stellarum-nocte · 11 years
// Extended Hiatus
// Sadly, I am deciding to put this blog on an extended hiatus because I have too much on my plate at the moment. My apologies to everyone who I had a thread with/ everyone who sent me asks, but I simply don't have time to reply anymore. ;____;
Among the reasons I'm going inactive includes vacation, school starting, and a HUGE art project I'm working on. Planning to make acrylic charms and buttons to sell in the future, so most of my time has been dedicated to there. (I'm planning on making a FFXV set if people are interested in them) But yeahhhh. D';
Sorry for poofing so much. Hopefully I'll re-open the blog later when I have more time. ; v ;
- Stella  Mun //
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stellarum-nocte · 11 years
—-♛ Troubling, not so much as it is intriguing. This chance comes by ever so often if not never, how many could say that they greeted an apparition of themselves in sane consciousness? Quite the few and with lesser numbers the better. This is a miracle, by either the hands of mankind and their thrive for scientific knowledge, or the blessings of the divine goddess Etro. Or maybe it wasn’t even that, could be the most common option that has to do with genetics –twins. Identical to the touch, even their vocal unity is frightening with likeness. Yet somehow neither of them fell behind the curtain in shock, they just sort of, went on with it.
Just as a Fleuret should.
—-♛ “Yes. That is quite true m’lady. It is not everyday, and it does not happen in every life. Why this must be a blessing. A blessing from the goddess herself!” 
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  ‘Or a cruel twist of fate,’ such musings lingered in the back of her mind, after all if two of the same bodies were in one universe, the other was missing a princess. While she wouldn’t put it past that Tenebrae was strong enough to hold its own ground without her help regardless of version of herself it was . . . it was indeed unsettlingly. But it wasn’t like her to dwell in such mindless thoughts, turning towards her doppelganger, she couldn’t help by let out a small grin. Even their mannerisms were the same.
As matching hues of light violet matched each other, she had to take a moment to think how to address her counterpart. It was like addressing yourself . . . but not really? Which made it a bit foreign to her tongue about the formalities to be used. “Indeed. We can only accept such a gift humbly,” she commented, “However I pray that Tenebrae for you is fairing better than it is for me,”
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stellarum-nocte · 11 years
  “Gardens?” she echoed. Granted that Tenebrae was notoriously called ‘the Dark City’ wasn’t a surprise as the main colors of their surroundings were of a darker hue. However there was one place that did come to mind when she thought about when it came to flora and fauna. “I think I know of a place, it’s a bit on the outskirts of the city though if you don’t mind the walk,” she nodded a bit—while it might be a bit unsafe to travel far from the city, there shouldn’t be much trouble venturing off the path for a little bit. While there were flowers scattered about within the city, there was nothing compared to the variety of wild ones that grew out in the meadowlands. In nature is where true beauty lies, she had always appreciated this notion.
  “There’s no need to thank me, it’s only natural that one should  have the opportunity to live life to the fullest.” She smiled briefly, “And no matter how dark the road, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel,” However there was a cruel sense of irony in her worlds. Seeing the light . . . was it really a blessing by Etro or was it truly a curse? 
   At the sound of her question, Aerith’s face lightened up with a smile on her face. “Are there
 any gardens around here? I plant them, and it’d be very exciting to see some flowers blooming somewhere other than in a church in Midgar and my residence!" She had always wondered if there were others flowers in other places, but she had never seen any other than where she lived. It could be said that it’s her dream to see Midgar, or the world, covered in flowers.
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   "Thanks, Stella
 That really means a lot!" Aerith was very appreciative of Stella’s kind words; she hadn’t heard any like them before. Not because they were extremely proper and very different from the words she usually uses, but because of what they were supposed to mean. “I hope everything turns out fine for you in the future, too."
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stellarum-nocte · 11 years
“A job offering?” she inquisitively repeated. Well she couldn’t say that there was a hiring process per-se for guards as one was usually either born into their profession or appointed after proving themselves worthy. “Sadly I’m not sure if such a opening exists . . . “ she paused for a moment. Well, then again she had gotten numerous of nagging complaints about how she, as a princess, should be more guarded. ‘But I can protect myself,’ she had always that that notion in her mind, but perhaps this was the opportunity for a change? Then again . . . there was always room for more on the front lines of battle, but honestly that wasn’t her position to decide.
