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@tomsobriens asked: how do you view the dynamic between Loki’s and Mobius’ friendship (if you could say there is one)?
Check out Tom Hiddleston’s full Answer Time right on over here.
All Loki Episodes Now Streaming on Disney+.
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Lokius and how the show hints that it's a better choice for Loki than Sylki:
(a rant that turned out more like an essay)
Since the beginning, Mobius was shown to have more trust in Loki than almost any character we've seen in mcu this far. Mobius was willing to give Loki a chance even after each time he was let down, he was ready to hear Loki out even when Mobius was sure he was talking nonsense, he listened, even when sure Loki was lying (the time loop incident). It's been reiterated by multiple characters (Classic Loki and Renslayer), that it's odd how much Mobius trusts his Loki and how he's willing to throw away his life's work for him even after such a short friendship.
Mobius cares. It's noticed by every other character, pointed out constantly. Mobius helps Loki change his mind, assures that he can become better than what he's always been, that he's capable of change. This helps Loki come to terms with himself, the inner workings of his mind, realize that what he wants isn't to be king of everything - rather, it's to be happy.
Mobius believes in Loki so much it's crazy - he doesn't even consider the fact that Loki could be dead already when in the void, he trusts that Loki will do the right thing when he leaves the place.
The jealousy scene when Loki and Sylvie are caught? How he seethes with rage, ready to call out Loki, in any way that hurts, showing how betrayed he felt when Loki ditched him for someone he knew all of 5 minutes. How he adds details and salt to the wound when making fun of Loki's (whatever they are) feelings towards Sylvie. He's hurtful because he's hurt, but when he realizes that Loki was telling the truth, he feels guilt and tries to reconcile with Loki, making sure to undo the words he said previously. When they exit the loop, the second they notice Renslayer, Mobius stands forward, and his conversation with the Judge shows how much he already trusts the truth Loki has brought forward.
Then there's Loki - happy to see him anytime they've been separated, be it in the Void or back at the different TVA at the end of the last episode, where Loki, after contemplating what has just transpired, sets his mind and runs, looking for the last person in the universe who he can trust. There's joy in his face when he sees the agent is okay. After this, Loki starts explaining what happened, not even hesitating to tell the truth, admitting he's made a mistake, knowing that Mobius wouldn't judge him for it and would help, just as it always is. The heartbreak when it clicks that this isn't his Mobius, much like the way he felt when Mobius was pruned and he was thrown into shock and grief, because he had lost another person he cared for.
On the other hand, we have Sylvie - Loki bonds with her on Lamentis 1, but it's shown even at the end of episode 2, that Loki wants to find out more about her and throughout the 3rd episode he tries to gain her trust. Sometimes it looks like it's working, because they do form a bond of whatever kind - two Lokis, trying to understand one another and realising that even through their differing experiences, they can relate to one another.
However, as Sylvie shows in episode 3, she doesn't trust easily, a huge contrast from the unconditional trust Mobius gives Loki. The mistrust is again revisited in episode 6, where Sylvie is described as the one who can't trust while Loki is the one who can't be trusted.
This already shows a big parallel to the two ships - theres Mobius, who's willing to trust Loki whole-heartedly and ready to change his life to do the right thing, meanwhile it's highlighted how Sylvie is the opposite - not able to trust Loki at the first hint of what she assumes to be betrayal, and no matter what Loki's or her own feelings are, what they share, she picks her set life goal over the word of her counterpart, getting rid of him in a fairly cruel rejection.
Which finally leads us to the kiss scene..
To many people, understandably, the scene was uncomfortable and upsetting, but hear me out, maybe there was more to it.
The kiss felt so much less intimate than the hug between Loki and Mobius - it was sudden, sort of stiff, not showing a lot of emotion, they went for it straight on (without even tilting their heads, which mind you isn't the most comfortable or passionate way to do it). All in all, it felt like a distraction on Sylvie's part so she could grab the ten-pad without being noticed, knowing that Loki would be too overwhelmed to notice.
