuse me?” Austin asked taken back on how Oli was addressing him.
“How could you leave Vic alone? He’s sick love, he said you’ve been done for hours.”
“Babe, calm down I was gone for like one hour, traffic hit around me and that’s why I was gone longer, don’t be a dick to me, I can’t control the rest of the world nor the fact Vic got sick. I made sure he had everything and was okay before I left to get food and medicine.” Austin said.
Oli kissed Vic’s forehead and set up and kissed Austin, “I’m sorry for being a tosser, I just worried about him while I was gone and I was just worrying if you were okay too since you won’t here. I’m sorry for sniping at you.”
Austin smiled at Oli hugged him, “I missed you, Vic did too.”
“Yeah, he told me and said he missed his favorite boyfriend too.” The two taller males looked down at their sick lover who was flashing a cocky smile. “Love you guys.”
“A 10 hours flight really makes a man tired. I need a nap, Vic be my cuddle buddy.” Oli asked already laying down on the bed cuddling Vic to his chest.
“Sure but want Austin too.”
“I need to cook.”
“Later, nap first, eat later.” Vic said reaching over for Austin, trying to pull him over to his other said.
Austin crawled over to Vic’s other. Austin placed his arm over Vic, and the other under Vic and Oli’s heads petting Oli.
“Sorry if I get you guys sick.” Vic whispered.
“I’ll deal.” Oli replied back.
“I’ve been sick.”
“Hun, don’t say that.”
“Okay.” Austin kissed the back of Vic’s neck and nuzzled into it.
They laid in bed together cuddling, feeling whole once again.
The Misunderstanding End
Feel free to send me any request of any ship or pairing you want
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Welcome Back, Dork
Warnings: Swearing, sickeningly sweet fluff, badly written smut, unprotected smex (use p r o t e c t i o n kids!) Word Count: 13,814 (o o o p i e d a i s y) Summary: You had been gone for a week on vacation with your family. It was a Sunday and you were on your way back. Connor had a whole night planned that was centered all around you the moment you get back later that day. Established relationship. (f/d/b) = favorite dog breed / mixed breed (s/f/d/b) = second favorite dog breed / mix breed (y/f/c/n) = your female cousin’s name (f/c/h/n) = female cousin’s husband’s name (f/r) = favorite restaurant here is da masterlist
@angelinabisognin suggested this~! I am so sorry it took forever to write this, my brain was scrambled and I was doing things with my tumblr fam. So, my b babe. Also, sorry if Connor is a lot OOC, I just think that after a week of not seeing you, he’d be all, like seriously, h a r d c o r e uncharacteristically loving and shit with you in private. sorry if it’s really fluffy and shit, I was lowkey listening to romantic, relaxing music while I wrote this; may’ve gotten too detailed in this and I’m S O R R Y! I got way too into it
Connor was uncharacteristically excited. It was something you did to him and he did not know whether he liked it or not. Anyways, he was sitting inside your house, on the large couch residing in the living room. You were on your way home, and he was oh-so ready for you to be home. The Connor Murphy had gone an entire week without being able to hold you, touch you, see your smiling face in person—and he lived to see your bright smile everyday. Of course he got to see your face, thanks to this miracle called FaceTime, but he hadn’t been able to cup your face and tell you how much that smile meant to him. So, yeah, he was beyond ready for you to get home.
His leg was bouncing in sheer excitement and anticipation. You were so close to being home and once you got home, he was determined to whisk you away for a great night followed by something else, only if you were up for it. He wouldn’t ever force you into sex if you didn’t want it. “God, when is that dork coming home? She said fifteen minutes ago twenty minutes ago,” he growled to himself, combing a hand through his long brown hair.
Everyone knew that Connor could be quite impatient when it came to you. Of course, being away from you for a week didn’t help at all. But, your parents were so dead-set on visiting family a few states over and even though you didn’t want to go, they forced you. You were old enough to either stay home alone or stay with someone, but they made you go anyways. Connor knew it irked you that they would not let you stay with anyone even by yourself and it irked him, too. He had wanted you to stay with him and his family, and of course they said ‘no’.
To celebrate your return from a week of MIA, Connor was going to take you to your favorite restaurant for dinner. Then, after dinner, he planned to take you stargazing at the park just outside of town. Stargazing was, after all, your favorite past-time to do together. In fact, stargazing had been your first, official, date—on his roof, nonetheless. It was totally classy, but still, you loved it. Truth-be-told, he may have a weakness for seeing you gazing up at the star-speckled night sky, eyes twinkling and full of wonder and excitement, as you seemingly glowed in the pale moonlight. He smiled to himself as he clearly remembered your first date.
He looked down at his phone and saw a new message from you.
From: Dork Sorry we aren’t home yet, Con! There was an accident on the highway that stopped up traffic real good, I’ll be home in like 45 mins now! I’m sorry, I know how much you want me to be home! ily so much con and can’t wait to get back home to you! see ya soon❤️
“Great!” he growled to himself. He was pissed now, but he knew there was nothing he could do. As he brooded to himself, your two dogs bounded up to the couch, waving their tails. “Oh, hey Cleo, hey Marri, do you two need to fucking go outside?” he asked, somewhat being calmed by their presence.
You loved your (f/d/b) and your (s/f/d/b) almost as much as you loved Connor, and boy did he know it. You would always gush over them when the both of your were at your house, and they would constantly steal his cuddles. And even though he would sometimes get jealous of the attention you gave them, they were too cute to stay mad at. Marri, your (f/d/b) and oldest dog, barked at him, as if to say ‘yes I need to go outside please’. Cleo, your (s/f/d/b) and youngest dog, barked after Marri.
“So that’s a yes, got it. Come on you mutts,” he said to himself. Pushing himself off of the couch, he made his way over to your home’s backdoor. Marri and Cleo followed on his heels. As soon as he opened the door, your dogs almost took out his knees as they bolted outside. They turned to face him, both waging their tails and seemingly smiling at him. “Yeah, yeah, you bitches are welcome,” he laughed to himself as he closed the door.
Meanwhile, you were stuck in a car with your parents, blasting your Spotify in your ear to drown out your parents boring back and forth small talk. Least to say, you were bored as hell and wanted nothing more than to be in your stoner boyfriend’s arms. The week without him was also hell for you, too. You could run your fingers through his soft hair as you whispered how much he made you feel complete. Oh how you dreamed of him every night while you were gone—some nights you would dream dreams so sweet it would give a man cavities and other nights you dreamed dreams so steamy you could have fogged up a window. Goosebumps appeared on your skin as you remembered a particularly titillating dream.
Even though it was a dream, you felt every single thing that night and you were feeling it again. From the teasing, cool, feathery touches all across your blazing skin and the gravely whispery proclamations of affection in your ear, to the deep growls of satisfaction accompanied by naughty praises from your boyfriend and the sounds sex. Shit, you thought to yourself as you felt heat pooling in your lower regions as you remembered.
Your imagination was running wild with images of Connor in provocative positions as you dazed of into a salacious daydream. You could close your eyes and see him under you, his eyes darkened and dilated with desire and his mouth slightly agape as he watched you. In your sinful daydream felt so real as you felt a chill wash over the whole of your being because of the cold air of the room (in reality, it was the car’s air conditioning) hitting your sweaty, flaming flesh.
Sinful words fell from Connor’s mouth, lewd encouragements and praises. “You’re doing so well, dork. God fucking dammit, you look so hot when you ride me so desperately like this.” Many more lewd encouragements and praises flooded your ears and you cursed your imagination. A electric shock spiked through your body as you could feel one of Connor’s hand grab your hips and pull you down onto him as he bucked up into you.
I fucking hate you right now, imagination, you thought angrily to yourself. Now you were ten times more horny than you had been before. You could have played with yourself, but you damned that idea because your parents were in the car. And you refused to do that with anyone, but Connor, around especially with your parents not even a foot in front of you. You had to forcefully tear yourself out of that smutty daydream before you were actually tempted to help yourself out.
Removing one of your earbuds, you asked your mother, “What’s the situation? We still not moving? I zoned out and haven’t been paying attention to traffic.”
With a heavy sigh, your mother answered, “We’re finally starting to move again. After thirty minutes of sitting here. We should be home in about fifteen to twenty minutes now.”
“Wow. I was out for that long? I didn’t even realized,” you said, more to yourself than your parents.
Your dad chuckled, “It’s not like you missed much in those thirty minutes, (y/n). Me and your mother were only making idle chitchat.”
You rolled your eyes and laughed, “I know, that’s why I put my music on and zoned out, dad. What did you two talk about, economics or something?”
“No, we were talking about your relationship with Connor,” your mother quipped, obviously joking.
“Good one, ma. I’m rolling in my grave,” you sarcastically quipped back.
Looking at you through the rear-view mirror, your mother winked at you as she replied, “It’s what I do. I make people roll over in their graves.”
“That’s a terrible joke and you know it, mom,” you snickered.
Scoffing, your mother feigned being offended, “How dare you say your mother’s jokes are terrible! You were the one who started it.” Everyone in the car laughed and you were finally speeding towards home.
Connor had gotten sick of waiting in the living room, so he went to your room and was napping on your bed. At least that was the only thing you could think of as you entered your room to find him sleeping in the middle of your queen-sized bed. Luckily for you, he was napping on his back and you had the perfect idea on how to wake him up. Quietly, almost silently, you placed your bags on the floor just inside your doorway (but they were placed to the left of said doorway); with a smirk on your lips, you glided equally as silent over to your bed. As you approached the foot of your bed, you kicked off your gray sneakers. Once you reached the foot of your bed, you gently put your weight onto the bed and started to crawl towards Connor.
