#<<is my cam and pal tag
fortruthoversolace · 1 month
Thinking about Pyrrha "I have only once met someone so utterly willing to burn for what they believed in, and I loved him on sight" Dve and why she is so temperamentally suited to love Camilla and Palamedes, i.e. devotion's casualties. And why it is so painful for her to lose them to the creation of Paul, because she understands them, more than anyone else could, even if Pal and Cam insist that she doesn't.
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tiffanyachings · 9 months
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it would have been very beautiful. camilla would have had to cook (horrible bone soup)
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spacerockband · 2 years
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top 10 nona quotes to eat sand to
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daisywords · 6 months
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cam and pal...
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I'm a little puzzled that everyone is so confused about the whole Paul situation because I looked at it and said "oh, a fusion." And that was that.
My first thought was admittedly the DID usage of the term but the Steven Universe definition works in a pinch too. If you make two people into one person they're not going to be A-and-B because that implies a plurality they no longer possess. Paul is everything Camilla was and everything Palamedes was at the same time - and this makes them fundamentally different from either of them.
Paul can't be Camilla and can't be Palamedes because those were two people defined by their relationship to each other - and that relationship is gone. They're just one person now. There's no relating.
But the idea that this means Cam and Pal are dead is a little curious. Metaphorically, maybe, but this is The Locked Tomb and being dead really means something here. Cam and Pal aren't in the river or anything. They're still there. They still love Nona and Pyrrha and are a gigantic fucking nerd. They're just a little... lonely, now.
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palamedes-sextus · 2 years
necropals (that’s me) on ao3’s fic masterpost
I’ve written more tlt fics in recent months, and since I’ve come back to tumblr I think it’d be a good idea to have a fic masterpost I can continuously update! enjoy ✨
the age-old game | cam/pal | rated T | 1k | baby’s first campal fic. post-htn, very angsty, not actually unrequited love, no beta we die like men
right where you left me | cam/pal | rated T | 1.3k | post-ayu angst; cam has a bad time during a boe interrogation and thinks about her boy.
outrun the moon, dread the sun come up | cam/pal | explicit | 2.8k | cam has a nightmare at canaan house and palamedes comforts her (with his di—sorry)
the time I was nineteen | cam & nona | rated G | 500-word ficlet | pre-ntn speculation; nona and cam talk about eyes and how it feels for cam to have pal’s.
je veux inviter quelqu'un à entrer | cam/pal | explicit | 2k | PWP; modern AU but it doesn’t matter much; consensual somnophilia. cam has some Very Nice Dreams, and a Very Nice Morning upon waking up.
heard your voice under the feedback | cam/pal | mature | 5k | my post-ntn I’m So Sad About Camilla fic; cam has a no good very bad day and misses her boy immensely. cw for anxiety and dissociation
tessellate | explicit | cam/pal | 2.8k | cam & pal fuck around canaan house. (also pal’s trans.)
insatiable is what she is | explicit | cam/pal | 2.8k | post-atn speculation in which cam and pal do actually move to that moon and learn how to farm, and also kiss each other.
hurricane drunk | cam/pal | rated T | 1k | camilla reads the warden's proposal to dulcinea for the first time and has a Bad Reaction. cw for panic attacks/dissociation
I left my body / down on her knees | cam/pal | explicit | 2k | I’m at the body sharing. I’m at the body worship. I’m at the combination body sharing body worship. (set during ntn)
salt skin | pal/magnus | explicit | 3.1k | tlt holiday exchange 2022! part 1 of professor quinn/grad student palamedes, in which they go on a research trip—and to a bathhouse ;)
aftertaste | pal/magnus & cam/pal/dulcie | explicit | 3k | part 2 of professor quinn/grad student palamedes, in which they return to campus from their trip and have a chat during office hours 😌
from all sides | cam/pal | explicit | 3.3k | pre-canon, cam roleplays as an alexandrite in bed with pal, light d/s. pal is pegged for his health.
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farragoofwires · 11 months
don' dweeblog
I need to acquire more poly v and or triad ships that are two women and a dude, for equality, but of course that would require media to include two female characters having a fun dynamic with both each other and a dude, which is apparently illegal.
