#//might just reblog my fic too. when i was still gettin a hang of this blog
collar-shocked · 3 months
//30 minutes 'til Sinday y'all. I have actual content this time ~ Even if I'm on the edge abt it
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Laisse tomber les filles 11
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; size kink; age gap; manipulation; sexual acts and dubcon, possible untagged elements..
This is a dark!fic and Lee Bodecker x (short) reader and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You find yourself ostracized on campus by your shyness, but your reticence won’t deter an unwanted suitor.
Note: Thank;s for all your patience on this series.
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You just wanted it to be over. The suffocating silence had you paralysed against the seat as the two men roiled in mutual loathing. Lee kept a hand on the wheel as his other kept wandering close to your skirt. You were embarrassed at his lack of shame.
Then it started. The whole seat shook with each kick of Andre’s feet against the back as he stomped the leather like a child. Lee jolted and gripped the wheel with both hands as he glared at the rear view mirror. He growled and cleared his throat.
“Boy, you don’t want to do this,” he snarled, “right now, you got one maybe two charges. I don’t care how rich your daddy is, I can have you at the station for months if I wanna.”
“Blah, blah, blah, you’re just small time, buddy,” Andre hissed, “gettin’ your kicks with college girls. It’s you who should be sitting back here--”
“And what were you doin’, boy? Houndin’ the girl across campus like ya do,” Lee retorted, “I’m tellin’ you one last time to shut your mouth.”
“Lee, please,” you murmured, “I just… please, just let him go and we can… um, be alone.”
“Oh yeah, she sounds real excited for your fat ass,” Andre chuckled.
“Andre,” you turned to peek over the seat, “I’m trying to help you.”
“I don’t need your help…” Andre jutted out his jaw and looked out the window, “...slut.”
The silence pervaded the car again. Lee’s breath gristled in his throat but he said nothing at his cheek twitched. You sat back and hugged yourself as you watched the road through the windshield. The tension strangled you and you just rocked as you wished for it all to be over. You wanted to go back to your dorm and hide under your covers.
The way ahead grew darker and while you weren’t familiar with much beyond the campus, it didn’t seem to be the way to the station. You glanced over at Lee and fidgeted. Trees rose around you and the land plateaued before a long bridge that stretched over a loudly flowing river.
Lee slowed and killed the engine. A shiver crept up your spine as you got a bad feeling in your stomach. You watched him climb out as his weight shook the car. You held your breath, time slowing as you held your breath and watched him open Andre’s door. It was the younger man’s huffs that brought you back to reality.
The sheriff dragged him out and they struggled as you pushed yourself across the seat and got out on the driver’s side. Lee fought with Andre as he angled him around to the railing of the bridge. You followed and saw the dark shadows of the crashing river as it dipped down into a dam.
“Wait, wait,” you grabbed onto Lee as he turned Andre to face the water, “what are you doing?”
“Now, honey, you go back to the car, you don’ need to be out here,” he elbowed you away, “I’m just teaching the boy a lesson.”
“Lee, please, let’s go--”
“Go back to the car now, dammit, woman,” he snapped and you flinched at his tone.
“Fucking pig,” Andre spat, “oh, I’m so afraid--”
“Uh huh,” Lee grumbled and bent and grabbed Andre’s legs. He thrust him up and over the rail, dangling him there as his cuffed arms bent awkwardly behind him, “y’aint scared, I see.”
“Hey, hey, let me up,” Andre demanded, “you fucking pyscho.”
“Now I just want you to think about how you talk to authority, boy,” Lee taunted, “lots more I could do than close you in a cell for the night and give a meal to tide ya over, don’t ya think?”
“You’re fucked,” Andre swore, “get me up.”
“I got no problem lettin’ you up, I just wanna hear it,” Lee snickered.
“Here what?”
“Here you beg,” Lee sneered, “just like this girl’s gonna be beggin’ for me and not you--”
“Lee,” you uttered in shock.
“Honey, now, I won’t tell ya again--”
Lee stumbled back and his arms flew out as he tried to catch himself. You heard Andre scream and ran up to watch him plummet down into the depths, legs flailing and crashing with a terrible splash. You gasped and covered your mouth as he dissipated into the black waves.
