smargardinemind · 3 days
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goo acquired
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smargardinemind · 3 days
Always. I guess I'm tim curry sexuality yet from a woman's perspective? So almost all women are somewhat attractive to me, but few men are seriously attractive to me. He's never been open but he was close friends with Freddie Mercury, from the way he acts I'd assume he's similar, only opposite: all men are at least a wee bit scrumptious and there are some seriously hot women out there. But idk.
I call it shroedingers lesbianism sometimes, odds are I'll act lesbian wherever you set me BUT there are a few contexts and people that make me attracted to SOME men. Hence the pixelation. Like this is my face when faced with most men who think they're attractive and I should think so too:
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And this is my ?? Am I flirty ?? Face. Is often this:
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Or this:
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Or maybe this:
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Point is, Tim Curry is the best example of my sexuality I've ever witnessed, despite us being born in opposite forms.
Happy pride tim!
y’all i had this cute idea for making shitty abstract pride flags and i love them
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smargardinemind · 3 days
Don't make me tap the sign.
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smargardinemind · 3 days
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happy pride fuck the police
happy pride fuck the police
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smargardinemind · 3 days
But of course, they can't be gay cuz st. Augustine said so.... and ya know, that fruitcake could suppress his gayness SO WELL.... so well we're all aware of how gay he was..... hmmmm.....
ok but we're all missing the important question here... WHO in the vatican has taught the spanish-speaking pope how to say faggotry in italian. how on earth did it come up. was it a prank. was it political sabotage. is there homosexual tomfoolery afoot in santa marta. I need to know more
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smargardinemind · 3 days
Knowing that trans women of color started the movement in the united states and were literally immediately erased and excluded from what they started is the most deeply jading knowledge.
It is the original sin of the so-called queer community and it damns it from the cradle.
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smargardinemind · 3 days
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Stupid donut, you think you can seduce me with impunity.
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smargardinemind · 3 days
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Test that hypothesis if you want to but you ain’t gon like the reported data! (x)
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smargardinemind · 5 days
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This Babylonian kudurru stele records the gift of land from a father, Nirah-nasir, to his daughter, Dur-Sharrukinaia'itu, on the occasion of her marriage. It was probably deposited in a temple, and gave her control over her own property.
Serpentine stone, 1100-1083 BCE .
📸 Chapps
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smargardinemind · 5 days
Wellllll.... they were having orgies behind the scenes alllll with each other, in addition to screwing around with women. So they WERE having a lot of sex. And knew how to project it to their audience effectively.... but their album yellow submarine was then created into a movie that could theoretically be played at children as it wasn't inappropriate.
So I watched it a lot. And whenever I look at them, I wonder at the sex crazed maniacs (John Lennon beat the shit out of a lot of women, he was a maniac) who then became such a core part of my childhood. Weird.
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i havent even listened to that much beatles im kind of just obsessed with the concept of them
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smargardinemind · 5 days
Oh shit. That's years of confusion explained.
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smargardinemind · 5 days
Pineapples are magic. And also break through your mucus in your mouth while eating them.
A Pineapple's skin (when freshly cut) is so heat resistant that it withstood a 1000°C Iron Ball
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smargardinemind · 5 days
Nah, these dopes have always been around. In the 70s there were dead head hippies that did the same thing, my dad used to love the grateful dead but after having dead heads crash at his house and refuse to leave (repeatedly, I might add) he couldn't listen to them like he used to.
Every now and again sure, but their fans were so one note and hated everything else so much he couldn't listen for too long or he'd get all grumpy with the memories of freeloading hippies eating all his food or getting his couch infected with mites or whatever the hell else they did. Like it was his lease, but his roommates shit friends/couch surfer buddies would screech and moan and heckle him for DARING to put on Jimi hendrix or led zeppelin or anything else because "they just don't do it like Garcia MAAAAAAN".
And that's what these chuds are. But they've always existed. They're so insecure about who they are they make it your problem, whether it's infecting your couch with communicable diseases or popping up on your YouTube recommendations.
Hate away friend! Some deserve to be hated. Not maliciously, just in the hopes they'll change and be less annoying and less insecure. It won't work necessarily but being nice doesn't work either but it does cost you something, so hate away.
I can't stand those metal guys that are still super into the most entry level stuff while also making it their entire personality. it's the 2010s tumblr humour of it all too
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this drives me up the fucking wall I can't even properly articulate it. hater mindset I guess
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smargardinemind · 5 days
Well, garak LOVES to inflict pain, and what pain worse than finding out that the only reason your dear ol dad was caught in the FIRST PLACE is because he could NOT RESIST a hot bod. I imagine BOTH the exchange between garak and dukat AND the exchange between garak and dukats dad went something like this:
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I love that we as fandom have decided that Garak honeypotted Dukat’s dad. We have no textual evidence for this. Garak could have gotten him convicted every number of ways. But we’ve all just decided that no, he fucked that old man.
