posey-aesthetic · 5 years
Where has this video been? Apparently it came out in 2018?!
Regardless, I still cannot believe my eyes that Tyler Posey is standing shoulder to shoulder with some of the biggest social content creators on Earth to advocate for mental health awareness. Truly a legend. 
Seize the Awkward!
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posey-aesthetic · 5 years
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I know I haven't posted in awhile but I would like to repost this image. It has such a powerful aura; The two hands reaching up to connect with Tyler as if to validate and appreciate his existence, the finger pointing to him as if he is a rare entity that only appears once the borders of time and space are thin and fragile. Lastly, the calm and unifying energies that surround Posey and his expression. It's gorgeous, and I would nominate it for display within the Sistine Chapel.
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posey-aesthetic · 5 years
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there’s honestly nothing worse than an apple that’s not crisp like don’t come near me with that grainy soft shit, that weak ass crunch i’d rather die
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posey-aesthetic · 5 years
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Tyler Posey 06.05.19
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posey-aesthetic · 5 years
sis has had E N O U G H
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posey-aesthetic · 5 years
He seems so happy now and I love it
Tyler as Iniko the Sea Pirate in Youtube’s Sherwood
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posey-aesthetic · 5 years
This. This. This.
You cannot look me in the eyes and tell me that Steve “Even when I had nothing I had Bucky” Rogers, whose entire character centers around Bucky, who spent CA2 and CA3 and AE fighting for Bucky, would abandon him and go back to the 40s.
I love Peggy and I love their love, but he’s had time to get over her. He got closure in CA2 and went to her funeral in CA3. He sees she has a life in AE. He has a life in the modern era.
Also, Steve’s not selfish. He puts people (primarily Bucky) first to a fault. But going back in time and being with Peggy, this simultaneously abandoning Bucky and all his modern friends AND taking the life she would’ve led away from her is selfish and out of character for him.
I get that they had to get rid of him one way or another, because there’s no way Captain I-Can-Do-This-All-Day would stay away from whatever big bad happens next, and I’m so happy for my bird son Sam, and I’m glad Steve didn’t die, but they didn’t need to assassinate his character.
And it was just bad and lazy writing because it breaks the time travel rules they set in the beginning. So it makes no sense from a character or plot standpoint.
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posey-aesthetic · 5 years
You can't honestly expect anyone to heed your words when all you do is throw insults and "You're simply another SJW who's upset over queerbaiting, sexism, and homophobia!!!1!" at anything they try to discuss, especially when they are so very clearly not talking about any of those things and have stated that multiple times.
I've made my points, supported them, and defended them. You refuse to understand anyone else's point of view and simultaneously attack them while you retreat in your corner of "the boy who cried ad hominem" and generalizations. Not to mention how frequently you try to steer the argument in the direction of my supposed "screaming" about "queerbaiting" and "homophobia" because it is so much easier to defend yourself that way. You seem far more concerned with winning the argument or displaying some sense of intellectual superiority than with actually discussing the inherent flaws I've identified and supported.
You're right, this argument is tiresome, and nothing worthwhile will come out of it. I'm done fighting it.
It was a good movie you’re all just salty that your pairings didn’t become canon or a character stayed dead for once.
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posey-aesthetic · 5 years
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doesn’t matter what canon says.
this artwork was created on one principle above all else: these two boys are sincerely in love, no matter the odds or the consequences. when canon and the writers and the whole world tell you they’re not, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world – “‘til the end of the line.”
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posey-aesthetic · 5 years
First off, don't call me a dick when so far all you've done is insult and furthered the erasure points I've been attempting to make this whole time.
I've already argued why it was out of character for Steve, so that's just plain ignorance on your end. Stating "that isn't true" to my points isn't technically an argument, it's just a perception of things. Really, you haven't said much at all.
Steve was leading therapy sessions in Engame for those who lost loved ones to Thanos. It had nothing to do with Peggy. She died peacefully years ago, in a way that she and Steve respected and could process. Fact is, she was living her own life in the decades where Steve was in the ice. She moved on. Steve lost a lot of people, but he wasn't as hurt as he obviously was when he watched Bucky turn to dust in front of his eyes. That's why he was in therapy, not because of Peggy.
And no, Bucky was not "tired." It was reiterated thousands upon thousands of times in the previous films that he was willing to fight and die with Captain America because they were so close. Stating otherwise is nothing more than being oblivious to the partnership between them that has been developing since The First Avenger.
Also, the "timeline where Captain America was in ice for 70 years" is the current timeline. He went back and spent those years with Peggy even though his contemporary form was still on Red Skull's ship. Things still proceeded normally once he was unfrozen, except for the extra Captain America that was with Peggy.
The way you talk about how the films perfectly fit together because of this ending is leading me to believe that you have not actually seen any of the previous movies. Closely analyzed, Steve's ending has vast implications that we are left unanswered. It's inexcusable and is a disservice.
It was a good movie you’re all just salty that your pairings didn’t become canon or a character stayed dead for once.
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posey-aesthetic · 5 years
"Arguing that the movie is garbage."
Never said that.
Let me repeat myself: I'm upset because of the elimination of possibility. Ships thrive off of the chance that something will happen between the subject characters, regardless of how high or low the chance. The MCU's choice to have Steve go back and spend the rest of his life with a woman who, let's be honest, he name dropped or looked at a picture of once per movie (as a reminder of his Heterosexuality™,) was a brutal stab to this part of the fandom. I'd even go so far as to say it was betrayal.
