#//says the only high ranking team member with a good relationship with his mom
tabi-the-great · 28 days
Happy Mother’s Day from Team Magma!
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imjusthereforyj · 1 year
YJ Season 4 Arc Rankings Part 1
Since it’s almost been a year since Phantoms ended here’s my personal ranking of the arcs for that season
 spoilers ahead
 #6- Kaldur‘s  Arc
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To me this arc just felt kinda slow and not very necessary as it didn’t tie in with the over all plot of the season. It felt like it’s job was to just justify the extra history lesson we got on Vandal Savage on how he’s also the father to Atlanteans and the whole story with King Arion. The story was slow because it took unit the third ep for them to actually go on a mission to find the lost crown and that felt kinda basic of mission with the only real threat that they faced was a giant fish. I think most things just solved themselves and there wasn’t a lot of big change that happen that would impact the rest of the season. I don’t think much will change with Mera being the new king of Atlantis I think she will have similar policy's as her husband did.I did like how they brought up wealth inequality in the different kingdoms of Atlantis and getting to see La’gaan family as well as seeing him show regret over Conor’s death. We love a fish boy that can show growth yayy.😊 And our boy Kaldur finally learned to take a break and sit at home with his boyfriend.
Kalder gets a 4/10
#5-Zatanna’s Arc
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Zantanna definitely had a lot more going on with her arc with two chaos lords fighting, another Vandal Savage history lesson, and the origins of the magic school bus. To me the story of Klarion and Vandal meeting was so funny, like Klarion just killed him over and over for a year until Valdal said “wait, I think we can be business partners”. I understand why Nabu hates his dad when he completely ignored his advice not to work with the kid that sunk a continent and killed millions the last time they hung out.😒 I was pretty hyped to see the phantom Stanger and everyone favorite rhyming demon Etrigan but Etrigan only got to be in one fight and he was just used as a distraction. I felt like Zantanna also had one too many apprentices, just along with the other magic users we met it felt a little crowded. I thought it was intreating how they brought religion into it with Kahlid trying to find the balance between magic, medicine, and his Islamic faith. Giovanni being the Italian man that he is held strong to his Catholic faith but idk if he should of did the Lord’s prayer in found of Nabu who was born in 1,836 BCE. I like that the fight between child and Klarion was so big that other heroes had to come to pick up the pieces and now we got 4 new doctor fates on ration and Zantanna can finally hug her dad again. RIP to Teekl #1 long live Teekl #2
Zantanna gets a 6/10
 #4 -Artemis’s Arc
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This was really close between Artemis’s Arc and Zantanna Arc but I’m getting the high ranking to Artemis. This arc had hard act to follow with Conor dying in just the ep before. I think this arc did really good with showing how Artemis was dealing with the grief of losing another team member and how she copes by helping others. But girl idk if you can get away with saying that Conor was like a brother to you when everyone on the mind link heard you checking him out. 🙁 I also really like how we got to look at Jade and Artemis relationship and their childhood together and we see more of how Jade really did care for Artemis. We also see Jade struggle with wanting to be a good mom and being an assassin. But she ain’t the only ninja mom as we see Lady Shiva try to get her daughter back and I really need a season 5 so I can see Talia al Ghul eat her words about not giving up Damian. I don’t have much of an option on them changing Barbara Gordon story on how she end up in a wheelchair. I did like how they brought back Cassandra Savage and I was really questioning if she was gonna turn on her dad or not. Onyx was just kinda there but it was good to have her there to question if Cassandra was legit or not. I do wish they would of just let Jada go back to Will and Lian instead of going to therapy island with Jason Todd and Onyx. I think it would just clean up the loose ends of her story more and it would feel more complete for her to find peace with her family. Also finding out that Artemis’s new boyfriend is 31 is kinda a trip when you realize he was 21 when she was 15 in season 1.
Artemis gets a 6.5/10
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Stuck in the Game
Mafia!Dad!Yunhyeong x Mom!Reader ft. Mafia!ATEEZ, Mafia!iKON, Mafia!BTS
Summary: When your daughter, Soojin, finally finds someone she likes, her father freaks out because, despite his best efforts to keep her out of that life, the boy in question is also a mafia member. A rival group finds the couple and uses the relationship as blackmail.
Anon Request: a long and specific request that started with dad!Wonwoo but was changed to Yunhyeong and we edited the specifics together so idk what to put here anymore lol 
Word Count: 3.3-3.4K
Contains: mafia!AU, violence, guns, kidnapping, blackmail, reunion of old friends-turned-rivals, forced cooperation, fluff, angst
A/N: This took forever for me to get the energy to type out and format, I’m sorry, but I’m proud that I implemented all the aspects I wanted to in this.
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If 17-year-old you could see yourself now, you don't know whether the reaction would be amazement or fear. At age 23, you were a performer and bartender for a high-end bar famous for its mafia visitors. You'd often listen to their meetings whenever they requested "beautiful company," and that made you a very valuable person in the business, even without you trying to be.
When the day you feared finally came, your kidnappers wanted all the information you had from other mafia groups. They were very kind to you, treating you like a valuable treasure. They called themselves iKON, and the moniker was written in numerous places in the house. Their leader, B.I., insisted you be treated like royalty, but one of the boys enjoyed the chaos of going against the leader's requests. He was a charmer, and you fell for him quickly. Gradually, the romantic encounters turned into sexual encounters, and you found out that you were pregnant with his child shortly after.
Until the day you told him of the pregnancy, you only knew him by his mafia name, Song. When you revealed your secret, however, he happily disclosed that "Yunhyeong will be a good father. Don't worry." It was his way of disconnecting his mafia status from his child. You figured this out as he moved you out of the mafia base with B.I.'s approval and bought a good home for you both to stay.
You remember the day you gave birth as if it was yesterday. You remember the joy that swept away all the pain as you held your newborn daughter. You remember all the boys visiting you at different times, and you'll never forget how proud Yunhyeong looked as he introduced his squad to his daughter.
Soojin. You remember her baby face without issue, even though it was 17 years ago. Your daughter grew up so fast - as you're told they all do.
Soojin and her father get along so well. Both of them are trouble makers, so you always see them planning chaos or laughing about something together. You and your daughter talk about deeper subjects more often than not, so seeing her being carefree and enjoying life with Yunhyeong brings so much joy to your heart.
Today, however, you catch them fighting. You don't hear the topic, only Soojin storming out after her final jab at her father, "You don't understand me at all!"
Seeing the pain on Yunhyeong's face hurts, but you decide to check in with your daughter instead, knowing that Yunhyeong can handle himself. Following Soojin, you find her on the front porch, sitting with her arms wrapped around her legs and her head buried in her knees. You sit down next to her, the wooden patio revealing your presence with a creak. You don't say anything before she immediately begins ranting about her father.
"Why doesn't he understand? Why can't he just be happy that I found someone that makes me happy?"
This is the first time your daughter has ever mentioned anything along the lines of having a crush, so you know it must be important to her, "Soojin, you've found someone?" You try approaching the situation softly, opting to learn about her partner before thinking about why her father would be upset.
"Mom, he's amazing. He's really sweet and caring. He takes me to nice parks, and we message every single day. He's pretty tall and really cute, too."
"So, what's this boy's name?"
"Hyunwoo. Jeong Hyunwoo. He's a year older than I am, and he's technically in the mafia - he was born into it just like me - but he treats me so well."
Suddenly, you understand why Yunhyeong freaked out over Soojin's boyfriend, but you don't bring it up just yet, "Jeong Hyunwoo. He sounds nice. Have you met his family?"
"Yup! We hang out with his dad a lot. He's super cool. Makes lots of jokes. His mom died when he was younger, and he's an only child, so it's just the two of them. For some reason, though, dad freaked out on me when I told him. Something about dangerous relationships and hoping I'd never have to deal with this stuff. I have no idea what he's talking about. Ugh, it's not fair. Why can't he be cool about it like Hyunwoo's dad?"
"Honey, your father just wants to protect you. He'll come around. He just knows someone he has bad blood with that has the same last name. They used to be friends but the friend was recruited into a mafia group, which meant he never even said his goodbyes to your father."
"But dad's in the mafia, so what's the big deal?"
With a sigh, you reveal some of your husband's past, "Your dad didn't choose to join. He had to join or they would've killed him for the damages he caused as a teenager. He despises the lifestyle, but there's no way to leave once you become part of it. Your father accepted the life he was forced into and did his best with what was given to him. His friend, Yunho, on the other hand, was invited and willingly chose to join. He does want you to be happy, but he's worried about your life if you date a mafia member."
"Well, what about you? Why'd he date you if that was the case? He was okay involving you?"
You laugh and shake your head. You think back on the unconventional relationship you and your now-husband had before the marriage, but decide not to explain that quite yet, "That's a very long and complicated story for another day. Just know that your situation is extremely different from mine. If you truly love Hyunwoo, don't let your father's attitude affect the relationship. When he sees you truly happy, he'll support you. Believe me."
You could tell that Soojin wasn't quite convinced, but she was always head-strong, so you also know that she will continue her relationship. So, you weren't surprised when she came to you a few days after and announced that she had a date with Hyunwoo. Watching her walk out in her cute date outfit, you can't help but feel proud of her for following her heart.
During the date, you finally confront Yunhyeong, "She'll be okay, y'know? She's the daughter of two very strong people, and we've raised her well."
"I tried so hard to keep her out of the mafia life. And a Jeong of all people could ruin all of that."
You place a hand on his back, "Yunhyeong, you can't use your past against her future. Aren't you happy Soojin finally found her first love?"
"Well, yeah, but..." He sighs, deciding not to finish his complaint.
"She'll be fine."
Soojin meets with Hyunwoo at the coffee shop down the street. When he sees her, the smile shows on his whole face.
"You look so beautiful." He places a kiss on her head and takes the seat across from her.
"Thanks, Hyunwoo. My mom helped choose my outfit and styled my hair for me."
Unknown to the couple basking in their puppy love, a low-ranking member of another mafia group sits at the next table and recognizes Hyunwoo's name. To confirm that he's the right person, the member listens in on their conversation.
"How's training? Is your dad being hard on you?"
"Naw, it's pretty smooth. What about you, though? How'd your parents react when you told them?"
"My mom is understanding. She fell for a member, too, after all, so she can relate. My dad, on the other hand... Ugh, he's so difficult!"
At this point, the stranger decides to alert his higher-ups of this potential Achilles' heel for the ATEEZ mafia team.
"He doesn't approve?"
"He hates that I'm becoming part of a lifestyle he tried so hard to keep me out of. My mom said it has to do with your name, too. Apparently, my dad's childhood friend ended up willingly joining the mafia without saying goodbye, and his last name was Jeong."
No longer paying attention, the stranger has been communicating with other members about following the couple around for a kidnapping so they can blackmail their rival mafia group. When the couple leaves the cafe, he follows them to a nearby park, his last-second assignment to find her house underway.
At the end of the date, Hyunwoo walks Soojin back home, finding you sitting out on the porch, reading under the warm light.
"Hey. mom! I'm back!"
As you look up from the book, you find your daughter waving at you with one hand as her other arm links with a nervous-looking boy. You stand up to greet them, and you notice Hyunwoo relax a bit when he realizes how nice you are. You have a short chat before Hyunwoo claims he should get home before his father worries.
"Thank you for walking Soojin home. Get home safely."
You and your daughter watch as he leaves, then she enthusiastically recounts the events of the date. Seeing her this happy makes you smile, as she hasn't smiled this brightly since she was a young child. When the two of you head inside, she falls asleep the moment she lays down. You meet with your husband in your shared bedroom.
"How is he?"
"He seems sweet. He was clearly nervous when he saw me, and he genuinely seems to love her and wants to keep her safe."
"That's good." His robotic response ends the conversation, so you both get into bed.
A few weeks pass before Soojin and Hyunwoo have time for another date. You offer to drive her to the arcade, but she insists on walking to enjoy the nice weather. You kiss her forehead as you tell her to be safe, then watch her until she leaves your view.
Maybe an hour later, an exhausted Hyunwoo comes banging on your front door.
Between moments to catch his breath, he pleads, "Please... tell me Soojin is here... She never came..."
Even though you answered the door, Yunhyeong hears and freaks out. "I told you, Y/N! It's too dangerous for her! She might've been kidnapped!"
You quickly bring Hyunwoo inside, looking up and down the street before closing and locking the door. Once both boys have calmed down a bit, you try calling your daughter, but you're immediately sent to the voicemail. Moments later, Hyunwoo gets a call from his father, who sounds very confused but speaks urgently without revealing details. When Hyunwoo tells him where he is, his father hangs up. Ten minutes later, Yunho pulls up with his leader in the passenger seat. You let them in quickly, only for chaos to ensue the moment Yunhyeong sees Yunho.
He abruptly stands, the chair falling behind him, "Get out of my house."
"Babe, we both want the same things right now. Put the rivalry aside." You try.
"It's him, Y/N. This is the bastard who left without so much as a goodbye."
Time feels frozen as everyone's eyes go wide. Yunho sighs, breaking the silence.
"Hello, Song. It's been a while. You may hate me for the past, but your daughter has been kidnapped. She's being held as blackmail against my group. So, unless you want her to die there, I suggest you put that hatred aside so we can save her."
"I don't know what you've learned, Hyunwoo, but Song and I were best friends until I chose to join the group, which forced us to cut ties. Their group is a rival; there wasn't much choice in the matter." Yunho says it as if it was rehearsed for years, his eyes still transfixed on Yunhyeong's.
The ATEEZ leader clears his throat before moving forward with the information he has, "I'm HJ, and I received a link to this video earlier." He hits play on his tablet and talks over the soundless visual of your daughter tied down to a chair, "This was accompanied by a message demanding that we give up some of our fronts to them or she dies. I don't think they realize she's your daughter, or else they'd be blackmailing your group as well."
The four boys discuss further action while you listen, quietly analyzing the options. Hours pass without much progress being made. When you finally try to chime in about going to get her yourself, using the same tactics you used as a dancer, there's another knock on the door. The room instantly falls silent as Yunhyeong slinks toward the door, a hand on his gun. As he looks through the peephole, his body relaxes. Keeping his hand on the gun in case of ambush, he opens the door for B.I., who gives him a pitiful look before stepping inside.
"This doesn't look good, Song." The leader states as he pulls out an envelope addressed to iKON.
Opening it, Yunhyeong finds a lock of hair and a handwritten note:
iKON, we have one of your members. This member is a daughter of one of your high ranks. We suggest you follow the instructions on the back of this message if you want to see her ever again.
On the back, the instructions simply list a date, time, and place to meet, followed by their demands of a certain area under iKON's control. From the handwritten element, Yunhyeong quickly narrows down the suspects to two cocky newer groups: Bangtan or The Strays.
"Why is ATEEZ here?" B.I. asks when he reaches the others.
"Soojin is my girlfriend."
"And Hyunwoo is my son. It was easy blackmail for them."
HJ stands and holds out a hand to B.I., "Looks like we have to work together this time."
He reluctantly shakes his hand, gripping tightly, "Only this once. I don't want to lose that zone, but I can't risk Song going insane over his daughter's death either."
The debating and planning continue with more force, as the deadline doesn't give much time. Now that they can narrow down the subjects, they can plan in more depth. The two groups in question are much cockier, so they'll expect the ultimatum to be enough for cooperation. However, they're both smart enough to plan defenses in case of an ambush, and they have the numbers on their side. You're quick to point out that Bangtan's numbers don't show for power, as the top seven do everything themselves rather than relying on others, protective of everything they started together. Hyunwoo adds that The Strays don't have the same numbers as Bangtan, but that power is much more balanced, with each of the top members taking assistants by their side.
"We have to assume this is Bangtan. I don't think The Strays would be this aggressive. They'd take their sweet time with their attack. They'd probably kidnap Soojin and Hyunwoo together so that they have a larger upperhand." B.I. declares, repeating for clarity, "Bangtan do things on impulse like this. The Strays think too much."
Agreeing, you all begin fully planning the attack. Ultimately, Hyunwoo and Yunhyeong will attend the meeting, since they're the clear emotional targets in this scheme. You will infiltrate enemy lines if at all possible, with the support of the ATEEZ elite hacker, Yeosang. B.I. and HJ will join each group's top sniper, aiming at whoever joins the meeting on the opposite side, as well as keeping eye on anyone who comes into contact with you. Everyone wants this done as quickly and quietly as possible.
After two agonizingly-long days, the plans are put into action. Yeosang finds you an entrance around the side of the building, disabling its alarm long enough for you to get inside. You quickly find yourself in a group of other girls who are being given simple equipment. As you approach, the person hanging out guns asks for your member number. Without fail, iKON's intel expert spits out a number that you repeat with confidence.
"Kim Eunsoo." You relay the information you're given and receive a small handgun.
You follow the others, blindly acting like the rest of the pack. You don't have sight on the meeting, but you find yourself face-to-face with one of Bangtan's top members. He gives you a once-over before giving you the 'follow me' gesture with his fingers. Although you're scared, remembering rumors of him being the harshest of the members despite his sweet-sounding name.
When Suga finally leads you far enough from the others, he throws a hand around your throat and leans in close, "Do you think we're that dumb?"
He pulls your earpiece from your ear and breaks it under his foot before moving his hand to your hair, dragging you to the meeting. He cuffs your wrists behind your back before pushing you to the floor next to your daughter.
"Well, well, well. You actually did try some tricks. Good for you. Now, we have both of your girls, Song. You better give us what we want." RM, Bangtan's leader claims, a smirk plastered on his face the whole time.
He clearly sounds victorious, so you refuse to look up, hiding your proud smile since they're falling so easily into the trap everyone set. There were no disguises; you meant to get caught. As he continues his victory monologue, you fidget with the handcuffs, slipping out easily without letting them see. You press a button planted in the fake wedding ring you're wearing, alerting everyone that you've freed yourself and can continue the plan.
See, they neglected to take the loaded gun back, believing you wouldn't be able to use it anyway due to the constraints.
"RM, tell me. You think we're idiots for trying to beat you this time, right?" Hyunwoo mocks, cutting off the mafia boss mid-sentence, "You think we'd send Y/N in without a disguise and expect to get a win like that. Isn't that right, buddy?"
Right on queue, you point your gun at RM, and the snipers turn the scope lights on, revealing that the other members have targets on their chests. The leader chuckles and raises his hands.
"Oh no! They have us surrounded! Can you believe this, Jin?" Sarcasm flowing from every word, you realize he's planned for far more than you expected.
Understanding RM's plans at the same time, Hyunwoo lunges toward his girlfriend, shielding her body with his. Shots sound. Groans echo through the building as bullets pierce skin, followed quickly by shuffling feet to get the wounded out of harm's way.
When the dust settles, Yunho and B.I. quickly work to treat the wounded. As B.I. removes a bullet from your right shoulder, you tell him that you hit RM clean in the leg.
"It seemed like slow motion. I watched the bullet break his skin right before the pain hit my back."
"If you're such a good shot, we should train you properly. Dunno if your husband would approve, though."
Everyone made it back safely, so you're all exceptionally happy about how smooth it went. Only you and Hyunwoo actually got hit, and, luckily, neither shot hit anything vital. You also know Bangtan didn't suffer many injuries either, which gives you peace of mind.
Once B.I. finishes dressing the wound, you meet with Yunhyeong, who won't stop thanking Hyunwoo for jumping on top of Soojin and taking the bullet. You drag him away and have him meet with Yunho, who sits on the roof with a celebratory bottle of beer.
"Hey... Thanks for helping save our daughter." Yunhyeong nervously starts, sitting in between the two of you.
"Now, Yunho, so you want to tell Yunhyeong what you told me?"
Silence falls over the group momentarily.
"Nah, I think this speaks enough." Stubbornly, he takes another swig of his drink before laying back, "I'll help my friends, even if the companies we work for are rivals."
As silence creeps in again, you decide not to push for it anymore tonight. You already have a nice victory to sit on, so you feel no need to try for another. You lay down and let your mind drift as you stare up at the stars, knowing full well that Yunhyeong will accept Hyunwoo as family, meaning Yunho will slowly become part of the family as well.
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thedigitalpen · 5 years
My 10 favourite... beefcake animes!
Okay yes, I realise that this is a rather weird title. I had originally thought to call it something along the lines of my favourite martial arts or fighting animes, but because the animes don’t always fall into that category, I decided to call a spade, a spade (or a beefcake, a beefcake) and admit that, most times sometimes, I just enjoy animes with muscular guys in them. That’s not to forget the ladies though because some of these shows also feature some rather muscular ladies in the mix too. So there’s something for everyone!
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So, in no particular order (because the genres are sometimes different so making comparisons wouldn’t be fair):
1. Street Fighter series.
Hardly a surprise considering that this is a series that has a legacy firmly placed in the gaming world. Although you don’t really need to know who’s who in order to watch these shows, it doesn’t hurt to know a little about the characters before you jump in - mainly because the creators assume that those who watch it are fans of the show. Expect a fair amount of fighting (the name gives that one away), lots of bromance (Ryu and Ken 4eva!) and the eternal fight of good vs. evil (which is usually the plot of every show/movie)! Even if you aren’t familiar with Ryu & co., the show won’t lead you astray so you can watch without worry. Oh and let me just say - Chun Li is ma gurl! If you want to see a woman that’s not only beautiful but can also kick your ass, then watch these shows - especially Street Fight II the movie! 
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2. Hajime no Ippo.