You crawled until you were straddling the handsome long-haired stoner. What was surprisingly is that he didn’t wake up when your mattress dipped due to your weight, which was something he normally did when you tried this. Sitting there, you looked down at his sleeping face. He seemed to be at peace and you smiled to yourself. Half of you felt bad that you had to wake him, but the other half of you didn’t feel bad. You were finally home and he had promised to do something for you when you got back. So, without a second thought, you leaned down and kissed him on the lips, but only for a moment.
Your clothed chest pressed against his, one hand gently combed itself through his brown hair and the other softly caressing his cheek. Sweet, soft, open-mouthed kisses were peppered across his face as you stroked his face with the gentleness of a child who didn’t want to break something precious. Your lips trailed to his jawline were you, just like his face, peppered it in soft open-mouthed kisses. After spending a few moments on his jawline, you kissed upwards to one of his ears whereupon after placing a kiss behind it, whispered a soft, “Connor, I’m home. Wake up.”
A small, nearly inaudible groan came from his throat. His breathing changed and you knew he was waking up. You returned to littering his face with tender kisses, trailing your hand that rested on his cheek down his neck with the lightest touch. Another groan came from his throat as Connor began to stir from his nap. “What?” he hummed in a confused, groggy, just-woken-up voice.
Connor was vaguely aware of the tender touches and kisses he was being showered with. The more he woke up, the more aware he became. He became aware of the weight on him, the gentle lightness of the touches that were now drawing small circles on his clothed chest, the sensation of a hand pleasantly combing through his hair, and he became exceptionally aware of the gentle amorous kisses bestowed to him. Taking in a deep breath through his nose, Connor’s senses were filled instantly with you. You smelled of vanilla today, and your body heat felt pleasant against his own. Without even opening his eyes, he wrapped his arms around your waist and hummed in satisfaction. You were finally back. “Welcome back, dork,” he hummed out, burying his face in your hair.
You hummed into his neck, bringing your arms together around his neck. “Glad to fucking be back, Con,” you whispered into his skin.
He kissed your head and rubbed the small of your back. “How was your trip to hell?” he asked in both a curious and amused voice.
Lifting your face from his neck, you sighed, “It was as good as going to visit my shitty cousins could be. You know how one of them is pregnant, right?”
Opening his eyes, finally, Connor looked down at you. “Yeah? (Y/c/n), right?” he spoke.
You nodded and continued, “Yeeep, that’s the one. Well, so anyways, she wouldn’t shut the fuck up about being pregnant, ya know. Like, whoop-dee-do, your husband got you pregnant because you purposely stopped taking your birth control, congrats. You haven’t been married for four months and you’re pregnant? Congratulations, you’re dumber than I thought. She gets herself pregnant when she can’t stay on one job and fuck if I know what (f/c/h/n) is doing for a job. Point is—they aren’t financially stable enough to have a baby. Babies are expensive, y’know? And yeesus, she wouldn’t shut up showing off how pregnant she is. ‘I’m almost ready to pop, can you believe it, (y/n)?’ or ‘I’m almost in my final trimester, yay’ and ‘Me and (h/n) are so ready for our daughter to come’… ugh, she’s the most self-centered bitch I’ve ever met!”
Connor listened to you, still rubbing the small of your back comfortingly. “Damn, I’m sorry you had to deal with that bitch, babe,” he said.
“It’s fine, I’m several states away from her now, it’s all good. And…” you trailed off and looked at him with a soft and happy smile, “I’m back with you, so… it doesn’t really bother me anymore.”
Your words caused a genuine, heart-melting smile to appear on his lips for a few brief moments. Both of you knew how easy it was for you to break his aggressive persona’s shield, and it was only something you could do. “You’re perfect, you goddamn angel,” he said, sitting up. As he sat up, the hand rubbing the small of your back remained there, and he used it to pull you closer to his body while his other hand trailed up your spine.
A shiver shot through your body as his hand trailed up your spine, over your right shoulder blade, up your neck and stopping on your cheek. Heat rose to your cheeks as he directed your head upwards to look at him and you saw the look in his eyes. Though the smile may have faded from his face, it was ever-present in his eyes. Your stomach filled with butterflies because you knew you were the only person who was allowed to see this side of him. The side of him he kept under tight lock and key: the incredibly loving and almost sickeningly sweet side of him. You were so caught up in your thoughts that before you knew it, his lips were against your own, moving methodically and with the utmost passion.
At first you were taken aback at how genuinely loving and passionate the kiss was. But, after a few brief seconds, you were returning the kiss with just as much fervor. Within two seconds, your arms were wrapped around his neck, one hand dragging itself through his hair near the nape of his neck, eyes closing in bliss. Oh god had the two of you absolutely, wholeheartedly missed everything about one another in that week apart. I missed you so fucking much. That was the message your slow but rapturous kiss portrayed to each other. With each synchronized movement of your lips, another message was conveyed: I missed you too and I’m so damn happy you’re back.
Connor’s hand that had been on your cheek found its way into your hair and grabbed a fistful of your (h/c) tresses as a means of deepening the kiss. He sunk his teeth into your bottom lip gently, trying to coax you into opening your mouth. And of course, you were not in any state where you would be able to handle the consequences if you teased him; after all, he did have a fistful of your hair that he knew you loved being tugged, so you weren’t going to tempt the fates right then. Just as you were about to open your mouth, Connor tugged on your hair, causing you to gasp. Apparently, you had taken too long to give him what he wanted. His tongue darted into your mouth and thus the fight for dominance began.
The fight for dominance didn’t last as long as it normally would have, because as previously mentioned, you were in no state to deny Connor. Once you were successfully subdued, Connor retreated from your mouth, his tongue licking your bottom lip in arrogance. You had to admit, when he got arrogant, it was kind of hot, so you let it slide for now.
This impassioned kiss seemed to go on for a lifetime, as both you and Connor had melted into it. Into each other. Unfortunately, all things must come to an end. Oxygen was needed by both of you; you could sense Connor’s reluctance to pull away for air, but you knew it had to happen. You would have pulled away, but the hand in your hair kept you from the inevitable retreat. Finally, after a moment of hesitation, Connor pulled away from the kiss, and left a few inches between your faces. A cliché thin string of saliva connected your lips before it broke. Both of you were breathing deeply, desperate to fill your lungs with air.
“Wow…” you breathed out. Sure you two have shared intense, intimate kisses similar to that one before, but that kiss that just ended was so much different than the others. It was the pure, raw emotion of love and sheer gratification of seeing each other again bundled up in a powerful, breathtaking kiss.
Connor rested his forehead against your as he took deep breaths, his warm breath hitting your face. He was surprised. Never before had he ever kissed someone with that much feeling before, and you two shared kisses of a faintly similar degree of that one before. Connor was just so awestruck that being away from you for a week could do that to him—could give him the means to kiss someone with that much longing and love he felt like he had poured out his heart. “…yeah…” he breathed out, just above a whisper.
Your heart was racing and your face felt like it was on fire. Not to mention the fire embers that rested deep in your gut. “Connor…” you said, looking into his eyes.
“Yeah?” came his answer, his eyes never leaving yours.
“Didn’t you have something planned for when I got back,” you questioned.
Connor’s eyes softened and he said, “Fucking course I do. All you gotta do is get your ass in my truck and we can get this shit rolling.”
A giggle left your lips as you answered, “I would love that.” The two of you untangled yourselves from each other and you moved to the end of your bed. Bending over, you grabbed your sneakers and put them on once again. “So?” you said, Connor hummed hmm in response and you continued, “What do you have planned?”
Connor sat beside you, putting on his combat boots. “Well, I’m treating you to dinner at (f/r). Then afterwards, we’re going to go stargazing at the park for a bit and after that, anything is possible,” he said. “And seeing as it is 7:00 PM, I’ll say it’s going to be plenty dark for us to see the damn stars.”
You didn’t know what to say. It was pretty obvious he had put some thought into this and you were excited. “That sounds… wonderful, Con. Though, really, we don’t have to go eat at my favorite restaurant. It would be perfect just going to stargaze with you,” you answered.
“I fucking knew you would say that but, (y/n), I want to do this. Tonight is about you. Now, you ready?” he said, standing up from your bed.
Pushing yourself off the bed, you answered, “Course I’m ready, sexy-pants. Let’s go!” You walked out of your room and down the stairs, hearing Connor following you. Grabbing your over-the-shoulder purse, you open the door to your house. “Mom, Dad! Connor is taking me out tonight, we’ll be back sometime around 10-ish!” you exclaimed from the doorway.
Connor stepped outside the door and stood beside you, as you two waited for your parents’ answer. “Okay, honey! Have fun on your date!” came your mother’s booming voice.
Smiling, you started to close the door. “I will! See ya!” With that, the door was closed and you looked over at Connor. “To da truck!” you exclaimed, running off to his truck, that was parked out by your mailbox. Connor rolled his eyes and ran after you.
It took you and Connor ten minutes to get to your favorite restaurant, but neither of you minded how long it took. In fact, you really could have cared less, you were just happy to be back with your boyfriend. Arctic Monkeys played softly in the background as you two sat in traffic. “Hey, Con,” you spoke, breaking the silence.
“Yeah, dork?” came his voice as he looked over at you.
“Thanks for taking me out,” you thanked him.
“You’re my fucking girlfriend, dork, of course I would take you out.”
You smiled, a slight blush dusting your cheeks. “You’re the best, Con…”
Connor pulled into a parking place and turned off his truck. Before he got out of his truck, he grabbed your hand and said, “No, you’re the fucking best, dork.” After he said that, he got out of his truck and walked over to your door, opening it. “Now, what do you say? Ready to go inside?”