“I’m sure we can make some exceptions,” she started out, choosing her words carefully, “However, you’d have to prove yourself first,”
[ Stella Fleuret is the name of the stranger and as a guess would have it, the owner of this sleek establishment. Fancy is a word like no other that would fit the description of stoned walls and tinted glass. A gothic style to it but nevertheless, it’s attractive to the eyes just how well the colors bonded together. A smile etched with a pink pencil, the traces subtle to decorate usually dull lips. The reason for her stay here? —A desire to work in the big leagues, at least, momentarily –to know whether she would like to work in a castle for the rest of her life or remain with the guild. “I’m curious. I wanted to scope out for any job offerings that I might be able to fulfill. Like a royal guard or something in which emphasizes my fighting abilities.”  ]
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stellarum-nocte · 11 years
ooc: Muse slowly coming back @____@ finishing up some replies right now. Sorry for falling off the face of the earth. Hello to all of my new followers! q____q Tumblr is derping on me otherwise I'd type up a hello D'; but message me if you want to start something seeing that I've been mia recently.
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stellarum-nocte · 11 years
With a kind smile, she nodded gently, “You may do as you wish,” There was a light pause as she studied the newcomer for a second. “I must apologize; you’re probably tired of hearing about the worries of a silly girl,” shaking her head, she let out a soft chuckle, it was quite easy for her to get lost in her own thoughts—rude of her to involve others in them. “Perhaps you could tell me a bit more about yourself or where you hail from, Sir Genesis? That is of course if you want to,”
Genesis nodded curtly and gestured at the immense building all around them, “I’m sure that under your guidance the city will be restored to its former glory. It isn’t that bad, miss. I’ve seen much worse." He increased his pace to a brisk walk in order to catch up to the maiden. The man noted her tense disposition and inferred that she had been doing whatever was in her power to help the city and it inhabitants. "Hm
It wouldn’t hurt to stay a bit longer. If you allow me to do so, of course. Perhaps I can offer some assistance."
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stellarum-nocte · 11 years
“Ah I see. It’s a beautiful city though, it reminds me somewhat of my hometown,” she replied with a faint smile, “But it’s funny how the weather works isn’t it? It rains when you least expect it to and is sunny when you need rain.” It was like a paradox, doing the opposite of what you'd think. With that thought said, she directed her glance towards the cloudy sky once more. Still no sign signaling that the rain would soon clear up—she sighed. While the weather was probably the least of her worries, it was a constant reminder of those past demons.
  “I’m afraid I’ve been surrounded by misfortune lately, so I wouldn’t put it past the weather for something like this to happen,” she chuckled at the own words, “I guess it just hasn’t really been my week as far as luck goes,” She met his gaze briefly before glancing away again. As far as unfamiliar faces went, this young man was the first one who actually seemed genuinely friendly to her. Then again . . . she wasn’t exactly considered a friend to those she encountered before, but there were perks to new places and being unknown seemed like a blessing in disguise.
“I’m Stella by the way. My apologies for not introducing myself earlier,”
[ City of Dreams ]
Seeing as the blonde didn’t shirk away from him, Noel shuffled closer to her - not too far away so that his voice would be drowned out by the rain, but not too close that it would invade her personal bubble. Her smile seemed to welcome conversation, and he mirrored her grin with his own. 
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"To be honest, I haven’t been in town long enough to give you a good answer," he chuckled, rubbing his nose with his free hand. Last he had checked, Academia was supposed to be clear skies and temperate climates - maybe the town was caught in a summer storm? “If I had known that it was such a rainy town, I would have kept an umbrella on me; but alas, I was unprepared." With this, the brunette made a show of sighing and spreading his arms to demonstrate that he had no means of protecting himself from the rain.
"I’m sure that it’s just passing by though - it’s a little depressing to think that you being here would bring rainclouds, don’t ‘cha think?" Dropping his outspread limbs, he turned to face the young girl. Judging by the unfamiliar timbre of her voice, he didn’t think she was a local. Regardless, she definitely stood out, what with bright eyes and golden hair that seemed to give her an almost angelic glow.
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stellarum-nocte · 11 years
// updatessss
// Sorry for being such a failsauce lately, my muse is like on vacation & I have a crap-ton on IRL stuff going on right now @____@ 
aka this month this the string of birthday month (mine included) which means I will not be on my computer a lot because this week .  . . literally every single day is someone's birthday. =____= ;; Summer birthdays gdi. Not to mention a lot of people are turning 21 and ahdjkshgg. Just an update in case if anyone was wondering why I just poofed.
I really don't wanna shut this and my askblog down, but I'm kinda considering it because I simply don't have time right now. I'll see in another week or so after all my events have died down.
