pink-and-plaid · 8 days
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“Hedonism is the prioritizing of pleasure over other life values and is theorized to be independent of well-being. However, popular culture depicts hedonists as unhappy, as well as selfishly unconcerned with others' well-being.”
I say that this is wrong “for what feels good must indeed be good, as we grow we are told to be good for the sake of being good, and if you can feel good about being charitable unto others the same way one can feel good drinking to much, or gorging on ample sums of food.
In the havamal stanza 20:
"A gluttonous man, unless he watches himself, will eat to his own detriment.
Wise men will often ridicule a fool
on account of his belly".
Hedonism for the self is not the same as hedonism shared with others, to balance gluttony and greed with compassion and empathy is to welcome both physical, and spiritual pleasure into one’s being and experience the ecstasy of the flesh and the spirit.
Embrace your carnality with with your spirituality and let it envelop you as you are pulled by the hand of nirvana, pleasure is the true path to enlightenment and salvation, and by denying your own natural desire and animal instincts will you brings sufferings upon yourself and those around you for leaving yourself incomplete.
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pink-and-plaid · 8 days
Why was Hansel the meal of the witch?
This is a question I was aked recently, and I thought it would make a good subject for a post. "Why did the witch only try to fatten up and eat Hansel? Why didn't she imprison and fattened up Gretel too? Why did she choose to make Gretel her slave instead of Hansel?"
Which is actually a fascinating question. Now, I do not promise that there is some grand truth or secret meaning behind this. It is just a little detail and some technical workings of fairytales. But it is a point that many authors and rewriters have taken an interest upon, and that if a true well of reinterpretations.
So let's go... Why was Hansel the meal, and Gretel the slave?
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If we go by the "canon" of the text (of course "canonical" fairytales do not exist, this is just an expression) - if we go by the Brothers Grimm's text, we... well we do not know. It is not specified anywhere why the witch decides to lock up and fatten up Hansel out of the siblings, and to not do the same thing for Gretel. There is no reason explicitely spelled out or given. Maybe she simply prefers the meat of boys over the one of girls? This absence of justification, and the apparent "randomness" of the choice opens a door for authors who would like to change things: for example in "A Tale Dark and Grimm" (the book, not the Netflix series), it is both Hansel and Gretel that are fattened up by the witch, and she only picks Hansel as the first one to be roasted. The Looney Tunes Hansel and Gretel also were both in the cooking pot of the witch Hazel...
The text only leaves implications for the reader. For example, the need for the witch to have a slave/assistant to help her with the chores is implied by the facts that she is 1) elderly 2) has a very bad sight and 3) walks with crutches (a very important point). So it is understandable she would require a slave to help her - but then why pick Gretel, and not Hansel? Again, the text does not answer. Many people like to portray Hansel as the oldest child of the duo, and Gretel as a younger sister - this is because Hansel seems to be the strongest, bravest and most intelligent one, as well as with how his name always comes first in the text, Gretel being after him. Maybe the witch chose to eat him first because he was precisely older, and thus there was a more developed body to eat? Even if the siblings are of the same age, we can always imagine the very old and present male/female dichotomy that claims that men's body are naturaly stronger, larger and meatier than women's, who have graceful, slender, lighter bodies. Maybe such a concept is at work, putting forward a mindset where a cannibal witch will always go for boys first as a main course, and girls next as an appetizer...
One possible reading of the story is that the witch only had enough place to lock up ONE child and thus had to make a choice. Maybe there wasn't enough room for two kids in her prison for future meals? This interpretation is supported by the ORIGINAL text of the Grimm's fairytale. In the first edition of the brothers Grimm's fairytales (provided by Jack Zipes), there is an explicit mention of the place Hansel is locked in: it isn't some sort of stable or cage as it would later be described, oh no! It is a chicken coop so small Hansel can BARELY MOVE. It is a really tiny prison, in which he barely fits. Of course, on a practical side, it can help with the whole fattening process since having a child eat rich meals without ever moving is certain to make him plump in no time (just look at these horrible industrial farms and how they lock up animals in tiny cages) ; but this detail actually explained why the witch only placed her efforts on one child, and not two: she obviously had only enough to place to lock up one kid, and had to deal with the other in a different way.
But even if we admit all those implications - that the elderly, handicaped witch needed a help, that she had only enough room to lock up one child, that maybe Hansel as an older boy makes a better meal than Gretel - there are still some strange and bizarre logical holes. For example, the witch beats up and starves and exhausts Gretel. This is the complete opposite of what she does to Hansel, who is pampered and fattened up - does this imply the witch maybe does NOT want to eat Gretel? Or does she really have only enough resources to fatten up one child, and can only afford making Gretel more edible once she is done with Hansel?
Again, mysteries upon mysteries. Fairytales are not created to work on practical details or actual psychological processes - they are stories relying on powerful visuals and ancient motifs and a dream-logic-structure. When we are told that the witch locks up Hansel to fatten him up and eat him, and that Gretel is becoming an abused slave, we just accept it, because it works on a set of powerful visuals, such as the malnurished slave sister cooking and feeding her imprisoned and soon-to-be-killed brother. The idea of the sister being reduced to a tool in the process of killing her own brother is a very powerful one, never explicitly stated, but still present and sometimes used by adaptations. There was this German Hansel and Gretel movie released in 2005 that explicitly played on this: the children were never told by the witch her intentions when she locked up Hansel, and for the first week or so of Gretel being a slave and Hansel fattened up, they were left in the dark concerning the real intentions of their mysterious jailers. This was a stark contrast with many Americanized adaptations that have the witch gloating and explaining her cannibalistic desires to her victims, and which opened the door for some interesting plot points - in this movie's case, Gretel being quite jealous and envious of Hansel's new life of feasting and being kindly treated by the witch when she got all the insults and chores. Of course, when they discover the truth, their mutual feelings reverse as Hansel realizes his seemingly "easier" fate is actually the worst of the two.
