seventh--fonon · 4 days
Gf: I'm breaking up with you
Me: Motive's Misunderstanding ~ Confused Boy's Inquiry?!
Gf: It's the whole 'structuring every sentence like a touhou title' thing
Me: 東方零巫女 ~ Abandonment of All Lovers 😔
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seventh--fonon · 14 days
reading a strange book. the vorrh. kind of like a fantasy fever dream version of the heart of darkness? the author is a performance artist which I feel must say something. I keep wanting to say the prose is kind of try-hard but then it does something interesting and I’m like, hm, maybe not? viscerally physical in its descriptions but in an abstract way that makes it hard to tell exactly what’s happening a lot of the time. unexpected body horror (pleasantly surprised). determined to finish it but it would be nice for my current level of focus if it were just a tiny bit more interpretable. not a fast read.
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seventh--fonon · 23 days
btw japanese lgbt people who are also in solidarity with palestine are protesting tokyo rainbow pride (TRP) that’s happening this weekend so let’s not reblog stuff about tokyo rainbow pride happening especially without understanding who is sponsoring it
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(if you scroll on this page you can see some of the sponsors who are also on bds lists)
this has the statement they (TRP organization) made it’s in english too just scroll down
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seventh--fonon · 23 days
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seventh--fonon · 24 days
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seventh--fonon · 1 month
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seventh--fonon · 1 month
The Weirdest Games You May Have Missed
In the vast and ever-expanding world of video games, where countless titles are released every year, it's easy to get lost in the sea of "normal" and mainstream titles. But let's face it, sometimes, normality is overrated. There's a peculiar charm in exploring the weird, the offbeat, and the downright bizarre games that often go overlooked. These games might not be everyone's cup of tea, but they are unforgettable experiences that deserve recognition. In this article, we'll delve into the world of the strangest and most noteworthy games, offering a "Fucked up rating" out of 10 for each based on their themes, reception, and general consensus.
Captain Blood (Fucked up rating: 7/10):
Captain Blood takes you on a surreal journey through the cosmos as you attempt to communicate with alien species. The game's bizarre visuals, complex alien languages, and psychedelic landscapes make it a truly unique experience. Your goal is not just to survive but to decipher and interact with a myriad of strange extraterrestrial life forms. While it might not be for everyone, its unconventional approach to storytelling and communication is something to behold.
Weird Dreams (Fucked up rating: 9/10):
True to its name, Weird Dreams is a nightmarish adventure that blurs the line between reality and the surreal. Players navigate a series of disturbing dreamscapes, encountering grotesque creatures and solving perplexing puzzles. Its unsettling atmosphere and unconventional gameplay make it a true gem for fans of the bizarre. The game's eerie soundtrack and nightmarish visuals contribute to its deeply unsettling atmosphere.
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (Fucked up rating: 8/10):
Adapted from Harlan Ellison's sci-fi classic, this game explores themes of torture, redemption, and existential dread. It's a grim and unsettling journey through the minds of five tortured souls, each facing their own unique horrors. The game's dark narrative and moral dilemmas leave a lasting impact, and the voice acting adds an extra layer of unsettling realism to the experience.
Rule of Rose (Fucked up rating: 9/10):
Rule of Rose is a psychological horror game that delves deep into the disturbing relationships among a group of orphaned children in a mysterious, twisted orphanage. The game explores themes of power, cruelty, and psychological trauma in a way that is both disturbing and thought-provoking. The haunting orchestral score and eerie art design intensify the feeling of unease.
The Suffering (Fucked up rating: 7/10):
This action-horror game is a descent into the nightmarish horrors of a prison overrun by monstrous abominations. The game is known for its graphic violence and psychological elements, making it a haunting and disturbing experience. The game's gruesome creature design and oppressive atmosphere contribute to its unsettling nature.
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy (Fucked up rating: 6/10):
E.Y.E is a surreal and ambitious cyberpunk game that blends elements of first-person shooters, role-playing, and exploration. Its complex narrative and bizarre world-building make it a challenging but intriguing experience for those who appreciate unconventional storytelling. The game's intricate lore and cyberpunk aesthetics add depth to its eccentricity.
Deadnaut (Fucked up rating: 8/10):
Deadnaut is a roguelike sci-fi horror game that places you in the shoes of a team of spacefaring investigators. As you explore derelict spaceships and face off against cosmic horrors, the game's oppressive atmosphere and grim narrative create a genuinely unsettling experience. The procedural generation of ship layouts and unpredictable encounters enhance its replayability and sense of cosmic dread.
