#<--that's a joke you're only allowed to be salty if you're not being rude to me or anyone involved in the show
sibylsleaves · 1 year
as much as the Natalia storyline annoys me because it feels out-of-place, I don’t actually think that the couch thing is “regressing” or “Buck making the same mistakes again.” 
The couch metaphor started because Buck’s last two girlfriends CAME with couches. As in, they forced their own preferences/taste onto him without him giving any input. The same with the couch Margaret bought him. He had no real say in it, she just got it FOR him. At least with Natalia, it’s something they’re going to do TOGETHER, as in they both get a say, they both make the decision as a team. And that IS progress, even though I still think it wasn’t the right choice for Buck’s overarching storyline
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cartoonqueen16 · 2 months
Inside an old beat up RV sat two girls, Gwen Tennyson, and Sara Anderson. These two a close friends, close enough that Gwen invited Sara onto the summer trip she was being drug on with her Grandpa and cousin. Sara had originally planned to spend the summer on her Nana's farm, but three whole months with Ben attracted her like a magnet.
On the topic of Ben, Max, Gwen and Ben's Grandpa, pulled up to Ben's school. There Ben was...hanging in a tree by his underwear. "What a Doofus." Gwen said and Sara giggled as Ben kicked and squirmed. Max let out an auditable sigh and stood up from the driver's seat. "He worries me on many levals." He said while going to assist Ben. "It's not his fault he has major doofus disorder. Or maybe it is." Gwen said, crossing her arms.
Sara sighed and rested her head in the palm of her hand, "He isn't a doofus, he is uniqe." Sara said. Gwen looked at her friend like she had grown a second head. "Sara, you are joking, right?" Gwen asked. "Ben is the biggest doofus this planet has ever seen. I mean, you see the kind of situations he gets himself into." She continued, pointing out the window. Sara smiled, "You see a doofus, I see a sweet, always willing to help charmer." She said. "Charmer?" Gwen raised a brow.
Just then Max and Ben boarded the RV. "I'm so excited for this trip, Grandpa." Ben said. He then stopped and looked over to Gwen and Sara.
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"What are you two doing her? What are they doing here?" Ben asked, sounding annoyed and horrified. "Chill out, Mega-Dweeb. Grandpa convinced my mom a summer of camping would be a good experience for me. And I was allowed to invite Sar so I'm not the only girl." Gwen said, shooting a glare Ben's way.
"Grandpa, why?" Ben looked at his Grandpa. Max smiled, "I thought it would be a good idea, the more friends, the bigger the adventure." He said. Max's expression then turned stern, "Is that a problem?" He asked, not really as a question. Ben and Gwen glanced at each other, then groaned. Sara sighed with a smile.
The RV drove down the road to the first camping spot of the summer. Ben sat across from Gwen and Sara, sulking. "I spend all year waiting for this trip. Now, the Queen of cooties and her side kick are along for the ride." Ben said, slumping in his seat. Gwen quickly stood up, pointing a finger at Ben, "Now you listen her, Doofus, not only is Sar my friend but also our guest. You aren't gonna be rude to her, you-" Sara's laughter quickly cut Gwen off.
Gwen and Ben both looked, Sara had tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. "I've been called loads of names, but Queen of cooties has to be the funniest!!" Sara said in-between laughs. Ben quickly jumped to explain the he was calling Gwen, Queen of cooties, and Gwen jumped to scold Sara, telling her not to encourage Ben. Sara just fell into the floor, still laughing.
"Ah, I'm gonna pee, I'm gonna pee." Sara laughed. "Alright, you three settle down." Max said, keeping his eyes on the road. Sara's laughter slowly stopped and she sat back down. "Okay, okay, Ben, I'm sorry that I'm intruding on you vacation, but, Gwen said you might act like this, so I made you these." Sara grabbed her bag from the floor and pulled out a bag. The bag was clear, with festive designs on it, and it was packed with tiny, heart shaped cookies. "It's a peace offering, just incase you're still salty about our past." Sara said, and pushed the cookies into Ben's hands.
Ben looked at the bag, "It's okay, I was just really hoping for just me and Grandpa." He said. Sara smiled and gave a faint nod. Silence fell for a moment, before Ben broke it. "Remember the chocolate cake war we had at me and Gwen's 8th birthday?"
Sara laughed as Ben told her about the prank her pulled on his bullies. The two had been talking for hours, about school, trading stories, reminiscing. "Okay, chow time." Max then stepped out of the RV, and set a bowl of mill worms on the table.
All three kids went green in the face. "Um, Mr. Tennyson, I've eaten things like this before, but it's usually hidden in normal food...and not live." Sara said as a worm crawled out of the bowl. "Well then, this will be a whole new experience." Max said and went back into the RV. Ben looked between the two girls, "Okay, I've got half a bag of corn hip and a chocolate bar in my backpack, what do you two got?" Ben asked. "I've got rice cakes and some hard candy, Sara?" Gwen looked at her friend. "Two apples, and a cosmic brownie." She said.
"You think we can make it last all summer?" Ben asked, but he and Gwen quickly grimaced. Sara frowned, "C'mon you two, just close your eyes and pinch your nose, it'll be fine." Sara said and slurped down a worm. Gwen gagged and Ben fell out of his seat.
After dinner, the kids sat around. Ben was playing a game, Gwen was on her computer, and Sar sat by Gwen, making flower chains. Max then stepped out ofthe RV, "Okay, who wants to make smores and tell scary stories?" He asked. "What's scarier then spending the summer with my freak of a cousin?" Ben asked. Gwen shot him a look over her shoulder then turned back to her computer. "I'd love to Grandpa, but I'm looking for a cute for MDD, Major Doofus Disorder." She said.
Sara sighed, "Lighten up you two, we are all in this together, let's have fun and enjoy it." She said, putting a flower chain on Gwen's head. "Sara is right you two, you can either mope all summer, or have fun." Max said, looking between his grandkids. "I vote for mopeing." "I'm going for a walk." Max and Sara sighed. "If you can, turn into bear food." Gwen called after Ben as he walked. Sara frowned and flicked Gwen's nose then went after Ben.
Gwen rolled her eyes, "What does she see in him?" She pondered aloud.
"Ben, wait up." Sara trotted up to Ben and began walking beside him. "This is gonna be the worst summer ever, I might as well of gone to summer school." Ben huffed. Sara frowned, "C'mon, Ben, I know you and Gwen don't get along but you have to have some common found, plus, she is your cousin, your family." She said. Ben huffed again.