Still, the text is left ambiguous and open-ended enough for us to imagine TONS of things. There could be a rewrite of the tale where the witch exclusively eats little boys, and hates little girls. One nterpretation of dark poetry of the tale can be found in Znescope's Gretel mini-series. Despite this mini-series having BIG flaws (the choice of the witch's true identity was... quite bad to be honest), it does have a very interestng and morbid answer to the "Why was Hansel the only one fattened up?" question. It chooses to depict this difference of treatment as a sick and cruel game the witch plays with her preys: Hansel and Gretel are both her prisoners, but she fattens up Hansel while she starves Gretel, to make a contrast between the two, simply out of a perverse amusement. There is one particularly striking image of the two children locked in two cages arranged like a weighing scale, with Hansel's cage going lower as he grows fatter and Gretel's going up as she becomes skeletal... It is a nice visual contrast that has been reused by various artists.
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Now, I spoke mainly here of the content of the story and of the text itself. However, as I stated before, we must look beyond the story itself to understand why Hansel was to be the meal, and not Gretel. Or rather we need to look at the fairy tale's structure, on a meta-level.
As I said before, the fairy tale works here on a system of duality. Hansel and Gretel are meant to be a yin and a yang, complementary reflections. The boy and the girl, the brave and the coward, the cunning older brother and the crying little sister. The idea that their fates are "split" into the house of the witch not only furthers the anguish of the characters, who at this point were always together but now find themselves separated, unable to face together the same trials, but also keeps on playing on these visuals and motifs. As I said, there is something that many artists read in the tale, in the opposition between a malnourished Gretel and a feasting Hansel. This is part of the same duality of food and famine present all throughout the tale, such as the woodcutter's famished and poor household, opposed to the witch's house made of sweets and with chests full of pearls. The siblings represent two forms of abuse and evilness enacted by the witch, but in complementary forms: with Gretel the witch becomes a domestic abuser and an enslaver, with Hansel she becomes a jailer and an ogress.
One can also read in this an extension of the typical sexist duality between men and women in these old centuries: the fates the witch forces upon the two children can be caricatures of what each gender is supposed to "do" in such a society. Gretel, like women, is expected to do household chores and to cook for her "man" - here it is caricatured into her becoming a slave, and only helping fattening up her brother like some cattle. In return, Hansel, like a man, is supposed to be well-treated and well-fed, but here the caring wife/mother figure is a monstrous hag who only makes him feast so she could eat him later. In fact, it is quite interesting to see how both siblings are dehumanized and reduced to the status of animals - from Hansel being fattened up in the stables like some pig or chicken, to Gretel being fed leftovers like a dog.
All of that being said, there is another much needed argument that must be made: the answer fo thte question can be easily found in the story's structure. This is the most obvious solving of the problem when you consider it all: the story of Hansel and Gretel relies on the idea that the two children must save each other in turn. There is a balance in the tale, which bears the name of the two protagonists as heroes, but one before the other. During the first part of the tale, it is Hansel who takes the lead and the decisions. He is the cunning hero who tricks his parents, saves his sister from the woods, returns home thanks to his plan. Gretel is only seen being scared, and crying, and not doing anything except follow her brother around. In the second part of the tale, within the witch's house, it is Gretel who becomes the hero. Her brother is "out of the race", locked up away and unable to do anything, and it is Gretel who this time has to trick the deadly parental figure, come up with a clever ruse, and ultimately save her brother from death. This creates a perfect balance between the two characters: Hansel starts out as the hero protecting his useless sister, and then it is Gretel who vanquishes her uselessness to become the hero saving her own, impotent brother. The siblings need each other to survive, and thus save each other in turn. This is how the story works. And this is why Hansel must be the locked-up, fattened-up victim, so that his sister can save him. Else it would have been the story of "Hansel", and not "Hansel and Gretel".
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All of that being said, a last point must be made about a final theory. A theory and reading of the tale that has been very prevalent and prominent in recent adaptations of the story.
The recent "Gretel and Hansel" horror movie did it. Before the (X horror movie) also did it. Neil Gaiman's Hansel and Gretel also used this idea. The comics Fables toyed with it in a side-way. And this idea is simple: the witch did not want to eat Gretel, but rather wanted to make her a witch like herself. Gretel wasn't the witch's slave, but unwilling apprentice.
This idea is born of course from a reconsideration of what a "witch" is, and the gender questions attached with the figure of the witch. In the original story, the witch is not a witch in the modern sense of the term, in fact she is a monster that is very clearly an ogress by another name. There is no question of learning how to be a witch, or making deal with dark powers, or anything like that. But when you read the tale with the modern sense of "witch", as a symbol of dark and hostile feminity, as a woman of power, who works against the domination of men, or the tyranny of patriarchy - when you consider all the gender questions surrounding real-life witches and the witch hunts, you see the witch's actions under a different eye. Her not wanting to eat Gretel at first, and making her do her chores, and forcing her to live with her, might hint at the fact she still considers her more "human" or more valuable than her brother, who is nothing but food, a mere cattle. Several of the modern reinventions of the tale, such as those stated above, decide to add the twist that the witch actually wants to shape or make the little girl into her image: from a slave doing the witch's chores, she becomes the witch apprentice, who is by her side in everything she does. Some of those readngs remove the elements of abuse towards Gretel, while others do not forget them. Neil Gaiman's take on the story is especially fascinating as the witch is explicitely described as oscillating between periods of sweetness and kidndness, promising Gretel all of her secrets and great powers, and periods of pure hatred and violence where she just insults and beats up the girl - all of it highlighting either the witch's madness, or a form of senility due to her old age.
But this theme of "Gretel as a future witch" or "Gretel as the witch's apprentice" ties in with another subtext well-hidden in the original text, but that many like to weave upon: Gretel as the "daughter" of the witch. In many of those rewrites and reinterpretations, the witch doesn't just treat Gretel as an apprentice, but as an heir or a replacement daughter. This is no surprise since it is very clear that in the original tale, the witch is the dark side of the mother figure, and an evil doppelganger of the wicked stepmother/mother of the siblings. As such, it makes sense for her to impose an abusive and unconsented motherhood upon Gretel - doesn't her forcing the girl to do all the chores not reminiscent of how famous fairytales stepmothers treat heroines like Cinderella? Such a perverse motherhood was already explicit and obvious in her treatment of Hansel: like a mother she nourishes and feeds Hansel (in fact she succeeds where the wicked stepmother failed), but this is all to devour him, in a ritual of "un-birth", she becomes a death-givers who doesn't expel a child out of her womb, but has it return to her stomach. [This is a very common and usual motif among ogres of fairytales, who are all caricatures of parenthood].
