#//Thanks for the ask!
hazelenergy · 3 months
who's your favorite Ventrue?
You're trying to get me killed, aintcha?
You see. Fina is my favorite Seneschal. Jackie is my favorite customer. Antonia is my favorite scholar. Prince Len is my favorite Ventrue Prince of the three Ventrue princes I've chatted with. Trying to pit these individuals against one another is kinda stupid and also like- totally against their clan dignitas or whatever. They're all favorites, how you could you make a little thinblood possibly choose?
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dutybcrne · 8 months
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@spookytravl said : “Let me guess, I should ‘see the other guy’?” / for Kaeya please 😊 『 Meme || Accepting』
         Teeth bared in a grin as he chuckled. Resisting the urge to grimace as the ache at his ribs bore through him at the motion. Right...right, maybe he shouldn't–ahh...to think he'd just figured himself lucky enough to lick his wounds without drawing any attention...!
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         "My, my, however did you guess?" Still, even with his own embarrassment frustration and the lingering pain thrumming through his nerves, his voice was ever-mirthful as he regarded the other. Especially since she was a far more welcome sight than most any other right now- "Between you and me, cliffside battles are quite the fun ordeal. Ever seen a hilichurl fly? I'd be–" ookay, not moving like that again, "–more than happy to show you sometime."
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auburnandamberangel · 5 months
What do you think is a hobby Armand would really enjoy but probably hasn't tried?
I've always personally liked the idea of and headcanoned glass making or blowing. The potential of Milliflore and paperweights. Even though a huge furnace is involved in the making aspect. I can imagine him happily making small pieces with pipe glass and a blow torch. And as he lived in Venice, the home of so many Marano studios, how could he not have gotten to visit and try this artist process out as a pampered Prince of Marius.
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hom3land3r · 6 months
OOC. Any thoughts on the new season 4 trailer for The Boys?
//I’m excited! Yeah, super hype to see what they’ve come up with this season. I mean, yeah, they might be reusing tropes and the like but I really don’t care. I’m DYING for new Homelander content.
The final shot of him all bloody in the elevator lives in my mind rent free. It brought me such joy seeing my boi all bloody and manic. He’s doing amazing. Proud of him. I just hope we actually see the carnage and mayhem this time and it’s not just a cutaway. I wanna see Homelander go absolutely ape and be all terrifying. I wanna see him at his worst.
I’m also very curious to see how Butcher’s arc is gonna play out this season and whether or not he’ll cave and take full on Compound V. Becoming the very thing he hates the most.
Mmm. Deeeeelicious!
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sleepy-wishmaker · 7 months
cerulean: ...what is the wish code... if you don't mind answering...? i know... no wishing for more wishes... i'm just wondering... what else...
check the pinned post ^_^
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glynmostyn · 2 months
▼ - childhood headcanon
Luke was very clearly a neurodivergent child in more ways than just being ADHD, though he was diagnosed with ADD as the two at the time were still separate. It was perhaps the biggest influence on him for sure, but not the only.
He was always a little odd. He liked to play pretend, and more often than not he was some kind of beast, whatever animal he was currently fascinated with at the time. Real or mythical, didn't matter. This carried on well into his teenage years, but he at least had the wherewithal to keep that as a private at home activity.
It came as quite a shock to discover that he had in fact been a werewolf the entire time and never knew. This part of his life felt like it made sense after that.
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musesofchaos · 2 months
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"Happy birthday, Aunt Sakura." Ame wasn't one for birthdays but he was trying to fix that for the sake of his family. However, he didn't know what to get his aunt so only got her a birthday card. It was basic but it was a start.
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"Oh!" Sakura smiles at her nephew, taking the card gently. "Thank you, Ame, this is very sweet of you! Would you like to stay over for Dinner? We're having pasta!"
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h3artf3ltint3nt · 2 months
🌧️  to  find  my  muse  in  the  rain  without  an  umbrella.
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Kexin shields her eyes enough to glare uselessly up to the sky as if that would do anything to halt the falling rain. It had seemed perfectly clear when she headed out, with not even an inkling of rain in the future, but that clearly didn't last. Well, so long as it didn't start to storm, she should still be fine to fly on her sword, but it would be annoying, to say the least. She could manage despite having to stay more on alert to keep her balance. She sighed in exasperation. Why was the closest inn so far?
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coralxonyx · 5 months
Agate: What or who will your muse protect with their life? (for both)
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Request Accepted 💎 || @blackstardiopside
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For Coral:
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Coral was given the sole purpose to be Pink's personal spy. Unlike most of the diamonds, Pink cares for every one of her gemkind and Coral understood she wants her colony to be happy. She also knows Pink cares for other living beings as well. And so she does her best to protect many others as much as possible.
For Onyx:
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Onyx has been isolated from the rest of gemkind and works alone as one of White's executors. Even though she is to play the part as a shatterer, Onyx still fears for her own life. So she protects her life by protecting White's order. She's seen what happens to gems who 'fall' out of line.
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reanimated-roadkill · 11 months
what animals can you turn into, if any?
all i'm Naturally Really Good at is cainids but i've been working on being a (full) mountain lion.
it'ssss... not going super well i'm ngl. BUT IT'S GOING and i'll get there eventually.
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feralhippie · 5 months
Did you ever reconnect with your mom after you were turned?
"Eventually, yeah. I came back to San Francisco not long after..I think maybe it had been.." He struggled to recall the exact amount of time he'd spent hitchhiking and homeless, making his way around any state but California. "I think it was about a year or so. I really just couldn't stay away from California, man.
It was everything back then. It was the hip place to be, and I told myself I had everything under control and maybe I could go visit her, and just go back to life like it used to be. But I just stayed in town selling dope and hoping I'd get up the courage eventually.
