protagonistprepblog · 5 years
Reblog if youre bored and you want anons.
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protagonistprepblog · 5 years
Thanks @mecharex2
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The second request from @protagonistprepblog.
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protagonistprepblog · 5 years
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hi im bitter about people not commenting on fics. im sad seeing all these authors get so discouraged because no one comments. it takes like 5 seconds! just do it!! dont know what to type? me neither! heres some handy pre-written comments for you! “I dont know what to comment! That was great! thank you for your hard work!” “That was lovely! I really enjoyed this chapter/fic.” “How dare you?” “AAAAAAAAAAAAA” “Extra kudos because one is not enough!” if you read a fic and dont know what to say, leave the tab open, come back later! see if theres a line you really liked! tell them if it reminded you of something dumb! tell them if your roommate saw you crying while reading it and now your roommate is reading it!!! SHARE WHATEVER. BE INCLUSIVE! everyone wants to hear SOMETHING. silence kills passion. show authors you care! show artists you care!!!! 
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protagonistprepblog · 5 years
The future of the world’s fattest parrot – New Zealand’s kākāpō – is at risk from a dangerous fungal infection. Seven of the birds – an already critically endangered species – have died from aspergillosis, a type of fungus that can lead to a respiratory infection. To date, New Zealand’s Department of Conservation (DOC) confirmed 36 of the remaining population of 142 adults and 72 chicks were in a veterinary hospital. Seventeen of the nocturnal, flightless birds had received a preliminary diagnosis of the disease, which can occur when there is an abundance of the fungal spore in the environment, or if immunocompromised individuals inhale the spores. In this case it’s thought the cause of the outbreak was a large number of spores in nests on Codfish Island (Whenua Hou) in the south of the country. The deaths, which included a 100-day-old chick that died at Auckland Zoo on Tuesday, came just after conservationists had celebrated a record breeding season.
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protagonistprepblog · 5 years
Protagonist Prep Ch 14 Team Alien’s Mission: Seeing Double
Just a few miles away from Beach City everything seemed to be peaceful and calm with nary a worry in sight. Until a massive rainbow sized portal ripped through the fabric of reality, out of the portal five figures walked out. One was gigantic nearly the size of a Jasper, one was a small boy with a strange haircut, a girl with purple hair, a insect like creature, a pudgy boy and finally a girl with long hair tied in a ponytail.
             “Alright, team,” the giant man said in an authoritative tone, “let’s go over the mission objective one more time to make sure everyone’s clear.”
             "Zim knows what to do!" The insect like figure exclaimed his voice filled with arrogance.
 "Then please explain what we are doing?" The giant figure asked Zim who quickly clamed up, the giant figure just nodded and turned to the chubby boy.
 "Steven could you explain what the mission is?" The giant asked the now known Steven.
 "We're going to stop a bad guy from disrupting this dimension?" Steven suggested still new to this interdimensional work.
 "Good job!" The giant figure told Steven who smiled at the praise.
 "Why does this place look familiar?" The ponytail figure asked rather confused by this.
             Steven agreed with her sentiment, he looked around and it looked familiar to him as well. He looked further down the beach and noticed a massive monument of a multi armed woman.
 “Connie,” he addressed the girl with the ponytail “This is Beach City. We’re home!”
             "How is this possible?!" Connie asked in bewilderment as she stared at the familiar statue.
 "The multiverse is full of possibilities, so it's not out of the realm of reality for us to come upon a similar dimension." The giant figure told the young girl as he began to rub his chin in thought.
 "New plan, Steven, Connie scout ahead and see if there's anything here that's unusual. Signal us if you need back up." The giant figure told the two as he tried to channel what Sir called his inner boss.
 “Will do,” Connie said as she and Steven ran into the town.
 “So, what’re we going to do?” the purple haired girl asked in an apathetic tone.
             "Look around the area, if Odchodnik has operations here then it must be close somewhere." The giant figure answer, he began to walk fowards to what scent he could catch.
 "Come know accolytes an adventure awaits!!" The giant figure exclaimed and the three kids began to follow him. Meanwhile, in a house resting at the base of the massive stone monument.
 “Come on, dad,” Rose exclaimed, “why can’t we come with you?”
 “Because,” Steven replied with crossed arms, “we’re coming to be investigating a recent rash of child abductions, and we don’t want to risk you getting taken too.”
 “Then wouldn’t it make more sense for us to come with you,” Vihaan asked.
             “Not if the kidnappers return to the scene of the crime,” Connie added, “besides, Jasper will be watching you.”
 “I’ll watch them like hawks,” Jasper reassured them.
 “Steven, Connie,” Garnet called to the couple, “let’s go! We’re burning daylight!”
 Steven and Connie Hughes the kids, “We’ll see you when we get back."
 Steven, Connie, and the gems then ran out of the house, leaving Rose, Vihaan, and Celeste alone with Jasper.
 “You guys wanna get some training done while the others aren’t home,” Jasper asked the youths slyly.
 “Yeah,” they replied enthusiastically.
 They then grabbed their weapons and raced out to the beach to get some training done. As young Steven and Connie were walking through Beach City they noticed that several things were off, the Big Donut had new workers, there seemed to be no sign of the cool kids and Onion wasn't in sight doing anything anarchist.
 "Wow, Beach City really changed while we were gone." Steven joked trying to make the situation light.
 "Well this is different from home, I wonder what's different about it?" Connie mused as she looked around the boardwalk.
             “The rides are all the same, but they look even older,” Steven observed as they walked around.
 Steven then accidentally walked face-first into a statue, since he wasn’t paying attention. He fell backwards and Connie quickly helped him back up. “I know that wasn’t there.”
 The pair looked at the statue curiously, it seemed familiar to them, but they just couldn’t figure out why.
 “Hey, Connie,” Steven asked, “does that guy in the statue look familiar to you?”
 Connie noticed an inscribed plaque at the base of the statue, “Aha! Maybe this’ll shed some light on the subject.”
 She then read the inscription aloud for them both to hear. “Steven Quartz Universe: Beach City’s Greatest Hero?” Connie and Steven gasped, Steven started to read the rest. “He and his Crystal Gems have not only kept Beach City safe from various threats, but have also touched the lives of many of our residents. “
 Steven and Connie looked at each other. “Steven”
Connie got the attention of her friend. “I think we’re in the future.”
 "That's impossible, how could that happen?!" Connie wondered as she pressed a hand to her forehead trying to wrap around the situation.
 "Well maybe interdimensional travel sometimes accidentally sends people into the future." Steven suggested as he was surprised by this as well but that meant there was a silver lining.
 "Connie if the gems are here that means they could help us!"
 “Yeah,” Connie agreed, “let’s go to the temple.”
 The pair then ran back to the temple, hoping for answers and assistance. As the other members of Team Alien were traversing the area Behemoth began to pick up something on his ISO sensors.
 "Children I suggest we proceed with caution there's something up ahead." Behemoth told the trio which some of them began to take out their weapons. As they went further Behemoth saw what set off his sensors, it was a tall Amber colored woman with dark orange stripes, a wild mane of white hair and burning molten eyes.
 "Stay here, I'll try to talk to it." Behemoth told his acolytes and walked out of the cover.
 "Greetings and good tidings, may ask what you are doing?" Behemoth asked the Cheeto woman. Jasper looked at the tall Samoan man, she was surprised to see someone as tall as her.
 “Just getting some training in with the yungins’ here.” Jasper informed the massive man.
 “Don’t turn your back to the opponent Jasper,” Celeste shouted as she fired a blast of magic at jasper, knocking her and Behemoth to the ground. However, from farther away the kids took this as a sign of attack and quickly sprang out.
 "Meteor Strike!!" Gaz yelled out as she swung her meteor hammer down at the one who fired the spell. Celeste quickly jumped back, and just narrowly avoided being hit.
 Rose saw her cousin being attacked and used her scythe to pole-vault herself into Gaz, knocking her away. Dib grabbed one of his bolas and swung it around as he did it began to spark and crackle, once he had enough momentum he threw straight at Rose with enough volts to stun an elephant. Somehow the bolas wrapped completely around Rose like a python around its prey. Rose screamed as the bolas sent electricity surging through her body.
 “ROSE,” Jasper screamed in horror. She quickly ran over to Rose, grabbed the bolas and tore them apart, freeing her.
 Rose fell to her knees. “You okay, kid,” Jasper asked, her voice laced with concern.
 Rose used her scythe to hoist herself back up to her feet and gave Jasper a half-smile and a thumbs up. She wasn’t out of the fight yet.
 Jasper sighed with relief, then flared at Dib. She summoned her helmet, rolled into a spin dash, then charged at Dib with all her might. Before Dib could process the fact an alien Amazon women was charging at him something sped forward and blocked the attack with one arm, and that someone was Behemoth. As easily as one would throw a water bottle, he smacked Jasper away causing her to slide into the sand leaving a 20ft long channel in it.
 “Of course you realize this means war,” Jasper grumbled, her face still buried in sand. Jasper then stood up and dusted herself, Rose, Vihaan, and Celeste stood with her, each holding their weapons. The two teams stood there for a moment, glaring at each other, then charged at each other. Behemoth went with Jasper each of their blows shaking the earth; Gaz and Celeste trying to sneak in some devastating hits on each other; Dib and Rose where playing a game of cat and mouse each of them avoiding each other's attack; finally, Vihan and Zim were going at it like a like two angry wildcats.
“Let’s see what you’ve got, big guy.” Jasper taunted Behemoth. He responded by punching her in the gut, knocking the air out of her. Jasper fell to her knees with a gasp.
“How’s that even possible, I don’t have lungs!” She then pulled out a small communicator, “Steven, Connie, we need you back at the temple. NOW!”
 Meanwhile young Steven and Connie arrived at the scene of the fight with wide eyes.
 "What happened while we were gone?" Connie questioned as they ran down to the  fight and pulled out her khanda ready to fight. Young Steven ran over to Dib and used his shield to deflect one of Rose’s attack.
 Rose stopped fighting when she caught sight of Steven. “Dad,” she said, utterly gob-smacked.
 Vihaan threw his clackers at Zim, only for Connie to deflect them. He gasped at the sight of her, “Mom?”
 Connie on the other hand was rather confused by what Vihaan told her.
 "Ummm, I think I'm a bit too young to be mom yet." She Vihaan and then proceeded to side kick him away. While Steven decided to make a joke about what Rose asked.
 "I guess your Dad must be pretty handsome." Jasper finally noticed the younger Steven and Connie.
 “WHAT THE HECK,” she shouted. That proved to be a bad time to look away as Behemoth charged towards the tiger striped gem and delivered a powerful uppercut to her face. So powerful that it caused a sonic boom and sent Jasper flying through the air until she was nothing more than a speck in the sky.
 “I’LL BE BACK IN A COUPLE OF MINUTES,” Jasper called out as she flew through the air. The kids looked at what happened in shock s briefly stopped fighting for a few minutes and Behemoth turned to them and said.
 "May we try to talk peace now?" Before anyone could say anything, a colossal pink shield zipped through the air, and dug itself into the ground, separating the two groups. Upon further inspection, Team Alien noticed the pattern on the shield was identical to Steven’s. A figure then leapt onto the beach, creating a huge cloud of dust. As the cloud dispersed, they noticed some key features about his appearance; he had dark curly hair a bulky frame, and a light red trench coat. It was Steven, the older Steven from this reality.
 "Woah!" Young Steven gasped at amazement at he just saw while Connie felt something but wasn't sure what it was. Cautious Behemoth put himself in front of the kids and spoke to the future half gem.
 "Be thee friend or foe, choose the answer correctly." Steven glared at them, “Depends on your explanation for attacking my kids.”
 While Steven was dealing with Behemoth, Connie checked on the kids.
 “Are you kids alright,” Connie asked worriedly.
 “We’re fine, mom,” Rose said, “but I think there’s something you and dad should see about those guys.”
 Connie then glared at Team Alien and began to march over to the group, intending to give them an unfiltered piece of her mind. Behemoth stood tall as he could and began to explain what had happened to cause these unwanted events.
 "Well first I began to try and talk to a Jasper, was it, about this town. Unfortunately I did not realize this was a training session and one of the children casted a rather explosive spell, my acolytes took this as a sign of attack and one thing led to another I'm afraid."
 “Then where’s Jasper,” Connie asked irritably.
 "Ummm, somewhere in the upper atmosphere I fear." Behemoth told the older Connie, and oddly enough not afraid.
 “WHAT THE HECK, MAN,” Steven roared.
 "To be fair it was a heat of was most would say." Behemoth told the older Steven with a stern voice and glare. Steven and Connie didn’t back down, nothing was more important to them than their kids. They were about give him an earful, but they finally noticed the younger versions of themselves.
 “And now there are younger versions of us,” Steven said in shock. He then pinched the bridge of his nose, “Alright, who’s been messing with time travel?”
 “Don’t look at us, we’re innocent this time,” Celeste replied.
"I can actually answer that, these two are from a Dimension not so different from yours." Behemoth told the Older Steven. Steven breathed a sigh of relief.
 “That’s a relief, I was worried we were all in danger for a second.”
 The kids joined Steven and Connie. “Since no one appears to be asking the big question, I’m just gonna come out and say it,” Rose said, “who the heck are you guys?”
 "My name is Behemoth and I shall let my acolytes introduce themselves." Behemoth told the future crowd, first went the insect like figure.
 "I am the glorious Zim!!" He yelled out at the top of his lungs, next went the girl with purple hair.
 "I'm Gaz, got any food." She lazily told the group with disinterest, finally the boy with a strange haircut.
 "I'm Dib." He shyly introduced himself.
 “I guess you’re already familiar with my wife and me,” Steven said before gesturing to the young ones next to him, “these are our kids, Rose and Vihaan, and our niece, Celeste.”
 "So I'm guessing that you are wondering why we're here." Behemoth said as began to move slightly away from the kids feeling that they weren't in danger. Young Steven and Connie’s eyes shot wide open and their jaws dropped to the ground.
 “WIFE,” they exclaimed in unison, “KIDS?!”
 "Ok, I believe we should hold off on the potential space time continuum destroying information for now." Behemoth told his two older versions of his students with a stern serious voice.
 “Why not,” Rose objected, “it won’t affect our timeline, and it could help you guys out a lot down the line, probably even prevent a couple of mistakes.”
 “Yeah, but we learned from those mistakes,” Steven explained, “some of them even helped shape us to become who we are today.”