More generally, to have the witch act in such a way actually makes the fairytale more "feminist" somehow, but in a quite perverse way. Because in such a reading, we have a women-dominated world. The true active and powerful characters of the story are beings such as the wicked stepmother and the witch, who command, control and influence the other characters - especially the male ones. The father is a weak puppet who can't stand up to his wife, Hansel is reduced to a fat pig in a cage. Hansel did try to escape the tyranny of the wicked woman, but all he could do was push back his doom, and his plans ultimately failed. Gretel, as a woman herself, is given a special treatment - and in the "apprentice/daughter" interpretation, is "absorbed" by this world of wicked, dominating women. But she actually breaks from it, and kills the one that would have "turned" her - and it is telling and interesting that the only one who can have a true an full success, a definitive victory in this tale is Gretel. Hansel's plans work and save them, but only for a brief time, and his last plan fails dramaticaly, before he gets locked up and "out of the story". Gretel meanwhile, when she gets the courage and intelligence to act, proves herself much more efficient and definitive than her brother, as she puts a true end to the threat other them by killing the witch (and by extension killing the wicked stepmother/mother). This is something Hansel couldn't do - all he could was trck the wicked woman, and nullify her plans, but he could not remove the threat of the death and the hunger.
Anyway, as you can see, despite being a quite superficial and silly question, this fact (or rather absence of facts) opens up a whole jar of various interpretations, readings and themes, and proves the hidden complexity of these apparently "simple" stories.
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pink-and-plaid · 8 days
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pink-and-plaid · 1 year
Seawater and Unquenchable Thirst…
There’s something about thirst that I find oddly sensual when it comes about in a man who desires to be filled by another man. What looks like a mere pose to entrap others, it’s something more… you can see it in his assets. It’s almost as if the flesh is moving. For his face is more than provocative. It’s a face of obsession and submission. For he is staring into his own void of his own photo as you are staring now. It’s not he who demands his attention any longer. It is the entity that is his own backside, craving the flesh walls being broken into. It rules him and he is its slave.
When one is thirsty, it begins with a subtle admiration of his own physique in a mirror and taking a picture to show off. But moments before he takes the picture, he can feel the ability to entice others inside him. He feels warmer and a twinge of butterflies. Perhaps he begins completely bare and looks to see if he’s worthy of his own attention before he asks for the attention of others. He turns and faces the camera mirroring him pulling his underwear to his ankles. It feels to him he can even see it swell sticking it out slightly, a healthy and determined rump. Thus, his vanity takes over. He is very like Narcissus and sought only to look at his own image.
He’s taken few pictures, out in nature, but his cheeks remained closed. He was still control of his own nudity, but it was only for show and his own vanity, and a bit of a tease. For he had no interest in truly giving himself over…
But the more he gives into his own vanity, something changes in him. It’s not enough to lust after himself merely supposing others are interested. He needs them to know how thick and tempting he is. He must feel all eyes directed towards his derrière. And all he can think of is the art of seduction. It’s not enough to be naked. The best effect is for something gradual And so, he wears the most form fitting clothes he can, to heighten the top and bottom curves of his buttocks. Slowly, he becomes erect knowing he can feel every inch of fabric squeezing his bubble butt. It slowly becomes a pattern. The favorite part of the day becomes when he can look in the mirror or set up his phone to photograph himself. He goes stiff again with excitement looking at his own picture staring into the void of his salient hindquarters, as if they were someone else’s daring him.
At work he looks forward to his slacks and the way they’ll hold his healthy and determined rump. Without thinking, he lets it pronounce itself by even walking in a way that it pushes against the fabric- Sitting on his desk, sitting in a chair, bending to pick something up, or even walking. And every time he pushed out, he felt the twinge of happiness. He imagines his backside being large enough to shelve champagne that his man can drink off of him. With excitement his reared wags like a tail. And when he turns his head back to face the thickened curve of his rear, it seems to beckon to him, begging to be released from the prison of clothes, and as sure as he convinced himself of this fact, he found himself running to the restroom and locking the door.
When the pants come down, he marvels at the sight. It seems to swell in front of him. Soft and round. As he tucks the fabric of his clothes under his cheeks, he feels his own skin graze the light hairs. His face softens impressed at the size of his hindquarters, like basketballs that were tucked in a sling. That’s when his mind wanders.
Is it growing bigger? He pulls the pants down further. Engorgement…how might it swell if it were being worked over so heartily? The walls of his flesh throb almost as much as the softened member thinking of what could be when that flesh is exposed and pressed up against over and over. Beyond thirst, he has convinced himself his ass is alive. It hungers…and it must be fed and attended to.
He gets home and he flatters himself in his favorite summer shorts, his tightest jeans, he’ll even wear something to make his rump sparkle like giant disco balls. Anything to heighten the fantasy.
He dawns underwear of all kinds, Jock straps that are liked webbed prison, pink underwear to show that his masculine body just wants to submit, obey, and be dominated over and over until he can’t remember his name. Sprawled on the bed or legs in the air- whatever it takes to feed the hunger of his master.
And then one day, it happens.he moves through the house…he hasn’t taken a picture. As he pulls down his pants, it ends up not being enough. He feels his legs buckle under him and he slides down. And there, the flesh parts like a ripened peach and the darkened entrance to the pit of the fruit emerges. His lust inconsolable. He tries to to distract himself. He goes to get something to eat, he submits and his fruit opens. He tries to go to the gym- but he doesn’t make it out the door. He squats, he opens staring lifelessly into his own void.
Now in a panic, he takes all his clothes off, he drops, he opens, he opens a moistened fruit, posing and posting over and over, until someone recognizes where he is to feed the hunger of flesh that owns his soul…in unquenchable thirst as if he consumed seawater driving him into madness…
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pink-and-plaid · 1 year
My Fair Hansel
By definition, a Hansel Boy is a guy with a thinner frame that has become thicker and pudgy, gradually becoming nice and bloated in his rear and his stomach, but nowhere else. But what makes these Hansel Boys so attractive?
Perhaps the psychology is that because I love that in the soft flesh of a thicker guy, there is a real vulnerability of a person, whose body has had great happiness and contentment in his life, or it may be the tender flesh of someone who may have had to cope with great sadness that he could not express and so gained weight. It may be guys whose genetics also just afford them beautiful flesh- or even just their wish to be subdued and dominated, becoming fuller, thicker and free of social constraints. So, continue to grow as much as you please... I shall dominate and protect that vulnerability in your large curves.
