[your fury splits you in two. molten, incandescent, the anger within boils forth from the cracks like lava, unstoppable and glorious. steam comes off in ribbons from your shattered skin.]
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who needs friends when you can become a god!
... everyone! even gods need friends :)
Who needs gods when you have a Vladof?
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Mycelium is God. Mushrooms are the prophet. Spores are the Holy Spirit, all around us.
All hail Fungi.
Join me in Mycological Salvation today.
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Be ready to don a new mask.
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[your fury splits you in two. molten, incandescent, the anger within boils forth from the cracks like lava, unstoppable and glorious. steam comes off in ribbons from your shattered skin.]
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Planet Earth II (2016) Episode 03 “Jungles” Directed by Emma Napper
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What the Heck is a mushroom?Well let me tell you… its like a plant… but stop right there…Its not a plant… its nota planet and not an animal.. Its something else… Something fucked up that we havnt ever seen before… You can eat it on a steak but its not an animal or a plant… So what is a mushrom? Its a fungits
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Yukio Takano (Japan) Mushroom Light Lamps
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You are frozen to your core, and the flames call to you.
Would it truly be so terrible to crawl into their delicious heat?
To never be cold again?
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Ayo Godkids? Can you tell me more about that?
[alright super long rambly post coming up be warned]
that's referring to the characters of Revenance!
which is a story [that I'm planning to eventually make into a video game] set on one of the worlds in my ocverse, and on this particular world there are extremely powerful magical people/entities known as gods.
these gods incarnate into [generally] human form, and are powerful but still mortal. some are born as gods and others choose someone with a fitting personality who won't mind being incarnated into. [what exactly being chosen as a god's incarnation does depends on which one it is.] their reincarnation isn't quite perfect, with each god retaining different amounts of their personality, memories, and knowledge. the things always kept between incarnations are their powers and instincts. they also have "inanimate forms" that they take when not incarnated. some of those can be wielded by regular humans to use some fraction of the god's power, however this is done only rarely, and only in times of great need.
the gods are:
the Light, considered something of a leader, as magic is part of their domain. the inanimate form is a glowing sphere about the size of a grapefruit.
a god of life/growth/plants. its inanimate form is a tangled mass of vines with no apparent roots and flowers that bloom and fade rapidly.
the Decay, a god of fungi and the end of the cycle of life. sort of a benevolent reaper figure. its inanimate form is a patch of huge mushrooms.
the Sky/ the Storm, god of weather and flight. it's the only one that isn't human, generally being a bird of some sort.
Firesoul. fire and lava basically. inanimate form is an eternally burning flame.
the Stargazers, twin gods of darkness and of lost/forbidden knowledge.
a shapeshifting trickster god
and one that has something to do with water.
the main story begins at a time when all the gods are dead, and have not returned in nearly a century, so they're thought to be gone for good. most people don't know what caused this. some of the gods have had their inanimate forms damaged or even destroyed as well.
and then someone steals one. specifically, a man named Adrian steals the god of life and uses its powers to create creatures called revenants to terrorize people and in general just fuck things up, because he believes people have had it too good for too long.
in the town he's from, Adrian is generally seen as just the local asshole, so instead of anyone equipped to fight someone with god powers, the people sent to get the god back from him are two teenagers/young adults: Sera, who is rather squeamish and Extremely freaked out by the revenants, and was chosen mostly because she has her own boat [the main way to travel is via the river, which takes an almost circular route] and Colin, an apathetic dickhead to whom Adrian is an older brother figure. not long into their journey, they meet Tani, who has been tasked with collecting the pieces of the Light, as it's been broken and its pieces scattered across the known world. they let her join their party, even though the time she'll take to search for the Light will slow them down, because neither of them are particularly enthusiastic about their own quest.
I have more to add but can't type it out rn bc I'm off my meds today [getting more tomorrow dw] so have this for now. might reblog this and add more info later
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Tani gets anxious around large groups of people and prefers to be off to one side and/or with her friends. Sera doesn't have an issue with crowds (she can socialize with strangers, but doesn't always like to) but usually sticks with Tani near the edge. Colin likes to be in the middle of the crowd but, even if you know the gods are back, seeing a guy with mushrooms growing out of where his eye should be is kind of disconcerting, so people tend to give him a wide berth. He doesn't mind this as much as he used to (though people used to avoid him because he was a dick, and now that isn't the case), since he can just hang out with the other two and help keep Tani from getting overwhelmed by too many people close by.
Raiden hates crowded places and parties, and if her parents bring her to one with them she'll either spend the whole time sitting by a wall somewhere and coloring in a coloring book, or she'll just go outside and watch the clouds the whole time. (Cue her parents getting ready to leave and then realizing "wait, where's Rai?" "I thought she was with you?" "I thought she was with you!") She actually gets almost claustrophobic in big enough crowds.
Adelaide doesn't mind being around people but also doesn't enjoy having to talk to them, so he prefers to stay near an exit just in case he gets talked to too much and has to extract himself from the conversation and then leave before someone else can start talking to him.
When your OC is in a crowded room, do they have a preference for where they hang out? If so, what specifications does their preferrred spot need to have? (Near an exit, comfy seating, a wall outlet, in the middle of a crowd, etc.)
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working on cutscenes for break your leg become a god simulator... might end up having to redraw this one might not
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break your leg become a god simulator sneak preview part 2
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break your leg become a god simulator going well
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finished topographic map! plus info about the places labeled
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