rosey-witchling · 2 years
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My Favorite Simple Tea Spell
english breakfast tea (black tea) half and half cream honey (bringing sweetness and love into your life) basil ( good luck for the day, boost the honey)
Heat 8 oz of water until it boils ( a little over a minute in the microwave) Steep the tea for as long as box calls for Once your tea is at desired strength, i usually put about half a cup of half and half, stir it three times clockwise and visualise bringing positivity into yourself Add desired amount of honey and use an infuser for the basil or just stick the leaves right in.
I find that this is perfect for a cozy night in or on the go to bring a bit of magic to the morning!
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rosey-witchling · 2 years
I don't really keep a physical grimoire but i love love love to keep referneces on tumblr
Grimoire Masterpost! ✨📚
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«📚 starting your grimoire / organization 📚»
 » Laurel’s Guide to Grimoires  » Grimoire Organization 📖  » tips on grimoire organization  » grimoires: ”I’m afraid I’ll mess it up!”  » Grimoire Organization Ideas  » Grimoires: Suggestion  » Beginning Tips for a Witchy Notebook  » 📚 A Witch’s Book 📚  » A Witch’s Journal  » Week Long Grimoire Challenge
«📚 correspondences 📚»
 » Flowers to press in your BoS  » Flowers & Plant Correspondences A - D  » helpful lil correspondences masterpost ✨💕🌻🍂  » Tarot cheat sheet  » A List of Basic Herbs  » A-Z Incense List and Usage Spell                                                                           » When to Cast a Spell - By Time of Day  » Candle Scent Correspondences  » Colors in Magic  » Color Correspondences  » When to Cast a Spell - By Weekdays  » Full Moons in a Year - By Hemispheres 🌜  » personal correspondences  » Plant Correspondences  » Masterpost of Crystal Meanings  » 🌺 Crystals for the Seasons 🌺  » Crystals and the zodiac
«📚 ideas / inspiration 📚»
 » 50 ideas for a Grimoire  » 📓Some Grimoire ideas📓  » Grimoire/BoS ideas for the beginning witch  » So You Don’t Think You Can Grimoire?  » Grimoire Prompts                                                                                                   » witchy grimoire ideas🌙🌹                                                                                       » Your Grimoire is Good Enough                                                                               » grimoire pages ideas for baby witches    » Magickal Glossary  » 15 more ideas for your BOS!  » Witch Bullet Journal Collection Ideas  » Things to Research as a Beginner Earth Witch  » Things to Research as a Beginner Fire Witch  » Witchy Writing Prompts!  » ☆What to put in your Book Of Shadows!☆
I will be updating this whenever I find anything new!
✨disclaimer // none of these belong to me! all credit goes to the creators! never listen to just one source, do you own research! ✨
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rosey-witchling · 2 years
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I mostly use tarot as a tool for personal introspection. Even people who don’t believe in divination of any kind can use tarot as an aid to explore different perspectives to a situation or even their own psyche. These are some things which I believe I need to confront about myself before achieving any real personal growth.
What are the parts of yourself or your life that you tend to get hung up about. Confronting yourself can be good, but overly obsessing on a particular problem or aspect of yourself can inhibit growth. 
Conversely, what do you tend to push to the side. This can go both ways: some are unable to see the good things in themselves or their lives, while others gloss over their faults and avoid addressing their problems. 
What are the things we think to be true about ourselves, or our lives that are not. These are often negative qualities, a lot of people think they are less capable, less deserving or less worthy than they really are. 
What about ourselves have we yet to understand. Everyone has some things about themselves which they don’t yet fully grasp or cannot quite put to words.
What do we most want from ourselves and our lives. The things we wish were more true about ourselves or that we aspire to be. This is a long process to achieve, and part of that is learning that we can’t just skip to this step, we need to deal with the other parts of ourselves too, including the undesirable parts, before we can achieve true personal growth.
Note: Tarot is not a substitute for professional counselling and other forms of licensed therapy! Feel free to use it as a complimentary practice (unless otherwise advised), but do not rely on it as your sole means of treatment if you believe you need professional counselling.             
