sleepypichiwrites · 5 years
had a weak moment , everything’s good now. i’m kinda inspired to write a readerxcarmilla fic just because 🙃
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sleepypichiwrites · 5 years
feeling incredibly/hopelessly sad this sunday morning. i’m starting to feel like maybe love really isn’t??? soft, sweet, sunshine. do i even call it that at this point?? i’m mainly mad at myself for being so stupid and weak.
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sleepypichiwrites · 5 years
i saw my barista again, she was super nice and gave me a hug.. 😭😭😭
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sleepypichiwrites · 6 years
pharah x reader ch. 2
i’m writing these on my phone and apologize in advance for any spelling errors..😷
weeks later, you’re sitting alone on a rooftop in the afternoon. the light of the sun peeks only slightly through the thick cumulus clouds rolling over the horizon. the two of you made it to the communications tower and decided to set up base there, once the both of you scrambled to establish a some form of working signal.
the roads below were very much empty, save for the occasional wildlife that would pass through in search for forestry. seeing a family foxes or hearing birds overhead gave you determination. you wanted to survive and adapt just like them. you needed to at this point.
abruptly, flashes of the undead woman’s face stayed etched in your mind; with her paper skin and spindly limbs. you were too nervous to ask your partner more about it, though your gut was screaming at you to do so. but the way she reacted was so harsh, it made you want to forget the woman even existed.
suddenly, heavy footsteps drew closer from behind you and you huff out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“you missed training this morning,” she says flatly.
you could feel the disappointment radiating from her without even looking. she offers you breakfast by waving it a bit at the side of your face.
“i overslept... ‘m sorry,” you replied lamely.
you take a bite out of the steaming bun that was filled with fluffy eggs, veggies, and meats. pharah plops down beside you and her towering form looms over.
“we’ll just have to really pick it up for the next time, alright?” she nudges her shoulder to your side.
“right...” you continued to eat slowly not because you wanted to, but you had a hard time letting actual words come out. it was even more difficult because pharah was actually an amazing cook. you’d have finished it all in mere seconds.
“if you’d have came, sleeping beauty,” she teased. “you would have heard that i spoke with angela—“ you straightened up a bit and watched pharah’s face more intently.
“what happened?”
“she asked about you,” a slender hand brushed over her buzzed head, scratching a bit. before you had time to speak, she cut the air from your breath and continued.
“told her everything’s fine on our end. she’ll be updating us on her progress of developing some kind of cure.”
a moment passed and you finally find the strength to speak.
“so, she’s okay..?”
“of course she is!” your hand clenched around the hot bun. her bold voice sent waves of nerves straight to your gut. you could have sworn you saw a small blush burned on her face, just briefly.
moments passed and your heart lurched as words started to fall from your lips like water. “has she... seen these things? like the woman?”
pharah’s body stiffened and exhales through her nose. you tried to study her face, but to no avail. she had walls built that needed to be taken down one by one. “she didn’t say...”
“impossible...” your mind screamed.
you hummed in response and took the last few bites of the breakfast, feeling remarkably full already. you’d hope to gather more questions to ask when she wasn’t around. you didn’t want to do anything to upset her again.
“i’m going to head out to gather supplies, okay? i’ll be back soon,” her hand squeezed at your shoulder and she left you on the roof once more.
your stomach is in knots. your mind rapidly remembers the hefty mountain of food and healing items the two of you organized when you first got here. it was enough of it to last for months. you’re left with a sea of questions and find it difficult to wade through it for clarity.
“would she really lie to me?”
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sleepypichiwrites · 6 years
is it gay to give your barista a gift for xmas because she’s cute and always remembers you?????🤔🤔
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sleepypichiwrites · 6 years
reader x pharah (zombie apocalypse?!)
reader is gender neutral, i’m writing with wlw in mind. ✌️
it has now been one hundred and thirty six days since life as you knew it perished. the world had fallen under an unknown illness that haf taken the lives of millions of civilians and counting; reducing them to a frenzied, undead state.
your past life, your job, friendships, and dreams fell like sand between your fingers. you had no time to mourn for each waking second was an active fight for your survival.
despite it all, you were grateful that before the crisis you became acquainted with the famed hero pharah amari. you worked at overwatch as a regular clerk, though not much of your help was really needed they made you feel welcome and part of the team no matter how small your tasks were.
you were now thrust into the new world of despair and danger with her. the daughter of legendary sniper ana amari, and you felt a swelling of hope growing in your mind. she informed you that many overwatch’s heroes disbanded in order to help as many people as they can spanning out across globe.