One of my most favourite sports animes of all time which tells the tale of Makunouchi Ippo and his rise up the ranks of the boxing world. He starts off as a kid that just wants to get stronger so that he can fend off the bullies who harass him. Sick of his weak self (and after a couple of incidents here and there), Ippo joins a boxing gym, starting from scratch and going through basic training. His coach sees his potential and helps shape Ippo into a power boxer who fights head on and never backs down from the fight. Throughout the series, we get to know the other boxers in the gym as well as the competitors that they face, and we watch them battle it out in the ring. It’s a story with a great balance of sports, a sprinkling of slice of life (well, the life of a boxer) and comedy. And, of course, boxing boys come with boxing bodies... and I’m not complaining! And if you enjoy this and want more, try either “Ashita no Joe” (old school classic) or it’s more recent spin-off, “Megalo Box”. Oh and in terms of strong women - no one beats Ippo’s mom! She’s a powerhouse!
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3. Baki the Grappler.
More of an MMA vibe with this one - it’s about a kid (he’s like 13 when we first meet him) who has been raised to be a fighter since he was born - his mother gets him the best trainers and equipment money can buy. He eventually feels like he’s outgrown the traditional training method and starts to find other ways to become a better fighter, which includes following his fathers footsteps - training the same way he did and with the people he did - and taking on some of the other fighters he meets along the way. After an altercation with his father (using that term rather lightly), Baki’s path eventually leads to the underground fight scene where challengers can test their strength and face off against each other in an anything-goes type of fight, using whatever techniques, power and skills they have at their disposal. And Baki’s ultimate goal? To defeat his father! It’s got some family drama as the foundation, but when it comes to beefcakes, there’s no shortage here - even if it is a 17-year old kid looking like a grown-ass man. Oh, best to be aware that (excluding the OVAs) there 3 seasons of Baki - the anime series from 2001 and the 2018 Netflix version which covers the "Most Evil Death Row Convicts" arc. 
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4. Kengan Ashura.
When I first started watching this, the first thing I thought was - ahhh! this reminds me of Baki! And, indeed, there are quite a few elements that are similar. There isn’t any family drama here but there is an underground fight scene where anything goes in terms of fight style. However, the premise here is that the fighters don’t fight for themselves (well, not officially anyway) but that they fight for various companies who settle their business disputes via these types of organised “kengan” matches. It eventually reaches a situation where some of the other businessmen wish to get rid of the current Kengan chairman, and so this chairman organises a huge battle royale for any companies that wish to enter. The prize? The owner of the winning company gets to be the next chairman! This sets the stage for a number of one-on-one showdowns between the various fighter representatives. In terms of background stories, we have two main protagonists and their stories. The one is about a salaryman (turned “CEO”) and his life, as well his relationship with his son, and the other is about a fighter and the vendetta he holds against another fighter for a past incident. Personally, I love the way the fights are presented in this show - not only because of the eye-candy - but because it really does feel like you’re at a grand show! Oh, and unlike Baki, at least most of the fighers are adults.
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5. Golden Kamuy.
Bring on the boys! Honestly one of the most entertaining shows I’ve watched in a while (and one where I demand that there be another season at least!) and also culturally/historically interesting too. It’s set around the time of the Russo-Japanese war and follows the story of Immortal Sugimoto - a soldier who left active service and finds out that there may be Ainu gold hidden somewhere in Hokkaido. The only problem is that the map has been tattooed in pieces, onto the torsos of various prisoners, most of whom have dispersed to different areas. Nevertheless, thus begins the hunt for the map! Along the way, Sugimoto meets various people along the way - making allies with some and enemies with others - all of whom are associated with each other in interconnecting ways. And all of whom are working toward one goal - get the gold! It’s a brilliant show that’s got some fighting, some mystery, some espionage vibes, some comedy (some of which is could be considered dark and/or weird) and some feels. It balances it all out and makes for an interesting and entertaining watch. Oh, and let’s not forget - a very enjoyable watch too! Mm mm mmm...
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6. All Out!!
Another sport anime here, but this time it’s rugby! As someone from a country where rugby is a staple, national sport, this was totally up my ally! The premise is similar to most other school-based sports animes - a kid who’s self-conscious about his height joins the rugby team and learns to get along with the other boys as he trains and works together with them as part of the team. This is not only so that he can help the team improve, but to also prove his own worth. The team goes through training camps and they play against other schools, getting to know some of the opposing teams’ members and establishing some rivalries along the way. It’s pretty typical fare, but damn are these boys stacked! It’s pretty accurate though since rugby is a contact sport which requires some power (and apparently some short, tight shorts) to get the job done. It’s a light watch, but that eye candy is truly sweet!
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7. Tiger Mask W.
From rugby to wrestling! This actually a continuation of sorts to the original Tiger Mask and Tiger Mask II series, building on the legacy and keeping related in the same sphere, but not directly incorporating the older characters. Unfortunately, the original series is hella hard to get hold of but even without it, you can watch Tiger Mask W without much of an issue. So the story is about a guy who had decided to join a wrestling gym and was pretty happy there until the gym was destroyed by another rival gym. Vowing to take that other gym down, he strikes out on his own and eventually joins one of the national wrestling associations, working in their match roster. But it’s all so that he can reach his goal of taking down that other gym by defeating the players supported by them. Enter into the ring various wrestling friends and both friendly and unfriendly rivals (including an old friend - bromance anyone?) and you get plenty of matches, plenty of muscles and some satisfying action! They also don’t forget the female wrestlers, which is a nice touch! Another one that’s light enough to enjoy at face value - much like how you’d enjoy real wrestling too.
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8. Gifuu Doudou!! Kanetsugu to Keiji. 
A historical vibe with this one - it’s actually based on the spin-off of the original manga, “Keiji” which was created by Tetsuo Hara. And if that name doesn’t ring a bell, check number 10 on this list and you’ll know who I’m talking about - that’s right, it’s the guy who worked on Hokuto no Ken - and that should immediately give you an idea as to why this show is on the list. It’s a period piece about the friendship between Maeda Keiji and Naoe Kanetsugu - both of whom found their accomplishments on the battlefield. It’s told in hindsight, where they sit together, have a drink or three and reminisce about their younger days and what it took to get to where they are now. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but it was pretty entertaining - especially when you see just how clever these guys were when it came to political maneuvering as well as in a fight. Of course, they’re pretty high in the beefcake stakes so if you like your men manly, then you’ve come to the right era. 
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9. Dragon Ball series.
I’m pretty sure that I don’t have to talk about this anime, but in the interest of completeness, let me give you the wiki breakdown about what this anime is about: “The series follows the adventures of the protagonist, Son Goku, from his childhood through adulthood as he trains in martial arts. He spents his life far from civilization, until he is found by Bloomer, a teen girl who encourages him to explore the world in search of the seven orbs known as the Dragon Balls, which summon a wish-granting dragon when gathered. Along his journey, Goku makes several friends and battles a wide variety of villains, many of whom also seek the Dragon Balls.” (source). Of course, this is continued throughout the various series that follow, where Goku has his own family etc. But when it comes to the muscle factor in this show, it’s got it where it counts - everywhere! It’s a classic for a reason so even if you aren’t into beefcake guys, you should still probably watch it if you haven’t already.
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10. Hokuto no Ken.
It just wouldn’t feel right if I had to leave this off the list because when someone says “manly anime”, I’m betting that 99.9% of the time most people think about Hokuto no Ken / Fist of the North Star. It’s the post-apocalyptic era and times are tough, with everyone fighting to survive with what little there is on the planet. Some guys want to be rulers, some guys want to be thugs, but one guy just wants to find his fiancee and do what he can to right the wrongs of the world and make a difference to the people he meets. That one man is, of course, Kenshiro. It’s full-tilt action, usually incorporating martial arts through the various fighting styles of the characters - whether it’s Hokuto Shinken, Nanto Seiken or sometimes just brute force and good old hand-to-hand combat. There’s a few female characters here and there who also kick ass so it isn’t completely one-sided, but they usually end up getting saved by the dudes so take that with a pinch of salt. Post-apocalyptic world or not, these guys sure can maintain their physiques. And when it comes time for a fight, you best believe they pull no punches! If you like pure fighting animes where you get to see people explode each episode, followed by the most epic line ever said in anime, then this is the one! 
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Honourable mentions.
...because, can we really do without more muscular men and women in our lives?
1. Terra Formars - if you’re looking specifically for that muscular vibe, then try season 1. While I enjoyed both, season 1 had better animation (for me) and they all looked badass when defeating those nasty roaches - both the men and the ladies! 2. Hinomaru Sumo - a sports anime that revolves around a newly formed high school sumo club and the career path of the main protagonist. Informative if you don’t know much about sumo and, as expected, loads of meaty guys aiming for victory and aiming for the position of yokozuna. 3. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure - another show that hardly requires an introduction and would probably take way too long to explain considering how many Jojo’s there are, but rest assured, the guys are packed, stacked and ready to attack! 4. One Punch Man - if only because there a few characters who fit the beefcake category perfectly, e.g. Suiryu (hello there!), Garou and Tanktop Master to name a few. An anime that’s some parts serious, some part hilarious but always flipping shounen tropes on its head. 5. Sengoku Basara - also, not completely beefed out, but there are a few characters who would make the grade, e.g. Maeda Keiji (dejavu from number 8?) and Oda Nobunaga. Another period anime, based on a Capcom game, that uses a lot of poetic licence to make it an exciting watch with very memorable characters. 6. Free! - “Make us free na Splash! Kasaneta... 👏 👏 !” Swimmers bodies - that is all. If you’ve ever seen a swimmer’s bodies in real life, you’ll know what I mean ‘cos they have muscles in all the right places. A slice-of-life sports anime that revolves around high school boys (who eventually become college boys) who engage in competitive swimming. 7. Air Master - The ladies take over in this one, which is a show that revolves around street fighting and the goal of those various street fighters and martial artists to become number 1 on the Fukamichi Rankings. It’s more of that underground fight scene vibe but the main protagonist is a gymnast-turned-street fighter who takes on anyone who’ll challenge her (man or woman) and usually kick their ass. It’s got a quirky/weird sense of humour to it, but that’s part of why I liked it.
Well, I’m pretty sure that there are other shows that I’ve missed, and mountains of characters who have that A-grade beef, but I tried to choose shows that specifically have that muscular aesthetic as a default setting in the show. Hopefully I hit the mark here, sharing my faves with you, but if there’s some show or character that I absolutely must see, feel free to let me know! Because just like Tanigaki’s shirt, I’m always open to suggestions.
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raeynbowboi · 4 years
Bob’s Burgers 10th Anniversary Retrospective
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After ten years, Bob, Linda, and the Kids are just as delightfully wacky and endearing as they ever were, and show no signs of slowing down. So I wanted to put together an ultra mega review of the series. I’ll give an opinion on main and recurring characters, as with a cast this big, there’s been a lot of endearing characters to grace the show over the years. However, I will only be counting characters that have appeared more than once. After ten years, there’s been some real gems, and some real misfires. So, I’ll be counting down my top 10 best episodes, and the bottom 10 worst episodes. I’ll also go through as a Highlight Reel, by picking a best and worst episode of each season, as well as crowning the Best Season with the most good episodes.
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Bob Belcher
Honestly, Bob was a very easy character to mess up. He’s the straight man to his wacky family’s antics. But the show does a really great job making Bob simple and lowkey without making him boring or a stick in the mud. He may be resistant to weird things, but he puts up with it anyway to make his family happy.  While he’s the serious straight man, they don’t fail to give Bob his own eccentricities and quirks that make him relatable and funny in his own way. Whether he’s making things talk, getting weirdly excited about Thanksgiving, or his awkward way of speaking, Bob is genuinely a good and relatable character. It’s also nice to see that Bob is a great husband and a loving father. He and Linda argue from time to time, but they’re not trapped in a loveless marriage for the kid’s sake like most shows. And even shows where that’s not a selling point like American Dad, Bob shows more remorse for things like forgetting their anniversary than Stan does for Francine. Bob is supportive, loving, and forgiving. Which is just amazing to watch. The times when his kids really need him, he’s there for them, and he helps them through their problems. While Bob might fight with and get mad with or annoyed by his family, Bob never treats them like people he’s stuck with. Frankly, Bob blows most animated TV dads out of the water. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Stan or Francine give quiet supportive talks to Steve or Hayley ever in American Dad. Peter used to at least try to be a decent father, but now is a negligent toddler. Likewise, Homer used to be a great father who cared about his kids, but later seasons have really stepped away from the family angle the Simpsons used to have. In a sea of adult animated families that are toxic and destructive, Bob’s genuine love for his family came as a breath of fresh air.
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Linda Belcher
Linda is by far the best Adult Animation TV mom there is. For one thing, she’s funnier than Francine, Lois, and Marge combined. But more importantly, she’s not the butt of the joke when it happens. I can only really remember laughing at Francine when they make dumb blonde jokes with her, but Linda’s jokes come from her character. She could have easily been the gender inverted Homer or Peter, but the writers are careful to make her gullible, trusting, and goofy without making her a moron. When the kids do something wrong, Linda busts out the tough mom act and you genuinely believe that the kids are in trouble. She’s not faking it. She’s not off in her own little world. She’s a bit of a goofy dreamer, but she’s able to be the tough disciplinarian when she needs to be. Her relationship with Bob is also better than most adult animation wives. She’s more independent than the other housewives, and even though her job is working with her husband, it never feels like it robs Linda of her own power, autonomy, and freedom. But the best thing about Linda is that I think most people can agree, she has an extremely strong and charming personality that endears us to her.
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Tina Belcher
I really wish I could say I liked Tina more. She’s a creative romantic, just like me. I should love her. But her monotone deliveries and awkwardness isn’t as endearing as Bob’s. I like her better in episodes like Teen-A Witch and Broadcast Wagstaff School News where she has a bit stronger of a personality. But unfortunately, Tina is my least favorite member of the Belcher family, which isn’t to say that I hate her, she just doesn’t shine as bright as the rest of her family. She’s just not very funny or interesting on her own. But on the plus side, at least I don’t find Tina to be annoying or terrible except in the rare bad episode.
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Gene Belcher
Gene is the only member of the family that can regularly get my dad to laugh, and with good reason. If he wasn’t such a well of nonsequitor punchlines, Gene would probably be the worst member of the family, but boy howdy do those random jokes pick up the slack. Gene is genuinely hilarious, even if I’d only rank him above Tina in terms of favoritism. However, I find that most Gene-centric episodes to be lackluster or below average. I think Gene’s best episode is probably Y Tu Ga-Ga Tambien, but of the best episodes, none really come to mind that specifically star Gene. Gene is really better suited for a supporting role, and his times as the star showcase why comic reliefs aren’t the main character. They’re support characters for a reason. That’s not to say Gene-centric episodes are terrible. They just tend to range from about average to bad. Though Y Tu Ga-Ga Tambien is a pretty good one.
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Louise Belcher
Bob and Linda saved the best for last because Louise is the breakout star of the show. Funny, interesting, and the focus of many of the better episodes, Louise stands proudly on the first place podium with Linda in 2nd and Bob taking 3rd place. I think Louise’s strengths are especially due to her standoffish and naughty personality, which has lent itself to a lot of good character growth episodes. Season 10 Louise seems a lot more mature than Season 1 Louise. I think Louise works because while she does often have clever or sneaky solutions to problems, they don’t forget that she’s 9, so unlike Stewie, her age does present hurdles and barriers to her schemes and plans.
The Best and Worst of Bob’s Burgers
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#10 WORST: Pro-Tiki/Con-Tiki (S6e15)
Why couldn’t Warren Fitzgerald just put that $100,000 into advertisements or to help Bob buy better equipment for his restaurant? My biggest issue with this episode isn’t the episode itself, it’s that the ending makes no sense. Warren wants to help Bob because he has a form of riches Warren lacks, and Bob doesn’t want a corporate sponsor to make changes to his brand. But why can’t Warren just give Bob the money to make choices he wants to make? They could stay as business partners, but Bob doesn’t have to sacrifice his personal vision for the restaurant. It’s just really frustrating when they’re both being too stupid and stubborn to see the obvious solution in front of their faces.
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#10 BEST: Teen-a Witch (S7e03)
One of Tina’s best episodes, as someone who had a goth phase myself and dabbled a tiny amount in ‘witchcraft’, this episode brings back memories of high school and the desire to make the world what I wanted it to be. But on top of that, Tina with a backbone is when she really shines as a character, mostly because it means her humor isn’t being derived from her being awkward.
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#9 WORST: Live and Let Fly (S9e05)
Mr. Frond embarrasses the kids, and they team up with Up-Skirt Kurt to get revenge against his sister and Mr. Frond. I’m not a fan of Kurt, so I already don’t care much about his feud with his sister, but I also just find the episode kind of boring. I don’t care about Kurt, I don’t care about his feud, and the kids call off their revenge, so that ends up not mattering either. Even Bob and Linda’s side plot is only middle-of-the-road quality for Bob’s Burgers.
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#9 BEST: Wharf Horse/World Wharf II (S4e21-22)
The very first two-part episode Bob’s Burgers ever had, the season 4 finale is a great watching experience. It has some fun songs, funny character exchanges, suspenseful drama, and some heartfelt moments. It feels like a short movie, and that’s a good thing for a two-part episode to do. Even Fanny and Felix are interesting villains. But even after everything Felix did, I don’t find myself loathing him in later episodes, and that’s a hard thing to accomplish.
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#8 WORST: Tina-Rannosaurus Wrecks (S3e07)
This is the only bad Tina episode where the problem isn’t Tina herself. My biggest issue with this episode is more just the subject matter. Bob lies for insurance reasons about who was driving his car, and the entire episode is just Bob and Tina digging a deeper and deeper hole for themselves. The solution to the issue is clever enough to redeem the episode somewhat, but the majority of the watching experience is just kind of an awkward dance of watching these two getting tangled up in a web of lies.
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#8 BEST: The Taking of Funtime One Two Three (S9e02)
Bar none, this is the single best ‘Heist’ episode of Bob’s Burgers, and it’s kind of crazy that Bob’s Burgers has actually built a repertoire to where I can make a list of ‘heist’ episodes as an archetype. This one feels the most like an actual heist movie, and the ending is legitimately clever and unexpected. But even more than that, if you’re paying attention, you can see the twist before the characters even reveal it. That is the kind of tight writing that makes the list for best episodes.
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#7 WORST: A Fish Called Tina (S10e12)
Tina spends an episode trying way too hard to make someone like her, to the point that she almost humiliates a 4th grader in public just so she can live out some fantasy. It’s really uncomfortable and sickening to watch Tina do this. This will be a recurring issue with Tina’s low-point episodes. There’s nothing fun about watching a character make a complete idiot out of themselves by coming on too strong. It even makes me groan when Kaylie shows up in another Season 10 episode because I don’t want to have to think about this awful episode.
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#7 BEST: Stand By Gene (S6e12)
Something about this episode really just brings back memories of my childhood. Memories of walking through the outdoors, just exploring and wanting to find things. The characters are funny, and Bob and Linda’s relationship is put to the test. Plus, I loved that for the entire episode, you don’t know how it’ll end. It really makes this a personal favorite and one of the episodes I knew had to make it on my list.
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#6 WORST: The Grand Mama-Pest Hotel (S7e13)
Linda ruins things for Tina by being an overbearing annoyance. Are you noticing a trend with Bob’s Burgers’ worst episodes? I don’t like it when good characters make complete jackasses out of themselves in the name of ‘humor’. It’s not funny. It’s annoying and makes me dislike them. Thankfully, the worst of it is only in the latter half of the 2nd act and the entire third act, but Linda’s behavior just makes me cringe and ask why they had to do Linda dirty like this? It just puts me even more squarely on the side that Tina is entirely in the right and I don’t want to deal with Lind either.
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#6 BEST: Broadcast Wagstaff School News (S3e12)
From Tina at her lowest point to Tina at her best, Broadcast Wagstaff School News is my favorite episode of the first 5 seasons. Tina’s funny and engaging, Gene is absolutely shining as Little Bob, and while Louise and Linda play supporting roles in this episode, they’re still funny as well. Plus, the mystery is a good one, and this episode is even referenced in later seasons.
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#5 WORST: Mazel-Tina (S4e13)
Tina ruins Tammy’s birthday and steals her party. This is Tina at rock bottom. Tina is so despicable, cruel, and selfish in this episode that it reminds me that behind that creative awkward girl is a selfish brat who doesn’t care if she hurts other people if she can live out her fantasies. If other episodes didn’t rescue Tina from being so unlikable, I probably would hate Tina as a character entirely for her behavior in this episode.
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#5 BEST: The Silence of the Louise (S8e02)
Movie parodies are some of the best, and The Silence of the Louise is the queen of all the movie parodies. When Mr. Frond’s therapy dolls are mutilated, and the school staff calls off the waterpark trip until the culprit is caught, Louise teams up with psycho Millie to figure out whodunnit. This is also one of the first time Millie wasn’t strictly an antagonist, and she genuinely felt like someone who could be Louise’s friend someday.
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#4 WORST: Boywatch (S8e16)
Tina ruins things for other people by coming on too strong. The only reason this is ranked higher than Mozel-Tina is because in that episode, she just wanted to be at the party, and just kind of ended up as the star of the party and let it go to her head, whereas here, she is actively ruining things for other people in pursuit of her own delusions and fantasies. Tina has no desire to be a junior lifeguard, but cute boys causes her to behave like a troublemaker. She’s entirely out of character, and her teammates’ hate for her behavior is something I agree with. I don’t want to hate the main characters, so why does this show keep pushing to make Tina a nuisance who ruins experiences for other people?