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waitineedaname · 2 years
maybe it's the aro in me but I really really love that the most devoted relationship in the locked tomb is platonic
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4phr0d17e · 1 year
Nah, Cam and Pal are explicitly described as being atypical, both in the depth of their devotion/codependency/whatever (explicitly called out by Judith being a busybody) and in the fact that Palamedes treats Camilla as an equal (the overall narrative makes a big deal about it). I do agree that necro and cav is a totally different kind of relationship, but their whole deal is that they *aren't* a typical necro and cav.
ok anon this is so interesting thank u for ur input here. ive been thinking about this all night and i originally wrote an answer saying that even tho cam and pal dont have a typical necro/cav relationship, their relationship is the epitome of what a necro/cav relationship should be. but then i started thinking, well, "should be" according to who? the essay from the bonus content of gtn talks a lot about the level of devotion and respect and equality that a necro/cav relationship should have, and to me when reading that it seemed to perfectly describe cam and pals relationship. but then, again thats just one guys opinion, not what the average necro/cav relationship actually looks like. does it matter? does an ideal of a relationship Matter when very few real relationships actually look like that?
[gripping table] i am normal about necro/cav relationships
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createacamillahect · 4 months
Pregnant Camilla Hect with morning sickness... she's usually strong as hell but this morning is just not it... Palamedes tends to her and Pyrrha & Nona makes her soup in the kitchen ❤️
Palamedes helps her clean up and gargle water, sitting with her at the table when they're done, her head on his shoulder as he rubs his broad hand up and down her back comfortingly.
Pyrrha does most of the heavy lifting with making the soup, but Nona flutters around the kitchen grabbing various ingredients.
When bowls are served and they're all seated, Nona agrees to eat soup too in solidarity with Cam. Camilla thanks her for that, smiling a small smile that makes Nona blush.
Pyrrha makes jokes that make Nona laugh so hard soup comes out her nose. Camilla and Palamedes cannot stop laughing after watching that in Harrow's body. Nona and Pyrrha join in, their joy is so contagious. There are tears in their eyes by the time they all catch their breath.
When they finish, they all cuddle back in bed together, laughing when Nona ends up on top of Cam and Pyrrha, so they can surround Camilla from all sides with their love.
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funktechnisch · 11 months
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wip but sixth house my beloved
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revenant-coining · 1 month
(pt: TIMHsongic /end pt)
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(id: a rectangular flag of 5 centered and evenly-spaced concentric circles. colors in order, outermost to innermost are a gradient from dark grey to white. in the center of the middle circle is a dark grey symbol of two connected eighth notes. /end id)
(id: a rectangular flag of 5 centered and evenly-spaced concentric circles. the 4th outermost circle is bigger then the rest. colors in order, outermost to innermost are black, dark grey, grey, lighter grey, and pal grey. in the center of the middle circle is a dark grey symbol of two connected eighth notes. /end id)
(id: a rectangular flag of 5 centered and evenly-spaced concentric circles. the 4th outermost circle is bigger then the rest. colors in order, outermost to innermost are dark blue, grey-blue, light grey-blue, grey, green, and dark green. in the center of the middle circle is a light grey-bluesymbol of two connected eighth notes. /end id)
TIMHsongic; a gender connected to the song “Tear in My Heart” by Twenty One Pilots.
WOYSongic; a gender connected to the song “Washington on Your Side” from Hamilton.
YOSongic; a gender connected to the song “Your Obedient Servant” from Hamilton.
etymology; “TIMY” for tear in my heart/”WOYS” for washington on your side/”YOS” for your obedient servent, [s]ongic
let us know if these have been coined before!
for cam!
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404
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eskildit · 8 months
ah i see some of you were intrigued by my recreational abortion campal tags. look i just think reproduction is so closely controlled on the sixth that im sure safe abortions are readily available and probably enforced for non-approved pairs, but im also sure they keep strict record of medical procedures. so if youre cam and pal and youve got to keep everything off the record.... and youre a necromancer with a special talent in medicine...... well i think youd just do it yourself. maybe more than once.
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notedchampagne · 1 year
hey. hey. dont tag romantic cam and pal on my art thats nasty
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krysmiss · 7 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday - Sleepover Edition!
