sle7en7-blog · 6 years
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#sleven #sle7en #letters #feestyle #graffletters #graffitiletters #graffsketch #graffitisketch #skulls #heart #splatters #rednblack #blacknred #posca
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sle7en7-blog · 6 years
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#bleeditout #hand #clenchedfist #handstudy #blood #manifesting #depression #anger #rage #and #suicidal #thoughts #into #art #blacknred #rednblack #ink #posca #biro #pencil #sle7en #sleven #mrsle7en #mrsleven
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sle7en7-blog · 7 years
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#sketchdiary day #296 Ended Monday with some cider, randomly watching p.s I love you n passing out to fantastic Mr Fox after I'd spent all day sketching more guy fawkes ish and a meeting about what the sketch is for. #guyfawkesmask #fantasticmrfox #psiloveyou #whywasiwatchingthat #cider #illustration #posca #sketchbook #sketchbookdiary #diary #diarypage #sketchaday #sketchaday2017 #mrsleven #mrsle7en #241017#24102017
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sle7en7-blog · 7 years
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#slaps #stickers #guyfawkes #burndownbabylon #stickerz #tags #mrsleven #mrsle7en #sleven #sle7en
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sle7en7-blog · 7 years
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sle7en7-blog · 7 years
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#sketchdiary day #295 Productive day on Monday. Started out with doing laundry, then to source some emulsion from the scrapstore. Card need renewing so hit the matchbox up to see Bruno the bear, he hooked me up with a bit of mulsh. Then food shop and the rest of the night working on this guy fawkes piece. #brunobear #furryballs #ballsout #guyfawkesmask #productiveday #foodshop #laundryday #emulsion #matchbox #shelltoes #itonlytakesonematchtostartarevolt #itonlytakesonematchtoburndownbabylon #illustration #sharpie #promarker #sketchbook #sketchbookdiary #diary #diarypage #sketchaday #sketchaday2017 #mrsleven #mrsle7en #231017
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sle7en7-blog · 7 years
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#sketchdiary day #294 Spent Sunday getting frustrated with pens n this guy fawkes piece I've been trying to rework. #guyfawkes #guyfawkesmask #vforvendettamask #vforvendetta #penfrustration #frustration #frustratedwithmypiece #cantgetitright #blacknwhite #illustration #sketchbook #sketchbookdiary #diary #diarypage #sketchaday #sketchaday2017 #mrsleven #mrsle7en #221017 #22102017
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sle7en7-blog · 7 years
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#sketchdiary day #293 Nothing of interest happened on Friday. Lost most of my day to a nap that last most of the day. Was supposed to go to a birthday celebration. Didn't manage to make it out tho. So I dropped a b.day pieceage for him in the diary. Happy belated birthday Peluzah! #peluzah #mrfluff #letters #lettering #graffitisketch #graffsketch #graffitiletters #graffletters #sharpie #posca #sketchbook #sketchbookdiary #diary #diarypage #sketchaday #sketchaday2017 #mrsleven #mrsle7en #211017 #21102017
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sle7en7-blog · 7 years
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#sketchdiary day #292 Woke up on Friday to two of my boys face timing their mate in Cambodia. This then turned into a drinking game and watching a goose spitting frees back to back with his man in Cambodia. #agoose #arappinggoose #facetime #spittingfrees #internationally #cambodiaonthephone #internationaldrinkinggames #illustration #sketchbook #sketchbookdiary #diary #diarypage #sketchaday #sketchaday2017 #mrsleven #mrsle7en #201017 #20102017
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sle7en7-blog · 7 years
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#sketchdiary day #291 Thursday I pared off going to support one of my favourite hip-hop artists in favour of being part of the creative process of hip-hop. This involved me being up in the dustysounds beat cave with a habanero hot sauce and a goose, listening to a guy fawkes related tack on repeat whilst it had cuts added to it. #beatcave #dustysoundsstudios #habanerohotsauce #agoose #hip-hop #speakers #blacknwhite #guyfawkes #illustration #posca #sketchbook #sketchbookdiary #diary #diarypage #sketchaday #sketchaday2017 #mrsleven #mrsle7en #191017 #19102017
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sle7en7-blog · 7 years