I apologize profusely to those I owe a reply to. q___q I have like a bunch of drafts but I'm not sure when I'll get around to them. //
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stellarum-nocte · 11 years
“I’m afraid so,”  There wasn’t much that could be said about the current state of Tenebrae, but there was still opportunity for a speckle of hope. “While I can’t say I can offer much as far as sightseeing goes, is there anything you like in particular?” Stella figured if anything, a touch of familiarity might be more comforting on foreign soil.
“Oh no need to apologize. My condolences to you and your mother for having to put through all of that. I can’t possibly imagine what you’ve gone through,” her delicate brows furrowed once more, some things that went on in this world . . . just didn’t sit right with her. Yet, cruel intentions seemed to stem from seemingly innocent thoughts as she had learned.  “I pray that your future will be cast in a better light.” She offered a small smile. It was only a shame that dark times seemed to be the only thing that lay ahead in her path these days.
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"A rough time?" Aerith winced slightly, as her times in Midgar were very rough. Vivid memories made their ways back into her mind, which caused a small frown to appear on her face. “I will be sure to come to you if someone is trying to start any ruckus with me," Aerith said, cheering herself up afterwards.
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"Since you have a right to know of places that are not
 Tenebrae," Aerith then paused for a moment, spinning around to glance at the sights surrounding her, “I’ll answer you. Midgar can be a wonderful place to live in, you might have guessed," Aerith said, “but being the last of your kind can be a handful." She laughed because of how she was constantly nagged by her mother. “I practically lived in a church in the slums of Sector 5 in Midgar. I was always bothered by these people in suits; they were always out for me, wanting information, wanting tests done
 It certainly took a lot out of me to attempt to run away." She turned her head back to Stella and smiled. “But, of course, not many other people besides my actual mother had gone through what I had, so my answer isn’t exactly like everyone else’s. I apologize for that."
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stellarum-nocte · 11 years
What are your ships and what do you think about the drama about shipping?
// Just a disclaimer: I don’t want to start any drama or anything, just putting my two cents in because I know this can be a touchy subject to some. So please don’t message me back regarding this post because I will most likely ignore you. Also sorry for the TLDR;
As far as ships are concerned; if they can stay float, then they can sail? All kidding aside, I like Noctella when it comes to shipping Stella, but am willing to pair her up with anyone given that there is some context/storyline. (Kinda curious what it’ll be like pairing her with another member of Noctis’ group.)
Regarding some of the hate towards Noctella from other groups and vise versa. Oddly enough, I didn’t really think that shippings could clash so hard when it comes to Noctis parings ( Though this has happened before— CloudTifa & CloudAerith are notable examples). But Christ! You guys  all have to realize that you’re legit fighting over 3 fictional characters and honestly, we don’t really know much about any of the FFXV character’s backstory to even begin pair them up. (The only reason I like Noctella is because I have a love for Shakespeare. So I thought the whole tragic, modern day Romeo& Juliet motif would be an interesting as a back story as cheesy as that sounds.) Regardless of all of that, what it comes down to is a matter of preferences. I have mine, and you have yours. There is no ‘right answer’ about which one’s better because the answer is neither. You can’t base facts upon opinions. It’s kinda like cat people vs dog people. I’m a dog person, but I have no resentment towards cats, it’s just a personal preference. Just as Noctella is for me; I have no problem with Lightis fans or and another Noctisxwhoever pairings—it is simply a matter of preference.  One is not better than another—it’s a matter of PERSONAL PREFERENCE.
So before you all go on a “insertshippingfandomhere RULES AND insertothershippingfandomhere SHOULD GO DIE IN A DITCH” rampage, just compare it to cats and dogs. Would you really say something such as ridiculous “ALL DOGS RULE AND ALL CATS SHOULD DIE?” I don’t think so. (feel free to swap cats and dogs into another analogy if animals aren’t your thing though). I mean it’s okay to voice your opinion and be like I’m a insertshippingfandomhere fan, but if you’re obnoxious and spam everything about it or bash on other pairings 
  please just grow up. It’s honestly just immature and makes you look like a total ass.
Be civil, be courteous and be mindful  to others. Invest all that hate and drama elsewhere (I don’t want to see it, and neither do others) and simply just RESPECT one another. I mean if dog people and cat people can live in harmony, so can we. It’s really not that hard.