Sara looked up, something she does when she thinks. Then, Sara saw a shooting star with a pink trail behind it. Sara grabbed Ben's arm, "Check it out!" She pointed to the star. Ben looked up, "Whoa, a shooting star." He smiled. The two were both about to make a wish, but the start changed direction, and was headed right for them. "Uh-oh!" "Run!" Ben grabbed Sara's hand and the two ran the opposite direction. The star landed and the impact sent both kids flying.
Ben managed to grab Sara and pull her to his chest, protecting her as they hit the ground. "Ben!? Ben, are you okay!?" Sara sat up from Ben's arms and saw he was knocked out. Sara became ever more concerned and touched Ben's head, there was a knot forming, but nothing to serious.
A sudden hissing noise caught Sara's attention. Looking back to where the star had landed, Sara saw alluring pink light coming from the crator that had formed. Sara's eye twinkled as she approached the creator. Inside was a transportation pod, and a pink and black watch sat inside. "No way, it couldn't be!" Sara slide into the creator and examined the watch closer. It was black and pink, with a hourglass symbol on the face plate "It is." Sara reached out and the watch jumped onto her wrist.
"Uh-oh!" Sara exclaimed. "Sara!?" "Double uh-oh!" Sara looked up. Ben barreled into the crator, "Are you okay!?" Ben asked, frantically. Sara quickly hid her hands behind her back, "Y-Yes, I'm fine, thank you for protecting me." She said, heart pounding.
Ben let out a sigh of relief, then looked at Sara, "So, what's behind your back, and what's with the pod?" Ben asked. Sara felt the color drain from her face and her heart begin hammering against her chest, painfully hard. With her hands trembling, she showed Ben the device the latched onto her wrist. Ben eyes widened, "Whoa, what is that?" Ben asked. "It's the om- I-I don't know! I, uh...I don't know." Sara said, sweating nervously.
"Riiiight." Ben gave Sara a skeptical look. Sara chuckled nervously, "W-We should head back to camp!" She exclaimed and rushed past Ben. "Wait! Don't you wanna see what that thing does?" Sara stopped and glanced at Ben. "Let's see what it does." Ben smiled at her. That smile, that bubbly eagerness, how could Sara say no? Sara smiled back and brought her wrist up to fiddle with the watch.
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'Let's see, if what they told me was correct then...ah-ha!' Sara pressed a button and the face plate popped up. A black silhouette was showed. Sara began to hesitate, this really wasn't a good idea. "Oh!" Ben peek over Sara's shoulder and pushed the faceplate down. "Get back!" Sara quickly shoved Ben back as pink light ingulfed her.
Ben opened his eyes once the light faded, and his jaw dropped. Stand right where Sara stood was what Ben could only describe as an alien, a monster...it was a creature of some kind. It was obviously female, and it's body was make of lava and redish orange rocks and It had fire for hair. "Whoa..." Ben blushed, and his eyes twinkled.
The creature then looked his way. "Are you okay, Ben?" It asked. "How do you know my name?" The creature raised a brow, "Ben, its Sara." It said. Ben's eyes widened in shock, "S-Sara!?"
"How could you let this happen!!?" Gwen chased Ben around the camp with a stick. "I was knocked unconscious, this is not my fault!" Ben exclaimed, running into the RV. Gwen followed and all hell broke loose inside.
Max and Sara sat around the fire, watching the RV shake, and listen to the cousins fight. "Ok, Sara, what happened?" Max asked. "Max, I know about the plumbers, my grandma, and great-grandma were plumbers." Sara said, not wantin to keep this secret from the greatest plumber ever.
Max nodded, "It's the Omnitrix, isn't it?" Sara nodded. Max hummed, he had a stern expression, but Sara could see the worry in his eyes. "Max, I can't promise that I won't use the Omnitrix, but I can promise that I'll keep the plumber and your past a secret." Sara said. "Thank you." Max said.
The Omnitrix began to beep, then Sara transformed back. "Sara!" Gwen dashed out of the RV and hugged her friend tightly. Sara returned the hug, Ben then joined in and Sara couldn't stop her blush.
Max smiled then put his poker face back on. "I'm going to check out that crash sight, you kids behave." He said then walked off.
Sara sat looking through the Omnitrix Playlist, recognizing almost every silhouette. Ben walked up and sat beside her, "Try another one out." He said. "I don't know? I want to, but..." Sara stopped on a silhouette. Ben nudged her, "C'mon, it'll be fun." He encouraged. Sar couldn't help but smile, it was a fun experience.
"Ok, ok, it's alien time!" Sara shouted and slammed down on the omnitrix. Sara was ingulfed by the light and she transformed into an orange, cat-like alien with no eyes. "Alright!" Ben cheered, pumping his fist into the air. Gwen heard the commotion and rushed out of the RV, "Again!?" She cried.
Sara made a soft purring noise, sensing Ben and Gwen. Sara used her tail and grabbed Gwen, placing her on her back. "Wh-Whoa!" Gwen grabbed onto Sara's fur and she took off. "HEY!!" Ben called as the disappeared into the forest.
Sara ran through the trees at top speed. Gwen had a death grip on her fur but was cheering and laughing. Sara began jumping and swinging, the branches holding her weight easily.
Sara suddenly sensed something and narrowly dodged a laser blast from a drone. Gwen screamed and gripped Sara's fur tighter. Sara snarled and pulled Gwen off her back with her tail. After Gwen was safely hidden behind a tree, Sara took off leading the drones away.
Once she was far enough away, Sara pounced on the drones. Using her strong Jaws and claws Sara began destroying the drones. It was an easy task, until Sara timed out. "Oh no, oh no, oh no!!" Sara began backing up as the drone moved closer.
"Back off!" The drone was suddenly hit by a shovel, revealing Ben and Gwen. Ben repeatedly beat the drone until he was sure it was destroyed. "Are you okay?" Gwen asked. Sara nodded, "Yeah, let's get back to camp." She said. Ben and Gwen nodded and the three fled the scene.
"You've become pretty popular now." Max said, examining the kids for injuries. "With a device this powerful, how could I not." Sara said, looking at the Omnitrix. "Well, atleast Sara figured out how to use it." Ben said, "You just push that button and pick a transformation." He continued.
"But she can't stay as one." Gwen said. Ben frowned, "I'm sure she can figure ut out, I'll even help her." Ben said. Max and Sara shared a nervous look.