“Shit,” Lee grumbled as he stood and came up next to you, “I told ya go back in the car, distractin’ me like that.” He grabbed your shoulder and squeezed, “ain’t ya a good girl? You know how to listen, don’t ya?”
“Andre,” you tried to shrug the sheriff away, “is he--”
“Even if his head still in one piece, he got them hands tied,” Lee tutted, “goddamn accident like that, tragic thing.”
“Why would you do that? Why would you hang him--”
You were stunned as Lee shot his hand up to grip your chin. He forced your mouth closed and pushed you against the rail as he closed you in with his size. He glared at you in the shadow of his headlights, “what are you sayin’, girl? You talkin’ back to me?”
He pressed his finger to your lips and shushed you, “please, nothing, honey. This is your fault. That boy be back on his feet if you weren’t out her naggin’ me. You aint my wife yet.”
“Sir,” he corrected you and poked his finger into your mouth, “now, they gon find that boy and they’ll call me and I’ll make sure they don’t get a whiff of us. You know kids, into weird things these days, always where they don’t belong.”
You blinked at him as your eyes glossed and pushed another finger into your mouth and hummed, “well, looks like we can get on with our date, honey pie.”
It wasn’t until the lights of the city blurred your tears that you realised you were crying. You were horrified by the man beside you and yourself. You kept seeing Andre falling, hearing his scream, hearing the sharp splash against the water. You imagined the way his bones would’ve cracked and his lungs would fill as he was helpless to escape the flow of the river.
When the car stopped, you winced and Lee grabbed your hand as it balled tightly in your lap. He pried your fingers open and laced his between them.
“Honey pie, I’m sorry I spoke to ya like that,” he purred, “it was only… I was worried for ya. I didn’t want ya to see all that. Just tryna protect you and all that.”
“Can you take me home--”
“Home? Is that small room really a home, honey?” he shifted closer to your on the street and caressed your cheek, “you seen my home, our home. I wanna share it with you.”
“I got school,” you wisped weakly as he let go of your hand and slid his arm over your shoulders, “I can’t--”
“What you learnin’ in that school? You don’t need none of it. History? You can read at home.”
“But I… worked so hard. I wanna learn--”
“Let’s not talk about this right now, honey pie,” he cradled your chin, “it’s been a long night.”
You looked down, too hollow to argue. You didn’t want to marry him, at least you didn’t think you did. You still had another three years of school at the end of the semester and you enjoyed your classes. You might be alone but you weren’t lonely.
“So, you read some?” he asked as his thumb tapped on your chin.
“Yes,” you said quietly, “a little.”
“That first chapter,” he said as he pressed your lip down, “you wanna try some of that?”
Your eyes widened and you gulped. You looked out the window and realised that you didn’t know where you were. You could push him away and climb out but you wouldn’t know where to go from there. And you couldn’t do all that. You were trapped.
“Sure,” you replied and kept from sobbing, there was no other answer he would accept.
“Alright,” he pulled away and stretched his arms across the seat, “like I said, honey, you take the lead.”
You gaped at him and felt his gaze in the dim. The headlights were off and you heard the distant sound of tires. You were all alone in the heart of the metropolis. You rubbed your hands together as you hesitated.
“Your mouth, honey pie,” he breathed, “I been thinking about it all day.”
You remembered the opening scene in the book, the explicit descriptions of the sloppy mess of the act. You inhaled deeply and told yourself not to be you, be the woman in the book, be Delilah, the temptress.
You reached for Lee’s fly before you could snap back to doubt and fear. You tugged at his belt clumsily as your hands shook and you pushed down his zipper. You felt him harden beneath his pants as you did and you sucked in a lungful of air.
Your lips quivered as he groaned and tilted his hips. You pushed his fly open and reached into his briefs. You gripped him and gasped.
“That’s all for you, honey pie,” he purred, “see what you do to me?”
You couldn’t speak. You couldn’t find your voice in your tight throat. You licked your lips and braced yourself for what you were about to do. You’d come this far, there was no turning back.
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all1e23 · 5 years
The One With All the Giggles [One-Shot]
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Summary: Bucky finally gets to take his girl on a real date.
