postmortem-paradox · 2 months
Where are all my adult anas?
It's a different world stepping into Eds shoes again half way through life.
I don't have to worry about my parents getting mad at me
I don't have to worry about my school teachers getting mad at me
I don't have the typical teenage drama that spurred this mentality shift
I remember Ed being a call a shout for help just to be seen and cared for as a teenager. But now no one sees me, I have no watchful eyes on me. No one whispering under their breath, no parents staring at me across the dinner table as I play with a half eaten plate, no boy trouble or pubescent drama fueled by hormonal rage and indifference. I'm not doing this to impress the boy I like or try to fit in with the popular kids.
I am invisible
Except from myself.
I'm in a strange state of visible translucency. I tell people I'm fasting and they believe me, I tell people I'm too tired to come meet them for dinner they believe me.
Fuck, even my live out partner whose been here for the last 3 days who I have said the words 4norexi4 to and who has watched me consume nothing but tea for 3 days doesn't question my choices.
How different a world it is when you're seen but not seen. I am validated but I remain a shadow.
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postmortem-paradox · 2 months
Things i wish i knew when i started:
👾 dont just check for c4ls, sodium only makes you hungrier
👾 protein intake is a must
👾 dont restr1ct too low, honestly start 1400-1600 and work your way down
👾 coke zero is better than diet coke sorry not sorry
👾 stop eating at 6 and make your c4lorie window smaller
👾 drink about 32 oz of liquid before eating never eat when you're thirsty
👾 dont dry f4st (this is obvs but i only ever dry f4sted in middle school)
👾 go on tumblr for 30 min before eating or just wait, this helps me with self control
👾 never eat stressed or when you're head isnt in the right place
👾 only w3igh yourself once a week under the same conditions (idk why w3ighing myself obsessively led to b1nges)
👾 eating high c4l food is okay in portions+ it helps hide your tracks and curbs b1nges
👾 learn to like the feeling of being hungry and only eat when you have to
👾 dont break fasts with c4l dense foods, eat something light then wait an hour and eat a healthy meal
👾 if you go over your lim1t its not over, one bite is better than a b1nge you'll thank yourself later
👾 think about long term, not about what youll look like today or tomorrow
i remember when i first started (3 yrs ago) i was restr1cted to 200 c4ls then b/p ing it was honestly the worst experience ever and i dont want anyone to go through that so heres some things ive used the past month or so ive been back and havent b1nged which im like really happy about. i wanna emphasize #3 cause my initial week i ate abt 1000-1200 everyday and lost 10łbs and kept it off so
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postmortem-paradox · 2 months
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He retomado mi camino, me fue algo complicado pero he vuelto. Mi cena (lo primero que como hoy) de hoy fue algo de manzana y pera, 62 cal en total. Hace demasiado calor y no tengo ánimos de beber té 😮‍💨... Me hace demasiada falta para controlar esta ansiedad.
He vuelto a tener mareos, suelo ingerir ocasionalmente algo como huevo, carne o pescado para evitarlo pero últimamente no está funcionando, la debilidad y los mareos continúan, el café ayuda un poco (le pongo leche para sentir más saciedad), los sueros tampoco me están ayudando 😮‍💨 es algo molesto algunos días al igual que los dolores de cabeza, también he estado teniendo escalofríos a pesar de estar a más de 30 grados, quizás se deba a mi hipotiroidismo, no tengo idea
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postmortem-paradox · 2 months
reblog if you're an active 3d blog in february 2024 !! let's be muts :)
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postmortem-paradox · 2 months
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See-Through (Glass Skeleton)
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postmortem-paradox · 2 months
Como una mia experta, les vengo a dar tips y a desmentir cosas.
*Dicen que es mejor tomar mucha agua y masticar muy bien, pero eso es MENTIRA. Entre más rápido comes y menos agua tomas, más fácil saldrá todo, de lo contrario, vomitarás pura agua, harás más ruido y será menos efectivo.
*Para saber que ya vomitaste todo, recuerda las cosas que comiste, y si falta algo en el vómito, sabrás que aún no es todo
*Yo siempre tengo conmigo un vaso de agua para enjuagarme las manos, porque es asqueroso
*Si quieres evitar ruido y salpicar, vomita en tu mano, es decir, en vez de que caiga directo en el baño, que caiga la masa de comida en tu mano, para eso es el vaso con agua.
*Entre más rápido vayas a vomitar, siempre será mejor
*Ponte en cuclillas, en forma que tus piernas aplasten tu estómago y sea más fácil expulsar la comida.