✨don’t remove my caption or repost anywhere else!✨
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rosey-witchling · 2 years
Aphrodite’s sugar scrub spell
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This face scrub is my own concoction and works better then any store bought face mask. You can save it in the fridge for up to two weeks or make a smaller fresh batch every time you feel your skin needs that extra pickup.
Things you will need:
Small air tight jar (if keeping longer then one use) or bowel
Tumbled rose quartz crystal - Self love
Parsley - Sacred to Venus and Aphrodite. Brightens skin and fights bacteria. 
Sugar - Drawing romance to you. Exfoliate agent.
Honey - Sweetens your appearance. Slows down ageing process. 
Olive oil - Sacred to Aphrodite. Moisturizes skin.
Lemon juice - Purifies your spell and pairs well with love spells. Clarifies the skin.
Rose petals - Symbol of love. Soothes irritation. 
Place rose petals into the bottom of your bowel or jar and set your rose quartz over top of them. Pour a small amount of each ingredient over the quartz, envisioning them pulling the self loving properties from the stone and into the scrub. Mix all ingredients together to form a thick paste. 
Massage over the face avoiding eyes and wash with a warm cloth. Then enjoy your smooth exfoliated skin!
Note: Don’t forget to remove your quartz after and wash it thoroughly to be used again!
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rosey-witchling · 3 years
I've really been wanting to get into Tarot recently and this will be super helpful. And for any of you current tarot enthusiasts - feel free to add anything on
Tarot in Spells
this is a list of magical associations for every tarot card, they can be added into spells to amplify your intentions and strengthen your manifestations
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Wands are connected with the Fire element and is centered around movement, direction, energy, passion
Swords deal with thinking, communication, perception, and issues dealing with truth, connected to the air element
Cups are connected with water, and the full spectrum of emotions. every emotion imaginable is covered in the cup’s suit.
Pentacles are connected with Earth and are symbolic of manifestation, rewards,  material wealth and material abundance.
The Fool creates new beginnings and can be paired with other cards. ex: the fool + the lovers for new romance, the fool + pentacles for new opportunities, etc.
The Magician increases your power and capability on all levels, willpower, emotional security, balance within yourself, etc.
The High Priestess increases your psychic abilities, mediumship abilities, and intuition
The Empress will help you with creativity and creative endeavors
The Emperor establishes order, structure, and command
The Hierophant can be used in a lot of ways, my favorites are 1. Pairing it with the fool to attract a new mentor, 2. Using it to summon a spirit guide or ascended master
The Lovers help invoke and attract love, partnership, mutual relationships, and passion
The Chariot is amazing for success, and triumph. I always use this in success spells for exams, tests, and projects. The Chariot will help the best possible outcome for a situation to arise
Strength will help you master your emotions
The Hermit is good for rituals and meditations based going within and gaining a better understanding of your own self, and life purpose.
The Wheel of Fortune can be used for luck, change, and getting a desired situation moving
Justice is great for truth, legal matters, and justice 
The Hanged Man buys you time for a situation you aren’t ready to face, delays events
The Death card works well for ending situations, closing doors, gaining closure, and new beginnings
Temperance will restore balance and serenity to any situation
The Tower is best used for hexing and cursing, brings misfortune, unhappiness and chaos
The Star card is good for when you are casting spells focused on gaining something, The Star card is centered around healing, openness, and hope
The Moon helps develops intuitive abilities and can be used to send bad dreams
The Sun is used in spells for summoning happiness, success, and health
Judgement will help clear confusion and help you with understanding your life mission similar to the Hermit in that aspect
The World invokes wholeness and completion
Page of Wands: works with communication, messages, action, and passion
Page of Cups: boosts creativity, taps into your spiritual nature to bring out new creativity
Page of Swords: amplifies ingenuity and creativity, helps deliver messages from one person to another, can be used to attract someone’s attention to yourself
Page of Pentacles: good for grounding and centering spell work
Knight of Wands: speeds up any workings involving passion, love, and creativity
Knight of Cups: speeds up workings dealing with emotions, psychic development, inner strength
Knight of Swords: speeds up workings involving communication, balance, and thinking
Knight of Pentacles: speeds up workings dealing with manifesting abundance, material wealth, prosperity, and creativity
King of Wands: associated with leadership, command, can help you gain authority
King of Cups: associated with personal feelings, can help you resolve personal conflicts and inner turmoil
King of Swords: aids in strengthening your communication and speaking skills
King of Pentacles: invokes luxury, great card for business success
Queen of Wands: establishes a sense of self security and sufficiency
Queen of Cups: develops your psychic abilities, also helps with understanding/controlling your emotions
Queen of Swords: helps you develop stronger focus
Queen of Pentacles: abundance, creativity, fertility
Aces: used for new beginnings based on the energy represented in that suit
Two of Wands: positive progress in any situation whether it be romance, health, career, etc.