Giggling you said, pushing yourself out of his truck. “Yes, I am,” came your answer. You stood beside him as he shut his car door, you threaded your fingers through his and looked at him. “Hope you don’t mind.”
He squeezed your hand that he was now holding and said, “How could I ever fucking not mind holding your hand?”
Shrugging, you started moving towards the restaurant. “I dunno, sometimes you do.” Connor knew he couldn’t deny your words and was dragged behind you as you walked. “I’m really excited for after dinner,” you said, looking at him again.
“Me neither, dork,” came his reply. You two walked into the restaurant and Connor said, “Table for two.”
The lady smiled and ushered you forward, saying, “Of course, right this way, sir.” The two of you followed her, sadly no longer holding hands, to your table—you two were going to sit at a two-manned table. “Here you are,” she said with a sweet voice as she placed down two menus. “Your server will be right with you.”
You nestled into the seat. “Okay, thank you ma’am,” you thanked the usher in a sweet voice as well. Once she disappeared, you looked at the menu. Eyes scanned for the cheapest thing. “What’s the cheapest thing?” you questioned yourself.
A scoff came from Connor’s direction and you looked up at him. “Oh no, dork. You get to order whatever the jell it is you want to. Mom gave me a good bit of money for tonight, so please, get what you want,” he said seriously.
“Okay, okay,” you squeaked and looked for something you wanted. Something you craved—besides the man before you of course. Biting your lower lip, you found something that was decently priced.
Soon, your server bounded up to the table. He seemed like a happy fella. “Hello, my name is Frankie and I will be your server today. What can I get you two to drink?” he asked in a chipper, but not too chipper tone.
“I want water,” Connor ordered.
Frankie looked at you and you said, “I also want water.”
He smiled as he wrote your drink orders down. “Awesome. So do you both know what you want to eat tonight?” he asked, looking at you two.
“You ready to order, Con?” you asked your boyfriend.
“Yeah, sure,” he said. Turning his head to look at Frankie, he placed his order. Frankie nodded and wrote it down and when his gaze fell on you, you smiled nervously. You ordered, and it fell out of your mouth in a jumbled heap of words and sounds. You had no idea why you were so anxious when it came to ordering food, but you just were.
Thankfully Frankie completely understood what you had said and wrote it down. “Alrighty then, let me go get your waters and you’ll food will be right out,” he said with a smile as he walked away for a brief moment.
You let out a relieved sigh, “Thank God…”
“Every time you have to order food you stumble over every word like the fucking dork that you are,” chuckled Connor.
“Shut up, Con… it’s embarrassing! I can’t help it that I’m anxious about that,” you moaned, covering your face.
Connor smiled at your embarrassment for a second. “I never said it was a bad thing,” he snickered. “In fact, I find it pretty fucking cute.”
You glared at him and was about to say something back to him when Frankie walked up with your drinks. He placed a water in front of you and Connor, saying there your drinks were. Putting on a smile, you said, “Thank you, Frankie.”
“You’re welcome,” said Frankie as he straightened up and walked off again. Probably to take care of his other tables.
It took your food about fifteen minutes to get out to you. Not that you and Connor much minded, you two were just conversing about how your week apart was. Connor told you how he practically lived at your house the whole week just to take care of your dogs. He also went on and talked about how much he missed you, albeit he said it just loud enough for you to hear.
Connor told you about how much he missed your beaming smile and the warmth of your presence. He went on and on about how he had missed holding you in his arms, feeling your body pressed to his, in more than one way. Connor explains how one night he woke up incredibly hot and bothered and that was all he would say about it in public—it was too indecent to speak loud enough were someone else may hear. 
It made you smile as he told you how much he missed you. “Honestly though, sexy, me too. I missed you more than I thought I could ever miss someone who aren’t Marri and Cleo,” you said, beaming at him.
Just after he said that, Frankie came up with your food. Once he set it down in front of you, you both thanked him. Connor rolled his eyes and began eating his food. “I know, dork,” was his only answer. You two looked at each other, smiled then started to dig into your food.
After you had finished dinner, and Connor payed for it, it was time for stargazing for a while. It was only 8:45 pm, seeing as you two had lost yourself in a conversation after you had finished your meals. Now, you were both in the truck and were on the way to the park. “It’s a beautiful, clear night,” you said as you stuck your head out of the window.
“It is. Perfect for stargazing, right?”
You nodded happily as you answered, “Damn right, Con! Geez, tonight’s been great!”
Connor looked at you and said with underlying meaning, “It’s gonna get better after we stargaze.”
“Oh, can’t wait, Con,” you answered with a wink.
“Neither can I, dork, neither can I. How I’ve been able to contain myself I may never fucking know,” he said with a snicker.
You shrugged and replied, “Maybe we’ll fuck in the park, who knows?”
“And risk someone, anyone but me hear your moans? Yeah, I don’t think so, dork. We can wait until we get back to your house.”
“But Connor!” you whined.
“But Connor, nothing, (y/n). Your moans are for me and only me to hear, got it?”
You pouted and crossed your arms, huffing out, “But I want it.”
Connor raised an eyebrow in amusement. “And you think I don’t want it as much as, if not more than, you? Because if you think that, you would be so wrong, dammit,” he spoke.
Taking that as a challenge, you said, “I know I want sex more than you, Con. I literally had a daydream, while stuck in traffic on the way home, of us fucking. And oh my God, it turned me on so fucking much that I contemplated fingering myself while my parents were in the car!”
“Oh yay for fucking you, dork. I wasn’t even satisfied when I jerked off all week! I got off once and it was only because you sent me the video on Tuesday. It’s not as satisfying to get myself off,” countered Connor.
You pouted and huffed again, “At least you could relieve yourself, I was stuck in a car with my parents, horny as fuck for twenty minutes!”
The two of you bickered back and forth until you reached the park. “We’re here. Can we have a good fucking time stargazing, (y/n)? Or are you going to bitch about how horny you are?” Connor snipped as he got out of the car.
You jumped out of the car, snipping back, “Yes we can have a good fucking time stargazing! And how dare you! You were talking about how horny you were during the week while we were eating!”
“Dammit, dork! Be that as it may, can you just come lay in the grass with me for fuck’s sake?” he almost commanded.
“Fine,” you said sitting down beside Connor. After getting comfortable, you leaned back into the grass. Your hair splayed across the grass beneath your head as you looked at the sky. Your slight irritation with your boyfriend melted away as the sight of the stars soothed you. “Sorry I started bickering with you, Con,” you apologized after a few moments of silence.
Sighing, Connor answered, “It’s fine, (y/n). Now just… enjoy the fucking night sky.”
Not even answering him, you nodded and continued looking at the sky. Your hand had a mind of its own as it snaked its way over to Connor’s hand and latched on. Instantly, Connor weaved his fingers through yours and let out a comforting sigh. The two of you sat in silence, besides the sounds of the woods around you, and watched the night sky. Tonight had been the perfect ‘welcome back home’ anybody could have ever given you, and you were going to let Connor know how much you appreciated it later.
As you two laid there on the grass, watching the night sky, a shooting star streaked across the sky and you squeezed his hand. “Con, did you see that?!” you exclaimed.
“I did, dork, I did. That was pretty damn cool. Wish we could see a fucking comet,” he said.
Your eyes left the night sky and you looked at Connor. “Maybe we’ll see one in our lifetime… together,” you said with a underlying sweetness.
Connor tore his eyes from the sky to look at you and he was shocked to see the immense amount of love that swirled in your eyes. He was almost struck wordless, but he managed to say, “Yeah… maybe…”
Giggling cutely, you turned your eyes back on the sky. While your eyes returned to stargazing, Connor’s eyes were still trained on you. You looked just like you did on your first date. (H/c) tresses splayed around your head, your lips upturned in the most heart-stopping grin, and your eyes. Oh, your eyes were twinkling again, just like the first time you guys had done this. (E/c) orbs twinkled with wonderment, excitement and most importantly—love. Love for him and he knew that. You were glowing to him, the pale moonlight accenting your skin, and just overall warmth glow you always gave off. Connor thanked whatever God who had sent you to him a million times over because you the single best thing that happened to him.
You were having the best time just looking at the sky, holding your boyfriend’s hand. “That shooting star was the coolest thing I’ve seen tonight,” you said. “Have you seen any—” you turned to look at him and saw he was just looking at you intensely, “Connor? You okay, sexy-pants?”
Your voice addressing him snapped him out of his trance-like gaze and train of thought. “Huh?” he asked quietly.
Sitting up, you looked down at him. “You zoned out, you okay? You hardly ever do that,” you said.
“Sorry, I guess I lost in my fucking thoughts. You just looked like you did on our first date,” he said with air-quotes.
“Oh really? How’s that?” you asked him.
Connor sat up and for the first time in a while, he blushed. Because of you. He looked back towards the sky, seemingly in thought of how to describe how you looked. His eyes focused on the sky for minutes on end as he scoured his brain for the rights words. Taking in a deep breath through his nose, he was finally ready. He knew he was about to stumble over his words, which was something he never did. “Well, you looked… still look… like the image of perfection. You, well, you look so at peace when you look at the night sky. Your perfect (e/c) orbs gazing lovingly at the sky, not to mention how your eyes twinkle with wonderment as you ponder things under the sky with me. The warm smile as you and I talk about things… the way the moonlight accents your warm and welcoming glow…” he trailed off, finding himself staring into your softened eyes. When he saw the smile on your face, he tore his loving gaze away from you. Why was he so weak to you? “You know, shit like that, okay? You’re just so fucking beautiful that when I see you like that it makes me wonder why you chose me. I’m the aggressive fucking stoner freak at school and you’re this beautiful young woman, so I always think why.”