Thanks pals for tagging me Kat - @mybrainismelted Nosho -@creepkinginc @Ling - @lingy910y Dyno - @dynamic-power Jess - @jrooc Sky - @skylerwinchester Georgia - @iansw0rld and River -@milkovichrules ! 🤗
Ok pocket friends, tonight we are having a sleepover!  So grab your pj’s, your teddy bears, and your fuzzy slippers, and let’s have some fun!
Woohoo Shameless Sleepover Party! 🎉🎉🎉
Name: Krystal
Location: the Gallaghers' are my next door neighbors
We’ll start with some easy ones!
Is there a celebrity you think you look like? If so, who: Uhh no I don't think so.
Do you still have stuffed animals in your bed? I don't. I do have too many pillows though
Who is your celebrity crush? Cam and Noel. I've also loved Usher for damn near my entire life so I'll include him also ❤
OK, now for some slightly embarrassing ones!
Have you ever accidentally sent a naughty message to the wrong person? lmao nope.
Have you ever snorted your drink out your nose on a date? Thankfully, no. That sounds painful.
Have you ever peed in a public pool? oof I don't think so. Do water parks count? If so then maybe when I was a kid but if they don't count then ignore what you just read. 😉
And we will close it out with some shameless characters bang/marry/kill:
Ian/Mickey/Kev: Bang: Ian. Marry: Mickey. Kill: Kev (but only temporarily. I want a secret power to bring him back to life - I like Kev!)
ETA: I'd also love to be married to my sweetheart Ian. He can't just be a hit it and quit it lol
Fiona/V/Svetlana: oof this one's hard. uhmmm Bang: Fiona. Marry: V. Kill: Svet
Frank/Kermit/Tommy: Uhm Kat, what exactly was going on in your head when you came up with this? If I must choose: Bang: Frank (gross). Marry: Kermit (Don't think it'll last long - he's old) Kill: Tommy
Karen/Mandy/Sandy: Bang: Sandy. Marry: Mandy. Kill: Karen
Jimmy/Sean/Gus: Bang: Jimmy-Steve, Marry: Sean Kill: Gus (tbh I'd also bang Gus but I'm trying to play by the rules)
Thanks for coming to my sleepover! Hope you had fun, we are having banana pancakes for breakfast. - no pop-tarts? 👀
Tagging a few wonderful people: @heymrspatel @lupeloto @mickeysgaymom @metalheadmickey @bawlbrayker @softmick @redwiccanrobin @deathclassic @darlingian and @depressedstressedlemonzest if you want to, of course. If not, here take an ice cream cone🍦 😊
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literary-illuminati · 2 years
Books I Read In September
45. The Oleander Sword, by Tasha Suri
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Pre-ordered this, and I’m entirely happy with what I got. I mean it’s got intrigue and angst and the literal and metaphorical selling of souls and lesbians and eldritch horrors and war crimes, what’s not to love?
But really, I’m pretty sure I already made the joke, but SFF lesbians and weird power dynamics around fealty and martyrdom sure are a pair, huh? (Or maybe that’s just a random bit of selection bias in the books I read/see talked about, but eh. I should catch up on Montress.)
Anyway, Malini is a joy to read, and the Yaksha are absolutely gorgeous and come across as rather believably alien, though I really do wish they weren’t quite so straightforwardly malevolent, and the temple/palace intrigues with whatever the asshole emperor’s name was and his priests was great. Can’t wait for book 3.
46. None the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
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My other pre-ordered book of the year. And look, I am largely outsourcing my opinions on this book to the ongoing 24/7 symposium digging into every bit of symbolism and possible reference in these things going on here in the tag. But, like, book good. 
Also Pal and Cam, my beloveds. And Nona is adorable. 
I need to go scream in the wilderness a bit again.
47. The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid
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This month’s attempt to acquire some Culture, via what was apparently the most influential book of 2007 (literally recommended to me because a coworker’s book club is doing it). 
But no, this was good! Very much of it’s time, though less in a ‘dated in a bad way’ way, and more in a ‘future generations of college students will get assigned this and told to write an essay about the cultural fallout of the War On Terror.’ 