"Mayday! Mayday!" All eyes turned to the radio. "We need help! We are under attack by some kind of- well, robot!" The ranger Saif. "It's alien time." Sara said and dashed out of the RV.
At the campground a giant robot was destroying everything and starting fires. "Hey, metal head!" A teal crystal hit the robot in the head. The robot turned, there stood Sara as a crystal alien in a pink and black suit with the Omnitrix symbol on her left peck.
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"Let's do this." Sara said and charged at the robot. Sara began firing crystals at the robot, in turn the robot began firing lasers. Due to her crystal body the shot bounced off of Sara, but caused damage elsewhere.
"Oh, now there is an idea." Sara held her hands up, morphing them into a shield. The robot fired its laser and Sara reflected it back. The robot was quickly destroyed and the day was saved. "All right, Sara!" "You did it!" Ben and Gwen cheered from the sidelines. Sara smiled then took notice to all the people staring. "Uh, my work here is done...bye!" Sara quickly ran off.
The next day the gang was packing up to hit the road. "This is gonna be the best summer ever." Ben said passing things to Sara, who's passed them to Max, who passed them to Gwen, who put them away. "It'll definitely be an interesting summer." Gwen said. Sara smiled, "Oh yeah, I hope I can survive." She said. They all chuckled and kept packing.
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tom--22--felton · 3 years
Okay couple things. Get ready here comes my opinion 😂
For the anon that said you're not a real fan if you don't buy merch... I sure as shit hope they are joking and being sarcastic. A real fan is someone who supports and loves the celebrity and their work not someone who buys merch and all that. You can be a fan and not have any kind of merch. Merch doesn't define a real fan. Not everyone has the money for that kind of stuff, some people (like you said yourself Val) don't buy stuff they feel they don't need. Real fans stand by their favorite celebrity. You don't need proof like merch to show you're a fan. So that's really disrespectful and rude to say to someone.
Now his merch I feel deep down tom being who he is will donate some of the proceeds to charity because that just what he does. It pisses me off how people just assume he's some big millionaire or something. He's not an A list celeb. Sure he like luxury we've seen that. But everyone has to make money somehow, right? He does low budget movies not movies like HP was. And he's also bot the only celeb who has merch so why him selling merch different form anyone else? Is it just another thing to hate for people to hate on him?
Now cameo I checked today when I saw someone say the price for vip went up. I dont have vip anymore but it still says $14.99 for me.
Proof since I know people will be salty about it lol.
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2/2 Sorry sorry I have more to add to my probably bot need opinion but hey I also don't care 😂 I actually think the merch is cute. I mean who doesn't like Charlie Brown?! Watching Charlie Brown on the holidays is one of my favorite childhood memories as I'm sure it is for a lot (like Tom) and we also know Tom is pretty much a big kid at heart, right? I really think a lot of these kinds of asks you get (like the one saying you're not a real fan if you don't buy merch) are just Tom haters because some of them just cone across thst way. But of course we don't all have to like something he says, does, wears, or even puts on his new merch store. In the end Tom is a grown ass man and can do what he damn well pleases. He wants to have a fan club and be close to fans then why the hell not. He can do that as a what D list celeb (idk really know how that works) but some celebs like to be close to their fans. Just like he's allowed to still be a fan of HP. He wants to use it to star relevant that hey I say go for it even if it gets boring after awhile. But some of use adults have to admit we will be binge watching the movies during the up coming holidays. Okay I think I'm done now. Sorry again, Val. Hope you had a great vacation. xx
====== Thank you, Cole :) I always enjoy reading your opinions :))
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hiii!!!! since you mentioned you were comfortable writing non-romantic stuff and the dekusquad- how about ochako and shouto bonding over mochi (and izuku huehue, but the izu thing is just a joke hehe) [ochako loves mochi a lot so she introduces shouto to all the different mochi types!] ALSO YOUR LAST PROMPT WAS SO AMAZING, I WAS IN TEARS THANK YOU FOR SERVING AS ALWAYS!!!!
Of course! Hope you enjoy :D (Also thank you so much, ohmigosh I’m crying) <3
Shoto stood in front of Uraraka's door, hugging his rolled up futon tightly to his chest.
Earlier that day, his friend had suggested that the self-proclaimed Dekusquad should have a movie night in her room as a reward for doing well in their latest English assignment. Initially, Shoto had been hesitant about the idea, but he quickly found that Midoriya could be very persuasive.
'Are you coming tonight, Todoroki-kun?'
'...' Shoto stared into his friend's wide emerald eyes. 'Yes.'
They had agreed to meet in Uraraka's room at 7pm, so naturally Shoto had been sure to arrive at exactly that time. However, when Uraraka opened her door, flashed him a bright smile and said that he was the first one to arrive, Shoto had been surprised, to say the least.
'Not even Iida?' He asked as he stepped into the room, looking around curiously. Admittedly, the decor was rather plain, but Shoto didn't mind. He never cared much for unnecessary luxuries anyway.
'Not yet!' Uraraka chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of her neck. 'Well, he was here, 16 minutes early to be precise, but then Deku-kun messaged to say that he was going to be late because of something to do with Bakugou destroying the washing machine, and when I told Iida-kun, he quickly left to see if he could be of any "assistance".'
Uraraka imitated Iida's hand gestures as she spoke animatedly; Shoto was impressed by the accuracy. 'And Tsu-chan is currently on the phone to her family, so it's just you and me for now.'
Her smile was warm and reassuring, although, if anything, Shoto felt incredibly uncomfortable at the prospect. It's not that he didn't like Uraraka - quite the opposite actually. He admired her greatly and treasured her friendship - it's just that they rarely spent time alone together. Usually, there was a third party present as well - mainly Midoriya - meaning that Shoto didn't have to do much active socialising on his end. Now though, as he shuffled on his feet in the middle of Uraraka's room, unsure of what to do with himself, he found himself starting to count down the seconds until the rest of their group arrived.
'Want me to help unroll your futon, Todoroki-kun?' Uraraka was suddenly at his side. 'We can figure out where you want to put it!'
Shoto nodded, mouth a thin line, and together they placed and unrolled the mattress. They mostly worked in silence - Uraraka occasionally humming some unknown tune to fill it.
Once completed, Shoto sat down on top of the covers, while Uraraka took her place on her own bed, rocking slightly as she continued to hum absentmindedly.
Shoto looked around awkwardly, trying to avoid eye contact. He wanted to get out his phone and ask how long Midoriya would be, but he figured that would be rude. Uraraka was his friend; it wasn't her fault that Shoto was about as fun to talk to as his father at an All Might convention.