Three of Wands: business prosperity
Four of Wands: strengthens any type of relationship
Five of Wands: used in hexes and curses to invoke conflict, and arguments
Six of Wands: manifests recognition, success,
Seven of Wands: use this card when you’re in a tough situation, it will help you succeed and come out of it stronger
Eight of Wands: directs energy and intentions towards a specific goal or purpose, helps to speed up workings 
Nine of Wands: use this card when you come face to face with a difficult task, this card will keep you brave and strong
Ten of Wands: can either be used to achieve something great, or it can be used in a hex or curse to manifest burdens
Two of Cups: union, strengthens romantic relationships
Three of Cups: strengthens a friendship
Four of Cups: dissatisfaction with surroundings
Five of Cups: causes despair and sadness
Six of Cups: lifts your mood when you’re feeling down
Seven of Cups: illusions and deceptions
Eight of Cups: used to help you move on from the past
Nine of Cups: make a wish and use this card’s power to grant your wish, invokes happiness 
Ten of Cups: brings happiness to relationships of all kinds, friends, family, romantic, etc.
Two of Swords: used in curses and hexes to cause someone to have a limiting mindset
Three of Swords: heartbreak and emotional strife
Four of Swords: used in healing spells, sleeping aid
Five of Swords: manifests conflict, and failed success
Six of Swords: this card will aid you when you face a difficult change, helps you to move on and move forward
Seven of Swords: causes betrayal
Eight of Swords: powerful energy that causes isolation
Nine of Swords: sends nightmares and anxieties 
Ten of Swords: defeat and betrayal
Two of Pentacles: brings balance
Three of Pentacles: strengthens business connections
Four of Pentacles: manifests financial stability
Five of Pentacles: financial problem
Six of Pentacles: prosperity
Seven of Pentacles: material abundance
Eight of Pentacles: if you’ve worked hard this card ensures you that your efforts will be rewarded
Nine of Pentacles: success, luxury, accomplishment
Ten of Pentacles: success, wealth
Negative aspects of the cards can be used for hexing and cursing
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rosey-witchling · 3 years
My mental stability really just noped out on me this afternoon so zi was definitely in need of this tonight. Go forth and prosper my roses.
Methods of Spiritual Cleansing 🦄🌸🌷
As we (hopefully) cleanse our physical bodies routinely with care, our energetic bodies need just as much attention. According to the first law of thermodynamics, energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but it can be transformed. Cleansing is the act of converting existing stagnant or negative energy into harmonious, good vibes. 
Soul Scrubbing 🧼🧿
Generally, cleansing is recommended at least weekly. Of course, the frequency is flexible and dependent on your spiritual practice. Here’s a list of special circumstances that would benefit from cleansing. 
When you feel unbalanced or “off”
Before and after spell work
After having an argument 
When feeling low vibrational emotions such as sadness, resentment, anger, guilt, or shame
When experiencing a lack of abundance
Before a deep meditation
Now, let’s dive into how exactly to cleanse the energetic bodies!
Body By Spirit 🌍
The first energetic body that needs spiritual cleansing is your physical one. The element of Earth rules this energy field. 
