okay now
what the fuck happened with the leaks, what's been released today?
Fuckin everything apparently
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Me rambling about the whole secret-identity situation after “Gang of secrets”
Honestly, I really didn’t need or WANTED Adrien/ Chat Noir to be the first one Marinette reveals her identity to. The reveal situation between them is simply not as easy as people make it out to be.
This has nothing to do with trust and frankly it never has been. Now even LESS than ever before!
Ladybug and Chat Noir are not like the other miraculous holder, Hawkmoth only needs THEIR miraculous hence why the secrecy for their identities is much more important than the other ones will ever be. It is simply true that if they knew each others identity it would increase the risk of both of their real identities falling into Hawkmoths hands and this doesn’t only go for Chat Noir it very much applies to Ladybug as well. This is why Marinette shouldn’t know Chats identity just because of her guardian status, because while it is true that the guardian of the Miracle box SHOULD know of the Cats identity it was NEVER planned for Marinette to become the guardian under these circumstances. Yes, Fu wanted to train her but that doesn’t mean at all that he planned on giving her this responsibility while Hawkmoth is still around and identities still need to be kept secret. The current situation only came to be because Fu was unbelievably desperate and basically had no other choice.
Meaning Marinette being the guardian doesn’t automatically mean the former risks and danger precautions suddenly vanish into thin air, she is STILL Ladybug. And Ladybug, as the anonymous person she is and NEEDS to be right now, should have NEVER become the guardian. But she had to. And now we are in the situation we are stuck in.
Because this STILL needs to be solved somehow, since, and correct me if I’m wrong, at this very moment there is NO HUMAN who knows Chat Noirs actual identity! Several people know of Ladybugs identity (including the Kwamis who indeed very much count) but not a single person is shearing Adriens secret with him. No one besides Plagg and Tikki but that’s a given and hardly improves his situation.
Good gracious he is UTTERLY alone!
THIS is the problem I want the show to acknowledge and solve, NOT “these two should have their first reveal with each other”. This ideal is completely missing the point of the shows situation.
This is why I’m not anywhere near angry at Alya getting to know Marinettes secret this episode. The secret identitiy rule was kept by necessity, not distrust and totally SHOULD be allowed to be bend. At this point it even NEEDS to be bend!
I will talk about Adriens side of this in my upcoming “Lies” post, so I will not do it here but the show itself makes it more than obvious why Marinette needs someone like Alya NOW. All of this simply became way too much for Marinette and Adrien to bare all alone, so yeah I’m beyond Happy that Marinette has Alya now! Marinette deserves this support and remember, this is how it SHOULD BE. The Hawkmoth war is the unnatural part of the situation and NOT the secret shearing!
But since I’m already at it, I will also talk about my concerns for the future, because once again, the current situation wasn’t MEANT to happen and therefore brings up several problems. Especially regarding Chat Noir.
Cause the thing is, Ladybug won’t be able to simply come clean to Chat as she should be able to. Under more normal circumstances Marinette could now tell her partner that she told someone her identity and explain the reasons why. Because it’s not like Marinette did it out of malice or as an tactile move. Marinette was incredibly lonely, desperate and almost would have not only lost her best friend but several others as well. Even if Adrien wouldn’t have been HAPPY about it (as he has every right to be) let’s not pretend like he is some kind of monster and wouldn’t understand why she ended up telling Rena Rouge, her best friend. He totally would and that’s not up for debate.
But the problem is that Marinette can NOT tell Chat that Rena Rouge only got to know her identity because she just so happened to be her best friend. Adrien and ALL OF PARIS know that ALYA is Rena Rouge! So what is Marinette supposed to do now? How is she supposed to justify telling Alya her secret if she has to leave out the true connection between them? Because as it is right NOW if Ladybug were to tell Chat that she trusted her identity to Rena, the known owner of the LADYBLOG, because “I can’t tell you but you HAVE to trust me that it was necessary!” Adrien would justifiedly think she did it as tactical decision (as Alya was also the first other Miraculous holder Ladybug recruted) and you CAN NOT tell me Adrien shouldn’t be allowed to be angry about THAT! Ladybug spend the last 3 seasons insisting on every secret identitiy being kept from getting unnecessarily sheared (especially THEIRS) when SHE was the one who ALWAYS got to know the identities so her insistence for the rule very much only kept HIM out. Marinette never had to accept that a secret is not hers to know, only Adrien had.