 "He's right telling someone an excessive amount of future information could have dire consequences." Behemoth told Rose but currently Dib was getting a little anxious.
 "Ummm, don't we have a mission?" He asked his teacher.
 “Why are you guys here anyway,” Vihaan asked.
 "We're here to arrest an interdimensional crime Lord known as Odchodnik, he's a notorious drug king pin." Behemoth informed the young boy.
 Rose looked at him with a raised eyebrow, “Chokesonwhatnow? That name is going to be impossible to remember.”
 "Here's what really makes me mad, he takes kids from their families and forces them to work for him. All because of some stupid drug called regunitavium." Young Connie scowled as she said that but Behemoth was slightly impressed.
 "Someone’s has been paying attention in Villains 101." Behemoth praised proud of Connie.
 “We were just investigating a recent spike in child abductions around here,” Connie explained.
 "Where there is smoke there is fire." Behemoth told the two groups but that just got him several looks of confusion.
 "What I meant to say was that if there are child kidnappings Odchodnik might be behind this." He explained to the crowd.
 “Well what are we waiting for,” Rose exclaimed as she held her scythe aloft triumphantly, “let’s nail this guy!”
 "Ummm, actually that's going to be a bit difficult." Connie slowly told the daughter of her older self, which felt stranger than everything she's seen.
 “And why’s that... mom,” Rose felt even stranger after stranger after saying that.
 "Well Odchodnik is smart, he's able to hide in plain sight and look like a philanthropist. When he is arrested or something else a mysterious beneficiary somehow gets him off the hook." Connie explained to Rose and slightly caught off guard by the mom statement.
 "She's right, he usually hides his operations quite well meaning we're going to look for a weak link." Behemoth added on to Connie's statement. They all then heard a buzzing coming out of Steven’s pocket.
 “What’s that,” young Steven asked.
 “It’s my communicator,” Steven explained, “one of the gems must be trying to call me.”
 He then pulled out the device and pressed a button on it. “Steven,” a woman’s voice with a British accent came out of the device.
 Young Steven instantly recognized the voice. “Garnet,” he said softly.
 “Everything okay, Garnet,” Steven spoke into the device.
 “We found one of the kidnappers,” she exclaimed, “but we’re having trouble catching him, we need you and Connie, right now!”
 “Thank you, authors,” Rose said softly.
 Vihaan quickly shushed his older sister, “Shh, they may not know about the fourth wall.”
 "Actually my kind not only has knowledge of the fourth wall but we regularly break it, just look at the first few chapters." Behemoth whispered to the sibling pair.
 "Ummm, even though I'm ok with some humor shouldn't we focus on getting the Gems some help?" Steven asked the future versions of his family.
 “You’re right, me,” Steven said awkwardly, “we’ve got no time to lose!”
 He and Connie then latched onto each other. “Let’s go, hun,” Connie exclaimed.
 Steven leapt into town, with Connie holding onto him tightly.
 The kids and Team Alien watched the couple fly through the air. “I guess we’re running then.”
 They quickly ran towards the town, knowing fully well that time was of the essence. As they ran into down they saw the reason why the Gems were having problems catching the kidnapper he wouldn't stand still. Everytime one of the gems would make a move he would either speed out of the way or somehow it wouldn't be able to hit him. He almost got away at one point, but his path was blocked when Steven threw down his shield.
"Woah!" The perp yelled out as he began to skitter across the boardwalk and began to move in a rather discord pattern. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl cornered him on one side, Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth on the other. Steven and Connie landed on his only means of escape, he was surrounded on all sides. Team Alien and the kids soon arrived, standing behind the Gems.
 Pearl glanced back at them, “Rose, Vihaan, what are you doing here?” She then caught a glimpse of young Steven and Connie. “WHAAA?!”
 "No time to explain, right now we got to focus!" Young Steven told the gems as they began to help surround the perp. Who was trying to look for a way out but he quickly gave up when he saw Behemoth. Upon further inspection, they all saw that the kidnapper was a giant cockroach. Pearl gagged at the sight of him.
 Steven grabbed the bug by his antennae, “Alright, buddy, we’ve got a couple of questions.”
 "If it's why am dealing on your turf the DJ guy told me that you guys wouldn't mind." The bug creature told Steven as he began to move his limbs nervously.
 “Alright, everyone,” Steven said “let’s get back to the temple.”
 The two teams found themselves standing in the living room of the temple, with the bug villain chained to a chair. Young Steven and Connie were surprised to see not only how the house had changed, but also how the gems had changed, especially Jasper.
 "So Jasper how exactly did I--- I mean he help you?" Steven asked the former mad warrior Gem of Homeworld, hopefully he won't get too beat up.
 “Well, he and Amethyst fused and beat me in the beta kindergarten,” Jasper explained, “and good thing too, I was so desperate to win that I was willing to fuse with a Corrupted Gem. I mean, who knows what could’ve happened to me if I did. After that, they bubbled me and I stayed in the burning room. Soon I was unbubbled in healing fountain, though I did try to attack you and other stuff I realized something. You kept on trying to help me and heal me, somafter everything was explained I decided to join you.”
 "Wait me and Amethyst fused!?" The young half asked and Behemoth just internally facepalmed at what just happened.
 "Another question what about Blue and Yellow Diamond?" Connie asked as she remembered the stories about them, and from when Blue Diamond was called to the school.
 “I think it’s best we don’t spoil any of that minefield right now,” Steven said. He then turned to the villain, “Now where’s your boss holding the kids!!!”
 "Hey I'm be a coward but I'm not an idiot, if I spill my guts to you no one will hire me and not to mention my head will be on a spike!" The bug creature exclaimed as he tried to wiggle out of the chains.
 “Oh you’re gonna tell us,” Steven said aggressively.
 “And why should I,” the overgrown cockroach exclaimed.
 “Because,” Steven said as he shape shifted his mouth into that of a Predator’s and hissed at him. He then turned his mouth back to normal.
 Young Steven watched with a shocked look on his face. “When do I learn to do that?” he asked Amethyst.
"Ha, please a Yajuta? I've seen more than a hundred of them in a week so unless you got something else, I'd suggest you do better." The bug creature taunted the older half gem with his senses of bravado growing.
 "I know a way to make him talk." Behemoth informed the group as he began to walk towards the bug.
 “Okay, but if this doesn’t work I’m going with plan D,” Steven said as he turned his hand into a drill.
 "It will but I'm going to need someone to take the children away from here." Behemoth told him but his students started to get upset.
 "Come on we want to stay we're heroes too!!" Steven exclaimed feeling a little angry about this.
 "Yes Zim wants to see him squirm!" Zim yelled out in bloodlust.
 "No, this not up for debate." He told them his eyes steely, voice strong and held fast like metal. Steven turned to the kids, “Celeste, take them up to your room.”
 “But we wanna stay too dad,” Rose complained.
 “No ‘buts’ young lady,” Connie interjected, “except for yours going up stairs.
 Rose grumbled as she and the other children walked upstairs to Celeste’s room. Behemoth sighed as he got ready for what he planned to do.
 "You may come out." After that sentence Behemoth's body went slump seemingly lifeless, but that would soon change. His body began to spaz out of control; his suit ripping as he grew bigger; next in some places his skin ripped showing muscle but soon metal filled in the gaps. As he rose, he opened his eyes showing nothing more than swirling metal orbs with unreadable emotions.
 “Reminds me of the first time you entered Diamond Mode,” Amethyst said to Steven quietly. The new Behemoth just looked at the now shivering bug creature and smiled, he stomped towards him and ripped him out of the chains.
 "Fresh Meat!!"
 Connie nudged Steven “Don’t you think you should... you know... just in case he goes overboard.”
 “Oh right,” Steven said, “Diamond Mode.” He then closed his eyes and his gem started to glow under his shirt. He reopened his eyes revealing them to have turned pink with Diamond-shaped pupils.
 "Come on Shrapnel, do we have to do this?" The bug creature asked the new Behemoth in fear as he could feel his thorax being crushed.
 "I haven't been out for a long so I'm going to do what I want." Shrapnel told the roach as he opened his mouth ready to eat the bug creature.
 "Alright, alright I'll talk!!!" The bug creature screamed out.
“You can let him down now,” Steven called out.
 "No, I want to taste his fear!!" Shrapnel yelled back as he began to lower the bug creature into his mouth. He only stopped when a large hand grabbed his arm and stopped him from eating the bug. He turned to see a giant shirtless Steven with pink eyes and Diamond-shaped pupils.
 “I said that’s enough,” Steven ordered. Then in a surprising twist Shrapnel grabbed Steven's hand and began to do something shocking to the Gems. He made the Diamond mode Steven bend to his knees in pain, Shrapnel hissed to the half gem.
 "You have no power over me all you are is vulnerable." Steven looked up at him with a pained smirk.
 “So are you,” he said as he turned his other hand into metal and grasped Behemoth’s throat, choking him.
 "Hahaha!! You think I need air all I need is metal, which you gladly gave." Soon the metal fist collapsed on itself causing a scream of pain from older Steven, Shrapnel seemed to love the sound until.
 "Stop!!" He turned to see younger Steven with his eyes full of horror and terror, soon the metal orbs flashed a seas blue. Then Shrapnel's body began to contort and pulse as he began to turn back to normal.
 "No, no, no I won't go back!!!" Shrapnel yelled out as he was now trapped again. The kids rushed over to Steven and Behemoth.
 “Are you okay, Uncle Steven,” Celeste asked worriedly.
 “I’ll be fine,” Steven panted, “Just need a little time... and some of mom’s healing tears.”
 Connie pulled out a bottle of healing tears and poured a drop on him.
 Amethyst walked up to Behemoth, “YOU WANNA TELL US WHAT THE $&@# THAT WAS?!!!” Behemoth gasped as he was extremely tired from the transformation.
 "That was Shrapnel a being of pure evil, I had to trap him somehow so I chose my body. I only use him for more desperate situations but he's been going out of control." He explained to the purple gem.
 “Ya ever think of freezing him and punching him into deep space,” Vihaan asked.
 "He is not the physical plane but the mental, if I did that, he would just find another host. So, he is my cross to bear." Behemoth explained to the young child.
 Nows not the time for bickering,” Steven said as he put his shirt and trench coat back on, “we have a roach here ready to spill his guts.”
 As the adults listened to the bug squeal on his associates, Steven had a question or two for his hypothetical children.
 “Why was older me giant just now,” he asked.
 “I’m not sure we can tell you that,” Rose explained, “because that would spoil a major revelation about grandma.”
 “That’s kinda ominous, but what about the tattoo,” he asked remembering he saw a tattoo of a rose bud on his older self’s left shoulder.
 Rose crossed her arms, “How are we supposed to know that, you’ve had it ever since I was a baby.” Steven just felt like he now had more mysteries that he would experience in the future or maybe not. Anyway he turned to the bug who was so scared he didn't realize he could've just escaped a few minutes ago.
 "So where are the kids?" Young Connie asked the venom in her deadly enough to kill an elephant.
 “I’ll tell you whatever you want,” the bug screamed, “where my boss is, where the kids are, even my bank information!”
 “We don’t need that,” Rose said annoyed, “we’re filthy stinkin’ rich.”
 “YOU GUYS ARE RICH,” Young Steven and Connie exclaimed.
 After learning everything about Odchodnik’s operation, they made their way to his base of operations. Soon they were outside a large construction site with a sign that read 'Bright Minds School: For The Future'
 "Well this couldn't be any more obvious hideout." Gaz sighed out at the disguise.
 “Here’s the plan,” Steven said in a demanding tone, “We’ll sneak into the compound and take out all the guards without alerting any of the others. After they’re knocked out, you kids need to lead the kidnapped children to safety. When all the kids are out, then we can take out Odchodnik. Hopefully this’ll be easier than the time I met Peter Griffin.”
 Peter Griffin walked up to Steven and threw a suction cup dart at him. “I’m really into suction cup darts now,” Peter said without any emotion.
 Steven just looked at him with an unimpressed glare, “You really have run out of ideas, haven’t you?”
 “YES,” Peter exclaimed with eyes full of tears, “And the network just won’t cancel me!!!” Peter then broke down and started crying on the floor.
 “What was that?” Young Steven asked.
 “A cutaway,” Steven explained, “I was thinking maybe we could try doing them from now on.”
"Ummm, I hate to say something negative but I think the cut away gave us away." Dib told the group as they began to notice the large group of thugs around them. Everybody pulled out their weapons and leapt into battle. In a few short minutes the thugs were unconscious, too injured to move or knew better than to run away; next they began to walk towards the inside of the construction site.
 “Well that was easy,” Pearl remarked, “maybe I will be able to join Mystery for his book club tonight.”
 “Who’s Mystery,” Young Connie asked.
 “A friend of hers,” Connie explained to her younger self, “he and his family moved to Beach City a while ago. If you guys end up meeting them, you’re really gonna like them.”
 While Connie talked with her younger self, Rose walked up to Behemoth. “So why does Chodnodik want that ‘reguvinatum’ stuff?”
 "It's a highly addictive drug similar to human stimulants, reguvinatium can make someone feel young and full of energy again. The odd thing about is the fact it can only affect adults, children or those with long lifespans are unaffected." Behemoth explained to the daughter of the older versions of his students.
 “So then that means Uncle Steven and Aunt Connie are in danger,” Celeste cut in.
 "Yes, that is true though I theorize that Steven may be fine due to his alien half." Behemoth told the magic girl as he put a hand to his chin.
 “Well I don’t wanna take any chances,” Celeste said as she pulled out her wand. She then said a little incantation and a pink light appeared around Steven and Connie.
 “What was that, Celeste,” Connie asked.
 “Just a little protection spell,” Celeste replied.
 “Hmm, you’re getting pretty good with the wand,” Steven remarked.
 "I have to ask a rather obvious question but are of the Butterfly line?" Behemoth asked the young girl while the other kids soon paled.
 “Yeah,” Celeste replied cheerfully, “I’m the daughter of King Marco Butterfly and Queen Star Butterfly.”
 "Well it was nice to know Marco." Dib whispered to Steven who just glumly nodded about what they just heard.
 "Let us focus on the mission, and hopefully Sir won't be too mad." Behemoth ordered his students while muttering the last part of his sentence.
 The heroes quickly and quietly made their way through the base disabling every guard they came across.
 “Well that was quick,” Rose remarked.
 “Alright,” Steven said in a demanding tone, “now you guys need to lead the kids out of here.”
 “But I wanna help,” Rose replied.