You had scooted closer to Connor as he talked, to which of course he didn’t notice, he was too busy babbling. Leaning your head on his shoulder, you cut him off, “Connor!” He stopped talking and noticed you leaning on him. You chuckled at his silence, “Con, that’s so fucking sweet. You’re such a sweetheart to me and I appreciate it to no end. I’m actually kind of embarrassed.” You touched your cheek and it was hot, “Your kind and loving words make my heart flutter, I never knew you felt that way. Never knew that was how I looked to you. I’ve always felt like I’m the Ugly Duckling who nobody loved. Except my parents, obviously. But, when we started hanging out sophomore year, I felt happy. Because I was that girl no guy would look twice at—I was like a female version of Evan without the crippling social anxiety.”
“That’s not true, (y/n). You have always been beautiful to me. Even before we started hanging out and dating,” Connor interrupted.
Chuckling, you continued, “That’s sweet, Con. Now, addressing why I chose you—I chose you because I knew that under your whole bad boy aggressive stoner act, you’re a loving guy. And my proof is the words you just said—in the way you described how I look to you. That’s why I fell in love with you, Connor Murphy. Because you’re a big ole softie under your cold exterior.” You poked his stomach to make a point, laughing as his body jumped away after he was poked. “At least… you’re a softie for me under that exterior. And I love that. I love that I’m the only one who can do that to you. And you’re the only one who can melt my heart with just a loving glance.”
Connor looked down at you, struck silent by your words, soaking them in. After a few moments of silence between the two of you, he sighed and leaned his head on yours. He reached for your hand and placed his on top of yours. An almost breathless laugh escaped him as he said, “Listen to us, goddammit. We’re getting all fucking sentimental and shit. But, you’re right. You’re the only one who does this to me. I turn into a pile of mush for you. I feel things I’ve never felt with such intensity because of you. I thought I would never be more in love with someone before, but fuck, here you are. Jesus fucking Christ, what have you done to me?”
“Made you a softie for me,” you giggled quietly.
“Yeah, and I fucking hate it,” he responded.
You giggled again, louder this time, “I know you do. Boo hoo for you. You know you love me enough to love it.”
He snickered out a, “You’re fucking lucky I do, dork.”
“I know. I really am lucky. I mean, I have an amazing boyfriend who took me out to my favorite restaurant and then stargazing and then got all mushy and shit with me. An amazing boyfriend who makes me feel so loved,” you said sweetly.
Connor hummed at your words as he answered, “You’re lucky? I’m lucky that I have you, just in general. You’re a great friend and wonderful girlfriend. God fuck, I just love you so damn much.”
You gently picked up your head from Connor’s shoulder, lightly bumping his head off yours so that you could look at him. Your free hand came up and touched his cheek, and soon you were moving his face so where he was looking at you. “I love you so fucking much, too, Con,” you said quietly before moving in for another kiss.
Connor’s free hand traveled to you hair and combed through it as you two drew closer to each other’s faces. Your lips pressed together gently and moved slowly in synch, like the kiss shared on your bed. However, this one was a whole different kind of kiss. It was a slow and sweet, diabetes-inducing, kiss. The hand that was on top of yours moved to your waist as Connor pulled you closer to him and the hand in your hair continued combing through your soft tresses. His eyes refusing to close, as to not miss the blissful look on your face.
He felt the hand he had been holding move to rest on his thigh, drawing tiny heart patterns into the cloth of his jeans. Connor also felt the hand that had been cupping his cheek fall to the juncture of his neck and shoulder. You looked so at peace as you two shared this sweet kiss, the slight dust of red on your cheeks and the relaxed expression your eyebrows portrayed. Soon, Connor’s eyes finally gave in and closed as he lost himself in the kiss.
It was your turn to open your eyes. The scene you saw make your heart throb in so many ways. Connor had his eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed in pure bliss. The hand on the crook of his neck trailed down to his shirt and you grabbed a fistful of it. The hand on his thigh you snaked up to the hem of his shirt and started playing with it. Your shared kiss was still slow and sweet, and you wanted to turn the kiss from sweet to steamy. And first thing’s first, you nibble on his lower lip, trying to deepen the kiss.
You stopped fisting his shirt and push your palm flat against his chest, prepping to do something. Not breaking the kiss, you swiveled your body in front of him. Worried he had caught on, you looked at him, making sure he still hadn’t noticed, which he hadn’t; he was too lost in your kiss it was amazing. Deciding to do this before he caught on, you pushed him to the ground, unfortunately breaking the kiss.
He looked like he had been ripped from heaven. Looking down at him, you marveled at how attractive he truly looked—his long hair was scrunched up under his head, his eyes were looking up at you with wonder, pupils dilated in a swirl of emotions, lips slightly parted, his chest erratically yet rhythmically rising and falling. You felt your body warm up as you gazed at your boyfriend below you. Both of your hands now rested in the middle of his chest as you straddled him. Your own breathing was quite erratic and heavy. “You look… really attractive right now,” you breathed out in a low whisper.
Looking up at you, Connor didn’t know what to say. You looked really attractive to him, too. After all, you were on top of him, the pale moonbeams reflecting softly off your skin, hair disheveled, eyes hooded and lips now curled into a devious smile. His hands, that had been pushed to the ground below them, moved to touch your body. One hand came to rest on your hip while the other reached to your face, cupping your cheek. His lips curled into a gentle smile as you nuzzled into his hand. Connor swiped his thumb across your cheek affectionately as he said back, “I could say the same fucking thing about you, (y/n). If we continue this shit, we won’t be looking at the sky; so, you ready to go back to your house?”
You sighed out in relief. Of course you were ready to go home, you needed to relieve the sexual frustration that had been built up for a week and for the past several hours. “Hell yes,” you whispered. “I’ve been waiting for you to say that, god dammit Connor. Don’t you know it’s rude to keep a lady waiting?”
Rolling his eyes, he answered, “Patience is a virtue, dork. Learn some fucking patience.”
“I have been patient for a whole damn week and the past few hours, shut your sexy mouth, dick!” you groaned, rolling off of him and standing up.
Connor stood up following you. “You act as if I’m not in the same fucking boat, dork,” he said, brushing grass off himself.
You mimicked his action and when he moved towards his truck, you followed him. It was obvious that he was in the same boat as you because you saw the idea of having sex with you right then and there flash in his eyes. Half of you wanted him to do it, it would have been exciting: having sex in a public place where anyone could walk or drive by and see you two. However, there the other half of you that wanted the privacy of your room; in your room, he could take his time and give your body the intimate touches it craved. You could also take your time and satisfy him the way he would do to you, if he let you that was.
Remember, that night was centered around you. Connor had made that perfectly clear in the texts he had sent you earlier that day. ‘Tonight is about you, babe. When we get home from our outing, all you have to is relax. I’ll do all the damn work because you had to deal with family all week’, you recalled one such texts to yourself. Upon remembering those words, you sighed mentally for those words meant that it would be hard for you to satisfy your boyfriend. Because when Connor Murphy was set on something, he was set on something. With the sexual tension growing thicker by the minute, you and Connor quickly got into his truck.
The whole ride back to your house was spent in silence, the sexual tension had grown so strong that it was almost tangible and able to be cut with a butterknife. Both you and Connor’s minds were going nuts, both of you wanted what was inevitably coming for far too long. The two of you could just practically hear the whispering moans of the other and it sent your bodies into collective overdrive. What made it even worse was that you were so close to each other yet so far, and you had to keep each other at a distance for the moment. For if one of you muttered a single word, it would end in the truck being stopped, bodies pushed against each other and squished into the backseat, and the windows being fogged over. Like the scene in Titanic, you know the one.
You sat there, one half of your brain filling your head with obscene images and the other half wondering how the sexual tension had gotten so bad. Literally less than an hour ago you and Connor were out on a simple, sweet date and now you two were ready to go at it like rabbits. How did it get this bad this quick, you thought as you gazed out the window at the houses pass by. Guess being away from someone for a week then coming back and making out with said person will do that, huh?
Little did you know that Connor was almost to the point of desperation for you that he had thought about having sex in the backseat. But that thought only lasted for a minute. His left leg started to bounce as he tried to keep his thoughts focused on the road before him. Sure he could last another five minutes until you two arrived at your house, right? Surely he could. All he had to do was ignore those images flooding his mind. Images of you. Ones were your back was pushed up against your bedroom’s door, gorgeous (h/c) hair even more disheveled than it already was, lips slightly opened and bruised from all the kissing, eyes hooded and darkened with desire. Desire for him and only him. He growled lowly to himself, growing even more frustrated at the images.
Other images that flashed through his head were a couple of times worse than the aforementioned one. Others were flashes of you, completely naked, skin so flushed it was almost hot to the touch and greedy, lustful eyes looking down at him. Connor could hear the sinful moans that would fly out of your mouth as he worked you to your peak. Even in his daydream, he reveled in the lewd sounds and profanities spewing from your mouth. Reveled in the way his name fell brokenly off your lips. He’d be damned if he didn’t admit to himself that seeing you like that got him going, even as a daydream.
Your hands were both itching to touch one another, to be all over one another, and the two of you begged for your house to come into view. Thankfully, your house seemingly answered both your prayers—you saw it appear in the distance. You wanted to break the tense silence that drowned out even the music playing in the background, but you refrained from doing so just yet. Instead of voicing your excitement of seeing your house, you opted for biting your lower lip. A hand fiddled with the hem of your shirt as you felt an intense excitement wash over your whole body, from head to toe.
The two of you knew that once you got into your room, the painfully taut tension would snap and the two of you would just be acting instinctually. You would be on each other like white on rice, both your bodies acting on the carnal desire alone. At least to begin with. Once the clothes were torn off and you each laid bare before the other, just maybe would things settle down. Settled enough so where you two could take time to appreciate the touches, slow them down and just be more passionate and loving than carnal and instinctual.