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#4 BEST: The Quirkducers (S7e06)
If the Silence of the Louise is the queen of film parodies, then The Quirkducers is the king. Not only is it a clever parody of The Producers, but it also has some damn good musical numbers, especially the edited end credit version. But it’s Tina’s song at the end that stands as one of my favorites of all Bob’s Burgers’ songs.
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#3 WORST: Bed & Breakfast (S1e07)
If a Fish Called Tina is bad, then Bed & Breakfast is flaming garbage. Linda turns their apartment into a Bed and Breakfast, and Linda goes berserk when the guests don’t play into her expectations. This episode verges from below average to detestable as Linda goes insane and locks people in their rooms, and Louise drives a grown man to attack workers by preying on his fear. 
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#3 BEST: The Hauntening (S6e03)
This is hands-down the best Halloween episode that Bob’s Burgers ever made. This show turns out some amazing holiday episodes, and this is one of the best the Belchers have to offer. I won’t dare give away anything about this episode. If you’ve seen it, you know why it’s top of the heap, and if you haven’t, then all I can say is what are you waiting for? Delayed gratification has to pay off eventually.
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#2 WORST: Every Which Way But Goose (S9e14)
Tina falls in love with a goose. Who smoked crack before writing this episode, and who huffed enough paint thinner to approve this episode for production? This is the absolute dumbest concept for an episode I have ever come across. Who thought this was a good idea? I can’t even pinpoint the flaws because this entire episode is just so flawed. At least Mazel-Tina and Boywatch enrage me. This just baffles me.
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#2 BEST: A Few Gurt Men (S7e11)
When Mr. Ambrose accuses Mr. Frond of stealing his yogurt from the faculty lounge, the case is brought before student court, and Louise is tasked with acting as Defense Council for Mr. Frond. One thing Bob’s Burgers does well is mysteries, and this is a good one as Louise has to figure out a way to prove Frond’s innocence. This is just an absolute personal favorite. Every character is just on point, and I get excited when the episode starts to que up.
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#1 WORST: Moody Foodie (S2e07)
Did you ever want to watch the Belchers commit a felony? Then boy howdy do I have an episode for you! A picky food critic responsible for shutting down restaurants comes to Bob’s Burgers. Bob messes up the order, and a visit to the critic’s house to get him to try his burger again leads to a hostage situation with the critic tied to a chair and gagged in his own home. Words cannot describe the depth to which I hate this episode. The entire episode feels dirty and vile. I feel the need to scrub my skin raw after sitting through this episode. The instant I realize that it’s come on, I skip the the next one. I have literally only sat through this episode once. This episode disgusts me. This episode has the main character, abduct somebody in their own home. Then they take a second hostage when a mailman delivers the guy’s package. Luckily, Bob’s Burgers has a lot of good episodes to make up for this one bad egg, but this episode enrages me to the point that if the family wasn’t so charming and endearing most of the time, I might have stopped watching based just on this one episode.
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#1 BEST: The Bleakening: Part 1 & 2 (S8e06-07)
The first time I saw these episodes, they played back to back without any credits in between them, and I thought it was one episode, and I didn’t even realize it was the length of two episodes. Between the amazing songs, the brain bending twists, the creative creature, the dark elements that contrast the bright lights of the holidays, and the uplifting ending, this pair of episodes stands paramount as the single greatest viewing experience that Bob’s Burgers has to offer.
Favorite Friend of the Kids: Regular-Sized Rudy
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First appearing in Carpe Museum, Rudy came back in The Kids Rob a Train, where he has remained a friend of the kids since. Rudy was the first to join the kids if you don’t count Andy and Ollie who seem to dip in and back out as to whether they’re included in the friend group. Rudy was thus the first to be made a main member of the kids’ friend group.
Favorite Schoolyard Seven: Jocelyn
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The Schoolyard Seven is the friend group of the three Belchers, Jimmy Jr., Zeke, Tammy, and Jocelyn. Not counting the Belchers, it was a close call between Zeke and Jocelyn. Tammy and Jimmy Jr. tend to be typecast as serving one niche thing, but Zeke and Jocelyn are often the comedic gold. However, while Zeke is more interesting of the two, I just enjoy Jocelyn too much to not give her the win. Even if Jocelyn’s humor is just a walking dumb blonde trope, like Gene, Jocelyn has a knack for funny one-liners. If the groups has another name, I’m not privy to it.
Favorite Friend of the Family: Micky
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Though he’s less connected to the family now, Micky has been a friend to the Belchers since Bob Day Afternoon, and returning in Bob Fires the Kids. Since his introduction, Micky has gotten a job at Wonder Wharf, where he has remained since.
Favorite Recurring Villain: Logan Bush
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First appearing in Ears-y Rider, Logan has been a fun and interesting frenemy for Louise to match wits with. In a show where most other villains are the same age as the main characters (Millie, Tammy, Chloe, Jimmy Pesto, Hugo) Logan stands out as a legitimate bully. Yet, even he was willing to work with Louise in Mother-Daughter Laser Razor, showing that there is wiggle room for the two of them to even join forces and spread havoc together.
Favorite Tina Love Interest: Duncan
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Earnest if not a little awkward, Duncan seems like a sweet boy for Tina to possibly end up with. Sasha Whiteman is another character I could easily see being a good boyfriend to Tina because his quick wit and social graces make him a great foil to Tina, and he excels where Tina falls short. Zeke has a good chance to be a good boyfriend, but Tina still spits his name when she greets him, so I doubt she’d take interest in him unless something happens to change their dynamic. I liked Josh, but now that he’s said he doesn’t like her anymore and she agreed that she feels the same, I doubt we’re going to see them date further in the future.
Favorite Side Character: Nat Kinkle the Limo Driver
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First appearing in Season 8 episode 8 V for Valentine-detta, I must not be the only fan of Nat’s because she made two appearances in the 10th season, in episode 1 The Ring (But Not Scary) and episode 17 Just the Trip. Currently with only 3 appearances, she’s still only a side character, but I get the feeling that like with Rudy, Courtney, Darrel and Alex before her, Nat will keep becoming a more frequent character. She just has a great vibe, and her charisma is intoxicating. She meshes great with the family, making her an absolute delight to watch.
Favorite Bit Character: Marshmallow
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Although she’s appeared in multiple episodes since her introduction in Sheesh, Cab Bob, Marshmallow has never gotten much more than a couple lines, with her biggest role being in The Bleakening where she had more to say. She was also the first major LGBT+ recurring character on the show, which also made her a joy to see, whenever she returned to Bob’s Burgers.
Favorite Headcanon: Gene is Genderfluid
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Gene’s jokes have been centered on his gender or sexuality since the first season finale. A joke once in a while is one thing, but ten years of the same sorts of jokes tells the sharp viewer that there’s more to it than just a running gag. With how many jokes have Gene talk about having boobs, synching his cycle, or calling himself Tina and Louise’s sister or Bob and Linda’s daughter, it’s my opinion that Gene is genderfluid, or possibly even transgender. The only reason I say genderfluid over a transgirl is because he still also addresses himself as a boy or a man as much as he does girl jokes.
Best Song: Twinkly Lights (Ms. XXX-Mas)
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Not only does Toddrick Hall absolutely kill this performance, but I also love the meaning of the song about POC inclusivity and pride in the LGBT+ community. As the final song in The Bleakening, it’s one hell of a closing number, and I can’t help but dance in my seat whenever it plays. I’ve even listened to it independent from watching the show, and honor I don’t bestow on every song.
Best Episode Archetypes:
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The Best Heist: The Taking of Funtime One Two Three
The Belcher kids have stolen a number of things. Chocolate, a bounce house, but the absolute creme de la creme of their heists is the procuring of the Dunebuggy from Family Funtime. When Family Funtime unplugs the macchines whenver the kids get too many tickets from them, the kids decide to pull off the heist of a century to make off with the biggest prize of the arcade: the dune buggy.
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The Kids Tell An Anthology: Moms, Lies, and Videotapes
From the Gayle Tales to The Handyman Can, the kids have told a number of anthology stories, but the most impressive of the bunch is their stories of the mother’s day plays into three interesting stories. Though true to form, Gene’s is the weakest of the three, as his usually are. I don’t recall any time when his anthology was the best of the kids’, but then, Gene is not the most creative of the three children. His best story is probably in The Frond Files where his story’s world is colorful and fun to observe.
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Best Musical Episode: The Bleakening
Not only do these episodes have a lot of musical numbers, but there is not a single one that doesn’t hit a home run. But more importantly, the entire episode is a musical, with each number helping to tie and bridge together the narrative, which is the entire purpose of musical numbers in a proper musical, which makes this the single best musical episode mainly because it’s the only episode that’s a true blue musical.
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Best Holiday Episode: The Hauntening
With The Bleakening already taking the top spot for musical episodes, that leaves the Miss Congeniality of the holiday episodes to take the crown. I didn’t spoil anything about this episode above, and I won’t say a thing about it now. This episode is solid gold.
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Best Film Parody: The Quirkducers
Not only is this episode clever in the way it uses its source material, but the family all have moments to shine despite the stars being Louise and Gene. The show also makes good use of the Schoolhouse Seven (the main group of the Belcher Kids, Jimmy and Zeke, and Tammy and Jocelyn), and each of them brings something great to the episode. It undoubtedly earned its place in the top 10, and will likely hold its place for years to come.
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thefandomlesbian · 4 years
okay I DEFINITELY want to see you rank your favorite BAU characters
oh boy oh boy oh boy i’m TOAST--
1.) Emily Prentiss: This woman was my gay awakening and I’m still madly in love with her. All of my original works when I was in middle school featured a character who was basically Emily Prentiss under a different name, and she still is easily in my second favorite fictional character of all time. 
2.) Spencer Reid: Spencer was the first character I ever saw on screen who loved learning as much as I did and made me realize there’s no shame in being intelligent or in craving knowledge. I’ve been compared to Spencer since my family first started watching the show when I was a kid, and we share a name, so that’s that.
3.) Aaron Hotchner: I projected all of my insecurities onto Hotch when I was a kid. When I watched his relationship with Haley fall apart on screen, I felt that in my very bones. I cried with him upon her death and raised Jack with him and even though I was long out of the fandom when TG was fired, I was still devastated to hear that he was being forced to leave. His ship with Reid was the first gay ship I ever connected to, and together, they were the first characters to ever teach me that people are gay and it’s okay. The one thing I do dislike about Hotch is how he’s implied to be wickedly intelligent, but it never gets, like, followed through with? The implication that he graduated law school at nineteen or twenty asserts that this man graduated high school when he was sixteen or younger, that he sped through undergrad and was able to get accepted into one of the most prestigious law schools in the country and graduated early and was an incredibly successful lawyer and prosecutor. He worked personal security, SWAT, he did a stent in Seattle, before he became leader of the BAU at twenty-seven years old. Hotch is, in all likelihood, a child prodigy of his own right, and it never gets mentioned because Spencer’s academic accomplishments are more impressive (and I could take this space to do a whole character study on why I think Hotch stopped his pursuit of academia, but I won’t waste my own time, lol). 
4.) Elle Greenaway/Alex Blake: I love both of these ladies so I had to include them. Elle was done dirty by the canon and I adored her work in season one and the unique sensitivity she brought to the field when the BAU was still, as one unsub described it, “a boy’s club.” Alex took a little longer to grow on me (mostly because I was super bitter about Emily being gone that I didn’t want to like her), but the relationship she nurtured with Spencer was like no other, and her submitting her resignation to him instead of her direct superior gets me in the feels every time I watch it. 
5.) Erin Strauss: Strauss is another character done wrong by the canon, and I’m so furious and bitter for her still. I loved watching her grow from a stern politician into someone who genuinely cared about the BAU as part of her family and would do anything to protect them. It was true character development that she went from trying to come for Hotch’s job in season two to deliberately fabricating paperwork to try to catch the Replicator in season eight, the latter which she did without informing anyone because she knew it could put them in danger. Watching her grow close to the team, watching Alex forgive her for her transgressions and become bonded with Rossi and Hotch, I really thought we were going to have an awesome thing going in later seasons, and I was devastated when I saw that it was all poorly written build up just so the writers could snatch the rug out from under us when they killed her off. She gave her life to protect the BAU and I’m going to work to redeem her character in my pieces. (This is an Erin Strauss AND Haley Hotchner defense blog, leave my ladies alone.) 
6.) Dave Rossi: I sometimes take issue with Rossi’s character because he can be so damn arrogant and in early seasons seems to think he’s God’s gift to profiling, but I’m so fond of him for his nurturing relationship with the other characters. He doesn’t believe himself to have any family (of course we find out later he has a daughter, but besides that) so he takes it upon himself to make himself the father of the team. We see this dynamic with Emily and Spencer the most, with Morgan to some degree, with Ashley Seaver a lot (one of the only things I loved about Seaver’s presence in S6), and even with Jack’s little league team. Rossi who will do anything and everything for his team because those are his kids, dammit. 
7.) Penelope Garcia: Penelope is my little ray of sunshine! I love sweet and special headcanons about her and how she keeps up with the team and brings joy to their lives. We share a love for cats, and her origin story always makes me chuckle, especially the opening scene where she says, “I am a psychopath,” and Hotch says, “No, you’re not.” Her relationship with Morgan brings me joy, though I’m still frustrated with the canon for not following through on that and making it “just talk.” I also disliked how canon handled her relationship with Kevin. I love Penelope as a character, but there were some moments that I thought were not written very well for her which is why she isn’t higher up on the list.
8.) Jason Gideon: I know it’s popular to drag Gideon in this fandom, but I like him a lot, and I think his downfall played into the team very well in the end when it led to Rossi’s joining the team. He had some of my favorite moments, especially when he chose to save the school children rather than apprehend Frank (I like to imagine what the other characters would have done in his shoes if Frank had fixated on them instead) and when he saved Billie Copeland while everyone else was prepared to throw in the towel. I like his dynamic with the team and how they (other than Spencer) lose faith in him from the pilot and then gain it back slowly. I enjoy how he interacts with Spencer and teaches him things on screen. I do take issue with his allowing Spencer to view him as a father figure when he knows that that is what Spencer desperately needs and I think Gideon, as compassionate as he is, can be unintentionally manipulative and quite harmful. Still, I think he’s a very intriguing character and I regret we didn’t get more of him. 
9.) JJ: It’s not that I dislike JJ actively (though if you had asked me ten years ago, I probably would’ve said I did). I find JJ’s character incredibly difficult to relate to because, much like I mentioned with Penelope above, she is a victim of bad writing. Unlike Penelope, JJ’s bad writing is damn near ubiquitous from the time Henry is born until the end of the show. She can’t be in a scene with a victim or a family member without bringing up her family, and every time she shows her actual personality, it gets followed up with, “I’m also a mom!” I don’t relate to women whose entire lives revolve around their children, so finding any common ground with me and JJ is extraordinarily difficult. More than that, I abhor her relationship with Will and how Will was allowed to treat her so incredibly poorly and not only does the fandom worship him and never call him out--the writers acted like JJ was in the wrong. It drives me absolutely insane that Will and Haley treated their partners in the exact same way, their character arcs line up almost perfectly, but Will winds up happily married to JJ with two kids and Haley gets to bleed out on the floor of her own home while her husband clutches her dead body and weeps. This storyline is just part of the misogyny in the Criminal Minds canon, and though I like JJ, I have a hard time seeing past all of it to form a good bond with her. Fanon JJ > Canon JJ. 
10.) Derek Morgan: Derek is a character who I think had a lot of wasted potential. He’s the expert on obsessional crimes--never mentioned again. He’s the expert on explosives--mentioned two or three times. Chicago PD? We never get any information as to how he went from PD to FBI. Derek is such a wildly intelligent man, we know that, but much like Hotch, his intelligent gets forgotten in exchange for Spencer to exposit at random, except his is even more pronounced than Hotch’s. After the first few seasons, the writers just treated him like the brawn of the BAU with no other expertise or presence, and I hate that for him--it was such a criminal injustice against his character. Unlike JJ, I do love Derek (my feelings for JJ are generally neutral leaning toward positive--I adore Derek Morgan) but the writers did him so dirty. I don’t like his relationship with Savannah at all. As a CSA survivor, his whole CSA storyline generally bugs the hell out of me because it only gets mentioned when the writers want to go boohoo Derek has trust issues or have an excuse to say “hurrdurr buff guy hates pedophiles” and he’s never shown having any meaningful struggle with his trauma (can be said of most of the trauma in the show) or having any character development (he’s often criticized for not trusting the team as much as he should but he never grows from it). Derek is a character I’m very protective of, but as much as I love his relationships with Spencer, Penelope, and Emily, I just can’t defend the ways the writers let him down so grievously. 
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heidianderson · 3 years
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[DANIELLE ROSE RUSSELL, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER] who’s that? oh it’s {HEIDI ANDERSON}. i hear they’re {SIXTEEN} and a {JUNIOR} at {CRAWFORD COUNTY DAY}, have a voice like {SELENA GOMEZ} and are part of {CANARIES & FILM SOCIETY}. they’re known to be {COOPERATIVE & PRIDEFUL} and {TIMID & UNTALENTED}. some people say they remind them of {THE SCENT OF DISAPPOINTMENT, PITCHY TONED VOCALS, LATE NIGHT PODCASTS, AND PERFECTLY COILED LOCKS}. only one way to find out!
FULL NAME: Heidi June Anderson
AGE: Sixteen
DATE OF BIRTH: August 31st
HOMETOWN: Los Angeles, California
RELIGION: Her dad wants her to practice Scientology, but she refuses, so no religious affiliation
OCCUPATION: Student/Vocal Adrenaline Slave
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, some Mandarin Chinese
FATHER: Cooper Anderson
MOTHER: June Robinson-Anderson
SUN: Virgo
MOON: Gemini
LIKES: True crime, being noticed, the color blue, making her dad proud, gold jewelry, headbands, freshly ironed cotton shirts with matching cardigans
DISLIKES: Disappointing her dad, feeling like she’s not living up to her mom’s potential, New Directions, anyone who doesn’t go to Carmel, bright colors, manipulation
When Cooper Anderson travelled back to Lima in the spring of 2012 to visit his younger brother what he was not expecting was to meet a girl eight years his junior studying literature at Lima’s Ohio State campus. June Robinson was exactly the kind of girl Cooper liked to get his hands on. Pretty, recognized his celebrity status, and was smart enough to keep up a conversation with and while normally their story would have ended after their one night stand, they decided to exchange numbers and keep in touch. This led to nightly texting which turned into good morning texts which turned into FaceTime calls which turned into June hopping on a plane to California (the same week as Cooper’s own brother’s wedding). By the time June had landed, Cooper had been given the news that his younger brother had gotten married to his high school sweetheart, the older Anderson just had to retaliate. There was no way he was about to not be told about his own brother’s wedding let alone not be in attendance to cause a disturbance, so he did what any sane person would do. He proposed to June, without a ring, but he covered that one up by telling June that there were going to go to a jeweler and pick out a ring that she wanted. The two didn’t plan to get married that week or even that month, but somehow after June had her pretty engagement ring on, they were running down to a local courthouse.
After the marriage was finalized, June had the most amazing trip in Los Angeles before going back to Lima and finishing up her semester before fully transferring to a campus in LA where her and Cooper could live together and start their life. For two people who jumped the gun on getting married, they surprisingly handled domestic life fairly well. They were happy. Cooper was acting. June was writing. Their income was fairly stable, even if sometimes Cooper had to pick up a random commercial gig or June had to do freelance article work just to make sure they could pay rent for the month. They made things work and despite Cooper’s poor acting chops, he managed to make it big doing random B-list movies and playing roles in random crime shows. Everything was just so good and one thing they agreed on. No kids. Why would they mess up something that was already so perfect?
Well, that was all said and done until they were coming up on their 8th anniversary. Maybe they did want children or maybe they were having a bad case of relationship boredom. They had already travelled, excelled in their careers, what more was their to do besides have a couple of kids? Which is exactly what they did. Heidi June Anderson was born on August 31st, 2024 happy, healthy, and giggling. And again, things were completely fine until they weren’t. It wasn’t long after Heidi’s birth that things started to go south. It had nothing to do with Heidi specifically, but more of the events that transpired after her birth. June got lonely, she wasn’t writing as often, and she was in a rut. It didn’t help that Cooper had some hot blonde as a co-star either on his new movie while June was still recovering postpartum. So, she found solace in a close friend of hers and it wasn’t long before Cooper pieced things together and found June with another man in their own bed. Incoming divorce and custody papers. Everything happened when Heidi was way too young to even piece together a memory of her mother and wanting to move on from the life she built in Los Angeles, she moved away to some European country but that wasn’t the last time Heidi saw her mom. They worked out an agreement where Cooper got full custody, but June had all the visitation rights she wanted as long as she was in town. That wasn’t very often though and by the time Heidi was ten, the visitations stopped altogether. 
Growing up with Cooper as a dad wasn’t the worst possible situation. They had pizza for breakfast and cereal for dinner and Cooper always made Heidi watch any movies or tv shows he had been in and made her review and critique them all (Heidi was always one to point out Cooper’s lack of pointing in certain scenes). This meant she had to sit through many, many hours or Cooper “starring” on multiple crime dramas and she gripped onto that. Her entire life she had been shown the showbiz side of life, getting chucked into singing, dancing, and acting lessons and even though she was still watching her dad’s content, she fell in love with crime shows, begging Cooper to put on episodes that wasn’t even his. She wasn’t about to up and become some kind of criminal, but the cases were just so entrancing. 