And yeah, I didn't know if Stucky was going to happen. Anyone who says they do is lying. I saw a chance, just like my fellow shippers, and ran with it. The argument "It is acceptable to be mad at the MCU for erasing and alienating a large portion of their fandom." Is not that complicated to understand. You just refuse to.
Finally, Steve's ending wasn't a clean and happy tie-off to his character. It was a way out; A cash-out method that left a lot of holes and a lot of disappointment and resentment. Stucky or not, it was not the ending he deserved.
It was a good movie you’re all just salty that your pairings didn’t become canon or a character stayed dead for once.
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posey-aesthetic · 5 years
I’m drawing a new Stucky Endgame fix-it comic! (Different scenario to my previous one!) Wanted to post the transcript that I did while half asleep:
Minutes following the events of Endgame:
Bucky stalks off to go cry in the forest alone coz he’s a heartbroken baby and we understand his pain.
Sam finally finds him and catches the assassin off guard: *softly* Hey, are you alright?
Bucky: Wipes face. ‘Shit.’
Sam: Hey man, it’s all good. Let it out.
Bucky: This is the first time I’ve cried in 80 years. I forgot how much it physically hurts.
Sam: *places hand on Bucky’s shoulder* I know it’s hard to take in. But he’s still our Steve.
Bucky: He’s not my Steve. Not anymore. He probably barely even remembers us.
Sam: If you feel this way about it why did you tell him you were OK with him doing this?
Bucky: Because I wanted him to be happy. And I knew if I told him I wanted him to stay then he would have. And now I’ve lost my chance with the only person I’ve ever loved.
There’s a pause, and Bucky starts laughing uncontrollably.
Bucky: The dumb punk never even realized I was in love with him.
Sam: Mmm I had my suspicions.
Someone else approaches from behind.
Steve: So did I.
They turn to look at Steve.
Steve: Sam, I said I didn’t want to tell you about her. That’s because it wasn’t a 'her’.’
Bucky, eyes wide, looks back in shock.
Steve: I went back, saved Bucky from the fall and from Hydra. I had my dance with Peggy. She and I were married for five years, and it was wonderful, until she fell in love with someone else. I guess there’s some futures you can never change. *he smirks* So I decided to take a stab in the dark. I had nothing to lose.
There’s a pause.
Steve: Turns out the ladies were always right: Bucky’s a good kisser.
Bucky, in disbelief: What?
Sam smirks
Steve: After decades together we finally got married in 2015. We still are. He’s been looking forward to meeting the both of you.
So what part of the 0.3 seconds in Endgame that we see Steve with Peggy makes you think they didn’t eventually end up with other people??
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posey-aesthetic · 5 years
You're right, the film did not invalidate me because I don't agree with the direction.
It invalidated me and fellow Stucky shippers by erasing (hence, erasure) any possibility of the ship occurring in any capacity. Sure, it probably wasn't going to happen- The MCU is far too heteronormative to support making their biggest cash cow anything but straight- but that wasn't the point.
It was those cracks; The tiny little holes that shone light onto the possibility that these two best friends had something deeper than what we were led (and eventually heartbroken) to perceive. By choosing to go down the line that they did, the MCU has destroyed those possibilities for those who enjoy its work. That is what is inexcusable and warrants becoming upset over.
And yeah, I'd argue that good cinema does rely on headcannons and theories. You need to respond and adapt to your audience, not cut them off and operate in independence.
(One more thing, it was most definitely out of character for Steve to leave everything he cared for behind ((including a friend he spent an entire movie protecting and fighting his allies to protect)) to go back and spend a lifetime with someone he already had an ending with. Plus, it means Steve knowingly let a plethora of horrible and preventable things occur, which we all know he would never do.)
It was a good movie you’re all just salty that your pairings didn’t become canon or a character stayed dead for once.
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posey-aesthetic · 5 years
I'm sorry y'all I'm just so pissed about #Stucky being vaporized
The things is, Steve got closure with Peggy. It’s not like that story line was left open? He got to see Peggy and talk to her and she even told him he needed to move on, because she’d had a remarkable life with no regrets and yet??? He Ignores that and disrupts her entire story? It was Bucky that Steve still had no closure with. In civil war Bucky gets frozen again and then in Infinity War they barely exchange two sentences before he’s dusted? I’m just so?? What??
You are absolutely right! The Peggy storyline had closure, several movies ago, she told Steve to move on, he went to her funeral, made out with her niece. You can’t get more closure than that.
Meanwhile him and Bucky are constantly being separated and pulled away from each other, we still haven’t seen an actual real reunion or conversation between those two because apparently all the important stuff between Steve and Bucky happens off screen. 
But hey, they hugged twice and that’s enough to show the depth of their relationship, right?
I’m gonna be angry about this forever.
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posey-aesthetic · 5 years
Practically invalidating a portion of your fanbase is not "lining up with canon!" It is ERASURE and I will NOT be having it!
It was a good movie you’re all just salty that your pairings didn’t become canon or a character stayed dead for once.
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posey-aesthetic · 5 years
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And who could forget the greatest Macedonian couple of all time: Alexander the Great and Hephaestion. Once described as "One soul occupying two bodies," this legendary duo were as close and caring to each other as two can be. Hephaestion's funeral was actually the most expensive funeral in all of history ($1,975,945,500 by the most conservative estimates) and was rumored to send Alexander into a deep spiral of depression and grief.
I will stan them until the end of time.
(Credit for the artwork.)
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We Exist- we go waaaaaay back
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posey-aesthetic · 5 years
In this essay I will
stony fans are so #blessed with endgame
as a stucky fan i feel disrespected, ignored, betrayed, left behind,
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