When “Hansel Boys” enter “forests”, they begin as average young men. Perhaps they’re lost- wandering from a celebration already stuffed and sleepy, but they’re always open to being worshipped- hungry for it even…that’s when they’re lured by my spell. It’s something they can easily play into. They remember “Hansel & Gretel”.
But that’s a witch in a fairy tale. A Warlock is different. He is modern. His charm is so seductive playing into a young man’s vanity that regardless of orientation, he’s captivated listening to the Warlock’s deep soothing voice, masculine and strong as if he will take care of all their worries in the world- the world that’s starting to blur into fantasy…his words beckon the young men inside a house or apartment and within the walls they can almost smell gingerbread.
“Let my my living room become your forest, and my black hat and shirt become like the witch’s robe in your stories as I caress your rear or moon over your belly, creeping underneath the tight shirts and sweatpants like I’m undoing your lederhosen. I’ll lean over you “Mein Hansel” and tell you your own fairy tale of when you found your way to my candied house.. “
When you see the gingerbread house you imagine yourself as any Hansel Boy would- like they all do in my house. They immediately attach themselves to the icing covered walls of the gingerbread house eating and stuffing their bodies. The Warlock waits patiently watching them climb over the walls like vines, gradually plumping up like berries. When the Warlock appears before them, they are caught by surprise with their faces stuffed. The Warlock stuffs an apple in each of their mouths and throws them in a large steamer to simmer and reduce the fat.
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As the steam increases, the boys become only half aware of the reality, and half the fairy tale. They call out weak and submissive, eager to play along.
“Are you going to baste me, sir? Keep me in a pot and fatten me? Will I be your gingerbread guy?” 🍪
But the Warlocks have no interest in eating gingerbread boys. That’s a witch’s motive. Warlock’s have other plans.
In all the heat the boys get hungry and the Warlock brings them pastries, sodas, sweet beers, and sweets galore.
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But as they fatten, they go back in the pot where the fat moistens their skin and the steam expands their body loosening their frame to become stretchy and pliable to be able to be filled to larger capacity.
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When they’re too big for the steamer and their fattened skin is the most pliable to be filled up, the Warlock moves the boys into giant tubs of hot water and pours in bags of sugar. The boys’ mental faculties being broken, have no idea that the steamer has primed their bodies to absorb the sugar water like sponges- juicing them up like fruit for a pie.
Gradually they will become less like dumb boys and more like a big blueberry🫐, a giant peach🍑, a juicy pear🍐 or a stuffed pillow full of fluffy marshmallow...☁️ like these.
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And with their new shape, they’ll smile because it will be easier to just be rounder, and they’ll start to love fattening themselves up on their own, and be eager to bloat in sugar baths. All they’ll want is to please the Warlock and they won’t even know why… If done regularly, the boys will ripen rapidly.
But one wouldn’t want them to get so overripe that they burst or leak- a Hansel’s frame only holds so much. Bigger clothes would be needed to keep them warm with plenty of room to swell rather quickly if they’ve been good at being conditioned. That’s how the Warlock can ensure a sweet tasting harvest! 🍭
“Then how will I know when to stop? How will I know when I’m ready to be consumed?”
The Warlock can tell when they are ready to be measured by looking into their eyes. When the boys are soft, and the body is rounder, the Warlock must measure the fruit’s ripeness, like any fruit in the market- using his hands. The Hansel Boys have only to lift their shirts so the Warlock may feel…
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Undoubtedly, the stomach will already be engorged like a watermelon 🍉. So then to really know when it’s time, he must gauge the rest of the fruit’s shapeliness. It will begin with the plum of the cheeks in their faces. They will grow in color as the boys grow in general. Then it will spread to their hindquarters. The healthy rear begins to fill up like water balloons jiggling, growing full in their pants as they increase in size- buttocks now like basketballs straining under the stretching fabric, begging to be released... 🏀🏀 The boys will try to close their pants, but they’ll feel ready to burst- forcing the buttons closed, holding their big boy bottom in those pants like a heavy pumpkin, perfectly round and strapped tight in the sling of their underwear...🎃
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When both sets of cheeks are full, the Warlock will listen closely, placing his hands on the fleshy bounty. The Warlock should hear the insides slosh at his touch. Then the Warlock knows a Hansel Boy is ready. For the sloshing means that a Boy is about to swell rapidly and must be released of the prison of their clothes down to the undergarments- or else the pressure of the clothes will make them burst.
Indeed the Warlock found one such Hansel Boy. He quivered at the Warlock’s hand and the sloshing sound became louder. To see him was the perfect shape- the plum of their ass like a loaf of bread, inflated to the same curvature of their melon-belly. He even pulled his underwear down over his calves to show his Master how well-fed he looked.
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Mein gott! He was growing. The bubble butt just kept inflating as the undergarments were peeled back. As his backside was where he was the most heavy and round, the Warlock placed him on a chair to avoid losing his balance under the weight of the upcoming swell.
As he is rolled over to the chair, he groans. The Warlock looked at the pitiful grin on the Hansel Boy’s face as he pulled the boy’s underwear back on his beefy big-boy bottom. It must have been like a pressure cooker on him as he grabbed his stomach and the sloshing grows louder. The boy looks slightly concerned- and rightly so. It is time now for the fruit to swell. The Hansel Boy’s eyes looked softly into the handsome Warlock’s face. He doesn’t understand the sloshing sound or why he has swollen beyond a normal weight gain as opposed to just being a big boy, but he can’t stop looking at the Warlock. The Warlock looks deeply back into his eyes and says, “Mein Hansel…”
“Is that my name? I must’ve forgotten. Is it now then that you are to eat me? Am I roasted to your perfection. Shall I ready myself to be basted? For you have fattened me up just so that you must eat me. I shall even take an apple into my mouth. Come and taste this gingerbread, sir.”
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Hansel should be embarrassed that he has submitted so easily to a warlock, forgetting who he is or what he’s asking. All he can do is greedily wish to be relieved quickly through sins of the flesh. He craves it. But he has no idea the actual sin the Warlock intends to commit. So the Warlock explains.