It really, really committed to the whole ‘life story told in a conversation over dinner’ framing device, to a degree that books basically never do - the prose of the whole thing still felt conversational and like it could actually be said by one person to another. The constant asides to the cuisine being served and the order of the courses and everything did eventually start to grate, though. 
The big central twist is, well, barely a twist - except that the title gives you a very definite idea of where the protagonist’s arc is going to end up that you bring with you into the book. Still, really well done.
I’m surprised you don’t see the janissarya analogy made more often in modern polemic. Shoe doesn’t exactly fit, but close enough that you’d think it’d get some use.
48. Exit Strategy by Martha Wells
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I really do adore Murderbot stories. They’re just perfectly sized for a lazy afternoon or two of reading, they’ve got the plot structure of a tightly edited 40-minute tv episode, and they’re just great fun comfort reads. Perfect book pringles. (Also Murderbot is one of the greatest protagonists of all time).
This one in particular would have honestly worked pretty well as a finale to the series? Or, since it clearly isn’t, I guess ‘works as a season finale’ is the better way to put it? It resolves the central underlying plot thread that’s been running through the books so far quite nicely, anyway. 
I totally admit that aside from Murderbot only, like, four characters have made a sufficient impression that I can reliably identify them by just their names, though. 
49. Elder Race by Adrian Tchaikovsky 
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Hey, I finally finished the last Hugo nominee! Now to start feeling properly guilty about failing to answer that ask about my ranking/opinions from a month ago. 
But no, this was good. The only Tchaikovsky I’d read before was Children of Time/Ruin, so this was definitely a change of pace (obvious similarities in setting aside). The whole central conceit of ‘fantasy setting is actually the result of an apocalypse destroying a technologically advanced civilization and the descendents of the survivors viewing the remnants as magical relics and sorcery’ is so thoroughly cliche I think people just stopped writing it for a couple decades, but the execution is really well done. 
Nyr and Lynette are both fun POVs, anyway, and I absolutely adore anything that has multiple POVs seeing/taking part in the same events and interpreting them wildly differently. The one chapter that had two columns with Nyr providing exposition on one side and what Lynette&co actually understood him as saying on the other was great. 
Tchaikovsky also did a really excellent job of capturing the whole horror and grief and ennui of being the Last Of Your Kind better than I usually see, and also saying Fuck the Prime Directive, which is always appreciated. 
Also incredibly endearing that Nyr’s whole transhuman civilization gave themselves giant badass horns and then collectively decided to pretend it was for pragmatic utilitarian reasons. 
50. Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells
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Because it’s 2 murder 2 bot month, I guess (but no all my holds on these really did just come in at once).
So apparently this was actually written after the novel, which I only found out after finishing it, but chronologically it seems to have taken place before? Which conveniently means I didn’t accidentally ruin any big twists for myself.  
Anyway, this was a fun detective story sort of thing. Murderbot being continuously annoyed at how much harder the lack of a dystopian panopticon made their job was a great running gag.
51. The Thousand Eyes by A. K. Larkwood 
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Because it’s magical lesbians month, I guess. 
But no, this was a fun read. The whole setting and tone were very, hmm, D&D? Like a real mixture of super fantastical elements and generic fantasy things given different names (there are elves, and orcs, and for some reason specifically yuan-ti) and then the vision of society and the economics and the mindset and vocabulary of everyone who hasn’t been asleep in a ditch for ten thousand years is just incredibly modern. Not a complaint, it’s just very much a thing. 
My actual complaint is that this was like four different discrete stories stacked on top of each other and put into a compactor until they all fit in one book. There were a lot of times where I was kind of left feeling that Larkwood was relying on me knowing how a given story/character arc goes so she could just skip through the high points and then resolve it without necessarily building it up beforehand. 
(I also have a perpetual dislike for the plot beat of ‘oh no, the abusive cult who raised you was just doing their religion wrong. We’ve got a direct line to your/their god and he’s actually a great guy!’)
Interesting how minor a character Csorwe is in this one compared to Unspoken Name, really, but Shuthmili and Tal are both incredibly fun POVs so can’t say I really mind. Tsundere dragon goddess of betrayal and destruction was also a great time. 
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