LOL I type too much. Also I would probably die laughing if Noct is secretly homosexual and all of the Lightis & Noctella fans would be like 'what da efff just happened' (hey he could always be that gay bff? LOL IN A CRACK WORLDDDD either that start shipping Stella and Lightning together ;P ). No seriously though. I would laugh really fucking hard if that happened. //
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stellarum-nocte · 11 years
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“Greetings to you too, dear Anon,” soft-spoken words escaped her lips—her lilac eyes widening in surprise at the sight of the gift. The fragrant flora scent enraptured her sense of smell; roses never failed to live up to what they stood for—beauty and compassion.  
“Oh they’re absolutely lovely,” nothing could quite put into words the feeling of elation from receiving such a delicate, yet beautiful gift. Gently placing the circlet of flora upon her head, she couldn’t help but smile radiantly, “Thank you so much for such a kind gesture, it shall not go unremembered.”
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stellarum-nocte · 11 years
The resonance of gunfire reverberated throughout her eardrums as painfully bright explosions lit up the night sky. Was Nilfhiem making moves already? It was no secret that their target would be Lucis, yet she never expected that they’d move so soon. She had little love for the power hungry and even less respect for those who take in blatant disregard of others. Having already caused quite the commotion in her own hometown of Tenebrae along with another surrounding two kingdoms, she couldn’t help but be wary of her surroundings at all times—the presumption that an attack could happen at any time made her be vigilant at all times. In these desolated streets outside the main city, even a princess wasn’t safe – and her intuition proved to be correct. Already she had been ambushed, but yet . . . looks could be deceiving, for this young woman of nobility was never truly unarmed.
A ray of moonlight caught the tip of her blade and guard of her rapier, making them glint like the stars overhead. The metallic smell of blood lingered in the air, though it was quickly offset by the smell of gunpowder. ‘It’s regretful,’ a sad sentiment lingered in her mind, but there was no mercy in the art of war. Eyes the color of lavender stared coolly into the blaze set in front of her, the flames reflecting upon her irises. They blinked once, closed for a fleeting moment, then reopened once more—lights were flickering away in the distance as she looks away bitterly trying to ignore the omens that were in plain sight. Would this turn into another day of carnage? Or was it a warning? She hoped for the latter.
The onslaught of footsteps soon reached her ears as the faint hum of weaponry whirled in the distance; they were getting closer. . .
 ‘I should get moving,’
 Not knowing whom they were targeting, Stella wasn’t sure if she was the one being pursued, which left her with no other choice but to move onward. Her legs broke off into a light run, each step, making sure that every touch of her boots to the cool concrete was as silent as possible. Under the cover of the darkness, she weaved her way through the alleyways and onto a new, unfamiliar side street. The fumes of gasoline were a new scent added into the conglomeration in the air as billows of smoke clouded her view.  Stinging her eyes, she could only manage to squint through the layers of white, dodging blindly into the road coming to a skidding stop as her foot came in contact with something circular and round. A tire rim? Trying to dispel the clouds around her, she coughed as she knelt down to inspect it—it was cool to the touch, but upon closer examination, the dents and scratches were fresh meaning . . .  its owner probably wasn’t too far away. She glanced around, a light breeze alleviating some of the smolder of obstructions from her sight. At last, a car caught her sights a block or two away – how fast was it going for the rim to have smashed all the way down here? Nonetheless, the fact that the back headlights were flickering meant that she was certainly not alone.
A glowing pulse enraptured her hand as her rapier glow a faint spectrum of sunset gold. She ventured out from the darkness of the pathway and from the smog clouds and into the barren streets that soaked up the moonlight. As she drew nearer, the jet-black car was emitting out a warm wave of opaque clouds from its hood—it looked as if it had taken quite a beating. By now, she could vaguely make out a shadowy figure in the driver’s seat. Hesitating, she took another step forward.
“Hello?” a soft call escaped from her lips and echoed into the night air.
A Bump in the Road | Open
Much to his dismay, plans were unfolding in a rather peculiar way. Meaning, not according to his own design. (Curious,) he mused, cerebral thoughts etching into his expression, (and exciting). A sharp right brought his tires squealing down the littered backstreets of the expansive city. It certainly wasn’t the best portion of town, he’d admit, though the elation that came coupled with adrenaline was unmistakable. Even with such cerebral guidance that cultivated him into becoming the Prince’s right hand, a few feral pleasures were still enjoyed. Even as he made a sharp cut into a narrow back alley, he placidly closed his eyes, a finger hard on the button to lower the window. 
This part of town smelt horrible, but the wind through his hair was certainly enticing. 