I guess word got around about a new dealer on the scene who looked like her son, and she showed up one day." He smiled. "I had the best acid in town, so, makes sense she'd find me. She bought the rest of my stock so I'd have time to spend with her..It was really nice to just connect again after so long, but I think she knew something about me had changed, so...I got a little paranoid, and I wish I had spent more time with her after that anyway."
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hazelenergy · 1 month
So my hair's gotten like super long. Like ...halfway down my chest long bc I haven't bothered to cut it. Yes, my hair still grows. It's a thinblood thing. But like ... Do I let it grow out and dye it or do I chop back to my shoulders? I haven't even really bothered with my bangs either -what a mess these are.
No I am not letting the blonde roots show. Absolutely not.
Send a 🌻for my muse to talk about whatever
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lieblxng · 7 months
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Ethan when did you first realize you were in love with Streber?
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“What a question…” [ Ethan smirked to hear someone taking an interest in its love life, but it’s not like it hasn’t answered one like this before–all its family did when it told them it started dating Streber was asking a ton of similar questions in excitement. They all supported it wholeheartedly, of course, but they were persistent, adorably persistent. Ethan, however, couldn’t be more grateful for its understanding loved ones, there were many out there struggling with nothing. It was in the fortunate few. ] “Guess I can talk about it, huh?”
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“Think I was in love with Streb earlier than this, but I finally realized it when I went to college.” [ it casually leaned back into the seat it was in as it began recalling. ] “We picked the same college to go to so we could be close to one another, and even after that I didn’t notice until later.” [ It’s obvious now, but at the time, Ethan was blind to any sign. Even if it was in its face, constantly, every single day. He didn’t want to believe its feelings could ever be reciprocated. ] “Didn’t wanna confess until it felt right.” [ Well, that, and it was afraid of risking their platonic relationship if it did confess the romantic feelings it had for its best friend of almost seven years. Ethan didn’t want to lose someone important over something like that. Disbelief and denial could be difficult burdens to overcome in the mind. ]
“And after the incident with his arm…” [ A bitterness could be seen through its dark eyes as it furrowed its eyebrows, reflecting its emotions without issue. It had countless emotions about the tragic event that Streber went through, and many of them were frustrations mixed with regret. Yes, it really wasn’t Ethan’s fault that it couldn’t reach him in time, but it believed otherwise–completely. The incident was only further evidence of why this desolate place was cruel to live in. Regardless of its feelings, someone almost got killed. How could it not be furious? ] “…I just wanted to protect him more.” [ More than ever. ]
“Streber is a nice guy who’s passionate about what he loves with energy to drive him forward.” [ Despite what Streber has gone through in life, he always continued on with a smile on his face–and it always mystified Ethan. If the same occurred to it, it wouldn’t have the same optimistic reactions. Maybe it’s because it has accepted the harsh realities of life too pessimistically. Maybe it’s because it doesn’t know how to be anything but angry currently. Maybe Streber was the change in its somber perspective that Ethan has been needing. ] “He motivates me to do the same, and he’s got a great heart in the right place to boot.” [ People like him in here only made it want to improve the world for the better even more–if not for everyone else suffering in this dingy place, then for him. ] “Heh, no wonder I started to like him…” [ Slowly, its teasing smirk changed into a more genuine, innocuous smile as a light blush complemented its cheeks. ]
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[ It looked to the side thoughtfully, reminiscing on happy moments it had with the man he loved with its entire heart. ] “I’d do anythin’ for him. Anythin’.” [ And it meant that. ]
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auburnandamberangel · 4 months
Hey! What's your favourite Armand and Marius moment?
//This is very tricky as theres many throughout the series. But this part in TVA when Amadeo is almost the one in control - totally at peace with his inhuman/ monstrous love. A role reversal when Marius takes his longest draft of Amadeos blood. A crucial turning point for both of them, no way back
{His breathing was heavy and he was somber. He shivered still, and when his hand found me it was unsteady.
"Ah," I said smiling still, and kissing his shoulder.
"I hurt you!" he said.
"No, no, not at all, sweet Master," I answered. "But I hurt you! I have you, now!"
"Amadeo, you play with the devil."
"Dont you want me to, Master? Didn't you like it? You took my blood and it made you my slave!"
He laughed. "So that's the twist you put on it, isn't it?"
"Hmmm. Love me. What does it matter?" I asked.
"Never tell the others," he said. There was no fear or weakness or shame in it.}
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You know what? Fuck you too i guess/j. Truth curse.
Huh? Okay, this is not fine not fine why can’t I say that this is totally not fine it really isn’t fake I think I’ll stop talking now.
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fullmetal-amalgam · 1 year
Talk about Ichor
The first time I met him I nearly jumped outta my own skin. I wasnt allowed to hunt. So I was poachin. And after crawling back outta the window, certain I hadn't been seen or followed- I turned and nearly faceplanted into him.
If I had met him after Honeytrap, Nightmare, and Zeke, I'd say he's just stealthy because they're so loud. No. He just does not make any noise.
I'm the newest, but I've definitely spent the most time bantering with him. Talking about our role, what we can do with and against the sun, where the sword needs to swing, where we can teach, where we need ta reinforce. And by banter I sometimes mean shouting matches. We come from complete opposite beginnings. There's a lot he wants me to unlearn. There's a lot I think he is holding onto a mold that doesn't work.
The scariest thing about him is the sword. He doesn't go nowhere without it. Honeytrap says it's hilt is sewn into his skin. That thing is sharper than any weapon I've ever seen. I've seen it make a cainite look like we pushed him through a mandoline.
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