 “No ‘buts,’ young lady,” Connie said firmly, “except for yours running out of here with all the other kids.”
 “Ugh, fine,” Rose sighed, “Everyone, follow us!!!”
 All the kidnapped children followed her orders and followed the young heroes to freedom.
 "Seriously the is a breeze!" Amethyst exclaimed but the universe decided to make things a bit harder.
 “Amethyst, no,” Steven screamed.
 "Oh really lassie?" An Irish voice asked the purple gem, soon as the group turn they could see a group of ten all ranging in heights and looks giving them the death glare.
 "Oh dear." Behemoth muttered out in worry.
 “So I take it these guys are the big bad’s closest lackeys,” Steven asked Behemoth.
 "Yes and whatever you do never make fun O'Riley." Behemoth whispered to the older Steven his voice dead serious.
 "So how'd ya like to die?" A short red haired man wearing dark shamrock green clothing asked the group. Amethyst started laughing uproariously.
 “What’s so funny lass,” O’Riley asked confusedly.
 “It’s just– I didn’t expect to be fighting a leprechaun,” she tried to say through her laughter. She then turned back to the others, “Hey! Ya think if I punched him in the gut he’d puke Lucky Charms?!”
 Bismuth raised an eyebrow, “That’s just dirty.”
 ‘Boy am I glad Rose isn’t here right now,’ Steven thought to himself, ‘knowing her she’d add to it and make it worse.’
 The red man quickly began to huff and puff, his face went red, and steam seemed to be coming out from his ears.
 "Ya making fun of me ya dafty little blighter!!?!!?" The leprechaun yelled out extremely angry at what the purple gem said. Meanwhile Behemoth just faced palm at the action of the purple gem. Amethyst started to wheeze, she had laughed too hard. “You’re really not helping your case dude.”
 “Any specific powers we need to worry about here?” Steven asked Behemoth.
 "He's a leprechaun, cousins of dwarves let's just say it's going to be a mess." Behemoth answered and soon older Steven saw why, soon the man launched himself in Amethyst's gut causing her to go flying.
 “They’re aiming for the gut guys,” Jasper exclaimed, “get ‘em!”
 Soon the field was in chaos with everyone trying not to get squashed, impaled or possibly eaten. Garnet was facing off an octopus like creature always having a limb up on the situation. Pearl was facing what seemed to be in a fencing metal man who seemed to be disinterested in the fight.
 "Yeoch!!" The octopus creature yelled out and then sprayed a navy blue liquid at the fusion. Which caused the fusion to let go and try to clear her vision.
 Meanwhile with Pearl and the metal man fencer was a rather strange with the metal man talking while attacking.
 "I must say your style is rather unique if not crude.” The metal man commented on Pearl’s sword fighting.
 “I may be a little rusty,” Pearl said with an upturned nose, “but training isn’t the first thing you think about when you’re raising a child.”
 "Hmm, never understood why people have children to my life givers just think I'm a mistake." The metal sword fighter told the alabaster gem seemingly upset.
 "I'm a general of an interdimensional crime Lord yet they still want me to be a miner." He added as he blocked a swing from Pearl. The metallic man then lunged at Pearl, but she quickly leapt back and sliced off his arm.
 “And I used to be considered a living purse,” Pearl replied, “we decide who we want to be.”
 "First I made from metal remember, and besides I chose to be a general." The metal man told her as the limb soon moved and grabbed Pearls gem. Seeing that Pearl needed help, Amethyst quickly grappled the limb with her whip and swung it around, smacking O’Riley in the face.
 “Thank you, Amethyst,” Pearl exclaimed.
 Amethyst nodded her head ,“No problem, P.”
 Meanwhile Jasper was fighting a four armed creature with only three fingers on his hands and seemed to be doing good at holding the gem back. Peridot was currently having difficulty with a small creature with gravity powers. The small creature smugly chortled at Peridot.
 “You won’t be laughing for too long, clod,” Peri roared.
 She made the index finger of her right limb enhancer spin rapidly. She then pointed it at the wall behind her and fired the finger like a bullet.
 The small creature laughed uproariously, “Ha! You missed!”
 Peridot adjusted her visor, “Did I?”
 Her finger ricocheted around the site before finding its mark in the back of the small creature. It felt like a dull drill was trying burrow it’s way into his back.
 "Ow, you know what no more misses nice girl!!" The creature yelled out and decreased her gravity field causing Peridot and the finger to float in the air.
  “A little help over here,” Peridot called out. Steven quickly threw his shield at the creature, knocking her down. However that distraction caused a huge elephant like creature to try and stomp on him.
 "Look out!!" Behemoth yelled out as he pushed the older Steven and took the stomp. Steven growled at the creature, “Looks like I’ve got to teach you how I earned the nickname, ‘The Forest King.’”
 “I ain’t interested in a long story, old man,” the elephant creature said in a booming voice.
 Steven smirked, “It’s more of a demonstration, really.”
 He plunged his fists into the ground. Colossal vines then shot out of the ground and wrapped around the beast. A small bud appeared around it’s face and released a cloud of spores. The elephant creature then fell to the ground, knocked out by the spores.
 Steven rushed over to Behemoth, “Don’t worry, I’ll fix you.” He quickly spat on Behemoth. Actually, surprisingly Behemoth seemed to be alright despite the fact that he was spat on.
 "I'm believe that my human for might not be a spectacular choice for this fight." Soon Behemoth began to grow as his skin changed to dark greens, two arms sprouted from his sides, a huge tail sprouted from his end, and soon he was no longer human but a 40ft tall crocodile like creature.
 “Oh, I see what you’re getting at,” Steven said with confidence. He removed his shirt and trench coat, and then a light enveloped his gem. When the light faded, his gem had shifted it’s position to point upwards. He opened his eyes, revealing them to be pink with Diamond shaped pupils.
 “Let’s do this,” he said as he grew to the size of Behemoth. Meanwhile Amethyst had O'Reilly cornered and ready to hit him in his lucky charms.
 "So any last words little man?" Amethyst asked really tired of the little man, who looked up and gave her a grin.
 "How do you like kebobs lassie?" The leprechaun asked the purple gem, who looked confused. Until an arrow with the shaft covered in strange runes shot through her head. Amethyst’s form the dissipated, and she retreated into her gem.
 “Amethyst,” Garnet exclaimed. She then launched her gauntlet at O’Reilly, pinning him to a nearby wall. She then raced over to her comrade and picked up her gem, inspecting for cracks and breaks. Unfortunately that proved to be a terrible idea as she was then dropped kick by the archer. Who was a tall human like woman with long silver hair, cold icy eyes, pale snow skin and ears that ended in a slight point.
 "My, my what interesting little trinkets. I wonder how you'll look in chains." The woman said as she withdrew a slender scimitar. Before she could attack Garnet, Connie threw her sandal at the elf’s hand, knocking away the blade.
 She quickly grasped her hand in pain, “Who throws a shoe?! Honestly?!”
 "A mother who has to take care of three kids!" Older Connie yelled back as she dodged a punch from a four armed red alien creature, but she just gave the elf woman an idea.
 "Her nightmares sanda, her fears realitime, care- mana se dreads truth." She whispered under breath, and soon wisps of dark lilac magic flowed from her finger tips into Connie's ear. The sword fighter felt pain but ignored it but as she looked back to face her adversary the environment was different. The sky was darkened blood red, her children hollowed out and stuffed, the gems shattered, and worst of all a huge heart shaped figure was standing above her holding Steven's dead body.
 "Did he honestly think I could be trapped forever?" The heart figure mused as she squeezed the body to pulp.
A chill ran down Connie’s spine, but she still stood tall. “You think this is the first time someone’s tried to pull this stunt on me?”
 She then pulled out another sword and threw it at the figure, causing her, and everything around her to vanish in a puff of smoke.
 The elf stood there, stunned by Connie’s indominable will. “That was your worst nightmare,” she said, utterly agast, “you should be a quivering mess right now!”
 Connie picked up her other sword. “It’s like I said; I’m a mother with three kids to take care of, I don’t have time to be scared.”
 She then pointed one of her blades at the elf. “Now I thinks it’s time I send you back to Middle Earth... crying!”
 As Connie began to rush towards the elf the ground began to shake and rumble, and the higher ups began to smile. Soon a enormous copper colored drill pierced the earth followed by a futuristic drilling vechile. The elf woman kneeled down to it and began to speak a strange language.
 "Λυπάμαι το βασιλιά μου δεν θα μπορούσα να τα καλύτερα." Then something odd began to happen, the vehicle began to shift and change like it was alive. In the vehicles place was a Titan of metal, 50ft tall, shoulders wider, heavy tred like feet, red glowing eyes, and one of his arms was the drill.
 "Don't worry Rania, I'll handle this." The massive machine told his Commander as he stomped towards the group. He pulled out six strange spike like devices from his shoulder and whispered.
 "Seek them out." The six devices then shot out like misses impeding themselves in each of the gems.
 "Ha, what was that for?!" Jasper called out hurt but not poofed yet, the robot just smiled as he pressed a few buttons on his arm. Which caused black hole like portals to open up in the gems sucking all their light into the mini black hole. Amethyst’s gem then flowed and she popped out of it.
 “What did I miss,” she gasped as she saw the state of the other gems.
 “Don’t know,” Steven said quickly, “and I don’t really want to find out!”
 He then turned to look at Connie, “You two take the others and get them to safety!”
 “I’m not leaving you behind, Steven,” Connie exclaimed.
 “He’ll be fine,” Behemoth said, “he has me.”
 Steven looked at his wife, with sincerity and confidence in his eyes, “Trust me, I’m not going anywhere this time.”
 Connie didn’t say anything, she just nodded, grabbed half of the gems, and retreated with Amethyst, who was carrying the other half of the Crystal Gems. "Odchodnik, surrender peacefully and no further harm shall come to you and your family." Behemoth tried to negotiate with the massive machine who just glared at the two giants.
 "Ha, like I would listen to someone of your status Mangler." Odchodnik mocked the two as he walked up to the two as he signaled the others to escape.
 "Oh then eat this!!" Steven yelled out as he threw out an enormous version of his shield, which did nothing as Odchodnik revved up his drill arm and shattered the shield to dust. Steven pulled out two more shields,
 “I’ve got plenty more where that came from!”
 Steven and Behemoth then charged at the titan. Behemoth led first with a hand strike aimed to Odchodnik's shoulder, while it sped towards him the Cybertronian grabbed Behemoth's arm and preformed a Judo throw. Older Steven followed up with a right hook but was foiled when the robot delivered a side kick to his side. Odchodnik laughed, “You organics just don’t know when to give up, do you?”
 “We call it ‘tenacity,’” Steven said as he spat out some blood, “it makes giving up hard for us.”
 “Well then it looks like I need to teach you,” Odchodnik said as he cracked his metallic knuckles, “and after that, I’ll take back my slaves, and add your kids to my collection!”
 At that moment, something inside Steven snapped: everything went red, and the only thing he could see was the transforming robot.
 In his intense rage, Steven raced over to Odchodnik and punched him in the face so hard, he created a dent that crushed his eye.
 “I’LL KILL YOU,” Steven roared. Odchodnik placed his regular hand in his face and felt the energon drip from his face, the crime boss just grinned at the prospect at this.
 "Finally an organic that can actually fight!" He exclaimed as he began to charge towards the half gem with impressive speed and began to deliver a devastating blow. Odchodnik revved up his drill and stabbed it into Steven's upper chest.
 "GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!" Behemoth roared out as he tackled the cybertronian and the two Titans began to shake the Earth, with each punch creating shockwaves.
 “Behemoth,” Steven called out, “keep him busy, I have an idea!”
 He then put his hands together in front of his chest, as if he were praying.
 "I'll try!!" Behemoth bellowed as he began to try and wrestle the giant metal man into submission, but it seemed to be like trying to grab a hold of a slimed hagfish. Odchodnik noticed Steven and tried to get out of Behemoth’s grasp, but every time he got free, he was pulled back in.
 "Are you really willing to risk you're life for this mudling and this planet?!" The metal man roared out as he began to try and stab Behemoth with his Drill arm. Behemoth grabbed the appendage and bent it the other way trying to hold it still.
 "If it means to extinguish the flames of villainy and tyranny then so be it! Steven do it know!!!" Behemoth bellowed out to the half gem. Steven opened his eyes, revealing them to be glowing white. Bright light then surrounded his hand as he pointed his palms at Odchodnik.
 “I call upon Butterfly’s Decree,” he said, voice echoing throughout the facility.
 Odchodnik pushed Behemoth away and charged at Steven, but pillars of light surrounded him then engulfed him.
 Meanwhile, outside the site, Connie and Amethyst dragged the gems away from the battle.
 “Mom,” the pair heard as they lugged their companions around.
 They looked up to see the kids running towards them.
 “What happened,” Young Steven asked.
 “The guy in charge appeared and attacked them,” Connie explained.
 “Well that explains that,” Dib said, “but WHAT’S HAPPENING THERE?!!!”
 They then turned to see the mine was glowing.
 Celeste gasped, “Butterfly’s Decree.”
 “What,” Rose asked.
 “That’s Butterfly’s Decree, my mom’s most powerful spell,” Celeste explained, “it drains an enemy’s power and will to fight with magical light.”
 "Behemoth!!" Young Steven, Young Connie and Dib yelled out and raced to the mine; fearful for what might've happened to their teacher.
 Back at the mine the light faded away, revealing a still standing Odchodnik and a frozen in place Behemoth as if something was going on in his mind. Suddenly the Cybertronian took a step towards Steven it's face contorted in anger and rage. But before he could get further he fell to one knee and warned Steven.
 "You may've beaten me now, but barely. Next we met and I will be free you and your family are going to be working for me for a millennia." The bot's optics then slowly faded showing that he was unconscious.
 “You’ll die trying,” Steven said softly. Soon the kids arrived at the scene and the the students saw their frozen teacher not even moving a muscle. Young Steven zoomed to him in worry ready to spit on him to try and heal him, The reptile then shook himself awake, as if a chill ran down his spine.
 “What happened,” Behemoth said with his hand on his forehead.
 “Sorry,” Steven said apologetically, “Butterfly’s Decree only hurts the enemies of the user, but for some reason it temporarily stuns anyone within a close proximity.”
 "Are you ok?" Steven asked hoping that there wouldn't be anything too bad.
 "No, just a tad stark but nothing a good rest will fix." Behemoth answered as he began to stretch trying to loosen his muscles.