Warnings:  Smutty smut. 18+ please, and thanks. It’s not graphic sex, like at all, but it’s adulty time. Be cool, k? 😉
A/N: I’ve been watching Friends a lot. To explain the title. I have been so soft this week. My period has turned me into a soft mess. That led to Beck and December’s first time. lolol. This takes place roughly a week after chapter 17. They just became an item and they are trying to find their footing as this new couple. It’s full of giggles and silly playfulness. It’s more about the fluff and the gentleness than it is the dickin’. Sorry if you wanted dirty smut🤣🤣.  If you have not read the series Astrophile, THERE WLL BE MAJOR SPOILERS.  
Catch up on the series here!
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are my jam, though! Thanks!*
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The transition from friends to something more is easier, in theory, it turns out. It is hard to decipher what had been flirting and what was just friendly banter between two friends — more importantly, what was them being them, Y/n and Bucky.
Natasha doesn’t quite understand what the problem is. When Y/n asked her for advice earlier in the week, seeing as how she went through something similar with Clint, Natasha told Y/n she didn’t see what the big deal is. You two have flirted from the moment you met. He’s always looked at you like you hung all the stars, and it’s quite nauseating. Add a little kissing, and you’ll be fine.
He never said anything but, Y/n knows Bucky is nervous, too.
Maybe it’s because nothing has really changed. They still talk on the phone all day long. Bucky still FaceTimes when he’s working late, or he’s bored and missing her.  Y/n sends him random pictures throughout her week when she’s thinking about him and starlight. Ori comes by the shop nearly every day. Maybe a week is too soon to notice the change, or perhaps nothing will change between them at all.
The knock to her front door startles her enough to make her jump. Bucky is there. Bucky is at her front door to take her on a real date. She glances down at her galaxy printed tights, black skirt, and sparkling grey sweater, this isn’t exactly sexy. It’s cozy, and she likes it, but it’s something she would wear every day — not on a date, and she should have dressed up.
What if he’s disappointed?  
Y/n blows out a nervous breath and pulls the door open only to find Bucky grinning at her from behind a bouquet of star jasmine. He’s not dressed very fancy at all — jeans and a black button-up shirt, the sleeves rolled up, and his hair pulled back into a small bun. 
At least, he’s not in a suit. 
“Hi,” Bucky breathes, a ridiculous smile tugging at his lips, “You look— Damn, you look beautiful.”
So maybe he won’t be too disappointed.
“Thank you!”
She beams back at him, setting the flowers he gave her in a vase on her kitchen counter. The bouquet was small, not even half the size of the one Tony sent her after their first date, but these are different. These are the flowers she should have gotten, and she isn’t surprised that Bucky picks flowers that shine like the stars. 
“You look very handsome.” Y/n observes and slips her purse over her head, locking the door behind her, and she adds with a smirk, “Calendar ready if I can say so.”
Bucky hangs his head in defeat, but she can see the smile on his face  — she loves that smile. 
“I was thinkin’ we could walk. The place I have in mind is not that far.”
“Where are we going?” She asks as she takes the hand that’s outstretched for her and leans into Bucky as they walk down the street, right past her shop window with the new display — a romance novel featured in the middle. Natasha had teased her about that when she came by on Wednesday.
“You’ll see, Beck. It’s not that far.”
He had been right, it’s a short walk. Only twenty minutes or so. She tells him about her day on the trek over and asks about his. Of course, she checks up on sweet little Ori and makes sure he knows how much she misses her. Bucky will never stop loving how much Y/n loves the first woman in his life.
“Buck!” She screeches when spots the building they are approaching. “Laser tag?!” 
Bucky chuckles and kisses the back of the hand he’s holding, answering against her soft skin, “Yeah, I know dates are usually dinner and wine and all that, but I thought this is more… us.”
“It is us.” Y/n’s smile softens, and she squeezes his hand. “Can I go kick your butt now?”
“You’re gettin’ a little ahead of yourself, Beck. I’m pretty good at laser tag.” 
“Stow it, Barnes. Get in there so I can whip your cute butt.” 
Y/n can now admit she was too cocky when they arrived an hour ago. Bucky is good at laser tag; it turns out. Too good or he simply knows her too well. He continues to anticipate every move she attempts to make, and now she’s cornered, with no means of escape, and she hates to lose.
“Beck, you may as well come out. There’s nowhere to go, baby.”