Of course, you both reminded yourselves to try and take it slow. Tonight was about the two of you being reunited after a long week, it was meant to be passionate and methodical and slow—not fast, messy and fueled only by instinct. And if one of you tried taking it too fast, the other had the job of slowing it down again. I’m going to take my time. We aren’t wild fucking animals who just want to reproduce, the two of you thought in unison. Both you and Connor nodded to yourselves as you thought that.
Connor slowed to a stop in front of your house, finally able to tear his eyes from the road. He saw that you were staring intensely out the window and weren’t even aware you had stopped. Clearing his throat quietly, he finally broke the silence, “We’re home.”
Your head snapped towards him and he saw the blush rising to your cheeks. “We, umm, we… we are…?” you stuttered out. Connor nodded and you took a second look out the window. “Oh yeah… yeah we are…” you muttered, cupping your cheek. It was on fire. Not taking a second to spare, you unbuckle yourself and hopped out of his truck. “Well, let’s go to my room… yeah…?”
He nodded and quickly got out of the truck. Instantly, he was by your side and an arm was wrapped around your waist. Connor pulled you close to him as you both walked to the front door, and he pressed a kiss on your temple. It was hard for Connor not to push you up against the nearest surface as you near the front door. The desire he felt seeped through every pore of his body and you soaked it in almost greedily. The moment you two reached your front door, Connor had extended a hand to grab and open said door.
“Ah,” you sighed out quietly, “thanks, Con.”
“You’re welcome, (y/n),” he answered quietly as you two walked into your house. He closed the door behind him, finally releasing your waist.
The moment the door closed, a silence fell over you two once again. Thankfully, the silence was broken as your mother called out to you from the living room, “Honey? Is that you and Connor?”
Clearing your throat gently, you answered your mother, “Yeah, it’s us mom. I told you we would be home around 10ish! Hey, is it cool if Con spent the night?”
Both you and Connor could hear the knowing grin in your mother’s answer, “Of course he can, darling. He’s always welcomed here! You two try not to stay up too late tonight, okay? Can’t have you two being hermits in your room all day tomorrow, now can we?”
You felt yourself blushing even more, even your mother knew what was about to happen. It was embarrassing to know she knew, but how were you supposed to keep that a secret from your mom. She knew the day after you had lost your virginity and she was smiling stupidly, surprisingly happy for you. “N-no ma’am, we can’t have that, Ma. We’ll try not to stay up too late,” you answered your mother, sheepishly rubbing the back of your neck.
Connor grabbed your hand and hastily climbed the stairs to your room, he was fed up with waiting and patience. Your little gasps of ‘slow down, Con’ fell on deaf ears as all Connor had in mind was getting into your room and pushing you against the nearest surface. When he reached your room, he nearly busted the door open, and without a second of hesitation, he yanked you into your room.
The next few seconds were a blur. You vaguely remembered hearing your back land against the door with a dull thud as the weight of your body closed said door. You felt Connor’s hands as they slammed gently against the door beside your head, caging you in. Chewing your lower lip, you let out a small, nervous breath of air through your nose. Your hands dangled at your sides, and they itched to reach out and touch the man before you; shakily, your arms moved as you subconsciously go for Connor’s shoulders. Wrapping your arms around his neck, the two of you stood there, in a heated silence. This silence between you two had become too common that night, but you could have cared less—you were lost in the ravenous pools of molted lava that were Connor’s eyes.
You had been completely oblivious to Connor inching towards your face until you felt both his searing breath and the ghosting feeling of his lips on yours. A hot, shaky breath escaped your body as you instinctively leaned forward, sealing the kiss. The floodgates were opened.
In an instant, Connor’s hands were on your body, one on the base of your skull to deepen the kiss and the other one gripping your hips, pulling them into his. He was absolutely shameless now, he ground his hips into yours to show you how hard he was for you. Connor soon pulled away from the short, impassioned kiss and started peppering your face with sweltering kisses. He placed a few kisses on your cheek before moving down—he brushed his lips lightly against the skin of your jawline.
You sighed in utter, breathy satisfaction as he did so. He knew how much you loved the teasing, light kisses to your jawline and neck. Each time Connor ground your hips together, he would pushed harder and harder against you, as if he was trying to get you to break. Honestly, you were ready to break at the park, but now it was so much worse—with the friction between your hips and the feathery kisses planted on your neck, you were so ready to break.
Connor’s hand that had been at the base of your skull moved into your hair, as he tugged on it, forced your head back. He did that so he had more access to your neck, and he enjoyed the low groan that spewed from your body. Now that he had access to your neck in full, Connor’s feathery kisses turned into short bursts of sucking and nibbling. As he searched for your sweet-spot, the hand on your hips trailed down to your calf and wrapped your leg around his waist so he could keep dry-humping you; once your leg was hooked around his waist, his hand trailed up your leg and hip to the hem of your shirt. He pushed your shirt up as he slithered it up it.
A surprised gasp left your lips as you felt his cool hand against the heated skin of your torso and stomach. You felt him smirk against the skin of your neck as he muttered, “You’re on fire, (y/n)… you enjoying it that much?”
Shivers and goosebumps echoed throughout your body as he ghosted his hand across your stomach to the middle of your lower torso. Once his touch stopped dead in the center your eyes widened as he then continued his trail, downwards this time. Your body was shaking in anticipation when his fingers tapped on the button of your jeans. Take them off, please God take them off Connor, you thought to yourself. At that moment, you were so stimulated that you couldn’t trust your voice—it would either be high and squeaky or low and almost inaudible. You cursed both your mind and the earlier kisses for turning you into the hypersensitive mess you were now; this had never happened before, even when Connor would overstimulate you, you could always talk, beg him but this time was different. You weren’t quite sure if you liked that feeling of being so stimulated you couldn’t even speak.
Connor momentarily abandoned your neck as he kissed your collarbone a few times before pulling away to look at you. You were an absolute mess and he adored it: your head was leaned back against the door, hair now disheveled to the point of knots, (e/c) eyes glazed over with so much feeling he could have drowned, face and skin flushed a bright pink, and chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. He knew how sensitive and stimulated you were, he could feel it in the way your body shook against his. Connor took his time casting his greedy gaze upon you, memorizing how stunning you looked in that moment.
After he memorized every shaky breath you took, every desperate buck of your hips against his, he slowly unbuttoned your pants and dragged the zipper down at an agonizing pace. Connor wriggled his hand into your panties, halting his grinding hips, and hummed as he felt how wet you were for him. “Jesus fucking Christ, dork,” he breathed out, “you’re really excited, huh?”
“No shit, Sherlock,” you growled out, finally breaking your silence. Your hands suddenly move from around his neck to his hair as you forcefully pull his face to yours. This kiss only lasted a few brief seconds but it was fiery and intense; once you pulled away from the kiss, you unhooked your leg from around Connor’s waist and placed your hands on his chest. “Enough making out on my door, Con… let’s move to my bed, yeah?” you whispered near his ear before nibbling on the shell.
Your actions had caused him to take his hand out of your pants. His lips twisted into a seductive little smirk as he said, “I second that motion. To fucking bed.” After he spoke those words, he grabbed one of your wrists and pulled you against him. Kisses were planted on your collarbone again, his lips soon dispersing and going everywhere on what little exposed skin there was as he backed up towards your bed. His other hand made quick work of your shirt, getting it mid-torso before he needed assistance from the hand around your wrist.
Connor was reluctant to remove his lips from your skin, but he wanted your shirt gone, so he pulled away long enough to yank it over your head. Once your shirt was off, his lips were kissing the newly exposed skin. One of his hands threw your shirt off somewhere in your room, while the other one pulled at your jeans. “Lose ‘em before we get to the bed,” he growled, “or I rip these ones, too.” Butterfly kisses were pressed against your right shoulder after he growled out his command.
You nodded, somehow able to remove your shoes then jeans from your body without tripping. Now you were left in only your bra and panties and the cool air of your room caused a shiver to take over your body. You were unaware that Connor had turned you around so that you would fall to the bed first until your head hit the mattress. Yet another gasp fell from your lips as you said, crawling up towards your pillows, “H-how did you do that without looking?”
“I’m that fucking good at it, I guess,” came his answer. His lips were pressing open-mouth kisses to the swells of your breasts and it made you gasp even more. While one of his hands was being used to keep himself propped above you, the other snaked around your chest to the middle of your back where the clasp of the bra was located. Unclasping your bra was an easy feat for him at this point, so in a blink of an eye, your (f/c) bra was peeled off your body and thrown away from the bed.
Once again the cool air hit your body, but this time is was contrasted by Connor’s hot breath. Your body was conflicted on how to feel and you moaned in response, unsure how to appease your body’s contradiction. Soon, however, that contradiction was corrected as Connor covered one of your breasts with his now warm hand. Looking down you see Connor’s body now bent over yours, not being propped up, and his eyes looked up at you, even hungrier than they were less than ten minutes ago. An electric tingle course through your veins as you watched him through hooded eyes.
While he fondled one of your breasts, he was kissing the curves of the other, meanwhile the hand that had been used to prop himself up was now trailing up your thigh at a snail’s pace. Not to mention that all the while, his ravenous, desire-soaked eyes never left your gaze; soon the look in his eyes was too much, you threw your head back and let out the ghost of a whimper. Your body arched into his touches, twitching at the lightness of his touches and begged to be touched in a rougher fashion. Against the skin of your left breast, you felt him smile almost smugly as he took in the effect he was having on you.