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#sketchdiary day #290 So Wednesday I rocked up the bear pit to find out that the artist who's work i was painting had kicked off about his name not being placed on the wall stating it was his design and painted by someone else. Fair enough but first off , it wasn't finished, secondly he'd left one of the ladies who was a helping sort the bear pit out for said exhibition a bit shook from him spitting his dummy out and third it turns out this kiddie is also a graff writer. Know I don't know if he'd been offered to paint his piece or not but after I found this out it had me going back n forth in my head all day, like, if you're a graff writer then why the fuck ain't you painting this you're self , instead of kicking off at some innocent kind women, you fecking toy. Shame he didn't paimt it cos his illustrations nice. So here's a manual on how to paint your art on a wall and not be a whiny lil toy birch 😁 #readmymanual #dontbealilbitch #toys #hisartisnicetho #illustration #sketchbook #sketchbookdiary #diary #diarypage #sketchaday #sketchaday2017 #mrsleven #mrsle7en #181017 #18102017
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sle7en7-blog · 7 years
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#sketchdiary day #289 Not posted any diary pages for the past week now. So here's Tuesday's. Spent the day down the bearpit painting a bulldozer and a house ready for an exhibition that was happening down there. Not my art someone else's. Considering the style of the art was pretty simple it did seem to take bloody ages just to paint that bulldozer. #bear #bearpit #bearpitbear #bearpainting #paintingbear #paintingsomeoneelsesart #bulldozer #illustration #posca #promarker #sketchbook #sketchbookdiary #diary #diarypage #sketchaday #sketchaday2017 #mrsleven #mrsle7en #171017 #17102017
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sle7en7-blog · 7 years
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#sketchdiary day #288 Woke up to the apocalyptic looking Sun on Monday, then spent most of the day working on a guy fawkes related piece, for a wall I'll be painting in a couple weeks. #guyfawkes #guyfawkesmask #vforvendetta #v #redsun #apocalypticsun #sketchingpieces #atthedeskallday #posca #sketchbook #sketchbookdiary #diary #diarypage #sketchaday #sketchaday2017 #mrsleven #mrsle7en #161017 #16102017
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sle7en7-blog · 7 years
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#sketchdiary day #287 Nothing of interest happened on Sunday. It was my mates b.day tho so here's some birthday lettering for her. Happy fackin lifeday lamperz! #lisa #birthdaylettering #birthdaypiece #graffletters #graffitiletters #graffsketch #graffitisketch #pinksnpurples #pinknpurple #posca #sharpie #promarker #sketchbook #sketchbookdiary #diary #diarypage #mrsleven #mrsle7en #151017 #15102017
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sle7en7-blog · 7 years
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#sketchdiary day #286 Went rambling roud some bridges, tunnels n abandoned train tracks for some video spots on Saturday, with a Dave, a Nath, a Max the dog and a Goose #rambling #bridges #tunnel #abandonedtraintracks #spotcheck #huntingforspots #tracksides #maxthedog #agoose #pencildrawing #pencilsketch #pencil #sketchbook #sketchbookdiary #diary #diarypage #sketchaday #sketchaday2017 #mrsleven #mrsle7en #141017 #14102017
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sle7en7-blog · 7 years
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#sketchdiary day #285 This is what comes out when I'm in a livid, violent and aggressive mood. So fucking vexed when drawing this the paper started to tare. If I posted this up last night it would of had an extensively long breakdown of why two little things I came home to in the evening that spun me into a pit of rage. Most of that would of been aimed at one/two particular people and I don't think it's right to be airing my anger at them online when I can barely voice it to them in person because of how much anxiety it gives me to even try and start that conversation. Managed to calm down and think a lol more rationally since then. But year basically fuck everything last night and also specsavers for not knowing their arsenal hole from their eyeballs. #fuck #rage #anger #vexed #fucklivingwithpeople #ventingthroughart #posca #sketchbook #sketchbookdiary #diary #diarypage #sketchaday #sketchaday2017 #mrsleven #mrsle7en #131017 #13102017
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sle7en7-blog · 7 years
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#sketchdiary day #284 Lovely day on Thursday. Painting walls down the bearpit all day, then hit #dustysoundsstudios to see some heads record bear bars about bunning down babylon. #bearpit #bearpitbear #bearfawkes #guyfawkesmask #rollerrevolt #bearinthebooth #bearbars #bear #sharpie #posca #sketchbook #sketchbookdiary #diary #diarypage #sketchaday #sketchaday2017 #mrsleven #mrsle7en #121017 #12102017
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