“You’re not going to be gingerbread, boy. You are no longer flesh but a vessel of ripening fruit. I’ve fattened up your skin so I could expand you with the sweetest nectar. And now i will have to harvest your juices…before you burst…”
The Hansel Boy dazed, knowing he is the Warlock’s pomegranate, and the sin of the Warlock will be that of Persephone- who will take up all of the juice, seed, and nectar the boy has to offer. Hearing this, his eyes widen, as he realizes his actual size and swelling. The gurgling intensifies as he realizes it is juice sloshing in his body, and looks in horror as his realization has brought on the swell.
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The boy panics seeing the sudden growth. His breath quickens as he feels heavier and wider. The sound of the juice is flushing through his ears but, there’s a sudden stop. A low rumbling is heard as the boy feels a strained tightness. The boy’s stomach is at a breaking point. It grumbles louder as pressure builds. He starts to groan, but the Warlock puts his finger to his lips and shushes the boy. For Hansel may burst if he excites himself too much. And so, just as before, the Warlock cradles the boy’s neck and lays him backward.
The Warlock explains the juicing process might be long, but the boy should have complete trust and enjoy the process. The Warlock smiles down at him. The Hansel Boy relaxes and his mind starts to drift. He remembers when he was just a regular guy that was hungry for food, for some attention, and now the Warlock had him in his hands, looking at him so adoringly, so wise, so fatherly, so handsome and yet sinister. He feels entirely different.
“Daddy..” the boy calls. “Help me…”
The Warlock explained that there was two places from which the juice could be siphoned from Hansel’s body and that Hansel should lift his legs and melt into a spread for his master. For Hansel was promised the sweetest release if he just relaxed. The moment he finally gave in, he began to feel the slightest bit of rhythmic pressure and was squeezed ever so gently.
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The edging continued as the juice was rimmed. The Warlock was ever so careful. Too much pressure or suction, and the boy would spurt like a grape🍇. But at last, the Warlock announced the boy was about to give out- so much- and that the juice would come forth in gallons. And so it happened. Hansel had been given release, and the Warlock tasted the sweetest nectar- cleaning the siphon and the rim rather greedily.
But the Warlock is not done with the Hansel Boy. Now the Warlock has no need to lure and groom fresh fruit for harvest because he can ripen his current stock by planting new seeds. For now, the boy being less heavy with juice, the Warlock bid the Hansel Boy plant that giant peach on his lap. The Warlock will grind new seeds inside him…so that he will be ready for harvest again in the new year.🫐🍑🍇🎃. Then forever will the Warlock have the juice he requires!
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pink-and-plaid · 1 year
My Fair Hansel
By definition, a Hansel Boy is a guy with a thinner frame that has become thicker and pudgy, gradually becoming nice and bloated in his rear and his stomach, but nowhere else. But what makes these Hansel Boys so attractive?
Perhaps the psychology is that because I love that in the soft flesh of a thicker guy, there is a real vulnerability of a person, whose body has had great happiness and contentment in his life, or it may be the tender flesh of someone who may have had to cope with great sadness that he could not express and so gained weight. It may be guys whose genetics also just afford them beautiful flesh- or even just their wish to be subdued and dominated, becoming fuller, thicker and free of social constraints. So, continue to grow as much as you please... I shall dominate and protect that vulnerability in your large curves.
When “Hansel Boys” enter “forests”, they begin as average young men. Perhaps they’re lost- wandering from a celebration already stuffed and sleepy, but they’re always open to being worshipped- hungry for it even…that’s when they’re lured by my spell. It’s something they can easily play into. They remember “Hansel & Gretel”.
But that’s a witch in a fairy tale. A Warlock is different. He is modern. His charm is so seductive playing into a young man’s vanity that regardless of orientation, he’s captivated listening to the Warlock’s deep soothing voice, masculine and strong as if he will take care of all their worries in the world- the world that’s starting to blur into fantasy…his words beckon the young men inside a house or apartment and within the walls they can almost smell gingerbread.
“Let my my living room become your forest, and my black hat and shirt become like the witch’s robe in your stories as I caress your rear or moon over your belly, creeping underneath the tight shirts and sweatpants like I’m undoing your lederhosen. I’ll lean over you “Mein Hansel” and tell you your own fairy tale of when you found your way to my candied house.. “
When you see the gingerbread house you imagine yourself as any Hansel Boy would- like they all do in my house. They immediately attach themselves to the icing covered walls of the gingerbread house eating and stuffing their bodies. The Warlock waits patiently watching them climb over the walls like vines, gradually plumping up like berries. When the Warlock appears before them, they are caught by surprise with their faces stuffed. The Warlock stuffs an apple in each of their mouths and throws them in a large steamer to simmer and reduce the fat.
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As the steam increases, the boys become only half aware of the reality, and half the fairy tale. They call out weak and submissive, eager to play along.
“Are you going to baste me, sir? Keep me in a pot and fatten me? Will I be your gingerbread guy?” 🍪
But the Warlocks have no interest in eating gingerbread boys. That’s a witch’s motive. Warlock’s have other plans.
In all the heat the boys get hungry and the Warlock brings them pastries, sodas, sweet beers, and sweets galore.
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But as they fatten, they go back in the pot where the fat moistens their skin and the steam expands their body loosening their frame to become stretchy and pliable to be able to be filled to larger capacity.
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When they’re too big for the steamer and their fattened skin is the most pliable to be filled up, the Warlock moves the boys into giant tubs of hot water and pours in bags of sugar. The boys’ mental faculties being broken, have no idea that the steamer has primed their bodies to absorb the sugar water like sponges- juicing them up like fruit for a pie.
Gradually they will become less like dumb boys and more like a big blueberry🫐, a giant peach🍑, a juicy pear🍐 or a stuffed pillow full of fluffy marshmallow...☁️ like these.
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And with their new shape, they’ll smile because it will be easier to just be rounder, and they’ll start to love fattening themselves up on their own, and be eager to bloat in sugar baths. All they’ll want is to please the Warlock and they won’t even know why… If done regularly, the boys will ripen rapidly.