Connor’s left hand finally reached the apex of your legs and he teasingly rubbed you through your panties. That caused your hips to buck against his hand on their own, and a lewd moan to pass your lips. That’s it, he thought to himself, that’s the touch she wanted most. What a lewd girlfriend I have been blessed with. He ever-so-slightly retreated from your clothed core, wondering just how badly you wanted it.
And you did not disappoint. Your head shot up and you looked at him with the most vulnerable look on your face as you pleaded, “No no no no! Please don’t stop, Connor! I need you to touch me, please!”
His eyebrows raised in amusement. Connor Murphy absolutely loved to desperate for his touch like that. He licked his lips before bending down to give you a quick peck on the lips, while his hand went to peel your panties off. “What kind of monster would I be if I didn’t give my gorgeous girlfriend what she wanted?” he asked against your lips.
You opened your lips to answer, but any words that had been in your head were reduced to an erotic string of moans and nonsense. The only words that fell off of your tongue were, “F-fuck Con…!” He had dipped one of his long fingers into your heat without warning and it felt like heaven. It had been a week since you felt this hot, this turned on, this needy and your fingers couldn’t quite do it for you. You always wanted more, wanted Connor, and now your body was getting the release it had been craving.
You could hear the smugness in his voice as he whispered into your ear, “Already about to cum, sweetie? I haven’t even done anything yet.” Of course, as soon as he said that he started to pump his finger in and out of you at a sinfully slow pace. He was keen on making you writhe in unadulterated pleasure—after all, that night was just for you. Connor’s eyes watched your reaction with utmost delight, he felt a jolt of suffocating desire shot directly to his dick as you bucked against his hand and moaned out his name, begging him to speed up. His lips curled into a devious smirk as he very slowly picked up the pace, but only slightly.
“Goddammit, Connor,” you growled, your eyes glaring fiercely down at him.  “Stop fucking teasing me! Do it right and stop pussy-footing around!”
Connor rolled his eyes and gave into you. His finger pumped in and out of you at a decent pace and he made it better as he leaned down towards your breasts. You were about to question what he was doing until you felt his searing tongue circle around one of your nipples. Immediately, you threw your head back and moaned low in your throat; Connor felt satisfied by your reaction and he soon brought his free hand up to your other breast. He took your other nipple between his fingers and started to toy with it.
You were bucking yourself against his hand, craving for him to find that spot that made you see stars. Chills ran up your body as Connor’s mouth pulled away from your nipple—leaving it covered in saliva and intensifying the cool air of your room. Your hands flew somewhere, anywhere, and that anywhere turned out to be the comforter beneath your body. “C-Connor… m-more…” you panted, staring him in the eyes.
As you stared at him, you became painfully aware of just how clothed he was, and it irked your nerves. Moving your hands from the comforter to his shirt, you yanked his face close to yours as you hissed, “You’re wearing far too many clothes…”
Connor rolled his eyes and swatted your hands away, abandoning your nipple. “Oh am I now? And just what the fuck are you going to do about it, hmm? I have you completely vulnerable and bare underneath me, not to mention how greedily your pussy keeps sucking my finger back in,” he challenged you, breathing hotly onto your ear.
A fiery determination built up in your chest at his challenge. The look in your eyes changed, and even Connor knew that, as you forcefully swatted his hand away from your needy folds. “I’ll show you, Con,” you huffed as you sat up. The moment you had fully sat yourself up, you grabbed Connor by his shirt and threw him onto your bed. And you were hovering above him now. “Here, allow me to tear off your clothes as you always tear off mine,” you sneered playfully.
You had your head hovering above his stomach because you had a plan. Taking the hem of his shirt into your hands, you started drawing it upwards. As the skin of your boyfriend’s toned stomach came into your greedy eyes sights, you bent to it, pressing kisses along the warm flesh. The higher you hiked up the shirt, the more skin was revealed and the more your open-mouthed kisses were feverishly pressed to it, like you needed all of his body to bask in your kisses.
Soon, you had completely removed his shirt and threw it off to the side; your face was leveled with his and you took a moment to bask in the loving and lustful look consuming Connor’s eyes. It made your stomach churn because the love in his eyes outweighed the lust, and it just made you feel so loved and accepted. Swooping in, you placed a gentle, longing kiss to his lips before you started the trek downwards. You had to swat Connor’s hands away from your face because you knew he was trying to prolong the kiss and that wasn’t what you had in mind. “Patience, Con, patience,” you said against the skin of his jaw.
A scoff resonated in his throat and you could hear the rolling of his eyes. But, you payed it no attention as you kissed down his jaw, peppered them across his neck, planted lingering open-mouthed ones to his collarbone and ghosted your lips down his chest. Both of your hands slowly traced the waistband of his jeans, itching to undo them, but you told yourself to wait for a few moments. Connor was growing eager for your touch, you could feel it in the way his body tensed as you fingered his jeans’ waistband, and you smiled.
One of your hands threw tiny hearts just above Connor’s right hip. Your lips dragged slowly down the extent of Connor light happy trail. Your kisses soon stopped as you reached the top of his jeans. Casting your eyes upwards, you weren’t surprised to see Connor’s smoldering eyes staring down at you with intensity. Not wanting to break eye contact with him, you smirked as your hands fumbled with the button of his jeans purposely, just to tease him.
You knew how much he needed those jeans of his to be off his body, because you could feel how hard he was. Painfully so, and you were sure the pressure of the jeans were only making it worse. Therefore, being the awesome girlfriend you were, you decided to stop teasing him and unbutton his jeans. The little sigh of relief was like music to your ears, and you decided to fully relieve him of his constricting pants. Gently, you pulled down the zipper, trying your best to not get it snagged on anything.
Connor felt every tooth of the zipper being unzipped and it enticed him. Once the zipper was fully unzipped he lifted his hips up so you could peel his jeans off. You did not falter and you quickly yanked them off, to his utter relief; in his relief, he threw his head back into your pillows for a brief moment and breath a sigh of relief. Now he was almost as naked as you were, left only in his boxers. After relishing in the relief, he looked back down at you, realizing you hadn’t removed his boxers yet. “Why haven’t you ripped my fucking boxers off yet, sweetie?” he asked in a low, curious voice.
At that moment, you peeled his baggy, black boxers off his body. “Because I was waiting for you to look at me,” came your answer as you watched his member spring up. “Will ya look at that?” you hummed, poking his dick to make it bob back and forth. “Li’l Connor missed me, too!”
A laugh bubbled up from Connor’s chest as he plopped his head back onto the pillows, combing a hand through his hair. “Oh my fucking God! Why are you like this, dork?” he asked with a laugh.
Placing a hand on each of his thighs, you inched your face closer to his dick and said, warm breath washing over him, “Because the tension was too thick? I wanted to lighten the mood…” You trailed off and gave a gentle, knowing lick up the shaft. “…it worked, didn’t it?” you giggled, looking up at him.
“I’m in love with a retarded dork,” he laughed breathlessly out loud, ruffling his hair. A shudder scurried up his body at your lick.
A soft kiss was planted on the head of his dick and you chuckled out, “Yeah, so what? I’m your dork and you fucking love me!” Upon finishing your statement, you engulfed him.
“Fuck!” he shouted loudly, not meaning to. The suddenness of your action made Connor shout that and he snapped his head down at you. He wanted to glare at you for not warning him, thus causing to shout loud enough for your parents downstairs to hear, but he stopped. It had been quite a long time since he had seen you sucking him off—like a good month or so—and he had forgotten how amazing it looked. How amazing it felt. He felt his gut and body jolt as you swirled your tongue around him.
A deep groan left him and it was the sexiest thing to you. You were utter helpless and unable to control the hum of arousal that erupted from you. So, you hummed around him and you felt him jerk his hips upwards, forcing you to take more of him inside of your mouth. You pressed your tongue flat against his shaft and continued to suck, adding to his pleasure.
You continued doing that for a good two or three minutes before Connor tangled his hand into and tugged on your hair, forcing you away. “Stop,” he panted out. He was quite the panting mess and it made a surge of pride wash over you. You were the only one who could do that to him, and vice-versa. “I think we’ve waited long enough, don’t you?” he asked, gently tugging your hair again.
A smile curled onto your lips, you couldn’t have agreed more. Licking your lips, you crawled towards his face until you came to straddle him. “I couldn’t agree more, Connor,” you spoke in a seductive whisper. You ground yourself against his hard member, sighing out in pleasure as the tip brushed against your clit.
Connor was more than ready for this moment but his body hesitated. “Fuck, wait, wait,” he stammered, short of breath. You immediately halted your movements and looked at him and he asked, “What about the condom? I don’t have any on me.”
You splayed your hands across his chest and smile sweetly. It was sweet of him to think of that. “You forget that I started taking birth control last month, going one time without one surely won’t get me pregnant,” you said as you lifted yourself up and positioned himself at your entrance.
Sitting up, Connor cupped and caressed your face with both hands. A hint of worry in his eyes as he said, “Are you sure you want to do this without a fucking condom? Because, fuck, if you say no we can stop.”
Your eyes softened and you answered, “I’m as sure I wanna do this without protection as I’m absolutely sure I love you, Connor Murphy.” You leaned forward and gave him a reassuring kiss on the lips as you pushed him back down. “Now, I’m gonna do it,” you announced as you sank onto him.
Both of you moan in pleasure. You leaned back and unconsciously rolled your hips against him, gasping in utter delight. He filled you up so excellently that it felt like you two were meant to fit together. In fact, just how perfectly your body molded to his left you breathless and you crumpled to his chest. After the first initial roll of your hips you stopped, knowing your body needed to get used to his size. Having been so ready for this for a week made your body ten times more sensitive to having his dick buried inside you. “F-fucking shit…” you muttered into his chest.