A galaxy printed leg pops out from behind the wall; the owner of the said leg is hiding behind.  Bucky had been better than she predicted, and there is no way she is going to win now that he has her cornered in. So she does what any reasonable girlfriend would do. 
“Okay, okay. Uncle! Just don’t shoot me. Pretty please?” 
Bucky walks around the wall, gun still drawn in case she’s trying to trick him, but all he finds is Y/n, looking pitiful with her out her bottom lip as far as it can go, and he drops his ‘weapon.’ Bucky hooks his arm around her neck and pulls her into his space and kisses her. He can’t help it. He’s held out as long as he can, but he can’t go another minute without the feel of her lips brushing against his. His kiss is heated and languid. His lips are soft like she remembers, and her heart flutters when the arm around her pulls her closer, tucking her into his body.
Natasha is right. It’s the kissing that makes the difference, and boy — Bucky knows how to kiss. They need to do this more often. Kissing more often is a must, but not now. She has something else in mind for right now.
A soft beeping sounds off between them, and Bucky slowly pulls away from her lips to look down at his chest plate, vibrating and flashing red.
She shot him.  
“Ohh, you’re in trouble now, Beck.” He pecks her lips one more time. Okay, two more times. Once more, to be sure. “You better run, sweetheart. I’m only givin’ you a five-second head start.”
“Bucky…” She takes several steps back from him, grinning. “Don’t you dare.”
“You better move that cute little ass of yours, babydoll. It’s about to be mine.” 
This could quite possibly be the best date of her life. As if laser tag wasn’t already amazing, Bucky took her to her favorite taco truck. Tacos and Bucky? It can’t get much better. Maybe if they had a pizza taco. Or one of pizza cone things! Second date is all about the pizza cone. Tonight was perfect and kicking Bucky’s butt at laser tag only makes it that much sweeter. As soon as they sat down to eat, Y/n sent Sam a text letting him know of her victory and giving him rights to rag on Bucky — only if he videos Bucky’s face when he does.
“You let your guard down, Bucky. That's what happens when you let yourself get distracted.”
“I was kissin’ my girl!”
Y/n steals a chip from the paper carton his tacos came in to help distract from her the butterflies in her stomach and the flutter in her heart. It happens every time he says that. She doesn’t think it will ever stop — she hopes it never does.  
“Well, you should have known better. When I play, I play to win, Bucky.”
Bucky grins and leans back against the cement wall, their picnic table is resting against, staring at her wistfully and tells her with a wink, “Whatever you say, Beck.”
Y/n snuggles back against his chest, and Bucky’s arms immediately wrap around her. She sighs at the content, feeling warming her chest. There’s only one person she has to thank for that —  two technically, but one is spending the night with her Uncle Steve. 
“Thank you for tonight. I had so much fun,” She tells him earnestly. 
“So did I. I haven’t had this much fun since we went to the zoo. Thank you for spending your one night off this week with me.”
Bucky realizes just how true everything he said is. He’s gone on plenty of dates, but none have been fun — not like this they hadn’t. None of them were silly and playful. He would never think to take a girl to laser tag and then a food truck for dinner, but with Y/n, it’s the only thing that feels right, and not once did he think about his grocery list, work or what chores he had to do tomorrow.
“I don’t know if you’ve realized,” She retorts with a tiny smile, “but I kind of want to spend every night of the week with you.”
In truth, so does he. Bucky wished they were spending every night together. He would give almost anything for this night to drag on just a little longer. 
“So,” Y/n leans her head back on his shoulder and stares into his eyes, “Ori is at Steve’s all night, right?”
Bucky grins.
“What did ya have in mind, Beck?”
Y/n stumbles backward into the brownstone with Bucky attached to her lips, the smell of coffee, pancakes, and paint making her grin. She throws her jacket on the couch as Bucky’s foot catches the door and kicks it’s closed. He’s not about to take his hands off her even to close the door. Bucky hasn’t cleaned in over a week. There are clothes on the washer, bowls in the dish rack that have been drying for five or six days now, and Ori’s toys, well they are always present and—
'No, backtalk! I have a laser, and I will use it!'
They are everywhere.