But the strongest argument is quite possiblly the dialogue - where Loki assures her that all he wants is for her to be okay, but she, after the kiss, responds with "I'm not you" and proceeds to throw him to the TVA. Perhaps I'm over-analyzing, which is what the whole post is about, but that felt like a point blank period rejection.
Putting everything together, it feels like the show itself is hinting that Sylvie just isn't the right choice for Loki. This isn't a post hating on Sylvie or the way she's characterized, far from it, because I admittedly very much enjoy her character. What I'm saying is that without a lot of growth I don't see a healthy relationship being able to exist between these two characters, even if we're ignoring the whole "they're the same person" debate.
At the end of the day, even if I'm wrong and Sylki is going to be endgame for one reason or another, I think all of this could've been achieved even without the romantic aspect, since even regular friendship and trust is a big step and a big deal for our Loki.
Sorry for the long read, I was just me trying to quickly write down my thoughts, I definitely forgot a lot of things I could've written down, but I'm not professional and mean no offense to anyone if you think differently.
Either way, excited to see what season 2 will bring!
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just a note:
if you’re gonna have a romance between two characters, make sure that one half of the pairing’s chemistry isn’t stronger with someone who’s not their love interest.
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No because THIS:
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Guys what should we call this AU…
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Sherlock - Incorrect Quote
Sherlock: He sounds a bit like an antagonist.
Lestrade: Is that just a fancy word for prick?
Sherlock: Yes.
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*The coffee pot is found broken on the tour bus*
Brent: So, who broke it? I’m not mad, I just want to know.
Spencer: I did, I broke it-
Brent: No. No, you didn’t. Joe?
Joe: Hey, don’t look at me, look at Ryan!
Ryan: What? I didn’t break it.
Joe: Hmm. That’s weird. How did you even know it was broken?
Ryan: Because it’s sitting right in front of us, and it’s broken.
Joe: Suspicious.
Ryan: No, it’s not!
William: If it matters…probably not…but Audrey was the last one to use it.
Audrey: Liar! I don’t even drink that crap.
William: Oh, really? Then what were you doing by the coffee table earlier?
Audrey: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Bill!
Spencer: Alright, let’s not fight. I broke it, let me pay for it, Brent.
Brent: No. Who broke it?
Pete: Well, Brendon’s been awfully quiet.
Brendon: Really?
Pete: Yeah, really!
Brendon: Oh, how fucking typical. Everyone blames the gay guy!
Brent’s inner monologue: I broke it. It burned my hand so I dropped it. I just didn’t want everyone to know it was me me. I predict ten minutes from now, they’ll be at each other’s throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
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Ryden aesthetic
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I’ve officially decided that one of my favourite OTP tropes is when character A is fighting and then character B (and maybe their kid?) comes out to fight too and Character A just turns around and says ‘I told you to stay inside’
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He’s going nuts without cases, shooting holes in the wall jumping on things, fantasising over dead, cold cases from centuries ago. He gets so bored one day that he even joins John to Asda, observing each being and resulting in finding nothing but the odd affair or dying soul.
He’s overly cautious of the virus, frightened of getting it and giving it to Mrs Hudson, god forbid. Each time she brings tea he wears a mask, insisting John does too: “mask on, Watson. Can’t risk the probability of catching such a vile thing.”
He doesn’t miss the general concept of mingling or crowds, but he confesses that the lack of Lestrade, Molly and Mycroft in his life was killing him slowly. At least he had John, he guessed.
Nights filled with shite television and mornings filled with burning eggs and/or bacon. He lounges in his pyjamas and for once doesn’t feel bad about not changing. Although, it eventually becomes an unhealthy habit and John has to run him baths and set out clothes.
With the help of Lestrade over FaceTime, John manages to set up a fake crime for Sherlock to fixate on. It doesn’t even take him five minutes before he’s solved it and instead resorts to cursing at the crossword book they brought at Asda. “Who cares?”/ “you do.”
(Feel free to add things lol)
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Wanda: Why do guys lick their lips before they talk?
Natasha: To marinate their lies.
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I’m sorry but the thought of Sherlock trying to find his way around Xbox and PlayStation makes me laugh so hard??
