sparemyocs · 3 months
prompt: teamwork
Ann wonders, sometimes, why Joker still fights with them all.
With the number of Personas he can summon with the snap of his finger, he’s a force to be reckoned with.
Surely, he could fight just as good — if not better — on his own. There wouldn’t be anyone holding him back, at any rate. Not when he can do everything she can and more.
But every time the thought comes to mind, it vanishes as quickly as it comes. Because there he is, eyes searching for her amidst the shadows and hand outstretched, ready to pass the baton her way. 
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sparemyocs · 10 months
DO NOT FORGET the things you create are just as unique and singular as you are. NOBODY ELSE can make what you can in WAY that you can with the HEART AND SOUL that you can. you are the only one who can gift this timeline with your art and ideas and this power is at your fingertips
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sparemyocs · 2 years
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Found this while looking for something earlier and I feel called out lmao
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sparemyocs · 2 years
when you know exactly how you want a scene to go but as soon as you sit down to write it you are suddenly staring at some of the worst sentences mankind has ever strung together.
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sparemyocs · 2 years
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sparemyocs · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alphinaud Leveilleur & Warrior of Light Characters: Alphinaud Leveilleur, Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV), Haurchefant Greystone, Tataru Taru Additional Tags: Miqo'te Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV), Named Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV), Specific Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV), Post-Patch 2.5: Before The Fall Series: Part 1 of Tales of X'whis Tia Summary:
Still reeling from the events in Ul'dah, those who remain try to settle in at Camp Dragonhead.
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sparemyocs · 2 years
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A wonderful Twitter rant I just passed.
Bonus mansplination:
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sparemyocs · 2 years
I just read something about some fanfic readers on TikTok, mostly younger ones, are against AO3 because it doesn't recommend fic to them. As in, it doesn't track them and auto-feed them content using an algorithm.
I am sure it's not every younger fanfiction-reading nerd. But....
The generational divide between old internet and new internet users is so stark sometimes. Like. That younger people don't remember the individual fanfiction websites days... okay. I get that. Some of them weren't even born and time is time and it moves on. It's fine.
But to grow up with an internet where you do not get a choice, or not much of a choice, except to be fed content? Oh wow that's a yikes I've never thought about before.
Yeah, there's some filter capabilities but companies override that all the time with subtle little changes. Youtube recommends stuff constantly (often conservative videos even to me who has no history of watching or liking that shit). Twitter and Facebook got rid of chronological posts and even when you try to get rid of suggested posts, they come back. Instagram is basically all ads now. And then TikTok literally doesn't even ask you to search (and as I recall, their search function sucks), and you can like videos to change what you see *a little* but ultimately the algorithm will lead you wherever it wants.
That's so sad to grow up with that. Choice and searching and relying on your judgment and the recommendations of people you like... those are good things.
I am not like "oh those youths!" here. I am "fuck these corporations!" here. Look at this shit. It's not a rec list from someone you like and trust--it's what corporate has decided you should like. And a lot of these kids have not known anything else. That's scary and infuriating.
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sparemyocs · 2 years
full offense but none of you would have ever survived fanfiction.net in 2009
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sparemyocs · 2 years
For those of you watching the death spiral of Twitter in real time THIS IS WHY us fandom olds always defend AO3 and it’s donation drives.
Twitter is an incalculable loss for artistic expression, news, and so many other facets I can’t even begin to count.
This sort of loss of information is impossible with AO3 and how it’s set-up. Obviously an AO3 style model isn’t sustainable for every site bc the moment images get involved the server costs skyrocket exponentially, but now more than ever the theory applies.
AO3 is an archive of our own, donators have direct say via vote about what happens to the site, you help shape it.
As long as AO3 has donation drives and doesn’t rely on advertisers it will remain around as a foremost place of art and freedom of expression. What happened to Twitter can’t happen to AO3 as it currently exists. And that is why we fight tooth and nail to protect AO3 from corporate interests and out of touch billionaires like Musk.
I hate that Twitter is dying and that anyone has to experience it, but please learn from this experience!
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sparemyocs · 2 years
Wes Weston was an asshole.
He was aware of this, which was a trait that made him both a better and worse person. Better, because when people hated his guts, Wes understood why. Worse, because as someone aware of his own assholishness, he sure wasn’t doing anything about it.
He had considered doing something about it. More than once, even! It’s just that these considerations never stuck. They scattered to the wind at the very next encounter of something Absolutely Stupid which he, inevitably, needed to be an asshole about.
Like when Dash Baxter insisted Arnold Schwarzenegger had been president in the 80s. Or when Edward Lancer marked him down points for a completely valid interpretation of Hamlet’s character. (Hamlet, frankly, wasn’t that flawed, and was correct the whole time.) Or when the Nasty Burger gave him a burger with onions and claimed he ordered a regular burger when he specifically ordered one without onions. Or when Valerie called him a conspiracy theorist. Or when Kwan told him he had rocks for brains. Or when. Or when. Or when.
Or when Fenton. Full stop.
Because Fenton, Fenton was worse. For every possible reason. Fenton set himself apart because Fenton alone seemed to understand that the very thing that drove Wes’s nature was the need to be right.
Wes would never need to be an asshole if other people would just understand he was right.
And Fenton knew this.
Ohhhh Fenton knew this.
And he knew – he knew – that Wes Weston was so very right.
Fenton was Phantom. Fact. Wes knew this. Fenton knew that Wes knew this. This should have been Wes’s win ages ago. Fenton just did everything in his power to keep this victory from Wes’s grasp.
He wasn’t like the dumb jock or pretentious teacher, who in their bumbling ways argued in earnest against Wes when Wes was so very right. Those people were just stupid and wrong. No, Fenton was doing this intentionally. He was doing this because it pissed Wes off to no end. And that made Fenton the one thing that Wes could not stand:
An Asshole.
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sparemyocs · 2 years
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im so small and tired 
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sparemyocs · 2 years
You need to draw and make art or else all the images will stay in your head and you'll get sick
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sparemyocs · 2 years
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[Image ID: an AO3 screenshot which reads; "Me seeing that there are no fics of these two: Fine. I’ll do it myself." End ID]
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sparemyocs · 2 years
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(ID in alt text)
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sparemyocs · 2 years
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sparemyocs · 2 years
me: haha oh god this is so bad im making so many unsupported claims and pulling all this analysis out of my ass
my prof in the margins: excellent analysis!
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