 "That's good but what about tin man?" Amethyst asked staying away from the unconscious robot.
 “He’s down... for now,” Steven said.
 Celeste look at Odchodnik with a puzzled expression. “That’s weird; people hit with Butterfly’s Decree usually end up pale, quivering, traumatized messes. Why didn’t it do that to him?”
 “Maybe it’s because he’s a robot,” Young Connie supplied.
 "That is a feasible theory, magic tends to effect beings differently. Now all that is left is to take this scoundrel to jail." Behemoth added on to Young Connie's theory and told the group as he walked to Odchodnik.
 "Wait what about the others?" Dib asked looking over his shoulders trying to see any other being. Behemoth was quiet for a bit thinking how to deal with this problem.
 "Nothing right now, we don't know where they could've gone but without Odchodnik they won't get the operations running. We could ask for some assistance but I do not want to bother them." Behemoth answered his young student. The other gems then snapped awake. “What happened,” Garnet asked, very groggy.
 “We won,” Rose explained, older Steven sighed a breath of relief, happy to see his family was okay. Later, the two teams stood in front of the temple, bidding each other goodbye. Steven put his hand on Behemoth’s shoulder.
 “You take good care of me, alright.”
 "Oh don't fret I'll try but you have an aptitude when it comes for finding it." Behemoth assured the older version of his student as he began to open the portal. Young Steven approached his older self.
  “There’s still so much I want to ask you.”
 Older Steven knelt down to his young counterpart. “Now I can’t tell you anything major, but I can leave you with this.”
 He then closed and reopened his eyes, revealing that they had turned pink with Diamond-Shaped pupils. “Not everything is as it seems.”
 Young Steven just quietly gasped in wonder at what he just saw and began to think of the ideas that those pupils meant. Young Connie then came up to her older counterpart with her eyes looking down to the ground.
 "Am I really going to be this great or this just an outlier dimension?"
 “I think you’re on the right track to becoming me,” Older Connie said confidently, “just keep training and talking to Steven, it’ll be very helpful down the line.”
 The young girl just gave a hopeful smile at what her older version said and quickly looked at the two children.
 "I have to say you two are amazing, and I'm lucky to be one of the few people to actually meet their kids before their born." Rose and Vihaann blushed. Without saying a word, Rose hugged the younger version of her mother.
 “Thanks, mom.” The girl told the younger version of her Mom. Young Connie was surprised by the hug bit returned it.
 "Thanks dear, I'm already proud of you." Connie then slowly let go of Rose.
Vihaan then turned to Dib, Zim, and Gaz.
 “Ya know,” he started, “I think I’m gonna try to find out if you guys exist here. Maybe see about meeting up with you.”
 "Well prepared to be amaze by this version mighty me!!" Zim called out his pride echoing in his voice.
 "Just try not to be disappointed too much ok." Dib informed the child, feeling like this world's version would probably be a joke.
 "You probably won't find me." Gaz deadpanned as she began to pull out her game system. As the team began to walk into the portal Behemoth stopped for a bit.
 "I'd feel rather discontented if we did not do anything to mark this chapter of our lives, how many of would like to partake in a picture?”
 Older Steven chuckled “Sure.”
 Team Alien and the Crystal Gems quickly began to get into picture ready group but there were a few problems.
 "Zim desist from using your arachnid legs, and stand with the children." Behemoth sternly told Zim like a parent to a child.
 Zim grumbled something (most likely alien profanity) and joined the other kids.
 Behemoth pressed the timer button on the camera and ran to join the others.
 “Everyone say ‘Future,’” older Steven said jovially.
 “Future,” everyone repeated as the camera flashed.
 After flash died down one could see a picture of mismatched characters of various sizes, shapes, and tones. Some would be a little weird out by this but others would call it friends or family. When Team Alien received their copy of the picture they went back into the portal waving goodbye.
Thanks @ask-sfsf
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protagonistprepblog · 5 years
Rules: Tag 9 people
Tagged by @emmy-puff
Favorite colors: Dark Greens, remind of home and my bedroom
Favorite Ships: If I list all of them I'd be here for a week, Starco, Jlaire, Pennashi, Stevonnie, Izutsuyu, Izuraka,Izumina,
Lipstick or Chapstick: None, I use my saliva to keep my lips soft
Last Song: Catchy Song from the Lego movie 2
Last Movie: Captain Marvel
Currently Reading: Nothing at the moment but I did read a good reverse Coco au, I always love when people do those it's fun.
Tag: @always-stay-in-arms-reach @spiider-rii, that's all
Rules: Tag nine people you’d like to get to know better.  
Tagged by: @imthegingerninja
Favorite Colors: Just the whole damn rainbow. Partially because it’s pretty but mostly because gay reasons. 
Top Favorite Ships: Jlaire, Hiccstrid, Elisasset, Tipo, Freela, and Star x Chris (I don’t know their ship name) 
Lipstick or Chapstick: I need my Carmex but I look damn fine in bright red so lipstick wins this round 
Last Song: That one Becky G song from Hotel Transilvania 
Last Movie: Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (Unironically one of my fave movie series don’t judge)
Currently Reading: I just finished “The Hate You Give” and it was absolutely fantastic. Star is one of the best female characters I’ve seen ever. Her family’s dynamic was so genuine. Her emotions were so raw. I was really expecting her and Chris to break up but they ended up being a super healthy, and adorable couple.  I’m about to start “What If It’s Us” which is co-written by the same lady who wrote “Simon Vs the Homo Sapien Agenda” so I’ve got some high expectations. 
I tag: @the-fanaddict @tunafishprincess @stricklanderkin  @sovengardeswag and @protagonistprepblog
(I know I was a little short of tagging people so y’all just tag however many people you want) 
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protagonistprepblog · 5 years
I don’t give a frick fracc snick snacc what anyone else thinks, a mass shooting is the shooters fault
not his backstory’s.
not his parent’s.
not the fact that “he was bullied”
how hard is that to understand
56 notes · View notes
protagonistprepblog · 5 years
reblog if ur bi, ur not biphobic, or ur best friend is a beautiful valid bisexual
422K notes · View notes
protagonistprepblog · 5 years
Ch 13 School Trip
Protagonist Prep
All Characters belong to respective owners
           Inside the school the kids were currently inside a strange room with the three teachers and Tech.
             “Why are we here?” Sashi asked the three giving them a look of doubt, Drooler however had the perfect response to that question.
             “We’re finally get to experiment on you.” He told the kids barely keeping a huge smiling on his face under control, however the kids took rather seriously as many of them getting into a battle stance. Drooler’s smile fell as he looked down to the ground.
             “Guess I got to work on that.” He mumbled, luckily Zizzoro was quick to correct his cousin’s failed humor attempt.
             “What he meant was that we are going on an interdimensional mission and you are coming with us.” Most of the students calmed down and now possessed looks of curiosity mixed with excitement, even though some have seen other dimensions they still seemed to be excited about seeing something new.
             “Before we do though we got some gifts for ya.” Drooler told the kids, then Drooler, Behemoth, and Zizzoro reached behind their backs and pulled out some impressive equipment. In Droolers hands, all four plus their tail hands, he held five pieces of armor one looked similar to ancient Chinese armor, the second seemed to be crafted from golden dragon scales, third was a mix of a mages hood and knights armor, fourth looked similar to Amazonian armor and the last set of armor was almost a tech suit with Boone’s shock gauntlets built into it. He then gave the Chinese armor to Marco, golden dragon armor to star, Amazon armor for Sashi, mage armor for Penn, lastly tech armor went to Boone. All of the kids had looks of pure excitement as they donned their own armor, and each of them expressing thanks.
             In Behemoth’s titanic hand he held five armors, for Steven he held a rose colored knights armor with a kite shield on the right arm, for Connie it was Karna Kavacha, Dibs was a black and teal light Calvary armor, Gaz’s armor was a dark wine colored plate armor, finally Zim’s armor was a magenta colored Laminar armor. As the kids took their armor from Behemoths hand, they noticed that each of their names were carved into their armor in cursive.
             “I know it wasn’t necessary but I felt that it added a swell touch.” Behemoth told the kids with a gentle smile on his face, most of the kids were too excited to say anything to say anything and Zim was in shock that someone did something nice for him. Now for Zizzoro in hands as well as on his tail had a Hon Kozane dou in ladybug pattern, a black O-yoroi with a fur pattern with a cat mask, next was a Hon iyozane dou colored like a red fox even possessing a fox mask as well as ears, after that a Munemenui with forest colors spanning the armor complete with a kappa mask, after that was a Yoroi Katabira with a tiger pattern with a tail as well as a snarl mask, finally a Nanban Dou Gusoku with a bee pattern possessing a Jorogumo mask. When the kids took them off his hands and tail two certain blondes were over the moon with their new armor while the others gave smiles of thanks.
             “If that’s all settled, I believe that we have some missions to complte.” Tech grumbled giving his seniors a rather annoyed glare, the three much taller creatures gave looks of slight looks of embarrassment their faces. Tech just rolled his eyes at his superiors but what could be done, he walked to the interdimensional gateway opener. Before we go further into the story it is rather imperative to discuss the interdimensional gateway opener, this impressive piece of the technology was made in the year 000000000000000000000057 and was used for primarily exploration; it wasn’t used for transportation or casual use until 000000000000000000000123 and------
             “How much did Tech pay you for this?” Drooler asked with a raised eye ridge, and to answer that about 12,000 purites. So, after that embarrassing fiasco the teams began to line up behind each other ready to be transported to where their missions were located; first was Team Dimension stepped on to the platform bracing themselves for what would come.
             “Alright, all of you are going to a dimension labeled 556-7934LH. Sir try not to burn anything to a crisp this time.” Tech exasperated as he began to type in the coordinates into the machine, while Drooler just mumbled something about politicians and dragons. Then a huge rainbowed portal ripped through the fabric of reality and creating whipping winds, Drooler just walked through the portal with no problem while the kids were slightly unnerved but did it anyway. Afterwards the portal closed Team Alien walked up to the machine and got ready for what their mission was.
             “Ahhh, Behemoth the target a small cross dimension called 629-0023FS.” Tech told the titanic crocodile being who just gave him a thankful nod, then just like before a giant-sized portal opened up and the team walked straight on through. Lastly Team Miraculous went up to the gate way opener and stood before Tech.
             “Zizzoro you and your little army is going to the dimension designated as 815-073KD try not to get angry.” Zizzoro just gave the bird like creature an annoyed look and Tech paled from the thoughts that Zizzoro was purposefully giving off. So he quickly entered the coordinates and another portal ripped through the paper of the dimensions and the team walked through it like it was a park. That left Tech at the gateway opener and was ready to give information or bring them back from the mission when it was done.
 --------Team Dimension’s Mission---------
             Just outside the limits of Royal Woods everything seemed to be a calm and quiet evening, until the wind picked up almost creating a small tornado. It was chaos for a bit until a large rainbow colored hole in reality appeared and from that hole six figures appeared, five of the figures were kid sized while one seemed to be a giant. The air of mystery was ruined when one of the figures with curly bushy hair went to the bushes and threw up.
 "Ugggh, I don't think I'll get used to that." The bushy haired figure moaned as he clutched his stomach.
 "Didn't you travel through dimensions?" A long haired girlish figure asked in confusion.
 "Not my body." The bushy figure answered as he felt something rising again.
 "Enough, we've got a job to do so stomach problems are going to have to wait." The giant figure told the group.
             "Why are we here exactly?" asked a pig-tailed girl figure.
 "There's a breacher in our midst. We've come to track it down." said the giant figure.
 "Can't we just chill for a minute? I mean, have you seen this place? It's beautiful man!" said a large, brown haired figure.
 "There's no time for sightseeing! Let's move!" ordered the giant figure.
             So what exactly are we looking for?" A pig tailed figure asked the giant with a hostile tone.
 "How exactly are we going to get there?" The group could then hear a familiar growl of a car coming from down the road, the giant figure just gave smile as a plan formed in his mind. The giant figure walked into the middle of the road and waited, as the car sped towards the giant figure he jumped up and the car nailed him causing him to tumble on the road. The car screeched to a halt and the owner raced out not noticing the others in the bushes.
 "Sir are you alright?" The owner asked, the giant's eyes snapped open, he rose up and then placed the owner's head in a sleeper hold.
 "Yeah, but I'll need some collateral." The giant told the man and then knocked him out, as the owner fell to the ground the giant walked to the car and opened the doors.
 "I believe that this is our ride."
             "Sweet! I call shotgun!" exclaimed the large, brown haired figure.
 "Just get in, before the owner wakes up" the giant told the brown haired figure.
 The team piled in the car and sped off leaving the unconscious man behind. However, he woke up a short time later and called the police to report the crime. It was just early in the morning in the Loud House with many of the residents were snoozing away, enjoying the rest they needed after their last adventure. However, that peaceful rest was broken as one of the holo-pendants went off waking up the family from their restful snooze.
 "Sometimes I really hate being a super hero." Lincoln groaned out.
 "Suit up Louds! There's been a carjacking! We've got to catch up to the criminals responsible!" exclaimed Lynn Sr.
 "Ugh...Dad, do all of us really need to go for this?" asked Lynn, feeling tired and lazy.
 "Yes Lynn Jr.! We never know what we'll encounter when we're on a mission! Now, suit up! Everyone!" said Lynn Sr.
 All the Louds suited up and hopped into Vanzilla, which turned into Thunderbolt with the push of a button.
 "Lori, you'll be our eyes in the sky. Let us know if you spot anything." said Lynn Sr., over his communicator.
 "Gotcha Dad. I'm literally on it." said Lori, as she flew above the rest of Super Thunder, who were riding in Thunderbolt.
While Super Thunder was getting ready Team Dimensions was driving through Royal Woods following an energy lead that could be a possible breacher, after 20 minutes they stopped at a rather sketchy pawn shop called 'Pawn for All'.
 "So Sashi what ya got?" The giant figure asked the pig tailed figure who placed her right hand on her glasses, then a holographic display showing a glowing red dot signifying that there was interdimensional energy there.
 "Alright, Sashi come from me everyone else stay in the car. Also Sashi remember if anything ever goes wrong don't try to do anything special." The giant figure told Sashi just rolled her eyes but nodded anyway, as they entered the pawn shop a rather greasy owner came out from the back.
 "Greetings and welcome to Pawn for All, what would you like to buy or pawn?" The owner asked the two.