Y/n breaks into a fit of giggles right there against his lips, putting a pause on all the kissing. Bucky might love her more for it. She doesn’t care that toys are thrown all over the living room floor and that Buzz is quite literally a buzz kill. She doesn't get mad or annoyed with the reminder of Ori's presence in their lives — she laughs instead. Bucky grins and slides his hands down her backside, gripping the back of her thighs and wrapping her legs around his waist in one quick move.
Bucky kisses her lips — “How about I just carry you, yeah?” Another kiss brushing against soft lips — “Lightyear and Star Command are really killin’ the mood.”
“I dunno,” She mumbles through several more kisses and tightens her legs around his waist, grinning widely at the feel of him pressing between her legs. 
“Doesn’t feel like he’s killed the mood.”
The squeak is there; the one Bucky knows so well. He barely hears it this time. The creek in the stairs in the last thing on his mind while Y/n is wrapped in his arms. Buzz didn’t kill the mood, but a squeak coming from anything but Y/n could make those pretty lips leave his skin, and he hates that idea.
Thankfully, when he left in a rush to drop off Ori before their date, he left his door open and, on Natasha’s advice, made his bed. It’s not anything special, no throw pillows or anything like that, but at least his blankets aren’t crumbled in a pile in the middle of his bed. Bucky lowers her to the floor, tossing his jacket onto the chair, watching as Y/n kicks her boots off.
Y/n slips her hands under his shirt, letting her fingers ghost over his muscles. She grips the hem of his shirt and tugs his shirt over his head, but the buttons get caught around the chain he always wears, and it gets stuck around his nose. Bucky chuckles through the fabric and steps back from her, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it on the floor.
She giggles and grabs the glinting silver necklace that fell back against his tanned skin. She pulls him back, her lips finding his with ease, tongues slipping past parted lips, and breath meeting. The backs of her knees hit the bed, and she flops back against the grey and black comforter. Her foot runs up the outside of his leg, and Bucky catches it when it reaches his hips. The slow trail of his hand running up her calf and then her thigh makes her shudder, Bucky grins and stops when he reaches the top of her tights — they come off with expertise and so does that pretty skirt he’s been watching bounce all night.
Bucky gulps looking down at Y/n, laying in nothing but that sheer black lingerie, embellished with tiny stars. The rush of the night comes to a stall as he takes her in. Her foot taps his thigh, and she raises her brow, silently asking what is taking him so long. He grins and coming out of his daze — the rush is back just like that, Bucky flings his jeans across the room, tossing them right into the nightstand and nearly knocking the lamp over.  Beck covers her mouth to stifle her laughter. He grins and bites her hip playfully as he crawls up her body.
"You laughin' at me baby?" She hums quietly just enough that he can feel the vibrations running through her.
“I like that.”
Bucky looks up at the soft whisper of her words and smiles. “Like what? Teasing me?”
Y/n grins and runs her hand through his hair, shaking her head. She regards him quietly for a moment before answering him properly, “I do like that, but I meant when you call me baby. I like it when you call me yours.”
Bucky presses a light kiss to her stomach and slowly crawls up her body until they are nose to nose. “You like when I call you sweet things, Beck, baby?”
She stares up at him, the gravity of what she feels for him clutching at her throat and keeping her from replying. She can only nod and slide her hands around his neck, the tremble in her fingers not going unnoticed by the man hovering over her. Nothing about her goes unnoticed to Bucky. He catches every change, every flutter, and knows every beat in that pretty soul she bares so freely.
It’s only been five months since he met her, and it’s too early to talk about such things, but he’s learned every path to her heart and then some.
Bucky settles on his forearms and lets his weight rest heavy on her. He gazes down at her for a beat, his fingers twirling the strands of her hair between his fingers. “I like calling you my girl, too. I’m sorry, it took so long for me to realize what I had right in front of me.”
“It’s okay.” She breathes, brushing her lips over his, and bumping their noses together. “I don’t believe in all that fairytale, falling in love at first sight nonsense. You know that.”
He grins. Bucky does know that. It’s one of the reasons they fit together so well. They both know there isn’t some secret answer, some special deal the stars made in exchange for their love — if they want to love each other, they have to work at it every day for the rest of their lives, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some magic left in the world.
“Yeah, I do. I do know that. I didn��t believe in any of that either. Until you.”
“I didn’t know when I first met you, but, baby, my heart was yours from that very first day I walked into the bookstore.” 