“we’ll head out at the start of daylight, understood?” her voice was low and worn.
today’s task was to find a signal atop of the communications center. whenever you traveled you tended to walk with her behind you, wanting to prove yourself somehow. the air was brisk and windy. when you would check on her, she would look calm amidst the tenseness. her once shoulder length hair was now buzzed and her bronze skin glowed under the early sunlight.
she looked absolutely radiant without ever intending to.
she suddenly nudges into you after you sink your foot in a rather large pothole.
“please focus,” she chides with a small smile. you notice how her eye tattoo crinkles when she does this and it makes you melt every time.
it made you nervous to not have your attention on her. she became your close friend and love before the shutdown and you inadvertently depended on her now more than ever. with her combat skill set her abilities were valuable.
you desperately wanted to be seen as an equal, even volunteering to go on medicine trips alone. pharah was very much on the fence about it until you convinced her that you could become more able with training.
you briefly flashback to late night and early morning drills through the fields. you remember the burn of your legs and lungs along with pharah’s softness afterwards until an inhuman wail cuts through your mind.
“...hold on!!” the sound of your gun being drawn always sent waves of anxiety and fear through you. once you trail to where she’s aiming you see an undead civilian a few yards ahead. skin rotting to the bone with yellow eyes that glossed over.
it was always difficult for both of you to fight these beings. especially for pharah, she was an idol for the people. you barely took time to wonder who they were before all this, and it made your heart lurch when nothing more could be done to help.
you kept your aim trained on the sprawled out creature.
“no. they’re weak now, let’s keep on...” she insisted.
“yes, for now,” you started. “which means they will become a problem later...”
“let’s go!” she snapped. hearing the strain in her voice alarmed you and you took quick glances at the groaning undead and pharah’s somber expression.
“pharah...?” you stammered. for a moment you could see unease wash over her face until she quickly brushed it off.
“it’s nothing, keep moving.” you were frozen in place as she trudged forward. the sounds of her heavy boots hitting the pavement became faint as you stare at the living dead once more.
they were a woman that looked older than yourself. her long, dark hair spilled wildly behind her as she took in haggard breaths. her hands were tightly clasped at her chest.
“was she wounded?” you thought to yourself.
pharah shouts your name and you shuffle on to meet her. you decide not to press her about the situation. you trusted her with your life. if there was something she wanted you to know about she’d tell you, you felt certain. and yet, you couldn’t shake off an eerie feeling. there was an unfamiliar mark stained on the woman’s sturdy hands. it looked like an arachnid.
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sleepypichiwrites · 6 years
don’t forget to update the time animal crossing!!!!😭😭✌️
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sleepypichiwrites · 6 years
waiting for your love to keep me warm through the cold nights
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sleepypichiwrites · 6 years
last night i had a dream about animal crossing...
it started when one of my villagers said they were getting ready to move out, and being supportive i wished them the best
as the countdown to d-day went on, i made sure to spend extra time with them; do whatever silly request they wanted, giving them stuff to take with them to the next town, etc
when the final day came i went to their house and all of their things were boxed up?? and there was an option to hang out one final time and i chose it
after spending the day together, this villager stops me in the middle of giving them one last gift and tells me that after hanging out so much there was no WAY they were gonna leave!
they also revealed that they’d miss the town and myself too much and decided on staying permanently.
and on top of that! they give me a golden medal of their favorite food. i unlocked some super bff level i never knew existed and started crying my eyes out
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sleepypichiwrites · 6 years
background : you’re traveling through space with a crew in search of treasure, one of them talks everyone into going to a space club on the way. (possibly to interrogate?)
written on my phone, sorry for errors..
reader is any gender
the concept of decency was irrelevant as your group sleazed their way onto a new ship. you were against having a crew to begin with. since you were pretty comfortable working alone, but their leader, the grimeist of all, promised you riches in exchange for letting the men take over your vessel for the journeys. you reluctantly agreed and have been backseat of your own ride since.