 "Just looking for now." The giant figure told the owner who seemed a bit annoyed at that proclamation but said nothing, as the duo looked through the selection Sashi got a spike from a sapphire pouch with a round object in it. However they were interrupted by an unwelcome guest, which was a matted dark brown haired teenager in a ruined sweatshirt and shifty eyes. The teenager took out a revolver and pointed it at the owner as well as at the duo.
 "Everybody hands in the air!!"The teenager yelled out which the owner and giant did so, but Sashi seemed to be a bit defiant but a glare from the giant caused her to raise her hands.
 "Easy son, just let us grab what we want and we'll be on our way. We won't even tell the cops and I'm pretty sure that the owner is too scared to." The giant offered which caused the robber to think for a bit causing Sashi to rush forwards ready pummel the robber, but he noticed her and got ready to fire. Faster than the speed of light the giant figure grabbed Sashi and enveloped in a hug and when the robber finally did fire the bullets just bounced off his skin. The giant let out an unearthly growl as he turned to the robber, who tried to fire the gun again but he got the same result and the giant just stomped forwards with murder in his eyes. He punched the robber in the face and the followed up with a strong elbow to the robber's forearm breaking it, finally delivered a strong punch to his chest breaking a few ribs. The giant then walked to the display case and then punched the case stealing the pouch, the duo then walked out of the store and drove off. Meanwhile with Super Thunder...
*Lynn Sr's cellphone rings*
 "Hello?...What?! Okay, we're on it! *hangs up* Change of plans guys! There's just been a robbery at the pawn shop! But these aren't ordinary subjects..." said Lynn Sr.
 "I hope its not another mutation incident." said Lisa.
 "Didn't we lock those guys up?" asked Lynn.
 "They could've escaped. They do have powers now." said Lincoln.
 "Yeah, well I'll just give them the ol' Powerhouse fist! That should stop 'em!" said Lynn.
 "Hey guys! I see the car that was reported stolen heading west!" said Lori, via communicator.
 "Copy that honey." said Lynn Sr., as he and the rest of Super Thunder started heading West. As Team Dimension raced down the road the giant figure noticed that they were being followed.
 "Ok, kids I'm going to do something that may or may not turn us inside out." The kid's eyebrows shot up in the air but before they could object the giant began to chant in a strange language.
 "Bijoed mo pajravii xudro az dast nadihem va rohi pinhon kardanro pajdo kunem!" Then flames began to wrap around the group and one by one they disappeared into thin air. The giant was the last one to go, unfortunately that meant that the car was now out of control.
"Guys! The car is out of control! We need to stop it!" said Lori, via communicator.
 "I'm on it!" said Lynn, who used the ejector function on her seat to launch herself out of the van, and into the air.
 She landed in front of the approaching car and used her super strength to stop it in its tracks. When she did so however, she made a surprising discovery.
 "Uh...guys? There's no one in the car." said Lynn, via communicator.
 "What? That doesn't make any sense. The car couldn't have been driving itself." said Rita.
 "Maybe it was. It could've been controlled by an other-worldly spirit." said Lucy.
 "Other worldly?" asked Leni confused.
 "She means ghosts dude." said Luna.
 "GHOSTS?!" shrieked Leni in terror.
 "Wow! This car's a real AUTOMATIC! Hahahaha! Get it?" joked Luan.
 Everyone groaned as usual.
 "Look, we don't have time to joke right now guys! We have to find those escaped criminals! We're back on the search Louds!" said Lynn Sr., as he drove forward once more in Thunderbolt. Far from Super Thunder in an abandoned warehouse a small ball of flames sparked to life moving like a rapid stream, until the six figures fell out onto with some dull thuds and groans.
 "Flame travel, I thought only worked in places you knew?" A blonde haired girl asked the giant.
 "I've been to a place like this before, but I believe that the real question is what where you thinking?!" The giant yelled out at Sashi disappointment clear in his voice and anger displayed on his brow. Sashi seemed to have flinched from the disappointment but she stood her ground against the giant.
 "I saw a chance to take down a criminal and decided to take it." Her rebuttal made sense but the giant was still angry.
 "Yes but that criminal was clearly unhinged, talking down is a safer option!!" The giant argued back, which caused Sashi to huff in anger, deciding that they shouldn't waste time on this the giant changed the subject.
 "Ok look, let's just see if we got the right one and we'll continue this conversation." The giant opened up the pouch and his face fell, inside was a simple smooth granite rock. When he took it out of the pouch it spat water on the giant and began to speak.
 "Hello everyone, I'm the Joking Stone and----." The stone stopped talking as it sensed the energy from its current holder.
 "D---Dr----Drooler what brings you to this dimension?" The stone asked hoping not to be shattered into a thousand pieces.
 "A piece of the Khayin Dharr, do you know where it is?" Drooler asked the stone with a tight voice and a furrowed brow. As the flames died down once again Drooler saw a banner exclaiming something.
 "Come see our Irish culture and heritage wing, grand opening." Drooler muttered to himself, then a grin began to grow on his face as an idea quickly bloomed in his brain.
 "I've a plan, guys quickly gather round." The kids slowly as Drooler began to inform the kids of the plan which quickly grew to gain some favor among them. While on the opposite spectrum Super Thunder had reached a dead end.
 "I don't get it how could a bunch of thieves just disappear like that?" Lynn asked her family obviously annoyed at what happened.
 "This occurence doesn't make any sense from any logical standpoint." said Lisa.
 "It must be supernatural then." said Lucy.
 "Uh, Lucy? Can you keep it quiet with the spooky stuff around Leni?" asked Lincoln, who gestured towards Leni who was huddled in her seat.
 Just then, the Chief made a call to Super Thunder.
 "Super Thunder! The criminals have been spotted at the museum! You have to stop them before they get away!" said the Chief.
 "Okay Chief. We're on it!" said Lynn Sr., as he ended the call. "Buckle up Louds!" exclaimed Lynn Sr., as Thunderbolt took off towards the museum. As Super Thunder drove to the museum a rather strange guest walked up the stairs of the main entrance, he was a tall man with flaming red hair, tanned skin, with golden eyes and a handsome face that could make any woman swoon. When he reached the top of entrance he was stopped by a rather bored museum worker.
 "Name sir?" the worker asked the man not looking up from the computer.
 "Noah Walsh, Earl of Fingall and owner of Killen Castle." The man introduced himself and that caused the museum worker to look from her computer and let out a small gasp.
 "Sir Walsh, we weren't expecting! What brings you to our humble museum?" The worker asked her heart slighty a flutter from the Earl's stunning good looks.
 "My family made a donation to the exhibit and I am here to make sure that it is in good hands." 'Noah' told the worker just nodded as she let the earl walk into the museum with no problems, as he did 'Noah' pressed his right hand to his ear and began to whisper.
 "Ok kids I'm in, are you guys in position?" He got five responses
 "Golden Scales in the roost."
 "Safety Kid in position, and can we change my code name?"
 "Illutionist here ready to make some magic."
 "Shocks I'm in the camera room."
 " The Amazon is ready to fight."
 "Perfect. Maintain position while I locate the artifact." said Noah, as he began his search.
 Meanwhile Super Thunder had just pulled up to the museum and were formulating a plan.
 "Okay, Lincoln and Leni, you guys will sneak in while Lori flies above overhead. Radio in once you find something." said Lynn Sr.
 "Will do Dad! Let's go Leni!" said Lincoln, as he hopped out the van, with Leni following behind.
 Lori flew over the roof of the museum, while Lincoln had a quick chat with Leni.
 "Okay Leni, I'm gonna get in via the power lines. You sneak in using your invisibility." said Lincoln.
 "Oh I hope there's no ghosts in here..." said Leni, as she became invisible and snuck inside.
 Lincoln turned into electricity and flowed into the power lines. As Noah walked through the museum he noticed a piece of metal that really stood out, it was a bright silver with wind like patterns and odd runes inscribed on it. That wasn't it as he could feel a familiar pull of power from the metal and the tickle of someone trying to get into his mind. Noah placed his right hand on his ear again and gave his team an update on the mission.
 "Good news I've found the piece."
 "What's the bad news?" Shocks asked his teacher as he worked on the cameras.
 "I can smell someone trying to tail us." Noah told them as he got the scent of perfume and health shakes. Leni then sneezed which accidentally made her visible again.
 "Bless you." said Noah.
 "Thank you!...Wait. Oops!" said Leni, as she went invisible again.
 "It's too late. I already saw you." said Noah.
 Leni then reappeared looking defeated.
 "Um, guys? I have one of the bad guys here. Hurry!" whispered Leni, via the communicator.
 "You know I could still hear you right?" asked Noah.
 "Really? Oh this is totes unfair!" said Leni.
 Suddenly, Lincoln appeared from one of the ceiling lights and confronted Noah.
 "Alright you. It's time to pay for your crime!" said Lincoln.
"The only thing thing that's going to happen is me taking my property back." Noah told the two siblings his tone nonnegotiable and his eyes furrowed into a glare, he then clapped his hands together causing a wave of sound and power to blow the two heroes back. As the two tried to gather their senses Noah pressed his hand to his ear and gave his students an order.
 "Kids we got some company want to come and help?" From almost impossible ways five figures appeared and looked like they were wearing some sort of battle armor.
 Uh oh." said Lincoln, not liking the odds of this fight.
 Suddenly, Luna, Lucy, Luan, and Lynn raced in which evened up the odds.
 "Whoa! Not what I was expecting." said Luna.
 "Is it ever?" asked Lucy.
 "Well, this should be interesting." said Noah.
"Come on let's turn them into mince meat." Amazon growled out as she reached for her weapons, however Noah put his arm in front of the pigtailed warrior and gave her an order.
 "Let's wait for the rest of them to arrive, it'll be more of a fair fight." While that confused part of Super Thunder but Amazon complied with the order.
 "*scoffs* You guys are really asking for it! Do you even know who we are?" Asked Lynn.
 "To be honest, no. You don't seem like much anyways." Said illusionist.
 "Oh really? I feel like we should give you a demonstration." Said Lynn, entering a fighting stance.
 "Easy Powerhouse. The others are on the way." Said Lincoln, in just a few minutes the rest of Super Thunder arrived with many of them ready for a fight.
 "Ok you thieves get ready for......." Rita stopped after getting a look at Nah and quickly getting red faced and her knees getting weak, seeing this Lynn Sr quickly became jealous and was ready to finish his wife's sentence.
 "What ift is trying to say is that get ready to be struck by Super Thunder!" He exclaimed with extra vigor and puffed out his chest trying to seem more muscular, while Noah just looked at him with an exasperated look.
 "Believe or not handsome, I'm actually trying to save this dimension." While the handsome part caught him off guard Lynn Sr questioned the man.
 "How so?"
 "Well you're not going to believe this but I'm an interdimensional being and these five are my students, we came to this place to try and find a rather powerful interdimensional item. We planned to take the item and replace with a phony to make sure no one would miss it but you guys got in the way." Noah explained to Super Thunder with many of them raising eyebrows and wondered if he was crazy, but unknown to them he was walking in a rune pattern ready for a backup plan.
 "You're right I don't believe you." Lynn Sr told the man with his arm stretchering across his kids.
 "Oh well, Duşmanoni maro ʙa ʙodho parokand, to quvvahoi man ƣoliʙ şavand!!!" Noah yelled out and the floor began to glow, in seconds the glow enveloped the teams and separated them.
 With Golden Scales...
 "Whoa! What the heck was that?" said Luna, freaked out.
 "It seems there's been a HOLE in our plans! Hahahaha! Get it?" joked Luan.
 "I know right! Totally caught you guys by surprise! Well, I guess it's time to fight!" said Golden Scales.
 Luan and Luna then got in a fighting stance, and so did Golden Scales.
 With Amazon...
"Okay. Literally, what just happened?" asked Lori confused.
 "I could explain it to you, but it would be a waste of time. Now hold still as I inflict this beating on you." said Amazon.
 "*scoffs* Bring it on sister." said Lori, ready to fight.
 "This should be interesting." said Lucy.
 With Shocks...
"Okay Lightning, let's think strategically about this. I'm detecting our adversary has a high amount of electricity under his control. I would proceed with caution." said Lisa.
 "Gotcha." said Lincoln.
 "So y'all ready to do this or what?" asked Shocks.
 "Let us commence." said Lisa.
 With Illusionist...
"Shh! Don't cry Lily! It's going to be okay!" said Leni, trying to console Lily.
 "Where'd that guy teleport us to?" asked Lynn confused.
 "Don't worry...it'll all make sense soon..."
 "Who said that?" asked Lynn, on edge.
 "It'll all make sense..."
 "Uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that." said Lynn.
 With Safety Kid...
"Wait. I'm fighting 5 year olds?!" asked Safety Kid.
 "Um, we're six for your information." said Lola.
 "Is that gonna be a problem?" asked Lana.
 "Uhm...no? No. That's...that's not gonna be a problem! Not gonna be a problem at all..." said Safety Kid.
 "Well alright then! Let's do this!" said Lola, as she and Lana sprang into action.
 With Noah...
"Now we can have a real fight." said Noah.
 "I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to this." said Lynn Sr.
 "Ooh! Do we really have to fight him?" asked Rita, still lovestruck.
 "*sighs* Yes honey. He's a bad guy." said Lynn Sr.
 "Uh, I wouldn't use that term with me." said Noah.
 "Oh yeah? What would you use, wife stealer?" asked Lynn Sr., getting upset.
 "Easy there, let me-"
 Noah was cut off by Lynn Sr.'s fist.
 "*catches it and sighs* Great. Now I'll have to use a different approach." said Noah. Noah then pulled Lynn Sr forward with impressive strength and delivered a powerful uppercut to the elastic man's jaw, while he was still stunned Noah gave him a brutal combo of a palm to the chest, a knee to the crotch and finally a side kick in his stomach. Which caused him to fly back and hit one of the museum columns.
 "Honey!! Ok, even though you're incredibly handsome no hurts my husband!!" Rita yelled out as she turned into a dragon with smoke billowing out of her nostrils.
 "I'm suddenly reminded of one of my sister-in-laws." Noah commented under his breath as Rita let out a wave of hot fire, however something odd happened. Instead of being burned to a crisp the flames circled around Noah and somehow were absorbed into his skin, ruining his suit.
 "Do you have any how much this cost?" He asked the dragon woman while fired up.
 ------------- Golden Scales----------
 "Glowworm Blast!!!" Golden Scales yelled out as her wand fire a torrent of explosive glowworm to combat Light Shows blast, which resulted in a tie.