Tears are filling her eyes faster than she can stop them, she’s quick to blink away the ones that Bucky doesn’t catch with his lips. He places a soft kiss under her left eye, letting his hands wander her skin and whispers, “I’ll keep calling you baby if you call me something sweet, too.”
“Hmmm,” her breath hitches when she feels his fingers running up her inner thigh. Somehow she manages to get out a breathy retort. “Umm, how about I can be your girl, and I can call you Mr. December. Or, wait, what do they call the guys in Playgirl? Are they called bunnies, too?”  Bucky’s hand freezes and finds her playful glare and teasing smirk.
“You can be my bunny.”
Bucky has to bite his lip to keep himself from laughing, and he’s nearly successful. No one heard those few snickers anyway. Bucky bites her neck playfully, making her squeak and his fingers dig into her thighs, nothing painful just hard enough to make her squirm.
“Oh, you’re in so much trouble. So much for being my sweet girl.”
Y/n leans up just as Bucky is leaning down, making their foreheads clunk, and they both dissolve in a fit of laughter. Bucky kisses the spot on her forehead where they knocked heads and then her nose, her cheek and that spot on her collar bone — the one that makes her shiver.
It’s all hands and lips from here. Fingertips brush bra straps to the side, tugging at boxers and finding paths never traveled. Y/n can feel how desperate he is for her, resting hard against her thigh — it makes her wiggle under him, and a breathless please falls from her lips.  The only light is the glow from the light over the stairway spilling in through the open door and the bit of moonlight slipping through the cracks in the blinds over Bucky’s bed. Y/n likes to watch the pale blue hue fall over the muscles in Bucky’s Back as he works her panties down. There’s a rustling in the side table and a crinkle she knows.
Bucky attempts to rip it open, but his fingers fumble for a second, and her laugh makes him grin. He manages to get the dreaded foil package open and rolls the condom on with a soft grumble from him and another chuckle from Y/n.
The laughing quiets, and soon all that can be heard are heavy breaths, soft moans, and quiet declarations. I got ya, baby. That’s my girl. Come on, beautiful, come for me.  Bucky’s forehead rests against hers, eyes anchored in one another because Bucky won’t have their first time be anything other than true to who they are. They laugh and joke and find solace in each other, so making love to her for the first time wasn’t going to be anything less than them.
Bucky slips out of bed and is gone for only a second, but she’s too drunk on the stars to notice how long he’s gone. The matress dips from his weight and an arm come to rest above her head as they catch their breath. She instinctively curls into the heat he’s radiating, and Bucky fiddles with the blankets until they are both snuggled under the blanket and around each other — laying skin on skin. 
“Your Brooklyn really came out there,” Y/n’s soft voice fills the empty quiet makeing Bucky grin and he places a kiss on the top of her head. He’s never paid much attention before and certainly wasn’t focused on the noises he was making a few moments ago.
“Did it? I didn’t notice, darlin’. I was too busy listening to the sweet purrs you were makin’.”
Y/n smacks his arm gently and rests her head on his chest, fingers playing together and legs tangled around each other. It’s quiet, but not silent — there’s the hum of the air conditioning and beat of Bucky’s heart under her ear, soft breaths that she wants to feel against her skin again. Even the stars are whispering tonight, and Y/n knows she was foolish to think what they have could ever be considered something as silly and mundane just friends.
“Well, I’ve never done that with a friend.”
Bucky’s body shakes from laughter under her. She presses her cold nose into the crook of his neck and sighs happily. Y/n likes that he lets her be her, even here. Even in a moment that should be serious -- sensual, they joke and giggle and play. Those bits of silly sweetness only make it better. Not once did it diminish the moment, nothing was cheapened by their playfulness.  
“This might be too soon. I know this is our first date and all, but it doesn’t feel like a first date, and I’ve been feeling this for… well, since Ori’s birthday, if I’m bein’ honest, way before then and— and…” She grins at his hesitation and lifts her head to meet his nervous gaze.
“I love you, too, Bucky.”
Bucky grins and flips her onto her back, leaning over her. He bumps their noses together and slides his hand under the sheet, giving her exposed thigh a squeeze. 
“Round two?” 
Y/n’s brow raises, and he can see the questions sparkling in her eyes, Again? Right now?
“When I play, I play to win, Y/n.”
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