After several moments though, his friend jumped to her feet and stretched. 'You want a snack while we wait, Todoroki-kun?'
Shoto's eyes widened with delight at the prospect of food.
'Sure, what were you thinking?'
He watched, intrigued, as Uraraka bounced over to her desk and, after several seconds of searching, procured a glass bowl filled with different coloured balls. Shoto regarded the delicacy. He then blinked dumbly and looked up at Uraraka's excited face.
'How about some of the delightful Mochi I bought yesterday?' She grinned. 'They were on offer, so I got several flavours, which one do you want?'
'Er…' Shoto faltered and looked back at the bowl, lost. 'I don't know… I've never had Mochi before.'
'EXCUSE ME?!' Uraraka all but screeched, the volume making Shoto's eye twitch. 'Todoroki-kun, we have been friends for how long and you are ONLY JUST telling me this?!'
'You never asked before?' Shoto tilted his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows together. 'Is that a bad thing?'
'Yes!!!' Uraraka exclaimed, waving her arms like an angry bird. 'It's a very bad thing!'
'Oh… Then I'm sorry for not telling you sooner.' Shoto hung his head, ashamed. He had no idea Uraraka felt this passionately about mochi. Were friends supposed to tell each other their dietary habits?
'Oh my poor, sweet, dense Todoroki-kun.' Uraraka crossed her arms and shook her head, all her previous outrage dissipating. 'Allow Uraraka Sensei to educate you.'
She skipped past Shoto, leaped onto her bed and patted the spot next to her. With significantly less energy, Shoto stood up from his futon and climbed onto the bed next to her.
Uraraka set the bowl down between them. 'Okay, tell me what you know about mochi.'
'Rice balls.' Shoto deadpanned.
'Rice balls-?!' His friend broke off and sighed to compose herself. 'Well, okay, fine. You are technically right. They’re rice cakes, but they're made with mochigome!'
'That makes sense.' Shoto did know about that, he had just never tried it before. When he was younger, he had been kept on a strict diet - although sometimes his mother would treat him to soba when his old man wasn’t around. As a result, he had never really had the opportunity to try mochi before.
'Good! Okay, so here are the ones I've got here.' She pointed to a pink ball wrapped in a leaf. 'This is sakura mochi! It has red beans in it and this is a sakura blossom leaf that’s wrapped around it.'
'Oh, I've seen those before during hanami.' Shoto spoke suddenly, surprising himself. Where had that come from?
Was he capable of feeding himself? Yes. Was being fed a little patronising? Maybe. Did Shoto care? Of course not. He was hungry.
'Yes! They're really popular during cherry blossom season!' Uraraka added happily, before taking one and holding it out to Shoto. 'Good job! Now, open wide!'
Shoto stared at her outstretched hand.
He shrugged his shoulders and complied, allowing Uraraka to shove the pink ball into his mouth. It was strange, but Shoto quickly found that he liked it. The saltiness of the blossom contrasted with the sweetness of the mochi, but in a good way.
'Mmm.' He voiced, chewing slowly while Uraraka watched him intensely. 'Not bad, I like it.'
At the proclamation, Uraraka let out a whoop.
'Yes! I just knew you'd like it!' She then scrambled to pick out another one. Eventually she settled on a white one. 'Okay, now this one is called daifuku mochi! It's stuffed with anko and is quite sweet!'
'I see.' Shoto said as he swallowed the last of the sakura mochi. He was then immediately bombarded by his friend's eager hand as she shoved the daifuku in his mouth without any prior warning.
Shoto choked slightly with surprise, eliciting a laugh from Uraraka. However, once he remembered how to breathe, he found that he liked this one a lot more.
'Mmm good.' He closed his eyes and nodded approvingly. 'Not soba-good, but good.'
'Hey, from Todoroki Shoto, I'll take that!' Uraraka beamed before popping one in her own mouth. She moaned happily at the taste and the two ate in comfortable silence, the awkwardness from before completely vanishing.
They continued testing out Shoto's reactions to the different flavours of mochi for several more minutes, until they were eventually interrupted by an enthusiastic knock at the door, followed by a stern discussion on the other side.
'Midoriya-san, please refrain from knocking so loudly.' Shoto could practically hear Iida's hands chop through the air. 'Other members of our class are-'
'It's open!' Uraraka interrupted, effectively saving their friend from a scolding when the door burst open and Midoriya jumped in, hands on his hips and a bright smile on his face.
'I am here- Oh! Hi Todoroki-kun!' Midoriya broke character to wave excitedly at Shoto, pink dusting his cheeks. 'Hi Uraraka-chan! I hope you guys weren't waiting too long!'
'Hi Deku-kun!' Uraraka smiled, before giggling at Shoto, who was frantically chewing on the last of the bota mochi she had given him before their friends had arrived.
'Good evening, everyone.’ Iida greeted with a bow. ‘Please pardon our tardiness. Midoriya-san and I ran into Tsu-san on our way to yours.'
'I wouldn't say run, kero.' Tsu placed a contemplative finger to her chin. 'Running in the dorms isn't allowed, Iida-kun. You should know this by now.'
Shoto snorted, while Uraraka's lip twitched with amusement.
'It's okay, Iida-kun! I was just introducing Todoroki-kun to the brilliant world of mochi!' She clapped her hands together and gestured to Shoto, who swallowed heavily, the lasting taste of mochi still on his tongue.
'Hi Midoriya, everyone.' He eventually mumbled.
'You two having fun without us?' Midoriya laughed with a playful wink.
'Indeed!' Iida agreed, straightening his glasses. 'I confess I thought you two didn't have much in common.'
'Well, now we have mochi in common!' Uraraka leant to the side and poked Shoto's cheek affectionately.
'And Midoriya-chan.' Tsu commented idly. 'You both like him, so you have that in common.'
'What?!' Midoriya squawked, while Uraraka gasped, affronted.
'Tsu-chan! You know that was ages ago!' Out of the corner of Shoto's eye, he saw Uraraka stick her tongue out, however, his gaze was still locked on Midoriya's bright red face. 
Uraraka continued. 'Sure I like Deku-kun but as a frien- Ah! Todoroki-kun!'
Shoto hummed in question as several pairs of eyes suddenly landed on him. 
'You're…' Midoriya started, slowly pointing to Shoto's hair. 'You're on fire!'