 "I've got to say you really got some cool powers." Golden Scales commented as she dodged an incoming sound blast from Luna.
 "Ummm, thanks?" Luan said slightly confused why she was getting compliments from a thief.
 "Also your friend really knows how to play a guitar." Which caused Luna some confusion as well.
 Lucy and Lori were struggling they were great with long distance attacks but Amazon didn't waste time with closing the distance. She was a beast with some weird clawed brass knuckles she wouldn't give them a moment to land a single hit and when they tried to she'd Dodge like an action movie hero.
 "So had enough?" Amazon taunted not even sweat broken.
 ------- Shocks ---------
 Luckily with Shocks Lincoln and Lisa were fairing a bit better as Shocks didn't really have a good track record when it came to combat. As he dodged one of Lincoln's lightning blasts he seemed to be smiling.
 "Ummm, if you hadn't noticed you've been on the edge why are you smiling?" Lincoln asked rather confused by his opponents grin
 "I was just waiting for Cubes to turn on." Before Lincoln could ask what he meant a column of water blasted him causing him to 'short circuit' and from the shadows a huge robot stomped out with red eyes as he exclaimed.
 "Targets for termination."
 ------ Illusionist ------------
 Lynn was currently madder than a bull in red cape store she couldn't land a hit on the Illusionist guy whenever she got close she'd either hit a wall or hit nothing but smoke, Leni wasn't fairing much better as she seemed to be trapped in an invisible box ironic.
 "I'm really beginning to hate you!!!" She yelled out in anger.
 --------- Safety Kid ----------
 Safety Kid really had some mix feelings about this fight on the bright side he was winning and didn't hurt the kids but own the down side he was fighting kids.
 "You know you could really cause some damage with those fire powers of yours." He commented to the firey twin as he sliced an incoming fireball while dodging an ice blast from the other.
 "Oh yeah what are you going to do about it?" The fire one asked, while with his free hand Safety Kid pulled out some metallic orbs. Safety Kid threw the metallic orbs at the twins, who instinctively shot fire and ice balls at them. The metallic orbs opened up and absorbed the energy from the projectiles inside them.
 "What the?" said Lana confused.
 "Wow! I can't believe that actually worked! I gotta give Shocks props for this!" said Safety Kid.
 "Who's Shocks?" asked Lola.
 "Huh? Oh, nevermind. Let's just finish this battle." said Safety Kid, focusing once more.
 "I couldn't agree more!" Lana exclaimed as she ready a fireball to singe Safety Kid but as soon as it was at the peak the orbs absorbed the energy. Then something strange happened the orbs circled the twins and bars of energy were beamed out and encased the two in an energy cage.
 "Hey!" exclaimed the twins in unison.
 "Sorry girls. I've got a mission to complete. But don't worry, those orbs are totally safe....I hope." said Safety Kid, as he left the twins trapped.
 Meanwhile with Golden Scales...
 "Wow, I'm getting tired." said Golden Scales.
 "Oh really? Well, let's finish this then!" said Luna, as she sent another shock wave her way, but Golden Scales sent an energy beam through the wave, and the beam damaged Luna's guitar.
 "Hey! This is authentic!" said Luna.
 "Oops. Sorry about that." said Golden Scales.
 "Okay. Time for a real LIGHT SHOW." said Luan, as she and Golden Scales started combat with each other.
 Luna watched as the two fired energy beam after energy beam, neither really accomplishing anything. That is until Golden Scales managed to strike Luan with one of her beams.
 "Ouch! That took LIGHT years off me!" said Luan.
 "Again. Sorry about this. But uh, kinda have to do this. Um, bye!" said Golden Scales, as she left the two there,one confused and one hurt.
With Shocks
 "Ok may have misjudged this opponent." Lisa squeaked out as she was cornered by the giant robot who cornered and currently aimed one of it's weapons at her, but as the robot scanned her it gave an exclamation.
 "Threat level -10, no need for termination." The robot then walked back towards Shocks and then turned into a small white cube, Shocks picked up the cube and began to walk away.
 "Sorry about your brother, hopefully he'll get better." Shocks apologized as he walked off.
 With Amazon
 Lori was currently on her last legs, her body was covered in cuts and bruise not to mention Lucy was knocked unconscious. She stared at Amazon with what could only be described as extreme loathing.
 "You're a monster." She insulted the armored girl who just shrugged it off and told her this.
 "I was trained by one." That was all Lori heard after Amazon delivered a strong kick to her head knocking the wind girl out.
 With Illusionist
 "So tell me how long have you guys been heroes exactly?" Illusionist asked as he seemingly floated in the air, while Lynn just glared at the boy.
 "Why should we tell you?" Lynn harshly asked her temper currently rising.
 "Well considering you're loosing I thought it would be an interesting thing to pass the time." Illusionist answered and that caused Lynn to snap with a enraged yell she produced a thunder clap, causing everything to either being blown back or destroyed. This also caused the real Illusionist to be revealed with a target finally in sight Lynn charged forwards and delivered a head but. Illusionist flew back a bit dazed but Lynn wasn't done she punched Illusionist in the arm, hard. Hearing the snap Illusionist did the only reasonable thing, he screamed.
 With Noah
 As Noah was throwing Rita across the room, he heard his students scream causing his eyes turned into slits and walked towards Lynn Sr and grabbed him, he had a plan for him but that could land him some hot water.
 "Hopefully my wife won't kill me" He muttered as he did something surprising, Noah kissed Lynn Sr straight on the lips surprising the two but he wasn't done. He began to blow into his body which caused him to inflate like a balloon. After a few seconds Lynn Sr was now round as a ball afterwords Noah then tied Lynn Srs lips together.
 "Before you try and charge at me realize this, your husband is filled with a flammable that could combust with the slightest flame." To prove his point he lit his finger and then blew on it, causing a torrent flame to come forth.
 "So either you let me get my student or he goes the way of the Hindenburg." Rita weighed her options but ultimately decided that she couldn't part with her husband.
 "*sighs* Okay. You can go." said Rita.
 Noah then put out the flame, and released the flammable gas from inside Lynn Sr.
 "*sputters and coughs* What the heck man?!" exclaimed Lynn Sr.
 However, Noah had already left the couple. In the wing of the museum that Lynn, Leni and Lily we're in they had Illusionist surrounded making sure that he wouldn't escape. However it began to get hotter and hotter, thinking it was Lola Lynn turned around.
 "Ah good you're here now----" Lynn never got finish her sentence as Noah delivered a punch so powerful it created a shockwave. Lynn got knocked out cold. Leni screamed at the top of her lungs, as Noah teleported away with Illusionist. Noah did the same thing with most of his students teleporting and telling they had to leave, seeing that Illusionist got hurt caused something to stir within Shocks and Amazon but they went with their teacher. As Super Thunder walked out of the museum the police were waiting outside for the criminals but were surprised to see Super Thunder beaten.
 "Super Thunder! What happened?!" asked the Chief concerned.
 "We-we weren't able to catch the criminals sir." said Lynn Sr.
 "Well, it looks like you folks had quite the scuffle! Uh...why don't y'all head home and address your injuries? Our forensic unit still has to scope out the scene for evidence." said the Chief.
 "Will do Chief. Come on guys." said Lynn Sr., as he led the Louds to the van.
 All of them were struggling to walk or had severe injuries. All except Leni, Lily, Luna, Lola, Lana, and Lisa. As they drove off, the Louds couldn't help but feel like they were failures. Sure, they had lost battles before, but it had never been this badly. Many of them were left wondering: "Who were those guys?"
 Meanwhile at the warehouse that hid Team Dimension.
 "So how bad is it?" Illusionist asked Noah as he accessed the suits database and began to look through it.
 "Luckily the armor took most of the damage, so you only got a broken arm and a slight concussion." He told his student, currently feeling anger hotter than a billion Suns rise in him.
 "I say we visit those Super Chumps and turn them into mincemeat." Amazon suggested as she brandished her Shock Spears, while Shocks just agreed silently with a nod.
 "No, from what most of us have seen they don't things lightly and we took out a few of them as well." Noah told Amazon his voice showing no room for negotiation.
 "So what do we do?" Shocks asked his voice tight with emotion, Noah was silent for a bit until an idea formed.
 "I'll go to the downtown area in my true form, exvacuating the populace before causing a scene. While they're focused on me you guys go and try to steal the piece, Penn you stay here you're injured enough as it is."
 "What?! But I-!"
 "That's not up for debate." said Noah.
 Penn sighed as he laid back on his bed.
 "Get some rest Penn. You'll need it." said Sashi.
 "Come on, we don't have time to waste." said Noah, as he teleported out of the warehouse with Sashi, Shocks, Safety Kid, and Golden Scales. While Super Thunder was nursing their wounds they began to swap war stories with the battles they had with each of the robbers.
 "So wait Leni was actually trapped in an invisible box?" Lori asked in surprise at the irony.
 "Yeah, how did that Golden Scales chick mange to outpower you? Don't you have like a power boost from that light lady?" Lynn asked Luan with surprise evident in her voice.
 "I honestly have no idea, she seemed to be holding back though. So Dad what was it like fighting the Noah guy?" Luan questioned her father, Lynn Sr. groaned at the mention of his name.
 "Uh, honey I don't think your father feels comfortable talking about that right now." said Rita.
 The Loud kids all gave questionable looks at the response, but before any of them could inquire further, Lynn Sr.'s cellphone rang.
 "H-Hello?" said Lynn Sr.
 "Mr. Elastic! Emergency downtown! A dragon has appeared!" said the Chief.
 "A dragon?!" Lynn Sr exclaimed shocked by the news.
 "What dragon?" asked Leni confused.
 "Don't worry Chief. We're on it!" said Lynn Sr., as he hung up. "Louds, we have to suit up again. A giant dragon is wreaking havoc downtown. We need to get down there and stop it!" said Lynn Sr.
 "Boy, this day keeps getting weirder and weirder huh?" asked Lynn.
 "I know! It's certainly one to TIP THE SCALES! Hahahaha! Get it?" joked Luan.
 "Let's move guys!" said Lincoln, as everyone raced out of the house to Thunderbolt. As the Thunderbolt sped down the roads they could see hoards of people running down the streets with their faces showing terror and worry. When they reached downtown they realized why people we're afraid, the creature was a huge 20ft tall, 50ft wingspan black in color with dozens of pale orange scars dotting the wings, shoulders wider than a car, skin a crimson color, scales on it's chest a dull blood color, orange markings all over it's body, four arms with black claws, two obsidian horns and finally a long tail that ended with a three clawed hand.
 "RAAAAAUAAAUUAUAUAUAUUUUUGGGGGGGH!!!!!" The dragon creature let out an earthshaking riar as it turned to the superheroes.
 "Poo poo." said Lily, as she quivered in fear.
 "How are we supposed to beat that thing?!" asked Lori.
 "I'm not sure. It appears to be a dragon but I always thought those were a myth. I'd have to get a closer look." said Lisa.
 "Lisa, your only power is super smarts. I don't even wanna get near that thing, and I have super strength! He'd crush you!" said Lynn.
 "Well, we'll just have to fight him as a family guys!" said Lincoln.
 "Are you sure brah?" asked Luna, looking nervous.
 "*sighs* We have to brave family. For Royal Woods. Rita, you stay here with Lily. Everyone else, let's go!" said Lynn Sr.
 All the Louds, minus Rita and Lily, exited the Thunderbolt and approached the dragon. They hoped they'd have better success with this fight. The dragon like creature began his attack, with an earthquake causing punch to the ground making Super Thunder loose their balance for a bit. Seizing the chance the dragon creature closed the distance and began to attack with his tail and lower arms. Lincoln and Lynn dodged his tail attack, as Lincoln wrapped an electric rope around it and held on.
 "Lightning!" yelled Lynn.
 "Whoa!" said Lincoln, as he struggled to maintain control.
 The dragon kept trashing about as the Louds kept dodging his attacks.
 "How are we gonna stop this thing dudes?" asked Luna.
 "I don't know, but we'll have to try. Everyone, just attack as best you can!" said Lynn Sr., as Super Thunder sprang into action.
 Lori, Luna, Luan, Lola, and Lana all began a projectile assault. Lynn Sr. tried to help his son by trying to constrain the beast using his elasticity. Lynn jumped onto the dragon's back and began her own assault. Lucy tried attacking its mind using her telepathy.
 With all this onslaught, the dragon was just a bit overwhelmed. Lisa foresaw a devastating attack coming from the beast and issued a warning to her family.
 "Family! I would cease the attack if I were you! Things are going to get really dangerous!" said Lisa.
 "I thought things were already dangerous." Leni whimpered, then the markings on the dragon creature began to vibrantly glow and heat began to flow from the creature, even causing the street to melt a little. Soon one of the oddest things that Super Thunder have ever heard or seen.
 "Nova Burst!!" A dome of fire like energy exploded out from the dragon creature and caused Super Thunder to be blown back, with those who were trying to wrangle him with burns.
 "That thing talks!?!?!?" Lana yelled out as she got up from her impromptu fall.
 "I theorize that he can do more." Lisa fearfully told her sister as she stared at the creature.
 "You would be correct." said the dragon.
 "Yo, why does his voice sound familiar?" asked Luna.
 "Yeah it kinda does." said Lola.
 "Wait a minute...it's you! You-you're that guy from last night!" exclaimed Lynn Sr. outraged.
 "Great deduction skills sir. Aren't you cute." said the dragon.
 The other Louds recoiled at the dragon's response.
 "Why are you doing this dude?" asked Luna.
 "Like I said at the museum I'm here to get a piece of my property and I intend to get it." The dragon creature told the Louds his tone serious and tight.
 "Well you're going to have go though us!" Lincoln exclaimed while getting into a fighting stance with electricity, the dragon just smiled as he summoned flames to travel down the sides of his body.
 "I'm fine with that." The dragon told the group as he cracked his knuckles creating booms of force. Lincoln started firing electric balls at the dragon to which he expertly dodged. Super Thunder was getting fed up with this fight and honestly the dragon was too. He was only waiting for one thing.
 "Drooler! We got the piece man!" said Shocks, via communicator.
 "Excellent! I'm on my way!" said the dragon, as he suddenly flew away from the Louds.
 "What?! Where'd he go?!...Coward!" exclaimed Lynn annoyed.
 "Actually I believe we may have been fooled." Lisa stated as she began to think about the events that just transpired.
