sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
My very good friend wants to spread awareness of what’s happening in Sudan right now. Please take the time to share this post with anyone you know, we need to spread awareness,
Thank you for reading.
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sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
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idk i just needed a way to save this to spam it to my friend in hangouts whenever she’s being a bitch
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sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
One of my neighbors has put up a lgbt pride flag in front of their house
I have never been more proud of anyone in my life.
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sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Your fathers a scoundrel
And so it seems you
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sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
snape: i estimate you will die in roughly one year
dumbledore: bummer
snape: you're awfully calm about this, headmaster
dumbledore: snickerdoodle, i am eleventy-billion years old. i live every day like i'm dying because i probably will.
snape: that...explains a lot, sir
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sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
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i know i use the word iconic a lot in relation to harry james potter but i feel it bears repeating here
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sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
Why do I have that “I want to see my little boy” vine stuck in my head
That’s not how it works
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sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
Bitch let’s go
On Tina Goldstein…
God, I relate to Porpentina Esther Goldstein like I rarely relate to female characters in film (maybe bc we don’t often get depictions of women having the complexity and contradictions that actually make up real life people…but I digress).
She’s a workaholic. Her work is her world. She gives it everything she’s got and she is good at what she does. But it isn’t ever portrayed as something that’s suffocating her. She loves what she does. She’s passionate about it. She’s proud of her accomplishments. A career girl? Yes I am, how kind of you to say that! How good of you to recognize that my choice of career is integral to my identity and it reflects other important aspects of my character as well.
Rules matter to her. And it doesn’t make her a boring prude or a nasty bitch. It’s an integral part of her success in her studies, career, and life. She has one of the most elite positions in the administration of the wizarding world! Yes she’s a rule follower and a rule enforcer. That’s not a weakness! She’s gotten to where she is today thanks to having these values, she’s strong and just and unwavering, of course she sticks to her guns! Of course she arrests the strange man whose creatures are causing mayhem in a bank! She has to fight for the respect of her colleagues and superiors by excelling at her job of enforcing the law. People underestimate her when they see her being overeager or vulnerable. But she never lets it get her down and she keeps giving her all.
However! Seeking this trust and respect doesn’t intoxicate her to the point where it is all she cares about it. She may be a rule-follower, but she always stays true to what she really loves about her job, the things that keep the passion burning within her. Doing good. Protecting others. Seeing justice done. That’s why she goes after the Second Salemers and becomes invested in Credence. That’s why she goes on a quest with Newt to wrangle his naughty creatures that are threatening to expose their world and cause more mayhem. That’s why she goes on a rogue mission to Paris.
She has all this good inside her but she still has to prove herself constantly. And how does she do that? She stays motivated by believing in herself. Believing that she is doing the right thing. She is fierce and strong. Even though she’s vulnerable, even though she may have moments of being awkward or self-conscious, she is self-assured at some fundamental level. She’s staunch in her convictions and that keeps her grounded. She’s self-sufficient. She’s confident in her character. She’s tireless and persistent. She recognizes what’s good in herself and refuses to compromise it.
Tina cares deeply about people. She has some trouble with interpersonal relationships, she’s a little awkward. She’s a very inward-looking person, which partly explains how self-aware and self-sufficient she is. It also explains how she got so caught up in the miscommunication of TCOG. She was hurt and retreated into herself again. She’s had a rough go of it so she is reserved and she does build up walls. But she never becomes callous, cynical, or uncaring. Any such appearance is really her protecting herself from caring too much. The people she does let close, she loves fiercely and well.
Tina is all about caring for people and protecting them. She protects her loved ones. She doesn’t discourage Queenie and Jacob because she is cold-hearted and vindictive. She does it to protect them. If they’re discovered, they’ll be jailed and Jacob will be obliviated. She recognizes their love and the heartbreak that would come of the worst possible outcome. Tina is adventurous and in a dangerous line of work, she knows how to calculate risks. And she is decidedly more conservative with other people’s lives than her own. She’s willing to put her own life and career on the line in certain circumstances, but she would never see Queenie and Jacob do the same. She doesn’t just protect her loved ones, though. Tina wants everybody to know a safe world. Her choice of career is her way of working towards this. And taking this to the extreme is what got her into trouble.
She has real feelings. She isn’t some war-weary tough as nails I’ll-kill-you-if-you-so-much-as-look-at-me-sidways badass bitch. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good stereotype-defying BAMF woman. But what I love about Tina is that she’s both a BAMF and a soft person. She is afraid of dying. We see that when she snaps out of her daze in the death chamber. She gets scared when she is in scary situations. She confronts her fears and pulls through in true BAMF fashion in the end though, that’s why she’s a hero. She has known pain and sadness in her life, and she does close herself off to it to cope. We see that it still worms its way to the surface sometimes, though. Take the whole TCOG miscommunication for an example. But we also see that it doesn’t blind her to the happiness and good times. She still has all that love and passion and joy in her heart. She loves people and she shows her love to people in her own way. Yes she gets sad when she says goodbye to people she cares about. Yes she can overreact when she thinks a loved one is in danger. Yes she gets angry and frustrated. Yes she gets flustered. Yes words can hurt her. She can be giddy and elated and somber and dismayed. She is a whole person, full of complexity and contradictions.
