suius · 6 years
I want to do something
But I’m stoping myself to do it.
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suius · 6 years
This sounds so legit. Like I can see this becoming a sanders sides video in the future...
Thomas (rubbing back of his neck): I feel a little mushy this morning… Thomas (bringing an actual mushroom up to camera view): ha, get it
(Title Sequence)
Thomas (close to camera): WHAT IS UP EVERYBODY?! Thomas (in his normal spot, hands clues to each other and in front of his chin): So… (pushing his hands forwards) I have a billion and one things to do today. Because I am too nice, AND DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SAY NO TO ANYONE! Patton (popping up screen): What’s this about being too nice? You can never be too nice, kiddo! Thomas (startled): Oh, I didn’t know this would be a Sanders Sides video today. Uh, how you doing there, Patton? Patton: I am doing just peachy, Thomas. (brings an actual peach up screen) Thomas: Yeah, I made that joke already, Pat. Only with a mushroom. Patton (throwing peach away): Well that’s not important. Why do you think you’re too nice, kiddo? Virgil (rising up screen, looking more tired than usual): Because it is physically impossible to say no to anyone when they ask for a favor. What if they end up hating him for saying no? Logan (rising up screen): First, that’s a highly illogical assumption, Virgil. And second (shooting head to Patton), I would have thought the source of this particular problem would be you, Patton. Patton (with a smile): Aw you always suspect me, Logan! Thomas (looking and pointing at Logan): That’s true. Logan (shrugging): Well he is your heart and most of your problems do tend to spring from emotional distress. Thomas (now pointing at Roman’s spot): Roman is just as emotionally charged, as you’d say it, Logan. Roman (popping up screen): I HEARD MY NAME!  Virgil (surprised): This is literally the only thing you’ve popped in a vlog when someone has actually said your name. Thomas (realizing it’s true): Yes- Roman (staring at Thomas): Why, exactly, do you say I am (making air quotes) emotionally charged, Thomas? Thomas: Because you are. And that’s not a bad thing. Logan: Not always, you mean. There are many instances were too much emotional charge becomes hindering and debilitating.
(Roman stares mildly annoyed at Logan while Thomas watches it)
Thomas: Uh, thanks, Logan, for that input but I- Logan: Thomas, you do realize you need time for yourself? You don’t even need to answer to that, you’ve made it one of your New Year’s resolutions. LAST YEAR!
(Camera shows Roman pouting, Virgil nodding and Patton hissing)
Thomas (guilty pouting): I know, I just- Logan: You need to learn how to say no. Well that you can do, you’ve said no to me plenty of times before. Thomas (dropping shoulders): Aw, Logan, I didn’t mean- Logan: Relax, I am too logical to be petty. Do you actually believe people will hate you for denying them one of the million favors they ask of you? Thomas (one eye closed and a forced smile): Maybe… Patton: Besides, every one who asked for a favor today is a good friend! They deserve the help! Roman: Well, (Roman sighs) if they’re truly good friends, they will understand that Thomas doesn’t have time for everyone. As well as needs time for himself. Logan: I may lack knowledge on the friendship department, but that seems true to me. Thomas: I just don’t want to sound rude! How do you say no without sounding so… rash? Logan: Why do you immediately associate ‘no’ with negative connotations? Roman: Doesn’t everyone?
(Patton and Virgil exchange glances while Logan tries to argue that doing so is nonesense and illogical)
Virgil: I don’t know about you guys, but uh… it seems pretty obvious to me that creativity would be agaisnt the no’s of the world. Patton (grinning): or the nose of the world. Logan (with a blank but still angry expression): I would slap you, if I were the violent type or thought that it would make a difference. Thomas: That was mean. Logan (gesturing around): Well I am sorry, but Patton comes with his puns at the most inconvinient times! Patton: So there are convinient times for them! Logan: No I did not- Patton: Maybe even conviences stores! Logan (a moment of silence by a head shake): Why are you like this? Virgil (pointing at Roman with his entire hand): Didn’t we have a more impending problem? Roman (hands in hips): WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN? Virgil: Even the great prince is scared of something. (snikering) Roman: Me? (makes pff sounds) Afraid of a simple word? I am not a weakling, Virgil. Virgil: Then why do you seem to be on the verge of tears every time we or Thomas shoot down one of your ideas? Riddle me that, princey. Roman (voice cracking): THIS IS UNFAIR AND I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT. Thomas: Stop teasing Roman, Virge. Virgil: Awn come on, this is where I thrive! Thomas: Stop it. Virgil (with a sneer): Fi… ne. Logan: But Virgil does have a point. Negating creativity does stiffle it. Roman is your sole source of creativity. Patton: But Virgil also said earlier that he didn’t want people to hate? Thomas for negating them those favors. Roman (pointing at Virgil): HA YOU ARE THE SCARED ONE!