As an indistinct object crashed along the driver’s side of the vehicle, his head jerked away, suddenly being awoken to the scenario. Gunfire erupted into the atmosphere, polluting the detestable projects further with noise and gunsmoke. (Chased. I’m being pursued. I forgot about them.)
An unpredictable wide right brought him out into the streets at the last moment, tugging the hand break at heart pounding speeds, the car spinning into a skillful one hundred eighty degree turn at break neck speed. A cocksure smirk graced his face as he slammed the pedal, tires shouting as they burned against the pavement. 
Suddenly a crash. 
Was he airborne?
Now upside down, fragmented glass tossed around the interior with a painful noise ripping through his ears at inconceivable decibels. Sharp pains all over his body — dull pains at his flanks. Finally his car hit the ground once more, barrel rolling to a stop. Even such a refined individual such as Ignis could fall victim to his own arrogance. Thus was the reason he hadn’t predicted an oncoming vehicle, as he had came to a halt in the center of a four way intersection. Beng T-Boned wasn’t particularly a new experience — but it was certainly both exciting and painful. 
As smoke billowed from the hood of his car towards seldom starry night sky, he fought to maintain consciousness before his pursuers caught up.
(Unlikely.) He decided.
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stellarum-nocte · 11 years
“Ah, in that, you’d be correct,” there was no hiding behind a façade for her. Language had always played an important role in society, yet if she had learned anything, it was you shouldn’t hide from who you are. Granted there were times where she wished that royal blood did not run through her veins, she had long since grown to accept it.
Clasping her hands behind her back, she started to slowly pace up and down the paved streets. There was a slight break in her footsteps as she came to a halt. Glancing back up at the man, a forlorn expression upon her face, with a wry glance towards their surroundings, she commented, “Mmmm, well your intuition may be steering you in the correct path . . . I’m afraid this city has seen better days. It’ll be awhile for things to return to normal, but I do hope that if you do decide to visit again that Tenebrae will be under more fortunate circumstances,” 
“Its a pleasure to meet you Stella. Your idiosyncrasies suggest you have royal blood. What an honor it is to be speaking with you.”
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“I’m just passing through you see. I’ve overstayed my welcome in many places and I’d hate to do the same here. Its a lovely city, though.”
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stellarum-nocte · 11 years
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Out of all the weapons that had been forged throughout the centuries, the rapier had a special place in her heart. Unlike most swords that were heavier and broader, her choice of weaponry mirrored its owner – slender and elegant, yet nimble and well-balanced to the touch. She had been trained in the art of self-defense at a young age, even if it screamed outrage for a princess to hold a weapon let alone defend herself. It was only after a certain incident where it was made clear that she must learn how to properly defend herself or otherwise the consequences would turn grim.
“I’m afraid I can’t really express my fencing skills in words . . .  And admittedly, I’m not much of a teacher. However if it is a sparring partner you want, I’d be happy to oblige.”
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stellarum-nocte · 11 years
Hmmm, a wanderer? Travelers were rare these days, but it certainly was refreshing to see a new face—the normal everyday routine tended to grow mundane after a while, “I see . . . “ she nodded, a light yet welcoming smile appearing on her lips. Ah. Her name? Well this certainly was embarrassing, a proper salutation should have been the one of the first things out of her mouth.  “Oh I’m sorry, my manners must have escaped me. My name is Stella, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Sir Genesis. What brings you to this city of Tenebrae?”
“Hm? No I’m a wanderer. The wandering soul knows no rest.” The redhead restrained himself from reciting more of his favorite poem, LOVELESS. He didn’t want to bore her. 
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“It’s a pleasure meeting you, miss. My name is Genesis. What might your name be?”
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stellarum-nocte · 11 years
Hello there.
—-♛ A formal greeting known to millions over dissimilar terrains –different languages yet objective is the same. To appear courteous in front on a crowd, at least, that’s the pleasant way to scheme it.
—-♛ Violent hues shimmied to the location in which the feminine sounds vibrated, even have to admit that it soundly strangely familiar. With a turn of a pretty face it is found that the confirmation was indeed truth. And how slightly peculiar, they seem to be the same image. Hm, has father started some cloning experiments?
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“Well this is certainly out of the ordinary.”
Indeed it was. It was reminiscent of staring at one’s self in a mirror, yet eerie because what should have been juxtaposed as a reflection, clearly was not. She had heard rumors of alternate dimensions where your path split off into two after every decision was made; one for making and going ahead with the decision, and one if you had not—of course, that was all speculation and theory. Yet at this day and age, it honestly didn’t surprise her if they developed the technology that allowed for such dimension travel. It sure would explain a lot though. . .