*Si eres principiante, te costará más pero no dejes de provocarte arcadas hasta que salga algo
*con tus dedos índice y medio, masajea tu garganta, hasta adentro y sin miedo, yo digo que es como "masturbarte la garganta" jaja porque es el mismo movimiento
*Siempre pon algo de música o videos para disfrazar el ruido
*sólo enjuaga tu boca con agua, pero no laves los dientes inmediatamente, porque por la sensibilidad te afectará más
*Si hay una comida chatarra que te parece imposible de dejar, atáscate de ella. Ejemplo pizza: Trágate literal una pizza entera, de la forma más cerda posible, pero inmediatamente después, vomítalo todo. Repite esto hasta que te asquee el solo hecho de pensarlo. Lo he hecho con todo y me ha funcionado.
Es todo lo que se me ocurre, pero si recuerdo más, o ustedes tienen tips, póngalos aquí.
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postmortem-paradox · 2 months
low cal recipe photo dump pt 2
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postmortem-paradox · 2 months
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coming back to 3dblr after “recovery”
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postmortem-paradox · 2 months
girl maths is actually knowing what c4l0ri3s are in almost any common food.
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postmortem-paradox · 2 months
† 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝕿𝖊𝖆 †
En 1 Litro de agua:
Un puño de flor de jamaica
Un puño de romero
Un trozo/raja de canela
Un trozo de gengibre pelado (2cm)
6 Hojas de laurel
6 Clavos de olor
Hervir de 3-6 minutos y dejar reposar
† Ayuda a acelerar el metabolismo y bajar de peso. A mi me ayuda a bajar la ansiedad por comer †
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postmortem-paradox · 2 months
how I eat to feel full
I usually put a very small portion on a small plate, so it looks like it is more than it actually is
then I drink a full glass of water
I start eating in very small bites, so it'll take longer to eat (I recommend no distractions like watching something)
when I'm about halfway done, I drink another glass of water and take a 10min break from eating (usually by watching a YT video or something)
then I eat the rest of the meal (once again without distractions and in small bites)
if you are really hardcore, you can drink another glass of water, but I usually don't because it makes me feel way too full
wait at least 20 minutes before getting seconds, because it takes a while for your brain to process feeling full
I hope this hasn't been said a hundred times before, and I could help someone out 💕
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postmortem-paradox · 5 months
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postmortem-paradox · 5 months
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postmortem-paradox · 1 year
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postmortem-paradox · 1 year
low cal garlic veggie soup!
For @briskwalkingdoll​
This is a super easy recipe makes about 2 cups but can be diluted more :)
Total is 46 cals but 23 per serve
1 stock cube (7 cals)
2 cups water (0 cal)
1 egg white (17 cals)
30g carrots *about half a regular carrot (12 cals)
10g spinach (2 cals)
1 garlic clove (4 cals)
5g chilli, garlic and onion paste (4 cals)
How to
dice the spinach and carrots to preferred size (I like a mix of cubes and slices)
crush garlic
put a pot and frying pan on the stove and turn them both on low
In the pot add the water and stock cube and stir 
In the frying pan add garlic, chilli paste, carrots and spinach and mix
Cook until the stock cube is dissolved and the carrots have softened 
Add egg whit on top of the ingredients in the frying pan and start mixing fast
Make sure egg is cooked thinly and into small chunks
Add contents of the frying pan to soy pot and continue to stir over heat
Pour into 2 cups and enjoy :)
I know it sounds weird but the egg takes on the flavor of everything else and it’s so nice. The chilli, onion and garlic paste I used is from Woolworths and the brand is ‘stonemil’ it’s really good for flavor at 4cals-5g 
Sorry for bad pic, Let me know if you try the recipe and what you think of it :)
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postmortem-paradox · 1 year
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things to start doing ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
chug water the moment you feel a binge coming on
have a liquid meal; soups or smoothies
look through pro-ana tumblr
look at images of high-cal food, eat with your eyes !!
start a simple diet or do mid res for a few days
watch mukbangs filled with fast food until you feel disgusted or full
do something productive; cleaning, laundry, baking from ed twt, etc.
put your cutlery or food down between each bite
have coffee or green tea, they help get rid of hunger
things to stop doing ೀ
don't automatically start fasting, you're most likely going to start binging all over again !!
don't eat while having distractions around you
don't let people give you food, you'll feel even more guilty
don't start eating something you know will trigger your binging, such as pizza, cookies, etc.
don't say "i'm so hungry!!" it will just make you hungrier
don't tell yourself that you have to lose weight for no reason or else you'll just feel guilty and start binging. instead, tell yourself you want to lose weight because you want to be fit and healthy when you're older or something with a solid reason.
don't eat empty calories. have an apple or a fulling meal !!
don't have a second plate, you know it will become more and more.
you can do this !! you just need to focus ♡
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postmortem-paradox · 1 year
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