Smoke Cleansing 🌱💨
This practice involves burning any plant (except sage) via incense sticks, herb bundles, or a censer. In whichever method you choose, after the herbs are well-lit and smoking consistently, envelop the object or person in the smoke. To purify a room or house, walk through the area letting the smoke seep into the air and pour into the space. You can visualize a white light around the object, person, or place transmuting anything dormant into balanced energy. It’s usually a good idea to have a window open during this process. 
Please note that smudging, a ceremonial practice burning sage, is a closed practice reserved for people indigenous to America only. It’s important to help preserve beautiful, unique cultures by respectfully keeping their practices out of our spiritual path if we do not share their cultural background.   
Music 🎶🌈
This method is pretty simple. Use any type of music you like and allow the vibrations to overtake your surroundings! Bonus points for playing an instrument or creating your own music. As long as you have the intention set to cleanse, you can’t really go wrong. While you’re at it, go ahead and dance the bad vibes away. 🩰
Emotion of the Ocean 🌊
This energetic body is known as the emotional, astral, or dream body. It’s the field where we’re able to receive and interpret psychic information and is connected to the element of Water. 
Bathing 🛀🔮
Creating a bath spell or ritual bath is a relaxing and effective method to cleanse the emotional body, not to mention self-care. Run the bath with care and infuse it with the intention to deeply cleanse your astral body. Use any bath bombs, essential oils, crystals, or candles you want! I suggest adding sea salt to draw out and neutralize any negative energy. Apple cider vinegar is recommended for similar properties. The rest is up to you! 
Blessed Water 🧊🙏
Water designated for energetic cleansing has many uses. You can create this by simply mixing sea salt with water and blessing it in whatever way aligns with your spiritual practice. You can add any herbs or crystals to this water, but make sure the crystals aren’t damaged by water or salt before using them. You can use this to brush door frames, touch chakra points, or spray rooms. 
Mellow Mind 🧠
The mental body can be difficult to cleanse, but it can lead to the insight of awareness if we take the time to journey within. What we think creates what we feel which creates what we say and do. The mental body is linked with the element of Air. 
Routine Meditation 👑🌹
Establishing a meditation routine is key to becoming aware of your thoughts and being open to receive Divine Guidance. There are many studies showing the benefits of regular meditation such as decreased blood pressure, improved sleep, increased attention, and decreased symptoms of depression and anxiety. You can start with ten minutes a day and notice any changes you experience. It’s worth it. 
These are just some of the ways you can spiritually cleanse your physical, emotional, and mental energetic bodies. There are many other methods out there if none of these resonated with you. Remember to be creative and have fun with it! 
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rosey-witchling · 3 years
I know I can't be the only one who struggles with sleep. And if it doesn't help you sleep - at least your body will be more stretchy.
Yoga poses for a better sleep after a stressful day
1. Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (Cat-Cow Stretch)
This pose stretches the spine, hips, neck and abdomen, and can help relieve lower back pain, restoring mobility through the hips, spine and shoulders at the end of a long day.
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2. Bālāsana (Child’s Pose)
A zero-impact, resting pose that allows you to focus on breath and reflect. Just 10 deep breaths in Child’s Pose can begin to shift your mind into a calming state, prepping you for a restful night’s sleep.
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3. Supta Matsyendrasana (Reclined Spinal Twist)
Gentle twists stretch the spine and can help melt tension in the shoulders, chest and upper back.
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4. Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose)
A great pose to practice before bed as it helps improve blood circulation and relieve stress. It’s a great way to get grounded and release tension.
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5. Savasana (Corpse Pose)
Lying flat on your back in Savasana helps stimulate a relaxation response. Your brain gets a chance to relax and all of the pieces of the day get put back together so you can fall asleep with less stress and more peace of mind.
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rosey-witchling · 3 years
Gonna save this for treats for my friends & family!
Remember guys - use your gifts to help those around you ETHICALLY
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Homemade Lavender Syrup
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup filtered water
3 tbsp dried ultra blue lavender (make sure it is food grade!!!)
- Mix together all ingredients in a pot and boil until all sugar is dissolved.
- Remove from heat and steep for 10 minutes.