At some point during Heidi’s childhood, Cooper began to realize that he couldn’t raise Heidi by himself. He needed some sort of help from his family so Cooper packed himself and Heidi up to Lima, Ohio. Partly for help via his own family, but he also was more hopeful that June would visit Lima to see her parents more than come to Los Angeles to see her ex-husband and daughter. While in Lima, Heidi spent most of her time with her paternal grandparents while Cooper would be off travelling back and forth to Los Angeles, New York, Atlanta, and anywhere else he could find work.
Now in her formidable teenage years, Heidi had almost chosen to go to William McKinley High School. They had an okay academic and arts program and she lived in the district, but her dad would stand for no such thing. Him and his brother both attended Dalton Academy for most of their teen years and Heidi’s own mother had attended Crawford County Day and was a crucial member to the Canaries during her own high school years, Heidi’s options were limited and she knew the path her dad wanted for her. She was an Anderson! She was born to sing and act! So, she ended up at Crawford and opting to go for uniforms and rich girl tactics and quickly joined the ranks of the Canaries. 
The only problem with Heidi being in the Canaries is cut down to one simple fact - she’s simply untalented. She can’t sing, dance, or act very well. This is something her own dad would never say to her, but she’s simply an okay performer. The only real reason she’s still able to compete and be on the team is because with her extensive background of dance classes and vocal lessons, she can hold a pitch and she can learn choreography and her slight athleticism has allowed her to keep up with whatever's thrown at her on the Canaries. She may not be a lead, but she certainly adds character and a booster by the name of Cooper Anderson.
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thechoir-roomhq · 3 years
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WELCOME TO THE CHOIR ROOM, HEIDI ANDERSON (danielle rose russell fc),
here is your SCHEDULE! you have twenty-four hours to turn in your account and post an intro. good luck and have fun with the semester!
[DANIELLE ROSE RUSSELL, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER] who’s that? oh it’s {HEIDI ANDERSON}. i hear they’re {SIXTEEN} and a {JUNIOR} at {CARMEL HIGH SCHOOL}, have a voice like {SELENA GOMEZ} and are part of {VOCAL ADRENALINE & FILM SOCIETY}. they’re known to be {COOPERATIVE & PRIDEFUL} and {TIMID & UNTALENTED}. some people say they remind them of {THE SCENT OF DISAPPOINTMENT, PITCHY TONED VOCALS, LATE NIGHT PODCASTS, AND PERFECTLY COILED LOCKS}. only one way to find out! [lexi, 20, she/her, est]
When Cooper Anderson travelled back to Lima in the spring of 2012 to visit his younger brother what he was not expecting was to meet a girl eight years his junior studying literature at Lima’s Ohio State campus. June Robinson was exactly the kind of girl Cooper liked to get his hands on. Pretty, recognized his celebrity status, and was smart enough to keep up a conversation with and while normally their story would have ended after their one night stand, they decided to exchange numbers and keep in touch. This led to nightly texting which turned into good morning texts which turned into FaceTime calls which turned into June hopping on a plane to California (the same week as Cooper’s own brother’s wedding). By the time June had landed, Cooper had been given the news that his younger brother had gotten married to his high school sweetheart, the older Anderson just had to retaliate. There was no way he was about to not be told about his own brother’s wedding let alone not be in attendance to cause a disturbance, so he did what any sane person would do. He proposed to June, without a ring, but he covered that one up by telling June that there were going to go to a jeweler and pick out a ring that she wanted. The two didn’t plan to get married that week or even that month, but somehow after June had her pretty engagement ring on, they were running down to a local courthouse.
After the marriage was finalized, June had the most amazing trip in Los Angeles before going back to Lima and finishing up her semester before fully transferring to a campus in LA where her and Cooper could live together and start their life. For two people who jumped the gun on getting married, they surprisingly handled domestic life fairly well. They were happy. Cooper was acting. June was writing. Their income was fairly stable, even if sometimes Cooper had to pick up a random commercial gig or June had to do freelance article work just to make sure they could pay rent for the month. They made things work and despite Cooper’s poor acting chops, he managed to make it big doing random B-list movies and playing roles in random crime shows. Everything was just so good and one thing they agreed on. No kids. Why would they mess up something that was already so perfect?
Well, that was all said and done until they were coming up on their 8th anniversary. Maybe they did want children or maybe they were having a bad case of relationship boredom. They had already travelled, excelled in their careers, what more was their to do besides have a couple of kids? Which is exactly what they did. Heidi June Anderson was born on August 31st, 2024 happy, healthy, and giggling. And again, things were completely fine until they weren’t. It wasn’t long after Heidi’s birth that things started to go south. It had nothing to do with Heidi specifically, but more of the events that transpired after her birth. June got lonely, she wasn’t writing as often, and she was in a rut. It didn’t help that Cooper had some hot blonde as a co-star either on his new movie while June was still recovering postpartum. So, she found solace in a close friend of hers and it wasn’t long before Cooper pieced things together and found June with another man in their own bed. Incoming divorce and custody papers. Everything happened when Heidi was way too young to even piece together a memory of her mother and wanting to move on from the life she built in Los Angeles, she moved away to some European country but that wasn’t the last time Heidi saw her mom. They worked out an agreement where Cooper got full custody, but June had all the visitation rights she wanted as long as she was in town. That wasn’t very often though and by the time Heidi was ten, the visitations stopped altogether. 
Growing up with Cooper as a dad wasn’t the worst possible situation. They had pizza for breakfast and cereal for dinner and Cooper always made Heidi watch any movies or tv shows he had been in and made her review and critique them all (Heidi was always one to point out Cooper’s lack of pointing in certain scenes). This meant she had to sit through many, many hours or Cooper “starring” on multiple crime dramas and she gripped onto that. Her entire life she had been shown the showbiz side of life, getting chucked into singing, dancing, and acting lessons and even though she was still watching her dad’s content, she fell in love with crime shows, begging Cooper to put on episodes that wasn’t even his. She wasn’t about to up and become some kind of criminal, but the cases were just so entrancing. 
At some point during Heidi’s childhood, Cooper began to realize that he couldn’t raise Heidi by himself. He needed some sort of help from his family so Cooper packed himself and Heidi up to Lima, Ohio. Partly for help via his own family, but he also was more hopeful that June would visit Lima to see her parents more than come to Los Angeles to see her ex-husband and daughter. While in Lima, Heidi spent most of her time with her paternal grandparents while Cooper would be off travelling back and forth to Los Angeles, New York, Atlanta, and anywhere else he could find work.
Now in her formidable teenage years, Heidi had almost chosen to go to William McKinley High School. They had an okay academic and arts program and she lived in the district, but her dad would stand for no such thing. Him and his brother both attended Dalton Academy for most of their teen years and Heidi’s own mother had attended Carmel High School and was a crucial member to Vocal Adrenaline during her own high school years, Heidi’s options were limited and she knew the path her dad wanted for her. She was an Anderson! She was born to sing and act! So, she ended up at Carmel and quickly joined the ranks of Vocal Adrenaline. 
The only problem with Heidi being in Vocal Adrenaline is cut down to one simple fact - she’s simply untalented. She can’t sing, dance, or act very well. This is something her own dad would never say to her, but she’s simply an okay performer. The only real reason she’s still able to compete and be on the team is because with her extensive background of dance classes and vocal lessons, she can hold a pitch and she can learn choreography and her slight athleticism has allowed her to keep up with whatever’s thrown at her on Vocal Adrenaline. She may not be a lead, but she certainly adds character and new sparkly costumes to the team each competition.
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ofkleins · 4 years
       𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠  here  and  do  i  have  the  tea  for  you  .  ariana  is  back  on  campus  ,  which  is  surprising  considering  the  threatening  note  i  left  them  .  yes  ,  i  know  all  about  how  despite  outward  appearances  ,  her  family  isn’t  as  picture  perfect  as  they  may seem  because  of  their  pride  .  imagine  the  tabloids  and  how  the  klein  family  would  feel  for  such  information  to  come  out  ,  not  to  mention  the  reputation  of  delta  because  of  their  actions  .  at  this  rate  ,  she  is  better  off  staying  put  in  beverly  hills  ,  california  and  living  off  that  $625m  family  net  worth  .  what’s  the  point  in  studying  applied  economics  and  management  with  plans  to  take  over  her  mother’s  abandoned  executive  position  at  her  family’s  company  ,  is  it  worth  it  with  what  i  know  ?  anyways  ,  they  may  want  to  continue  to  be  genteel  &  cosmopolitan  because  the  disingenuous  &  acrimonious  attributes  make  me  want  to  spill  .  (  ryan  destiny  ,  remy  ,  eastern  )  .
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          hi  angels  !  i  decided  to  update  ariana’s  intro  since  i  was  giving  christian  a  mini  update  ,  but  for  the  most  part  ,  everything  is  still  the  same  with  her  !  the  only  things  that  have  changed  majorly  is  changing  her  last  name  from  malabanan  to  klein  ,  a  middle  name  change  ,  and  updates  to  her  family’s  history  in  politics  .  as  for  everything  else  ,  it  remains  the  same  ,  but  i  knew  it  was  going  to  be  a  headache  to  change  in  html  ,  which  is  why  i  decided  to  make  a  new  post  instead  !  now  ,  though  ,  if  you  click  the  names  of  her  family  members  ,  you’ll  be  redirected  to  images  of  their  chosen  faceclaims  !
full  name  :  ariana  stephanie  klein  . nickname(s)  :  ari ,  mainly  . birthday  /  age  :  august  30th  ,  1998  /  21  . zodiac  :  virgo  . pronouns  :  she  /  her  /  hers  . gender  :  cisfemale  . sexual  orientation  : bisexual  . romantic  orientation  : biromantic  . height  :  5′5″  ( five  foot  ,  five  inches  )  . hometown  :  knightsbridge  ,  london  ,  united  kingdom  . current  location  :  beverly  hills  ,  california  . nationality  :  british - american  . ethnicity  :  african - american  and  unspecified  biracial  . languages  spoken  :  english  ,  spanish  ,  and  french  (  college - course  level  )  .
          daniel  klein  is  the  son  of  political  giant  nathaniel  klein  and  non - profit  founder  yvonne  klein  .  nathaniel  had  been  the  first  in  his  family  to  go  off  to  college  ,  and  he  specifically  went  off  to  law  school  in  order  to  become  a  politician  in  order  to  help  those  in  his  town  who  weren’t  as  well  off  as  he  had  been  while  growing  up  .  nathaniel  had  only  ever  wanted  to  do  great  things  ,  and  when  he  was  only  28  ,  he  was  elected  as  major  of  his  small  town  in  georgia  by  a  landslide  over  his  republican  (  🤢  )  opponent  .  although  there  was  public  support  for  him  to  run  for  a  second  term  ,  nathaniel  had  had  daniel  and  his  younger  sister  kimberly  ,  so  he  decided  that  it  was  high  time  for  him  to  become  governor  .  although  nathaniel  lost  the  election  ,  he  didn’t  let  that  stop  him  ,  and  decided  that  he  would  run  for  congress  .  he  campaigned  hard  and  gained  a  cluster  of  supporters  ,  and  in  his  30s  ,  he  became  a  congressman  .
          a  couple  of  decades  passed  ,  and  daniel  found  himself  graduating  from  law  school  at  the  prestigious  columbia  university  .  he  followed  in  the  footsteps  of  his  father  ,  but  initially  pursued  a  career  in  law  before  officially  making  the  switch  to  politics  .  during  his  time  in  new  york  city  ,  daniel  meets  his  future  wife  ,  wild  child  of  a  multi - billionaire  named  celeste  duvernay  .  celeste  had  literally  come  barreling  into  his  life  when  daniel  went  out  to  celebrate  his  first  job  at  a  famous  law  office  when  celeste  comes  stumbling  out  of  the  bathroom  with  a  short  veil  and  tight  white  dress  on  ,  celebrating  getting  free  drinks  for  pretending  that  she  was  having  her  bachelorette  party  with  her  friends  .  
          made  up  of  messy  brown  curls  and  the  liquid  courage  of  champagne  while  dancing  on  tables  ,  celeste  was  the  youngest  daughter  of  a  billionaire  family  that  wanted  to  enjoy  her  twenties  despite  the  pressure  from  her  parents  .  she  was  determined  to  live  her  own  life  ,  and  even  though  she  was  getting  what  she  deemed  a  useless  degree  in  business  administration  ,  that  didn’t  stop  celeste  from  living  her  life  to  the  fullest  .  she  spent  summers  on  yachts  off  the  tropical  island  or  would  splurge  in  neiman  marcus  simply  because  her  professor  told  her  one  of  her  papers  wasn’t  good  enough  .  while  she  was  in  college  , celeste  was  a  kappa  ,  and  it  fit  the  blonde  well  considering  that  she  was  rich  ,  spoiled  ,  and  made  sure  that  everyone  around  her  was  fully  aware  that  she  was  getting  dropped  off  at  school  in  a  rolls - royce  and  never  (  absolutely  refused  )  to  eat  dining  hall  food  .
          their  relationship  was  a  bit  of  a  whirlwind  ,  and  they  eventually  eloped  in  a  simple  wedding  on  the  beach  in  bali  the  summer  after  celeste’s  graduation  .  little  did  the  couple  know  ,  is  that  at  the  time  ,  celeste  was  pregnant  with  their  first  baby  and  eldest  daughter  naomi  .  celeste  decides  to  be  a  stay  at  home  mom  while  daniel  moves  through  the  ranks  at  the  prestigious  law  firm  moving  from  summer  associate  to  senior  associate  ,  but  daniel  knew  his  ultimate  goal  was  to  be  congressman  .  a  few  more  years  pass  ,  a  second  baby  named  dominic  is  soon  born  ,  the  family  has  made  the  cross  country  move  to  california  ,  and  daniel  is  running  for  congressman  of  california  .  
          the  family  settled  into  a  gorgeous  home  on  sunset  boulevard  .
          after  running  for  congress  twice  and  getting  beat  by  a  landslide  the  first  time  around  ,  daniel  is  elected  as  governor  and  celeste  begrudgingly  becomes  thrust  into  the  public  eye  and  is  under  constant  scrutiny  .  the  kleins  are  newcomers  to  the  world  of  politics  in  this  sense  ,  as  they’re  no  longer  skirting  around  the  edges  and  waiting  to  have  their  chance  at  all  the  glory  .  marriage  and  children  had  calmed  celeste’s  wild  ways  ,  but  when  she  was  twenty - nine  and  their  last  daughter  ,  a  bright  eyed  baby  they  named  ariana  was  brought  into  the  picture  ,  everything  changed  for  the  worst  .
          to  naomi  and  dominic  ,  celese  was  a  wonderful  mother  .  she  baked  cookies  ,  they  hung  out  by  the  pool  ,  she  helped  them  with  their  homework  ,  but  as  little  ariana  grew  up  ,  she  was  not  the  apple  of  her  mother’s  eye  .  the  first  strike  against  her  was  the  fact  that  she  was  born  via  c - section  due  to  a  complicated  pregnancy  ,  leaving  her  mother  with  an  ugly  scar  that  remains  to  this  day  .  she  was  born  in  knightsbridge  while  the  family  was  on  vacation  ,  actually  coming  two  months  before  she  was  due  .  celeste  was  annoyed  with  being  stuck  in  knightsbridge  as  she  waited  for  her  daughter  to  grow  stronger  ,  and  that  was  the  second  strike  against  the  innocent  child  .  being  in  the  public  eye  because  of  her  husband’s  job  made  celeste  quite  conscious  of  all  things  appearance  ,  and  made  sure  that  she  and  her  children  never  left  the  house  with  a  hair  out  of  place  or  a  shirt  untucked  .  naomi  ,  the  golden  child  to  her  mother  ,  immediately  began  participating  in  beauty  pageants  while  dominic  followed  his  calling  and  focused  on  academia  like  the  men  before  him  .
          little  ariana  liked  to  play  ,  and  she  liked  to  play  hard  .  she  wanted  to  play  soccer  in  the  rain  with  the  other  neighborhood  kids  and  roll  down  grassy  hills  until  her  skin  was  itchy  ,  but  her  mother  ?  she  wasn’t  having  any  of  that  .  ari  was  going  to  be  prim  ,  proper  –  her  back  would  be  so  straight  a  ruler  would  be  jealous  ,  and  those  soccer  cleats  her  father  bought  her  were  thrown  into  the  trash  and  replaced  with  ballet  slippers  .  for  years  ,  ariana  was  no  longer  the  only  klein  kid  who  played  with  the  others  in  the  neighborhood  ,  and  she  now  had  a  strict  schedule  of  working  out  ,  school  ,  ballet  ,  and  studying  at  the  tender  age  of  thirteen  .  when  her  freshman  year  starts  ,  though  ,  ariana  abandons  her  mother’s  dream  and  trades  the  ballet  slippers  for  a  pair  of  cheerleading  pom - poms  .  with  her  infectious  personality  and  warm  smile  ,  it’s  no  surprise  that  ariana  makes  the  coveted  harvard - westlake  cheerleading  team  .
          and  while  most  mothers  would  be  proud  of  their  daughter’s  accomplishment  ,  celeste  was  more  focused  on  her  daughter’s  appearance  than  anything  else  .  EATING  DISORDER  TW BEGINS  she  limits  what  she  could  and  couldn’t  eat  ,  often  making  snide  remarks  when  ariana  says  how  much  she’s  craving  her  favorite  cheeseburger  from  shake  shack  or  how  she  had  a  bit  of  cheesecake  after  dinner  .  celeste  wakes  her  daughter  up  at  five  in  the  morning  with  a  hellish  personal  trainer  that  makes  her  run  their  expansive  neighborhood  until  her  lungs  are  tight  and  she’s  gasping  for  air  .  breakfast  is  smoothies  ,  lunch  is  only  soup  ,  and  even  then  all  the  good  things  that  ariana  craves  have  been  taken  out  .  she  has  to  be  skinny  –  she  has  to  make  her  mother  proud  .
          the  lack  of  food  during  the  day  leads  to  binging  in  the  night  ,  tip - toeing  to  the  kitchen  with  the  aid  of  the  housekeeper  ,  who  kept  a  hidden  stash  in  a  cabinet  her  mother  never  dared  to  open  .  binges  turn  to  regret  ,  tear  stained  cheeks  and  the  horrid  sound  of  ariana  hunched  over  the  toilet  as  she  begs  to  be  forgiven  for  the  disappointment  she  would  bring  to  her  mother  .  it  all  comes  to  a  head  during  ariana’s  junior  year  ,  when  she’s  gained  an  ounce  of  her  mother’s  affection  and  dark  circles  that  are  hidden  beneath  luxury  concealer  ,  and  it’s  the  annual  homecoming  football  game  .  dinner  consisted  of  four  baby  carrots  and  a  bottle  of  water  ,  and  right  as  ariana  is  lifted  into  the  air  to  perform  a  basket  toss  ,  she’s  falling  –  and  she  lands  on  the  unforgiving  ground  with  a  sneer  on  celeste’s  face  as  she  watches  behind  saint  laurent  sunglasses  .
          ariana  goes  to  the  hospital  and  is  diagnosed  with  bulimia  ,  a  word  that  clouds  her  in  a  cloak  of  embarrassment  and  springs  tears  in  her  father’s  eyes  .  celeste  is  uncaring  ,  picking  at  her  hundred  dollar  manicure  instead  of  caring  for  the  daughter  she  allegedly  loved  so  much  –  at  least  ,  that’s  what  she  said  when  she  spoke  to  the  media  .  ariana  is  pulled  from  harvard - westlake  ,  sadly  for  her  senior  year  ,  and  begins  the  slow  process  of  healing  .  her  relationship  with  food  becomes  healthy  again  ,  and  she  cries  when  she  has  cheesecake  ,  her  favorite  thing  in  the  world  ,  when  she  returns  home  .  TW  ENDS
           she  makes  the  decision  to  head  off  to  college  ,  putting  all  of  her  eggs  into  one  basket  when  she  only  applies  to  hollingsworth  university  .  she’s  desperate  to  get  from  under  her  mother’s  criticizing  eye  ,  and  to  finally  be  her  own  person  .  during  freshman  year  ,  ariana  pledges  kappa  in  hopes  that  she’d  make  a  dent  in  her  tainted  relationship  with  her  mother  ,  but  nothing  ever  seems  to  work  in  her  favor  .  she  makes  it  through  rush  week  and  becomes  a  pledge  for  the  society  ,  bouncing  on  the  balls  of  her  feet  when  she’s  chosen  on  bid  day  .  all  goes  well  until  it’s  time  for  a  little  bit  of  hazing  ,  but  ariana  finds  herself  with  the  short  end  of  the  stick  .  she  has  to  clean  longer  ,  take  one  more  shot  ,  staying  awake  an  extra  hour  while  the  other  pledges  have  gone  to  bed  ,  and  being  utterly  humiliated  when  her  kappa  sisters  discover  that  she  had  an  innocent  crush  on  a  boy  from  sigma  who  had  been  dating  kappa’s  vice  president  at  that  time  .
