psyk0-w01f · 3 months
Shut up, Trump is the one killing Border deals! Biden was going to build a functioning gate, but MAGAtards wouldn't give him the comprise because TRUMP DEMANDED no agreements be had, because he wanted to run on the border!
Three young women were killed by illegal aliens as a result of Biden’s open border policies, allowing criminals onto our streets.
No protests.
No marches.
No national outrage.
No media coverage.
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psyk0-w01f · 7 months
I support & will empower TransTumblrs however I can.
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psyk0-w01f · 8 months
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A couple notes from a Daddy-in-Waiting.
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psyk0-w01f · 8 months
If only she was my wanton little spoon rn & every night.
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psyk0-w01f · 8 months
I love seeing the work!
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psyk0-w01f · 9 months
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It's my 7 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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psyk0-w01f · 1 year
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psyk0-w01f · 3 years
If I owe anyone pms or replies I apologize for not getting back to you, I developed what looks to be Carpal Tunnel syndrome in both hands & typing has become very painful for me. As soon as I get some plan of treatment for relief I will begin getting back to anyone I owe replies to.
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psyk0-w01f · 3 years
As long as both Iran & Israel have theocratic governments there'll always be war on their horizons. Hear me out, while Israel is a liberal and tolerant Judaist theocracy, the outright intolerant anti-semitic Islamic theocracy of Iran makes peace almost impossible.
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psyk0-w01f · 4 years
Part one:
Two who flirted online with all their hearts yet both were cursed with wishes to be different met one day, as they did magic entered their world, they were reformed mostly as their souls desired(with her grown by inches and in the chest and turned mtf trans & him healed of wounds and his manhood enlarged), & the reformation drove them to consummate their love in the open air. Soon they found they were inseparable in lust for each other so they melded homes. Another was similarly lured to joined them to fill a void of a void neither have & made their loving lust a perfect affair. Passions became the three's way making them unstoppable lusting hunters within and without.
Part two:
The world took a grim outlook on the three's flagrant lustful love that stood in stark contrast to the world's norm. So the trio became even more flagrant in their hunt for one night stand fourths, fifths, or more. Just as quickly the trio gained infamy in hunting for their temporary partners in matching attire whilst making nigh lewd signs of their love in public.
Part three:
The history of each of the 3 lovers tore them apart as prior commitments reared their savage heads. For awhile they languished apart, but like a fire untamped their need for one another blazed strong as wildfires within. So ran into each other's arms they did and made love just inside their home's door as soon as the three were free from the chains of their pasts.
Part four:
On an impulse the 3 chose to go on a nudist friendly couple's cruise, so off to the tropics they went wearing coordinated duds and they revelled in making sweet love in secreted spots at every port of call feasting upon themselves as much as they did the local faire. They even revelled with their temporary shipmates introducing them to their ways of taboo bliss.
Part five:
The 3 found their neighbors in the apartment complex so very judgemental of their blessedly in love and cursed in lustful ways. So they bought a house on the city's outskirts and once the closing was completed they christened their new abode with wild abandon savaging one another in every room large enough for their exploits, including exposed to all who would peer through the fence slats in their new backyard.
Part six:
The 3 found a neighbor quite lustrous of them yet so in denail that he tried to avoid them to foolish avail. One day during a block party they confronted him and led him to their home & soon brought the rainbow within him out into the light with tender loving guidance in bed.
Part seven:
The day came forcing the 3 to be transparent to their friends & families, so they told their circles of their endless love. Free of the shackles of secrecy that night came with such bliss & deeper passions than they've yet experienced, with their hearts beating nigh as one.
Part eight:
With the 3's relationship in the open they pushed the envelope enjoying sensing each other's lust in the places each grew up in. They began feasting on life in places they thought forever forbidden driving themselves wilder for themselves like never before.
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psyk0-w01f · 4 years
So I got a notice from Tumblr about my username, I am still into it.
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psyk0-w01f · 5 years
A question for the Gun lovers!
If you could carry all of your favorite weapons with all of your favorite attachments and endless magazines, but they're hidden in glyphs(symbolic enchanted tats) on your body and pulling them out feels like the world's largest splinter getting roughly pulled out, would you do so?
(Please reblog to boost)
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psyk0-w01f · 5 years
A long time ago I had a #Voltron themed dream that there were in fact dozens Defender of the Universe teams. These other teams had mechs in the shape/spirit of other animals & the lead mech's color wasn't always black like Keith's is/was. The reason my dream gave for the lion team being the only one we knew of was that the other teams scattered across the universe with 1 team in each galaxy to truly be Voltron Force: The Defender of the Universe. In my dream I was chosen to be the Wolf team's leader & pilot of the blue wolf, when combined my team of pink left arm, black left leg, white right leg, teal right arm, & blue chest/head wolves had twin semi-serrated scimitar headed katanas instead of the oddly pointed great sword. My galaxy of service was to be Orion galaxy located on the other side of the buckle on Orion's belt from Earth. The dragon team seen in the late 90's early 00's 3D cartoon was part of the "league," sadly the mechs ended up with ever worsening bad guys piloting them driving the dragons insane enough to be capable of doing evil things.
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psyk0-w01f · 5 years
She is a breath of dignified air in tbe chaos of Steppenwolf's horde.
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You were pushing me to lead the team, but leaders get people killed. I fought, always, when I was needed. But to lead, step into the light and to say to people, “This is worth your life”… it’s your fault. They’re all Steve Trevor. Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman in Justice League (2017)
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psyk0-w01f · 5 years
Sensible Firearm safeguards?
@tactical-edge-arms @gun-gallery & @glocksdaily Would say allowing law abiding citizens 9mils or 45s & most caliber bolt actions as easy to obtain "starter packs," then have deeper background check and higher initial taxation stamps for each heavier weapon bracket make legal sense to y'all?
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psyk0-w01f · 5 years
For the Staff.
@staff I downloaded & joined Tumblr to have a safe space to share & enjoy my NSFW pleasures. For many years Tumblr was our site/app, then the staff decided to change the rules illegally evicting thousands of users from the communities they spent years forming, & I'm one such victim. You all have let us build the foundation & walls of this platform then on a whim said our work is your work & we don't belong here. Return to the 2018 & earlier rules so that we can have our home back.
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psyk0-w01f · 6 years
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An upgrade to a Mega Crossover Fleet from 7 Multiverses.
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