 "What do mean?" Leni asked her genius sister rather confused by what she meant.
 "Think about it, if he really wanted to caushe chaosh he wouldn't have waited for people to leave yet there no people, he could've destroyed all the buildingsh yet mosht of them are intact." Lisa began to explain to her family while pacing back and forth.
 "Just get to to the point."Lynn ordered her sister rather annoyed that she couldn't get her payback.
 "This was jusht a dishtraction, hish team musht be back at the museum." This caused them to face palm, how could they have missed that.
 "We gotta move! Hurry guys!" said Lynn Sr., as everyone piled into Thunderbolt.
 Thunderbolt sped off towards the museum. The Louds hoped they weren't too late. As Drooler appeared in the museum he noticed that many police officers were knocked unconscious or unmoving, after checking on a few them to make sure that they weren't dead. He turned to his kids and saw that Shocks was holding the piece with some specialized gloves.
 "Good job, but next time carry some transport cubes to make sure that no one is going to be caught in a future fight." Drooler told them as he threw some small cube like devices at the unconscious police men, which glowed white and made them dissapear.
 "I hope to every deity that I reset those." Drooler mumbled to himself and hoped that the police won’t be in trouble.
 "Alright, we got the piece. Let's get out of here." said Amazon.
 "Hang on. We're not alone." said Drooler.
 Suddenly he shot a fireball from his mouth at a wall. Leni reappeared and dodged the attack just in time.
 "Yikes! That was totes close!" exclaimed Leni.
 "Them again?" asked Safety Kid.
 "Never expect an easy victory Safety Kid." said Drooler.
 "Great advice, because you're not getting one without a fight." said Lynn, readying her fists.
 "*sighs* Alright, let's get this over with." said Drooler, as he and his students got in their fighting stance; and then rest of Super Thunder did the same. With a roar Drooler went barging in ready to take out Lynn Sr and Rita, while Safety Kid was paired up with the twins again and Lana was ready for some revenge, Meanwhile Amazon went after Lynn and Leni wanting to tear them up, Shocks was holding off Lisa and Lincoln, finally Golden Scales was firing a magic blast at Luan and Luna. Their fight turned into a blur of motions as both sides fought holding nothing back. The scuffle became so great that Shocks accidentally dropped the piece. Lori noticed this and decided to swoop in and grab it.
 "Yes! I got it!" exclaimed Lori.
 "Ah...an aerokinetic. Perfect."
 "Who-Who said that?!" asked Lori confused.
 "Who else?" said the piece.
 Lori thought she was hearing things.
 "Are you literally talking to me right now?" asked Lori, freaking out.
 "Yes I am, you see I am a great and powerful being. If you let give you some of my power you can defeat that pompous dragon over." The piece told Lori, while Lori was tempted she couldn't shake the feeling that the voice was hiding something from her.
 "I don't know, I normally have this rule about talking sentient pieces of metal." Lori told the voice feeling rather uncomfortable about the idea.
 "Would you rather like your family to die by that creatures hand? I have seen him murder countless beings without so much as blink of his eyes." The piece yelled at the young girl. Lori felt conflicted but ultimately went against her own better judgment.
 "Alright. I'll..I'll do it." said Lori.
 "Excellent." said the piece.
 Suddenly, a huge whirlwind escaped from the piece and surrounded Lori.
 Super Thunder and the other team stopped fighting and took notice of this new occurrence.
 "What's happening?" asked Lana, As Drooler saw the whirlwind he finally noticed that the piece was no longer in Shocks hand.
 "Uh oh." He stated with a a look of worry on his face.
 "Uh oh, why uh oh!?!" Safety Kid asked his teacher while looking waryingly at the ball of wind, and without saying a word Drooler grabbed all the mortals present and placed them in front of him. He streched out his wings and planted them into the ground and not too soon as a huge wind explosion rocked the museum. Everything was silent and everyone looked around to see if they were intact. That's when they saw it...well her. Looming before them was Lori, however it was clear that she was no longer there herself.
 "Um, why does she look like that?" asked Leni worried.
 Lori's eyes were pitch black, and she now had some weird markings on her face.
 "Uranus." Drooler coldly answered as he glared at the now possessed teenage girl, however the tension was quickly cut as Luan began to giggle at the name.
 "Then he must be a gas---" Luan couldn't finish her pun she began to choke on nothing but her face was slowly turning blue and eyes going bloodshot. Actually everyone began finding it difficult to breathe, except for Drooler. Drooler acted quickly and teleported everyone out of the museum. As Super Thunder felt their bodies being pulled apart they could feel much needed air fill their lungs, after the blurriness left their vision they could see that they were in an abandoned warehouse and they noticed that Team Dimension standing in front of them. They got up and took a fighting stance ready for the next round.
 "No need for that, we just want to talk." Drooler told the family of supers.
 "Oh so you wanna talk now? What gives?" asked Lynn.
 "What just happened to my daughter?" asked Lynn Sr. worried.
"Well she's been possessed by an overseer named Uranus, and if we don't hurry he's going to turn this world into a primal state."  Drooler explained to the super family however, that answer created more confusion rather than eliminating it.
 "Ok, what is an overseer and why does he want to make Earth primal?" Rita asked the dragon creature rather cross.
 "An overseer is what humans used to call gods, most of them were killed after the end of the Roman Empire. The reason why he wants to cleanse the world is the fact that his empire is destroyed, so in response he'll kill all humans and try to have children with Gaia again." Drooler told the shapeshifter.
 "Gaia? Who's that?" asked Lincoln.
 "I believe she's the goddess of the Earth or something like that." said Lucy.
 "You'd be correct." said Drooler.
 "So how do we stop this thing and save Wind Vane?" asked Lynn.
 "A purification spell, we have to find platinum, pure blue glacial ice and a newborns thought. We got a newborn but I believe the other two are going to be hard to find. Not to mention we have to keep Uranus still long enough for the spell to take affect. " Drooler told them as he pinched the space between his nostrils.
 "We were trying to take this piece before this happened, but you guys had other ideas." Amazon spat at the family, her gaze giving enough anger to scare Lori when she was put in charge of the house.
 "Well how were we supposed to know! To us, it looked like you guys were just trying to steal the thing!" said Lynn.
 "I don't think we were warranted to give you an explanation for our actions." said Amazon.
 "Yeah, well now we do. One of their own has been compromised, and we owe it to them to help them out. I think to avoid any more problems going forward, we need to establish a basis of trust. So, I think we should reveal who we all are so that there's no confusion." said Drooler.
 "Hmph. Well I don't know about that." said Lynn, not convinced.
 "Well how were we supposed to know! To us, it looked like you guys were just trying to steal the thing!" said Lynn.
 "I don't think we were warranted to give you an explanation for our actions." said Amazon.
 "Yeah, well now we do. One of their own has been compromised, and we owe it to them to help them out. I think to avoid any more problems going forward, we need to establish a basis of trust. So, I think we should reveal who we all are so that there's no confusion." said Drooler.
 "Hmph. Well I don't know about that." said Lynn, not convinced.
 "I'm an interdimensional dragon creature, and my student live in different dimensions. Even if we told anyone who would exactly care or think we're talking about an actual place?" Drooler asked the group with a raised eye ridge, the super family thought about this for a while until they came to a decision.
 "Alright Drooler, we'll reveal our identities...but you all go first!" said Lynn Sr., still somewhat reluctant.
 Drooler sighed and then said "Alright kids, the floor is yours."
 First Golden Scales took off her helmet revealing a teenage girl with soft golden blonde hair, radiant baby blue eyes, and fair skin with little heart marks on her cheeks.
 "I'm Star Butterfly." She told the group with smile on her face, next was Safety Kid when he removed his helmet showing a teenage boy with brown skin with a mole on his left cheek, messy umber hair, and hazel eyes.
 "Marco Diaz and I'm seriously wondering about how safe you're keeping your kids." He asked the parents with an eyebrow raised and giving them a disappointing look. Shocks went next showing a pudgy boy with pale skin, with bronze rough hair, and fern eyes.
 "Sup dudes, name's Boone Wiseman." Amazon hesitated for a bit but eventually took off her helmet and showed an Asian girl olive skin, brunette hair styled with pigtails dyed yellow, and coffee colored eyes.
 "Sashi Kobayashi and if you even think about betraying us you'll regret it." Sashi threatened her eyes giving her a steely glare.
 "I'd listen to her she currently reign supreme at the combat simulator, and I guess it's my turn." Illusionist told the group and with his good arm showing a teenage boy with curly russet hair, fair skin, a crystal blue eyes full of wit.
 "Names Penn Zero, I'd give ya a wave but." He gestured to his arm
 "Ooh. Sorry about that." said Lynn.
 "Alright. Let's get this over with. *removes mask* I'm Lynn Sr., the father of this family." said Lynn Sr.
 The rest of the Louds followed suit and did the same thing.
 "I'm Rita, his wife."
 "I'm Lincoln Loud."
 "I'm Lynn Loud."
 "Luan Loud here!"
 "What's up? I'm Luna."
 "I'm Leni Loud!"
 "I'm Lola Loud...and I'm Lana Loud!"
 "I'm Lisa Loud. It is a pleasure."
 "And this is Lily Loud." said Rita, as she removed Lily's mask.
 "Aww! She's so cute!" gushed Star.
 "Our daughter who got possessed is Lori Loud. I believe that's everyone." said Lynn Sr.
 "You forgot me." said Lucy, which startled everyone except Drooler.
 "Was she there the whole time?" asked Marco.
 "Yeah she tends to do that a lot." said Lincoln.
 "My apologies. I'm Lucy Loud." said Lucy.
 "Okay. Now that's everyone." said Lynn Sr.
 "Good now we need to figure out where Uranus is heading." Drooler told the newly joined teams as he began to think were the windbag was off to.
 "Well if he just got out what would he be looking for first?" Lincoln asked the giant still rather warry of him.
 "Well he'll want a temple, not just anything it has to be made of pure marble and screams power." Drooler answered the boy, and one location came up in his mind.
 "Tetherby's mansion is made of pure marble! He might be heading there!" said Lincoln.
 "It's as good a hunch as any. Let's go everyone." said Drooler.
 "Wait, before we go, can we talk about this teleport thing cuz I-"
 Lynn was cut off as Drooler teleported everyone out of there. As the Louds felt their bodies being pulled apart again they arrived at Tetherby's mansion though it looked a little different, with many life like statues decorating the driveway. Of course Lynn then puked on the lawn holding her stomach with one arm and put the other on her knee.
 "I think that my stomach may not like this." Lynn groaned out as her stomach felt like it was doing a thousand laps.
 "There is the slight chance more motion sickness, but you should be fine." said Drooler.
 "Whoa! This place is mad stylish!" said Luna in awe.
 "You've been inside here Linc?" asked Lana.
 "Yup. Although, it didn't look like this the last time." said Lincoln.
 "Hmm...that's strange. Those statues look familiar. We need to get inside. Any ideas?" asked Drooler.
  "Why don't we send the one who can turn invisible in, she can go in first and if she dies at least no one will see the body." Sashi suggested with what the Louds hoped was an attempt at dark humor.
  "Um, I'll totes pass." said Leni.
 "Why don't you go in? Aren't you supposed to be a warrior?" asked Lincoln.
 "Aren't you supposed to be less of a brat?" said Sashi.
 "What did you say?" said Lincoln, as he charged up his lightning.
 "Alright, calm down. This is getting us nowhere. Lincoln, do you know the man who owns this place?" asked Drooler.
 "Yeah, I won a contest and got to ride in his limo and tour his mansion." said Lincoln.
 "Okay. He has an answering machine outside. He may open the gates if he hears your voice." said Drooler.
 "I wonder if he even remembers me." said Lincoln.
 "Only one way to find out." said Drooler, Lincoln walked up to the black call box that stood in front of the gate and pressed the yellow button.
 "Tetherby old eggplant, how are you?" Lincoln asked while Drooler just turned to his parents and gave them a questioning look. However it seemed that luck smiled on them as another voice crackled out from the box.
 "Lincoln is that you old bean?"
 "Yes it is! In the flesh!" said Lincoln.
 "Ha-ha! Well, this is a surprise! We have to catch up old broccoli! Please, come in!" said Tetherby.
 Suddenly, the gates to the mansion opened.
 "Well, that worked out." said Penn.
 "Yes it did. Alright, everyone let's move. Keep your wits about you." said Drooler.
 "What's with you guys and vegetables?" asked Lola.
 "He's the one who really started the old thing. I just went along with it." said Lincoln. As the group walked up the walkway Drooler began to remember what or rather who the statues were.
 "Ah crap." He muttered as the group of humans stopped and looked at him with questioning looks.
 "Please tell me these guys are friendly." Marco groaned hopefully that there won't be any murderous thugs.
 "I'd rather not lie in the presence of young children." He informed his student, then the statues began to step off the pedestals, and even some off them tore out fence posts to use as makeshift spears.
 "Time for you to pay Drooler." One of the living statues told the giant creature.
 "Uh...who are these guys?" asked Luna nervous.
 "Yeah, are they STONED or us? Hahahaha!" joked Luan.
 All the Louds groaned.
 "Is she going to keep making those terrible jokes?" asked Sashi annoyed.
 "Pretty much." said Lynn.
 "Well, I guess they were right when they said EVERYONE'S A CRITIC! Hahahaha!" joked Luan again.
 "Alright. Enough jokes. We need a battle plan....Drooler what's the plan?" asked Lynn Sr. Drooler was silent for half a minute until he raised his four arms and yelled out.
 "We surrender!!!!" That caught the heroes off guard and his students too, but the stone creatures just smiled.
 "Well this is easy." One said as they took out a variety of cuffs, chains and even cages.
 "Yeah especially watch out for these two, a troublesome bunch." Drooler told the stone creatures while gesturing to Sashi and Leni.
 "You traitourus!!!" Sashi was about to foam at the mouth but as soon as the cuffs were put on her and Leni she went silent, and for some reason Drooler's tail went limp. When the team was properly chained up the Stone creatures leaded them up to the mansion ready to spear them if they did anything they didn't like, after a long walk they were greeted with the site of Uranus sitting on a throne of silver and jewels.
 "Ah, Drooler how fitting to see you chains again." Uranus taunted the fire being not even looking at him.
 "Didn't know you had a BDSM kink Uranus, would've made the visits a little more entertaining." Drooler joked but that just seem to annoy the sky god.