“you’re way too stiff,” he drawled. “‘ts all gonna pay off here, you’ll see...” much to your chagrin you and his men wound up onto newer, rowdier territory.
Streaks of multicolor lights stretch across every corner of the bar. The floor of this overcrowded spaceship is buzzing under your feet as various synths and drums course through your body. It almost felt like you could taste every color of the spectrum, colors you ever even knew existed! Everyone is gathered at one large table in particular and you leave your seat to see why.
There was a dancer, tall with luscious curves. her full hips swayed to the rythms and you could see her iridescent skin glow brighter under the lights. she had lengthy hair that looked like the milky way you all were currently setting course on. you failed to realize you were in a trance; watching every breathtaking roll and shake until a familiar gruff patron grabs at her thighs. you inwardly groaned.
as quickly as contact had began, her dreamy face contorted into something that was absolutely monstrous. her brow furrowed while she opened her now large maw, revealing rows of deadly sharp teeth with a forked tongue. above her brow a second pair of onyx eyes light up with blind fury. after a piercing howl, she snaps at him tearing off his fingers before he could retract completely.
and you were frozen in place, the movement is still going on around you. bass thumping, glasses clinking, and all the while she wipes the blood from her mouth and shoots you a toothy smirk.
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sleepypichiwrites · 6 years
im feeling so wound up and needy it feels like my brain is melting— any kind of touch makes me whine,, it’s embarrassing
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sleepypichiwrites · 6 years
reader x mei
domestic!fluff, lazy summer afternoon (*¯︶¯*)
i wrote this with a gender neutral reader in mind!
the air of your apartment was thick with heat of the summer haze. living on the top floor of the building was great since you didn’t need to worry about strange noises over your head at unholy hours, but it came with a price...
whenever the sky was clear, you ended up directly under the sun’s light and it made every room feel like the inside of an oven.
because of this you resorted to sticking your head as deep into the fridge’s freezer as you could. you sighed in relief, basking in the icy coolness. the sounds of the mini fans became mind numbing, you wanted to stay in until the next season.
the whirring distracted you so much so that you failed to hear your girlfriend come in the room. she had already removed her bulky gear and was dressed in the traditional overwatch shorts and tank top that flaunted her curves. she gasps with surprise.
“woah! what are you doing in there?” mei giggled at your hunched up body almost trying to crawl inside the tiny freezer. she tried to stifle more of her laughter at the unexpected sight of you.
“it’s too hot...” you groan from the ice box. even the tips of your eyelashes felt like tiny bits of ice were layered on them.
“come out, silly!” shuffled over and plucked your partially heated body out to face her. you give a shrill yelp when she accidentally tickled at your sides. Mei had no qualms with the boiling temperature at all; it rolled off of her like raindrops on a lotus. she survived worse conditions than this. you secretly wondered if she thought less of you for not adapting as well as her.
your thoughts melted away when Mei pulled you close to her plush form, rubbing her cheek onto yours. her skin was super soft despite constantly being exposed to the cold elements in her line of work. you suddenly felt more of her ample chest brush against your own, greedily. “你太可爱了~” she sings in your ear.
as much as you wanted to ask her to use her frost abilities for the summer, she took it upon herself to use you as her own ice pack instead.
“this feels so nice... maybe i can ask Snowball to keep you cool, too?” she said in a teasing voice.
your brain flashed visions of your body being pummeled by the small bot’s extreme flurries that were normally used on the battlefield. when Mei caught the look on your face, she filled the room with more bubbly laughter. you had to tuck your head into the crook of her neck to hide the deep blush that was growing.
***ni tai ke ai le= you’re too cute
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sleepypichiwrites · 6 years
if i can’t be out in the real world, then SO HELP ME! i’ll do my best to let my heart’s fantasies free through my words!!!