All of this is Porpentina Esther Goldstein. And she is still a good person. She is still amazing at what she does. She still deserves all the positive relationships in her life. She still earned all her accomplishments. She’s a lover and a fighter. She’s a soft BAMF. She’s a fucking queen.
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sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
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“An ‘open all the cages at the zoo’ kind of stupid.” - More “Hamilton” quotes from your favorite Hamilton…we mean, “Fantastic Beasts” podcast. 😉
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sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
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sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
Can you please stop making Hamilton references
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Coming at you with more Hamilton references 😂 .
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sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
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Two Hamilton references in one week? 😮 You bet! 😉
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sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
reblog if you love Star Wars and you're not a guy
Trying to prove something to my mum bc apparently SW are for the guys
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sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
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sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
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sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
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that awkward moment when you’re with your crush who’s disguised as your crush’s brother who’s engaged to your crush’s former crush but you think your crush is engaged to his former crush and your crush’s brother sees you
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sweggyniffler-blog · 5 years
A Complete and Comprehensive List of All the Amazing Things Tina Goldstein Did in Crimes of Grindelwald
As a newbie, I decided to tag a few people whose blogs I’ve been admiring for a while now, and who I thought might enjoy this. No obligation but any reblogs and/or follows would be amazing. @insalamandereyes @newtiniffler @ravenclawthunderbird19 @newtinadaily @footprintsinthesandsworld
Ok, first off: as a devout Tina fan, yes, I was disappointed. I had hoped to see a lot more of her in this movie, especially her relationship with Credence, and I was pissed as hell that she didn’t get more screentime. I was even madder, though, when I saw reviews describing her as boring, one-dimensional, “Newt’s limp romantic foil”. That she “isn’t given much more to do than walk through this movie”.
Well, let’s get one thing straight: she does a hell of a lot more than walk. And she’s never been just Newt’s love interest. She’s a fully developed character with her own goals, her own motivations and, even though you do have to concentrate and really think to notice them, she has her own numerous acts of bravery, kindness, and general badassery. So naturally, I made a list. So here, in chronological order, are all the brilliant things Porpentina Esther Goldstein did in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.
. Must have been devastated at the news of Newt’s “engagement”, but didn’t sit around crying and moved the fuck on with her life.
. Rather than sit around waiting for Newt, apparently bought her own copy of his book and read it so many times she could pick up on his random, obscure “salamanders” comment without having to ask.
. Tracked Credence to Paris before (nearly) everyone else.
. Did this as a “highly unauthorised” investigation- risking losing her job AGAIN, for the exact same reason as last time- but doing it anyway because fuck the rule book when Credence- or any vulnerable kid slash vulnerable child-like twenty-something- might be in danger.
. Stopped to put out the fire at the circus, and potentially saved lives.
. Was so eager to find a way to stop the Ministries from killing Credence that she took a risk and trusted a complete stranger- worked out kinda badly, but there you go…
. Had her wand ready to protect Newt if needed, while he was occupied with the Zouwu.
. Tried everything she could think of to wake Yusuf up and get info to help Credence out of him.
. Confronted Theseus Scamander, the freaking HEAD OF THE AUROR OFFICE, and wasn’t even a tiny bit scared…
. And then totally got the drop on him, blasting him across the room, tying him up, conjuring a CHAIR out of nothing at lightning speed, and basically took the HEAD AUROR AND WAR HERO down like a fucking badass.
. Played along with pretending to be Leta- and trying to make the ruse as authentic as possible, by thinking quickly under pressure and saying Newt was “her” fiancée, even though her heart must have been breaking.
. Understands Newt so well she finishes his weird, unusual compliment for him.
. And she isn’t offended. She’s crying… but not in a bad way. She understands his quirks and ways of thinking. And to her, they’re beautiful.
. Protected the case from the Matagot along with Leta (I don’t care if that scene was deleted, ok? It fucking happened).
. Learned from Newt, stayed calm, thought quickly and used the resources at hand to help calm down the Zouwu.
. Tried to save Credence and Queenie despite being insanely outnumbered.
. Didn’t buy ANY of Grindelwald’s bullshit, thank you very much. Even though with wizards exposed, she could have helped Credence far more easily and none of this shit would have happened.
. Kept her cool when in roughly the same position as an undercover journalist at a Trump rally. Aka you’re on thin fucking ice because if anyone knows who you are, you’ll be trapped and have a whole mob turning on you.
. Saved Jacob by disapparating him away from the fire…
. Then did it AGAIN by blocking it when he looked like he was just giving up.
. Fought the Evil Magic Death Fire with everyone else, and did it like a MOTHERFUCKING BADASS.
. Fighting side by side, no grudges, with the guy who kidnapped her the night before, I might add. All we need now is Yusuf to tell her Newt thinks she’s beautiful, and that’s a solid friendship right there.
. Stuck with the group going to Hogwarts, even though she’ll have a LOT of awkward questions to answer once MACUSA find out she was even in Paris, let alone getting up to more shenanigans with Newt.
In short, Tina Goldstein was amazing and beautiful and wonderful in this movie, and disagree if you like but you can’t change my mind.
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