Without missing a beat, Shoto raised a hand to his head and extinguished the flame in one swift motion. A soft hiss filled the room and he shrugged his shoulders when his friends continued to stare at him quizzically.
'No, I'm not.’ Shoto finally mumbled. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.'
He was met with silence, before his friends suddenly burst out laughing. Shoto watched them, hoping his blush wasn’t too obvious. However, when his eyes landed on Midoriya and found his friend smiling warmly at him, Shoto’s own lips twitched upwards in response.
It felt nice, having friends who truly loved him.
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Flat Whites & JJ
Mia: Mum can take four of us, so three of you are still going to need to find your way there, Dad's away on a Golf weekend 🤷 Grace: I'll ask if any of the fam can take the rest of us 🤞💜 Mia: Aw, thanks so much, babe Mia: so you're cool not coming with us then? Grace: there's like 1000s of them so 🤷🙄 someone'll will totally be talked or bribed into doing it 💅 Grace: oh yeah sure, it's like not even a problem, babes Mia: 😂😂😂 for real, got to have some upsides, yeah? Mia: Great 💗 Mia: the rest of you, you can only bring what you can hold on your laps, Dad took the range so we're in the sports, the boot is like non-existent 💁🙄 Grace: ugh IKR?! 😂😂😂 Grace: at least we can take SO MUCH of the stuff whoever's behind the wheel, you're so welcome huns Mia: Love a helpful queen Mia: Asia, are you even coming with us or are you going to ditch us for your boyfriend, again 💅 Asia: Of course I'm coming!!! Asia: Literally just got my hair done 👌👌✂ Asia: [and a million pics that nobody asked for] Jimmy: 😍😍😍😍😍 Grace: WOW! SO CUTE Mia: Yeah, but are you coming with us or coming with us like Maya's party where you left SO early with him instead of having a good time with your besties Ella: 😏🍵 Hollie: wasn't so early she didn't have a good time with ME tho! 💃💘 views to prove it Asia: UM like isn't it LAW that what happens at parties stays there?! 🤫🤫 Asia: & he doesn't even wanna come with soooooooo Jimmy: 💔 Ella: Oh, so we're your 2nd choice? 🤔🤔 Mia: 💔 is right, so rude Asia: ???!! Asia: not even Mia: We all heard you, you can't deny it Mia: at least own it, babe, omg Asia: you asked if he was coming?? Mia: Literally no one is concerned about him but you 😂 Mia: shame he's not, I might need your seat, actually Mia: but that's cool, yeah? seeing as you've got so many options Asia: ?????????? Mia: 🤫🤫 Grace: Why might you need her seat though? Spill on who you're trying to bring, thank you Mia: I'm not trying to make this convo all about me Mia: so cringe Mia: we're meant to be planning, thank you Jimmy: Go on, we're obvs all DYING to know Mia: Have to wait and 👀 Mia: be a nice surprise for you all Janis: How will we ever bear the suspense? Jimmy: there's only one of you who's getting mouth to mouth if you stop breathing, soz Janis: Things are looking up, Asia 🤞 Jimmy: I'm SO not going if Asia's not going, FYI Janis: 💔 Mia: There'll be room in whatever you're showing up in Mia: assuming she doesn't ditch you too, it's her thing rn Jimmy: put her on my lap ✔ you don't mind, do you, babe? Ella: 🤢 Jimmy: green's right Jimmy: no need to be jealous, El Ella: Don't ever call me that Jimmy: Babe 💔 come on Jimmy: this TENSION between us Ella: Repulsive and delusional, cute 🙄 Ella: Why are you even in this chat, though 👏 it's not nice to make fun of Asia, or helpful rn Jimmy: Bit rude to chuck me out of a chat she started Jimmy: but alright we can plan without her Jimmy: Mia* Mia: You aren't funny, new boy Jimmy: is that @ Asia's boyfriend or? Jimmy: he's got a name Janis: You aren't funny, babe Janis: what's to plan anyway, we have tents, we have lifts, sorted Hollie: Is Asia coming? Mia: Grace, can you please explain to your sister how much more there is left to do Mia: and Asia why are you like making people ask after you??? hello, answer a question, would you, silence ain't cute Grace: Janis does lowkey have a point, babes, it is chill Grace: she doesn't need or want to be involved in our outfit planning, obvs 😂😂 Asia: I LITERALLY SAID I'M COMING Ella: 🔉 Ella: Why are you shouting though Asia: why are you the volume police, Ells?? OH MY GOD Mia: Obviously Mia: but there's actually important stuff still to do, thanks, like who's getting the drink, for one Mia: Asia needs to calm down and find herself a seat, and a whole new tent if she's going to bring everyone down with her attitude??? Mia: don't take your relationship drama out on us tbh Jimmy: The unfunny dickhead with the unflattering fake ID, duh 👋 Jimmy: Love me again now, don't you? Mia: Don't get excited Mia: I want 2 bottles of vodka Jimmy: You gonna put me on a timeout, an' all? Cute Mia: El? Ella: Same Janis: You know it's a weekend Janis: you two don't need 4 bottles between you Janis: and you aren't even meant to have glass anyway Mia: You suddenly care about the rules? Mia: We'll pay you now, chill out 😂😂 Jimmy: I was waiting for the #flex Jimmy: can rest easy and count my 💰 now Mia: 🙄 you wanna pay for us Mia: literally none of us will be impressed Jimmy: and live off bread and water for the foreseeable? You're alright Jimmy: So poor, me, you just put the reminder out yourself Mia: 💔 Mia: like we're all SOOOO rich Jimmy: 🙄 Mia: like, bang on about it more, so not boring Mia: is anyone else going to order or are you just going to keep him waiting forever? Mia: what's wrong with you lots, like are you being shy Hollie: you bringing up Maya's party has me 🤔🤔🤔 maybe we should chill out with the 🍾🍾 idk Mia: You make those little videos sober, don't think you need to worry about being any more cringe, babe Mia: why are we going if to not have fun, come on now Hollie: WOW, ILY too babe Mia: it is what we 💗 about you Mia: so funny Hollie: 👌👌👌 Mia: OMG, this MOOD Mia: you're all stressing me out, actually over this Grace: Vodka is like totally fine for all of us, okay? Just get enough to have fun with, like Mia said Grace: without getting CRAZY like Hollie warned Grace: then we can all just move on Jimmy: 👍 Mia: Yeah, this is so much fun Mia: 🙄 Mia: I'm over this convo Jimmy: 💔 Mia: El, be ready in 15, okay? Grace: Is that everything? Mia: 🤷 Mia: Like I'm doing all the work for what? Mia: You wanna be boring, you'll have to work it out yourselves Grace: I'm literally asking so you don't have to do it all yourself, honey Mia: I said, I'm over it Mia: We're going shopping, you can all do what you want Grace: Ugh Grace: everyone stop Ella: The problem is you're doing nothing though? 💁 Grace: Excuse you? Ella: What? 