 "Ugggh, kill this fool and the others I have a world to reclaim." Uranus told the stone creatures, they smiled and began to raise their makeshift spears to kill the group. However there was a problem, the lead stone creature was suddenly impaled by a 10ft long bronze spear with a silver tear drop shaped rieverium blade, and on the other side was Sashi?!
 "You could've told us the plan." Sashi told her teacher.
 "I didn't find it necessary." said Drooler.
 "What the heck is going on?!" asked Uranus angered.
 "Easy, when these rock heads were chaining us up I used some slight of hand to make it seem like those two where caught, and when you got cocky enough they knew when to strike." Drooler told the wind Lord as the fake Leni and Sashi disappeared in their place was Drooler's real tail, with the fake one disappearing.
 "Grrr! You won't be using that magic garbage to beat me this time! Granite guards attack!" commanded Uranus.
 The stone statues then engaged the heroes.
 "Split up everyone! But stay vigilant! These rocks are crafty." said Drooler, as the group split up to fight in sections. Star realizing that her wand might not be enough, she turned it sideways and as it glowed a handle began to poke out. She grabbed the handle and pulled revealing a huge 8ft long spiked mace, she began to swing it around as if it was nothing more than a baseball bat which caused Luna and Luan to pale a little. Marco unsheathed his Jian and began to slice the granite guards into nothing more than pebbles. Sashi was an animal tearing apart the statues with her spear and if any got too close they got a face full of claws. Boone and Cubes were team with cubes anhilating the guards with his various weapons, Boone was knocking out any that tried to shut Cubes down. Penn was doing what could only be described as magic with him dissapearing when the guards tried to stab them but for them to stab the other guard. Drooler was somehow scarier than Sashi with smashing the guards into dust or summoning ten ft tall black bladed battle axes to cut them down to size. Super Thunder had split into groups as well.
 Luna and Lucy had teamed up and Lucy held the stones in place with her telekinesis while Luna blasted them apart.
 Lynn demolished each stone with her fists. She clearly had this in the bag.
 Lisa almost got hit by an incoming stone's attack, but Luan blasted it apart with her light beam.
 Lola and Lana were on elemental offense, while Lynn Sr. subdued each stone.
 Lincoln was trying to help, but his lightning balls were having no affect on these stones. Leni then made an invisible forcefield to protect him and her from an incoming attack.
 Rita was doing her best to fight off the stones while holding Lily, however the horde was massive. It began to push back the heroes but luckily Drooler had an idea for how to deal with these bothersome Boulder heads.
 "Ok, I know how to finish this idiots but I need Leni to make a forcefield and don't let it down until I say so!!" Drooler roared out to the group, Leni quickly nodded and made a forcefield around all the mortals. The giant fire beast closed his eyes and began to focus, then red hot fire like energy to grow on his right upper arm. He opened his eyes that were glowing hellish red and roared out sounding like a thousand eruptions.
 "Volcanic Violence!!!!" Drooler punched the ground in front of him and it began to burst with shards of rock and geysers of lava came bursting out.
 "Whoa." said Lynn in shock.
 "You can say that again." said Lola. After that impressive display of power the aftermath showed, all the granite guards were melted many of them with screams on their faces. It also left Drooler rather winded as he was slightly panting from the expulsion of energy, of course that's when Uranus decided to strike. Sending a blast of air he blew Drooler through an entire collections of pillars destroying all of them. Drooler's students reacted quickly with Star and Penn running to Drooler's aid.
 Sashi began attacking Uranus with her spear but Uranus kept dodging her attacks. Marco and Boone tried to provide support, but their attacks were dodged as well.
 "You really think that you puny mortals really think that you can best the king of the skies?" Uranus asked the kids he then blew back using a mini tornado, but that just got Drooler angry. He charged the possessed human and gave him a punch that sent him down into the ground and created a crater.
 "Mess with my kids and I'll make sure you'll burn."
 "You really think that you puny mortals really think that you can best the king of the skies?" Uranus asked the kids he then blew back using a mini tornado, but that just got Drooler angry. He charged the possessed human and gave him a punch that sent him down into the ground and created a crater.
 "Mess with my kids and I'll make sure you'll burn."
 "Hey, don't mess up my kid in the process!" Exclaimed Lynn Sr.
 "I reason that she'll be fine." Said Drooler. Drooler was right as Uranus just took Lori's head out of the ground with only his hair slightly messed up and small marks on the face.
 "I'll turn into a bloody bits!!" Uranus yelled out and began to raise in the air but felt an elastic arm wrapped around his vessels leg.
 "You're not going anywhere!" exclaimed Lynn Sr.
 "I'll help hold her down Dad!" said Lincoln, as he wrapped an electric rope around Lori's other leg. Uranus tried to take off but something was forcing him down to the group.
 "Ugggh, who dare tries let the king of the skies touch the Earth?!" Uranus yelled out as he tried to use the air to boost him up.
 'Me you jerk!' A familiar voice rang out in his head.
 "What the? I thought I had control over you!" said Uranus confused.
 'Yeah? Well, I'm literally taking it back!' said the voice, which turned out to be Lori's.
 "No, no!!" Uranus yelled out in rage as he touched the Earth Lana encased him in an icy prison with Lucy and Leni ready to use their powers to hold him down too.
 "Umm, quick queshtion who has the piece?" Lisa asked the group which quickly caused them to collectively face palm.
 "It must still be at the museum!" growled Drooler.
 "Wait. You mean we have to go back there?" asked Marco, in disbelief.
 "Actually you don't have to." A strange motherly, kind voice came from behind them, as they turned to face the possible threat. In their sight was a medium sized woman that seemed to be wearing a dress of various shades of green, with chocolate skin, and hair of silver. The one creature that didn't seemed fazed by the woman was Drooler.
 "Gaia, nice to see you." Drooler greeted the earth-based woman.
 "Nice to see you again to Drooler." said Gaia.
 "Uh, Drooler? You know her?" asked Marco surprised.
 "Yes Marco, I do. This is Gaia. She's the goddess of the Earth." said Drooler.
 "Isn't that Uranus's wife dude?" Luna asked fearfully as she looked at the woman.
 "I don't think she'll want to help him, Uranus trapped their children underground and tried to kill them." Lisa answered her rocker older sister.
 "Your sister is right, because of this monster I couldn't see my darling Hecatoncheires and Cyclops. Not only that because of him humans were forced under Titans rule and then the Greek gods. I can't thank you enough for disposing of them Drooler." That little sentence at the end caused Drooler to go pale face.
 "Why that face? Did you not do as I asked?" asked Gaia.
 "*nervous laugh* Well, um...you see..."
 Drooler was struggling to come up with an excuse.
 "You told us some mad man killed them." Sashi told Drooler with a glare on her face.
 "I haven't exactly told those present about those events." Drooler answered the Earth goddess.
 " I honestly expected more from you Drooler." said Gaia her face stern like a mother.
 "Yeah, I know but it's a rather sensitive subject. But do you have the piece with you?" Drooler asked the goddess with urgency in his voice, Gaia just smiled as she held out her hands an not only the piece but a good chunk of platinum too.
 "Have I ever disappointed anyone?" She asked with a confident smile.
 "The potato famine." Drooler answered her like one would an old friend.
 "Don't start with me Drooler. You have something to do right?" said Gaia.
 "Yes I do. Alright everyone, we have everything we need to banish Uranus. Platinum, a baby's thought, the piece and...oh. Lana, can you make ice as cold as those found in glaciers?" asked Drooler.
 "I should be able to. These temperature gloves Lisa made help me control how my powers get." said Lana.
 "Ok, I recommend that everyone steps back the temperature to make blue glacial ice needs to be rather below what most humans can withstand." Drooler told the heroes, most of them decided to step back as Lana began to do the job. She held out her hand and icy mist began to swirl, the air became colder, harsher, and Lana's eyes actually began to glowed an icy blue. Within a few seconds a good sized chunk of glacial blue ice and Lana was feeling slightly tired.
 "You okay Lana?" asked Lola concerned.
 "Yeah...I'll..I'll....fine!" said Lana, feeling groggy.
 "Alright! We got the stuff. Can we get our daughter back now?" said Lynn Sr.
 "All right time for some magic." Drooler exclaimed as he began to make the runes needed for the spell in the ground, when he was done he started with the ingredients. First he melted the phone allowing the metal to flow through the runes, next he placed the blue glacial ice in molten metal creating a hissing sound, finally he put his claw on Lily's head and Drew it away with a silvery blue wisp attached to his claw tip. He gently placed the thought into the metal and when it began to swim into the phone he held the piece high and began to chant.
 "Bo man qudrat doram, ki in rūhro amr diham, ki in ʙadanro tark kunam. Bigzor in çoni çon digargunie naʙoşad jo dar in ʙora ʙoqī monad, onhoro tark kuned!!" Suddenly Uranus felt himself being pulled from Lori's body. He tried to put up a fight but it was no use.
 "No! NO! NO!!!!" His anger was no use as his spirit was dragged out of Lori's body, as his spirit was out it began to spiral into the piece once more.
 "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!"With one last shout of anger Uranus was once again trapped in his metal prison once again.
 "Yes! We got him!" said Boone.
 "Good riddance." said Sashi.
 "Lori honey, are you okay?!" asked Rita, frantically coming to her daughter's aid.
 "I'm fine Mom. *headache pain* But I literally have a headache right now." said Lori.
 "We've got to get you home to rest." said Lynn Sr.
 "We got the piece, so I guess we have what we need." Drooler said as he looked down at the piece which seemed to have even more wind swirls on it than before.
 "But before we go I thank you for the help, it was satisfactory." Drooler told the family of superheroes, but he wasn't the only giving them compliments.
 "I have to admit that if it wasn't for you guys we might've lost."Sashi mumbled out a thanks.
 "Ha! Looks like someone had to swallow their own pride!" taunted Lincoln.
 "Don't push me kid." said Sashi.
 "It was pretty cool to see a kid made of lightning, although why don't you guys use him to charge your phones?" Boone mentioned which started to give some of the older sister some ideas.
 "That is literally a great idea!" said Lori.
 "Yeah! With Linky we'll totes never have to use a charger again." said Leni.
 "*snickers* Linky? Really?" mocked Sashi.
 "It's not that funny." said Lincoln.
 "It kinda is." said Marco.
 "Umm, hate to be the bearer of bad news but shouldn't we leave before we're arrested and experimented on?" Star asked her teacher and friends, not wanting to end up on a dissection table.
 "Shtar doesh have a point, the police will be here shoon." Lisa added while hiding something behind her back.
 "True, I'll tell Tech to open the portal feel free to say what you want to Super Thunder." Drooler told his students.
 "Uh..it's been cool I guess." said Penn.
 "Yeah. You guys are alright." said Boone.
 "Thanks, you guys were pretty awesome. When you guys aren't trying to kick our bums." Luna told the students with a sheepish smile.
 "I've got to say that even though you're a wimp you can be cool." Lynn complimented Penn though it was rather blunt.
 "Also you've got to teach me some of those moves, their a BLAST!!" Luan joked towards Star who laughed at the cheesey pun.
 "Hey! Maybe next time! We'll be in the limeLIGHT!" said Star.
 "Hahahaha! Good one!" said Luan.
 "Oh no. It's spreading." said Sashi.
 Then a rush of air signaled that an interdimensional portal was opened up.
 "Kids, time to go!" Drooler called out to his students, they gave Super Thunder waves goodbye as they walked through the the portal. As Drooler was about to walk through the portal Lynn Sr called out.
 "Quick question why did you kiss me?"
 "I was in the moment. You are kind of cute." said Drooler.
 Lynn Sr. inadvertently blushed from that statement.
 "Wait. He kissed you Pop Star?" asked Luna surprised.
 Before anyone could respond, Drooler walked through the portal, leaving Lynn Sr. to answer his kids' questions.
 As Team Dimension felt their atoms being rearranged and their organs turned inside out but luckily that ended soon as they stepped into the school.
 "Ugggh, I'm going to go to the bathroom." Penn groaned out as he dashed towards the room of the porcelain thrones.
 "So why did you kill those Greek Gods?" Sashi asked her teacher with a narrow glare, Drooler wanted to lie or something but he didn't want to break any trust he had with the kids.
 "A hero must do horrible things to insure that lives are saved, I did those horrible things but I did not enjoy them." Drooler told his student who seemed accepted the excuse.
 "I'll put this piece in a safe place." Drooler told them as he began to walk away from the kids, after a short walk he seemed to stop at a dead end. Until he pressed the west wall in a strange pattern, a door opened up for the fire beast. As he walked into the room he opened his palm and the piece flew out of his hand, as the piece flew it began to change color from a silver to an obsidian black with some becoming lava orange. The piece rested in what seemed to be a mold of a large sword and above the mold was a painting of Drooler but he was vastly different. He was Wilder his teeth clamped onto a person, fists stained with innocent blood, and he had a look of pure insanity on his face.
 "I can't tell them yet." Drooler muttered to himself in shame as he stared at the painting. (I like to thank 65rogeryork for this crossover.)
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protagonistprepblog · 5 years
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Reblog to let your followers know you are a safe person to come out to.
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protagonistprepblog · 5 years
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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protagonistprepblog · 5 years
Open for Business
Hey guys I would like ya to know that Protagonist Prep blog is open for business and ready for asks. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have about this series or about any of the characters please don't be shy!
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protagonistprepblog · 5 years
i need more miraculous ladybug blogs to follow! please reblog/like if:
you post miraculous ladybug content
you ship any part of the lovesquare 
you make or reblog ml fanart
you tag spoilers and ships 
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protagonistprepblog · 5 years
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer ok go
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protagonistprepblog · 5 years
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I saw a really cool post but it was out of date and no longer running so I decided why not start my own. If you reblog this before Feb 20th you will receive a newly hatched Pokémon in your submit box inspired by your blog. Let’s have some fun togeather! 🧡
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protagonistprepblog · 5 years
Steven, Connie, how long has it been since you left Beach City? You must miss everyone a lot.
“Yeah, while we do have fun here we miss some of our friends back home.”  Steven explained to the grey man as he began to feel a little homesick.“He’s not wrong, I do miss my parents and I’m worried that I could be missing a few new Unfamiliar Familiar book releases. Even if they have gotten less adventurous in my opinion.” Connie added on to the answer as homesickness was growing in her, in the background Behemoth was thinking of an idea to squash the homesickness.
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protagonistprepblog · 5 years
hi fuck donald trump
if you support that fucker, just unfollow me right now.
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