But one wouldn’t want them to get so overripe that they burst or leak- a Hansel’s frame only holds so much. Bigger clothes would be needed to keep them warm with plenty of room to swell rather quickly if they’ve been good at being conditioned. That’s how the Warlock can ensure a sweet tasting harvest! 🍭
“Then how will I know when to stop? How will I know when I’m ready to be consumed?”
The Warlock can tell when they are ready to be measured by looking into their eyes. When the boys are soft, and the body is rounder, the Warlock must measure the fruit’s ripeness, like any fruit in the market- using his hands. The Hansel Boys have only to lift their shirts so the Warlock may feel…
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Undoubtedly, the stomach will already be engorged like a watermelon 🍉. So then to really know when it’s time, he must gauge the rest of the fruit’s shapeliness. It will begin with the plum of the cheeks in their faces. They will grow in color as the boys grow in general. Then it will spread to their hindquarters. The healthy rear begins to fill up like water balloons jiggling, growing full in their pants as they increase in size- buttocks now like basketballs straining under the stretching fabric, begging to be released... 🏀🏀 The boys will try to close their pants, but they’ll feel ready to burst- forcing the buttons closed, holding their big boy bottom in those pants like a heavy pumpkin, perfectly round and strapped tight in the sling of their underwear...🎃
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When both sets of cheeks are full, the Warlock will listen closely, placing his hands on the fleshy bounty. The Warlock should hear the insides slosh at his touch. Then the Warlock knows a Hansel Boy is ready. For the sloshing means that a Boy is about to swell rapidly and must be released of the prison of their clothes down to the undergarments- or else the pressure of the clothes will make them burst.
Indeed the Warlock found one such Hansel Boy. He quivered at the Warlock’s hand and the sloshing sound became louder. To see him was the perfect shape- the plum of their ass like a loaf of bread, inflated to the same curvature of their melon-belly. He even pulled his underwear down over his calves to show his Master how well-fed he looked.
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Mein gott! He was growing. The bubble butt just kept inflating as the undergarments were peeled back. As his backside was where he was the most heavy and round, the Warlock placed him on a chair to avoid losing his balance under the weight of the upcoming swell.
As he is rolled over to the chair, he groans. The Warlock looked at the pitiful grin on the Hansel Boy’s face as he pulled the boy’s underwear back on his beefy big-boy bottom. It must have been like a pressure cooker on him as he grabbed his stomach and the sloshing grows louder. The boy looks slightly concerned- and rightly so. It is time now for the fruit to swell. The Hansel Boy’s eyes looked softly into the handsome Warlock’s face. He doesn’t understand the sloshing sound or why he has swollen beyond a normal weight gain as opposed to just being a big boy, but he can’t stop looking at the Warlock. The Warlock looks deeply back into his eyes and says, “Mein Hansel…”
“Is that my name? I must’ve forgotten. Is it now then that you are to eat me? Am I roasted to your perfection. Shall I ready myself to be basted? For you have fattened me up just so that you must eat me. I shall even take an apple into my mouth. Come and taste this gingerbread, sir.”
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Hansel should be embarrassed that he has submitted so easily to a warlock, forgetting who he is or what he’s asking. All he can do is greedily wish to be relieved quickly through sins of the flesh. He craves it. But he has no idea the actual sin the Warlock intends to commit. So the Warlock explains.
“You’re not going to be gingerbread, boy. You are no longer flesh but a vessel of ripening fruit. I’ve fattened up your skin so I could expand you with the sweetest nectar. And now i will have to harvest your juices…before you burst…”
The Hansel Boy dazed, knowing he is the Warlock’s pomegranate, and the sin of the Warlock will be that of Persephone- who will take up all of the juice, seed, and nectar the boy has to offer. Hearing this, his eyes widen, as he realizes his actual size and swelling. The gurgling intensifies as he realizes it is juice sloshing in his body, and looks in horror as his realization has brought on the swell.
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The boy panics seeing the sudden growth. His breath quickens as he feels heavier and wider. The sound of the juice is flushing through his ears but, there’s a sudden stop. A low rumbling is heard as the boy feels a strained tightness. The boy’s stomach is at a breaking point. It grumbles louder as pressure builds. He starts to groan, but the Warlock puts his finger to his lips and shushes the boy. For Hansel may burst if he excites himself too much. And so, just as before, the Warlock cradles the boy’s neck and lays him backward.
The Warlock explains the juicing process might be long, but the boy should have complete trust and enjoy the process. The Warlock smiles down at him. The Hansel Boy relaxes and his mind starts to drift. He remembers when he was just a regular guy that was hungry for food, for some attention, and now the Warlock had him in his hands, looking at him so adoringly, so wise, so fatherly, so handsome and yet sinister. He feels entirely different.
“Daddy..” the boy calls. “Help me…”
The Warlock explained that there was two places from which the juice could be siphoned from Hansel’s body and that Hansel should lift his legs and melt into a spread for his master. For Hansel was promised the sweetest release if he just relaxed. The moment he finally gave in, he began to feel the slightest bit of rhythmic pressure and was squeezed ever so gently.
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The edging continued as the juice was rimmed. The Warlock was ever so careful. Too much pressure or suction, and the boy would spurt like a grape🍇. But at last, the Warlock announced the boy was about to give out- so much- and that the juice would come forth in gallons. And so it happened. Hansel had been given release, and the Warlock tasted the sweetest nectar- cleaning the siphon and the rim rather greedily.
But the Warlock is not done with the Hansel Boy. Now the Warlock has no need to lure and groom fresh fruit for harvest because he can ripen his current stock by planting new seeds. For now, the boy being less heavy with juice, the Warlock bid the Hansel Boy plant that giant peach on his lap. The Warlock will grind new seeds inside him…so that he will be ready for harvest again in the new year.🫐🍑🍇🎃. Then forever will the Warlock have the juice he requires!
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pink-and-plaid · 4 years
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pink-and-plaid · 4 years
The Top 3 Match
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Above, is a well-worded guide to key factors in attraction from one person to another, and while this focuses primarily on a specific orientation, the author defines himself as Omnisexual and writes very objectively how and why these attraction preferences seem to work for me, as long as the mental attraction is in place. As someone who also shares a broader spectrum of sexual orientation, these things match similarly to myself and are interesting to see written as guidelines for attractions. There’s no rules of course, but threads that work.