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sleepypichiwrites · 6 years
ch. 1
this is a story featuring two ocs, i already have an idea of where everything’s gonna go with them and it’s!!! excite!!!! also one of the main characters identifies with they/them pronouns exclusively✌️
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
June 6, 2006
It was a little after 6AM and the dull sound of the radio filled her head. It sounded like those songs from yesteryear, upbeat and easy on the ears. In the dwelling of a cozy apartment, a stocky woman named Amy groans and fumbles out of bed.
She makes her way towards the offending source that’s disrupting her well-deserved sleep. Brain registering that indeed, her body isn’t fully awake yet and it feels like an extra fifty pounds is weighing her further to the ground.
Her feet drag across the hardwood flooring as she wipes away hard sleep from her chocolate eyes. The music becomes louder with each creak in her step. It was coming from the kitchen.
“What’re you doin’?” she asked, with a slight coldness to her voice.
A slouched figure that’s sitting at the table grumbles a bit. There is a small glow of artificial light in front of them. She didn’t have the energy to pry any deeper about their doings so early in the morning. They stammer in response.
“I-it’s nothing, I was just catching up on reading. Needed some background noise,” They sound apologetic, at least. Amy’s head lulls around in an attempt to nod and starts to shuffle around the kitchen. She turns the volume down slightly before trying to rush back to the bedroom.
Just then, the sun begins to peek through the slanted blinds, casting golden streaks of light all over the walls. Before Amy’s thoughts of warm sheets and unconsciousness start to ease her mind, she shuffles back and glares at the microwave. It was now 6:25AM. She wanted to scream to the heavens.
“Joanna...! Why...!” she whines pathetically.
“I’m sorry!” They give a small pout and bat their long lashes at her. From underneath the table, a large ball of orange fur scurries out towards Amy. He rubs against her legs and mewls loudly, prompting her to hold him in all his bulky glory.
“You even woke up Nugget!” she scratches behind his ears and his fluffy tail starts to sway a bit. They raise their hands in surrender, slender frame sinking further into their seat to avoid seeing her ticked off face. After a flurry of more apologies to both Amy and her bodacious feline, they decide to make breakfast to make up for the wacked start to the morning.
After scarfing down thick pancakes and slightly burned bacon, they both part ways. Joanna leaves first, pinning their lengthy jet hair up in a tight bun before putting their biker helmet on. They stand in the doorway and yell their goodbyes for Amy.
“I’ll see you later!”
After a moment of no response, the tubby tabby cat rushes to Joanna’s feet and rolls around on his back. They pat the top of Nugget’s head hoping for some kind of forgiveness. “Please don’t scratch up my stuff...” they think to themselves.
Joanna feels a twinge of pain at the thought of Nugget tearing up their leather-bound journals and furniture. Before imagining any more of the cat’s chaotic potential, Amy appears in her retail getup. With a warm smile she reaches for Joanna’s tense shoulders to pull them down for a loving kiss.
“Let me know when you make it, okay?” Joanna races out the door and hops on their bike, their face now obscured by the pitch black visor. “Hey! Call me when you get there!” Amy calls out with a hand on her hip. Joanna gives her a nod before revving up and starting out onto the winding roads.
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sleepypichiwrites · 6 years
dragon bae ii (wip)
The dragoness takes a few confident strides towards your shivering form. The moon was a high crescent and its midnight air cooled your bare flesh. You were presenting to her on hands and knees. With each step you feel the ground rumble beneath your fingers.
Though your body is trembling with nerves, your mind is wrapped in a lusty haze. You knew what was in store. She licks a long trail up your back before briefly nuzzling the top of your tousled hair. You feel her staring down at you. Her ember eyes were sharp in noticing even your slightest of moves.
Her gargantuan body covers yours completely. You shuffle to push out your lower half to meet to her needy center. Your stomach does leaps and bounds. Countless evenings spent preparing yourself for this moment, to take her fully, made you sigh in bliss.
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sleepypichiwrites · 6 years
i’m planning on making a book of these short stories feat. elemental ladies... 👀👀
nature is so inspiring!!! women are just!! amazing!
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sleepypichiwrites · 6 years
i’m tempted to make a smut of the dragon fic bc i’m needy and self-indulgent 😫
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