           ariana  drops  out  of  kappa  and  goes  the  rest  of  the  semester  stewing  in  her  upset  over  the  pure  humiliation  she  was  forced  to  endure  .  when  the  spring  semester  rolls  around  ,  ariana  still  carries  that  torch  as  she  steps  into  the  delta  house  looking  for  a  fresh  start  ,  and  it’s  the  society  where  she  remains  today  .  she’s  in  the  college  of  business  and  is  also  a  cheerleader  ,  even  though  most  would  assume  it  harbors  too  heavy  feelings  ,  but  her  constant  work  in  therapy  has  helped  her  regain  her  love  for  the  sport  again  .
          when  it  comes  to  ariana’s  personality  ,  she’s  something  of  a  spitfire  .  she’s  not  afraid  of  confrontation  and  she  can  be  extremely  petty  at  times  .  for  her  positive  traits  genteel  and  cosmopolitan  ,  ariana  is  respectable  when  she  needs  to  be  (  like  attending  galas  with  her  family  or  when  she  debuted  at  the  debutante  ball  in  new  york  city  )  and  since  her  family  traveled  as  well  as  met  dignitaries  around  the  world  a  lot  thanks  to  her  father’s  career  ,  ariana  is  quite  sophisticated  and  she  carries  herself  as  such  .  as  for  her  negative  traits  disingenuous  and  acrimonious  ,  it  simply  means  that  she  will  fake  the  funk  sometimes  in  order  to  get  something  she  wants  .  her  disingenuous  ways  especially  shows  when  she’s  being  petty  ,  and  she’ll  pretend  to  not  know  the  full  story  to  either  a .  confront  the  other  person  with  the  facts  or  b .  gather  up  as  much  information  as  she  possibly  can  .  as  for  being  acrimonious  ,  it  means  that  ari  is  bitter  as  hell  ,  especially  when  talking  about  kappa  .
secret  .
when  it  comes  to  her  secret  about  her  family  ,  the  klein’s  are  similar  to  the  kennedy’s  in  the  sense  that  they’re  the  ‘ perfect ’  family  with  no  issues  ,  but  only  on  the  surface  .  in  reality  ,  celeste  leaves  daniel  frequently  and  jets  off  on  exotic  excursions  with  billionaires  she  just  met  ,  attempting  to  get  what  she  thinks  she  lost  because  of  marriage  and  children  .  dominic  ,  despite  holding  a  high  position  at  his  maternal  grandfather’s  company  ,  has  developed  a  drug  addiction  he  believes  no  one  has  noticed  .  as  for  naomi  ,  she’s  notorious  for  never  marrying  any  of  the  women  that  she’s  dated  in  the  past  ,  and  also  works  for  their  grandfather  .  despite  that  ,  friends  and  extended  family  of  the  kleins  always  get  the  perfect  holiday  cards  when  the  season  rolls  around  and  they’re  always  written  as  ‘  family  goals  ’  on  instagram  and  twitter  .
short  headcanons  .
ariana  lives  off - campus  and  in  a  gorgeous  apartment  .  
she  drives  a  black  porsche  panamera  ,  but  originally  wanted  a  cherry  red  ferrari  ,  and  threw  a  minor  fit  when  her  dad  said  no  .  he  eventually  gifted  one  to  her  as  an  early  christmas  gift  .
her  style  is  all  over  the  place  .  one  day  she’ll  be  wearing  all  black  with  a  leather  jacket  ,  another  day  she’s  dressed  like  a  carbon  copy  of  outfits  on  pinterest  ,  and  on  another  she’s  wearing  high  heels  and  a  midi - skirt  .  there’s  no  in  between  for  her  ,  but  you  better  believe  that  everything  is  designer  ,  even  down  to  her  hair  accessories  .
she’s  most  comfortable  in  her  home  ,  and  there’s  a  chance  that  when  she’s  home  she’s  blaring  music  .  she’ll  be in  a  giant  shirt  with  her  hair  tugged  up  in  a  top  knot  .
her  favorite  food  is  a  shackburger  with  cheese  fries  and  a  creamsicle  float  .  she  is  absolutely  obsessed  with  cheesecake  in  any  and  all  forms  .
6 notes · View notes
ftriver · 5 years
hi  beautiful  people  ,  i'll  be  going  by  tess  (  she  /  her  pronouns  )  &  tbh with  you  ,  i'm  internally  crying  from  excitement  now  that  i've  joined  this  #lit  group  .  this  is  my  cue  to  shut  up  &  beg  for  plots  for  this  headass  by  the  name  of  river  .    honestly  i'm  open  minded  to  anything  n'  everything  involving  MESS  .    please  dab  on  that  heart  ,  &  i'll  for  sure  pester  you  in  the  ims  !  
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⋆ ╰  another  year  at  hollingsworth  ,  another  year  of  the  big  six  rivalry  .  i  hear  that  ALEXANDER  RIVER  O’CONNOR  is  ensuring  PI  KAPPA  EPSILON  gets  a  solid  pledge  class  and  stays  at  the  top  of  the  ranks  .  oh  ,  you’re  not  familiar  with  HIM  ?  RIVER  is  the  HARRY  STYLES  look  alike  from  TAMPA  ,  FLORIDA .  apart  of  PC  ‘16  ,  he  is  majoring  in  ECONOMICS  and  has  plans  to  MAKE  IT  BIG  IN  THE  NFL  after  undergrad  .  it  makes  sense  they  pledged  their  house  ,  their  CHARISMATIC  &  PERSPICACIOUS  attributes  make  them  perfect  matches  .  however  ,  their  CHOLERIC  &  IMPRUDENT  attributes  keep  their  name  alive  on  greek  rank  .  if  you  don’t  catch  them  dancing  to  HOW  I  COULD  JUST  KILL  A  MAN  -  RAGE  AGAINST  THE  MACHINE   at  a  fraternity  band  party  this  year  ,  you’ll  be  sure  to  catch  them  nursing  their  morning  hangover  at  PHI  GAMMA  IOTA  .  cheers  to  another  wild  semester ! trigger warning :  alcoholism  ,  drug mention  ,  republicans  . 
𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥  𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞  :    alexander  river  o’connor  . 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬  :   only  goes  by  river  . 𝐚𝐠𝐞  : twenty  one  years  . 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲  &  𝐳𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜  : leo  sun  ,  aquarius  moon  ,  gemini  ascendant  !   𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧  :    tampa  ,  florida  . 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥  𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧  : swings  both  ways (  family  are  unaware ) , &  has  only  been  in  relationships  with  girls  so  far  . 𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲  :  painfully  caucasian  . 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐤𝐬  &  𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞  𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬  :  obnoxious  laughter  ,  snapbacks  ,  empty  beer  cans  ,  protein  shakes  ,  dust-covered  study  books  ,  two  seasons  into  spongebob  squarepants  on  netflix  ,  unread  message  from  father  ,  bitten  nails  ,  overflown  trash  cans  ,  used  condoms  ,  cupboard  full  of  ramen  pots  .   𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐒  :  • the  o’connor’s  hail  from  an  incredibly  political  background  .  river’s  grandfather    great  grandfather  were  both  former  mayors  ,  his  father  is  a  wealthy  senator  &  his  mother  a  news  anchor  .  river  was  kind  of  raised  in  a  family  who  hold  strong  christian  ,  conservative  values ( republicans  ,  yuck  !  )  though  his  father  remarried  two  times  before  winding  up  with  river’s  mom  .  needless  to  say  ,  this  clueless  boy  stuck  out  like  a  sore  thumb  compared  to  the  rest  of  his  full  &  half  -  siblings  ;  who  all  had  fixated  dreams  &  plans  from  a  young  age  ,  whether  that  was  delving  into  medicine  ,  business  innovation  and  even  the  world  of  law  . • in  all  honesty  ,  though  ,  let’s  not  get  it  twisted  !  river  was  subject  to  a  very  privileged  childhood  .  he  had  everything  handed  to  him  on  a  silver  platter  until  the  age  of  sixteen  lmao  &  that’s  when  his  father  was  tireless  with  his  efforts  to  align  his  political  aspirations  with  river’s  future  .  he  made  sure  that  river  was  a  hard  working  boy  with  several  public  sector  jobs  along  with  school  (  though  he  really  didn’t  need  the  money  ,  it  was  more-so  about  enhancing  his  life-long  skills  &  brushing  up  on  prowess  ) ,  & all  throughout  high  school  he  still  maintained  tip  top  grades  .   •  during  high  school  river  was  also  an  active  member  of  his  school  council  ,  debate  team  ,  played  lacrosse  &  football  but  really  fell  in  love  with  football  more  than  anything  .  he  dropped  the  rest  of  the  extracurricular’s  towards  the  end  to  focus  on  football  ,  as  his  coach  was  a  huge  positive  influence  &  encouraged  him  to  pursue  this  lil’  ol  ambition  !   •  so  lets  skip  to  college  !  river  knew  by  senior  year  he  wanted  to  get  away  from  his  home  town  and  embellish  in  new  surroundings  for  his  college  years  .  as  soon  as  he  touched  base  in  georgia  he  pledged  for  any  fraternity  house  that  would  take  him  in (  pi    kappa    epsilon  ,  in  this  case   )  &  immediately  hurled  himself  into  a  wild  partying  lifestyle  (  lets  get  reckless  luv   )  .  alcohol  ,  drugs  ,  sex  ,  you  name  it  .  &  as  of  now   he  is  currently  playing  for  the  college  football  team  in  the  pipeline  dream  hopes  of  getting  scouted  lmao  ,  but  his  father  of  course  pushed  him  to  take  on  a  degree  that  could  be  utilised  for  a  political  future  .  he  figured  economics  was  perhaps  the  most  ideal  course  of  action  to  keep  his  family  content  .  so  yeah  !  though  he  comes  across  really  meathead  -  like  &  kind  of ( ? )  a  mess  ,  back  home  river’s  family  are  on  the  receiving  end  of  a  more  polished  ,  cultivated  version  of  their  son .  
•  okay  first  thing’s  first  .  river’s  a  huge  shithead  but  the  rare  times  get  him  in  his  philosophical  spiels  talking  about  the  world’s  political  state  ,  or  rather  ,  america’s  political  state  ,  he’s  far  more  woke  than  his  family  ,  &  actually  doesn’t  believe  in  a  lot  of  what  his  father  spews  .  there  have  been  far  too  many  family  dinners  where  there’s  been  heated  debates  between  him  &  his  relatives  .   •  as  i’ve  mentioned  before  ,  he’s  become  a  huge  party  boy  ,  &  with  this  ,  unfortunately  ,  in  the  recent  year  there’s  been  a  slight  dependency  for  the  bottle  (  jsyk  he’s  not  a  raging  alcoholic  but  im  js  nine  times  out  of  ten  you’ll  find  homeboy  buzzed )  .  river  doesn’t  think  he  really  has  a  problem  though  , &  he  especially  doesn’t  think  he  has  a  place  to  really  scream “  woe  is  me  “  ,  if  that  makes  sense ?  he’s  aware  of  his  privilege  &  most  times  when  he  feels  the  whole  world  is  piling  on  top  of  him  ,  it’s  just  easier  to  go  out    &  turn  up  .  he’s  stressed  a  lot  of  the  time  ,  but  again  ,  it’s  easier  to  bury  this  with  the  company  of  his  friends  on  some  #lets  get  wrecked  boys  lmao  .  also  when  he  goes  back  home  between  semesters  ,  he  helps  with  his  father’s  campaign  &  the  like  .  there’s  responsibilities  ,  he  doesn’t  get  to  go  back  home  for  a  break  .  you’ll  find  that  he’s  a  freak  of  routine  &  could  be  drinking  and  partying  until  six  in  the  morning  but  will  still  wake  up  at  nine  to  go  for  his  morning  run  .   •  an  attention  -  seeking  fuckboy  ,  he  can  very  loud  and  vulgar  but  is  here  for  a  good  time  not  a  long  time.  most  of  his  relationships  have  either  been  very  on  /  off or  flings  that  have  fizzled  out  due  to  the  fact  he’s  a  leo  &  river  is  too  invested  in  himself  to  ~ open up ~  emotionally   .  he’s  an  athlete  so  he  is  very  competitive  ,  a  sore  loser  dfjndfj  &  can  have  a  melodramatic  temper  both  off  and  on  the  field  !
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nixonkeller-blog · 5 years
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━ did y'all see [Nixon ‘Nick’ Keller] walkin’ into [The Cuttery or Church?] they’ve lived in frostford for [22 years] and you can catch ‘em around town working as an [the town preacher/pastor & church worship band lead singer]. I reckon they’re pretty [outgoing & compassionate] but I hear they can also be kinda [lofty & closed off] if ya see ‘em around, be sure to say hi. ━  [TW: death, car accident, heart attack, faith, religion]
Hey! My name is Alex, and I’m thrilled to be here writing with you all. I’m still figuring out the footing for Nixon and where he sits in Frostford, but here are some of the basics I’ve sorted out. I’ll be adding more as I think of them. Also, he’s a lot more like Archie Andrews from Riverdale than I intended him to be... so let’s just disregard that, yeah? Perfect, haha.
Nixon Keller was born August 12th to Joan and Nicholas Keller at the local hospital in Frostford.
He was born into a very religious family, and the Bible and its teachings were instilled in him from a young age as his father was the preacher in town. His mom is a part-time teacher, part-time homemaker. 
Being the eldest son of the couple, he was given a lot of responsibility at a young age. He was the built in baby sitter for his younger sister and helped out at church or the various events it would hold for as long as he can remember.
Believing in God was never a choice for him, it was something he was raised to do. Though, he didn’t find himself questioning it too much and thought most of what the Bible taught aligned with his own beliefs. More on that later.
He’s very musical, and was plunking out notes on his families grand piano ever since he could reach the keys. He loves to sing, and has quite a great voice. He also actively still plays piano, though he prefers guitar. His family luckily could afford music lessons and he picked up the notes quickly. He practiced religiously (pun intended) every day before and after school. He also writes songs.
He grew up singing in the church choir and playing in their worship band, eventually leading the band as lead singer and guitarist.
He is also a star football player and was the starting quarterback every year he played football, and was the captain of the football team. Or co-captains with Lucas, depending on the year.
His family is the epitome of ‘All American’. From a large, lavish house on a large acreage and apple orchard, his mom spent her days baking or tending to the garden. They had a few horses, chickens, but no pigs; because his mom didn’t like the mess they made.
He pulled his weight at home, too, often fixing things around the house, cutting the grass, picking apples, tending to the horses, etc.
He spends his life following in his father’s footsteps, and played football mostly to please him--though he grew to like it... but only enough to keep from quitting--and was naturally athletic due to being so strong from the physical labour at home. He was the star quarter back, class Valedictorian, and the resident Golden Boy. He’s also not easily missed due to his bright red hair and towering height.
He was offered a few full ride scholarships for football at varying colleges but turned them all down to marry Alexis and stay in Frostford.
As similar as he was to his father--outgoing, evangelical, empathetic, strong--the two butted heads constantly due to Nixon’s progressive thinking. He’s very inclusive of the LGBTQ+ community, etc. He believes that at its core, the bible is about love, and Jesus loved everyone. No exceptions.
His father is a bit more old-school, and while isn’t outwardly homophobic... is a bit problematic in his thinking and Nixon does his best to help encourage change in that area.
His mom is more like Nixon, tender, loving, and sweet. She also believes that the bible only preaches love and has often welcomed sick animals or wandering souls into the families guest house when they needed some TLC.
The relationship with his father grew more strained as his dad wanted Nixon to take over his rank at the church, whereas Nixon wanted to move out of town eventually to pursue a music and football career and live on his own terms. It was a point of contention and they were often yelling at each other about it, ruining more than one family dinner with their arguments.
Nixon was hoping his father would come around when tragedy struck. While driving home from a meeting at the church, his father suffered a ‘widow maker’ heart attack and his car flipped into a ditch. He died on scene and Nixon is still coming to terms and dealing with the loss.
Because it was his father’s wish for Nixon to take over as the pastor, Nixon rose to the challenge after his father’s passing, putting his music and football career on hold.
He’s loving, compassionate, but also conceited, cocky, and often puts himself as a pedestal because of the privileged life he has led. Though, at his core, he’s a good person who would give you the shirt off his back.
He’s hoping his new role at the church will invite marginalized members of the community to come to Sunday service because when you’re at Nixon’s church, you’re family, and everyone is welcome.
Being a classic southern, religious boy, Nixon was taught all about abstinence and to be wary about women. His father and mother were High School sweethearts and they prayed that Nixon would be just as lucky to find someone so soon.
His parents prayers were answered in the form of Alexis, one of Nixon’s childhood and family friends from when he was younger. His family met hers when they were nine years old and as each family shared a strong faith, they became close family friends, spending every Sunday together after church. They also went on numerous fishing and camping trips together.
Nixon always had a soft spot for Alexis but never thought she’d feel the same way about him, so he kept it to himself. That is, until he heard a fellow football player talk about asking Alexis on a date. He knew deep down that it was now or never and that being rejected wouldn’t hurt as bad as never trying.
So one day after school in Sophomore year, he went over to her house with a bouquet of her favour flavours and asked her on a date, confessing his long bottled up feelings on her front porch. They have been together ever since.
His parents are thrilled that they ended up together, as they both share a strong faith, and love of the town.
Nixon was the school’s star Quarterback and football captain, and Alexis was the head cheerleader, so they were a match made in heaven for many reasons.
Nixon proposed to her on her 18th birthday and they were married shortly after.
He’s been by her side through everything in life and she is his best friend and the love of his life. He never believed in soulmates until he met Alexis, but he’s thankful to have an incredible love story with her.
Alexis is the only woman Nixon has ever dated or been with.
He’s thrilled to be a father but he’s also scared shitless.
Fletcher and Lucas are Nixon’s best friends. While the two boys couldn’t be more different from each other, they both balance Nixon out well.
Lucas and Nixon met the first year Nixon played high school football and got along swimmingly well. They’re very similar people and we co-captains of the football team until Lucas graduated and Nixon took over for his last year of high school.
Nixon stood by Lucas’ side through everything he went through with his varying girlfriends, injuries, and college football. And while he supports and loves him through and through, there is an aspect of jealousy that Nixon never got to go play college football because he settled in Frostford.
Fletcher is more reserved than Nixon, but he prides himself on being able to get Fletch out of his comfort zone and brought him along to any party or social event he was going to in High School. He knows Fletcher has a heart of gold and the two have a very special bond. (It’s just really pure ok)
I’ll be adding more to this as I think of them, but these are the basics for now! As always, hit me up for connections and plots. :)
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Mary Lang → Zendaya → Rat
→ Basic Information
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Born or Made: Born
Birthday: September 24th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Religion: Deism
→ Her Personality Mary has a bright personality and brighter wardrobe. She has outstanding people skills and is considered warm-hearted by many of her packmates. She does have a creative side too. She’s always rocking new hairstyles, clothing, and accessories. Mary is a risk-taker when it comes to work, relationships and more. She also has a reckless side and has learned to bounce back from failures and defeat because of it. Her bold personality keeps everyone on their toes. Mary does not seek attention, she enjoys taking care of herself and does it for herself.
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Full Time Head of POOH
Scars: None
Tattoos: Up To Player
Two Likes: Different/New Hairstyles and Oreo Milkshakes
Two Dislikes: Red Meat and Snobs
Two Fears: Conflict and Submission
Two Hobbies: Beauty and Yoga
Three Positive Traits: Independent, Original and Open-Minded
Three Negative Traits: Distractible, Extravagant, and Rash
→ His/Her Connections
Parent Names:
Doria Lang (Mother): Doria was a strong single parent. She placed Mary first and above herself. Doria taught Mary to be independent, decisive and strong-headed. Doria’s illness was hard on Mary and bringing her somewhere that would put her out of her pain was even harder. She keeps the lessons that her mother taught her close to her, and has allowed herself to heal.
Ben Ehrlich (Possible Father): Ben was one of the three men who could have been her father, and according to the other two, probably was. The two became close quickly, and Ben taught her a lot about pack life. He was killed by vampires about a year into Mary’s stay. After that she, Ray, and Jim agreed it was better not knowing who her biological dad was.
Ray Hamelin (Possible Father): Ray was one of the three men who could have possibly been her father according to her mother. Neither he, Ben, nor Jim wanted to take a paternity test, out of fear they were the father. Ray was the one who put Doria down. The night it happened, he’d found Mary packed up and ready to leave in the dark. He convinced her to stay and petitioned with Nick to train her.
Jim Montgomery (Possible Father): Jim was one of the three men who could have possibly been her father according to her mother. Neither he nor Ray wanted to take a paternity test, out of fear they were the father. It took him the longest to warm up to her, but he was there by her side the whole night after Ben died. He always saw Doria’s strength in her and was the first to nominate Mary for the Head of POOH position.
Sibling Names:
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Conrad Kale (Dating): Conrad had always caught Mary’s eye, until she learned he’d just turned 18 the week before she’d arrived. She could tell he had a crush on her, but thought he was too young and immature. Her views began changing when she saw him take on the responsibilities of Third and Head of RED after Ben’s death. He took everything in stride, and in the midst of it all even tried to make sure she was okay. From there they’ve built a foundation of respect and friendship. Only recently have they decided they should take it further and begin dating .
Platonic Connections:
Kris Jayweed (Friend): Kris has been one of the few RED members she’s convinced to go to Yoga with her. She knows how stressed he is and wants him to relax.