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smargardinemind · 5 days
Actually, as an Episcopalian we were told to interpret the texts for ourselves, and so we did a mock trial for Cain and Abel.
I was cains defense attorney. I won the case. Basically argued that it's God's world, God should've known what would happen when playing favorites with simple shepherds. Honestly, dudes got one HELL of a defense. And I argued God was cruel and injust for inflicting such suffering upon Cain, knowing what it would do ESPECIALLY after evicting his parents WHILE THEY WERE PREGNANT.
So. Is Cain just an undeveloped lab rat who did the wrong thing in an experiment by a crazy man who won't explain the rules anyways and plays CRAZY guessing games (while knowing full well Abel was dead) OR is cain just a failed human who somehow has 21st century ethics test? Or is the truth somewhere inbetween....
Anywho. I won my case..... I am still super religious and still do biblical translations weekly. But. I do think Cain was guilty of manslaughter, not murder, and as such got a massively unfair sentence. Nowadays that's just 10+ years in jail, not an eternity of wandering and madness.
God still didn't do the right thing, but to me God is just a biological creature we happen to reside within and is also either a giant baby or an embryo and we are ribosomes in its brain so there's a lot of room for error in our "universe" as far as I'm concerned.
The first funny bitch was Cain, who straight up lied to God after killing his brother.
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smargardinemind · 6 days
Ya know, if utopia means women are incapable of ruling the bridge and my vagina will become a plot point at least once per season, I'd kinda rather take the ds9 though... liiiiike I'm all for a kumbaya but it's not just the colonialsitic tendencies that were SUCH A BIG ISSUE. and I just. I can't respect tngs inability to have strong female characters. I just can't. I've tried. I've tried enjoying tng over the years but every time it's all "TROIS VAGINA" this or "STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS ALWAYS GET WRITTEN OFF" that or "Do you think my subtle misogyny is sexy? Does it make you horny baby?". I can't. I just can't.
And is ds9 perfect? No. 100% not. But at least Kira doesn't turn into a pumpkin when given the bridge. And Dax doesn't melt into a puddle when faced with a problem and go all "BUT THESE EMOTIONS OF ME WOMAN MEEEEE". She just... fixes the problem? And neither of them is a caretaker. And that to me is actually really fucking important.
And I hate that tng is like that. Because Jordy is so funny when he's not being an incel and making women supremely uncomfortable. And Riker is just so sillllllly and goofy when he's not, ya know, being randomly toxic masculine then positive masculine and confusing me. And data is so perfect in so many ways. And Whoopi Goldberg cameos are always worth a watch, ya know, if you can ignore the fact that we have YET ANOTHER FEMALE CARETAKER ROLE.... 3!!!!! Count them THREE!!! Are men in tng incapable of dealing with their emotions??? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?? Not even kirk needed this many female caretaking characters....
But.... I can't ignore the way crusher and troi are completely unprepared for taking the bridge despite being within striking distance of getting command. And I don't torture myself often enough to have evidence, but each time it seems like both troi and crusher are somewhat incompetent about their jobs, and given we just made up "counsellor" as a way to not make her a nurse doesn't help my "hmmm it doesn't seem like she knows what she's doing" feeling. Trois job is literally the writers going "BUT CARETAKER IS WOMAN ALL WOMAN DO WELL WOMAN SMART WITH LITTLE BABYYYY" and then doing it.
And the fact that Picard basically ruins any character development they had to begin and goes "HEYYY LETS TAKE YOUR BELOVED TNG FAVES AND MAKE THEM ALL ACTUAL WAR CRIMINALS no really we're serious"... kinda seals the deal for me.
Liiike.... the utopia was a lie. There was no utopia. It was colonialism and war crimes with some good ol misogyny mixed in. And they even rebooted tng just to make it clear, so there's not even a debate to be had. And now data and others are just doing war crimes all over the place.... liiiiiike the 1 thing they were clutching their pearls about, the 1 thing yall have hated on ds9 for, and..... welp.... ya done did it.
And I like the tng memes here and there. Cuz I pretend that the tng we got is the ends of the bell of the bell curve of the star trek multiverse. And for me, there is only ever one captain my captain....
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smargardinemind · 6 days
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A Vulcan named Stork works at the Terran adoption agency. Parents always request that he be the one to deliver their child to them.
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