Connor’s arms wrapped around your body as you laid against him, one stroking your hair. “You’re so… so tight, dork…” he groaned out. It took everything he had for him not to buck into you just yet. Like, he was one-hundred percent going to thrust into you, just after you adjusted to his size.
Unbeknownst to you, Connor had flipped you guys over. When you came out of your thoughts, you finally noticed what had happened. You opened your mouth to protest but Connor promptly kissed you, experimentally thrusting into you to test the waters. You moaned hotly into the kiss and squirm your arms from being squished against his chest to wrapped around his neck.
Taking this as a way of you saying, ‘Connor, keep going’, he continued to thrust at a slow pace, savoring the feeling of you constricting around his member. It was a heavenly feeling and he knew that he could have done that with you all day long. Within a few minutes, his thrusts gained momentum and he was fucking you at a decent pace, trying to build up your orgasm before his. With the utmost reluctance, he pulled away from your lips because for one, he wanted to hear your moans, not feel them on his lips and two, he needed his mouth for other things.
Looking down at you, he realized he had yet to litter your neck and collarbone with hickeys. And he had to rectify that oversight from before. As you quietly, not at the same time not quietly, moaning his name, begging him to go faster—to do more, he leaned to your neck. He watched as your voice and possibly a moan caught in your throat as his lips latched onto the easily bruisable skin of your neck. As he attacked your neck with rough, bruising sucks and bites, his hands were on your body: one fondling a breast and the other resting on one of your hips as he pulled you wildly into his thrusts.
You could feel a coiling sensation in the pit of your stomach and you were determined to hold it back. Connor and you had just started to have sex after a long week, you didn’t want to mess that up by cumming first. A hand covered your mouth to reduce the noise you were making, and the particularly hard bite to your collarbone was a signal that Connor wasn’t having it. “B-but… Connor…” you whined at him, “…my parents…”
“I don’t give a fuck, (y/n). They know we have sex, so what’s the point in trying to hide it,” came his gravely answer. “You can show them what a lewd daughter they have, now can’t you?”
Looking down you hadn’t realized how fast he had kissed down your chest to the valley of your breasts. As you looked down, he looked up at you and electricity coursed through your veins. You were blessed with such an attractive boyfriend who knew how to work your body in all the right ways. Lost in his eyes, you didn’t feel his other hand trail down to your folds until you felt him rub your clit. “CON!” you nearly screamed at the sudden contact.
Pulling away from your body, Connor grinned smugly at your yelp. “Yes, doll face? What is it?” he asked just as smugly as his grin. “You’re close, aren’t’cha? I’m just helping you get off around my cock. Is that so bad?” Each question was emphasized by a rub to your clit. Connor leaned in towards your ear and whispered, “Why don’t you cum for me? That always gets me off, (y/n).”
You bit your lower lip and moaned loudly, not yet ready to give into him. “N-No…” you managed to say.
Rolling his eyes, Connor angles his hips and thrusted into you roughly. And he knew exactly what that angle did: it made him able to furiously hit your g-spot. Boy oh boy did that boy go at your most sensitive spot deep within your body, and he was vigorously playing with your clit. “C’mon, you know you wanna. Why deny your body what it really is craving?” he growled into your ear.
“Be-because! W-we just started!” you squeaked. Your body arched into him, your hips rolled against his all on their own and your breath came out in squeaky gasps. Betrayal was inevitable. As much as you didn’t want to cum, your body was almost there and was teetering on the edge. I hate how he can get me there so goddamn fast, you thought almost angrily to yourself.
Connor gave a particularly hard thrust into you and gently pinched your clit as he growled into your ear again, “We can go again later, dork… but for right now… cum for me!”
The demanding tone in his voice is what sent you over the edge. The coil in your gut snapped and you had cum for him, just as he commanded. “Jesus, fuck,” you yelled as you came, covering your mouth to dull the loud scream that followed. You were left gasping for air as you slumped into the pillows below you.
Seeing you reach your peak was enough to send Connor almost over the edge. He was now silent as he bit his lip, intent on finishing as well. You noticed his silence, other than the guttural coming from deep in his throat, and touched his face, bringing it up to look into your eyes. “I-I came for you… now you cum for me, Connor,” you said. You dragged his face to yours, molding your lips together in a passionate one that lasted for a few moments. “I love you so much, Connor Murphy… now cum for me—cum inside me,” you whispered against his lips.
The deepest, sexiest, most guttural moan echoed through your room as he couldn’t resist complying with you command. His hips stilled and he hugged your body close to his, whispering several almost inaudible I love yous into the crook of your neck, as he came inside of you. A warm feeling washed over your body as you felt him fill you up the fullest extent. You embraced him, feeling briefly cold as the sweat that covered your bodies became apparent to you. The two of you slumped to your bed and you felt Connor pull out of you and laid beside you.
“You might want to take a fucking shower later,” muttered Connor. He rolled onto his side facing you.
You rolled onto your side, facing him and said with a lazy smile, “Yeah, but that can wait until later, Con. Right now… I just want to cuddle and go to sleep.”
A light chuckle came from your boyfriend as he scooted his body close to you, wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled your body to his. Your head coming to rest on his sweat, rapidly rising and falling chest. “Me too, dork… me too,” he said in a now lazy, sleepy voice.
You move to grab the comforter under you two, saying, “Let’s get under the covers, okay? So our sweaty asses don’t wake up with a cold.”
Connor chuckled lazily at your words and complied, pulling away long enough for both of you to get under the comforter. Once that was accomplished, he pulled you right back into his body and rested his head on yours. “You had a point. Now that we’re under the covers, time to get some sleep,” he muttered.
You nuzzled into his chest before saying, “Agreed.” Shortly after getting under the covers, the two of you passed out, bodies having been worked to exhaustion.
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jammylittlefingers · 7 years
How old is your little one? .... she's starting to walk and you can sometimes get thee naps longer than 45 min??????! Mine is 10 months and I'm lucky if I get two half hour naps!!! Tell me your secrets!!! Help!
She's ten months. (10.5) So she's walking a little early, but her dad and his whole family walk super early, like 8 months, so not a huge surprise to us. (To balance that they talk really late, like 2 years old, something else we'll keep an eye on.)Naps. So, she was a terrible napper for the first 6 months, and then we had a big breakthrough that was a combination of her development- she started moving a lot, rolling, wiggling, soldier crawling around, and I think it tired her out, and her new abilities also made her a generally happier baby. (She was a pretty miserable colic-y tiny infant.)AND. I was complaining about her crummy naps to her pediatrician, and how a few times recently she'd actually fallen asleep on her mat during play time. And her pediatrician was like "You should have seen tiredness cues before that and PUT her down for a nap. Like an hour before that." And it was a big lightbulb moment because I'd just been letting her set her own sleep schedule before that. Which is perfectly correct for a tiny new baby, but we'd now moved past that. I also thought that if it took much effort to get her to sleep at all that it meant she wasn't ready for a nap. Not so. When I started really 'putting' her down for a nap it would sometimes be 10-15 minutes of rocking while she fought it, but then she'd sleep for like 2 hours, so obviously she really was tired, but just like adults babies sometimes have problems actually getting to sleep. Even if they're tired. So I started watching for her cues- rubbing eyes and yawning, being more cuddly. Also I use a baby tracker app for sleep (as well as food and diapers) so that helps me look at her schedule over say, the last month, and get a feel for it. So, her routine for the last couple weeks, 9.5 to 10.5 months has been- Wake up for the day mid-morning. Play for 2 hours. This is her shortest awake period, sometimes she starts yawning at 1, or 1.5 hours and I start moving into our nap routine then. But she's not usually asleep until 2 hours from wake up anyway. Sometimes now it's 3 hours or even closer to 4. So- tired baby cues. I shut the blinds and make it dim 10-20+ minutes ahead. Turn on white noise, she likes ocean waves or river. Sometimes lullaby music too. Start talking quieter, being less active, not doing loud stuff, or anything that riles her up. Really get that sleepy atmosphere going. Make a bottle. I schedule her bottles to go before naps because they really help her get sleepy. We sit down on the couch together and I give her her bottle. If I'm really lucky she falls asleep eating her bottle and I let her sleep next to me on the couch. Done. If she's really groggy but awake, I'll lay her on the couch and she'll usually drift off on her own. Sometimes I sit her on my lap and rock a bit or jiggle my knee and make shushing noises while we watch some tv. And then when she's been asleep for on me for a few minutes and is really out cold I lay her down next to me. And then she sleeps next to me for 1 to 2.5 hours. If I stay right there. 🙄 She half wakes up every so often and sort of cracks one eye open to make sure I'm still there. And if I'm not all hell breaks loose. If I am she'll go right back to sleep or maybe fuss for a second and I pat her back a little and she's back out. Lately she's been sleeping w one foot touching me, and if we get separated she'll wiggle over, in her sleep, to reconnect. If I get up and leave she'll be up and screaming either immediately or within 30 minutes, super upset, and the whole nap is over, so this is my compromise. I get two hours of peace and quiet all to myself as long as I'm within a foot of her. Usually I read, check tumblr and FB, play a video game, or watch TV. Sometimes I bring a project w me, like a pile of laundry to fold, or thank you cards or something. I always bring water and snacks and try and pee before hand. It's sort of a hold over from our nursing routine when she'd breastfeed for like 45 minutes and then nap on me and I needed to be camped out w everything I'd need. We just started the couch sleeping, before this we'd put her in her cradle and rock it w a foot, and she'd sleep there, still insisting on being right next to you, and when she'd fuss I'd rock her a little and she'd drift back off. So when she wouldn't go all the way to sleep yesterday after almost 2 hours I popped her back in the cradle and rocked her to sleep. She's outgrowing it, and I'm really happy she doesn't need all the rocking, I think it's a good step towards more independent sleeping, but I'm still keeping it around for "emergencies". It used to bug me a little, at first, all the stuff I could get done if she'd sleep by herself. But I'm a stay at home mom, and she's my first and only baby, and it won't last, none of it does, so I just try and enjoy my quiet time and accept it. I think it's pretty natural for a baby to want mom close, and our routine's clearly evolving and changing to fit her needs so I'm not too worried about her being too clingy or anything. She's been having a hard time cutting teeth too, and that's making her a little extra clingy right now. So she sleeps 10 hours at night, then up for 2, nap for 2, up for 3-4, nap for 2, up for 3-5, go to bed. Repeat. I go by how long it's been between things rather than following a clock schedule like 'nap every day at 2pm', so our routine flexes a little each day, earlier or later, but it's usually within an hour or so. And that allows for things to change pretty organically overtime.When we started the nap routine I'd also tuck her in w the same blanket and soft toy every time too because I think rituals are comforting and it's good to have as many signals as possible about what's happening, but she doesn't seem attached to that, and things are pretty settled now so we don't always do that. She actually gets really hot when she sleeps so she sleeps better if she's not bundled up. Also she just dropped her 3rd nap on and off about a month ago, her 2 day naps used to be a little earlier and then she'd take a 3rd nap late, but that seems well and truly over now, booo, so I've nudged her 2nd nap later so she's not losing it at bedtime. If the second naps earlier or she seems really tired we bump bed time up an hour early. We're still perfecting this.So. That's what's working for us. 🤷‍♀️ I'd say watch for the tiredness cues, and start a routine so they can expect what's coming. Make the environment really conducive. Dim, quiet, music, lavender oil, whatever you and your family like for sleep or think is good. Err on the side of more routine to start and then drop things that don't end up being important later. Anything people recommend for bed time works for nap time too. Same blanket, read the same book, sing the same song, etc. We have a super bare bones bed time routine, basically pjs-bottle-bed, because bed time is almost never an issue. But for naps we need it. 🤷‍♀️Your baby might sleep longer if they're near you? Eve's always napped in the living room w me, I like to be able to keep an eye on her. Also Eve wakes up mid nap sometimes for 5-10 minutes, but if I mostly ignore her, maybe a few back pats and then go back to whatever I was doing and ignore her, she'll usually settle back down and fall back asleep for another good chunk of time. So your baby may not be truly 'up' and totally done w their nap after 30 minutes? I dunno. Every baby's so super different. Good luck!Jfc. Sorry for the novel everybody. 🤦‍♀️
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This 7 Months Baby Update is full of developmental milestones and a scary mysterious illness.