Max Vanes (Friend): Max and Jo took her out on the town a few days after her mom passed. They helped her get dressed up, did her hair, and overall just kind of helped her feel like herself again. She’s been incredibly close with both of them after that.
Maya Morris (Good Friend): Maya is like the little sister she never had. She’s been able to kind of guide her out of mistakes she’s made and teach her most of the hair and fashion things she learned from her own mother.
Isla Johns (Best Friend): During Mary’s extremely extended stay on NERVOUS she became close to their Third, Isla. The two girls bonded over growing up out West and doing daily yoga. Now that Isla has taken over as Editor in Chief and Mary is head of POOH, they don’t see each other as often, but they make it a habit to get dinner twice a month.
Alison Nguyen (College Best Friend): Mary doesn’t get to see Alison much, but she has flown in to Chicago twice to come visit her. She keeps teasing that she’ll have to take a job at a consulate in Chicago so she can see Mary more.
Alan Thomas (Construction Contact): Mary pays Alan to leave openings in repairs he does on Clara’s house and the Fields Hotel. These small holes make it easier for POOH to find new ways into the house when Clara closes up the old ones.
Hostile Connections:
Tim Boaz (Ex-Friend): Tim stole information for a story from Mary when she was transitioning into POOH. He was completely unrepentant for it and Mary cut him out of her life completely.
Lee Boaz (Ex-Friend): Lee lied for Tim, and gaslighted Mary when she was trying to figure out what had happened. She also cut him out of her life completely.
→ History Mary grew just outside of Vegas with just her mother. Unlike most rats, Doria Lang decided to raise her daughter “off the grid” of the supernatural world, so to speak. She was taught how to shift, and basic things like what type of species there were, but outside of that Mary was raised as much of a human as possible. Doria didn’t want to draw any attention to them from the Vegas pack, and she didn’t want to run into anyone from her old pack. It was Doria and Mary against the world, which was just fine with her. Mary went to a normal high school, had human friends, and finished it off by going to the University of Nevada Reno to study International Affairs. When she’d finished her degree, she began noticing how much her mother had begun to forget things. Whether it was leaving things on the stove, or forgetting that they’d talked about something earlier in the day. When she brought it up to her mother, she denied that she knew what she was talking about. Mary started researching rat shaper shifters, and found a forum full of people. There she began getting some rudimentary knowledge that her mother had never mentioned. She confronted her again and this time Doria agreed with her. Mary watched her mother begin to deteriorate in front of her, all the while her mother tried making a plan for the day when she couldn’t make one anymore. About 6 months later they had reached that point, and Mary packed up everything she could, Doria and herself into her Honda CRV and started off for Chicago.
When they finally arrived Mary was shocked at the number of supernaturals that existed in one place, and even more shocked when she found out the reason her mom had left. Doria apparently had a Mamma Mia moment and wasn’t sure which of three men was her dad so she split. Mary had to explain why they were there. Doria had asked to speak with them all alone after that and when they’d come out of the room it was agreed upon that her mom needed to be put down. It felt like it all had moved so fast. She spent an hour saying goodbye to her mother before Nick and Ray lead her away. That night she tried leaving, thinking that anywhere would be better to be than here, but Ray (Dad Possibility 1) was there sitting on the hood of her car. He convinced her to stay for a while, and check out the pack her mother was a part of for so long. Ben (Dad Possibility 2) started taking her around in her rat form, something she’d never done when she was younger, to visit the different sites of the city. After a few months, even Jim (Dad Possibility 3) had wandered up from wherever he always was and started teaching her about the different packs and teams. But the idea of who her real dad was kept bugging her. Mary asked all three of them to take a test, but they all either said no (Jim) or dodged the question (Ray and Ben). It went like this for months, her always asking, them always giving her a reason why not. Regardless of her father’s situation, she slowly felt the community shift to open up to her. Jo and Max would take her out, Conrad seemed bound and determined to make her laugh, and she started showing Maya how she did her hair. Mary more or less found a community in Chicago that at least partially eased the ache of losing her mom.
Ray and Ben signed her up for NERVOUS to help her grow as a rat and create a future career for her. She worked hard to push herself, but still remained on NERVOUS for 5 years, longer than almost any other rat. Eventually she was able to join POOH, and in 3 years made Head with the help of her three possible dads. About a year ago, Ben and about 200 other rats were killed in the Underground. Mary was devastated and everyone was in shock, Ben had been a part of the pack for a long time and was a staple in it. She realized that she couldn’t handle going through another loss of a parent and told Ray and Jim it didn’t matter who her actual biological dad was.
→ The Present Mary is investigating Clara’s frequent and consistent trips to the Underground. POOH is able to track her and other high ranking Heavy members to a secret entrance, but are stuck on the surface. They’ve tried looking in other places for the information, and have come up empty handed. Recently she has decided to join forces with RED. The two together could possibly get to the bottom of what’s happening, however Conrad won’t let her, or any other members of POOH,  join his crew Underground. He believes that inviting untrained members is too dangerous to his own operations, especially since they’d be following the heavies into the private chambers where the vampires are known to be their most hostile. This combined effort between the two of them is what finally started their relationship, but Mary is trying to keep their personal and work lives separated.
Mary is tired of everyone messing with POOH and pissing Clara off, ultimately causing more danger and trouble for her own team. Clara is the most entertaining alpha to annoy and various rats, often on SKIN or BOND, will come to annoy her in their free time. She’s brought it up to Conrad, Nick, and Jo, but it doesn’t seem to be ending any time soon, and each time Clara loses it a bit more. Clara’s threatened exterminators soon, and while that doesn’t seem to both Nick, she’s not putting her people at risk.
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Zendaya (Mary Lang) [1][2]
0 notes
pillownylon60 · 3 years
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years
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Mary Lang → Zendaya → Rat
→ Basic Information
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Born or Made: Born
Birthday: September 24th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Religion: Deism
→ Her Personality Mary has a bright personality and brighter wardrobe. She has outstanding people skills and is considered warm-hearted by many of her packmates. She does have a creative side too. She’s always rocking new hairstyles, clothing, and accessories. Mary is a risk-taker when it comes to work, relationships and more. She also has a reckless side and has learned to bounce back from failures and defeat because of it. Her bold personality keeps everyone on their toes. Mary does not seek attention, she enjoys taking care of herself and does it for herself.
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Full Time Head of POOH
Scars: None
Tattoos: Up To Player
Two Likes: Different/New Hairstyles and Oreo Milkshakes
Two Dislikes: Red Meat and Snobs
Two Fears: Conflict and Submission
Two Hobbies: Beauty and Yoga
Three Positive Traits: Independent, Original and Open-Minded
Three Negative Traits: Distractible, Extravagant, and Rash
→ His/Her Connections
Parent Names:
Doria Lang (Mother): Doria was a strong single parent. She placed Mary first and above herself. Doria taught Mary to be independent, decisive and strong-headed. Doria’s illness was hard on Mary and bringing her somewhere that would put her out of her pain was even harder. She keeps the lessons that her mother taught her close to her, and has allowed herself to heal.
Ben Ehrlich (Possible Father): Ben was one of the three men who could have been her father, and according to the other two, probably was. The two became close quickly, and Ben taught her a lot about pack life. He was killed by vampires about a year into Mary’s stay. After that she, Ray, and Jim agreed it was better not knowing who her biological dad was.
Ray Hamelin (Possible Father): Ray was one of the three men who could have possibly been her father according to her mother. Neither he, Ben, nor Jim wanted to take a paternity test, out of fear they were the father. Ray was the one who put Doria down. The night it happened, he’d found Mary packed up and ready to leave in the dark. He convinced her to stay and petitioned with Nick to train her.
Jim Montgomery (Possible Father): Jim was one of the three men who could have possibly been her father according to her mother. Neither he nor Ray wanted to take a paternity test, out of fear they were the father. It took him the longest to warm up to her, but he was there by her side the whole night after Ben died. He always saw Doria’s strength in her and was the first to nominate Mary for the Head of POOH position.
Sibling Names:
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Conrad Kale (Dating): Conrad had always caught Mary’s eye, until she learned he’d just turned 18 the week before she’d arrived. She could tell he had a crush on her, but thought he was too young and immature. Her views began changing when she saw him take on the responsibilities of Third and Head of RED after Ben’s death. He took everything in stride, and in the midst of it all even tried to make sure she was okay. From there they’ve built a foundation of respect and friendship. Only recently have they decided they should take it further and begin dating .
Platonic Connections:
Kris Jayweed (Friend): Kris has been one of the few RED members she’s convinced to go to Yoga with her. She knows how stressed he is and wants him to relax.
Max Vanes (Friend): Max and Jo took her out on the town a few days after her mom passed. They helped her get dressed up, did her hair, and overall just kind of helped her feel like herself again. She’s been incredibly close with both of them after that.
Maya Morris (Good Friend): Maya is like the little sister she never had. She’s been able to kind of guide her out of mistakes she’s made and teach her most of the hair and fashion things she learned from her own mother.
Isla Johns (Best Friend): During Mary’s extremely extended stay on NERVOUS she became close to their Third, Isla. The two girls bonded over growing up out West and doing daily yoga. Now that Isla has taken over as Editor in Chief and Mary is head of POOH, they don’t see each other as often, but they make it a habit to get dinner twice a month.
Alison Nguyen (College Best Friend): Mary doesn’t get to see Alison much, but she has flown in to Chicago twice to come visit her. She keeps teasing that she’ll have to take a job at a consulate in Chicago so she can see Mary more.
Alan Thomas (Construction Contact): Mary pays Alan to leave openings in repairs he does on Clara’s house and the Fields Hotel. These small holes make it easier for POOH to find new ways into the house when Clara closes up the old ones.
Hostile Connections:
Tim Boaz (Ex-Friend): Tim stole information for a story from Mary when she was transitioning into POOH. He was completely unrepentant for it and Mary cut him out of her life completely.
Lee Boaz (Ex-Friend): Lee lied for Tim, and gaslighted Mary when she was trying to figure out what had happened. She also cut him out of her life completely.
→ History Mary grew just outside of Vegas with just her mother. Unlike most rats, Doria Lang decided to raise her daughter “off the grid” of the supernatural world, so to speak. She was taught how to shift, and basic things like what type of species there were, but outside of that Mary was raised as much of a human as possible. Doria didn’t want to draw any attention to them from the Vegas pack, and she didn’t want to run into anyone from her old pack. It was Doria and Mary against the world, which was just fine with her. Mary went to a normal high school, had human friends, and finished it off by going to the University of Nevada Reno to study International Affairs. When she’d finished her degree, she began noticing how much her mother had begun to forget things. Whether it was leaving things on the stove, or forgetting that they’d talked about something earlier in the day. When she brought it up to her mother, she denied that she knew what she was talking about. Mary started researching rat shaper shifters, and found a forum full of people. There she began getting some rudimentary knowledge that her mother had never mentioned. She confronted her again and this time Doria agreed with her. Mary watched her mother begin to deteriorate in front of her, all the while her mother tried making a plan for the day when she couldn’t make one anymore. About 6 months later they had reached that point, and Mary packed up everything she could, Doria and herself into her Honda CRV and started off for Chicago.
When they finally arrived Mary was shocked at the number of supernaturals that existed in one place, and even more shocked when she found out the reason her mom had left. Doria apparently had a Mamma Mia moment and wasn’t sure which of three men was her dad so she split. Mary had to explain why they were there. Doria had asked to speak with them all alone after that and when they’d come out of the room it was agreed upon that her mom needed to be put down. It felt like it all had moved so fast. She spent an hour saying goodbye to her mother before Nick and Ray lead her away. That night she tried leaving, thinking that anywhere would be better to be than here, but Ray (Dad Possibility 1) was there sitting on the hood of her car. He convinced her to stay for a while, and check out the pack her mother was a part of for so long. Ben (Dad Possibility 2) started taking her around in her rat form, something she’d never done when she was younger, to visit the different sites of the city. After a few months, even Jim (Dad Possibility 3) had wandered up from wherever he always was and started teaching her about the different packs and teams. But the idea of who her real dad was kept bugging her. Mary asked all three of them to take a test, but they all either said no (Jim) or dodged the question (Ray and Ben). It went like this for months, her always asking, them always giving her a reason why not. Regardless of her father's situation, she slowly felt the community shift to open up to her. Jo and Max would take her out, Conrad seemed bound and determined to make her laugh, and she started showing Maya how she did her hair. Mary more or less found a community in Chicago that at least partially eased the ache of losing her mom.
Ray and Ben signed her up for NERVOUS to help her grow as a rat and create a future career for her. She worked hard to push herself, but still remained on NERVOUS for 5 years, longer than almost any other rat. Eventually she was able to join POOH, and in 3 years made Head with the help of her three possible dads. About a year ago, Ben and about 200 other rats were killed in the Underground. Mary was devastated and everyone was in shock, Ben had been a part of the pack for a long time and was a staple in it. She realized that she couldn’t handle going through another loss of a parent and told Ray and Jim it didn’t matter who her actual biological dad was.
→ The Present Mary is investigating Clara’s frequent and consistent trips to the Underground. POOH is able to track her and other high ranking Heavy members to a secret entrance, but are stuck on the surface. They’ve tried looking in other places for the information, and have come up empty handed. Recently she has decided to join forces with RED. The two together could possibly get to the bottom of what’s happening, however Conrad won’t let her, or any other members of POOH,  join his crew Underground. He believes that inviting untrained members is too dangerous to his own operations, especially since they’d be following the heavies into the private chambers where the vampires are known to be their most hostile. This combined effort between the two of them is what finally started their relationship, but Mary is trying to keep their personal and work lives separated.
Mary is tired of everyone messing with POOH and pissing Clara off, ultimately causing more danger and trouble for her own team. Clara is the most entertaining alpha to annoy and various rats, often on SKIN or BOND, will come to annoy her in their free time. She’s brought it up to Conrad, Nick, and Jo, but it doesn’t seem to be ending any time soon, and each time Clara loses it a bit more. Clara’s threatened exterminators soon, and while that doesn’t seem to both Nick, she’s not putting her people at risk.
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Zendaya (Mary Lang) [1][2]
0 notes
texanredrose · 7 years
Set in the same universe as "Broken" with ace!Yang, a sequel if you will. Based in part on a comment made by @keena-kapu as well as the general insanity that comes with military life.
Winter sat at her desk, typing furiously in hopes of completing her reports before close of business. While not a fan of having a desk job, she could admit that the benefit of a predictable schedule meant she could plan things out more efficiently and she'd agreed to meet Yang at a florist's shop in downtown Vale by eighteen hundred. That meant leaving final formation immediately after the command to fall out, which in turn meant she couldn't be tempted to return to her desk for any reason. General Ironwood had relocated his operations to the tiny outpost in Vale for a few months specifically to facilitate her planning efforts for the wedding and she wouldn't squander it by being late or failing to meet the deadlines placed upon her.
By the time someone stepped through the open doorway to her office, Winter had just saved the last of her spreadsheets, a heavy sigh pushing past her lips as she spied the clock. Sixteen-oh-four, about half an hour until formation and another twenty minutes before she'd have to sprint for the docks to make the airship departure on time. If worst came to worst, she could always utilize her personal one and pay the docking fee out of pocket for the unauthorized departure and landing. That meant she had, perhaps, ten minutes to check over all her files before submitting them for review, already more than aware it would take a few minutes to send out the necessary e-mails due to a slow server. Really, how they couldn't afford more efficient technology boggled her mind.
"Not even a hello? I see you've settled into your new administrative role rather comfortably; can't tear yourself away from the terminal, can you?" Blue eyes darted up to the newcomer, a small smile breaking across her lips as an old friend removed their helmet and set it aside. Unlike the majority of the military, they wore a uniform comprised mostly of reds and browns, a beige jumpsuit beneath rust colored pads, giving their shorter stature a stout, imposing build. "How have you been, Winter?"
"That's a bit informal for an address, Commander," she replied, the lightness in her tone reminiscent of teasing without going so far as she stood up, walking around her desk to embrace the other Atlesian soldier. "It's been a long time."
"So much has happened over the years, it feels like a lifetime." Commander Terry Cotta smiled, opening their arms to offer a brief embrace before stepping back and clapping her on the shoulders. "I'm kinda surprised we both survived, honestly. Between the war and the instabilities it caused, we probably should be dead a few times over."
"I'm glad you haven't lost your morbid touch," she replied, crossing her arms over her chest. Normally, she would be standing ramrod straight at the position of attention for the ranking officer, but their familiarity had put her at ease enough to crack a slightly wider smile. "But we both managed to Cotta it close a few times."
Rolling their eyes, Terry couldn't help but chuckle. "I see that girlfriend of yours is having an effect on your sense of humor."
"Fiancé, actually." Pulling off her left glove, she showed off the ring. Much like the one she'd presented to Yang, it could expand into a necklace, but she'd learned early on that her uniform made it nigh impossible to show off when around her neck. Besides, seeing as the vast majority of her duties revolved around her desk, wearing the slim band beneath her glove didn't pose too much of a concern. "We're getting married in a few months. I mailed an invitation to your house-"
"You mean that building I haven't seen in almost six years?" Terry raised a brow, but admired the piece of jewelry with a sincere hum of appreciation. "I'll try stopping by to pick up the envelope on the condition that I'm attending as a friend, only. None of this 'higher ranking' crap." A twinkle sparked in ocean blue eyes, so much darker than her own. "Unless you want to go back to our Academy days when you outranked me."
"I was your team leader- hardly a rank," she replied, slipping her glove back on and laughing. "But those are terms I'll agree to and you won't be the only person in attendance under that stipulation."
"I should hope not." They glanced towards the doorway and lowered their voice. "James has done enough for both of us that I'd be a little irate if you didn't invite him along as well."
Winter nodded, briefly taken back to a brisk spring morning in her last year at Atlas Academy, when General Ironwood informed all members of Team WHYT that they were being selected for individual duties within the Atlesian military, should they choose to take them. By that point, years of military instructors had made the choice seem easy, and the four went through their graduation ceremony keenly aware they wouldn't be working together once officially inducted into the rank and file. Winter went through the Specialist Training Program and earned her position six months later while Terry went on to found the Atlas Rapid Response Team. Herron and Yvette took their own paths, though the duo had lost touch with their former teammates during the intervening years. While she hadn't seen their names listed as KIA during the confrontation with Salem, Herron had shown up on a MIA list shortly after the war's conclusion and Yvette seemed to disappear out of military records entirely. From their brief contact over the years, Terry had expressed several fruitless attempts to find both of them with little results and Winter, frankly, hadn't the opportunity to do much besides dig into files she probably shouldn't access.
"Yang insisted I keep spots open for them. Herron and Yvette, I mean." She admitted, a note of sadness in her voice. "She thinks it's good to keep the hope alive. There's even a spot for her mother..."
Once again, a hand found its way to her shoulder, and for a moment it felt like old times when she and her partner were trying not to be crushed by the heavy expectations placed upon them by every authority figure in their lives. "I know you've only told me a little bit about her... complicated relationship with her mom, but I think she's right. Maybe it's false hope and it'll be proven wrong in the end, but I think it's better to hope for the best in certain circumstances and merely be prepared for the worst."
"I suppose that's true. Although, I don't think she truly believes the woman will show; they've only met face-to-face six times in over twenty years." Winter sighed, shaking her head. "I don't understand it myself but I have a different relationship and expectation of my family."
"Which translates to: you didn't bother inviting your parents, did you?"
"Of course not. Father's in prison still and mother... even if she did appear, I fear she'd merely try to break Qrow's sobriety."
"Wait, Qrow? That civilian who gave you trouble on the Mistral mission years ago?" Terry furrowed their brows. "You invited him?"
"Oh, I must've forgotten to mention; he's Yang's uncle."
Further surprised, the Commander let out a little chuckle. "Small world."
"Tell me about it." She cringed. "He's more bearable now that he's sober, though, so I will give him that." Her gaze darted towards the clock. Sixteen twelve, which meant she hardly had enough time to send out her reports before heading to formation. "Where does the time go?"
"If I knew, I'd steal some back for the both of us." Terry nodded towards the terminal. "Late night tonight?"
"Absolutely not; we're going to a florist to decide on arrangements for the wedding." She walked around the desk and sat back down, pulling up her e-mail, though she did glance at her friend to indicate it wasn't an outright dismissal. "How long are you docked for?"
"Just the night, really; I was going to submit my reports over the CCT but, considering as I haven't seen you in a while, I thought I'd drop by and say hello, then deliver my report in person tomorrow morning." Taking a seat in the chair off to the side and against the wall, they crossed one leg over the other and shrugged. "It's not often I get a chance to relax, so I thought I should take it, even in small doses. My crew could use a night on the town, too." They paused, then ducked their head. "And, to be frank, some time away from my team is helping; they've been a bit high strung since we officially transitioned out of a ready status. I don't know how you managed to keep your cool with the lot of us back in the Academy."
"Honestly, we were all a bit hotheaded back then. All of us had something to prove." Winter smiled again. "I think I must've missed it in the long run. Once you've met Yang, you'll see what I mean; she's probably the most vibrant person in all of Remnant. Charming, energetic, with a bit of a temper- there won't be many dull moments in my future and I can't help but look forward to it."
"Now that sounds like a woman in love." A new voice cut in, calling their attention to a burly man who'd just entered the door. Given by the lack of reaction from Terry, she guessed he belonged to one of the other groups coming to meet with General Ironwood later in the week as part of a quarterly status review of Atlas' forces. A few more moments of studying the defined jawline and broad chest sparked a small amount of recognition in both of them, expressions sliding into ones of polite disinterest as Winter returned to her work and the Commander addressed him.
