scuderiaverstappen · 1 year
not quite sure what I’m meant to say to this
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scuderiaverstappen · 2 years
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2K notes · View notes
scuderiaverstappen · 2 years
He follows two people himself and Lando.jpg😭😭😭
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309 notes · View notes
scuderiaverstappen · 2 years
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46 notes · View notes
scuderiaverstappen · 2 years
F1 ask! (Feel free to reblog it)
1. Have you always know about F1?
2. How did you get into it?
3. Did you watch DTS? If so, what was your opinion on it?
4. Do you have a favourite racing film?
5. Are there any movies or documentaries you would reccomend to understand F1 better?
6. Do you have a movie that changed your F1 perspective?
7. Is there a podcast you like about F1?
8. Do you follow any F1 Youtubers?
9. Could you recommend anyone?
10. What were your first thoughts when you got into F1?
11. How has your opinion on F1 change if it has change?
12. Which was the first driver you supported?
13. Which was the first team you supported?
14. Which was your first race you watched?
15. Is there a driver that you disliked in the beginning but now like?
16. Is there a driver who you made you drastically change your opinion of him?
17. Is there a driver that you liked but now don't?
18. Is there a driver that you hate?
19. Are there drivers you don't care about or so not have an opinion on? If so, why?
20. Which are you favourite drivers?
21. Do you have a favourite team?
22. Is there a driver that you think is overrated?
23. Is there a driver that you think is underrated?
24. Is there a driver that you think gets an underserved amount of hate?
25. Is there a driver that a lot of people like but you don't?
26. Is there a driver that a lot of people dislike but you don't?
27. Do you have a favourite team? Which one and why?
28. Do you have a least favourite team? Which one and why?
29. Is there a team a lot of people like that you don't?
30. Do you have a favourite team rivalry? Which one and why?
31. Do you have a favourite driver rivalry? If so, which one and why?
32. Which one is your favourite team principle and why?
33. Do you have a favourite team principle duo or ship?
34. Is there championship battle that you least enjoyed?
35. Is there a championship battle that you most enjoyed?
36. What were some of your favourite races?
37. Is there a race win that really touched you and why?
38. Of any championship win, which one do you most like and why?
39. Of any of the championship wins, which one do you least enjoy?
40. Which podium made you happy the most?
41. Which podium was your least favourite?
42. What was one of your personal highlights of F1?
43. What was your highlight (or highlights of the season)?
44. Where would you want to have a race?
45. Where would you want to visit a race?
46. Where wouldn't you like to race anymore?
47. Which of the circuits would you like to replace?
48. What would your dream podium be?
49. What would be your ideal F1 team? Who would drive for it, who would be the team principle and so on?
50. If you could choose a line up, what would it be?
51. Which was your favourite line up?
52. Which would be the line up of your nightmares?
53. Which line up are you most looking forward to?
54. Which was your favourite bromance line up?
55. Which was your favourite shippable line up?
56. Which was your favourite bromance line up specifically this year?
57. Which is your favourite ship line up specifically this year?
58. What is your favourite platonic ship?
59. Which is your favourite ship?
60. Which is the ship everyone loves but you don't?
61. Is there a ship many people dislike but you like?
62. Do you think that there is an overrated ship, if so, which one and why?
63. Do you think that there is an underrated ship, if so, which one and why?
64. Is there a ship that seems so weird but somehow just works for you?
65. Do you have a favourite underrated ship?
66. Is there a ship you would like more people to know about?
67. Is there a ship that you think should never be shipped?
68. Is there anyone from a team that you think deserves more recognition?
69. Is there anyone that you find attractive that a lot of people don't?
70. Is there anyone you find don't attractive that a lot of people do?
71. Have you ever spotted a team member that you found attractive?
72. Are there any F1 blogs which you would reccomend?
73. Are there any F1 blogs who you think deserve more appreciation?
74. Are there any F1 that you change your perspective on somethings?
75. Are there any F1 blogs that made this fandom more welcoming or better for you personally?
76. How was your experience with F1 so far?
77. Would you still become fan with the knowledge you have today?
78. What other series do you follow or even what other sports?
663 notes · View notes
scuderiaverstappen · 2 years
i am driver of the day for sitting through this
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scuderiaverstappen · 2 years
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Mexican GP ‘22 // Thursday Interview
“I still feel like Red Bull, especially on Sunday, will be the team to beat.”
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scuderiaverstappen · 2 years
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ALL ACCESS | Big in Japan
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scuderiaverstappen · 2 years
max and carlos are the only two drivers to make it into q3 every race this season and the girlies are still trying to call carlos a hack lmao. embarrassing
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scuderiaverstappen · 2 years
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i cant believe carlos growled at charles and charles started crying :-(
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scuderiaverstappen · 2 years
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Hope that helps.
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scuderiaverstappen · 2 years
Lando out here taking the most boyfriend-esque photos of Daniel and I love it
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scuderiaverstappen · 2 years
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via race.service | singapore 2022 
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scuderiaverstappen · 2 years
did you know charles’ chess.com profile is public
They’re so subtle…
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scuderiaverstappen · 2 years
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CHARLES LECLERC + Trophy | Jeddah 2022
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scuderiaverstappen · 2 years
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Carlos Sainz Jr. | Milan, 2022
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scuderiaverstappen · 2 years
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A shame for Nicholas, who seems like a nice guy, but this is undoubtedly the right decision
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