Baby R has accomplished so much in the last month! It’s like his neurons and motor coordination are just on steroids right now.
As a family, we spent our 4th of July at the farm with my in-laws. He loved being surrounded by other kids and getting so much attention from his grandparents. I feel grateful that we were surrounded by loving family members and that we have been able to connect with family near and far away.
Now let’s get into this 7 months baby update!
Baby R’s Stats
At Birth:  6lbs 12oz, 19.5 inches tall, size newborn clothes and diapers.
2 weeks old: 7 lbs 3oz and measured 20.25 inches tall, size 0-3 months clothes and size 1 diapers.
2 months old: 11 lbs 11oz and measured 22.75 Inches tall, size 3-6 months clothes and size 2 diapers.
4 months old: 15 lbs 6 oz and measured 25.5 inches tall, size 9 months clothes and size 3 diapers.
5 months old: 16 lbs 14 oz and measured 25.75 inches tall, size 9 months clothes and size 3 diapers.
6 months old: 17 lbs 10 oz, 27.5 inches tall, size 12 months clothes and size 3 diapers during the day and 4 at night.
7 months old: 18 lbs 8 oz, 27.5 inches tall, size 12 months clothes and size 4 diapers.
Roark is loving his solid food. He eats 3 times a day and recently I have started introducing him to a snack every once in a while. He can use a sip cup for water during meals.
He doesn’t like chunky food, but I have introduced whole pieces of food so he can work on holding the food with his hands. It usually ends up crushed by his hands and all over his hair, but hey, that’s part of learning, right?
He still breastfeeds, specially when he wakes up, before his naps and before he goes to bed at night.
I think he is somewhat outgrowing his dairy/soy intolerance as I am trying to reintroduce some dairy to my diet and he hasn’t had as bad of reaction as he used to have.
We have recently started having more pee leaks at night, which tells me an upgrade in diaper size is in order so he’s on number 4s all day now. One thing I haven’t mentioned before is that his stool has changed a lot since we introduced solids to him. We had a good schedule going before solids, but now there is no timeframe for number 2. We haven’t had any more blowouts, but he does sometimes experiences constipation. Nobody warned me that as soon as babies start eating solids their poop starts to stink big time. I am glad we decided to buy the diaper genie. Even though the refills are a little more costly, the diaper genie has kept our house odor free and let me tell you, it is a good thing!
Sleeping is getting to be a big issue for us this month. Roark is really reluctant to sleep during the day and as a result he gets really cranky. I am not sure if he is going through a sleep regression phase.
The only advice I’ve seen to get him to sleep is the cry-out method, however I’ve tried it a couple times and after 45 mins of crying, he still won’t go to sleep. I feel awful about letting him cry and he still gets no rest, so I am in need of some advice and help. To make things even worse, he refuses to sleep on his crib or pack and play during the day, only falling sleep in my arms. As soon as I go to lay him down, he wakes up screaming. I’ve tried several things and nothing has worked yet.
Developmental – 7 months update
Has 2 teeth! (bottom front)
Pulls up on things – I was reading his daddy’s baby book. Apparently, his daddy started pulling up and walking around furniture at 7 months as well.
Says mamma and reaches for me- now I know it’s intentionally. His first word was mamma.
Sits by himself and sits unaided
Laughs with us or by himself
Grabs our mouths/noses
Sucks on his toes
Does the dab!
Uses sip cup
A scary illness
At the same time Roark was teething and turning 7 months, he developed a really high fever of 104F. At first I thought it was due to teething, but after giving him a warm bath and putting cool rags on his head and giving him some Tylenol, it became clear it was not going away. I called the pediatrician right away and they asked us to go the office for an exam. After a physical exam and 2 strep tests that came back negative, the doctor that saw us (our regular pediatrician was not in) recommended that we administer Fever All suppositories. We tried giving Roark Tylenol and Advil, but he would throw up more than half of the dose each time because of the taste and consistency, so after a couple days fighting/trying to administer oral medication, the fever would not break so we reached a new point of desperation. His fever hit an all time high (111F, but we are not sure the thermometer was right) and so we called the doctor and gave him Fever All. We were on our way out of the door to take him to the hospital and the fever went down. Since he had no other symptoms, the doctor said we should stay put as long as the fever stayed lower than 102F because the hospital wouldn’t be able to do anything else for him that we were not already doing. Other than the fever, he had no other problems. He was eating and he was hydrated. The poor kid was burning up for 4 days and we had to keep giving him Fever All and cooling him down with baths and rags. The doctor thought it could be Rosalea, but Roark never got a rash which is a tell tale sign of the virus. Just as mysterious as it appeared, it disappeared. After 4 days, his fever broke and his temperature went back to normal and he was a happy camper. We still don’t know what happened, but it was certainly scary. We are just glad he’s back to normal and healthy now.
Post-partum update
There is quite a bit to update, so I am going to write a separate post. My pelvic situation has to be one of the things that no one tells you about pregnancy!
Some Thoughts on Motherhood
This month, I am realizing more and more how time flies when babies are little. Yesterday I was giving birth, now I am thinking about his first birthday party.
I am also starting to feel the long-term effects of sleep deprivation with a precocious child that won’t stand still or sleep, I can’t keep track of time anymore. Everything is a blur.
And although time is flying by and it seems like I am stuck in a day to day rut of childcare and housework, I’ve started developing guilt and anxiety about capturing Roark’s milestones and our lives more. I have noticed recently that I am not picking up my camera and phone as often lately because I am falling into a state of blasé. I tell myself, “Oh! He will do that again tomorrow. I will take a picture then…” instead of rushing to my camera and begging him to repeat whatever motion he just did. It’s a dangerous territory, because I should know that my baby is growing way too fast and maybe he won’t do that tomorrow. He may already have learned something else by then.
I also need to let go of my perfectionist streak because when I look at pictures of Roark on my phone of the first months, those are the pictures I treasure the most, not the ones I posed and dressed him. Those pictures have a place in our walls, his baby book, on greeting cards – but the ones that live on my phone remind me of how little and fragile he was. How he smelled, how he felt against my skin. How even though my body felt battered and I couldn’t believe I would feel normal again, I was overwhelmed with love and joy. I love those pictures, I love what they represent. That is why I need to make more of an effort and worry less about the messy house in the background, the mismatched outfits he wears when I am too tired to look for something else, the composition and light in our family room where we spend 90% of our time and all the other technical and aesthetic aspects of photography that keep me from capturing those moments.
It is so true that “the days are long, but the years are short” and I should make more of an effort to document our everyday lives. I want Roark to have these mementos because he won’t remember these years. I want to have these mementos because in this state of blur I am living in right now, I may not remember too much of this time in a few years. That is why I push myself to write this blog when I should be sleeping.
Oh, what a vicious circle!
As always, I am a work in progress, so as Roark develops, I am also working on developing myself in this new world of motherhood.
What are your struggles? 
I hope you enjoyed this 7 months baby update. If you would like to see Roark, watch the video here.
For other baby updates and pregnancy tips, click here.
7 Months Baby Update This 7 Months Baby Update is full of developmental milestones and a scary mysterious illness. Baby R has accomplished so much in the last month!
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