So when Ladybug now goes up to Chat Noir and says “Sooooo, I broke the secret identitiy rule I have already been bending in my favor the entire time. Remember the publicly known Ladyblog owner Alya Cesair who is also Rena Rouge as Hawkmoth and everyone knows? Yeah, I told her my identity and now I am able to not only emotionally rely on her, I can also spend time with her and ask for her help so I’m not so lonely in my responsibilities as Ladybug and Guardian anymore. No, you can not ask for an actual explanation for this and no, of course the strict secret keeping rules still apply to you. You still can not tell a single person AT ALL or know more identities than necessary, that’s way too risky you know that! So I need you to just get over it without holding it even a little bit against me because that’s just unfair. I promise the situation isn’t as against you as it looks like. Trust me!”
I’m sorry but this is simply the reality of the current situation and NO, without being able to give the proper explanation Marinette does NOT have every right to expect from Chat Noir to not be upset with her! She can own up to being a hypocrite and ask of Chat to please forgive her and not let it change their team work, since the reveal to Rena came totally unplanned, but that’s it. She can expect from her partner to still do his important job even if he is upset with her but not to swallow down his justified hurt feelings just because they are inconvenient for her and she doesn’t like it. Sorry but just like when Adrien wasn’t in the position to demand the knowledge of secret identities just because he didn’t like it, Marinette would now have to accept and life with whatever reaction Chat has to this.
And I would be very disappointed if Marinette were just to assume that Chat is gonna be okay with this, because from his point of view he really SHOULDN’T and there is no way Marinette isn’t aware of that.
So when you ask me, in my opinion Marinette is NOT going to come clean to Chat Noir any time soon because she knows he would be rightfully deeply upset with her and it could legitimately damage their friendship and his trust in her for good. But Marinette doesn’t want to lose Chat Noir to such an unfair circumstance so she will keep it a secret from him. Of course this secret will blow up later on and come with consequences not only because of the hurtful implications but also because not telling him takes the chance away from him to possibly open up to someone as well, since Adrien too DESPERATELY needs it. It also puts Adrien in the situation that HE is now the only one who has to sacrifice his social life without any support or chance of saving it, keeping on doing so because he doesn’t want to let Ladybug down because she “has to do so as well” when in reality she isnt in that situation anymore. She got herself out of this horrible situation but assumes (hopes) it will be bareble for him to remain in his even though she strictly insists on not knowing a thing about his personal life. And concidering what Chat Noirs civilian life actually IS LIKE, it will end in a full blown disaster.
No matter how you look at it, the situation is designed to come with serious consequences for Ladynoir. That is, if the show tackles the situation properly. But when I look at “Truth” and “Lies” im almost certain that this IS the route the show is going now.
So let’s wait and see what the future holds
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Hey guys, I decided to open commissions for several reasons, the most important are that I am in an economically complicated situation, I live in Latin America where job opportunities are scarce and difficult especially for illustrators and the pandemic complicated things a lot, now my mother is in delicate health and the public health centers are not treating people as they should be, so we decided that she should be in private treatment so it is more expensive (but effective) so I hope I can gather enough to pay Some of that treatment and the house bills, if you are interested here is the basic information of the commissions, if you are not interested but have someone you know that could be interested please share the information, thanks for taking the time to read me , Have a nice day!
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Status: OPEN 
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Status: OPEN 
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Some LadyNoir cause I miss them!!
Follow my Insta :) 
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Shaman king remake anime!! I'm so happy!!!
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I'm soooooo happy!!!!
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so lovely and painful at the same time....
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My Prince...
Chat Blanc English DUB
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so sweet
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Adrien/Chat Noir looking at Marinette when she’s not looking at him
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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guys!! I created a New instagram account just for my mini comcis about these two, visit my account ;) 
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just a quick sketch of kagami before Oni-chan¡¡ im so excited¡¡ I love her :3 hope you like it 
Instagram: @paolartethings
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pirate :3 
Insta: @paolartethings
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follow me on instagram¡¡ @paolartethings 
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oblivio was just perfect <3 <3 
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I fell in love with this adorable couple¡¡ and the young master fu was a handsome man :3 
Instagram: @paolartethings 
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it happened with me and it's just really annoying...
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In case you need more reasons why reposters suck and actual artists are beyond heckin’ sick of them.
I know some of ya’ll think you’re helping the artists by giving them “exposure” but you’re really not because people are still putting all the attention on your account. Yes, even if you give credit (which this particular person didn’t at first; she didn’t add it until people started nagging about it in the comments).
Artists greatly appreciate feedback and comments and you’re taking that away from them and focusing it all towards yourself, who did nothing more than find a pretty picture on Google 
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Im in love with MLDBseason 2 last scene¡¡ enjoy :3
follow me on Instagram
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