  “I suppose this is quite the phenomenon,” letting out a small laugh quite reminiscent of soft bells chiming, “It’s not every day where you find your doppelganger,”
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stellarum-nocte · 11 years
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The ticking of a lonely clock echoed through the spacious room within the castle walls. It was rare for the hallways to be empty like this, but she didn’t mind- with silence, came a peaceful mind. Staring across the spacious table in front of her, her eyes came to rest at the vitrine sitting to the side of the room, filled with little bits and pieces of treasure. It was a piece of furniture that she almost had forgotten about. In the dining room usually bustling with people, the vitrine seemed to blend into the surrounding background. However, with them gone and no other distractions, it was almost as if it turned into the center of attention. Pushing out the chair from underneath her, the blonde’s footsteps echoed as she made her way across the room. Faint rays of sunlight sidled beyond the glassy doors, hitting off a piece of china, making it almost sparkle in contrast to the dreary halls.
Wisteria eyes widened. This was . . .  The trace of a smile traced her lips and she opened the doors of the glass cabinet and carefully removed the object. A small teacup—one of the tokens of her travels from several years back. The elaborate designs and markings that traced the delicate edges had origins that were not of Tenebrae design, yet the as the cool porcelain rested in her palms, she couldn’t help by feel like she was holding onto a friendly memory  . . .
Fine china enraptured her sights as the aroma of freshly brewed tea drifted softly into the room. The soft chatter of people at nearby tables were drown away by her own thoughts as she marveled at the intricacies of the tea set placed down in front of her. Porcelain. It was a delicate material of true beauty, delicate yet resistant enough to stand the heat.
“My lady,” a voice interrupted her, “would you care for some tea?”
Glancing up towards a friendly looking waiter, she smiled warmly, “That’d be lovely, thank you.”
“It’s not every day that we are bestowed with such honor, my lady. You’re one of the few nobles who have come to visit this humble shop,” the lady serving her commented politely, filling Stella’s cup with the precision of a master—all done with one fluid motion from an elongated spout. Not a drop spilt. “Everything in this shop is made and harvested in Accordo, I hope everything meets your standards."
While it was true, no one she knew from Tenebrae had traveled all the way to Accordo just for tea, let alone for the sake of traveling-- but she couldn’t turn down the opportunity. A friend whom had a fine taste in cuisine had suggested it to her when she was traveling about through different kingdoms.
“No need for the formalities,” a bemused smile flashed briefly, her lilac hues staring into the pool of light gold, “Please, just call me Stella,” Closing her eyes, she inhaled the fragrance of the liquid in front of her—a distinct citrus scent. “Mmmm is this Earl Grey?” she inquired, slowly bringing the cup of the freshly brewed liquid to her lips. It was a gorgeous brew, slightly citrusy, but still retaining the unique flavor underneath.
“You know your teas well Lady Stella, I hope the taste suits your palette,”
She nodded brightly, “Yes, it’s exquisite,” pausing for a moment, she studied the outside of the cup filled with the cheerfully colored liquid. The rim was decorated with a pale gold trim—not enough to wash out against the white, but not too strong of a color to take away from the rest of the cup. Glancing up, she questioned gently , “Do you mind if I keep this? I’ll pay for it, of course. I’d love for Tenebrae to have a touch of Accordo beauty.” . . .
Somewhere in the distance a bell tolled, signaling another hour had passed in the day. And just like that, as if someone turned on the ‘on’ switch, the mingling commotion resumed once more and could be heard down the hallways and throughout the castle.
She gently placed the porcelain cup back onto the shelf where it once rested, her fingers lightly letting go of the smooth chinaware. Closing the glass doors, she took a moment to reflect; matching lilac eyes stared back at her own from the reflection in the glass. It was funny how things change so quickly. Casting one last fond glance towards the tiny memory, she turned around with a smile, slowly walking towards the doors leading to the outside world.
Life was strong, yet fragile. But fate could be a cruel mistress. However no matter how long the road of trials lasted, there was always a light at the end of the tunnel and she was determined to grasp onto that. She retained the elegance of porcelain, but unlike the material, however, she wasn’t easily breakable—having learnt from past mistakes how costly missteps could be. Yet through the fragility of it all, there still was a glimmer of hope. If she was to break and her world smashed into pieces, there was always the option of picking up the pieces and putting them together.
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