- Transfer to an air tight container, let cool and keep in fridge for up to 7 days
Perfect for tea, coffee, lattes, oatmeal, or anything else for which you’d like to use it! Lavender is used for bringing peace and calmness, healing, meditation, and protection from negative energy. It also tastes absolutely incredible.
Follow on IG @petriquartz
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rosey-witchling · 3 years
Haha besties we need all the help we can get
To Witches Who Are Going Back to School
For those in the broom closet, or for those who are open, for baby witches and for the experienced, here are some back to school witch tips to help your school year be magical and spectacular <3
Draw sigils on assignments for good grades/to have your teacher appreciate your work, scratch them out really hard/fast or erase them to charge.
Charm your lip balm to be persuasive, or to be heard!
Draw a tarot card in the morning to see what you should be aware of for the day, or what you need to work on for the day.
Stir your morning tea or coffee counter-clockwise to rid bad energy, and stir clockwise to bring in good energy, luck, and any other sort of positive intention.
If you have a binder that acts as a book of shadows, place sigils on them to keep wandering eyes away.
Glamours, glamOURS, GLAMOURS!!!!! They work so well if you’re running late. I like to mumble them to myself and mediate on Rose Quartz when I’m in a rush.
Eat small snacks to keep yourself grounded, and don’t forget to breathe after each class. Trust me, I know it can get frustrating with obnoxious people.
Charm talismans/amulets/bracelets to help you be on time/remember your homework.
Put satchets in your lockers/decorate your locker to make it a little safe space or school-friendly altar.
Keep the list going! I started school Monday and I’m eager to see what else witches can do for school!
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rosey-witchling · 3 years
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While these color correspondences are what I've learned, yours may differ. Adjust your colors according to you is SO IMPORTANT! If I don't like blue then it is not going to work well in my spell work.
Black: Dispels negative energy, absorbs negativity, repels evil, mystery Blue: cleanses, purifies negativity, encourages truth. communication, spirituality, tranquility, peace, justice, healing Brown: transformation, earth, property, stability, home Gold: energy, success, health, prosperity, career Gray: calm, spirit work, gentle closure, neutralizing energy or situations. Green: healing, calm, property, possessions, finances, prosperity, and nature. Orange: abundance, acceptance, self-esteem, motivation, success, speed and action Pink: affection, friendship Purple: occult power, spirituality, meditation, royalty Red: power, energy, stopping or removing something, passion, action Silver: purity, divination, psychic work, spirit, lunar energy White: purifies, soothes, innocence, new beginnings Yellow: happiness and joy, clarity, communication, safe travel, happy home, intellectual matter
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rosey-witchling · 3 years
Stay safe out there witchlings - I know candle magic can be popular among beginners
Some of y'all witches on here and on tiktok don't know shit about proper fire safety so let me help.
It doesn't matter if it's a deity candle, don't ignore an open flame! They won't be upset if you blow it out.
If you leave that candle burning you could either set fire to everything in you room, set yourself on fire or the glass it's in will crack and explode leaving burning hot shards of glass all over your room. Just blow it out and let it cool.
If you're shit ever does catch fire you need to starve the flame of oxygen with either a working fire extinguisher or lots of salt. Only use water if there's no oil or alcohol aroun bc that oil is gonna spit right back and burn you.
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rosey-witchling · 3 years
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just a little picrew.
Name: Y'all can call me Rose
Pronouns: She/Her (cis)
Sexuality: Bisexual (questioning that tho)
Languages: Just English atm, but I'm trying to learn some french.
Likes: food, swimming, doggos, cats, fashion, music, viola, books
Dislikes: anti-Semites, homophobes, transphobes, anti-lgbtqia, hot weather, spicy things, might amend later.
How long have I been into witchcraft: almost a year now!
How did I get into it: To be quite honest. Tiktok and youtube.
What kind of witchy things am I into: I haven't gotten into much yet but I'm looking into Tarot, Green Witchery, and Hearth/Kitchen witchery atm.
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rosey-witchling · 3 years
Just something a little fun for my first post. ✨
I don't really fit into any one but I'm looking into Hearth/Kitchen witchery at the moment
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Are one of these your authentic?🌌🔮
If not let me know and I'll find yours 😊
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