1) Butt- The shape, the fullness, the softness, the curve at the top and the bottom, the fruit
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2) Voice- Soothing charming the baritone male, the alto female, to sing a gentle song of safe passage. For a man to sound like a gentleman for a woman to sound like a siren.
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3) Intelligence- emotional & philosophical, to be empathetic, sharing knowledge in a way that ignites passion and creativity
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pink-and-plaid · 4 years
HOLLYWOOD 1915-1963
Classic Hollywood carried a beauty in men and women that isn’t seen today and it’s remarkable how their sex appeal continues to radiate even by today’s standards.
Men were so stimulating because their privacy was sacred. As most often men played debonair and charming roles, there was an art to playing a gentleman, which enhanced the male physique. The eyes though, were the key. Eyes truly were the gateway to the soul and allowed one to unpack the emotions and complexities of these men in their minds- who they were and who they wanted to be. Through their acting, these men gave you all of that and that’s what made the men of Hollywood’s Golden Age so attractive.
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Women had such a confidence in the limelight and drew on their Characters to bring out all their personal complexities back then to entice audiences. The more complex the characters, the more they would be seen as these confident powerhouses, even if they weren’t in a society that rewarded that, and their was such an intelligence that pumped through these women that made you purely attracted to them for their minds and capabilities- Olivia, changing studio contracts, Lucille owning studios, Heidi inventing WiFi. I will also admire the classic and natural beauty these women embraced over the enhanced styles of today. The classic Hollywood Actress will always stop me in my tracks.
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pink-and-plaid · 4 years
HOLLYWOOD 1968-2020
Modern Hollywood changed many things about sex appeal for me. The Celebrity wasn’t just a movie star anymore. They could come from television or non-entertainment industries, like the Royal Family, and still keeping the allure that came out of the Golden Age of Hollywood.
Women rose up with a newfound power in fantasy, in which they would captivate audiences with larger that life characters that were like the Sirens of the Odyssey. The simple elegance of black and white glamour, turned into a powerhouse of strength, intellect and magic combining it with sensual femininity. These females enticed audiences and allowed emotionally balanced characters to grow and become larger than life pillars of strength in a way never seen before, where storytelling revolved around them. And while the pressure to show nudity is still high, these women can emotionally complicate others purely with a glance from their eyes.
Men, too, evolved, becoming more attractive as their roles grew outside the masculine hero or classic gentleman and became emotionally complex roles, that defied gender norms and explored deeper psychological playgrounds. Men began showcasing themselves as complicated human beings with taboo natures vs hiding behind a typical masculine appeal. Nudity increased, the showing of their bodies giving both a protectorate but vulnerable human in a way masculinity never before allowed, making them all the more desirable as rounded individuals...especially with those rounded hindquarters.
To look at the men and few women that have made their mark with glorious sensuality and sex appeal, there are no words, but...Damn....if the world isn’t just filled with beautiful people...with bodies and facial features as statuesque and softly intricate as roses or fleshed out curves as soft and round as a delectable peach.
BURT WARD (Batman 66-68)
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KATHARINE ROSS (in anything)
MATT DAMON (The Talented Mr. Ripley)
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JUDE LAW (in Wilde and The Talented Mr. Ripley)
JOHN BARROWMAN (in anything)
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ALVARO RICO (in Elite)
Jonathan Taylor Thomas (Anything post 1997)
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CARY ELWES (Anything 80’s-90’s)
PRINCE WILLIAM (in his late 20’s)
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JAMES MARSDEN (in anything)
UMA THURMON (Batman and Robin, Adventures of Baron Munchausen)
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MONICA BELUCCI (Dracula, Brothers Grimm, Matrix Reloaded)
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RACHEL MCADAMS (About Time, Sherlock Holmes)
OSCAR ISAAC (in anything)
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ROB LOWE (in anything)
I’m a sucker for blue eyes or dark hair. Even better with both. And the chests and the rears and the smiles on these people....UGH.
They are all so beautiful...
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pink-and-plaid · 4 years
In “Call Me By Your Name”, Professor Perlman says of Greco-Roman sculpture:
“..Muscles are firm… not a straight body in these statues, they're all curved, sometimes impossibly curved, and so… nonchalant, hence their ageless ambiguity, as if they're daring you to desire them.”
I am an admirer of the human body of both men and women. Not for their pelvic regions, but for the curves of their bodies and admiration for their breasts, chests, backs, legs, arms, and hindquarters.
The smooth marble and bronze sculptures reminds me of the many skin tones of humanity and the perfection of God’s Design. Each piece reminds me of men and women at one with nature, free of the complications of their surroundings. How badly I see some statues and I desire to make them flesh so we could love one another. Aphrodite, hear my prayer!
And dat ass tho!
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pink-and-plaid · 4 years
The color pink is so vibrant. And when it is hot pink, that is the best because it has both a masculinity in how deep and thick the color is, yet carries a delicate femininity in red part of the spectrum, thus making that bubble gum color drive me nuts appealing to all my facets of sex and attraction. Nothing better than how bright flesh shines, showing how round and perfect flesh can be against the vibrant pink, and god I love collared shirts!!!!!
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pink-and-plaid · 4 years
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The Rape of Ganymede by Peter Paul Rubens
This painting has always inspired me, first for the way his beautiful body is painted. It seems to convey exactly why Zeus was in such a fit of passion over him and immediately came down from the sky and plucked him up from the land bearing him straight to Mount Olympus, The young man in all his perfect beauty.
But I often find it stimulating to think of just being able to see someone’s sheer beauty and just burn to have them- and in that same instance, know that they would want me to have them, and have them be in total submission when I take them up to the sky. How fantastic to think that anyone I could burn with desire for, would also instantly desire me and beg for me and want only to serve and service me. An automatic consent. Such a thing is completely out of character for me to demand to be worshipped by I what I find attractive, as the chances of instant mutual burning lust for a specific person is unlikely, and thus I don’t seek it out or seek to dominate them like a conquest. Instant Gratification doesn’t mean much and it would make that person a hollow shell if I was some walking aphrodisiac. But that’s the thing that’s interesting about sexual fantasies. Sometimes we wish to see them physically enacted. Other times, we look at them as pure fantasy, and not as something we’d actually want in our daily lives.
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Lisa Diamond on Netflix’s: Sex, Explained
Such passion can look like a rape as the painting is titled, but another interpretation is a rescue, a will to elevate the desired person to a lavish and more fulfilling lifestyle.