😂 Grace: That's like the opposite of helping Grace: I'm trying to sort everything out Ella: 👌👌👌 Grace: Do you wanna talk to Asia rn? cos I don't think you appreciate how upset she is Grace: That's what I'm doing Ella: Such a saint 🙏 Ella: she's got nothing to be upset about, just like the rest of you, this is such a joke Grace: mhmmm Grace: we all know you wanna call the whole thing off, Ella Grace: but maybe the rest of us wanna go, so like ?? Don't be so rude Ella: That's why me and Mia are the only ones who have made any suggestions in this chat??? Ella: Okay Grace: 4 bottles of vodka isn't a suggestion, it's a shopping list Ella: We all know you can't handle your drink Ella: so why don't you ask for some cocktails in a can and get realistic about it Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Mia: El, leave it Mia: this chat is so hormonal Grace: Call off your clone please, so over her Ella: Ha, now who's excused Ella: what was that about green? Grace: yeah cos I was so in favour before Grace: okay Grace: I literally don't care, count me out if this is how it's going to be the whole time Ella: The tantrums 😂 Ella: your sister finally invites you to something and this is how you act Grace: my sister isn't the one being a total bitch, you are Grace: eat something, you'll feel better Ella: Seen enough changing room meltdowns to know that's not worked for you, hun 😚 Mia: This is so toxic and we all know why Asia: I don't Mia: 🙄🙄🙄 Mia: God 😂 Mia: she speaks Hollie: stop shading her Mia: And another one Hollie: her and her bf will be done before the tents are set up, like hello? Hollie: it's not worth dragging her over Asia: 😱😱😱 Asia: Hollie! Mia: Wow Mia: it says so much about you that you only pipe up when things get bitchy Mia: both of you, where was this enthusiasm earlier? Damn, say how you really feel, Hols Hollie: I have to do my own dirty work 🤷 Hollie: if Ells had a twin too, I could sit back and get comfy too Mia: No one's asked you to be such a bitch Mia: this is why people don't fuck with you, so uncomfortable 😬 Hollie: yeah cos only you two are allowed, isn't it? Hollie: is it a boy you've invited? Mia: 😂 show me where Hollie: maybe where Ells is about to pull Gracie's weave out? Hollie: or when you uninvited Asia cos you're so salty that she has a bf Mia: Grace is trying to threaten she's not coming and Asia is clearly doing the same since no one uninvited her Mia: like, try to hide your drama behind us some more Mia: we're shopping for outfits, MY mum is driving us, I've paid for my drinks? Mia: sort your lives, honestly Hollie: my drama is you, you're being cringey bitches and I'm so done 👌 Asia: So I can come with you? Ella: Mime to a sad song, you'll feel better Ella: duh, Asia Hollie: I'll feel better when that boy you have a crush on, who I won't name to the entire chat cos I'm not that bitch, slides into my DMs again Hollie: thanks so much though, Ells Ella: It's tragic you think that means anything Ella: as if you've ever made it to the tent being put up Hollie: It's sooooooo funny that you think that's going to get to me Hollie: I don't want a 💍 and you know it Ella: that's lucky Ella: don't think they do engagement rings in man-sized Jimmy: Well I'm fucked then Jimmy: soz babe, the proposal's cancelled Mia: Are you two legit still here? Mia: That's even more pathetic than you three, you're in luck Jimmy: waiting on my shopping invite, no manners, you Mia: You've got your list Jimmy: But how can I join the cult if you don't tell me the dress code Jimmy: Kool-Aid's on order, like Mia: 🦗🦗 Mia: less reaction than your fake proposal bombshell, I am SO sorry, sweetie Jimmy: I proper felt that, you should go to drama school Ella: and Brits are meant to be decent at sarcasm Ella: try harder, new boy Jimmy: What's sarcasm? Please tell us, attack dog #1 Ella: Get Grace to, seeing as she's such a martyr Ella: Asia's stopped blubbing now Grace: Get over yourself and my name out of your mouth, hun Grace: your changing room meltdown atm isn't my problem Ella: OMG, a real-life 👼 Ella: deigning to talk to us commoners for a sec Ella: you wanna talk about names in your mouth, be sure to tell Asia what you said about her after she left Maya's, k 😘 Grace: Jesus loves everyone babes, even you Mia: 💁 so true Mia: make sure your hands are clean before you start pointing the finger, Gracie Grace: Oh please, I was drunk after I left that party cos OBVS I can NEVER handle my drink, DUH Grace: Do we wanna take a moment to talk about what you both said about my sister and her boyfriend after they invited us to this festival or no? Mia: Try on another excuse, see if that one fits Ella: 😏 Ella: doubt it Grace: we for sure don't wanna take any moments to discuss body image, unless of course you really would like to leave the chat and focus on your ootds Ella: 🐢🌵💚 Asia: ??? Asia: what does that even mean?? Ella: She knows Ella: Asia are you at home? Asia: not my home Asia: why? Ella: to pick you up Ella: you still need to get stuff too, right? Asia: OH Asia: I'll get him to drop me off rn Ella: 🙌 we'll wait 💗 Asia: 👌💗 Mia: We'll do nails and tan after, Dad's paying Asia: I can't tan too dark tho it'll clash with 💇 Mia: 'course, babe, that'd be so cringe Mia: you'll look amazing 😘 Asia: 💗💗💗 Mia: k, toodles 👋 Asia: SO excited Ella: Us too 💃🍾 Hollie: 🙄🙄🙄 Ella: Your negative energy is really draining Ella: speak up if you've got a problem, Hols, maybe we can help Hollie: I just can't remember stepping into a time machine and popping out again when we were like 12 tbh Ella: Your backne is acting up again? Ella: Worst timing, the sun will do it wonders though, don't worry Hollie: 😂 Ella: See, that's more like it Ella: positivity, ladies Hollie: Mia, are you really doing this? Mia: Doing what, babe? Hollie: you know Hollie: 🥶🥶🥶🥶 Mia: I really don't, though Mia: sorry 😕 Mia: DM me if you don't want to say it in front of them, yeah Hollie: okay Hollie: be really cool if you could swat Ells off your shoulder first though Hollie: just saying Mia: Why are you being like, jealous Mia: so weird Mia: we're all friends, 'cos we're not 12 😂 Hollie: check your inbox Hollie: you won't be BFFs with her when you read that Ella: Beg an invite harder Hollie: you'll be begging to keep yours, babes Hollie: gonna have to do your own tan, uh oh Ella: You'd know all about that Ella: 🍊🍪😷 Asia: OMG yay! I understood that time Ella: 😂 it'd be hard to miss, right babe Ella: bless Asia: 😂😂
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tumbleweed-palmer · 2 years
Pretty sure anon was just salty over me being critical about the Knight/Jimmy ship. Just wondering because that was an extreme amount of hatred for a few silly memes.