"She'll be getting married soon; I should think she sounds like a woman in love." Terry pointed out, a lightness to their tone as they inclined their head. "And she's rather busy. Do you have anything important to report, Sergeant?"
"Oh, just swingin' by to pick up a copy of the itinerary for the week," he said with a good natured chuckle.
If there was one downside to her new position as the operations manager for Atlas' foreign stationed forces, it was becoming effectively a secretary subject to the ever changing whims of Atlas' highest echelon of officers. While this man occupied a position similar to hers, she'd rather rid herself of the distraction quickly than enjoy the same level of banter as she did with her old friend. "There's a copy over there."
"Ah, got it." The Sergeant went over and picked up the paper, a lazy smile on his lips. "So, when's the big day? Better question: when's the bachelorette party? The last hurrah before the good ol' ball and chain comes into play?"
While he laughed, Terry quirked a brow, looking over at the woman and seeming interested in the answer.
"Well, I hadn't planned on anything too drastic," she said, running her fingers through her bangs while sighing. "Perhaps a little bar hopping around Vale as a celebration about a month before the ceremony."
"No strip club?" He seemed genuinely surprised, cocking his head to the side. "Tell me someone's getting you a prostitute at least."
"Excuse you?" Winter furrowed her brows, hands curling into fists as she tried not to growl out her response. "I'd hardly consider something so... crass. I'm getting married; to betray that shortly before entering a union seems completely at odds with the whole point!"
"Ah, an old fashioned type." The Sergeant seemed hardly concerned by the stiffness of her posture, waving a hand through the air. "Well, you at least sampled the goods, right?"
"Sergeant, I think you're treading dangerous territory." Terry cautioned, a frown tugging at their lips.
"It's alright, Commander," she said, trying her best to keep her cool. However, there were a few things that she never passed up, and talking about her soon-to-be wife happened to be one of those topics. "To answer your question, Sergeant, no, I haven't 'sampled the goods' as you've put it. Yang and I have a wonderful relationship, though, and taking this next step is important to us."
"Aw, come off it, though. How're you gonna know if she, uh, really gets your motor going?" He made a rather rude gesture and laughed. "I mean, don't get me wrong, a warm bed's better than a cold one, but there's certain things a wife has to do-"
"You need to stop." The Commander cut in, a warning in their tone, but Winter refused to let the situation be diffused.
"Your boorish attitude makes me think you're a repeat contender in divorce court, so taking your advice seems a rather poor choice." The words flew from her tongue, laced with acid as she just hardly refrained from outright glaring at him. "And aside from your archaic notions of marriage, it's entirely inapplicable anyway. Yang's asexual."
"A what?" Even Terry looked somewhat surprised by the statement, brows knitting together in confusion.
Thankfully, this response she'd practiced, because ever since she saw the way her fiancé's expression lit up when she discovered that a name existed for people like her- that there were people like her- the Atlesian had devoted herself to making sure every person she met walked away with a very thorough understanding of asexuals and the trials they faced. The two talked it over, of course- after Yang had gone through and called every one of her friends to share the development of discovering the word for this part of herself she’d hidden away- and decided that it wouldn’t be a secret. While she wouldn’t be walking around and introducing herself as an asexual, Yang knew she’d eventually make offhand comments, jokes, and puns about it, because it was just as much part of her as anything else, and Winter fully believed she should acknowledge it as often as reasonably possible, purely to reinforce the idea that she accepted all of her fiancé and everything that entailed. Of course, following the acknowledgment usually came the blank or confused looks she received now, so an explanation would follow. It had taken weeks of reading through countless articles to amass the information, and now presented an excellent opportunity to continue spreading the knowledge as best she could.
"Asexual. It means she doesn't feel sexual attraction to anyone," Winter said, a small smile coming to her lips as she ignored her work entirely to continue the explanation. A small delay wouldn't hurt, right? "Some asexuals still have sex with their partners but Yang's one of the ones for whom sexual contact is extremely distressing- sex repulsed is the technical term." Absolute shock splayed across the man's face, shoulders slumping as he stared at her. She'd gotten the reaction before, though, and it didn't even put a dent in her speech. "It means we don't have sex and that's fine for both of us; we've talked it through completely." Her lips curled into a soft smile. "We've already decided to spend our wedding night rewatching the movie we saw on our first date, except we'll put it on mute and try to do the dialogue from memory. Personally, I think it's a better way to spend our time."
She looked over at her friend, who gave her with a warm look and a nod of approval. "I'm happy for you. Everyone who desires such a relationship should be able to find a love like that."
"Well, yeah, but... come on." The Sergeant chuckled awkwardly. "What about you?"
A flicker of annoyance passed across her expression before she reined it in through sheer force of will. "What about me?"
"How're you gonna get your rocks off?" He shook his head. "If she ain't takin' care of you, are you at least allowed to, ya know. Get some action on the side?"
"That's... not how..." Her brows furrowed. "Did you miss the part where I explicitly stated we talked the whole thing over? I don't need to have sex with her and I don't want to because it upsets her. We've been devoted to each other exclusively since the beginning of our relationship and that won't change. I'm perfectly fine with that."
The Sergeant just blinked at her. "Well... what the fuck is wrong with her?"
"Nothing is 'wrong' with her." Her voice raised, louder than before as she tried her best to hang onto her anger. "She doesn't want to have sex. It's no different from any other sexual identity-"
"Except, ya know, they have sex." He spread his hands. "How could it possibly be a 'sexual identity' if there's no sex involved?"
"That's an extremely pedantic argument to make."
"Look, if you want to shackle yourself into a sexless marriage from the get-go-"
"You're being deliberately obtuse-"
"Have you even tried?"
"What kind of question is that?" Winter grit her teeth, standing up and outright glaring at the Sergeant. Memories of the early morning she quite nearly lost the love of her life flashed through her mind, the anger she still felt at her own obliviousness coursing through her and infecting her tone. "It's no concern of yours at any rate. What my wife and I do with our marriage is not up for discussion."
He stared at her for a moment, then crossed his arms over his chest and gave her a pitying look. "Sounds to me like you're just settlin' out of not knowing any better. I bet if you just showed her who's the boss, everything'd be fine."
Silence filled the room for a long moment- Winter's mind had ground to a halt, trying to process the words- and then Terry spoke. "Correct me if I'm wrong, Sergeant. Are you suggesting she force her fiancé to have sex with her?"
"I'm just saying that some gals take a little more convincing. I'd be happy to-" Winter leapt over her desk, cocked back her right fist, and followed through with a solid punch to the man's jaw that even her lover could be proud of, stopping the vile sentiment cold as the Sergeant's head whipped to the side. He stumbled back a few steps, eyes cross eyed for a moment before his expression pinched into one of rage. "Oh, you've done it now."
They both raised their fists, entirely prepared to turn the small office into a boxing ring, but a hand landed on her shoulder the same time as another one reached through the doorway and grabbed hold of the Sergeant's jacket. For a moment, the presence of others really didn't matter to Winter, but she held herself back when General Ironwood stepped through the doorway, his severe expression bringing both of them to a stop. She was pulled back a few more steps by Terry, the Commander keeping a firm grip on her shoulder to discourage her.
"What the hell do you two think you're doing?" Ironwood scanned both of them, settling his gaze on the unfamiliar face. "Sergeant? Explain yourself."
"Your Specialist here is under the impression that marrying someone who doesn't want to have sex with her is a sound decision," he said, shaking his head even as she pulled against the Commander's hold.
General Ironwood drew in a deep breath and slowly released it. "Both of you, outside, five minutes. We handle this the old school way."
"With pleasure." Winter growled out, waiting for her superior to escort the other man out of the office and down the hallway before following suit.
Fury coursed through her veins, hardly aware of the second set of footsteps behind her and more concerned with how she would handle the situation. Years ago, she held a distinct distaste for handling things the 'old school way', seeing it as nothing more than mindless scrabbling among the lower ranks and hardly fitting of those in respectable positions. However, her mind had changed recently, and she found herself standing outside beneath the shade of a familiar tree just behind the building as others began drifting closer, drawn by both General Ironwood's presence and the obviously seething Winter and the visiting Sergeant settled into aggressive postures as they squared off against each other. She slid her jacket from her shoulders, rather content with just throwing it behind her as per usual but instead handing the fabric off to Terry for safekeeping. Her old friend seemed more than a little amused that she was going through with this.
"You know the rules: no breaking each other's aura, no semblances, no weapons, no dragging bystanders into the fight, and no complaining about the outcome," Ironwood said, his voice loud enough to catch the ears of those too curious for their own good, bringing a fair amount of soldiers closer. Most of them were Atlesians stationed in Vale but a few wore the uniforms of the other kingdoms. "When this is done, you'll both put the issue to bed, am I clear?"
"Yes, Sir." The Sergeant seemed confused by the strange turn of events but nodded all the same.
Winter just raised her fists, prepared to beat some sense into the man across from her.
Around her, the soldiers whispered among themselves, many curious as to what would prompt the normally straight laced Specialist to engage in a fight, until someone finally voiced their thoughts. "He probably said something about her fiancé and sex."
"That's exactly what happened," the Commander said, a sigh passing through their lips as the onlookers sucked in a collective hiss. "So, what's the betting pool look like?"
Someone chuckled mirthlessly. "No thanks. We've all lost too much money betting against her when it comes to this."
Winter relished the slight look of panic on the man's face as it occurred to the Sergeant that he might've bitten off more than he could chew on this one.
She would enjoy his expression after the fight even more.
"Ready?" The General looked between them raising his hand and dropping it a moment later. "Begin!"
The woman shot forward, not even bothering with the feint and weave that would usually precede an earnest battle in favor of laying another solid cross on his jaw. In a normal fight, she would concern herself with things like form and pacing but fury fueled her in the moment and she weathered the straight punch to her face that snapped her head back like whiplash with nothing more than a growl leaving her lips. Usually, she'd concern herself with defense, with the natural rhythm of the fight, but when she came out under this tree- rare as it was- Winter focused on one thing alone: showing whoever pushed her to this point that she would not stand their behavior. She wouldn't quietly sit back and listen and she wouldn't just allow those things to be said, because for as many times as she'd been under this tree, handling things in an archaic and brutish manner, it always had something to do with Yang.
It remained a recent development, comparatively. Her fellow soldiers stationed at the Vale outpost had heard quite a bit about Yang prior to their engagement and she took their crass, lewd comments in stride then, because she didn't know any better. When someone joked that she'd be 'getting some action soon' or needed to 'spend some quality time with her girlfriend to loosen up', she chalked it up to soldiers being soldiers, always a bit too deep in each other's personal lives as a matter of course for most to avoid the conversations. She thought their issues in the bedroom came down to poor timing and it didn't bother her that everyone seemed eager to give her pointers on how to make time. But the first morning she put her uniform on again, returning to the rank and file after nearly losing the woman and coming out the other side with them happily engaged instead, she had a different outlook. The jokes weren't funny anymore and she made that expressly clear. Most understood- they could be a hard headed bunch, but she rarely asked them politely to do something instead of ordering it, so they listened- but there were always those outliers, those who never knew when they'd pushed a joke too far, and it took precisely three days for the first person to make a suggestion that had sparked her ire.
The onlookers cringed and groaned as she landed another solid strike against the Sergeant's temple, not minding in the slightest when his retaliatory cross made a cut along the inside of her mouth, drawing a bit of blood. All her aura, all her focus lay in her hands, to a degree not even Yang would suggest trying were she to bear witness to the fight. Hours spent training together- at first as a means of overcoming Salem's forces and slowly turning into something just as intimate as sex, a way to be with each other without facades or words, reading the other's body language and pushing themselves to the limits- had given Winter a rather extensive lesson in hand-to-hand combat, far more detailed and nuanced than the standard combative training given to all Atlesian soldiers.
So when he tried another straight punch, she ducked beneath his arm and shot up, the heel of her palm hitting him square on the chin and rattling his jaw a moment before she drove her shoulder into his armpit, grabbed his arm, and flipped him over her and onto the flat of his back. It knocked the wind out of him and threw off his concentration, which would make now the perfect time to land another hit and bring his aura down even further, but she didn't. Winter waited, barely maintaining an iron clad grip on her restraint to allow the Sergeant to get back to his feet, shaking his head to try and get his bearings. Something she'd learned in dealing with soldiers the 'old school way': sometimes, a sound beating was all it took to discourage ridiculous behavior. Other times, pain was needed, a longer and more drawn out process to truly drive the point home.
This man happened to fall into the latter category.
Pushing himself to his feet, he whirled around with a blind haymaker that she side stepped easily, taking the opportunity to drive her elbow into his gut. Winded a second time in as many minutes, it took almost no effort on her part to sweep his legs from under him and throw him back to the ground. Again, she didn't follow him to the ground, instead dancing back around to await him standing back up. Really, she was offering him a mercy- all he had to do was stay down- but some were just too stubborn, and the Sergeant lumbered back up to his feet with a groan. As he looked at her then, she knew another knock to the ground would push his sense to the forefront, ahead of his pride.
So, she baited him, dropped her guard just enough to give him a glimmer of hope to win the fight overall, and she paid the price for that with a wicked cross across her jaw followed by a strong, straight punch into her gut that took away her breath, causing her to stumble slightly. The pain flared throughout her ribcage, her diaphragm aching as she tried to draw breath, but she could ignore it as the Sergeant's lips twisted into that same little grin he'd worn in her office, her fury reignited and pushing her forward.
A left and a right, snapping his head to the side slightly, because they weren't full strength and only meant to distract him as she prepared to lower her shoulder and slam it forward, sending the man stumbling back until he lost his footing under their combined weight. Winter wasted no time in sitting up, knees on either side of his stomach and winding back her left fist. She was right handed and the majority strength lay in that arm, but this was to prove a point. Her wedding back lay just beneath her gloves and while it wasn't a weapon in its own right- something Ruby had been a bit disappointed about- but it served a symbolic purpose.
She liked to think she was literally beating the concept into him, that she was marrying Yang- her Sundrop, the one woman who'd somehow managed to carve her heart out of the solid sheet of ice she'd built up over the years- and that it didn't matter whether or not other people understood it. She expected them to accept it without question. She loved Yang and the woman loved her, wholeheartedly and unabashedly, and the opinions of a few small minded individuals wouldn't change that.
"Stand down; do not intervene." Ironwood's voice boomed out even as she continued throwing punch after punch, shifting her aim to slip past his arms, which were raised in defense. It didn't matter where her strikes hit, just that she didn't give him a chance to recover, her burning lungs, chest, and arm a small price to pay to drive the point home as literally as possible.
There was no higher point in her life than when Yang said yes. When they'd held each other close, relief and happiness flooding her system. Every jeering comment trying to take away from that only pushed her to keep punching, keep taking on anyone daring to challenge her relationship. She didn't want or need their approval but she refused to let them pass judgment on Yang, to belittle or look down upon her, and she would give everything, up to and including her dying breath, to protect her fiancé from those disgusting ideas, the very ones that had shaped the younger woman into thinking something was wrong with her. Cretins like the Sergeant were directly responsible for Yang's poor self image in that regard, in perpetuating the terrible myth that someone like her needed to be 'fixed' at all.
Winter knew, on some level, that she couldn't undo years of social conditioning and expectation. But damnit if she didn't feel better when she landed the last punch, able to see the flash across his cheek that showed it would only take a few more strikes to break his aura completely and start doing real damage.
Temptation whispered in her ear for one more shot and she froze with her fist cocked back. No one moved to stop her- not Terry, not General Ironwood, not any of the other soldiers- and she felt confident she could throw one more without facing reprimand.
But she was better than that. She'd made her point, and if the dazed expression on the Sergeant's face was any indication, she'd done so rather thoroughly.
Winter got up, finally remembering the blood that had collected in her mouth from the cut that she could now heal, spitting out the blood and leveling a gaze at the unfamiliar faces around her.
"Would anyone else like to have their say?" Cool blue eyes slowly scanned their faces, watching as one after another looked away. She wiped at her mouth, turning around to face her commanding officer and surprised to see Yang standing beside the General, a mixture of shock and awe in her expression. "Yang?"
"What the hell is going on here?" Shock seemed to be overcome by a strange sort of amusement as her lips pulled into a crooked smile. "Aren't you always telling me you can't beat sense into people?"
"Technically, I said you can't beat sense into people," she replied, the corner of her mouth tugging up into a little smirk. "I never said I couldn't."
Yang rolled her eyes, setting her hands on her hips while laughing. "Ah, of course, there's the distinction I missed." Lilac eyes darted to the Sergeant, who seemed to be regaining his feet with muttered curses and a pop or two, likely from his back. "But seriously, Snowdrift, what's going on? I come out here to surprise you and I find you beating the shit out of some dude? That's... not usually your style."
"I thought you'd be impressed I'm putting those hand-to-hand combat lessons to good use." Winter smiled, glancing over her shoulder. "It was... just a bit of a disagreement between soldiers. Nothing to be concerned about."
She could see the hint of skepticism in her fiancé's eyes. Of course she'd mentioned once or twice why she'd come home with a ruffled uniform and stains from both grass and dirt in the fabric, that sometimes soldiers settled their differences through shows of brute force rather than words, but Yang probably suspected what really caused those arguments in the first place. After all, it had only started happening after they'd gotten engaged, and the blonde was nothing short of an excellent detective when the mood struck her. Trying to surprise the woman had proven that much.
Turning back towards the Sergeant, Winter offered her hand, all warmth fleeing her as she saw the sour twist to his expression. This wasn't a loss he'd take easily. But he shook her hand all the same, allowing her to turn away and take a single step towards her beloved.
And then he did something monumentally stupid.
"You know, you probably wouldn't be that angry if you got laid every once in a while," he said, the snideness in his tone not disguised in the least.
Winter turned, ready to lunge for him again, but strong arms wrapped around her waist and prevented her from making contact even as one of the other soldiers spoke up.
"Alright, that's enough outta you." She recognized the man who stepped forward then as one of the ones she'd dealt with first, remembering clearly the disbelief that splayed across his features when she called him outside. He hadn't put up much of a fight then- caught between shock and guilt- but he had more than enough strength to grab onto the Sergeant's arm and pull him off balance, so that half a dozen others could grab the battered man and pull him off his feet, hoisting him into the air amid his struggling.
"Specialist Betrugs," General Ironwood said, a severe edge to his voice. "What, exactly, are you doing?"
"Introducing the Sergeant to our twelve step program for 'shutting the fuck up'... Sir."
"Now wait a-" Any further objection was silenced as another soldier wrapped an arm around his head, muffling his words.
For a moment, the senior officer remained silent. "I expect to see a certificate of completion, Specialist."
"Will do, Sir." Without further ado, the group of soldiers hauled the struggling Sergeant towards the building while the majority of the others looked the other way, becoming suddenly invested in deep conversations.
"So, this is Yang?" The Commander stepped forward, dipping their head politely seeing as the blonde's arms were still tightly wrapped around Winter's waist.
"Yeah. You must be Terry." Her right hand came away as she offered it to the other soldier, though she didn't seem keen on giving her fiancé room to move just yet. "Nice to finally meet the legend."
"Oh, I'm not all that impressive." They chuckled, eyes darting between the two briefly. "Congratulations, by the way. I'm glad to see my old team leader's found someone who isn't afraid to stand between her and her likely self destructive goal. She can be a little funny like that."
"Trust me- it runs in the family," Yang replied, an audible smirk in her voice as she loosened her grip slightly. "You gonna be alright, Snowdrift?"
Winter had watched the retreating soldiers, barely managing not to follow after them herself and instead forcing her fury to the back of her mind for the moment. She could, at the very least, take comfort in knowing those who already understood her position would stand behind her when she needed them. "I'm fine. I apologize that your surprise had to be ruined by that cretin." She sighed. "I really wished I could believe Atlesian soldiers are better than such lowly behavior."
"No one group, no matter how well trained, is without its... bad apples." General Ironwood's lips turned down into a frown as she spoke, his attention shifting to Terry. "Commander, will you go ensure that this 'twelve step program' goes well?"
"Is that an order or a request?" With a chuckle, they nodded, the question obviously rhetorical as they snapped off a leisurely salute and returned Winter her jacket. "I'll see to it, Sir. And I'll have my report ready for tomorrow morning."
"Good. And delay your return to Atlas by a week." He ran a hand over his face, obviously regretting the words even as they left his mouth. "Put your crew on shore leave; your next mission will be handled by the bravo team. I'm going to have to issue a standing order and develop a training program, and I'll need your assistance on both fronts."
"Understood." They nodded towards the three of them before heading towards the building. "I'll see you around, Specialist."
"Yes, Commander." She drew in a deep breath as she put her coat back on, letting it out slowly before turning towards the General. "Sir, I can-"
"Consider yourself dismissed for the day," he said, waving off her concern. "Whatever you haven't finished can be completed tomorrow and I think all of us should... enjoy some time off." Raising his voice, he called out to the remaining soldiers. "You lot know the drill. Good work, be safe, and see you tomorrow, bright and early."
A chorus of responses ranging from far too enthusiastic to relatively bored resounded through the air, immediately followed by the more eager soldiers rushing towards their barracks or vehicles while others left at a more leisurely pace. Winter fell into the latter category, turning towards the small parking lot by the building where Bumblebee sat, two helmets perched atop the seat. They got perhaps halfway to the bike before Yang tugged lightly at her hand, a small frown on her fiancé's lips.