Zeus plucked Ganymede from the field of shepherds. What young man would want smell of sheep and marry a farm girl, if he could instead be pleasured by a god and serve while living as a prince? The guy might only be shocked, but once he sees the intent of a god...So Zeus took him to Mount Olympus where they made passionate dizzying love. At first only a toy for Zeus, Ganymede gradually became something more and Zeus then wanted Ganymede to have a richer life than to dwell on land. Zeus made him cup bearer to the gods, where everyone could admire the young man’s exceptional beauty. He was even granted immortality And set amongst the constellations to be known as Aquarius.
Sometimes if you are anything like me, you see someone beautiful and charming and you wish to elevate them and give your heart unto them, simply because it is in your nature to see the beauty in something and you want nothing to tarnish them or harm them or bring anything negative their way. I’ve always been as such- someone who wishes to rescue anyone and anything from pain and suffering and care for them with all my emotional and parental strength. For this reason, I’ve been called a “Librarian Daddy”.
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I use my emotional intelligence to better people and love them as parents do their children or their pets. I think that kind of love is particularly strong and selfless in romantic relationships. It’s hard to find- a fierce protector, but from a paternal sense without jealousy or elitist attitudes.
However, adult humans are complicated and it is hard for that love and that rescue to thrive in a relationship. There are those that don’t seek a rescue or better circumstances for themselves. They enjoy debasement for whatever their reasons and have a different perspective.
Humans are adults as well, and can’t be parented as children if they are to evolve, and be fully functional. Many that do love that nurturing type often either become co-dependent on it, or they take advantage of a person’s care and resources and kindness. They are the ones that have Daddy issues, and their attraction to those “Daddies” can be harmful to both psyches. Those types know vulnerability is a powerful lure...like that of the Sirens. They’re willing to let you own them and shape them as they are showered in your love with their puppy eyes and seductive nature. But if you step away, they would regress to who they are at the core. How you have made them over becomes a facade that they soon forget and so they outsource your love the moment you step away. Very rarely will they take the lessons of a loving librarian, learning from them to truly see your wish for them to live better in a new autonomy but with an equal love for their benefactor...
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Nonetheless, Zeus had a desire to see a young man want for nothing and the young man was flattered, thus the two had a great passion. For Ganymede was in awe of his capturer, and for all Zeus gave him, he gave Zeus everything back- an exchange of love without condition...that’s how I will see it.
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pink-and-plaid · 4 years
This might seem trite because, on the surface, it could seem like my love for the male bubble butt is accentuated by the tight outfit, but it goes deeper than that. It’s looking at these men through the female gaze. Men usually see muscles in the chest leading towards the pelvic region, another position of strength and a desire to be like those ripped confident heroes with an endowment in the pelvic region. That’s looking through the male gaze. But I look at them from behind, through the female gaze, a strong back and glutes suggests strength and passion and protection and usually focuses on the complex emotional duality of a character versus the character just being a hero. I fantasize about that same soul underneath that rubber and through those glutes. I ask, like Dr. Chase Meridian:
“Why does a man do this? It's as if he's cursed to pay some great penance.”
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The idea that the raw flesh is not present immediately, covered by rubber or spandex, is more tantalizing because I get to picture the beautiful fleshy behind on my own and imagine what it looks like underneath. Under that suit, is a man’s beautiful bubble butt.
But under that fleshy backside, he is a whole body and soul- a man with many emotions and often a conflict of duality and a vulnerability that I can navigate or manipulate and break down. He may be empathetic, a good human, a provider, and be willing to learn multiple points of view and be sculpted to evolve with his partner, and not just a magnificent physique. To picture a man’s soul, beneath that flesh under his suit, is a sexier thought than any plump rear, thus sexier than anything else I can imagine.
Butt while we’re on the subject...
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FYI, Chris O’Donnell’s Butt is way more fantastic than Clooney’s, which I left out. And I left Val Kilmer’s in because of the female gaze, as his characterization of Batman and Bruce Wayne respects women and their boundaries, is a good provider to his company and community, and a good father figure to Dick Grayson. He’s even going to therapy to deal with his two truths. Lastly, Tyler Hoechlin as Superman, well...that thing will just smack you in the face. To read more about the subject, here’s an article.
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pink-and-plaid · 4 years
This movie defined demisexuality. Tom Ripley fell in love with the obsession of a lifestyle that allowed him to develop the emotional connection he formed with Dickie- thus feeling a sexual intensity to Dickie because of the emotional bond he first created in his head. This was the power of the kindness Dickie showed Tom for Tom being so enamored and supportive of Dickie’s lifestyle. The Character of Tom Ripley from Patricia Highsmith’s novels has been both a lover of women and men, but his sexual desires form only from emotional constructs that represent something to him. They have nothing to do with the actual human body. This is why this love, and imagined bond, became Tom’s obsession- a fanatic passion that burned so much, it turned violent. It is a love that he could not have developed with Peter. Had Tom been stronger mentally, he would have been able to manipulate and continue to break down Dickie’s emotional walls and the two might have become the one true pair, a modern Achilles and Patroclus. Alas. Their tragedy, and especially the scene where Tom tries to invite himself into Dickie’s space, forever cemented my own eternal lust, love, and equal obsession with these characters and these actors but also showed me my own understanding of the art of love, lust, obsession and emotion.
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Gifs by: jakegyllenhaal
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pink-and-plaid · 4 years
Had Tom been stronger mentally, he would have been able to manipulate and continue to break down Dickie’s emotional walls and the two might have become the one true pair, a modern Achilles and Patroclus. Alas. Their tragedy, and especially this scene, forever cemented my own eternal lust, love, and equal obsession with these characters and these actors.
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Can I get in? ….No. I didn’t mean with you in it.
The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) 
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pink-and-plaid · 4 years
He gave me his peach.
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The taste of his peach Is delightful. It’s plump and juicy flesh is so delicate and buoyant. I smell the skin as I bite in with my teeth, the fuzz-like hair ever so soft playing at my face. The sweet cheeks begin to sweat nectar as the fruit yields to my tongue diving in. The sweet rounded flesh rests against my cheeks, my lips pressed to his offering of a peach- an entrance of this beautiful body of fruit...
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