Like.. fifa would be in and Rosie (who’d be a teenager) would be playing with John and Mrs Hudson would be on the sofa laughing at them as John gets flustered about losing or pressing the wrong button etc.
And Sherlock would just walk in bewildered and wanting to learn. He’d get even more frustrated at the darn game than John. It’d be a hazard when they play together.
The dagger would go through the case, Sherlock would end up reserving a spot in his mind palace for methods and techniques, and soon it’d be just like Cluedo. No.
Rosie actually has to ban the console from them because it was just TOO much.
God forbid when Mycroft visits.
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DO NOT think of:
Sherlock and/or John putting Rosie to bed upstairs.
And Sherlock sitting on the end of her bed, tucking a curl behind her ear because it was getting in her face as John reads her favourite book, sat in the chair adjacent.
But Rosie is still restless so Sherlock hums to her instead, going over nursery rhymes and eventually slipping into humming Bach melodies.
And John recognises it; Sherlock plays it on violin from the living room when John can’t sleep.
Both their hearts melt as Rosies eyes flutter closed, her breath evening and her hand falling limp over Sherlocks.
And although he won’t admit it, Sherlock feels proud that he managed to lull dear Watson to sleep.
And when Sherlock goes back downstairs, John tailing behind, John halts him on the landing, his hand resting on Sherlocks shoulder.
“I’m proud of you,” He whispers, “you should be too.”
And as each second passes, Sherlock can feel a new cocoon in his stomach open to release wild, uncontrollable butterflies.
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“You are my Johnshine, my only Johnshine…”
“You make me happy, when skies are grey.”
“Stop it…”
“You’ll never know, John-”
“How much I love you.”
“Please don’t take my Johnshine away.”
“…Okay fine, that was cute.” John admits. “It would’ve been cuter if we weren’t in a morgue.”
“Quite right.” Sherlock clears his throat. “Back to work, then.”
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In my head, Sherlock always calls Rosie ‘my dear Watson’, and no one can change that.
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(1) Sherlock is easily overwhelmed in public spaces - the noise, the smell, the rush of people - he can never quite filter out all of the information and it gives him a blinding headache. Enclosed public spaces are even worse. He refuses to take the tube unless it is absolutely necessary, even going so far as to walk if he can't get a cab instead. John has no such reservations about public transit, but follows Sherlock along willingly, even if it means walking a little longer than normal.
(2) It’s not until they’re forced to take the tube home from NSY due to some particularly inconvenient construction zones in the neighbourhood that John understands why Sherlock avoids the tube. The carriage is obnoxiously loud, filled with a screaming baby, blaring music, the din of conversation. The air is heavy with the smells of sweat, perfume and food, all the bodies crammed together, forcing John and Sherlock to stand chest to chest in a cramped corner, jostled by the sway of the carriage.
(3) Sherlock’s eyes are closed, his face pale and drawn, and he’s swallowing like he’s going to be sick. Concerned, John guides Sherlock’s head down to rest against his shoulder, face turned towards his neck. “Focus on me,” he murmurs, and Sherlock does. He clings to John’s jacket, breathing him in. John strokes Sherlock’s curls and hums softly until they reach their stop. Somehow, it blocks out all the chaos and the pain and the noise and Sherlock feels like he can breathe again.
(4) It becomes a regular thing between them; when Sherlock gets overwhelmed, John finds a way to make contact - a hand at his lower back, linking their pinky fingers together, - and it makes everything stop for a little while. It bleeds into every day life, these casual touches, until they hardly go an hour without touching, and it comes as no surprise when, one day, John pulls Sherlock into an empty room and kisses him - eyes, forehead, nose, lips - until the world stops spinning.
(5) Sherlock shivers and holds John close, enjoying the stillness around them. “Better?” John presses their lips together again. Sherlock kisses him softly, sweetly, humming his agreement. “Much.” Now, they take the tube more often, just so that they can sit together and hold hands.
SAFSDFASDFASD NONNY. Did you SERIOUSLY just enter into my brain and write this? Because I legit have a similar headcanon character trait for Sherlock as well, which explains why he prefers to take the cab everywhere. I love this so much Nonny!! John is always Sherlock’s anchor
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