I feel like this was more a not liking the subject of my memes. Never mind the fact that I have said more than once that I am not shitting on anyone who is excited about the ship.
I only gave my reasons that I wasn't on board with it.
I have zero problem with anyone who likes the idea.
Seriously if you love that ship then more power to you. I would hope that you please enjoy it and have fun.
I would assume you'll just ignore my opinions about it if you don't agree with me. I'm not saying that no one is allowed to ship them.
Seriously, I made a joke about judgement but I'm worried if you took that seriously.
I would assume you're mature enough to ignore me if you disagree or block me if you think that my posts are that upsetting.
Adults tend to have this cool ability to accept that people have different opinions from their own and they move on with their lives without getting hateful about it.
So yeah, if you disagree with anything I said about that ship maybe just ignore me. Sending me anon hate and being rude as hell really doesn't do anyone any good. Seriously, what are you trying to accomplish?
Also I am tagging this with NCIS just to make it clear what my stance is. Also to annoy anon since they want to play tag police
I don't rain on anyone's fun with the ship and I'd hope that they would be polite enough to me to let me have my opinion realizing that it doesn't cancel out your ability to have fun.
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Grace & Janis
Little Twin Times
Grace: It's not too late to change your mind! Get dad to bring you xxx Grace: 👍💜💭 Janis: Nah, you're all good, I'm going out to play footie with lads from down the road after tea Janis: You having fun? Grace: 😮😈 WHICH LADS??! Grace: of course! it's the best! 🙌 Name a film and we've got it ready to watch Grace: her mum ordered from the posh bakery too Grace: They've got each of our names iced on so you've gotta come Janis: You know, they live in the farmhouse one along if you keep going down the lane, renovated all fancy, like but they're actually alright Janis: shit at football though 😉 Janis: s'alright, you eat mine Janis: think they use too much cream, s'not as good as Da's stuff Janis: got any horrors? Grace: EW JANIS THOSE BOYS ARE GROSS DON'T PLAY WITH THEM Grace: they always shout stuff at us they think they're so 💪😎 Grace: You always say that! You'd eat custard tarts every day and never try anything new ever! Grace: 🙄 Grace: OBVIOUSLY WE'RE NOT AMATEURS Grace: the cinema room has everything it's like being out at the poshest one you can imagine 😍 Janis: Only 'cos you act like such a drip whenever you see a boy Janis: If you shouted back instead of going all giggly and red maybe they'd not take the piss, ey? 🙄 Janis: I would if I was faced with all that pastry and cream...tastes like fusty old tissue paper 🤢 Janis: At least that'll be a laugh then Janis: Her house smells like an old lady's handbag though 😂 Grace: OMG I DO NOT! Grace: what would you know anyway you're too busy trying to BE like a gross boy to get a boyfriend Grace: such a 👽 weirdo for a sister, how and why Grace: AGAIN DUH! It is such a laugh and you're missing it Grace: for football 🙄 Grace: RUDE JAN-JAN IT DOES NOT Grace: you're just jealous of how cool her house is Janis: Yes you do, you all just nudge each other and laugh like a bunch of loonies Janis: LOL and what would you do with a boyfriend, gracie? you can't even talk to one nevermind anything else Janis: for you, maybe, i'm good where i am tah 👌 Janis: why would i be jealous of having a too large tv in a too small room and calling it a cinema Janis: they ain't even got that much money, we've probably got more, they're just snobby twats about it Janis: how cool, so cool, woooow Grace: DO NOT Grace: I can't believe you've already forgotten that Jake and two of his friends are all fighting over who gets to be my boyfriend rn so Grace: I'm gonna be a great girlfriend like in all the films excuse you Grace: ugh you're the snobby one thinking we're richer than everyone and talking about how much money everyone's got all the time Grace: what am I gonna do with you? 🙄 Janis: how buzzin you must be Janis: doesn't mean you'll know what to do Janis: s'the stuff that happens after the happily ever after you need to know, graciekins Janis: only cos she's a show-off when she's got no right to Janis: always bragging that one Janis: you just don't like it 'cos you're up her hole, like 😂 Grace: I will too! I've practiced kissing loads Grace: Just because you don't have a clue don't tell me I don't Grace: You're the showoff always trying to beat the boys ugh Grace: just brush your hair, put some gloss on and come over Grace: you'll see she is cool and you're just being salty as usual Janis: yeah, we've seen the gloss on the oranges, its manky Janis: at least eat them when you've frenched them Janis: there's no trying involved, i'm just better than all the boys 😏 Janis: no thanks, i've got plans, like i said Janis: if she's so cool why you ignoring her rn hmm Grace: YOU'RE MANKY I don't even use 🍊 thanks Grace: You think as much of yourself as the boys do it's cringey Grace: and im not even ignoring her she's setting the spa up Grace: nobody's allowed to see what's she's done until she's done it so you're wrong again there Janis: Well all the others have got fellas rn or experience under their belt so don't think they're still getting in 'practice' like its a shitty teen movie 😂 Busted Janis: soz, I'll develop an eating disorder and self-esteem issues asap Janis: oh wait, no, fuck that i'm great Janis: don't hate cos u ain't Janis: better get ur surprised face ready now, you're a shitty actress, like LiLo bad post-all the drugs Grace: It's likely you, J, you've gotten really embarrassing lately 😂 make sense why you don't wanna come out. gotta stay in with the fruit bowl Grace: Don't even joke Kirsty Dixon from number 22 had to go to the hospital loads in the summer it's so serious Grace: you're the hater on me and my friends, read the chat back if you don't believe Janis: Whatever you say, Graciepoo Janis: So? She's still a lame bitch Janis: or you gonna be her best friend now too? Janis: Last I remember, it was your pals calling her names Janis: but now she's in the hospital, you all wanna send her flowers Janis: just not chocolates, she'll be raging, like Grace: YOU'RE SO RUDE AND SOOO WRONG Grace: i know you're blinded by your jealousy