"Look... I know you're going to say this is one of those military things I'm just not gonna understand but..." lilac eyes darted back towards the building "... what the hell just happened?"
She considered, very briefly, brushing off the inquiry. She'd done such previously, when a complete lack of context might've generated more questions than it answered. Now, however, Winter found that attempting to avoid the question would just worry her fiancé, and she let out a small sigh before turning to look the woman in the eye. "Sometimes, when soldiers disagree, we talk through our fists. It's a touch... barbaric, perhaps, but sometimes we're so entrenched in our own mindsets, that it takes a painful reminder to drive the point home."
"And that somehow requires a twelve step program?" Yang raised a brow, able to tell that she was putting things rather lightly.
"No, that's a more... extreme measure for those who don't learn their lesson the first time." She glanced towards the building. "It involves stuffing the difficult individual into a footlocker, and then tossing that footlocker down a flight of stairs. Or several."
"Whoa. That's, uh... pretty extreme..." The blonde spoke slowly, as if unsure exactly how to react, brows knitting together in slight confusion. "What was the disagreement about?"
She pressed her lips into a thin line. "He made some tasteless comments that I found highly offensive." A moment of silence passed and it looked like Yang was indecisive about whether or not to push one more time to get to the heart of the matter, the slight slump to her shoulders hinting that her fiancé would let it go like all the times before, trusting that if Winter remained this reticent about it that she should leave it alone for now. But the woman didn't want to keep secrets and it would only become more of a sore spot if she kept it hidden away. "I was speaking with Terry about our wedding and the Sergeant began offering his unsolicited opinion about how I should celebrate. In the course of the conversation, it came up that you're not interested in sex, and he... refused to accept that." Winter frowned as she tried to keep her anger in control once more, though she did throw a glare towards the tree. "Ultimately, I had only one choice: make it very, very clear that I wouldn't abide such comments being made about you." She reached out, putting her hands on the other woman's shoulders. "But it was my choice, Sundrop. I could've remained silent and disengaged from the conversation or let Terry handle it in a more diplomatic fashion. I chose to handle it the way I did."
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Yang sighed, shaking her head and shrugging off her fiancé's hands. "I get it- I've definitely fought my way through a few bars in my lifetime, but this is different. This is your career that could be impacted, Snowdrift. I know you're pretty much bulletproof as long as Ironwood is calling the shots, but what if one of these guys takes it personal and comes after you later down the line?"
"Then I'll handle it," she replied, ignoring the chorus of shouts that emanated from the building, a sure sign the soldiers were so far successful in their aims. "These sorts of things are often forgotten quite easily. Most come away from the experience with respect for their opponent-"
"Yeah, he definitely acted like he respected you, that was kinda hard to miss." The woman scowled, turning towards the bike. For a moment, blue eyes fell on the patch newly affixed to the right shoulder of Yang’s jacket, the ace flag’s darker colors making a bold statement, and a smile curling her lips before the seriousness of the conversation reasserted itself. "Look, maybe I just don't get the military, but I still don't think you should've gotten into a fight for my sake. Especially not when you're fighting like that." She made a vague gesture towards the tree. "You didn't keep your guard up, you didn't block or redirect even one attack; if that guy had known what he was doing, you would've been knocked flat on your ass in a minute, tops."
"I find it hard to believe you're that upset by my technique." Winter took a few long strides, enough to cut her fiancé off before she could reach the motorcycle. "There's something else-"
"What? Me? Upset about something other than my fiancé picking fights with people? What gives you that idea?" She blinked, a brief flash of red replacing lilac before it vanished and Yang sighed, shaking her head. "You're not going to change their minds. You feel differently than they do but they... they aren't wrong-"
"Yes, they are," she said, an edge to her voice as she crossed her arms over her chest. Some part of her realized that getting angry with each other wouldn't help but she couldn't stop the heat creeping into her voice. "They don't get to have a say about our relationship; that's between us and we are on the same page. If they can't keep their comments to themselves or accept that they're wrong, I'm well within my right to make it known that I won't abide such behavior-"
"And how many times have you done that, I wonder." Although slightly shorter, the other woman drew herself up and met her gaze with eyes a few shades off from their usual color, her anger beginning to get the better of her. "I guess it would be wishful thinking to assume this was the first." Her expression screwed up until she turned her head away. "I mean, I've seen it, the aftermath anyway. You've been getting into these fights because of me, and I don't care what you think would happen after, the fact is you've been making enemies who might come back to bite you, all because I'm-"
"Don't say it." She held up a finger, brows furrowing into a scowl at the words she just knew were on the tip of Yang's tongue. "There is one reason and one reason only that any of these little disputes occurred: I didn't like the way things were said and I chose to do something about it." She inhaled deeply, letting it out slowly to try and rein in her anger somewhat. "I know you're used to taking the blame, to accepting fault for other's actions, because you've always been the one to deal with what was left behind." She didn't specify beyond that but the way her fiancé reached up, fingertips running across the anchor of her prosthetic, it was obvious she'd made her point. "This? This has nothing to do with you, specifically. If I'd chosen to marry anyone else in all of Remnant, my reaction would be the same. I've spent my life allowing my father to say whatever he damn well pleased about a whole host of subjects and never spoke up in defense of myself or voiced my thoughts on the matter. I don't live under his thumb anymore, though, and I will not allow anyone to stifle my voice again."
Slowly, she took a few steps forward, relieved when her fiancé didn't draw away. She carefully wrapped her arms low around the woman's waist, still offering her plenty of room to withdraw if she felt it necessary.
But she didn't and Winter could take a bit of solace from that.
"What does pertain to you is the nature of their comments. I strongly feel I wouldn't be a good match for you if I just let people say things like that, knowing as I do how uncomfortable they'd make you feel." Winter leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss against her fiance's forehead. "Maybe there are better ways of getting my point across, but this is the military way, and it's the one I know everyone understands. And I won't lose, not when I'm fighting to protect you, even from the things you can't see. That's my job."
Yang sighed, leaning into her embrace and returning it, a bit too tight for comfort. "I just don't like the idea of you getting into these fights over me. There's a lot of things that could go wrong- this could end your career, or a sore loser could come back and try to get you when your guard is down, or someone could take a pot shot when your back is turned." The arms around her waist squeezed tighter, and she'd grown accustomed to the unyielding metal pressing against her lowest rib enough that the pressure brought a smile to her lips rather than a wince. "I don't want you losing your career or getting hurt because of me."
"I'm afraid it's too late for that." Although she hadn't intended the panic to flash across her fiancé's face, she did find herself chuckling at its presence. "If James came to me right now and said I only had two options- remain in the military or marry you- I'd choose you without a sliver of regret." As Yang calmed down, she lowered her voice, speaking softly as one hand came up to cup the other woman's jaw. "Jobs and careers come and go. Money comes and goes. Love stays with us, pulls us off our knees when we're weary, lifts burdens from our shoulders when we're weak, and gives us the wings we need to reach the height of our potential. I can live without the military; it will take a period of adjustment, but at the end of the day, it's a means to sustain myself." She leaned her head down until their foreheads touched. "Without you, though, life is just a monotonous slough from day-to-day. Now that I know what it's like to love you, I can't go back to how I was before. I can find another job, I can deal with whatever hardships come my way, so long as I have you by my side. And no fight, no single battle, no protracted war, will ever be enough to deter me."
"So, you're not going to stop fighting?" The blonde sighed, looking up at her with a sad smile on her lips. "Not even if I asked?"
A frown touched her lips as she drew back, considering. Personally, she didn't see the reason Yang would object to her handling a few hecklers every now and then, but she had to admit that, were the shoe on the other foot, she'd feel compelled to assure her fiancé that such measures weren't necessary. She didn't particularly care what others said about her; it was their comments about Yang that managed to get under her skin, and similarly she wouldn't want the other woman to get injured or in severe trouble just to defend her. "If you ask it of me, I'll do it. I'll find other ways of handling the situations."
"Just ignore them." Her fiancé smiled, leaning into the hand still cupping her cheek. "I know that feels strange, like you're just letting things happen, but we've spent enough time with the world on our shoulders. Don't let it bother you. Like you said, we are on the same page, so screw what everyone else says, okay?" She pushed up, just enough to catch Winter's lips in a brief kiss. "People talking trash about me is no reason to risk your job or your health."
"I'm tempted to be offended you think I'll come to serious harm through a fistfight."
"Snowdrift, with the technique you had on display, I'm surprised you haven't been injured yet."
"We don't allow for the breaking of aura." She defended, slipping down for another kiss to bolster her mood. While she certainly didn't regret any of her actions in recent months, knowing that Yang didn't approve of her methods of handling the situation did make her feel a touch embarrassed about the whole ordeal. She should've spoken up sooner rather than trying to pretend like the altercations were one off affairs. Sometimes, Winter simply thought more as a soldier than a lover, and it at least highlighted an instance where she would need to improve prior to their wedding day.
"You were bleeding."
"I had my aura redirected, and it was just a little cut."
Her fiancé laughed, pulling her into another kiss and sneaking a hand up, running blunt fingernails against the base of her neck and sending a shiver down her spine. "Yeah, well, no more 'little cuts', okay? We've got our hands full fighting Grimm. No reason to start fights with people who are supposed to be on our side."
"If you insist."
"Specialist Schnee!" The General's voice called out, bringing her attention back to the tree. There, the man stood next to Terry, both of whom seemed slightly concerned but doing their best to hide it. "A word."
"Duty calls." Yang chuckled, drawing away and turning towards her motorcycle. "Go see what he wants, and then we'll head out to the florist's. Sound like a plan?"
"Indeed. This shouldn't take long." Winter strode towards her friend and commanding officer, bracing herself when she saw the particular way James' brow furrowed. "Yes, Sir?"
"Is everything alright?" His gaze darted over her shoulder briefly, voice soft. "I hope this hasn't put you in an awkward position. I would've told someone to keep her away had I known-"
"Everything's fine," she said, a slight sigh slipping past her lips. "It's my fault for not bringing it up with her the first time it happened. I'll simply have to find a new manner of dealing with anyone trying to speak ill of Yang. Apparently, she's concerned that either my career or person might suffer from picking all these fights. I'm tempted to remind her that we've been through far worse."
"Not to put too fine a point on it, but... that seems like a very weak excuse." Terry frowned, their voice carrying more than just a note of skepticism.
Although she didn't put it into words, Winter felt the same. She honestly suspected it had more to due to with her fiancé's innate desire to have others not worry about her than a genuine concern for her career, but she wouldn't make more of a scene while they were out in public. Whatever the real reason- even if that was the real reason- they could discuss it in depth once they got home, away from prying eyes. "Be that as it may, it's what she wants, and the least I can do is honor her request."
"Well, I suppose that-" They cut off suddenly, eyes narrowing and directed just over Winter's shoulder as their shoulders slumped. "I apologize ahead of time for what's about to happen. I swear, I have no control over her on the best of days."
Confused, she turned back to see Yang, astride her bike and with her helmet placed just in front of her- a matching white one for Winter set on the seat behind her- with a small, polite smile on her lips. Leaning against the handlebars was a woman with long, brown hair, and almost offensively bright yellow trousers and a short sleeved red shirt, showing off her lithe build. Off to the side stood an absolute mountain of a man, with a bushy beard and a knit cap that seemed far too warm for the weather, and a smaller, seemingly nervous man beside him, while a younger woman- almost a child, really- admired Bumblebee from up close, taking a look at the engine. Yang and the woman seemed to be exchanging pleasant conversation, though something caused her fiancé to put her hands up and lean back with a shake of her head before nodding towards Winter. The negative response didn't seem to bother the other woman, who glanced towards the soldiers before saying something else.
Something her fiancé, quite obviously, didn't appreciate.
"Hey, Snowdrift!" Winter noted the tension in her fiancé's posture and the note of anger in her tone. "That stuff we were just talking about?"
"Forget it," she said, with a shake of her head. Then, in the blink of an eye, she'd wound back her left fist and threw a vicious punch straight into the brown haired woman's face that sent her flying back. Virtually no one seemed surprised as the woman went flying back and James even went so far as to groan in slight exasperation.
"I'll hazard a guess that this is a recurring issue?"
"There's a saying that old dogs can't learn new tricks." Terry rubbed at their temple idly. "What I've found is that new dogs can't learn old tricks, either." With a sigh, they raised their voice. "Forecastle! Cirrus! Pick Semper up and take her back to the barracks before she gets herself into more trouble!"
"Roger that!" With brief salutes, the two men went over to help up their comrade, who seemed a bit dazed and disoriented but ready to continue the fight.
"She's a shameless flirt with no filter and more muscle than sense." The Commander sighed, starting to follow their soldiers. "I should go see to them. I do apologize for her behavior."
"You two should probably get out of here before someone else decides to start a fight," James said, a lilt of amusement in his voice. "I'll take care of the Sergeant and Commander Cotta's wayward soldier. You're dismissed, Specialist Schnee. Now, get out of here."
"Yes, Sir." Winter gave him a crisp salute, then returned to the bike. Her gaze remained trained on her fiancé's posture, noticing how it relaxed by degrees. "I'm a little surprised you changed your mind."
Yang flashed her a small smile. "I, uh, guess I might've misunderstood what sort of comments that guy had made." Her mouth pressed into a thin line for a moment. "I... can't really blame you for wanting to knock some heads together, if it's anything like what she said."
"Is it something you'd be willing to repeat, even knowing I won't take it personally?"
Lilac eyes flashed red. "No."
"Then we're in agreement." She offered a little shrug. "Sometimes... there's only one way to handle the military sort."
"I guess so." Yang shook her head, picking her helmet up and scooping up the one behind her, offering it to the other woman. "Just, promise me you won't ever get that hardheaded."
With a warm smile, she accepted the white helmet, leaning over to place a kiss on her fiancé's cheek. "There's another secret you should know about us military types. The moment we are pronounced married, you are my commanding officer when I step into the house." She paused. "But the backyard and garage is my domain."
Her fiancé laughed. "What would you do in the backyard or garage?"
As she straddled the motorcycle, she had to admit that was a good point. "How about the study and the living room, then?"
"Do we still get to have movie nights?"
"Of course."
"Sold." Yang laughed, strapping her helmet into place and bringing the engine to life with a loud roar.
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heidianderson · 3 years
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[DANIELLE ROSE RUSSELL, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER] who’s that? oh it’s [HEIDI ANDERSON]. i hear they’re [TWENTY] and are known as [THE TEMPEST] around [NEW YORK]. they’re also a [SOPHOMORE] at [NEW YORK UNIVERSITY], and are part of [WNYU-FM]. they’re known to be [COOPERATIVE & PRIDFUL] and [TIMID & UNTALENTED]. some people say they remind them of [PERFECTLY COILED LOCKS, TV STATIC POURING THROUGH A ROOM, & PERFECTLY TIMED ANNOUNCEMENTS]. only one way to find out!
TW: parent abandonment
basic information
FULL NAME: Heidi June Anderson
AGE: Twenty
DATE OF BIRTH: August 31st
HOMETOWN: Los Angeles, California
ORIENTATION: Lesbian (closeted, identifies as pansexual)
RELIGION: Her dad wants her to practice Scientology, but she refuses, so no religious affiliation
OCCUPATION: Student/Radio Host
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Lives off campus in an apartment (roommate needed!)
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, some Mandarin Chinese
FATHER: Cooper Anderson
MOTHER: June Robinson-Anderson
SUN: Virgo
MOON: Gemini
LIKES: True crime, being noticed, the color blue, making her dad proud, gold jewelry, headbands, freshly ironed cotton shirts with matching cardigans
DISLIKES: Disappointing her dad, feeling like she’s not living up to her mom’s potential, bright colors, manipulation, people using her full name
When Cooper Anderson travelled back to Lima in the spring of 2012 to visit his younger brother what he was not expecting was to meet a girl eight years his junior studying literature at Lima’s Ohio State campus. June Robinson was exactly the kind of girl Cooper liked to get his hands on. Pretty, recognized his celebrity status, and was smart enough to keep up a conversation with and while normally their story would have ended after their one night stand, they decided to exchange numbers and keep in touch. This led to nightly texting which turned into good morning texts which turned into FaceTime calls which turned into June hopping on a plane to California (the same week as Cooper’s own brother’s wedding). By the time June had landed, Cooper had been given the news that his younger brother had gotten married to his high school sweetheart, the older Anderson just had to retaliate. There was no way he was about to not be told about his own brother’s wedding let alone not be in attendance to cause a disturbance, so he did what any sane person would do. He proposed to June, without a ring, but he covered that one up by telling June that there were going to go to a jeweler and pick out a ring that she wanted. The two didn’t plan to get married that week or even that month, but somehow after June had her pretty engagement ring on, they were running down to a local courthouse.
After the marriage was finalized, June had the most amazing trip in Los Angeles before going back to Lima and finishing up her semester before fully transferring to a campus in LA where her and Cooper could live together and start their life. For two people who jumped the gun on getting married, they surprisingly handled domestic life fairly well. They were happy. Cooper was acting. June was writing. Their income was fairly stable, even if sometimes Cooper had to pick up a random commercial gig or June had to do freelance article work just to make sure they could pay rent for the month. They made things work and despite Cooper’s poor acting chops, he managed to make it big doing random B-list movies and playing roles in random crime shows. Everything was just so good and one thing they agreed on. No kids. Why would they mess up something that was already so perfect?
Well, that was all said and done until they were coming up on their 8th anniversary. Maybe they did want children or maybe they were having a bad case of relationship boredom. They had already travelled, excelled in their careers, what more was their to do besides have a couple of kids? Which is exactly what they did. Heidi June Anderson was born on August 31st, 2024 happy, healthy, and giggling. And again, things were completely fine until they weren’t. It wasn’t long after Heidi’s birth that things started to go south. It had nothing to do with Heidi specifically, but more of the events that transpired after her birth. June got lonely, she wasn’t writing as often, and she was in a rut. It didn’t help that Cooper had some hot blonde as a co-star either on his new movie while June was still recovering postpartum. So, she found solace in a close friend of hers and it wasn’t long before Cooper pieced things together and found June with another man in their own bed. Incoming divorce and custody papers. Everything happened when Heidi was way too young to even piece together a memory of her mother and wanting to move on from the life she built in Los Angeles, she moved away to some European country but that wasn’t the last time Heidi saw her mom. They worked out an agreement where Cooper got full custody, but June had all the visitation rights she wanted as long as she was in town. That wasn’t very often though and by the time Heidi was ten, the visitations stopped altogether.
Growing up with Cooper as a dad wasn’t the worst possible situation. They had pizza for breakfast and cereal for dinner and Cooper always made Heidi watch any movies or tv shows he had been in and made her review and critique them all (Heidi was always one to point out Cooper’s lack of pointing in certain scenes). This meant she had to sit through many, many hours or Cooper “starring” on multiple crime dramas and she gripped onto that. Her entire life she had been shown the showbiz side of life, getting chucked into singing, dancing, and acting lessons and even though she was still watching her dad’s content, she fell in love with crime shows, begging Cooper to put on episodes that wasn’t even his. She wasn’t about to up and become some kind of criminal, but the cases were just so entrancing.
At some point during Heidi’s childhood, Cooper began to realize that he couldn’t raise Heidi by himself. He needed some sort of help from his family so Cooper packed himself and Heidi up to Lima, Ohio. Partly for help via his own family, but he also was more hopeful that June would visit Lima to see her parents more than come to Los Angeles to see her ex-husband and daughter. While in Lima, Heidi spent most of her time with her paternal grandparents while Cooper would be off travelling back and forth to Los Angeles, New York, Atlanta, and anywhere else he could find work.
During her formidable teenage years, Heidi had almost chosen to go to William McKinley High School. They had an okay academic and arts program and she lived in the district, but her dad would stand for no such thing. Him and his brother both attended Dalton Academy for most of their teen years and Heidi’s own mother had attended Crawford Country Day and was a crucial member to the Canaries during her own high school years, Heidi’s options were limited and she knew the path her dad wanted for her. She was an Anderson! She was born to sing and act! So, she ended up at Crawford and opting to go for uniforms and rich girl tactics and quickly joined the ranks of the Canaries.
The only problem with Heidi being in the Canaries is cut down to one simple fact - she was simply untalented. She can’t sing, dance, or act very well. This is something her own dad would never say to her, but she’s simply an okay performer. The only real reason she was able to compete and be on the team was because with her extensive background of dance classes and vocal lessons, she can hold a pitch and she can learn choreography and her slight athleticism allowed her to keep up with whatever was thrown at her on the Canaries. It also helped that her dad was a huge booster.
After graduation, Heidi originally had her eyes set on Los Angeles. The sun, her hometown, the gorgeous people, but after visiting New York University on a whim during her senior year, she fell in love with the campus. As much as she wished she had hated it, she didn’t. Now she’s studying at Tisch with a cinema studies major and she’s really happy about it all. Initially, Cooper wasn’t happy with her choice, wanting her to go for something in the dramatics, but he’s come to realize that path might not be for Heidi. 
Heidi’s recently started working at her school’s radio. She didn’t mean to, but it provided some extra credits and looks nice on resumes, so she decided to tack her own weekly radio show on. She gets to play whatever music she wants and talk about whatever’s going on in her mind and Heidi’s starting to get really comfortable being in front of the mic every Tuesday.
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