Vangers (Fucked up rating: 9/10):
Vangers is a surreal and mind-bending open-world vehicular combat game set on a bizarre alien planet. Players navigate a surreal landscape in customizable vehicles, encountering strange creatures and solving cryptic puzzles. The game's absurdity is matched only by its complexity, offering a unique blend of exploration, combat, and puzzle-solving that's as bewildering as it is captivating. Its nonsensical dialogue and intricate world-building contribute to its strangeness.
The world of gaming is a vast and diverse one, and these weird and wonderful titles are just the tip of the iceberg. From surreal dreamscapes to psychological horrors, cosmic mysteries, and the alien landscapes of Vangers, there are countless overlooked gems waiting to be discovered. So, did I miss anything? Undoubtedly. The world of gaming is a treasure trove of oddities and eccentricities, and it's up to each player to embark on their own journey of discovery to find the next weird and wonderful game that will leave a lasting impression.
- Raz
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seventh--fonon · 1 month
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7y gap narumitsu ❤ I firmly believe they fell asleep a lot while brainstorming about cases in Europe (and gosh, Trucy probably discovered them afterwards and dozed off with them so I have to draw that too sometime)
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seventh--fonon · 1 month
I'm curious. what job would you do if money was no object (you just automatically had an income you could live comfortably on)? including work like volunteering, studying etc. please share in the tags :)
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seventh--fonon · 1 month
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seventh--fonon · 1 month
okay follow up thought experiment. you wake up tomorrow with the other set of genitals of the one you were born with, and the hormonal profile, body, so on of someone of the opposite agab. nobody notices this change, everyone thinks this is how you've always been. you still have similar physical traits, eg if you're a 6'4" cis man, you'll still be a tall woman, but probably like 6 foot instead. eye color, hair color, general looks are the same. for like, a post transition trans woman you gain a uterus, ovaries, a vagina if you didn't already have one
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seventh--fonon · 1 month
other as in other than your agab, not other than your gender. so for eg a cis woman reading this the question is if you were amab would you be a trans woman do you think
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seventh--fonon · 1 month
funny that I made a whole post about games and didn't even think about mentioning FFXIV. even though I play it like 10-15 hours per week and it is literally how I met one of my partners. but tbf it's kind of hard for me to ever call an MMO a 'favorite'. like you could probably make some kind of silly revealed preferences argument but at the end of the day for me a true favorite game probably needs to have like 2 or 3 of the following
irrevocably shaped who you are today (Xenosaga, P3, Tales, Ōkami, LoZ)
deeply compelling narrative/storytelling/world (Night in the Woods, The Last of Us, Disco Elysium, Shadow of the Colossus, FF9&10)
standout gameplay (Hyper Light Drifter, Journey, Gris, Celeste, Baba Is You)
whatever it is that Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door has going on (the It's Just Plain Good factor)
weird (Everhood, various RPGMaker games)
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seventh--fonon · 1 month
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers
perhaps not surprising
music (playing it and hearing it)
mugicha in the summer
(sappy answer) my partners being silly
coffee outside on a spring/autumn morning (ideally with a blanket)
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seventh--fonon · 1 month
whatre some of your favorite games?
oh man I totally missed this ask!
well from the fact that I just changed my URL again some people may be able to guess that one of them is Tales of the Abyss. Symphonia and Vesperia are my other favorite Tales games.
I would say the other most defining JRPGs for me are the Xenosaga Trilogy and Persona 3.
from my icon you can probably also guess that I am a fan of Hyper Light Drifter. I play mostly indie things these days but it's hard to pick favorites... Night in the Woods is definitely another top contender tho.
currently I'm playing Heaven's Vault (linguistics! sci-fi! archaeology!) and Disco Elysium (finally). nothing really needs to be said about the latter but I think the former isn't very well known and more people should play it!
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seventh--fonon · 1 month
I've never understood materialists' objections to compatibilism.
They're all like "It doesn't count as free will if you make a decision with your brain. It only counts if you make a decision with some magical soul that physics can't describe. If you disagree you're just being dumb and defining free will wrong."
"Yes, you made a decision, but physics was involved so it doesn't count." And they act like I'm the one with a weird definition of free will.
Your own chart says that 59% of philosophers are compatibilists and 11% are no-free-will materialists! You can't tell me I'm using words wrong when I'm in the majority! That's not how linguistics works!
I feel like if your argument is "free will doesn't exist because I defined it not to exist", you're the one twisting definitions, not me.
(vagueblogging at kircheis)
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seventh--fonon · 1 month
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hear me out, tgswiiwagaa anime.
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