but it's sad how much you have no idea what you're talking about Grace: cute but still cringey of course Janis: lol jealous of what? Grace: me having friends and you being the lone loser Janis: 😂 no Janis: firstly, your 'friends', you can keep 'em, there's a reason they were free to let you tag along and be their bitch Janis: secondly, i'm happy being alone, you're the one begging me to come hang, so nice one there 👍 Grace: I'M TRYING TO BE NICE Grace: won't next time, bitch Janis: please don't 😂 Grace: laugh it up all you want you were the one tagging along with us for ages Grace: you're not too good, you're too much of a freak now that's all Janis: yeah because wittle baby gracie doesn't want to do anything on her own Janis: don't cry about it now 😂 Grace: no i didnt want my sister to be an antisocial weirdo Grace: makes me look bad too Janis: Literally going out after tea, did you not hear? Janis: You wanna control WHO I'm friends with Janis: I've got friends, I don't want your hand-me-downs Grace: those creepy boys who want to look at you in your shorts aren't your friends saddo Janis: Your mind, Gracie 🙄 Honestly Janis: lads don't care about things like that, they wanna play footie Janis: and I have plenty of other people I hang with, not everyone wants to be in a sad lil gang Grace: now who's being a baby 😂 lads always think about stuff like that Grace: 🙄 you only think its a gang because you've made yourself unwanted Grace: whatever Jan-Jan i've got fun to have Grace: be boring Janis: They really don't, they think you're mental Janis: also a right slag 😂 Janis: sure you do 😏 laters! Grace: at least they think of me you're furniture Grace: I've got plenty of time and chances to change their mind but you're always gonna be blah Janis: lol yeah, so much chance, when i'm the one that gets to chat with them every day on the pitch and you just stand there staring and dribbling, not the ball, like 😂 Grace: 🙄 so jealous at least they know me and my friends are interested they all think you play for the other team Janis: so? I'm not the slag, I'm NOT interested Janis: how lame Grace: i'm no slag either Grace: you're just being too judgey and weird to know the difference Janis: whatever you say 👌 not me you've gotta convince otherwise, is it Grace: thank god for that 😂 Janis: eurgh don't be disgusting Janis: now who's the freak Grace: EWW THAT'S YOUR MIND I MEANT YOU'VE BEEN HIT IN THE HEAD BY THE BALL TOO MANY TIMES TO HAVE A CLUE ABOUT ANYTHING Grace: 👽 Grace: so gross Janis: no you didn't Janis: you're a shit liar Janis: why would you even say something like that Janis: you're messed up, grace Grace: WHY WOULD YOU WEIRDO Janis: I didn't Janis: you're always like this Janis: you're so fucking creepy Grace: I am not Grace: you're the gross creep Janis: get your own comebacks Janis: this is why i don't want to hang with you Janis: you're so boring Grace: get a life and stop being so disgusting all the time Grace: it's not cool its just gross Janis: I've got one Janis: and it isn't yours to ruin with your lameness Janis: ✌ Grace: I can't ruin what doesn't exist Grace: can't compete with how much of a loser you are anyway Janis: stop trying then Janis: weirdo 😂 Grace: 🙄 pathetic Janis: Oh, FYI, you forgot your jammies Janis: Rio's dropping them in so you better run unless you want her to come in and show you up for being a fake little bitch Grace: No I didn't we've all got matching here already Grace: I'm doing fine get over it Janis: That's literally the most hilarious thing I've ever heard Janis: Hope you're snapping pictures so we've all got something to laugh at Janis: 'Course you are, remember to let Jake know the # Janis: so sexy 😂 Grace: You're so obsessed it's embarrassing Grace: leave me alone Janis: I'll remember that when you're pestering me later Janis: Thanks for putting in writing Grace: Don't flatter yourself that I care Janis: So blatant Janis: N'awwwwh Grace: so annoying 🙄 Grace: go away Janis: go soak your manky feet Grace: go lose on the pitch you try hard bitch Janis: me? LOL ok Janis: trying so hard to be white and likable Janis: of which, you are neither Grace: Plenty of people like me as I am thanks Janis: oh, and who are you today? 😂 Janis: you haven't got a clue Janis: faker than your brands Grace: and you do? 😂 trying so hard to be a badass all of a sudden Grace: everyone's laughing at you Grace: not me Janis: By everyone you mean your sad little friends Janis: who no one but you gives a shit about Janis: be more mad 'cos I've ditched you FINALLY Janis: and I can actually enjoy myself Grace: go and do it then Grace: you'd have to stop talking rubbish at me first Janis: do you see me there rn? Janis: I already am Janis: laughing at you takes no time outta my day Grace: 😂 Grace: like i said, obsessed Grace: nothing better to do than be this lame Janis: like i said, bad actress Janis: i still, unfortunately, have to share a room with you, remember? i've heard you crying Janis: 😂 Grace: not everything is about you Grace: nothing is pretty much Janis: Why'd you go crying to mum about me then Janis: Now I've gotta be nicer to you Janis: What a drag Grace: you're a drag Grace: and a worse actress than you think i am Janis: I'm not pretending otherwise Janis: Its impossible to be nice to you, faking it or otherwise Grace: can't be harder than dealing with being around you Grace: too cringey for words Janis: Aww Jan-Jan please come Janis: PLEEEEEEEEEEASE ITS SO MUCH FUN Janis: now that's cringe Janis: 👍💜💭 Grace: not sorry for trying to get you to keep your invite Grace: you said you'd come and the girls were expecting you Grace: some of them wanted you to be there, because they feel sorry for you or whatever Janis: I don't recall that coming from my mouth Janis: more like YOU said I would Janis: boohoo Janis: the ONLY person who gives a shit is you Grace: blah Grace: bored of you thinking you know everything about me Grace: if you don't care then leave me alone like I already told you to do Janis: how could i not? EVERYONE knows you, right gracie? Janis: ur as transparent as a window and as shallow as a puddle Janis: doesn't take a genius babe 😂 Janis: i'm having fun, fuck off yourself if you can't deal Grace: 😂😂😂 Grace: your definition of fun is so sad Grace: I'm off to have some for real Grace: bye Janis: enjoy your spa and matching jimmies Janis: you wild one 😂
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