(Virgil is taken aback and hides under his hoodie, while Patton’s lips twist on one side only as he realizes he made a mistake)
Thomas (messaging temples): Isn’t this a blame fest… Logan: Assinging blame to any of us just won’t- Roman: And Patton is guilty of wanting to please everyone!
(the sides start talking over each other, except for Virgil who stil hides and trembles with the turmoil at hand)
Thomas (yelling): GUYS!
(The sides stop and look at their host)
Thomas (breathes in and out): Logan is literally the only one here that is not afraid of no’s. Roman, Patton and Virgil, you’re the ones who make me uncapable of saying no! Patton: But- Roman: I simple- Virgil (with a small voice): He’s right. Thomas (nodding at Virgil): Thank you. Patton: But what can we do? Logan: Well, the solution is obviously different for each of you since your reasoning differs. Patton, you need to realize that you literally cannot attend to everyone’s needs. And put Thomas’ first, once in a while, it is important that he uses his own time wisely to rest and acquire the knowledge he needs for his own life.
(Patton listens closely and nods) 
Logan: Virgil, no one is going to hate Thomas for denying them a couple of favors, especially if he explains that he is overwhelmed with tasks. You should take breaths and just remotely try to remember that next time you’re compelled to accept giving help to others.
(Virgil pouts but doesn’t argue)
Logan: And Roman- Roman (with arms crossed over his chest, avoiding eye contact): Who put you in charge Thomas: I did, Roman. Just take an advice, please. Roman (giving up and looking at Logan): Fine, what is it? Logan: It is very much true what I said before - negating creativity stiffles it. But doing favors for people doesn’t have all that much to do with creativity at all. You will have your own space and time to… shine (he rolls his own eyes at himself for using ‘poetic’ language) again.
(Roman seems like he will argue but thinks twice and gives in, nodding)
Thomas: And I will have the end this vlog here, because cancelling on people after I have already promised to help is actually very rude and I will not do that. Logan (smiling to himself): I actually got my video, this time. (sinking out) Patton: I’ll work on what Logan said, kiddo! See you next time! (sinking out) Roman: I suppose I could try and be less self-centered… (sinking out) Virgil (snikering): Me, thinking logically… That should be easy. (sinking out)
(Thomas watches all of them go with a smile)
Thomas (to the camera): I hope you guys understand the importance of taking time for yourselves. It actually can be very scary to say no, especially when people seem to be conting on you. But your feelings, well being and state of mind matter just as much as theirs. Remember no isn’t a always a bad word and you are allowed to use it every now and then. Thomas: I’ll see you guys in the next video. Take it easy, guys, gals and nonbinary pals! PEACE OUT!
(End card)
Roman (to Logan): Why are you the only one not afraid on no’s Logan: That’s stupid question. Virgil: Princey, he is literal logic. Roman: WELL EXCUSE ME, bunch of smart pants, if I didn’t catch on that fast. Not everyone can be such geniuses, especially when they have more good looks than can fit into an actual being-
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added!)
@confinesofpersonalknowledge @sandersstudies @aaydence
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suius · 6 years
🌺 Send this to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile 🌺
Thank you :D that’s very nice of you ☺️☺️☺️
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suius · 6 years
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suius · 6 years
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Disney Hero-Villain Faceswaps
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suius · 6 years
“Haaa...Finally, a good night sleep”
Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorprated
After Hours
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suius · 6 years
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53K notes · View notes
suius · 6 years
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happy birthday, baby tiger!
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suius · 6 years
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Perfectly imperfect
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suius · 6 years
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If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever …
283 notes · View notes
suius · 6 years
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suius · 6 years
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Fighters! Let’s make it to final of PD101  Guys, these fighters need your support. Please support them on pd PD101 
note: i didn’t draw aron because he didnt join pd101. he’s still part of nu’est, but my fanart concept is about produce101. thank you
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suius · 6 years
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-happy 23rd birthday to the one and only, kang dongho! happy things from now on.
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suius · 6 years
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Draw your squad, NU’EST!
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suius · 6 years
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297 notes · View notes
suius · 6 years
What if someone got bitten by a vampire, but didn’t realize it. So then they go around and keep misidentifying all the symptoms, like
“Dude, you haven’t gone outside in a while.” “Yeah, last time I went out I got this wicked sunburn.”
“Are you still up?” “Yeah, I started bing watching this show on Netflix.”
“Dude, I’m seriously craving something right now.” “Like what?” “I dunno. Pizza rolls?”
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suius · 6 years
Everyone who reblogs this before New Years (11:59 PM 12/31/17)
will be given a small art piece based off of their blog! (Well a photo over Tumblr of it but it’ll be good quality)
And I mean EVERYONE as long as it’s before the end date! Reblog fast for cute art things!
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